It's one of my favorites too! I love taking extra packets and using them on breakfast egg sandwiches the next day. Just so you know, you can get full size bottles on Amazon.
Side note: No one should be downvoted for enjoying what they like. If you disagree with an opinion, just leave it as is, you're not obligated to vote on everything.
This stuff is great. Also yesterday I was eating some Torchbearer Zombie Apocalypse and realized it has 0mg sodium per serving.
You can get these easily here in the US. I buy these all the time!
If you're interested in spicy honey, I have an unsolicited recommendation: Mike's Hot Honey.
If you live in the NYC area, you can find it at Whole Foods. I first had the stuff on a pizza, immediately fell in love and have been buying it since.
Round these parts we use Bell Jars, partner. They are mighty fine at picklin'.
afaik, amazon or ebay is the only option. I ordered three bottles for myself because i love the shit they give you with the ramen noodles. Couldn't find any in the Asian supermarkets so I guess they haven't shipped it over
Thanks for this, but holy hell, Don Chilio sure is proud of those things! $15 on their website and $13 at Amazon. Trader Joe's price was less than $4/jar!
I already made another comment further up the thread but you should try this on buttered popcorn:
It’s Frank’s Red Hot sauce in dry powder form.
Amazon carries them, and the price isn’t really that bad at $1.30/pack. They’re about the same at my local grocery store.
Samyang Hek Buldak Extra Spicy Roasted Chicken Ramen Nuclear Edition 10 Pack
I set this survey up so we can find out if we're weird or not: ~~
EDIT: SurveyMonkey maxed out on the free survey at 100 peeps. Results here:
I prefer this one Tabasco Scorpion Hot Sauce - SERIOUSLY SCORCHIN' HOT! Hottest Pepper Sauce by TABASCO. 64 Ounces/Half Gallon
I'm not too sure honestly. I ordered it from Amazon.
You could buy some habanero or ghost powder off amazon and add that to the secret aardvark sauce or any other sauce to make them hotter. Just a different thought... I might do this to the bottle of aardvark I just bought.
But if you want some HOT hot sauce that tastes great too, I like this... Heartbreaking Dawns Cauterizer
Many times I put my bottle of TJ's ghost pepper flakes (or one that I've refilled) in my pocket. I also will bring my own pequin sambal to Asian places along with some top shelf fish sauce. Dave's scorpion has been known to follow me to wing places too.
I've actually been wanting to buy this from Amazon for ease of convenience.
I hope the following links will help you.
The germination test trick below is neat!
As someone who eats a ton of indian food I actually don't really like the flavor of vindaloo (too vinegary and not a fan of the potatoes).
I usualy just get a tikka masala and mix in chili powder home:
Picked up on this trick as a kid as that's what my favorite indian restaurant always did as a kid. You can tell its really spicy if it's dark red / purple. The bright red is just food coloring.
I LOVE Mama Sauce!! Sadly the local Fiesta doesn't carry it so I have to make the drive to Chinatown every once in a while. Worth it, though. If anybody wants to try it, they can get it on Amazon.
I wanted to give this the benefit of the doubt thinking it might be tomatillo based, but it's actually just full of artificial colorings.
For something actually obtainable, my hands-down favorite is: Paqui Tortilla Chips - Haunted Ghost Pepper
Only seen them at two different B&M shops in my metro area, both nearly an hour from work or home, so I order on amazon to get my fix. Also, about a year ago I ran across some fantastic scorpion kettle chips about at a local farmer's market, but sadly I haven't been able to find them since.
There's really no such thing as a "traditional sichuan sauce" in the sense of a hot sauce since that's not how sichuan peppercorns are typically used in traditional Sichuan cooking. Typically, the peppercorns would be fried in the cooking oil to infuse the flavor and numbing qualities and then the peppercorns would be removed from the oil (though you can find instances that call for them being left in).
You're going to want to stick to cookbooks and/or YouTube (though I've found it can be difficult to find a variety of Sichuan chefs on YouTube). /u/HaggarShoes mentioned Fushia Dunlop, here's a great book of her's on Amazon:
Great Story on the original Sriracha. It is named after a small village in Thailand, Si Racha, so cannot be trademarked. The other brands are hoping to confuse the consumer and cash in on the original.
I like this app because it gives a couple options as to what it could be with pictures and descriptions so you can better decide for yourself
This looks good! I buy a similar snack but with the addition of peanuts from my local Asian grocery store- Magic Chili. The price on Amazon is WAY high, I get it for around $6/bag. Not really hot but easy to eat a whole bag at one sitting if not careful!
FYI: Frito is actually Frito-Lays so in addition to Cheetos you'll also have to avoid all the Fritos and Lays snacks. They also own Ruffles, Doritos, Tostitos, Miss Vickie's, Sun Chips and probably some others.
Oh and Frito-Lays is owned by PepsiCo so you'll also have to avoid buying all the Pepsi products, Gatorade, Vitamin Water, Tropicana, Lipton Teas, Aunt Jemima, Minute Maid, Quaker foods and snacks, Aquafina, Walkers chips, a boatload of energy drinks, any bottled Starbucks beverages, and of course they are partnered with other brands like KFC, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut.
With all that being said, Planters has Blazin' Hot Cheeze Balls and several of the hot sauce companies make spicy snacks as well.
The "Shin Black" one is OK. I agree with other people on that it's not really that spicy.
This one on the other hand (the original "Shin Spicy Ramen") will always be favorite (from the same company):
I love to eat that one plain without anything else in it. It's the best!
Pepper processing is all about the PPE, lol. I use a NIOSH half facepiece silicone respirator like this one, and nitrile gloves, and nobody else in the kitchen while I'm doing it, or for preference just do it outside. Also, a spice/coffee grinder has less "airspace" for particulates to loft out than a blender does.
Thanks :)
My stomach was acting up pretty bad about an hour ago. For a moment i thought I was going to vomit. Believe me ... vomiting is the absolute worst.
I'd highly recommend eating something like raisin bran to help push the capsaicin through your system faster.
If you're even a little bit constipated it will just sit in your stomach and intestines and it's no good. I don't know if it's the stomach acid going nuts or the capsaicin or both.
Basically I find that when I eat something beyond my tolerance level and I find it punishing like those youtube videos.. that a few days after I've recovered my tolerance is way higher.
I got this and it's pretty damn hot.
I poured a bunch of it on some of my food and it kicked my ass. I had my SO have a little bit on a toothpick and that was enough to get me in trouble. (and she has a higher tolerance than most people)
Now I can deal with that stuff really well. I can even handle a good amount of the Cajohn's nothing beyond which I also got off of amazon.
In order to get to my next level I'd like to get some sauce in the 4 million range. I'd really like to work up to something like the source, but it's really expensive and frankly it's a bit intimidating.
Yes!! I had also tried it for the first time about a year ago and looked for it on Amazon with no luck. I decided to try again recently on a whim and found this:
I stick with the standard habanero one only because the others have way too much sodium. That's my only gripe with their sauces. 105mg per teaspoon then if you go up to the next level of heat it's 210mg. Some of the hottest ones have 410mg which is just insane.
You can get a couple 10oz bottles off Amazon for a decent price, provided you hit the $25 order amount for free shipping. I think the 5oz bottles are around $4 in stores so it's about the same as getting them locally.
Oh and if you can find it, their green sauce with prickly pear is very nice too.
Agree with using reaper powder, but this is way more for your money. Amazon lists it as 1.5 oz but it’s actually two and is very hot and very versatile. Just be careful, it is super fine (do not try to smell it).
I've made this one.
It's not really that hot but it tastes pretty damm good. I used apple vinegar for the vinegar. It's worth trying out if you enjoy a smokey chipotle pepper taste!
I used clear shipping labels. I designed the labels in one of the downloadable templates from Avery and printed them on my little printer at home.
Although they looked nice during application, I would advise against getting the clear ones. The frosted/opaque coating is susceptible to water and too much exposure to water will take the coating right off along with your ink. Much to my disappointment, I discovered this while rinsing off the outside of the bottle at a friends house. Before I knew it the ink was gone, the label was completely clear, and they were left with a blank bottle of sauce. While I wouldn't recommend that specific product, there are many other options out there, many of which you should be able to download templates for.
I have a younger son that I'm going to make a hot sauce for sometime this week to burn though some of the cayennes I have. I'm going to substitute the habanero for the cayennes and see how this goes. I've already eaten one full bottle of the Burnt Wiskers. So so good.
I thought the same at first, but looking up other isms it seems noun is correct since it is a "thing." Similarly, foodomasochistic would be the adjective form I suppose.
I simply made this recipe and added the hot peppers after blanching them to soften them up. I diced them really fine and added them when I put the strawberries in the pot. Unfortunately I didn't add as many peppers as I should have (I was kind of winging it) and it isn't as spicy as I'd have liked.
The hot sauces, however, are GREAT! :)
Yes - it's a video game. They just released a new version too - very popular. Big company. Same name/same logo.
As this person is in another country, I figured it was worth mentioning that if they decide to import it, part of that process should be to create original branding to avoid legal issues. It is what it is. No slight intended to the OP.
Jalapeños, strawberries and black pepper. Insane combo! Eat it quick though, as you know fruit salsas get watery after about an hour. Here is the recipe. For you guys here in this sub I would do 2 or 3+ whole jalapeños instead of just the one.
Here is the journal article if anyone wants to do more reading. :)
I got this from a store where I live, but you can find it here on Amazon for about $21, still a great deal! Just cross your fingers that the bottle doesn't break during shipping. The plastic is kind of thin.
This isn't exactly what you're after, but if you feel like juicing them up with a bit of extra flavor, this stuff is pretty good:
Tasted on its own, it resembles a chicken bouillon cube dissolved in chili oil. In the broth, it's pretty much just a spicy liquid flavor packet.
Inglehoffer by Beaverton Foods, based in Oregon (US.) It’s available in my local grocery stores, or you can find it online pretty easily. Very tasty stuff, easily my favorite mustard.
Suggested is Sichuan chili flakes for authenticity. I prefer Gochugaru. I've also found that the flakes themselves tend to be pretty mild overall - either that, or the capsaicin gets completely blitzed by the sizzling hot oil. After the mixture has stopped sizzling, I add in additional dried flakes from a hot pepper for 'heat kick'. I tend to use dried (not smoked) ghost.
Id suggest a mango habanero salsa but I'd also recommend making it, not buying . Also, this site has a ghost pepper blueberry hot sauce that I'm gonna order, it's just not chunky
They're on Amazon, so I might order them! They look tasty. $7.95 + $5.20 shipping is a little steep though so I'll have to see if I can find them locally or something.
I got the blank labels off Amazon. From there you can download a template and print them out however you want them. I've used these labels for everything. And they fit really well over the tops of mason jars.
You're just normal, unlike me :P I have no idea why I inflict pain upon myself like this LOL
Didn't actually show the dried pepper, so I'll just link the ones I bought from Amazon a while ago:
I tried Pappy's Hottest Ride in Town BBQ sauce on my sub at Firehouse and really liked the flavor and the heat.
It's a bit spendy at $12 but the reviews are great and match my thoughts. With that said amazon reviews aren't what they were 10 years ago but at least many show verified purchases.
Since we're on the topic, while shopping on amazon for sauces and what not I stumbled across this marinade which is definitely cheaper if you can find it in stores but people are raving about it on there...I have not personally tried it but saw it on my wishlist next to pappy's
Famous Dave's Devi's Spit is always a treat for me as well.
Be careful going this route.
Walmart and large suppliers like Amazon are known to partner with/get their seed supply from sketchy suppliers. Here's an example in the reviews. One customer claims that they got Ancho peppers instead of Bhut Jolokia peppers. When I started growing pepper plants 3-years ago, I bought what was labeled a Bhut Jolokia, and 3 months later, after growing the plant from seedling to harvest, I realized that the peppers were Habanero. Even as a seedling, it's hard to distinguish a Habanero from a super-hot like a Bhut Jolokia or Carolina Reaper.
It's an ingenious business. Most people buying these plants can't tell the difference between a Bhut Jolokia and Habanero pepper, because most people have never eaten them or even seen them for that matter. On top of that, it takes about 2-3 months for the seedling to grow, and 5 months for a seed to grow, so it's very hard to go back to the supplier asking for a refund.
I know you primarily mentioned chicken and some beef, but I love to make carne adovada, a favorite New Mexican dish made with pork, ground red chiles, cumin, and other spices. I just chuck a ~2-3lb pork butt into the cooker add the adovada mix, water and set n forget. Once it's cooked, you can shred with a fork, microwave some tortillas and make some tacos... I like to throw some fresh sliced serranos or other peppers on top. Super duper easy and quite inexpensive. One piece of advice: pork butt can be fatty and thus make a lot of grease (which I don't mind, just can make the tacos a bit messy unless you tuck in the bottom of tortilla), so you can trim or get another more lean cut.
You can make your own adovada mix, but I like to use this from Amazon. I will usually buy a few packs a couple times a year whenever I visit family in Albuquerque. The Amazon deal is actually cheaper... orders more online
One of my favorite slow cooker meals.
Another thought: You could slow cook some corned beef that you buy prepackaged and throw in some new potatoes, carrots, and celery towards the end. May take more time for the root veggies though before lunchtime.
Yup. What gets me is that according to the list I threw into my edit Flying Tiger (made by the same company who makes Three Crabs) uses the same ingredient list, so results may vary.
Really though, Red Boat is where it's at, no questions asked. It sounds like you'd be in heaven if you can get your hands on a bottle of Blis though. Found it on Amazon but I don't know if I'm ready to pay $26.00 for 200ml of fish sauce, lol.
The reaper and the scorpion sauce one are some of my favorites! You should try this out, it's a new favorite and only $10 on Amazon!
Pain Is Good Hot Sauce, Reaper Acha, 3.5 Ounce
You can buy the variety pack on Amazon for like $20, definitely worth it. worth every penny
The only place I know to get it is Amazon. I think the best deal there is for about $11 you can get a 2 oz shaker:
They've shipped promptly each time I've ordered it, so delivery was pretty quick.
I love this stuff... Reaper mash. Super spicy, should last you awhile. Prime shipping from Amazon for ~$15. Gotta refrigerate after opening, though. It does still retain the essence of a fresh pepper vs more smoky dried peppers and will last at least a year. That's how long my last jar lasted me and I've got a new one to crack open! Granted, I eat other hot sauces, etc.
Its good, not too hot, medium level I guess. I never bought it because its like $8 a bottle on amazon. So i was happy to get it in a subscription box. Now that I've tried it, when I run out I think I will get the combo pack on amazon with all their flavors.
Secret Aardvark Combo 3-Pack, 8 fl oz
Surprised no one mentioned curry. Very good flavor decent heat. They are the gold package next to the punk carbo some others mentioned and they are both available on amazonSamyang curry stir fry noodles
I use a Hario Ceramic Coffee Mill. It’s a fair bit of work and sometimes takes a few grinds, but I can get it to a really fine powder. The grinder also totally disassembles so it’s easy to clean if I need it for any non-spicy uses.
I think there’s a set of 4 on Amazon that have different icons on them, and each is a different color. You can just dedicate one to be your hots/superhots liner, as long as you remember which one that is.
Edit: Found them! Here ya go: (non-affiliate link)
Ordered it off amazon! Mike’s Hot Honey - Extra Hot, 10 oz Easy Pour Bottle (1 Pack), Hot Honey with an Extra Kick, Sweetness & Heat, 100% Pure Honey, Shelf-Stable, Gluten-Free & Paleo-Friendly
Sorry dunno how to embed link in text.
Powdered peppers like Carolina Reaper, Ghost Pepper, Scorpion etc. I have the same problem and we have so many in the fridge but powdered peppers just go in the cabinet! Also, dried peppers is another one that doesn’t need refrigeration. There’s also things like super spicy nuts, spicy chips, spicy chocolate etc.
Edit: I like this one a lot.
to the left of the drum are propane torches aimed towards the drum. Seen in the second photo of this Amazon item. Flaming as seen here
Turns out I read the listing wrong and amazon don't actually sell the ghost one, I was looking at the Naga Jolokia one (didn't realise they were different).
Amazon sucks for hot sauces. I usually use Chilli Bugs but have never thought to look in Tk Maxx before.
I have tried a couple hundred different sauces, and this is by far my favorite.
It has some heat, not a lot. But the flavor is out of this world.
so i got that ultratex 8 and used it to slightly thicken 6oz of hatch sauce.
i poured the contents of full woozy in a SS bowl while stirring, sifted the UT in and stirred for about a minute.
i ended up using 2 tsp of UT8. i let it sit out for 30 min and strained, then back to bottle. could def tell it was slightly thickened.
prob could have used another tsp. this morning there was some very slight separation with clear liquid on top.
i used the sauce at lunch and did not notice any change in sauce color, flavor or mouth feel.
it dashed out of the woozy much better too and spread nicely on a tortilla shell.
im going to use it to add some body to about 3.25 cups of jalapeno/poblano sauce i made on sunday morning. ill use a blender to vortex the sauce while adding the UT8.
it seems pricey, but this stuff can be used for variety of apps.
The Habanero Bone Suckin' Sauce is delicious and spicy. I bought a bottle a local store for $8, good price. Amazon seems a little high for a 5oz bottle.
I just bought some of these bottles from Amazon. If you have Prime they are much cheaper after you factor in shipping. These also come with the dripper insert for when you feel like making a thinner sauce.
I can find them in local Wal-Marts.
Mrs. Dash Extra Spicy. Mrs Dash stuff is all made without salt. Decent heat level but good taste for all kinds of dishes. I use it and table blend on steaks, pizza, pasta, soba, you name it. Mix them with whatever hab powder you are getting and they would be great. You can find both of these (and for much cheaper $3) in just about any major grocer I have been to in the midwest. The Original blend has a better reviews than the table blend but I have personally never tried it. Both have complaints that they have too much black pepper, but I use additional coarse ground black pepper on everything so I don't know what to say about that.
well, I personally make jelly. but weird things eh?
chili based energy drink from austria
Spicy chocolate pretty much everywhere.
there is a chili flavored ramune drink
Definitely check out some spicy Indian snacks. While not weird per se, definitely not in the mainstream except mainly for Indians.
Check out some of these:
I personally love this jamaican style spicy mustard. Fair warning though, it has a much thinner consistency than your standard style mustard.
I really liked this kit, although the price has gone up since I first bought it. Great verity in heat and flavor!
Hottest I've had is "The Source" which is 7.1 Scovilles.
You can watch people on youtube puke from it. I dont remember which one is the good videos but all show a good indicator of the pain involved.
So when you try it get it on video!!!
I ordered it on amazon. I didn't even know reaper flakes existed. Amazon was the first link i clicked when i looked on google. Reaper Flakes
My recent batch of fermented hot sauce. After a little over a month, I blended up one of the 1/2 gallon batches of peppers I have going. This one was a 5% brine with 4 carrots, 1.5 pounds of habaneros and 3 garlic cloves. I'm really enjoying the initial taste and loving the color.
Below are a few more pictures of the process. What a difference a month makes.
Here's the thing: if you want to spend $50+ on hot sauces and spicy foods, you may be better off investing in some ingredients to make everything you cook spicy.
Go to your local supermarket and buy some jalapenos, habaneros, and serranos. If you have an international supermarket nearby, you can often find ghost peppers, reapers, and other various hot peppers.
You can buy a dehydrator for about $30, or way cheaper if you find one at a thrift store.
Buy some empty seasoning bottles, or reuse the empty ones you already have.
Buy a mortar and pestle or one of those cheap personal blenders
From here, you can make your own chili flakes of varying degrees of hot, or even make your own dry pepper blends.
On my seasoning rack I have a jars of regular crushed red pepper, jars of ghost pepper flakes, Thai chili flakes, habanero flakes, and jalapeno flakes. If I want to make a dish incredibly spicy, I can do that without using any vinegar-based sauces or concentrates.
On a similar note, you can make your own sauces as well if that's what you prefer. In the end, learning how to spice your own food & create your own sauces is not only a more personally rewarding experience, but you won't have to spend $10 on a few ounces of someone else's hot sauce every few months.
I tried those, they were fine, hard to screw up a pork rind though honestly. I do really like the Slim Jim ones, they aren't super spicy, but they have a really good flavor, can find them pretty much everywhere Slim Jim Pork Rinds Squealin' Hot Fried Snacks, Keto Friendly, 2 oz. Bag 12-Count
Get a bottle of this shit.
It's a capsaicin extract and I add it to stuff i want to add heat to, but not upset the flavor much. By itself it's mind numbingly hot (to me at least.)
unfortunately this flavor is out of stock but the other flavor they have is on amazon and just as good sassy sauce
Seems like there’s a lot of people who run thru the Scorpion Sauce pretty quick… check this out 😛🔥
They are pretty spicy, but they are delicious! I keep a bag at work on my desk. I can only eat a few at a time though or else my guy will fight back.
If you like those, I recommend the Carolina Reaper corn nuts from the same company. I actually enjoy them way more than the peanuts.
The second option is $48 and 1 week delivery. Not sure if I linked that correctly, let me know if that works
Didn't have any Thai Chilies on hand, so made the rough garlic-chili paste that is the base of this delicious stir fry with four red jalapenos. Nice level of spicyness together with this Holy Basil Chili paste (this dish typically uses Holy Basil instead of Thai Basil).
They are priced around same in US from amazon
I'm from UK and i buy them from amazon i think they are worth it £1.20 ain't that much for a great product. (yeah you have to buy bulk but its only place i seen them)
I think you’d get good recommendations over at r/hotsauce. My favorite sauces for ramen that I have in my fridge right now are this Adobo Loco one and this Woodstock Scorpion Pepper. Both are not sweet, clean vinegary flavor profiles that go well with ramen IMO. Heat-wise they’re not melting your face off but much hotter than something like Tabasco.
Ottogi Chinese Wide Vermicelli Glass Noodles
i found them at 2 different Korean markets and they were $4.99 at both places!
I... may be a bit bias (if the quantity doesn't give it away), but as an American that's been living in Sweden for over 7 years with an immensely small local selection of sauces to try/buy, they're some of the best I've had. The heat is there, but the flavor is also unbelievable. The red packs a good punch without being too much.
I'd definitely urge anyone not sure about it to buy a ramen pack (though the tteokbokki is killer, but I love tteokbokki and may also be bias) so you can try just a small sample of it. It's good in everything. I don't have many meals that go without it.
More of a pure chili paste than a sauce, but if you're looking to go hotter, this might be up your alley.
Its the same brand they just call it the Laredo kind
I've had all of them and this one has the best flavor to me, no heat really. I just add my own peppers, sour cream, onions, cheese and its danm good for the price.
Obviously there is a good bit of variance in the heat of a habanero, but I have this reaper powder and I find it to be perfectly manageable as well if I only lightly dust things with it. But by equal weight, that stuff would kill me compared to a habanero.
It's a big step up in heat, but Trader Joes sells smoked ghost pepper flakes. Of course it has a bit of smokey flavor, but it's subtle and compliments most dishes imo.
I used to work at a hot sauce specialty store, and we sold Frostbite: capsaicin crystals suspended in vinegar. We were told it was tasteless but I can't vouch for that personally. Its demographic was mostly pranksters.
I use Yathini Ghost Pepper Flakes on practically everything I eat. Great heat and great flavor but not overpowering at all. Also at a reasonable price compared to other products and brands. All I can say though is careful not to aerate it too much. This stuff will make you cough up a storm.
I did!
I have not tried it on popcorn, but I put it in hummus and other snacks. I put it on fresh pineapple and OMG SO GOOD lol.
At this point, I am putting it on almost everything.\_=cm\_sw\_r\_cp\_ud\_dp\_SPPQBKK6DBF4XDNJAK90
I routinely take some oil, put maybe 15 or 20 of these in a Magic Bullet to turn them into powder, then mix the oil and powder in a heated pan and cook at medium-low heat for about 2 or 3 minutes.
Then I toss in the take-out Thai food into the pan with the oil and peppers and mix/combine thoroughly.
I have given up on people giving me what I need.
It's a strainer for cold brew tea but it does a great job of keeping peppers submerged too.
Hario Mizudashi Cold Brew Teapot Cold Brew Tea Maker 1000mL, Dark Green
Maybe Lao Gan Ma Spicy Chili Crisp is something for you. the same kind of product, but with Chilies typical for China. Should be available in every larger asian supermarket selling chinese goods (it is available in all of them in Germany...)