I hope it's real! The death of UMPCs in favor of tablets has sucked. The Win was a little small for me but I was considering buying it anyway. If this is even $150 more it would be an instant buy. Although, I do wish they'd gone with an m7 rather than the Atom again.
All the specs for the Win are on the official store page
Random guy jumping in with a recommendation to not run the Win Max closed for gaming. (Especially with how hot the touch pad section can get)
I went through a couple of notebook getting white spots in the LCD before I swore off ever running that way.
I literally have Win Max sitting on a picture frame stand, position at an angle for better airflow. The display stays open, unless I need to travel and stow it.. (even this I give it time to cool when I suspend or shutdown)
You can also stream non steam games using steam link. It's easy to do and now that there is a android apk to use steam link the smatch z team could be easily do it using some random android single board computer.
Even they could also be using a display with a hdmi hidden on the back and connect it to a pc. Without seeing the inside of the machine or at least a few angles of the back you can't discard that possibility...
Economics. If making a XD 2 would make GPD more money than a WIN 2 then GPD would be making that.
Now on to the price, the GPD WIN 1 original retail price was $499. It is now retailing for the the much more reasonable $300 ish. I'd expect that by the time the WIN 2 actually makes it to market, market forces will have pushed down price to the $350-450 range (M3 tablets are already in the $270s).
Android sucks for gaming. This is not an issue with the OS, but the default device just is not geared up for it, so most games are sucky. Windows games assuming that you will have the right hardware.
Finally, who says they are not? Depending on the size of the team at GPD they may well be looking into it. The XD is definitely due an update.
VT-d is pretty damn nice if you want to do elite things like running Qubes OS. In the case of the Win 2 the wifi card would get put into its own light weight VM and the wifi would be passed through into it at the hardware level. Then that VM communicates with the Firewall VM. The disk gets its own VM. Then there is a root VM (whatever they call it) and over that is the user VM. Then each program like Firefox can be run its own security domain in VMs (blue, green, red). They've been working on it for many years and are now on the much improved version 4. I like it a lot but my current Thinkpad doesn't allow for easy drive replacement and so I can't afford to fuck with it. However the GPD Win 2 looks to have an M.2 SSD that can be swapped out with two easy screws via the outside flap. So I'll buy an approved 256GB M.2 for dual booting Windows and normal Linux and then I'll have the OEM 128 GB one for playing with Qubes and different versions of Linux. The selling point for this is then you have a 1 pound mobile device with industry best security (that really is wildly better than anything else out there). So then I would just need to find a nefarious life purpose and I'd have the hardware side of that all taken care of. Plus women love that sort of thing, Super Mario Bros. 3 I mean.
My Win starts in 10-15 seconds, then I launch a game, and in less than a minute I'm playing.
You should definitely get Playnite, a lightweight game launcher that also supports emulators.
A great game is Dead Cells, launches pretty quickly too.
Big banner ads in other places around the internet:
Over 2200 units sold so far, with nearly $1.4 million USD in funding earned. The goal was $100'000. I think it's smart for them to advertise more aggressively now, because it's obviously being well-received. I'm very pleased to see the UMPC making a comeback. I always knew it would, and I'm glad I don't need to keep waiting anymore.
Try forcing a lower res through the config file and check "read only" in properties. %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\MachineGames\Wolfenstein II The New Colossus\base\Wolfenstein II The New ColossusConfig.cfg
Star Wars Jedi Knight II has a PC version which would be a much better choice in every respect. Remember that a fair amount of games from that era also came out on PC.
It's here on Steam. I haven't tested it, but it should work. You'll have to remap controls but Steam's built-in button mapping tools are perfect for the job. You're likely to get a flat 60fps on a game that old too and won't have to deal with emulation glitches.
I'm editing this post a lot! Here is the PC Gaming Wiki's page on the game. The wiki is worth checking out on virtually any game you install, but is close to necessary for older releases. The widescreen settings there are particularly handy for the GPD Win. Take note of the controller mapping section too.
This is cool if you have a 3d printer, but... you can also buy a giant set of silicone plugs for less than $10. https://www.amazon.com/LAMPVPATH-Anti-dust-Computer-Stoppers-MacBook/dp/B085T82TXP/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=silicone+port+cover&qid=1600901916&sr=8-3
I got a set to cover all the ports on the GPDMicro. Works great.
For anyone based in the US you can get it for 80 bucks as of this writing. That includes the portable battery, a wall charger, and 2 usb to usb cables. I’ve tested both and both will charge the win 2.
Where TDP is equal, it probably came down to what GPD could get sufficient quantity of at a good price. Remember, GPD is not paying those prices per CPU that are listed on the ARK. That's more like "the price of the CPU as part of a device as sold on the end user" when it comes to parts that are not sold directly to end users.
I don't really have a go to seller for these kinds of things. GPD does have a few official storefronts though. One of them is an official eBay store. They have the GPD Win listed at $399 USD but they also have a Make Offer button their so I imagine they might be willing to give you a lower price still.
They also have it listed at Aliexpress with a $363 USD sale price for the next 2 weeks.
IF you don't want to bother with it, report it on ebay, and return it to the seller and get a Win from a proper source. Otherwise you could try to remap the '1' to another key that works, forexample the '~' key. Use Autohotkey for that: https://autohotkey.com/
As others have mentioned, the only wireless controllers the GPD Win will support without a dongle are those that are bluetooth compatible. Most bluetooth controllers will work, but may require special configuration on the device (hid vs gamepad mode, etc) or additional software.
Kogashiwakai's link is correct. The new XBox One controllers actually have dual wireless modes: Proprietary XBox One wireless and Bluetooth. As you can imagine, the bluetooth connection is natively supported by Windows 10 to play nicely with Microsoft's xbox ecosystem.
Microsoft's link on pairing the bluetooth models (Option 3): https://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-on-windows/accessories/connect-xbox-one-controller-to-pc
You can also run software to use a DS4 [ http://ds4windows.com ] if that's more your style or on hand.
You can use MSI Afterburner coupled with RivaTuner (included in the Afterburner's installer) to monitor temperature in-game (also CPU, GPU, VRAM, RAM usage, only if you're interested).
I bind the on-screen display hotkey to "=" so I can easily toggle it on and off in-game.
Everything up to Skyrim plays fine with concessions made to graphics, though you may want to install the requisite mods to make the game more stable. Fallout 3/NV in particular have some pretty nasty issues when run vanilla (you didn't bring them up but theres a pretty big crossover in audience between the two series).
OpenMW may be preferable for Morrowind, it's a reverse engineered version of Morrowind's engine coded for modern systems and designed to be far more extensible than the original executable. It's close enough to completion that most things just work, though you'll miss out on some graphics mods that require the original game. Those run pretty terribly on low end hardware anyway.
Posted this elsewhere but I used this guy's script to great effect with my main Win10 box at home:
That got rid of shit like Cortana, app store, etc
It should work just fine as long as you're running an up-to-date version of Windows 10 x64. If you just took your Win 2 out of the box, just run Windows updates on it before running the script.
Also, use the version from GitHub: https://github.com/Disassembler0/Win10-Initial-Setup-Script
EDIT: For what it's worth, I just ran this script on my Win 2 and it worked as expected. I tweaked a few things in the profile for my own preferences but it ran without a hitch.
Might I recommend Classic Shell? It replaces the Win10 tile menu with an XP/Vista/Win7 startup menu. Unless you rely on the tile setup, Classic Shell also has a feature that allows one to have a transparent taskbar on start just like TB 1.2. In my experience, Classic Shell Menu is better at consistently making my taskbar transparent than TB 1.2 has done.
If you're interested, here's the link: http://classicshell.net/
You can use ShutUp10 to block the windows update processes.
That should keep it from being able to update to creators but I think you might miss out on security updates if you do.
i’ve noticed that you can stand it up right as long as youre careful.
but i bought two of these and stuck them on the back of mine.
Rolodex Mesh Collection Mobile Device and Tablet Stand, Black (1866297) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00EYNLXRI/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_Y61DMR41CNEZDMP098EX
This is what have used for my win 2 and even the max. Holds it up without issue, the mesh allows the fan to breath without issue and holds thicker devices if you remove the plastic tab on the front. Plus lots of degrees of angle to set it at.
I use this one as my on the go charger. Small, prongs fold in and the cable hasn't given me any issues. It's 65w as well, been playing and charging with it at the same time with no issues. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D64QLQ1/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_h5o3FbM4XT872
Overpriced IMO.
Same 128GB SanDisk Ultra, $43.99, not even on sale, comes with an adapter for free: https://www.amazon.com/SanDisk-microSDXC-Standard-Packaging-SDSQUNC-128G-GN6MA/dp/B010Q57S62
I can't see how being "made for Amazon" justifies a higher price tag. If anything it should be cheaper than the "standard packaging" one.
Concerning compatibility, I'm using the 200GB version which I grabbed for $40-ish last Black Friday. Zero issue so far. Didn't even need to use GPD Win Keepalive.
This is the keyboard I use with my GPD Win
I don't personally have a USB-C hub but I do have a simple C->A adapter in case I need a second USB port for a quick file transfer or something. I'd recommend both items I've mentioned as they've worked well for my use.
As far as what you picked out, I see no problems with the selection. Everything should work fine and if not you can always claim the product is defective and return it. I forget, but for the HDMI out from USB-C you might need to enable a BIOS option. I've also read reports that the USB-C HDMI output has some kind of issue with ether latency frame rate or both, so take note of that.
P.S. you can make amazon links shorter by deleting everything after and including /ref as that's just garbage info.
I tried one I had but I don't think its powerful enough. I think we need at least a 45W PD one. This should work but I haven't bought it yet.
Or 60W I'm not sure. I know that 18W and 30W for sure don't charge it though because I've tried those.
They work well. Helps improve grip a lot. Just FYI they would touch the screen if you were close the lid, but it’s not a lot of pressure. However they are very easy to take on and off.
For the games that have full screen problems, DxWnd fixes.
I think it is about three of the official touhou games that have fullscreen problems on Windows 10, not the GPD Win's fault there. can't remember which ones though. The problem is the games run at 10x speed and/or screen sideways while fullscreen. DxWnd fixes it by doing a raw fullscreen from the game window.
No scam here, I bought it off this eBay seller, which is the same company (I picked up on it because I sent them both a question, got the exact same reply from both sellers). I received the unit within 10 days, and it's the latest aluminium cover revision).
I believe the retail price of the GPD WIN in China is around USD$300, all the other sellers just mark it up. eBay Australia had an extra 15% off which sold me on the deal. However, if you still have doubts, buy it from Gearbest for USD$319.99 with the promo code: GAMEC
I don't own the game but I tried looking into it for you. Judging by the minimum requirements, the game would likely struggle heavily on the GPD Win. 2K16 might have a chance of running based on these benchmarks with the minimum required CPU as well as the fairly low RAM and reasonable GPU requirements. Hopefully someone with the game will test as it really depends on how well the game optimizes with 4 cores.
There does seem to be a community of people updating the rosters of the last PSP version of the game for use on PSP systems or devices that can emulate them such as a powerful phone or the GPD Win.
Aliexpress claims they have some in stock: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32702176518.html?trace=wwwdetail2mobilesitedetail&productId=32702176518&productSubject=2016-Original-GPD-Win-5-5-Inch-Handheld-Game-Console-X5-Z8500-Windows-Bluetooth-4-1
Otherwise, Geekbuying is supposed to be reputable. You'll just have to wait a while because it's shipping from China and all.
There's an app you can download called "Windowed Boarderless Gaming" that might be able to solve your problem here. You should be able to install it, open Rain World, add the game to app, and then force the game to smush the window to 1280x720.
This doesn't work with every game, and with some games causes weirdness (Rivals of Aether and VA-11 Hall-A get infinitely stretched vertically) but it's worth giving a shot. http://westechsolutions.net/sites/WindowedBorderlessGaming/
I used Pinnacle Game Profiler. I downloaded the profile here and I simply loaded it up in Pinnacle.
You have GOG version of that game right? If not check out this mod:
Which patches the game to use more ram.
You should also probably download some essential mods to improve your experience. I think PC Gaming Wiki has a nice list:
Sorry if you already knew this.
Struggling with this as well. My only solution so far is to see if the game supports Window mode and use Borderless Window. This is how I got Sim City 4 workable.
While there are other solutions that will work, you may want to use OpenRCT2 instead. It's a reverse engineered port of OpenRCT2 to a modern codebase and despite the low version number it's fairly stable.
If you want to overclock or undervolt your GPD Win 2, you can check out this guide: https://youtu.be/tO-p2sCaXck
It's up to you whether or not you want to do that or not, it's not needed for a lot of games, I can even run Witcher 3 on the default 7w TDP but if you really want to push performance, or would rather sacrifice some for battery life then you can play around with Intel XTU settings, just be careful and know what you are tweaking.
Shut Up 10: https://www.oo-software.com/en/shutup10 is a good piece of software to get a little bit more juice out of your system by disabling annoying Windows 10 features you will never use. It even explains what each feature is so you know what you are turning off.
You'd need to use a game streaming service like https://Shadow.tech which is basically streaming a full gaming PC with a GTX1080 and 12gb of ram. It runs fine. I've done the Fallout 76 beta on my GPD Win (original) using Shadow and the parts of the game that weren't stymied by Bethesda's poor game servers ran beautifully.
I got this portable Anker battery (amazon)that came with a 60W smart charger, somehow lost the charger and got another Anker 60W charger (PowerPort Atom 3, it has an A and a C port) and the battery and the charger work well with the GPD WIN 3.
If you are happy to charge your win off it and not expecting to play and charge at the same time, then that will be fine. If you want to play and charge at the sane time you will need one like this
My analog stick didn't start working properly until I replaced the tape that was on connector. If you are looking to get some I'm fairly certain this tape was originally on mine:
They also sell 3m friction tape at home depot, if you don't want to order from amazon.
I'm thinking that GPD didn't use the correct connectors, thus the need for the tape, and eventual adhesive.
2 packs Sleeve Case for Kindle Paperwhite, Premium Lightest pumch bag for Amazon All-New Kindle Paperwhite (Fits 2012, 2013, 2015 and 2016 Versions) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B073T7VXQK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_Y7eaBb68Z07JK
If you are using it as a desktop Id still post it. Save up some pennies and get a $400 i3/i5 barebones from amazon. Its performance and storage will be much much better than the wins
While i will always recommend a full ATX desktop so that you have some future proofing and upgrade paths
This caught my eye at a good price:
Its performance would be better than the win 2 i think and i also think you can use the thunderbolt 3 port to connect an external GPU so it can basically be as powerful as you need it to be since some of these let you swap out the ram and storage. CPU power is less important in games so the fact you can add external graphics makes these quite useful powerful little things.
You can then pair it with a portable screen like this:
So then it can serve as a desktop and a portable computer but at that point id just recommend getting a decent laptop lol although i understand money is always a constraint and i too gamed on a shitty laptop that i could not keep cool. Just keep saving a bit for a real gaming laptop or start with a mid spec PC the only reason im into the GPD win honestly is for stealth gaming at work since it can sit in my pocket i can play max payne 3 and command and conquer on it since EA never decided a (decent) portable version should be made. and it's a portable smash bros tournament console. My friends have wireless controllers from various consoles so if i take the hdmi cable and win 2 to a freinds house it usually ends up with a tournament and tears
This, right?
That's not using the cable for video, it's streaming the video over a network connection. A cable isn't needed and wouldn't improve your experience.
That's the A1 version. Samsung should be pretty OK too. A2 is better, from my understanding.
Other brands are OK, but IMO Sandisk/Samsung are the best for micro SD and usb drives (but are more expensive). 256gb was the balanced price point for me, as higher sizes (400gb/512gb) had a more poor size/$ ratio.
USB C Docking Station,QGeeM 9-in-1 USB C Hub to Dual 4k HDMI VGA,AUX 3.5mm,USB C to USB,MicroSD Card Reader,Compatible with MacBook,ipad Pro,Dell XPS(Support Triple Display) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082D17FWX/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_j5PAFbK6THPT4
I modeled the backplate add-on, but I can sell you both unused test pieces in the pic for $15 shipped if you're in US.
I bought this one Moko 7-8 inch Fire Kids Tablet Case.
Little roomy at the top (easily add your usb c cable) but fits great. Even though it says kids, I have the blue one and looks adult.
That is definitely a possibility. The seller on Amazon is 'LANRUO' so if you search him you should see his listings. However what would confuse me is the box looked sealed and the charger that came with it as I understand it is the IGG one (slightly longer/bigger from the looks in the pictures).
^Listing I bought from
Speaking of the analog sticks, it would be nice to see a fluid video test of them using one of several apps like https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ru.elron.gamepadtester&hl=en_US
Before I found this, I also bought a set of long rubber laptop feet (looks like the rubber feet that comes with the metal SSD cover). I'll be removing the adhesive glue with Goo Gone and use the two rubber bars as a two-piece riser. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001LT2OAS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_3IbNBb4P6KRBQ
I bought the official case. It's... fine? Seems to fit the WM2 snugly, will protect it from scratches when placed in a bag. Won't protect it from drops, but no "case" will do that. However, people seem to be recommending this tablet sleeve, and if my current case (the official case) gets destroyed, that's probably the case I'll replace it with.
I bought this one, it is a snug fit, not too tight and has a pocket for cabling
This is lightly padded and exact fit. I have a neoprene sleeve that's leftover from a device I had years ago that's also a perfect fit, but I primarily use this Lihit one. If you don't put stuff in the pouches, it's not bulky at all. If you do, you can put a shoulder strap on it and basically use it as a very compact laptop bag.
The price is not great above 256GB. I just got this:
Which is a 256GB Western Digital, generic packaging, for only $27 shipped. I hope maybe with the Steam Deck we'll start to see more 2230s on the market.
If anybody wants a sling bag that perfectly fits the WM2, my WM2 fits perfectly in the main compartment of this North Face sling bag: https://www.amazon.com/North-Berkeley-Field-Vintage-White/dp/B09V39J4MH
Any chance of a pic with the device? I tried a different sleeve gamble on AMZN but it turned out to be just a smidge too small / not stretchy enough. I did get this, which is great in the slightly-more-than-a-sleeve category.
It should be fine - I don't imagine a 512 being double sided. It is a PCIE Gen 3 x 2 device, so it won't be the fastest thing in the universe.
I wasn't really going to get a 2230, but there is a similar 256 GB (SN530, which is PCIE 3x4, but 256GB) for <$30 and so I did decide to snap one up on Amazon.
hey. after trying and trying different things and getting confused by all of it, i tried downloading an IPv6 vpn and i can connect to steam now. I hope i find a better solution for now, but it seems this works. NordVPN is ipv4 only so i'll have to cancel that and switch to something else. the free version of the vpn i just tried is but i havent shopped around yet for better options
Oh! See also my response to u/Goalier95, but I think I found something noteworthy. Please check yours and see if you can confirm. I looked at the Cellular connection again and it has no IPv4 access... it is only connected via IPv6. I think this is a potential explanation. For Nord:
> In a nutshell, if a NordVPN customer were to have an IPv6 IP address, their IPv6 interface would be blocked and only IPv4 traffic would be rerouted and encrypted with NordVPN, which ensures that your real IP address never leaks.
So basically, Nord will not send data over IPv6, and the cellular connection in Windows has no IPv4 address, which is my theory on why it's failing and why some other apps are working correctly, including most of MS's own apps. I'm guessing/assuming that there should be a way to make the cell modem get an IPv4 address, and I'm guessing this will resolve some/all of these problems.
Right now (LOL) I found an old neoprene sleeve from an ancient EeePC in the basement and I'm using that, or else an old sleeve from an iPad from a number of years ago, and then I throw it in my backpack. I'm also getting this, it's supposed to arrive next week.
how about this one?
I know wm2 only fits single sided m.2 but they don't list that anywhere.
This is what I ordered from Amazon. It will be here tomorrow.
While you could potentially install Windows on a seperate SSD before-hand, it can very likely cause driver issues once you move it into a new machine. I know windows has gotten better about that, but chipset drivers can make it just not able to boot. I'd wait until you get the machine before you install an OS.
the board only supports a single sided m.2 drive. This Crucial P3 4TB is the one I went for. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B25P44CL/ref=twister_B0B5FJCDGT?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Haven't decided on whether I even need to get a secondary 2230 drive, or any SD/Micro SD storage.
It's also recommended when you install the drivers from GPD, don't run the setup. Go into your device manager, find the hardware that still needs drivers, and tell it to install from the folder where you downloaded the GPD pack.
A few of my friends got the Steam Deck, but I went with the WM2 because I also wanted the "mini-laptop" functionality (where it definitely out-performs the Deck). Having played games on both though the Deck wins on ergonomics overall, but the WM2 doesn't entirely lose though... It Just depends on the situation. I find the GPD is OK in the lap and even good sitting up in bed, but when sitting at a table or counter with it resting on my forearms, I felt like I wanted some way to get a more supported position, but still be able to easily use all the controls.
Eventually I hope someone comes out with grips for the GPD as others have said, but I'm going to give this a try in the meantime:
The old charger I upgraded to eventually used 5V-3A, 9W-3A, 12W-3A, 15V-3A, and 20V-2.3A. I also picked up an inline volt meter to read out what the unit was actually drawing from the PS during heavy usage just to make sure, its no longer sold but something like this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06ZZNK5RX/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Honestly its been 4 years since I went through all this but I'm sure if you look through my post history here some answers or clues to where to point to at the very least, outside of me complaining about the priority switch in the WIN Max and GPD 3 lines of course. lol
I ended up really using multiple methods to mitigate the issue you describe, I used the cooling mod to help mitigate the overall heat in the unit and some custom shims or pads on the VRMs. I used a larger capacity PS because it was simply drawing more amps when at a higher watts. I ended up swapping my SSD with a better one (Adata to Transcend I think) because it too was overheating and causing crashes. I wouldn't run the system at 12.5 watts while charging, I think I limited it to 10W while plugged in, all these things stopped the crashes but I'm not sure which one was a definitive solution since it was like half a year or more of investigation of trial and error.
Also I can vouch for the user @LazyBunnyKiera below as an expert on all things WIN2 related, they were very helpful in my experience on the discord before they made phone verification a requirement. The only thing I would add to their post is be careful with the undervolt, its really a per unit basis. If I remember right I couldn't get near to a -0.150 untervolt on my cpu without the system crashing.
Do you need longer cables or the actual power brick as well? I use these cables and brick, gives you like 11ft from the wall.
It'd be cool if GPD comes out with a thin shell with a flip cover like the official Switch one or the ProCase one where the cover is removable (maybe not magnetic if that affects the fan...).
This one looks to be just the right size if all you want is to carry the WM2
Im personally looking at this one as I also want to be able to carry my Ipad and Kindle, but still want it to be small
What are the external screen specs? You can get something like this:
And then it will run three displays, at least at 1080. It says one of them will be at 30Hz, but that should be OK for work activities.
I have a dual display setup (1080p+1440p at 60) with my Win 3 right now, and my USB camera, keyboard, and ethernet are connected to it, and I expect to be able to just plop my WM2 down on the table where the Win 3 is and plug it in and I suspect everything will work fine. It's nice if you can do this with one hub because it's a single plug-in to the WM2 for power, displays, ethernet, USB, etc.
I bought one of these.
I fits in the top usb port and you can basically forget it afterwards.
It's a cheap and easy expansion for putting games on.
Or for games that don't have a ton of IO a the microsd slot can handle up to 1TB.
I upgraded my internal SSD of my max2021 to an SK Hynix P31 2TB, and i use an external NVMe enclosure for the 1TB.
For me, there isn't much point in going up to a thunderbolt enclosure for a much higher cost.
Even a 3.2 gen2 (20Gbps) enclosure would be more than enough. And i'm able to run high end games off the external enclosure without any noticeable lag/latency/loading issues. The games run so well that if i didn't know better, i'd think the games were installed internally.
This is the 65W PD one that I'm currently using and very happy with for the price:
USB Power Delivery is really nice as long as the cable and charger you're using implement it correctly. The problem is how much non-compliant chinesium garbage is out there.
When you plug your Win 3 into a PD charger, the battery controller on the Win 3 says, "I support these charge modes." Then the charger says, "yeah, here's the modes I can provide."
So, even if a charger claims it supports 100W, which it very well might, if it doesn't support the charging profile that the Win 3 requests, the Win 3 will then request the next lower profile.
I mean, I'm no expert lol.
This is a terrifying scenario, but I have done it successfully. I can't remember about the software, I can check later tonight if nobody else helps you, but I would add two things, first make sure you disconnect the battery before you trying programming the BIOS on-board.
Second, I had the most trouble with the cheap alligator clip that came with that set. It just wouldn't connect right, and I only got it to work when I got a higher quality clip (this one, though it is now out of stock: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HHH65T4/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Good luck!
That's cool and all, but Id' rather pay less for more technology and use a real size external Bluetooth keyboard.
Well, to put things into perspective, the Win Max 2021 currently costs around $1100-$1200 (assuming USD for the sake of comparison) for the 1TB model.
For around $100-$200 more you can get something like this:
which would undoubtedly provide much better performance across the board and size-wise it would also be better for gaming and productivity (since you are in college) without the need for an external keyboard.
You could probably even find cheaper if you are willing to tone down the discrete graphics (but would still provide better performance than the Win Max) or if you are willing to go for larger sizes (17 inch).
And this is just from some quick searching on Amazon. You can probably even find better deals if you hunt for them.
So really, unless you have a thing for small devices or have a reason for preferring them (due to space constraints, for example), I would honestly say that you would be better off getting a conventional gaming laptop instead.
I used this one: Link
It does require modifying of the bottom housing. You could also use LG G5 batteries. I saw someone get two of them to fit without any mods to the case.
I bought a 256 gb dogfish and it's working fine:
or you can buy a trascend SSD M2 2242
If anyone is looking for a known-good USB-C hub that will drive two monitors from the Win 3, I used this one. $50 from AMZN right now, as noted in my earlier comment, I did have to use CRU, because the bigger display was only showing up with 1920x1080 or 2560x1080 resolutions, and Intel's graphics panel would not accept 2560x1440 as a new resolution, giving me a bad parameters error. When I added it with CRU, it worked fine since.
This dock says that it will drive two 4k displays (one x60 and one x30 Hz) via HDMI, but I have not tested this. It seems like all the other options are significantly pricier, like an Anker dock that is $90, or else after that, universal docking stations that are really nice, but the pricing is more like $130.
Hi guys, any chance that you get a spare one? I am looking for but found nothing. I found this one look similar but it says no touch https://www.amazon.sg/Deal4GO-Non-Touch-V330-14ISK-V330K-14IKB-DC02002WF00/dp/B07ZWXGBDD
Not really directly a solution to your problem, but an option could be to just use a plain Linux Distro and install EmulationStation manually. That is what I did on my Win2. I installed Manjaro and then EmulationStation (RetroPies fork).
Alternatively you can also look at other Retro OSes. RetroPie has a dedicated install manual for x86 machines. Recalbox provides a PC ready image directly.
Sorry...I will try to explain a bit more
I have the Z8750 (metal cover bought on gearbest here : http://www.gearbest.com/tablet-pcs/pp_624766.html)
I have done the clean reset following the very good tutorial here :https://www.reddit.com/r/gpdwin/comments/5yai6u/windows_10_iso_frontend_emulators_musthave/) with the anniversery update
When the installation was over (windows home), windows was not activated and I couln't do annything, even though it boots but it keeps asking for the activation key that i don't have. A lot of people on reddit said story about wrong activation key...I don't have mine !
I was even looking in the trash if I somehow threw something away but no, absolutly no windows key.
> Has anyone from Australia had experience importing one? Are there any retailers people would recommend/not recommend?
I'm in Perth. I bought mine from the offical GPD store on AliExpress. It cost AU$ 476.15 plus AU$ 14.83 shipping via DHL (the only option). It took 5 days to arrive.
> I'm interested in trying out some 'less resource intensive' gaming on the device
Any 'less resource intensive' game will play fine on the GPD Win. LEGO Star Wars runs great.
We are also helpless, that's what IGG replied
Dear sir,
The reasons and solutions for payment failure:
Make sure that the user’s card information is filled in correctly, such as zip code, etc. Incorrect information will cause payment failure. You can try different credit cards for multiple attempts.
Indiegogo uses Stripe as a third-party payment tool. Please refer to Stripe's analysis and solutions for the reasons for payment failure:
4.4. After using various methods, the payment still fails. Users can be suggested to contact . At the same time, the project team should sort out the user's email address and communication information, put it in excel/word file, and submit it internally.
And you can change the currency and choose the usd payment.
Thanks a lot
I have run Passmark 9.0 on my GPD Win, with the following results:
I managed to run a Passmark D3D9 test via advanced menu (at 1280x720), with the following results:
Then there's CrystalDiskMark 5.2.1 with the following results for internal storage:
Finally, the Peacekeeper HTML5 test runs in Firefox 52.0 32-bit with a score of 1382, beating iPad 4 by 45%. Here are the details.
Unfortunately the exact one I bought is no longer available, but this is pretty much the same design. Downside is it requires power to run it, so you're gonna have to give up the usb a port for it.
This is another one that I also use from time to time
Various brands make them, this one looks to be salvaged from a device similar to something Zach Freedman also used for one of his projects. Epson makes a dual display version using the same kind of technology, it’s pretty expensive though.
I agree about dgVoodoo being poorly documented. And while there is a relatively active community for it on Vogons forums and several testers, no one bothered to make a game compatibility list or game specific instructions.
There is however a page for it on PCGamingWiki with some instructions, still under construction:
From what I can tell, it's just the game is set up weird.
The earlier games in the series have lower performance requirements (~gtx450) which aren't a problem with the win2, but this one (~gtx750) seems to be too much at 720p.
My pockets are quite large and they fit the Win1 with plenty of spare room, and the Win1 is only slightly smaller than the Win2 (7mm x 2mm x 3mm). The bigger concern is the added ~80g of weight
I almost exclusively wear these shorts: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B009CTUG1I/
And carry it in this (it'll fit the Win2): https://www.banggood.com/Outdoor-Molle-Waist-Bag-Pack-Portable-Mini-Bag-Nylon-Phone-Wallet-For-Camping-Hiking-p-1008209.html?
What's even stranger is that there is an ad on Gearbest showing that they're offering 13% off with a coupon, but when I finally got it to add, it doesn't seem to apply?
EDIT: Just spoke with support. Because it's on "flash sale" it won't allow the price to be reduced.
Did you pick the 8750 option because Gearbest has two different choices? It's like a $10 difference. I don't know if they will willingly send you 8750 model if you bought the 8700 just because you sent them a message asking for it.
8700 model: http://www.gearbest.com/tablet-pcs/pp_364503.html
8750 model: http://www.gearbest.com/tablet-pcs/pp_612245.html
Honestly though, I wouldn't fret over it. The difference is marginal.
One way to solve it is to change the resistances of the GPD WIN. It you can change yourself, please buy one at the below link: https://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/The-components-and-auxiliary-materials-we-can-provide/1281164_32770371841.html?spm=2114.8147860.0.0.7td3O9. If you can not change by yourself, then maybe you need to send us back your GPD WIN to repair.