I saw a couple posts today from students who had issues staying organized, and were generally feeling lost after the first week. I can deeply empathize with this, so that's why I wanted to share my tools and strategies for keeping up with the influx of information that seem to be burying us.
Welcome to my productivity center: Notion. I've posted images of my "hub", which essentially acts my student homepage. Everything here is completely customizable - you pick and choose what goes where.
At the top, I have access to quick links that I frequently access. below that, I have a quick summary of extra-curricular events that I signed up for (linked to my google calendar). To the right, a weather widget and links to each of the courses I am taking this semester.
Below my weekly class schedule is my "master schedule" - a listing of every single assignment, lab, quiz, and exam I have this semester. I can sort class, due date, etc. I can even view it in calendar mode, so I can visually see what is coming up next.
I think half of the stress most of us experience is the worry that something is due soon, and trying to remember what it is. By dumping all the due dates into a list that is easy to digest, I essentially offload all that information so I can focus on actually doing work. Notion is free for students, and is but one of many productivity tools.
Edit: for those interested, here is the template I based mine off of: https://www.notion.so/Degree-Name-7155be3c3f234c1298577b183ba183f8
It's not so much about the hours.
Also those hours can often conflict with the schedules that people have if they have a tight schedule.
I highly recommend using http://www.ratemyprofessors.com. Having a great professor really makes a difference, you'll notice it in your grades as well. Good profs make the class interesting and they'll set you up for success. Crappy profs clearly don't want to be there an make class a living hell.
It's up now, atm.
According to CCS, a major network device failed since last night and they expect additional outages.
A good place to check if it's up is the great Is It Down Right Now? site.
If there's anything you need to get done, I would download it now while it's up - who knows if/when it will go down again.
Question though, hosting a website nowadays is dirt cheap and simple. The National Post runs on Wordpress and you can get a Wordpress business site for $25 a month or less. If you're technically experienced you can cut that down a lot more.
If funding was cut, what loss would there be? The obvious one is the loss of print newspaper... but what else?
There could be a chance that he was previously teaching in Quebec and that these are his reviews.
http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=2102543 http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=553327
Check the RateMyProf for them since they are fairly accurate if there are enough reviews.
I've taken PHL101, although not through Chang School. It was pretty interesting, you read the Republic by Plato and analyze it. You learn important allegories like the cave and the sun etc. Overall pretty easy, when I had it it was 2 essays and an exam. Sparknotes helped a lot.
Marketplace may have something. Depending on where you live, there are some offers that are really cheap as long as they’re under good quality. Unfortunately, there are only a few items listed at the moment, with one hoodie that’s available in Toronto here
Generally speaking you want an i5/ryzen 5 with 8-16gb of ram and a bunch of storage. Ideally 512gb+. Full Hd / 1080p is also pretty important.
If you'll be commuting and carrying it to campus i would go for something under 3 pounds / ~14" as well.
2nd year. There are some profs that are consistently going 10-20 minutes over lecture time. It's not a problem for me but I know that some students have back-to-back classes. Recorded lectures does help with this though.
Pros: no commute, available lecture recordings
Cons: TA/Lab engagement
Also, I've been using Notion to keep track of all my deadlines. It's been very helpful this semester. Someone posted their Notion page here and I gave it a shot. Highly recommend.
https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B084RGNDYJ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 found it, there ya go! :)
I took the course like 4 years ago now, so I don't know how bad it got since then. BUT: https://www.learn-c.org/ ^This is a good place to get your basics set up. You could also check out freecodecamp and go through their videos. In the end of the day, you need to understand how code works, not the syntax. You can learn syntax slowly, but you need to learn to think on how the code should function. The best way on this is to practice. https://www.hackerrank.com/dashboard ^This website has a lot of challenges you can try. Do this in your free time though
If you aren't into Astronomy at all, you will not enjoy PCS 181 and probably won't do well. The math isn't too bad as it can be formulated into algebra which should have been learned during high school.
POL 128 was pretty simple, however I had a different professor and the format was different (Two in-class test, take home final). Just watching the films would set you off to a decent grade, a little bit of thinking gets you an A. If you aren't into politics at all, you'll find yourself sleeping in class though. I've heard that Joesph Zboralski is much harder, however, through friends I've recommended the course to after I had taken it.
MUS 505 is a hit or miss class. I've had friends not do well in the course, but I just assume its because they didn't pay attention. Others got easy B+ and above.
GEO 605 is apparently really easy, but again not interesting unless you care about geography. I'm enrolled into this course this semester, with David Atkinson due to the ratings found on this site. http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=1177345
Added, it assumes you have taken high school French. Class goes in the past tense from what I remember. This gives you an idea about 70 percent if not more for the class:
lol, Google's "over". We can all rest easier now. Next, we can try switching to Hotmail for the duration of the Christmas holidays. ;-)
Seriously though, if you try logging directly into GMail with your Ryerson email address, Google will bounce you to a Ryerson sign-in page so you can log in with your Ryerson username and password. (i.e. Try logging straight into Google as "buttmax @ryerson.ca", or whatever, with password left blank.)
Well, all I'm saying is you may want to read up on what Critical Race Theory is in modern society. I recommend this book for your reading list. It's a little bit more expansive and scholarly on the topic than just pointing to a Wikipedia page over and over:
MTH 108 - Linear Algebra Third Edition - Kunquan Lan
MTH110: https://www.amazon.ca/Discrete-Mathematics-Applications-Susanna-Epp/dp/0495391328
MTH207 I dont remeber exactly just search in this subreddit I think someone will have its name.
^^Also never actually buy these textbooks off amazon or from the Ryerson bookstore. Search on kijiji or ask ppl in this subreddit. It'll save you tons of $. And one last thing, dont over study this summer. Have fun, relax. The next few semesters will be a lot so use this summer to have fun (as much as u can). Cheers.
what does the cover look like? I took ACC 406 2 years ago and have the solutions for the book but it may be a different one than what you are talking about.
This is the book i used: https://www.amazon.ca/Cornerstones-Managerial-Accounting-Maryanne-Mowen/dp/0176530886
>Link to the new curriculum here
Wrong link. This is the correct one. http://www.ryerson.ca/calendar/2015-2016/pg3622.html