It's caused by the jetstream taking a weird path and then sort of sticking there:
According to this:
Average rainfall for the week of June 21st is around 0.1 inches, so brace yourselves, we might get a fifth of an inch of rain! :P
Except which fetches content from deployed netflix cache servers around the world. Any interference to make netflix slower would show up there too. It's not a public service as they marketed it, it's self-defense against shaping.
Super Pizza Bros.! My brother and I run it, and we're going for a sort of retro gaming / early 90's geek vibe. We just opened about three weeks ago. We're still finishing up decorating inside, but we've got a pool table, an N64, a 360, a Ms Pac-Man arcade machine, and some really kick-ass stuff to eat. My brother is the cook, and he's come up with some awesome stuff, like Boss Bread (his cheesy garlic breadstick recipe) and some great wing sauce (Sweet Heat BBQ & Chili Cheese are my favs). We also deliver, and offer online ordering through GrubHub. If you swing by sometime and mention this, I'll give you a discount too. Or PM me for a $5 coupon for GrubHub that works for delivery or pick-up!
For fuck sake, you can get an ashtray for less than a pack of smokes on amazon.
Big ups to the dude putting that fire out!
Mesa Community College is an awesome school to get started down this path. I started there and then went on to get a degree in Computer Engineering at ASU.
Mike J teaches the introductory Computer Science classes there and is absolutely top-notch. He's a young guy with the patience of a saint and is an incredible teacher. I had him when he first started teaching at MCC and his classes were challenging and truly prepared you to continue in the degree program. I took CSE100 (Intro to programming using C++) and CSE205 (Object Oriented Programming/Intro to Data Structures and Algorithms using Java) and it made the following classes SO MUCH EASIER than they would have been had I not had such a thorough teacher (like the ones teaching lower-division classes at ASU). If this is a path you want to go down, you really can't pick a better place to start. Best of all, if you don't like it, you're not out thousands of dollars like you would be at ASU! And if you go all the way through with it, there are a ton of software companies in the Phoenix area.
What a world when we can use a server (probably) in California to communicate with people all over the Valley to discuss a power outage we're currently experiencing.
I guess since phone lines are separate from power, this sort of thing has been theoretically possible as long as I've been alive, but it sure feels different.
I cordially invite you to join the Reddit Phoenix crowd. You can find us here:!/groups/redditphx/?ap=1
Hands down, this is one of the most amazing groups of folks I've had the pleasure to meet. Most of us are east valley, we have a few people who joined the group before moving here, and have had a great time acclimating since they 'knew' people before they got here. We go out and do stuff all the time, and prom is in a couple of weeks.
Reminds me, I need to find an outfit for that.
Everything I've read is, due to the increase in asphalt and air conditioners, we are substantially hotter than in the past. This only goes back to 1948, but check July temps... in 1948 the mean average temp was 91... it's steadily risen over the past 70yrs. Note the max temps.. much higher now.
I would advise skipping the last 4 four holes next time. Haboobs carry some nasty shit in them, like bacteria, mold, fungus, and Valley fever. You really want to avoid breathing in that dust as much as possible...
This is the kind of post that I subscribe to /r/Phoenix for. Great insights and I'm glad to see that you're motivated to get out and vote.
Historically, Mexicans have been in Arizona forever and have always been an integral part of the state's economy. I recommend that you check out "Line in the Sand" by Rachel St. John.
It's a brief histoory of the US Mexico border between (mostly) El Paso and San Diego that was drawn after the Mexican American War.
Sounds like it may be time to track your internet performance and hit them with hard data. I had Cox in Phoenix for about 8 years, and had multiple hour outages 4-7 times a week. Turned out to be 10-40% packet loss due to my neighborhood node being overloaded with people/their hardware not being able to handle all the bandwidth. Completely fucked up both my wife and I's ability to work from home.
Check out Ping Plotter - it's easy to use, has a free trial (or at least did when I used it), and will give you hard data you can take to Cox and the FCC showing how frequent your outages last and what is causing the outages. Always run this from a wired connection, WiFi can have similar issues that are not related to your ISP.
New to the offroading world. What's helped me a ton is and the Guide to Arizona Backroads & 4-Wheel-Drive Trails Book by Charles A. Wells
Depending on the year:
I am in the South Mountain area, and see it online in the neighborhood app quite frequently. A good Security Camera if you own/rent a home might help as well, Apartments, it's going to be harder. Also have the VIN of the car engraved on the Catalytic converter. It then becomes worthless to try to sell because it is serialized.
I did a lot of research before picking the Street Guardian. It's rated well for hot environments because it's capacitor-driven instead of battery driven.
If you get the optional 3-wire hardwire kit, you can also enable parking mode that will monitor your car when you're not around.
I've had it installed in my car about 5 months now and absolutely love it. Front and rear cameras, super reliable and the quality of the video and sound is excellent. I've won three arguments with my girlfriend by playing back the tape.
You'll also want the 256GB memory card to go with it, minimum.
if you ask someone who's lived here their whole life 50 degrees Fahrenheit will be cold and require a jacket.... If you ask someone who flew in here from Anchorage Alaska 50 degrees Fahrenheit is balmy it might be acceptable shorts and short-sleeve weather.
the real question you should be asking is what is your tolerance based on the historical averages.
Sonoran Desert Museum is in trip advisors top 10 museums in the US and is really more like a zoo for animals of the southwest. However, it's in Tucson.
You always have the option of using the pinhole projection method rather than using direct viewing.
A pinhole projector can be created with nothing more than two sheets of stiff white paper or card. One sheet would have a pinhole in the middle and the other held some distance away is the "screen" where you can safely see the projected image of the Sun.
This is totally safe - no ISO certification needed.
When the midwest/east coast family and friends start asking how we survive in the heat .. remember:
Boston / Dec. 16, 2016; Temp = 4 degrees (In Phoenix = 77 degrees)
Chicago / Dec. 19, 2016; Temp = -13 degrees (In Phoenix = 77 degrees)
--- we can do our time for 8 months of perfect weather.
source =
I'm sort of obsessed with watching the weather and its upcreep (see also: 1949's August temperatures) but until this year the "why" has been more of a mystery.
We are far hotter than most of our same latitude, with Death Valley eclipsing us a bit of course. Pretty interesting stuff.
The daily low temps are where it's at. Look at those 1949 lows in the 70s! Phoenix will never see those again. When you think about the people who lived here before a/c, it was pretty different.
We live in a country where you can fraud thousands of homeowners out of millions of dollars and not spend a moment in jail -- but get caught with some weed and you're fucked. Pot is just an excuse to harass, fine and imprison people who are generally poor, non-Caucasian males.
Police Unions & the abhorrent "jail as business" companies have cozied up to raise a big stink, and an even bigger cash outlay, into the anti-legalization movement. The Intercept & the Young Turks are two recent peices on what's going on.
It is the TV Tower Road.
That is the best link I can get for it but somewhere along there.
This is from the end of Lookout trail. In my opinion, a way prettier view than Tom's Thumb. So I am glad Tom's Thumb gets more traffic :)
Food Truck Friday happens every Friday from 11 - 1 at the Phoenix Public Market space in Phoenix. The grocery closed down, but they still continue the Farmer's Market and FTF.
Even if it is a bit of a trek from where you are, it's worth it one day for a long lunch. Even now in the height of summer they have about nine trucks there each week with everything from hot dogs to Filipino food to torched creme brulee and pies. There's a covered seating area with misters to keep it cool. If you're a fragile heat-flower, then make sure you hit it in the Fall.
And there are a ton of great food trucks operating around town. If you can't make Food Truck Friday, there is a whole calendar of other places to find them at the Phoenix Street Food Coalition.
you might also want to ask on /r/cscareerquestions
on the meanwhile, I'm not sure what your skill level is, but you might want to start personal projects that helps a lot to learn and also gives you something to talk about during interviews.
Or if you're still learning on the very basics and are just starting you might want to give a check to
Amazon Link:
Seems like a cool book, I usually like water baron themes, so I might check it out.
It’s already on iOS and Android, as stated in the article.
With the 50th anniversary of the moon landing coming up, I highly recommend the new JFK Moonshot app. It will launch a rocket in Augmented Reality and track it in real time as it makes its way to the moon exactly 50 years after the original Apollo 11 mission. There are also mini games if you want to launch a rocket before the official mission start and a few other cool tasks from the mission.
Yeah, I don't see any other option, VPN's can simply solve this. Best to look for a provider that's based outside 5 or 14 eyes (like Nord or Astrill) and has a kill-switch on their app. Try looking here
So, this is more like an outlier sort of thing, but a November like this has happened before. On Nov 24, 1950, it was 90 degrees.
I actually did a decade-by-decade comparison and found that things oscillate severely, but there's also a trend of things getting warmer and warmer. Nov 1960, for example, had highs in the 60s and low-to-mid 70s.
Also worth noting, 1950 was in the middle of a particularly strong La Niña event. In fact, they started tracking La Niña events after the one of 1949-1951 because of its effects on weather patterns.
[Not trying to gatekeep or whatever--I'm definitely a climate change believer, but somethings aren't necessarily out of place. Personally, I'm leaning toward current temperatures as being "normal" in the context of a La Niña event, but summer time temperatures over 115 are clearly sparse and historically abnormal, considering the same data]
Friend of Dave here. Here's the whole swack of information compiled from the facebook group where people are communicating about this:
The situation:
Things we know:
Things that have been tried:
Thanks to everyone getting the word out in the Phoenix area. Since Dave is from Vancouver BC, lots of us friends here are really worried, but also really limited in what we can do, being so far away.
there's a decent episode about that on an unsolved mystery type show that's on netflix.
if anyone is interested:
They have trails for all fitness levels. The spot I took this picture from is about as far into and as high as you can get in the park, an 8 mile loop in and back. I'd consider it moderate to difficult just due to distance. If you aren't crazy fit and you want to check out what White Tanks has to offer I would suggest the Waterfall Trail for a starter.
If you feel hopeless I'd suggest you read Roots to Power and also the Playbook for Progressives. As a conservative I found them a very interesting read on how to start grass roots movement. If you want to change anything you should start locally in your neighborhood. Then progress outward into your local community, city, county, then tackle the state.
Don't be afraid of reaching over the table and break political lines. After all, if the local lakes dry up.. Where will the conservatives have boating accidents? If they don't have boating accidents how can they lose all their guns? It's a win-win situation to keep the local lakes full.
303 Protectant is highly recommended in the car detailing community. It leaves a nice finish. Not shiny. I love it. Makes a good non shiny tire dressing too.
I've had this one for 2 years now, no problems. This is a slightly newer version that has no chrome
If you're going to get one somewhere other than amazon, just make sure you're getting the G1W-C/G1W-CB. The C means it has a capacitor instead of a battery; it does better in the heat, but only is powered when your car is running (unless you wire it in to an always-on fuse).
NB: I only park out in the sun when I'm not at home or work. I have had covered parking at home and at work the entire two years I've had the camera.
troublefreepool is a good resource for new pool owners. Start with the "ABCs."
A lot of those people at Leslie's are clueless. Buy yourself a nice testing kit on Amazon, test the water yourself, and go from there. The Taylor 2006 is the one I use, and it's more than enough to keep everything balanced.
If you follow their directions, you'll eventually get to the point where all you have to do is pour a bit of chlorine in 1-2 times per week, and adjust the pH as needed. Super easy.
Get an amplified antenna. Amazon sells these antennas for less than $30, here:
My standup. Best example of my style. I also did a rant putting up a shirt from the place I got fired from on ebay.
I'm not getting rid of a piano, but I do have some advice. You can setup a workflow in IFTTT that sends you a notification when there's a new Craigslist posting that meets your criteria.
Hole in the Rock has quite a good view of the sunsets although can get quite crowded.
Need Directions?
oh. Woops. In that case, you probably want a capture card of some sort then if you're looking to stream through your PC. I'm not sure on the xbox's output connections.
I've heard nothing but good things about costco. Last I knew, they don't even take insurance because the prices are already low.
Is it possible to have our Saturday Morning Ultimate game on the google calendar? We were on the recurring event page before the switch, and really appreciated the platform to reach new people. The info is at The games are every Saturday morning at Royal Palm Park (8405 N 15th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85021). We usually have 25-35 people in attendance. The events are free to attend and adults only.
Please let me know if I can provide any additional details.
Demand, demand from the power company. The one in question. And data; peak demand is after solar. Just look at the graph. Arizona is the same.
Edit; and the hottest part of the day is not noon, it's 4pm.
My goto is Westech Recyclers at Madison and 10th Ave near Downtown Phoenix.
Really shady neighborhood, but you can get surplus computers, monitors, networking stuff and peripherals and all the parts pretty cheaply. And they sometimes have high end stuff in 'the back'.
Alternatively, I'd get a Raspberry Pi and make a Retro Pie. My 10yr old son leveled up his nerd-cred by doing it all himself(with my guidance) and felt pretty accomplished when it powered up and he could play all those games.
According to some googling I've done, Gigablast is going to cost $99/mo. That's more than Google Fiber which runs around $80/mo. I still hope for Google Fiber coming here for the increased competition to help lower prices.
Also, I wouldn't lose hope just yet, as I found this closed job position posting from 22 days ago:
costco's 24 hour fitness deal is probably the cheapest for a full gym with multiple locations, pools, etc. $13.33 a month for a 2 yr pre-paid membership. these can also be purchased as gifts, so if you don't have a costco card but know someone who does, you can still get the deal. linky.
ARRIS SURFboard SB8200 DOCSIS 3.1 Gigabit Cable Modem
Have occasionally seen at GoodWill - but have read about used modem re-registration issues with Cox
(3 Google Wifi Pucks) Very stable 3 years running
If you go with the mister setup, Put one of these inline from the hose to help with the minerals. They are cheap and help.
I was introduced to gel deodorants because that's what they gave me in military basic training and it works really well so I still use it for work. Most are unscented I think. The brand I use is this one (mitchum)
Get the Powerline Adapters. I have used them for 5+ years and they work well. You will get better speeds than WiFi. Here is a starter pack on Amazon. Biggest thing to keep in mind is these need to be plugged directly into your outlets and on the same circuit panel. I have streamed 40GB Blu Ray rips over them to a Roku without issue.
While it's a DSL modem, it does look to have a gigabit WAN port and the ability to function in DSL mode or {some other mode}. The product description on Amazon shows me this:
>Gigabit Ethernet WAN / LAN Port C3000Z includes a dedicated Gigabit Ethernet WAN Port. When CPE is operating in DSL mode, this port will work as a 5th Gigabit LAN Port.
Note that the cable in his picture is plugged in near the top which is where that Gig WAN port is. The DSL port is at the bottom.
>You need to get a black light flashlight from Home Depot or Lowe’s
Negative, get a high powered one from Amazon
I went scorpion hunting with my neighbor who got one from HD, and mine could spot them from 15+ feet away.
Anyways, stay safe out there scorpion hunters!
Don't be too scared, it's not something you want to be breathing in like you wouldn't want to breathe in lots of flour or baking soda or anything either. They do sell Diatomaceous Earth in food grade however so it's certainly not inherently harmful if ingested. Some people eat it on purpose as a supplement.
use a simple IFTT "recipe" to auto alert you of any posts with keywords that might be used for a listing for your bike.
It has totally rained on July 4 before!
Don't think this closed any fireworks though
So, what do you really want to do?
What would you like to do?
What interests you?
You have a political science degree - City county government? Administration? Business administration?
I did a search on the Indeed job site. Here are quite a few pages of positions requesting a BA PoliSc - across the nation. These should provide you with some titles to look for locally.
Flights out to Madrid starting at 550 on Air Canada in August, flights on United starting Sept 16th for only $440! Can easily, pivot out of Madrid to other cities as well, or hop on a train.*MAD./m/0d35y.2018-09-24;c:USD;e:1;sd:1;t:f
For the most part people are quoting they love beer and music with a little dash of film ...
Well, I've drank a sixer of blue moon, this video has music ... and I made it... I made this roughly two years ago literally the day before my first son was born...
Enjoy everyone...
side note ... don't stalk me because of my sexy man beard... it's gone now... wish it wasn't though.
Even thought the term Haboob has been around since 1925 new terms in meteorology are coined quite often. Here's a sampling
I have no idea why this is a big deal to it whatever the hell you want. Just don't get pissy when the world around you is evolving while you're stuck in your old ways.
The trails around AZ Snowbowl and Lockett Meadow are awesome in mid summer. Near Sedona, a good alternative to Oak Creek and a really good dog friendly hike is in Sycamore Canyon. It follows water the whole way so you and your dog can cool off when you get hot.
South Mountain’s Hidden Valley trail is a good one! The White Tank Mountains are also beautiful around this time.
Will you only be in Phoenix? There are almost too many Remarkable hiking places in AZ. Like the others said, hike EARLY or at dusk (bring a light source for later trips). Hope you enjoy your stay!
Use the Waze app on your smartphone. It updates routes on the fly based on traffic, and is the single best tool you'll find for discovering the quickest route between two points in traffic.
I can guarantee you that the city in the image is NOT in the state of Arizona. There is no city in Arizona that is built around a set of lakes and mountains - with bridges across the lake(s) with snow. For snow, you would need to go to Northern Arizona. The only significant population center is Flagstaff - and it ain't Flagstaff.
Not Nevada - for that type/size of water would be the Lake Tahoe / Reno area - and it's not there either.
Look out to the horizon - this is a significant population center. This is in Europe some where. Switzerland, Northern Italy, Eastern France, South West Germany, etc.
Did a tineye reverse search. Here is the photographer....
Found this guy by my pool tonight.
Hope the link works
Already in for the night, but is where I made most of my friends when I made the move to AZ.
Shameless Plug: If you're a Millennial, I recently started this group - Millennials of Meetup
If you're an Android user, and maybe not much of a cartographer but still want to help map out your neighborhood, the StreetComplete has system where you answer simple questions about your area, and it's easy to do while going for a morning or evening walk.
Look and see if you have a 'Water n Ice' store close to you. They make their own.
For a few weeks I'm not sure it's worth it but....
I would give Natural Grocer's a call and see if they have it, and how much. Looks like you are on the East Side, and there is a Natural Grocer's in Chandler, and in Gilbert. We don't go there often, but we just got a small thing of lard there, and it is amazing to cook with.
edit: there's also some on amazon
> I don’t have a laser thermometer
I got mine cheaper a few years back, but this is your friend.
You need to get a VPN to safely download things with. I hit my data cap every month with Cox from downloading movies tv shows etc and never got any notices.
NordVPN is probably the best one and it’s cheap if you pay for 2 years at a time. But there are other options out there that are cheap and you can pay monthly
Hello again. May I request to have our Saturday Morning Ultimate game on the google calendar? We have been playing for almost six years. The info is at The games are 9 AM every Saturday morning at Royal Palm Park (8405 N 15th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85021). We usually have 25-35 people in attendance. The events are for all skill levels, free to attend, and adults only.
Please let me know if I can provide any additional details.
South Mountain Park/Preserve has a paved interpretation trail—it’s about a mile loop at the base of the mountain. Judith Tunell Interpretive Loop
I don't remember who we used - I've done hummers and ATV's. I'd check tripadvisor, it looks like there are some really highly rated groups on there and I seem to recall that is where we found ours (one of the top rated groups). The ATV's were the more fun option as you get to actually drive yourself.
Also, looking at some of the advice for hiking camelback: If you are doing echo canyon trail it's much harder to get parking as there is a designated lot, also I think that side is a more difficult hike that you have to climb up using your hands the whole way up. Cholla trail is the other side and it's just slightly easier (only have to use hands on the second half) and you park on the street; I've never had a problem with parking on that side, even at 10 am on a Saturday. But, especially if you go during the week, you will have zero problems - no need to go at 6 am!
I like both Camelback trails better than Squaw peak (piestewa peak), which is basically climbing stairs the whole way up. The best part about any of these three is you can do them in a couple of hours max and then go get a nice boozy brunch/lunch over in Scottsdale, they're really convenient.
Couple of other farther afield options - antelope canyon and horseshoebend canyon up near Page, AZ.
Couldn't find anything negative so you don't have to worry about it being a Dolphinaris situation.
Set the radar for "Composite reflectivity, 124 NMI range" in the pull-down tab. Press the play button to animate.
You'll see the storm clouds heading in, most often from the southeast or the southwest. Sometimes the heat island splits them and they just... evaporate before hitting the Valley. Rarely, they come from the west or northwest, and they can hit a little harder that way. But mostly from the south.
>No insurance plan can reject you, charge you more, or refuse to pay for essential health benefits for any condition you had before your coverage started.
Dave Crozier was a vice-mayor and council member in Gilbert for many years, and has worked at Palo Verde for a very long time. He might be a good person to ask.
You can look at the low temps for any date here. If you look at May in the 1940's you will see some lows into the 40's in Phoenix. In June and an occasional July you will see lows in the 50's although most July's were closer to 60's at night. This is when the people I'm mentioning were kids growing up here. 50's and 60's probably felt freezing to them like it does to many people here now. Using the same chart, you see a distinct rise in the summer low temps starting in the 1950's which is when Phoenix started it's big expansion. It rises each year from there. You also have to remember that there have been huge shifts in weather patterns over those years, so the weather here is markedly different now than it was then for many reasons, but it is obvious that the heat retention at night wasn't here until the big build out started.
Hello, I'm a bot! The movie you linked is called Argyle Park, here are some Trailers
That's a reasonable price. There's a Groupon for Taurus Moving at $180 that's for 3 men for 2.5 hours and extras like blankets, dollies, tools, disassembly and reassembly of furniture. Groupon link here if you're interested. I had a great experience with them last year and plan to use them again in the future.
This weather station on Wunderground has been wacky for a couple weeks at least. Said feels like -60 for a while. Only at -40 now.
There's a ton of hiking and mountain biking on South Mountain.[]=10162765
I live in Ahwatukee in large part because of the mountain.
I've been looking at lately, its free to sign up (you can pay for better features) it has a great filter system so you can look up trails of only easy difficulty, or of a certain length, etc... They also have an app.
I thought I remembered Gangplank in Chandler ( holding some classes, but can't find anything on it now.
When searching I came across Circle 6, but I see that /u/lesbox already mentioned them. Here's their Groupon, tho.
According to the National Weather Service, Phoenix has never hit 100 in November, going back to 1896. Last year (2013), Phoenix didn't even hit 100 in October. It was rather glorious. If we hit 90 this Saturday the 15th, it will be the earliest we have ever hit 90, breaking the old record by 9 days. A common misconception that bugs me to a moderate degree is that Phoenix sometimes does not drop below 100 degrees on summer nights. This is not true. There may be some days where it is still 100 degrees at midnight, but so far it has always dropped below 100 by the time the sun rises. The highest overnight low temp so far is 96 degrees. I have little doubt that a day will eventually arrive when the low is 100 or above, and when that happens, I'll be packing my bags the next day.
The Commons does accept some tiffs, but a high resolution jpeg is often preferred. I would upload a full resolution jpeg at 90+ quality. I image the resulting file would be <25MB. Large jpegs are usually problematic only if they are saved in progressive mode; use baseline mode instead.
If you're interested, here is the page on file types:
Do note that you will be licensing the image as "free content" :
Not to scare anyone, but remember that Valley Fever is a possibility from breathing in the dust here. If your illness hangs on or you end up with the listed symptoms, get checked ASAP. Symptoms and info:
It's not something to mess around with.
Not speaking to the name of the hotel but to the booking through a third party when you think there might be an issue is the quickest way to ensure that there's an issue. Always book directly through the hotel when you can. When you get to the counter, if there's an issue with your third-party booking or they can't find it, there's no way to rectify it other than dealing with I'm seeing now that there is no website and a third-party booking option is the only option.
I would call their front desk and ask them how they would recommend booking.
I was going to cancel my basic cable with Cox once they switched to all digital, but with the release of Playstation Vue, I'll likely cancel sooner. I don't want to have to pay rental fees for boxes to receive basic and those fees will likely increase in the future. Also, PS Vue is cheaper, has dvr functionality, tivo functionality, better picture quality, and no commitments.
Interesting. Based on this, it didn't even get much radio play
>At the insistence of his manager, the band recorded and released the song in March 2003 as the United States prepared for war. "I had the song, but I wasn't planning on putting it out," Clyne says. "Our manager, Peter Lubin, said, "If you have any backbone as an artist, you'll put it out now and take a stand with the way you feel. God bless him for making me do that and we did. We recorded it and put it out the day after as a free download on the Web site. We pressed singles for radio, but the climate in America was so volatile and so polarized about the war that no radio station would touch it. It got shunned all the way around.
like the others have said- try for groups- also if you went to school out of state join the local alumni group in Phoenix to network and make friends just google " UCLA alumni in Phoenix" or wherever u went to college . Also, strike up conversations at starbucks (people are generally friendly in Phoenix) or try a free dating app like coffee meets bagel or hinge. some other tips-
Just saw some devs posting about hating their jobs so I'd like to chime in and say that we're hiring over at
I'm currently a lead dev on so if that looks like something you'd be interested in working on hit us up :) is where I made most of my friends when I made the move to AZ.
Shameless Plug: If you're a Millennial, I recently started this group - Millennials of Meetup
I work at a Fry's Food and have never seen the drink in any of our stores. There are some you can buy on Amazon. A 6-pack of cans is $13.
I use this Netgear modem
NETGEAR Gigabit Cable Modem (32x8) DOCSIS 3.1 | For XFINITY by Comcast and Cox. Compatible with Gig-Speed from Xfinity (CM1000)
Paired with an Eero Pro mesh network