Using a card that you can control every transaction is a good idea! I use (yes this is a referral link which gives me and you $5.00)
You can look privacy up online and check them out but I use them for anything with a subscription because it allows you to set transaction limits, set cards to one time use or just pause and start them as needed. They work just the same as any card for purchases online.
Thanks Penny.
I use RES, so I didn't see the rest of your info. It just says "30-60 fps"
I don't know if you use RES, but I can't live without it. I know a lot of people use it, so you dont have to click every link.
Where can I find this sim? I played FO4 a lot, and am really curious to see it in SL.
I watched the show and live plurked it all at this link. Dr. Phil didn’t say anything negative about gaming, virtual worlds or Second Life. He just said that it’s the ‘abuse’ not the ‘use’ of gaming that is dangerous. He also had some other gamers on after Ebbe that talked about how they have full, successful real lives but still balance a healthy gaming lifestyle along with their real lives.
Create a debit card using for Second Life only (it pulls from your normal checking). Set a monthly spending limit. The card will cut you off when you reach the limit. Yes, you could override it, but that's true of anything.
Easy: My strategy is to get a job in real life then use my credit card to convert the odd $20 every once in a while.
Hard: Another strategy would be to learn how to use a 3D modelling tool like Blender, learn Linden's scripting language and create mesh avatars, clothes and furniture to sell in game.
Go here,, and get iexplore.exe
Run it, it wll try and beat down anything that's cloaked.
Then run Malwarebytes, a CUSTOM SCAN that looks for rootkits.
I'd also get SuperAntiSpyware,, and run the most powerful scan it will do.
SuperAnti is pretty badass but it's branding and spazzing out over cookies make it seem dumb.
I'd also check Control Panel > Internet Options > Connections > Lan Settings and make sure it's set to default with not web addresses in any fields.
so in conclusion, performance not only varies by driver version, but also by driver version and card model. i fiond it surprising that a newe driver works for you better even though your card is older than mine. that's a significant discovery.
Also, if you want to install different driver versions in the future, but don't want to bother with the downloads from the nvidia website, use this PPA:
Thanks, been looking for something like this a while :)
Also .. Gyazo, ewwwww.
ShareX, open source, uploads to imgur, middle mouse on tray icon to capture an area, takes a bit of setting up, lots of options and stuff -
If you have already updated the hands after purchasing the body, then wear the XS size of the hands. As you can see on the HUD (pictured here: ), it says near the top to wear that size and that's the one that fits properly with no gaps.
Just out of curiosity, is there any particular place where materials unique to Second Life are archived? I'm placing this query here so that it will wind up in Google; this can be a doorway both to the Library of Congress and to Second Life as well.
Hi! I am very much NOT knowledgeable about computers myself, but I can steer you in the right direction :) My brother works in IT, so I asked him for help in getting my last computer. From doing that, I found out that while your graphics card matters, it's not the main thing for SL. Tons of textures have to download. My brother was actually not the best bet in getting SL to work since he was basing his knowledge on...whatever you base it on for regular gaming.
I asked a friend in SL about computers & bought a new laptop recently. I told him to just give me a link for one hah (don't make me learn the specs!). So I don't 100% know why this is a great computer for SL (I think the RAM is a huge thing), but if you can gain any insights from the specs of this link...this laptop works great. But a desktop computer would be better for running more than one instance of SL I'm sure, it might start to heat up.
Hope that somewhat helps :)
Not overly versed in macs myself but looking at the specs and given the fact that you want to future proof a bit the m1 max seems to me that it'll have more longevity... but the real thing that would make me decide is the price. Alternatively, if you aren't married to Mac I'm seeing quite respectable pc laptops such as this for what I imagine Macbooks are running price wise. Honestly, at the end of the day it really comes down to what you're comfortable spending.
If you search laptops for 3060 .. you will find similar price laptops that will run it better .. or 3070 ..
This is a couple hundred more .. but night and day better.
It really depends on wheather the sytem has a decent GPU. You may be able to get firestorm installed but my guess would be its not gonna run very smoothly. Look in to Shadowtech. This is a virtual machine service you can run pc games at the highest quality without using your own hardware. It may not be available where you are but its worth a look. Good luck.
Really glad to see this after the comments made by Philip Rosedale. I always take it a little personally when people glibly say 'SL is dead' because it is not as far as I'm concerned. Here's the interview with Philip -
if you are building things with zbrush theres almost no reason to learn blender as far as photoshop if you want to do texturing any free/open source digital painting program is sufficient in producing textures for sl only if you want to buy/learn on photoshop should you do it but just about anything you learn on another paint program will be translatable to photoshop later
Mixxx is good, and free. SAM is ridiculously overpriced.
That being said, please, dear God, the last thing SL needs is another bad DJ. Software, tips, training, those are all things that are surmountable. But, if you're asking for songs? Just don't. If you don't know what you want to be playing, you have no business being a DJ.
I have not tried this but read about it a couple of weeks ago.
The website says: "Whether it’s for playing the most demanding titles or just an improvised Battle Royale, your Shadow brings you the performance you can expect from a high-end machine. Experience gaming at max settings with an optimal image quality and framerate. And the best part is... Shadow offers you an entire PC, not restricted access to a library of titles. So you can install and play all your games, exactly the way you want."
Also,it says " You can access your Shadow on any device. Transform your laptop or Mac into a high-end PC, run the latest games on your smartphone, or use Android TV as a supercharged console."
Perhaps someone who has actually tired this can chime in.
You might want to try Radegast. It's primarily a text-only viewer, but there's a 3D view mode that's reasonably good. Your experience will be different than average SL, but could be reasonable for what you need to do.
This is probably the cheapest that would run fine with SL. Amazon
The maker of Lumiya hasn't been seen inworld in ages, and friends of hers have expressed concern. It's been pulled from the Google Play store.. I think it's safe to say 'it's over' at this point.
I do have an APK that I wrenched out of one of my old phones, but I can't distribute it for the same reasons we can't allow copybot related threads here. She charged for it, so sharing it without paying her seems wrong to me.
All I can say is check your old android devices and perhaps you can pack it up as an apk and transfer it to your new device using something like APK Extractor
Sorry to hear that... Amazon has some pretty powerful renewed laptops in that price range: One example I've found:
The only other option is mobile grid client
But it sucks because it has a 250L$ monthly fee to use it after a free 14 day trial. Still it's basically all there is now. There is a 17" model for a bit more money.
Got mine from amazon for 1000$ USD (Google says thats 860 Euro?) As long as u run sl with the nvidia gpu(adding a exe to the auto start list) it will run like a dream.
As a heads up Second life hardware wise the CPU is most important, then ram, then gpu.
Since sl can only use 1 cpu core the better the cpu that can do single threaded tasks the better, the gpu is mainly used for shadows, shaders, and a few other settings.
Thanks for posting the link to the podcast, looks interesting and can't wait to give it a listen. You might enjoy Hugh Howey's story The Plagiarist which deals with the death of a virtual world. Well worth the $0.99!
It was this and graphic settings are default. It's probably a pretty low frame rate(20-30 maybe) but it's OK when I'm in my linden home.
There's also a client for android devices.
Really excellent article.
I've found teamviewer to be a viable way to access sl (running on my desktop computer) from my android tablet, though obviously the experience has it's issues, mostly in terms of remote movement controls... but for continuing a conversation while going to the kitchen to prepare dinner, it's adequate.
As for a native app that allows one to log into sl from a mobile device, <strong><em>Lumiya</em></strong> provides a fairly usable experience in terms of answering ims and basic money and inventory transactions. The experience is similar to the 'text mostly' presentation in the Radegast viewer, though Lumiya's 3D view is considerably more polished. And unlike SLGO, Lumiya is only a one-time fee to purchase the app... a modest $2.99.
Doing a search of the google play market for 'second life' shows that there are a few new contenders on the block as well. <strong><em>Mobile Grid Client</em></strong> looks promising with it's text-only approach, a free app with a L $250/month usage fee. Typical of me though, I'd be wary giving my SL login info to 'just any' app on the app marketplace.