I went down this path, and while it was ok I didn't think it handled weird resolutions well, and I wanted something kind of specific with Google Calendar that wasn't trivial to pull off. I ended up going with https://dakboard.com/ which has a nice web portal to manage it, and even has a raspbian image with the software preloaded.
https://dakboard.com - I started DAKboard several years ago as a tiny side project for myself. It was basically a digital photo frame with a calendar. DAKboard is now a fully customizable digital signage platform for home and business use, and we continue to grow and remain profitable.
Have a look at something like DAKboard, should be able to link it to an Office 365 calender
Edit: A cheap option as an alternative to Apple TV or Chromecast is a Raspberry Pi, this isn't an intensive task so even a Zero might get you there. Or if it's a Smart TV it probably has a built in web browser to navigate to DAKboard
If you're having trouble with the software side of things, take a look at https://dakboard.com. It works great for a magic mirror, just set the photo source to "None" and it will give you the black background needed. There's DIY instructions here: https://dakboard.com/blog/diy-wall-display.
You may want to look into building a Magic Mirror. You could integrate some Grafana graphs into an iFrame or something via html/css.
Check out DakBoard for an online version.
Take a look at DAKboard (https://dakboard.com). It can hook up to your TV to display photos, weather, news calendar etc. There's DIY instructions on the blog here: https://dakboard.com/blog/diy-wall-display.
I looked earlier on how to do a similar thing to what I would want, and saw a few posts suggesting DAKboard (https://dakboard.com/) which is a service that is a webpage and you can customize it, and buying another screensaver app, that lets you load webpages.
Thing is, DAKboard supports video only through vimeo and youtube, but besides that, is just images. There is a way to put no background, but you must select a color (i didnt see a transparency option).
Will look further into DAKboard, and hopefully there is a transparency option. If there is, the only thing that you might need to add is to enable to load "webpage" in front of the video.
It’s basically an information hub that you would have displayed on a TV or monitor. Will show you daily agenda, monthly calendar, weather, etc.
It’s not really meant to be interactive. Just a dashboard.
I’ve got it running on a Raspberry PI ($35) + a spare computer monitor ($50?) + a wall mount for the monitor ($15), mounted next to my bathroom mirror. Gives me a chance to review everything & prep for the day ahead of me, during my morning routine, and to review everything again at the end of the day during my night routine.
Eventually going to have it on a bigger display (like a cheap 50” TV) and mounted behind a two-way mirror, so that it’s invisible when turned off.
Not a replacement for other options here, it’s more of a complementary product to work alongside other organization/productivity tools. But definitely worth mentioning in any conversations about dashboards.
Current PI action:
been googling and I found this..
but it may have been an alternative to that.
I could never get the wife able to use the stuff anyway, so I sort of gave up on the thing.
I think owncloud is a bit of a different tool, for other needs. But I have not looked into owncloud in ages.
Digital wall calendar, can display time/calendar/weather (and other stuff) all the time. Can roll your own for free with a raspberry pi and a monitor, or buy a turnkey one from them. https://dakboard.com/site
I'm so sorry for the late reply, I had replies turned off. I was putting this image on a "Dakboard" https://dakboard.com/site , which is like a bulletin board shown on a computer monitor. The OP put this on twitter and I could not get the Image URL for my Dakboard.
I have a raspberry pi 3A and i am attempting to have it boot to a webpage in kiosk mode. I put in the code
sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
And the auto start file opens
in the auto start file I add to the existing code without removing.
@xset s off @xset -dpms @xset s noblank @chromium --noerrdialogs --incognito --kiosk
(Note I changed my custom dakboard url so no one can access it) but even when https://www.Google.com is at the end it stays black.
and it just stays black upon rebooting.
You need to change the private url in the file: /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart to the new screen. So Sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
@chromium-browser --noerrdialogs --incognito --autoplay-policy=no-user-gesture-required --check-for-update-interval=1 --simulate-critical-update --kiosk https://dakboard.com/YOUR_NEW_PRIVATE_URL
I hope that helps
Ping Dakboard.com has all timeout. Something must be wrong with the servers or dns server I am using from spectrum. I'm seeing issues going on right now with spectrum.
Spectrum (Charter) DNS servers are down this morning. manually change you DNS servers to and to use Google's DNS servers until it's back up
Hope this helps.
I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:
I did the honors for you.
^delete ^| ^information ^| ^<3
As mentioned elsewhere in the thread: It isn't the homescreen/desktop --- I use the free tier of dakboard.com to make a display web page, then opened as a window and maximized, then I just open other things over top of it (as if it were the desktop). Cheers.
Not on the desktop, that's just a simple webpage dashboard/display I set up on the free tier of dakboard.com … opened in window and maximized, then I open other stuff over top of it .
Check out Dakboard. I have not tried to manage multiple chromecasts with it but it does work very well overall. It would be worth looking into at the very least.
I linked Todoist with my Google calendar and then integrated with a wall board software: DAK board ( https://dakboard.com/site ) and Magic Mirror ( https://magicmirror.builders/ )
With DAK, I have a URL that is open on my RPI to show the status, and as well run from any browser I am in.
I even have a task to open that URL, on Todoist.
Basically what I'm asking is I want this to look like this but when I put it on dakboard it comes out looking like this. I want those red lines and blue dots to show up on dakboard. It doesn't have to be google calendar, I'm willing to switch. The boss' shift schedule is in there, and we want that to "pop" via being a different color so that workers walking by can easily see the boss' work hours that day.
Yup, I agree.. Is there any way for me to add pauses or anything? Here is what I have done:
sudo nano /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
@xset s off
@xset -dpms
@xset s noblank
@chromium-browser --noerrdialogs --incognito --kiosk https://dakboard.com/YOUR_PRIVATE_URL
About time this got a tuneup.
I've been using Dakboard (https://dakboard.com/site) for my photo frame on an old TouchPad, but it's finicky- I have to set it up with a web browser, and if the internet goes out, I have to restart the app, but on the plus side, it will overlay the time, date, and weather.
I'm really surprised that there aren't more options like this out there- there are so many cheap tablets out there, and digital photo frame requires so little horsepower, that it seems like there would be more options.
A custom interface is going to be your best bet. Something like TileBoard is pretty hackable if you know Javascript. There are also Lovelace cards for calendars.
I have a 8" Kindle Fire tablet wall mounted above the main light switches in the living room and in each bedroom with a room-specific dashboard. I'm using Fully Kiosk Browser and TileBoard for the interface, but I'm not doing calendars or stocks on it yet.
I have buttons in TileBoard that can pull up my camera DVR's interface, or my main HA UI. From HomeAssistant I can fire events to make my tablets play a sound, turn on/off the screen, do TTS alerts, or open a specific page on TileBoard.
Alternatively, if you just want a ready-made system that's good at showing calendars and news feeds, check out Dakboard
Oh god, I'm outright surrounded by them. There's this site called dakboard that you can link up to a variety of services. Including online photo galleries. Then it can just cycle through them. I converted any given old tablet/pi/odroid/etc I had into overpowered picture frames that load it up on boot.
If I understand the way you’re using your site in general I’d say take a look at Magic Mirror or Dakboard. They basically make pages designed for constant display of stuff like to dos, calendars, news feeds, etc.
Magic Mirror is open source and free, originally intended for cool projects where the monitor shows through a literal mirror (but fine for just normal display) and is perfect if you want to do some pi tinkering like you kinda are already.
Dakboard is a commercial product but has a free version (they also want to sell you physical hardware). It’s turnkey and simple, but less flexible as a result, plus it’s hosted by them rather than by you (which could be a pro or con depending on your point of view).
They can both use Todoist tasks. Magic Mirror via a plugin.
you can look into dakboard and fullykiosk. It's what a lot of people do when they setup actiontileson their tablet. Dakboard has a calendar sync option and most ppl use that page as the screensaver in the fullykiosk app.
If you have 20k+ people, consider an enterprise grade solution like statuspage.io or similar service that can include O365 plus other things the company uses. People who want notifications can subscribe to alerts via personal email, text, etc.
Screens around the offices also work. Something like dakboard.com that would normally show weather, calendar, news, etc. could be updated to show the incident warning.
You can roll your own Windows pop-up as well. This blog shows how to do it with Win10 / SCCM / PowerShell, but this would require customization, and a way to push it out to all the sites/users.
I'm guessing you've checked the wiki? https://dakboard.com/site/wiki/article/add-outlook-office365-calendar-to-dakboard
Edit: I haven't a ton of experience with Room Calendars but it does look like they should work in a similar fashion https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Outlook-Blog/Sharing-Office-365-Room-s-availability-to-external-users/ba-p/178054
Another dashboard idea......
So I don't have a lot of programming experience but I wanted to make a dashboard that would be automatically displayed on my bedroom TV in the morning. Additionally I would like the raspberry pi to play some audio either a playlist from pandora / spotify or a local news station. This second option is optional if I get the first one working
I would like the dashboard to look nice and display the following:
So far I haven't been able to find many open source solutions that can display this in a ascetically pleasing way. The best I have found so far is DAKboard, but it doesn't do sports. Does anyone know of dashboard solutions that can display what I would like that do not require a lot of programming skill? I don't mind doing configuration work.
FYI, I'm targeting to run this on a rPi Zero W
You could find a way to customize a R Pi and I'm still looking for good digital signage tools for business purpose to do that - so if you've tried something you like - let me know.
As for DAKboard, you can customize the layout and many other options https://dakboard.com/premium
I like it because it's simple and every device looks great (landscape or portrait) and it's simple to edit the backgrounds. The default background, time, weather, and a calendar is a pretty nice setup out of the box.
I do wish I could set time periods for certain sets of images. Thus, you could do the photo frame only (no calendar and weather etc) part of the day and add things for morning etc. This would also allow me to setup the display with marketing materials or menu boards that change throughout the say. I'm testing out the wordpress app Foyer (https://wordpress.org/plugins/foyer/) for this now. I autolaunch chromium on a Raspberry Pi to a single url and then run a mix of slides, video, and embed urls using the channel on the plugin. I'm still thinking about trying xibo open source too.
For pure atmosphere aesthetic (home use) just the DAKboard or a chromecast showing pictures is relaxing.
With Premium calendar refresh should take 15 minutes. With free version it's 75 minutes: https://dakboard.com/premium
So I'm quite sure something is not right. I would contact Support if you're on Premium.
I noticed this on the 'dev-state' page media_content_id: https://home-assistant.io/images/cast/splash.png
This is the screen that is shown if you use home assistant to turn on the chrome cast. I am guessing you can change this URL to something else like a dakboard https://dakboard.com/site
Here’s the specs on the CPU pre-loaded with a SD card containing the code. https://dakboard.com/shop/cpu
You’ll connect to the Raspberry Pi CPU to enter your home WiFi credentials and then you’ll use your DAKboard account to register the display and will control settings from your account going forward.
I also went premium $39.95/yr with DAKboard (probably required to register multiple displays) but use a second free account too basically for a wall mounted tablet in another location with same details on this larger WiFi monitor device.
URL: https://dakboard.com Purpose: A simple and elegant way to display your photos, calendar, news, weather and more Technologies Used: PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML Feedback Requested: Is it immediately obvious what the app/product is? Any other feedback is welcome too! Comments: This was initially created out of two different problems I was having: I was taking photos and never looking at them, and I was always forgetting to look at my calendar on my phone/computer. This effortlessly puts both of those things at a glance.
Thanks for the reply!
Sorry about that, I'll try to elaborate a bit. The info would have to be retained. The randomized url is so that the user can load his settings up easily from another computer at a later time. I wanted to make this as simple as possible, so users wouldn't have to sign up, just type in the variables, hit save and get their url.
I basically want to create a page where people can put in certain variables and get a nice dashboard, maybe similar to Dakboard, but a lot simpler of course: https://dakboard.com/site
Take a look at https://dakboard.com. It does exactly what you're describing. There's DIY instructions here: https://dakboard.com/blog/diy-wall-display. You'll just need to put the photos in something like Dropbox, Flickr, etc.
Another user mentioned a product called Dakboard, which is basically this, but without the mirror part. It's more like a painting hanging on the wall rather than a mirror. You can also buy just their CPU for $99US and turn any monitor into a smart monitor.
Might be worth looking into Dakboard. You might be able to rehash some of the weather station function's code for reading your own sensors.
Never actually used it myself though.