This app was mentioned in 269 comments, with an average of 2.36 upvotes
I downloaded Termux the other day and installed vim. I couldn't figure out how to leave insert mode without the ESC key, lol...
I ended up downloading Hacker's Keyboard, it worked like a charm.
I found the Hackers Keyboard to be good on the Android. It gives you all the function keys and arrow keys. Just using a basic terminak, the up arrow saves me lots of time not retyping.
Have used it with vim, it has proper shift, ctrl and alt.
Still need to try Spacemacs on the Android.
Gboard should go into an "incognito" mode when using a private browser window.
You can also delete suggestions by dragging them up from the suggestion bar into the trash can that appears.
When I don't want to worry about that at all though, I switch to Hacker's Keyboard as an alternative. It's nice and lightweight.
Hacker's Keyboard. Probably works in German because the top item in the "What's New" section is about the German layout. :)
Its entire permission list is:
>I don't know how people without a Bluetooth keyboard will be getting around those old game menus. Have to emulate the arrow keys somehow.
Hacker Keyboard is the best thing to use with dosbox if you don't have a bluetooth keyboard.
Hacker's Keyboard. Requires only 3 permissions: Read the local dictionary, write to the local dictionary, and control vibration for haptic feedback.
If anyone tries Moonlight on Android, I recommend downloading the hacker's keyboard app too ( Otherwise, you won't be able to press CTRL. The hacker's keyboard isn't required all of the time, just when you want to use Moonlight with BDO. It's kinda old/ugly so I switch back to the standard keyboard when I'm done.
Moonlight runs flawlessly on my Mac and is probably the highest quality remote view/desktop streaming software I've used.
Hacker's Keyboard. Doesn't access the 'net at all, autocomplete dictionary is local-only. Also very configurable, perhaps too configurable.
Inaccurate? Never learns? I'm not sure what you mean!
Anyway, I've been using Hacker's Keyboard for years, and love it.
I use a keyboard app called Hacker's Keyboard.
It uses next to no permissions:
"read terms you added to the dictionary"
"control vibration"
"add words to user-defined dictionary"
It also supports a few languages though i don't think mandarin is one of them and it also allows voice typing and word suggestions etc (but those features is easy enough to completely disable).
My best advice to you is to install the Hacker's Keyboard to get the function keys:
"Hacker's Keyboard". It's entire permissions list:
> Other
> * read terms you added to the dictionary
> * control vibration
> * add words to user-defined dictionary
Very configurable, too. Doesn't do any fancy crap like swipe-typing, though.
I use Hacker's Keyboard on my tablet which makes it easy to use something like vim, although it doesn't have any advantage on a tiny phone screen.
You can use an alternative keyboard. I usually type on Hacker's keyboard when using Termux. You can set it as a full 5 row with Ctrl, Alt, Tab, ESC keys
I'm having the same problem. Here's what's happening.
The "Name(s) of Filer(s)" wants you to enter a name and press ENTER. I'm on a mobile and my keyboard would let me press ENTER in that field (i suspect because it's a text field, not a rest area). If you could press ENTER, it would take the test you entered and add it as an item and blank it out for another name to be entered. But since you can't hit enter, it never added the name you entered to the list.
Is this poor website design or part of a conspiracy to prevent mobile submitters?
EDIT: I was able to installer a third party keyboard, Hackers Keyboard, which allowed me to get my name added as an entry so I could proceeded.
Maybe you can try hacker's keyboard. On F-Droid and Google Play
<uj>Not sure if that's a jerk or a real question, but in case it's a real question...
You generally use chorded key combinations to make uppercase letters and software keyboards manage those just fine, so why would ctrl and alt be any different? Switch to a keyboard that has the necessary keys and ctrl and alt work the same way: you tap the ctrl|alt|shift key and it gets toggled for the next keypress.
Hard part is finding a keyboard that has them and isn't shit. Hacker's Keyboard works out of the box for that sort of thing, or you could make a custom keyboard layout for Multiling O Keyboard that has the necessary keys.
Like everything else related to a software keyboard, though, it's a pain in the ass compared to a real keyboard, but still better than nothing when you need it.
Hacker's Keyboard is what I use. No idea if it's considered a "good" keyboard, but it works for me and the only permissions it asks for are...
> * control vibration > * read terms you added to the dictionary > * add words to user-defined dictionary it's probably not a keylogger or data thief. :)
Can I interest you in Hacker's Keyboard?
There are many pros and cons of physical vs. virtual keyboards but one of the best parts of it is having the option to switch it out to any other keyboard on-the-fly. That being said, don't ssh and drive!
No keyboard app needs to dial home that often. I don't care if that is normal behavior. If you don't need emojis , I'd recommend the Hacker's Keyboard. It has no internet permissions.
Since I found Hacker's Keyboard, I'd never dream of touching any other keyboard app. Tons of features and customization, but the main reason I love it is the full keyboard in landscape. When I say full, I mean you get all the buttons that a standard PC keyboard gives you. Every button I need to press to type out a sentence is right there on one screen. No switching to 3 different sub-screens to find brackets or a # sign, they're just there already. Love it!
The Android version I'm using (not sure about other people) recommends Hacker's Keyboard. It has all the keys you need, though some are a couple keystrokes away. It has a few different layout options that take up more or less screen space; that's probably going to be a personal decision.
The best piece of advice I can give is, learn to use hjkl movement. I know, it's a pain in the butt. But eventually you get to where you can use it as well as you use the numpad, and then you don't have to toggle back and forth.
Other than that, learn to play the game with the fewest possible keystrokes through Crawl's advanced interface features. Do you know how to set travel exclusions, so that you can mash 'o' without waking Sigmund? Can you make a macro to cast Regeneration, Shroud, Oxocubu and Confusing Touch at the beginning of every fight with a single keystroke instead of eight? How's your rc file?
Some of this may seem like a hassle, but if you're playing Crawl on your phone, you've already accepted some hassle. The smarter you get, the more you can minimize it.
Hacker's Keyboard supports select all (ctrl-a), selct (arrow-keys & shift), ctrl-ca and ctrl-v, but it's not really usable on phones
Yes! I learned the hard way that Android keyboards don't play nice with code sometimes. Changing hyphens to en or em dashes, or quotes to curly quotes. Very frustrating especially when idle on windows displays hyphen and en dash the same...
I now use a USB keyboard and otg connector. If that isn't an option, I use 'Hackers keyboard' from the Play store.
I highly recommend Hacker's Keyboard for doing anything with SSH. It's basically a full QWERTY keyboard for Android devices with modifier keys and everything, and with the size of most devices these days, it's actually quite nice to use in landscape (or even portrait at a point?) mode.
Also, +1 for JuiceSSH.
Not every keyboard. On Android, for example, there's Hacker's Keyboard which requires the following permissions:
And that's it. The dictionary's purely local, too, so it doesn't even need to access the 'Net.
I honestly don't know if Google Keyboard ever included Dvorak. I'm assuming you are talking about the android keyboard. There is a keyboard called Hacker's Keyboard, it appears to have a Dvorak layout.
If it connects to the 'Net, then your onscreen keyboad isn't secure. (one of the reasons, along with arrow keys, that I use Hacker's Keyboard - just look at that permissions list!)
In case anyone wants a keyboard with arrow keys, I use this as my primary keyboard on my tablet, helpful for doing things over ssh. Hacker Keyboard
If you are forced to use the on screen keyboard, I recommend Hacker's Keyboard. It gives you tab and arrow keys, etc.
>I use my 65" TV as my monitor
I'm not at that stage yet. I have a Nexdock Touch that I use with my Note. Maybe I might get myself a Samsung Dock (whatever its called) and use my old smaller TV with it - shrug.
Yeah it has improved. But I also find when it comes to keyboard input (when I'm using my S6 Tab) and not using the book cover case I need to use Hackers Keyboard even with some of that apps that I use. Its fustrating as hell with Samsungs & Googles Keyboard layout and input.
Oh this shits me right off! I swear I wish MS would f- the hell off with their proprietary formats and use the open standard ( OpenDocument ). I can rant about it all day although I think we both think the same thing by reading your paragraph on this matter lol
Thanks for your reply though, it was interesting and it did cover some of the thoughts & questions that I had (what if's/etc).
Do you want an app to launch a microphone interface upon any text input field? Or do you need an app that directly does speech-to-text dictation?
There are also dedicated speech-to-text apps that allow one to create text files from speech.
Hacker's Keyboard has mic icon.
Speech To Text dictation app.
You can usually access the Google Voice Typing feature via a keyboard icon located in the lower right corner of the keyboard interface.
You'll need to be more specific beyond that.
Fair enough. I'm on mobile too and just use a keyboard that lets one type that. If you'd like to as well I find this one has worked well
It gives you a way to show the keyboard without a text box having focus. This one has an option for a permanent notification
Yes and no. Newer Android versions in general do support the ctrl+z shortcut the same way windows does. The problem is that on most phones the standard software keyboard does not include a ctrl key. It's possible to install a software keyboard like Hacker's Keyboard which come with a software ctrl key.
This is the one I use:
It hasn't been updated in a while, but it's open source and works great for my uses (SSH and RDP).
Hacker's Keyboard. Only permissions are to control vibration (for some haptic feedback) and to read & add words to the local user-defined dictionary, so it's not likely to be reporting back anywhere.
I'm late but here are two solutions:
download Hacker's Keyboard (enable all keys on portrait too from the settings if you want)
use a wireless keyboard or a USB keyboard with OTG, if your phone supports that
Edit: use vimtutor command in termux and that will teach you the basics. I don't know if the solutions above will help you with the website tho. The keyboard will make it easy to practice on your phone and edit files with vim and to use termux in general.
It's absurdly embarrassing for Android that an easily accessible undo is still missing after this long.
The only way I know of to access Android's undo functionality is to install a keyboard that has a Ctrl key like Hacker's Keyboard and then to hit Ctrl-Z with it.
Even if you don't use it often, it can be handy to keep it installed for emergencies when you really need to undo something you accidentally deleted.
I play it safe and don't use Gboard. My personal favorite instead is the excellent, open source Hacker's Keyboard, which is available on Google Play and F-Droid.
You might want to try using a different virtual keyboard? I've found Hacker's Keyboard is very snappy even when the rest of my device is sluggish, perhaps it has a lower memory footprint?
Edit: Also, you can try turning off tiles as that will prevent them from being loaded into memory on startup.
I don't do paid apps, barely play phone games and all, too. But the app I keep coming back to for every phone is Hackers Keyboard. I like having a full keyboard!
You can use the Hacker's Keyboard for those. There might be other options available but that is the keyboard app that Nethunter also ships with - although it being opt-in during the installation. But of course you can also install it from the Play Store afterwards.
Maybe try the Hacker's Keyboard, where you can set it to have a separate row for the numbers so holding down w doesn't pop up the secondary input 2.
You could also try configuring Mobile Gamepad (server and client side) to work with Minecraft on your computer.
Oh, forgot to mention Hacker's Keyboard also. It'll make any terminal stuff on an Android device much easier, trust me on this.
Have you tried Hacker's Keyboard? It's on google play, I'm not sure about the Amazon store though. It has the arrow keys and a number row.
I had the same problem. I installed this keyboard:
I switch to it only when I need to type an IP and it works great.
Since it's not mentioned, I will add the Hacker's keyboard to install, because it has Ctrl and Alt. Probably everybody on this thread already has it installed, but just in case...
It Hacker's Keyboard. I've used it for a long time on non-foldables, great when you just want to be able to press keys!
I use "hacker's keyboard" as my touch keyboard. It's a standard keyboard layout, all the buttons you could want/need.
Alt na klawiaturze dotykowej jest możliwy i dostępny od dawna na przykład Hacker's keyboard (
Nie używa się go do znaków diakrytycznych, tylko od sensownego korzystania z terminala (na przykład makra w vim'ie)
I don't think so, considering g the size differences. You probably can find a different keyboard that has the keys, Hacker's keyboard has cursor keys, though not the delete key
You can long hold on the space bar and get cursor control, but that's it from the Samsung Keyboard.
(It's also available on the f-droid store)
It doesn't have swiping, but it does have all the usual symbols, and where you want them. it's basically a PC keyboard.
Hacker's Keyboard. It's the best for customization, but might be a little too specific for your needs. If you it make sure to read the manual before you dislike it.
You could @ ...
Settings | Mobile | More toolbar options
... add
Command palette: Open command palette
... to enable that functionalithy.
If, you'd like to make the toolbar options more accessible you could add the Obsidian Advanced Toolbar Plugin
I've also enabled Slash commands under Core plugins that helps me with this.
If you are using Obsidian for Android you could also install the Hacker's Keyboard to get "keyboard" functionality (ctrl+ ... etc)
In Settings I enable Use permanent notification
Normally a keyboard only activates in an input area, but now one can just click the permanent "Show Hacker's Keyboard" notification - and use all the useful shortcuts including Hotkeys.
In its settings I also enable "Gesture and Key actions" to use left/right swipe OR volume up/down to change keyboard size quickly.
I had this installed once, but didn't need it in a long time.
as always only install keyboard apps you trust, they have access to everything you type afterall
I just encountered this problem and have been looking for a solution.
What you want is called Hacker's Keyboard (
Gives you a full, virtual keyboard, it's free, and it doesn't ask for any permissions. Install the complimentary language package by following the instructions on the setup page, and you get the standard autocomplete/suggestions as any other keyboard.
Now you have a control key, and can therefore use the ctrl-z combo! As a bonus, you can redo too, with ctrl-shift-z!
You're welcome!
It's a keyboard app that doesn't have autocorrect and has easier access to symbol keys, basically.
Not sure if there's an iOS equivalent
Try this App, Ive Used it for Years, You need to go into Settings and 5 Row Compact (US), You can Ctrl+V to Paste in Stuff.
It doesn't really. Fall noticeably short that is. The key advice to install the Hacker's Keyboard still holds. The browser has a convenient "Click to open keyboard", which works. The trick to getting a full-screen experience is this:
Open the server page of choice in the browser (I use Chrome). In the options, choose "Add to Home Screen", the close Chrome. In the home screen, click on the shortcut. It will open the browser directly to the server, but without the top bar, so full-screen. The pinch and zoom works, and I tried a simple keyboard option to work the inventory and it responded fine. The app has a few conveniences, but nothing to describe the above as crippled.
One thing though: when I click on the Play Online, it refuses to offer the servers, and instead tells me to get the app. You may wish to change that.
The only decent work around I have found so far is to install "Hackers Keyboard"
You can then enabled "use permanent notification" to pop the keyboard up whenever you like and use ctrl+c to copy text. Seems to only be able to use ctrl+c in landscape mode which is annoying.
I generally like it better. Discovered a keyboard for android that has one, too.
You can get at nearly every key on a real keyboard without toggling screens, to boot.
Hacker's Keyboard has a feature where you can set a permanent notification that brings up the keyboard if you click that notification. Get the app here:
Physical keyboard, Hacker's Keyboard, Codeboard.
Personally, I use Hacker's Keyboard keyboard.
There should be something that allows you to open up the soft keyboard, but I am unaware at this time.
However, Hacker's Keyboard, with its great configurability geared towards programming-related stuff, allows you to open its own keyboard via. its own optional, always-showing notification (assuming it is set as the default IME).
I used it when I couldnt code on my pc and it is not that bad, surprisingly good actually. Obviously not as good as PC, but it can get the job done.
It allows you to use terminal with most tools you needs preinstalled. The only app I wanted to use that was not there is valgrind.
The biggest issue was not the app itself, but the keyboard. Normal phone keyboard like Gboard is not good for coding, apps like Hacker's keyboard are better alternative. It supports all the shortcuts, it has arrows, anything, just like normal keyboard, the biggest issue is that with the keyboard, there is very little space on the screen for the code. Best option would be to use normal keyboard, which should work if your phone supports OTG. With physical keyboard + phone in landscape, I think it would be pretty fine actually.
Check the link in my previous post. You need Apps Script for that.
Though there may be a way via custom Keyboard app.
Ex: Below supports multi-touch
I've been using Hacker's keyboard for years, and it's Apache 2.0.
Available on the playstore, and does not ask for any permission except managing the user's dictionary and vibration (not network, no contact, no filesystem, etc).
FWIW, Android onscreen keyboards exist that can in fact send F12 - e.g. this one has all F1-F12 function keys (and basically anything you'd find on a normal real pc keyboard), and it's a popular choice for those who use terminal emulators on phones e.g. running ssh and other typical linux/unix/posix cli apps with termux. That said a given mobile app may not do anything in particular with an F12 keypress, hardly typical input in a mobile context, but they can.
There you go. Hacker's keyboard.. Use any of the links below:
Note: The space bar is a bit too small
I would suggest using Hacker's Keyboard if you want to play CDDA on your phone, it'll make everything a lot easier. It'll also allow you to bring up the keyboard by pressing the notification in the notification bar.
If you use a Bluetooth keyboard ctrl+c/v/z etc will absolutely work on android.
Also, if you have a 3rd party keyboard app, then you might actually have that functionality on your phone.
I'm pretty sure Hackers Keyboard can do it.
I still have Hacker's Keyboard installed on my old phone with 512 MB RAM, it's very usable, no lag or anything.
Hacker's Keyboard has a microphone icon that lets you voice dictate into any text area that would otherwise be using a keyboard.
I see that you already have found gboard but as a linux admin who works from my phone a little too much, I wanted to point you in the direction of Hacker's Keyboard as well, which you can actually set up to be exactly the same as a PC keyboard in both landscape and portrait modes. I switched to it many years ago and haven't looked back.
Try Hacker's keyboard? Despite the l33t hax0r name, it's free (in both meaning of the word, I just learned it's under apache licence), has no ads, and has all those keys you want: ctrl, alt, meta, tab, esc, arrows, F1-12, home, end, pgUp-Down, ins, del.
I didn't see any keyboard better than that for use with termux.
Yea I did like juicessh for the hot keys, but I've been using termux combined with hacker's keyboard... And it's fantastic! h keyboard
Use Hacker's keyboard it has QWERTY key board with keys like ctrl, Alt, Tab etc. You easily use shortcut ctrl +c for copy and ctrl +v for paste.
first off i dont recommend gboard, look into
second, by default the shell to work with emacs style binding, for example: ctrl+a / ctrl+e move the cursor to the start / end of like, ctrl + r to search command history, ctrl+u to delete from cursor to start of like, ctrl + y to paste it back, ctrl+l to clear the screen. and many many more. like moving to the start/end of a word.
i can hardly remember those keys. so personally i keep 'set -o vi' in my .bashrc in this mode instead of having to click ctrl every time you click escape once to start issuing moventnt commands. for instance: 5b / 5w - will take you five words back / forward 0 / $ - start / end of line A / I - start typing at line start / end f@ / F@ - to find the next/previous instance of the character @ and more. to start typing at your pointer use i / a
You can code even without a bluetooth keyboard ;-) I use Hacker's Keyboard, which has all the keys you expect on a physical keyboard:
Google Play:
Hacker's Keyboard.
It's an open-source keyboard and my favorite keyboard.
It is private and doesn't connect to the internet.
It is also available on F-Droid if you prefer that.
> Further, is there a way to add additional hotkeys on the bottom of my screen? I'd like to have /, ; or Shift-V always available, as well as a button to access Magiclysm spells, too.
They should appear there once you press one of those buttons on the keyboard.
As for your other question, I think Hacker's Keyboard has this feature.
Don't forget + - % / |
for math, and ' " \
for strings, =
for assignment, and you want all 10 numbers too.
Also most development needs a command line, which means you need CTRL. You probably want ALT and arrow keys. Hacker's Keyboard has these if you're interested.
As a new Pixel 3 owner trying to set everything to dark mode, it appears to be strongly app-dependent. My (mis)understanding is that inheritance of the system-wide setting is a work-in-progress for many apps.
So far I've got most of my apps darkened, but occasionally there's splash screen (e.g. Slack until very recently) or settings screen which blasts the light. My preferred keyboard, the Hacker's Keyboard, has a very nice Transparent (experimental) Keyboard Theme which provides a clear illuminated keyboard appearance (though its settings screen is bright).
My favourite for android is Hacker's Keyboard.
I also modded it a bit to add the Del key and added an additional Ctrl for landscape mode - but it shifted the space to a bit unintuitive position. (There are also a few additions for math symbols.)
PS: My auto-correction is turned off, even for my phone.
It really depends on the game. I've gotten a few to work. I played a lot of Castle if the Winds. I got Red Alert working but it was hard to get just the right frame rate to make it really enjoyable.
That said, if you get the right setup and keyboard on screen it'll make any game easier. Like hotkeys and Hacker's Keyboard
> not sure what you mean with CTRL
Looks like some Android keyboards don't have a CTRL key as do full keyboard layouts. I use Hacker's Keyboard, which has that key.
Not sure exactly what you're looking for (unclear. Is 'pera' paragraph?), but Hacker's Keyboard might help as it has arrow keys and function keys. No swiping, though. It's also available on F-Droid, I believe.
What's crazy about this, it's running busybox with nice up to date software - fish shell v3, nodejs v11, php 7.2, crontab, git, ssh ...
If you're on android, check hacker's keyboard. That's probably one of the only app I'd completely recommend.
I've gone with Hacker's Keyboard
It offers suggested completion from a pre-loaded dictionary, you can choose dictionaries for different languages, and you can manually add or remove words, but AFAIK it doesn't try to learn from what you type.
And it very definitely doesn't need any network access; I block it with NetGuard.
Strongly advise you play it with this or you won't be able to use half the commands:
[old-fashioned but powerful and customizable.]
Settings for Hacker's Keyboard
Keyboard height, portrait 20%
Keyboard height, landscape 25%
Gesture and key actions
Swipe Left / Increase Height(of keyboard) | Swipe Right / Decrease Height(of keyboard)
It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click!
Here is link number 1 - Previous text "get"
^Please ^PM ^/u/eganwall ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^Delete
Do you mean this?
Isn't this just for tablets? At least it seems designed for.
I also found out that the "Hacker's Keyboard" has shortcuts to enable/disable keyboards and set default input, so you don't need to hook up a USB cable and run adb.
> The only thing that keeps bringing me back to Gboard is the voice to text.
Any keyboard with a microphone icon can do that. I use that feature a lot with Hacker's Keyboard
> There are keyboards that include the buttons themselves.
Hacker's Keyboard supports:
Alternatively Hackers Keyboard
Try out Hacker's Keyboard + Termux
I really like JuiceSSH. It's functional when I need to get something done and have no other option. You can use key-based authentication with it too. You're still typing on a phone keyboard, but for quick fixes or monitoring it's super useful. You can toggle two rows above the keyboard with some additional buttons like tab which aren't on the standard keyboard (seen here). There's also a full keyboard replacement called Hacker's Keyboard which has pretty much everything you'd need on a keyboard. I haven't needed it in a few years though since JuiceSSH has the toggle-able additional row, and other apps like Terminal Emulator allow keyboard shortcuts using the volume up/down keys.
I also have KeePassDroid on my phone to access my KeePassX database.
BusyBox also contains some useful tools.
As others have said really it doesn't matter what phone you get if it's an Android phone. I'd strongly recommend you go for a flagship from the last ~2 years though. A lot of other non-flagship Android phones are way underpowered and result in a horrible experience, at least in my experience.
For example, hacker's keyboard is the one I use:
> // I would use tabs, but I'm on my phone
Phone or Tablet? "Hacker's Keyboard" on a tablet is quite fun to use.
There's "Hacker's Keyboard".
You can do it on Hacker's Keyboard also
+1 For ASK, it's free and open source.
Also there's Hacker's Keyboard..
You tried the Hacker's Keyboard yet?
Hacker's keyboard is my preferred choice.
It's not the TWRP keyboard, but Hacker's Keyboard is great and also has Ctrl, Tab, cursor keys and so on.
Does it? I'm using Hacker's Keyboard in the screenshot. I don't know weather Termux has that feature.
> (volume-down key emulates Ctrl in termux)
Or just install a different keyboard on any Android phone...
Coding on a phone would suck, but it is completely possible. there are numerous terminal emulators, improved keyboards (so making symbols isn't a giant PITA) and even installing full blown regular linux inside virtual machines and chroots.
The new Ubuntu Phone OS that is coming out (along with Sailfish OS, which afaik, is only available for Europe) also are basically 'traditional' linux distributions and installing a compiler or other common programming tools is trivial.
The keyboard would still suck something major though. Typing anything of length with thumbs is so slow and awful, no matter how good the keyboard is.
That said, if you wanted some tools:
Keyboard -
Terminal -
SSH Client -
Various Commandline utilities (Busybox) -
I just use normal stuff, mostly.
But when I need to remotely access a Linux system, I use:
Hacker's Keyboard, maybe: It's also on F-Droid.
Hacker's Keyboard will give you a control key on Android.
Even better, use this keyboard. I've been using it since 2011
I'm guessing you're referencing the link above. This is something you'll want to run on a laptop or desktop computer. Not familiar with termux but you'll have an easier time on windows, mac, or linux based pc.
For Termux you'll want to install this keyboard and enable it. Will make it easier to use termux.
pkg install nano pkg install python pkg install clang python-dev pip install --upgrade pip pip install instabot nano
It will take some typing.
Replace the following items in quotes with your username and password
login="username", password="password",
Ctrl+x to exit nano. (andriod is Vol Down + C)
The Hacker's keyboard is pretty good and doesn't require any permissions but it doesn't have 'swype' functionality
It's hacker's keyboard and it's fucking godly
Are you referring to this one ?
On Android you use a custom keyboard. When I had an Android device I used Hacker's Keyboard, which supports custom punctuation.
On iOS you hold down your regular quotation mark until a popup with other quotation marks appears (similar how you hold down «Е» to get «Ё» or hold down «Ь» to get «Ъ»). Here's a rundown.
On Linux you use Compose key. It's Compose, <, <
for the left arrow quotation mark and Compose, >, >
for the right.
On Windows and macOS there are many different options but I personally settled on Ilya Birman's Typography Layout. It supports both Russian and English and adds all those nifty combinations with AltGr
Happy typographically-correct typing :)
And now?
Hacker's keyboard has one. You can get it to a full 104-key layout, though it gets very cramped.
I prefer - open source, can be set to dvorak layout, can be used for Control keybindings in bash etc.
Take a look at Hackers Keyboard.
Ever tried Hacker's Keyboard?
Oooh, now you have my attention!
Sadly, I haven't found Android to be a very dev-friendly environment, but this is mostly because I'm a cheap bastard and don't like paying for apps.
To boot, I keep the Hacker's Keyboard (Google Play,F-Droid) installed so I can switch to it for on-the-go editing. Otherwise, probably want a BT keyboard. I found a Motorola keyboard on sale a long time ago and it's suited me well. This beauty is from Microsoft and costs $100, but looks magnificent.
For editing, I've dabbled with DroidEdit and it was decent to use. There is a Pro version, too. Here is a list of other editors, some with teaching/tutorial aspects built in. If nothing else, you can use some remote software like Splashtop, 2X, or TeamViewer to access a full-blown desktop somewhere and do your heavy-lifting from there.
try out Hacker's Keyboard. very small, fast and lightweight :D
It is possible and actually runs extremely fast and has good quality. You need an android phone with around 8GB of ram (6GB might also work) and a physical keyboard (bluetooth works best since you can connect it to your phone easily). If your phone is running android 11 or lower, you can use this app instead of a physical keyboard (install it and enable "Use permanent notification" in settings). Note that you only need to use the physical keyboard for the setup. If you're unsure how much ram you have, just try it using the instructions below and see if it crashes or not after playing a bit. 1. Download yandex or kiwi browser. 2. Install this extension using yandex/kiwi browser. If you want to learn more about this extension, check their website. 3. After installing the extension, go to the old web interface, or directly to the file (I suggest using the direct file) 4. You should see the login screen now. Using your physical keyboard (or if you used the app, click the notification to open your keyboard), insert your login information. Don't forget to save the login information, otherwise you will need to use the physical keyboard/app to enter your login information again next time you play. 5. Congrats! You now have dragonfable running on mobile! To open it again, just open yandex/kiwi browser and navigate to the old web interface or directly to the file (you can save these sites in your bookmarks for easier access).
> consumer grade BCIs
what's that?
also wrt alternative keyboards personally the only one i've needed was
Hacker's Keyboard is my favorite.
If nothing else, Hacker's Keyboard may be able to help.
You can get custom mobile keyboards.
I believe it's this one (I haven't played on Android).
I'm assuming you are playing the online webtiles, since the actual apps have their own keyboard embedded that don't have this issue.
This is the recommended Android keyboard to play using webtiles:
It has multiple key layouts including the number of rows of keys and more.
Alternately, consider also the actual apps which are tweaked and designed to allow a more fluid experience on mobile.
If you want the old-school ASCII experience, the app is here:
But has not been updated in some time and is behind in many changes and updates. Otherwise:
There is also a pretty insane but fun fork:
Have fun!
Thank you for the feedback. I don't play webtiles but I think most people are using the Hacker's Keyboard.
I use Hacker's Keyboard. Used for years.
Have you tried the hackers keyboard?
If you are on Android, try Hacker's Keyboard.
you can use Hacker's Keyboard
Maybe give Hacker's Keyboard a spin. I've used it for years on my tablets.
If you really want vim in Termux you can get a better keyboard app like Hacker's Keyboard
Mam Hackers keyboard z ź w x.
Ich benutz das nur wenn ich SSH zeug auf dem handy machen muss.
As /u/gmes78/ mentioned, Termux.
When I had it installed a couple of years ago, I found hackers keyboard very useful. It has NOT been updated in a long time. So proceed with caution I guess. github link.
reddit post What do you use Termux on android for?
You just don't try hard enough, like everything else in your pathetic life.
Here you go:
Now you can have ctrl, alt, fn, and tab!
I use Hacker's Keyboard with CL REPL and schemoid.
I don't get anything production-level done on them, but they're excellent time wasters.
I run Emacs on my Android phone and tablet using Termux. I use the same configuration that I use on my desktops and it runs really well. I've added some conditional elements to the configuration to prevent GUI-specific things from being executed if the necessary features do not exist.
I don't use Emacs on my phone very regularly, but it's very handy if I need to e.g. refer to or even make some notes when away from my office. I keep everything synchronised with Syncthing.
The only problem I have is the awkwardness of using a small touch-screen keyboard with Emacs. If I used it more regularly I'd probably customise the bindings for mobile, but for the amount I use it it's fine. I use Hacker's Keyboard instead of the default and I find this helps.
Hacker's Keyboard | 4.2 rating | Free | 5,000,000+ downloads | Search manually
> Are you missing the key layout you're used to from your computer? This keyboard has separate number keys, punctuation in the usual places, and arrow keys. It is based on the AOSP Gingerbread soft keyboard, ...
I haven't looked that hard, but I usually go with Hacker's Keyboard.
Good news, your phone supports a Bluetooth keyboard.
Or just install the hackers keyboard.
Hacker's Keyboard. Also, is the game mentioned by you C:DDA by any chance?
I'd definitely recommend Hacker's Keyboard name sounds kinda silly but it's definitely worth a try :)
You can try this
Hacker's Keyboard :
Hacker's Keyboard optional full size keyboard, no ads
Hacker's Keyboard has Ctrl, Alt, and other things. Very handy.
This is the one:
You also have the link to its github page in the footnotes
You may want to use some advanced keyboard like this: Hacker's Keyboard.
I've heard people like this one
I found this one, it has Escape, Ctrl, and Alt and it works with Parsec:
also on android you can use hacker's keyboard
It's also got stuff like escape, control, alt, and OS keys. It's great when I use the terminal to remote into stuff.
I am using a moble keyboard without autocorrect and with narrow keys
That depends on which keyboard is comfortable for you.
I use stock keyboard by Samsung. Many people use a one of these:
If some keys (e.g. arrows or ctrl) are missing on keyboard, Termux has a replacement for them through
Hacker's Keyboard is de wei
^(Sorry, iOS users)
Hacker's Keyboard for android has arrow keys.
This one is pretty good
A physical keyboard solves this issue, on screen keyboards don't have ctrl key unless you use this.
Hacker's is still there, updated 11 months ago.
Try and see if it helps.
I've learned to just enter my message, then switch to Hacker's Keyboard or Multiling O Keyboard (horribly rudimentary swiping, but highly customizable if willing to spend time figuring it out) in order to add the markdown codes. I have Keyboard Switcher on screen for quick & easy keyboard swaps.
Try install Hacker's Keyboard from playstore
It is great keyboard for use with termux
Try Hacker Keyboard. Fishy name, but really good keyboard.
That exact keyboard can't be used, but maybe you could use Hacker's Keyboard
Phone is Moto G7 Power
Terminal by Termux
Keyboard by Hackers Keyboard
Suggestions by YouCompleteMe
Status line by Lightline
I've used Hacker's Keyboard for years, and love it.
Another personal favourite, Hacker's keyboard
> I really like my LG keyboard, just long press space to get left and right cursor arrows
I prefer my Hacker's Keyboard precisely because it's a full keyboard that contains cursor arrows. It makes cursor positioning seem so familiar and natural.
You can play the real thing! There are plenty of BBSes available over SSH that let you play doors, just get a good SSH client on your phone and optionally install a PC-style keyboard like Hacker's Keyboard and you're good to go. Do a quick google to find a server and you're in business.
Termux - an incredible terminal emulator and Linux environment app (no root required!)
Hacker's Keyboard - a full keyboard, Ctrl, Alt, Esc etc. included. Maybe not the most convenient to type on, but basically indispensable if you're using Termux
Loop - Habit Tracker - a simple free app to track habits with reminders, nice widgets and a simple overview of how you're doing
Google Keep - simple cross-platform app to keep random notes
this keyboard is essential for using emacs over SSH on the phone.
Huh. It works fine for me. Opens up Google voice typing. Do you have that on your device?
Since there are a few keyboards with similar names, this is the one I'm talking about:
2 years or so back, I was surprised how difficult it was to find a keyboard app that didn't require the "full network access" permission. Didn't want any chance of what I typed going to the app author or others (be that Google, Joe Bloggs developer or anyone inbetween my phone and another third party). Ended up with Hacker's Keyboard ( and have been very happy with it since. Highly recommend.
You have to install Hacker's Keyboard ( to get a CTRL button. There may be better keyboards out there, but this is what I use.
Once you have Moonstream open, you can tap with 3 fingers to open the on screen keyboard. To get the BDO mouse cursor (CTRL keypress), I press the CTRL button then Tab. It doesn't seem to work by just pressing CTRL.
For iOS, no.
But if it helps you or anyone else, this is the keyboard for Android that I use when I need these sorts of keys:
For instance:
That's the one I use when I need a full keyboard but don't have my Bluetooth keyboard with me. I use it for editing UNIX scripts or troubleshooting things by console on UNIX hosts.
If you're actually serious about writing, and don't have a computer, get a $150 Chromebook. Barely more money than a decent Bluetooth keyboard.
Not really sure if it works for sms but in Hangout if you press ctrl+i
you italice and ctrol+b
you get bold. Could maybe work if you use a keyboard like Hacker's Keyboard?
Throwing this in for developers who type code directly on an Android device... Hacker's Keyboard is quite familiar to computer users... but is very limited if the screen isn't as large as an Android tablet due to how it can easily cause major anger (like it does to me at times when apps like Reddit don't have a landscape orientation).
Google Play Store link:
It is a keyboard IME for Android, and if you don't understand that, do not even download it!
Android - Hacker's Keyboard
Dumb name but this was the cleanest, most utilitarian keyboard that matched my theme a couple years ago when I went hunting for one. Still works, but there might be better out there. You can disable all the prediction and swype crap pretty easily.
Based on your screenshot, your keyboard is sending an additional Ctrl+m (^M), which is why the file doesn't exist and you're seeing the additional usage messages. Wiki - NewLine
You could try using Google Play - Hacker's Keyboard
I know it makes a simple keyboard and can also give you a 5 row full. Would give screenshots but the page on google play gives the same sort of image. So... link
It more closely replicates a traditional PC keybaord (number row, symbol positions, etc...). Whether or not you find it useful & easy to type day-to-day on will depend a lot on yourself, personally I didn't get on too well with it.
Here's a link to the play store page:
You might try Hacker's Keyboard at
I use hacker's keyboard because it has a layout similar to a real keyboard in portrait which comes in handy
I also really like Jelly Bean 4.3
Try Hacker's Keyboard. Doesn't require a 'Net connection, access to contacts or anything else (well, control vibration for haptic feedback and the ability to read & write to the local dictionary).
Unfortunately I don't have access to a bluetooth keyboard so I haven't tried one of those yet...
I currently use a mixture of Hacker's Keyboard in landscape mode and the volume down button as Ctrl in portrait mode. Hacker's Keyboard seems a little laggy to me though, so it's a little hit and miss at times.
Sorry I'm late!
Hacker's Keyboard has an option you can enable to always have a notification available to bring up the keyboard. I believe this would work for your problem.
Hacker's Keyboard. It's very light and has a lot of extra stuff compared to others. Not so good for typing fast in natural language though. Better suited for terminals.
If there's a keyboard that can do this, it's
I use Textra and Hacker's Keyboard. I never hear HK mentioned here, but I absolutely love it because it gives me a full keyboard. I prefer to type rather than swipe :)
Hacker's Keyboard is a must have app for everyone using ssh on an android.
Try Hacker's Keyboard (, but note that you may use the Volume hardware keys to simulate tab, ctrl and other keys in Termux as described by
Hacker's Keyboard. I only use it on my tablet but it has all the missing keys I need to work over ssh/telnet.
You could encourage people to use something like Hacker's Keyboard for your app.
Pretty much everything, except use our own product (which doesn't have an Android client).
Hacker keyboard, which was suggested earlier, is a full laptop keyboard in case you are doing tech support stuff from your phone and whatnot
On Android there is a useable workaround using Hacker's Keyboard (, you can paste text into any CoC text box. So you only have to (manually)copy the text in a common text editor and you can edit it there and paste it back into CoC in the future.
The keyboard in the video looks very limited.
There's an alternative which gives more keys than even a laptop or desktop PC keyboard would have..
I'm not saying you should have to do this, but you can use arrow keys on Android:
Hacker's Keyboard is still my favorite.
That's why I use the hacker's keyboard.