Pull-up/Dip stand for sure and get a weighted vest as well if you can. I'd consider adjustable dumbbells instead of the curl bar, would give you more flexibility.
I got ya fam🤙🏾. So for lower back issues I can relate as I used to sit for 10-12 hour shifts and didn’t know until it started causing problems that NOT moving certain body parts and keeping them “stationary” can cause pain later.
I recommend you look into doing yoga, or stretching on your own for about 30 minutes to an hour. Touch your toes while standing, breath, and really try getting a deep stretch. Breathing is key, cause you’ll notice as you exhale and relax after exhaling you get “deeper” into the stretch naturally. It WILL be uncomfortable and you’ll feel muscles are tighter than normal, but that’s normal cause it’s muscles you’re trying to “wake up” after not being used so long. Trunk twists (Google for an idea) while using a door frame for leverage is a good back stretch.
This bad boy was what I used primarily to fix my lower back pain. I was @ a 8-10 on pain going to the back people specialist that I’m too lazy to Google the name that starts with a C and ends with “practor”. Spent over 800$ on adjustments over a month with no results. I’m a big guy, so I was a bit skeptical when the person needed to jump most times to get leverage on my back when they adjusted me. Lower back stretcher
You lay this bad boy on the ground, and just work your lower back. Walk up and down it, rock side to side, take deep breaths, and try bending your back on it like you’re trying to use the desk chairs in school to pop your back… you know what I’m talking about. It helped fix me up in a months time of constant use, and I slowly got more mobility/strength in my back to do things like pike push ups and decline sit ups a year later.
I will again STRONGLY suggest yoga just cause (and believe me I used to talk mad shit about yoga😂) those focused movements they have you hold really improve muscles control, strength, and flexibility. Im 300lbs, and I’m more flexible than small peeps. 🤙🏾
Perfect for beginners and comes with personal guidance and a workout plan tailored to you. Vry cheap.
Here’s the one I got. Cheaper than I remember. Doesn’t feel cheap at all though. I’ve been swinging around on that thing everyday for three years. You do have to put it together yourself though. For that I suggest breathing exercises or a six pack of nice beer.
You're going to need more resistance than those dumbbells to keep muscle, but it's better than nothing. I'd supplement your dumbbell work bodyweight exercises. Be sure to make the exercises/weight challenging enough so that you fatigue towards the end of your set. To maintain muscle and lose fat, head on over to PrecisionNutrition.com and use their calorie calculator with that goal in mind and use Cronometer.com, or something similar to track your calories. Good luck!
This app counts your push ups using your phone's proximity sensor. It has some other neat features like: voice counting, achievements, timing and pace indicator, a leaderboard and a local saving system that stores your overall performance statistics.
At the moment, it is available for free on Play Store. Here's the app link.
Please let me know if you like it, and what could I improve about it to make it better. I appreciate any kind of feedback!
Mine counts/registers when the right step taps. There are various ways to use them, Sunny Health has a lot of vids re: workouts and one technique is called a "quick step" where you go quickly but do not tap, so the counter is not used. There are loads of other vids online too, steppers have gotten pretty popular.
My stepper has clip on resistance bands for arms, but these are a fun and challenging add on for lower body
Dumbells are also great to layer in to up the cardio and strength training possibilities.
Have fun!
i've never tried doing an arm workout with my pull up bar... 🤔but then again my arms aren't very strong so i think it would be much less force on the bar than my bodyweight if i tried. for you, i have no idea what would be best! however, i do love my pull up bar. i got it off amazon and it holds my weight great https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00RJFRV1K/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
That plus a tripod is a super easy solution.
Rope training is good for strength but even better for cardio and core. Those are good numbers but may not translate. Do you really have that much space or are you out in your driveway? With the space to use and store it and an anchor point you should go ahead and get the 50' since your work rate is dictated by how much of the rope you are actually moving with a wave. You can go with a shorter lighter if you are really more after the cardio and core benefits.
If you want to try something that will give you a lot more exercise options and still deliver the rope workout you are looking for try this new unanchored, flexible metal core Hyper Rope 20ft short Hyperwear battle rope. It is recommended in the December Men's Health just out. If you are Amazon prime here is where you find the Hyper Rope.
Check out this one:
you don't need equipment to use it, and you can customize all to your liking
Happy to help.
I like PVC coated cable. I use something very similar to this as I can switch out or adjust the rope for something faster/slower or shorter/longer depending on my workout.
Plus, handles will outlive the rope... I've had these same handles for a few years but get through ropes every six months or so. Theseus skipping rope!
You can get one of those doorway pullup bars from Amazon, or maybe even your local thrift store if you're lucky. Going to the park to do pull up is a great option when the weather permits, but since this is a home fitness subreddit, these are some options.
If you decide to get resistance bands, you can buy a door anchor online, like this:
If you don't get around to getting any of these things, don't sweat it. The fact that you're starting to get back into shape again is a huge accomplishment in itself. Plus, you can get really creative with bodyweight exercises alone as there are many tutorials online and in this subreddit as well. Good luck to you!
The selecttechs have fantastic reviews on amazon. I own an off-brand version of that same style of adjustable dumbbell (bought in the UK where I couldn't get the bowflex branded ones) and they've been great, still using them to this day 5 years after purchase. Highly recommended.
Yes4All Adjustable Dumbbells - 105 lb Dumbbell Weights (Pair) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009GC76NW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_yHsDDb747H2NQ
Yes4All Adjustable Dumbbells - 200 lb Dumbbell Weights (Pair) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01D487TDA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_wIsDDb2N7YBF2
Can be a little time consuming changing weights, but good value for the money
there are a lot of options for adjustable weights. Cheep, easy, flexible and will be better then nothing. Walmart even sells them, here is a link for an example - Amazon link
Here is a 3 day split that requires dumbbells and a bench with video guides, might be a good start - Link
i ordered these and am very happy with them. i was looking at the bowflex adjustable ones, but these are way cheaper and i find that i can adjust the weight during my rest between sets, so no real time lost.
Keep the bell, but don't use it yet! Get a 16kg (max) bell to start and check out Pavel Tsatsouline's or Gray Cook and Brett Jone's stuff on kettlebell training. Having that beast staring at you from the corner everyday will pump you up! You may also want to check out the Rocky IV Motion Picture Soundtrack for additional motivation.