This app was mentioned in 193 comments, with an average of 5.05 upvotes
There is currently this app, which I like to use.
Yours however looks a lot nicer. Will check it out if you release it! Good luck!
I use this one here on android. Not sure if it's on iOS too.
It keeps track of your spell list, has descriptions of all of them, and can also track spell slots and prepared spells, as well as your DC and spell attack modifier. It also looks really great.
Oh and it has EE too.
This is definitely awesome if you like physical references. For those who like to manage everything electronically though, check out the "5th Edition Spellbook" app for Android. It's laid out just like the cards but is searchable/filterable, can track your prepared spells and expended spell slots, and more. Only minor gripe is that it hasn't been updated with XGtE yet
Seconded, this work great and allows me to create characters on the fly. The only thing it does not do is spell selection, which I do with D&D 5 Spellbook Cards
You can add the names of your own spells, and it will track how many spell slots you have but you're much better off using D&D 5 spellbook cards in tandem with this app. Has full list of spells and descriptions just like the spellbook cards you can buy. Unfortunately SCAG cantrips haven't been added in yet, but these two apps go great together
I'm in a similar situation. I actually just rolled a level 7 wizard for ToA turns out, I use this app for my android phone that helps me track spells learned, prepared, and slots. Starting at level 7 was a bit overwhelming and this helps a lot. Not sure if it's on other platforms though.
Edit: Nice work!
I highly recommend this app: its one of the better ones I've come across, rarely found mistakes, and so much easier and quicker to just search for the spell :)
Edit: its also free :D
I love love love temptest! Destructive wave is so freaking good you can max out the thunder damage with chanel divinity AND roll for radiant damage (5d6 each!) ANNND force a Dex save for the creatures against being knocked prone. It's so freaking awesome!
Plus the flavor text says you "strike the ground" so I roleplayed basically being Edward from Full Metal Alchemist with clapping my hands together and slapping the table!
And that's just the fun stuff you can do with ONE spell! I can't tell you how many times having cleric powers in general got us out of jams. To effectively play a cleric you need to be familiar with all of the cleric spells.
I'd suggest getting The 5th Edition Spellbook app (I linked to Google play because that's what I use) You'll have all the spells available at your fingertips vs searching through books. The filter button is pretty handy you can go to all spells, filter it by level and class, and just add all of the cleric spells. Just be sure not to add them for other domains and you'll be fine! When you get free time just kinda look and see what the spells do.
I use the app 5th Edition Spellbook, although I think it's only for Android.
If they're on android, I'd recommend the d&d 5 spellbook app, which easily lets you choose, prepare, and read spells:
Since you're on iOS, I think the 5e fight club app is the best bet, but I haven't personally used it.
The apps are a little faster than the site, especially because your druid can save their spells to a "spellbook "
If /u/SirLarr is looking for an app for spells. The most popular is probably D&D 5 Spellbook Cards. You can create a character on it and add only spells you know, which once you select has the spell description.
Or since some GM's don't like people on cellphones, you can copy the text of 1 spell online and edit down to 295x400px, print it out and cut it, and it'll fit into individual card sleeves so it's a little less flimsy.
As for some rules, the unfun one is casting from Stealth or unnoticed is really difficult since most have a verbal component which requires you to chant. You'll get the spell off but everyone should notice.
But the fun one is attacking an asleep/unconscious enemy, you get advantage on the roll and if it hits is an auto-crit.
Shooting through teammates the enemy only gets +2 to AC(half cover) which is much easier to hit than disadvantage.
Fight Club 5th Edition is what Mercer uses. It's great but it's only for ios. If you want a good app for android check out D&D 5 Spellbook Cards.
Has anyone used the 5th Edition Spellbook android app?
Specifically, has anyone been able to add spells with the spell creator feature?
It seems like the link it brings up is always down for maintenance.
I've really enjoyed using the app so far and was hoping to use it to add custom spells and the spells from EE.
First of all, from a logistics perspective, it sounds like you need to give your villains some minions or obstacles. If the Tank/DPS can just walk up to the mage and fell him, there is something wrong going on long before we even get to spells. A spellcaster, especially a lone one, should know their limitations. They're never going to walk up to a group of 4+ adventurers with their chest puffed out. They're going to stand behind a pack of werewolves, they're going to stand on the opposite end of a chasm from the players, they're going to set up magical traps around the players, etc. You have to think like a physically weak spellcaster. Your strength comes from hiding behind a defense as well as having distance.
Secondly, as far as spells go, nothing has been greater to me than this app, assuming you're playing 5e. It allows you to not only look up spells on the fly, but save spellbooks so all you have to do is look up 'BBEG spellbook' and you are instantly given a list of your villain's spells as well as descriptions of said spells.
Legit Question: Why use this opposed to other spellbook apps?
I mean, this one is far more mature. Granted, it doesn't contain the SCAG cantrips, but neither does yours (though both contain PHB spells).
The SCAG cantrips are available online in full text, so I don't know why they aren't included here. ('s_Guide)
EDIT: ~~Also, I would consider expanding the search options: "by name" is kinda the standard search.~~ See below.
I just use the 5e Spellcards app on Android, fo' free.
Your idea is cool as fuck though. The tactile feel of carrying around an actual spellbook must be awesome.
The only one I use regularly is 5th Edition Spellbook
I love it! Would it be possible to get all the spells as a text doc? This app allows spells to be imported from a text document
Here is the spellbook that I use for 5e:
The super nice thing about it is that it even allows you to import custom spells.
I haven't found a good character sheet that has auto leveling for free yet.
Digital resources solve this problem pretty easily. I use 5th Edition Spell book, it has all the spells as expansions for free on their website (including XGtE spells).
If spells require a saving throw it will say so in the spell description, other spells require a spell attack roll (roll d20 add your spellcasting modifier (if you're a wizard it's intelligence for example) then add your proficiency modifier). Other spells require no save and just are e.g. hunters mark or hex. For spells in general I reccomend using this app if you have android
As far as leveling: Each time you level up roll your hit dice and add your constitution modifier to that then add that total to your total hit points.
For the most part, I use three apps on my tablet, which is all I use to run the game:
OneNote to track all of my notes, prompts, and the like.
the 5th edition spellbook app, found here:
the 5e campaign lab app, found here:
I prefer using my tablet to my laptop because said laptop is a seven year old gaming beast that sounds like an airplane. The tablet is silent and has a small profile, letting me see more of my players and removing the barrier between us.
This is the one I use. You can create different lists for different characters. The spells can be filtered by level, class, and type of spell as well as the page in PHB or EE to find them. Prepared spells can be separated from known spells and are easily moved back and forth.
If you have an Android device, 5th Edition Spellbook is my goto for spells.
It's for Android:
Best layout of them all, IMO. Only downside is that it doesn't have the SCAG spells but you can enter them by hand without issue.
There's no official listing, but a fellow redditor put this list together for races, classes, backgrounds, and feats. It also lists the source for each, so you can get more details.
As far as spells, there are several unofficial apps in the google play store (I like this one since it has all the spells from the PHB & EE. It's only missing the 3 cantrips from SCAG)
I use this android app. You can create spell lists for individual creatures, track slots and preparations, search spells and see full descriptions.
Lot easier than passing a heavy book around everyone.
I like this one. Allows you to have multiple spellbooks (for different characters), and you can sort out only your prepared spells from your full list of known spells. Also has all of the spells from PHB & EE pre-loaded (the 4 cantrips from SCAG aren't in there, but I was able to enter them myself pretty easily).
This one works best for me - there may be others, but I'm not sure.
I run Adventurers League stuff, so we only have 6pm - 9pm, and since we all work FT sometimes we start late as people trickle in. I don't generally have time to browse books or sit and take forever finding a spell. Works great for me. :)
I use this one, might save you time?
If you need a character sheet I thought the £1.99 for the auto level up was worth it.
character cards can be expensive for a big caster group, and you gotta have at least 1 of each set, considering every class has diferent spells, but mostly the same, its not really worth it.
this is a pdf with every spell with a small description and sorted by character class and level. i use it a lot as DM and as player.
theres also an app for android with every spell, sorted by class. it allows you to prepare slots and calculates modifiers and DC. also its free! not sure if there is one for iphone, tho
Welcome to the club.
Now be prepared to have an unbridled lust for more dice.
What fighting style did you go with? What did your stats end up looking like?
Check <strong>this</strong> out if you have an Android.
That's my personal favorite. I have come to enjoy the ritual of preparing villain spellbooks the night before the session and ruminating on their tactics and personality.
If you have an android i personally use 5th edition spell book its easy to look up spells and even add spells from other books. Saves lots of time as a dm
DnDBeyond is officially licensed, and a really good digital resource, but their mobile app is just a rules reference app, (it doesn't keep track of anything yet), you obviously need an internet connection to use the character sheet stuff on their site, and you'll need to purchase digital copies of anything you use.
As for non licensed stuff:
more purple more better (/r/mpmb) has a really good pdf.
5th edition spellbook on android is good for keeping track of spells.
By default, both of these will only use the spells and options from the SRD/Basic rules. Both can be customised/extended either yourself or with scripts. But such scripts count as piracy, so you're on your own there.
For anyone starting their adventure I would recommend playing at least 1 session as s player.
For any spellcasting use an app. There is a lot of free ones one the PlayStore and AppStore. Cards can be used too. Otherwise any spellcaster played by the GM or a player will spend a lot of time at the table flipping through spell portion of the PHB.
For Android I recommend:
Edit: Might not have the new spells in XGE, like Mind Spike, but most of them were in Elemental Evil and are thus included.
Not sure about a party inv sheet, but I use this spellbook on android. Not sure if it has an ios counterpart but it helps a lot.
Takes a bit of getting used to but totally worth it. It tracks learned, and prepared spells as well as slots and leveled casting and has pretty much everything. I think it might be missing some but I've read in reviews that you can import them. Not sure on that tho.
Android or iOS? I'm using android and I use 5th edition spellbook and campaign lab
I highly recommend campaign lab if you're dming.
This is the one most of my table uses. You can even import the spells from the new books into it (wizards won't let them have it in the base app but it's fine to import the spells after the fact).
If you don't mind tech at the table this site is wonderful:
This app for android is also really useful:
Lets you search by Class, Name, and Level. Also allows you to create a spellbook, and select your prepared spells (filtering on these, as appropriate). It isn't updated for XGTE yet, but it was updated last in August, so I have hope they'll get added eventually.
In the mean time, the "custom spell creation" is actually pretty quick. I wouldn't want to enter every new XTGE spell (it already has the EE spells), but it's good enough for the few spells I'll want access to as a level 8 Wizard
As a newish DM:
Right, I love this app but it's very lacking in the spell department. I paid for all of their apps but I also downloaded a 5e spellsheet to use along with it that works a lot better.
Edit: this app:
I use my phone. On Android I only use two apps.
For spells, I use
And for monster stats I use
I'm on mobile, so I'm not worried about making it pretty
While you're waiting for the physical cards, the 5th edition spellbook app is a really great resource:
I use it all the time in my games.
I have the 5th Edition Spellbook app on my phone. It's super easy to find spells and it lets you track specific things like spell slots and prepared spells. Having your spell casters get the app would go a long way towards tracking everything. Plus, they can just hand you the phone if you want to read the spell yourself.
I'm just trying it and is really good! Thanks for your amazing work OP /u/adamngeraghty!
This are my two cents with the current version:
Keep up the good work! I will definitely use this app!
This is the one I use. I'm not sure if it has everything you're looking for (I haven't played a ton) but it's probably worth checking out.
There's a 5e Spellbook app on android that I use. It has all the spells for 5e, and you can create your own custom spells, but the big feature I like is that is has both a "Spellbook" and a "spells prepared" list, so you have one list of every single spell you know and one list of just what you've got prepared.
D&D 5th Edition Spellbook is pretty good.
Not exactly the all-in-one type thing you're planning on doing, but pretty close and I've found it to be quite useful.
I believe is what you're referring to, I've used it extensively and so have the other members of my party with spells, we all find it quite useful.
Ahhh, ok. I see what you're looking for now. I don't know if a pdf exists, but my players (and I to help keep track of my player's slots/spells) use this android app:
It has a sortable/filterable list by class/name/level/school etc.
Likely the best app I've seen thus far for D&D support. The best part, it's totally free and easily better then any pay version. You can find it here. I recommend "buying him a beer" if you use the app though, he deserves it.
If you have android on your phone (or tablet) look up the 5E spell cards app. It's amazing for spell references and is easier to find a spell through this then through the book I find.
Hmm, it seems like the app we are talking about are the one and the same I think, as they changed the name on the app since I last saw it on the play store.
This one right?
If your game store has them, grab the spell cards. They are neat and you can pullout the spells you need and have them in front of you, not to mention you can just pass it to your DM if they need to look at it. Another good thing is the Spell Book phone app.
This works very well and is nice to have in a pinch. I think it's on iOS, not to sure, but you can probably look if that is the kind of phone you have. Hope this helps!
D&D 5 Spellbook Cards
On Android for free and iOS for $0.99
I've played with D&D 5 Spellbook Cards and it's pretty cool. I think there are others out there that do the same or similar, but this is the one I've tried.
5th Edition Spellbook Cards:
You can sort by class, spell level, and name. You can also save several spell lists for different characters.
Unfortunately I don't have a printer so I have to go off this app
Thank you though I'll put that website in my notepad in case the app doesn't work or has missing content! (I got a lot of notes in that notepad) :)
Check out this if you're using Android. Not sure if there's an iOS version yet:
Anything you can do to minimize the amount of time you have to go back to your book to look stuff up, the better off you'll be.
When in doubt say 'I want to do (something). Tell me what I need to roll.'
While you wait there is a free app on the google play store called D&D 5 Spell Cards that has the elemental evil spells.
Its a free app, and it can be broken down into spells for each class or all spells and sorted alphabetically or by level.
Fabulous advice. :)
I use a spellbook app to make magic run smoother, and I have a ritual of making a spellbook entry for caster enemies the night before a session. It's a nice familiarizing exercise, both to learn the mechanics and to get into character as the person who learned all this magic at some point. The spell selection of, say, an archmage vs a drow priestess of Lolth tells you a lot about who they are and how they want to operate.
Not that I'm aware of. You just have to remember. I use 5th Edition Spellbook. It's a great app for quick spell look up. You can import some of the missing spells (mostly XGtE and SCAG), and you can make separate spellbooks for characters. It's very handy.
I personally use the 5e spellbook i can add spells from other books and its all there handy dandy, as a dm its a godsend when i need to quickly look up a spell.
Other players get these spell cards and use counters on how many spell slots they have left
You should add this Android app to your comments
It's one of the few apps that I've donated more than the bare minimum to remove ads from, it's so useful
I use this on Android and side loaded onto a fireOS amazon tablet. It works amazingly well has complete spell descriptions. You do have to go to their site and download some xml files to get the spells from SCAG and XGtE
There's a great spellbook app on android, and you can easily find uploadable files for all the spells that exist. (
Personally I prefer physical print-outs though and use hard codex to make my spell cards (can't link to it but you can google it easily enough)
get the basic rules. it has a fair amount of the spells from the phb. also, there are a few apps you can download that have spells on them too. I use this one
I have an app on my phone that I use. It has all PHB spells plus a few others, a section for spells you know, and one for prepared spells. In addition to this it manages your spell slots
Don't feel like you're slowing the game down to find something, or think of an answer. Your players will ask questions that you would have never even thought of, or decide to do something that you haven't planned for. It's 100% guaranteed.
If you need any help, or want to ask any questions r/dndnext is a subreddit dedicated to 5e.
~~r/dndbehindthescreen~~ r/dmacadamy is a subreddit dedicated to helping dms with any questions that they have, whether it be on rules or just ideas on what to do.
r/3d6 is for character creation.
Check out the 5e spellbook app app on the app store. You can create characters and their spell lists, and it tells what each spell does, its material costs, what kind of action it is, etc.
Also the Companion App is great for any druids. It has stats for all beasts that you can turn into with your wildshape feature.
You can also find pdf copies of the books online, although having the physical book is neat too.
If you have any questions please feel free to PM me.
I like the having the physical books. I can find information I need faster with them. That said, for spells If you have a device that can get apps from the Google Play Store I Highly Recommend this app for managing spells.
It is both useful for managing spells but also having the available to use filters to search for spells by school, casting time, etc.
Here's a turn overview reference that as far as I've tested works really well on desktop and mobile browsers.
The only other app I really use is the 5th Edition Spellbook for Android.
5e Spell book from the playstore
Always been reliable at my table and we've all tried others, this one comes out on .... for us. Never turn up to an adventure without it ;P
While I wait for Dndbeyond to get an app, I've been using and
Tell all the spellcasters to get a spellbook app like this one.
And get one for yourself.
Make sure to get everyone familiar with the filter.
This is a minor thing, but it'll increase quality or at least tiem of play significantly.
Hey, does anyone use the android app, 5th Edition Spellbook for Android?
If you do, have you got Elminster's Guide to Magic?
I've bought Elminster's and use the app, but I don't want to enter all the spells manually on my phone. Could I get an exported version of someone's spellbook, or does anyone know a workaround I could use to mass enter spells (preferably on a pc)?
Sorry if this is really specific. I can provide a receipt for Elminster's if it makes you feel better about sharing, or a page-word reference.
I keep recommendign this and I'll probably never stop. Get a spellbook app. If you use apple, find a similiar thing in the app store.
Just in case you didn't know, you cannot choose spells beyond your individual class level when multiclassing. So I suggest that if you feel you're still having this problem when you reach level 8 as a Cleric, get a 4 levels in Sorcerer or 2 in Wizard. maybe 8 in Sorcerer. but nother that if you take 4 levels in another class, you won't be able to get any 9th levle spell.
Sorcerer because you gain Metamagic and access to a nice set of spells. Damage opens up if you got to level 5. I suggest getting it to level 8 if you do, so you have a decent pool of sorcery points and some nifty abilities.
Wizard because portents are always nice and Find Familiar is a nifty little thing to play with (but you can also get Find Familiar by taking Ritual Caster).
This particular app is a godsend when managing spells:
With it you can create spellbooks for your characters, see the exact description of each spell, their components, manage which ones are prepared (You have to specify how many slots each character has beforehand), and it also manages which spells are spent.
Wow the paladin cards used to be 7 bucks or so. Prices doubled. They weren't worth it back then, in my opinion. They're daylight robbery now. There are free apps that are better than these. I bought the cleric ones and barely used them. 5th Edition Spellbook for Android is leagues better than using these cards and completely free.
I haven't checked this one out yet. I use 5th Edition Spell book by M&M apps.
Thanks for sharing some of your knowledge.
Do you allow your players to use the expanded spell lists and UA?
Do you have a spellbook app? If not, go find one. I use this one personally.
Sounds like your DM did something like a skill challenge.
For your scaling question, I would recommend against adding extra minions for every fight. More bodies greatly increases the time spent in combat and PotA is supposed to be pretty combat intensive already. You can still do it, but don't rely on it for every encounter. I personally favor using more AOE effects to damage the party as a whole. One of my favorite encounters when running my 7 PC group was when they fought a single water weird in a whirlpool that damaged them every round. It was a deadly encounter but it was over quickly because the monster count was low.
Yeah, I've never played with a digital character sheet, but the standard 5e sheet has nearly always done right by me. I will use spindown dice or check-boxes to track HP, ammo, features and spell slots, though. The 5th Edition Spellbook app is the only thing I use my phone for regularly.
I'd strongly recommend starting out with the standard sheet if they're not used to pencil+paper, but if you're really looking for something with more details, I've liked this one.
While DMing, I use pen and paper for everything but spells, where I use the (unofficial) 5e Spellbook app on Android.
It's got a couple of UI bugs, but it's treated me well, especially when I've just thrown together spell lists for NPCs and some weird interaction question comes up so I need the description handy.
It says it needs in-app purchase permissions, but that's for a very unobtrusive donation button in a menu. Otherwise, there are no ads and no IAP.
I always have my tablet with this up when I use a spellcasting class
Works for smartphones too. It's not perfect but it's pretty darn good for being a free app. It also helps if the casting players plan a little bit ahead so they know what new spells they'll want if they reach a certain level and higher level spells becomes available to them, that way they don't have to do the deciding process at the table.
There's the spellbook cards, which are actually pretty high quality, looks good and has a nice feel to them. If you guys don't want to pay that much for them index cards are also a fine option. Or of course good ole paper, helpful hint simple notepads are useful thing to have to keep track of D&D stuff besides spells.
I can send you the files I, as a DM, have drawn up which are readily printable on an index card if you like. They're statblocks of different animals and if you need one I don't have, I have a template which allows me to draw one up in minutes. Let me know if you're interested.
In terms of the spells, something you might find handy is this app, which is extremely useful. All my players use it. You can create a character on it to organize all your spells, and at a click you have the entire spell's block right there for you. It's a really great app and saves a lot of PHB-flipping. Try it out if you want.
Edit: just say your bit about the spell cards, so sorry if my statblocks aren't useful. Just thought you might be able to use them.
I already have a free spellbook app on my phone ( that takes care of this, though this might be a good idea to have around for my players who don't have an Android phone. Thanks for the suggestion!
seconding this. My PC's all use this instead of paper and it works great. For spellcasters I'd recommend supplementing it with This app
They are definitely available online in a printable form, but the ones for sale are pretty high quality and not all that expensive. I bought the arcane pack that has some 200ish spell cards, pretty good deal!
If you're looking for mobile app, though, there's an Android app called 5th Edition Spellbook. It's fantastic and I believe will suit your needs. It is basically a compilation of the spell cards in mobile form, but gives you an option of having a "prepared" tab. I wish I had found it before I bought the spellcards because the app is all I use now. I definitely recommend it!
In regards to apps released on android, do you happen to know if being in America or being in Peru affects how something is treated. A good example would be that I made an app for personal use a while ago. This app sorted and organized spells from the d&d 5th edition players handbook in an easy to use fashion that allowed you to build spell books for your characters based on class and level. 1 month before I decided to release it, I reached out to Wizards of the Coast / Hasbro asking them if it was "ok" to release it. They stayed silent for the month, so I released it anyway. 3 days after the release, and the app getting a thousand downloads, they contacted me telling me to take it down. The strange thing I keep on noticing though is that there are a few other apps that do the exact same thing that came out after mine, and they are staying up. is a example of one. These publishers are in places like Peru though, so are they able to avoid the copyright laws, or did I just take my app down when I did not really need to because I feared legal action?
If you play a caster of any kind there's a useful app for android called D&D 5 Spellbook Cards as well as an app called Companions for quick references to animals commonly used for druid Wildshape, Ranger companions, and the polymorph spell.
This probably isn't the answer you're looking for, but I just use this app on my phone.
It lets you set up spell lists for different characters and its pretty easy to swap spells in and out for a Cleric.
However, in practice, I barely ever actually swap any Cleric spells out. Once you've got a few levels under your belt you get in a groove and have a pretty good understanding of what spells you want (and what spells didn't translate over well in this edition and are therefore crap. There's a few).
> If you have a caster, photocopy the spell pages from Starter Set Rulebook and give them a copy.
Just use this app for your phone instead.
While i do not know of any stores that have spell cards or online shops that deliver them that quickly. I can however suggest a alternative. If you use a android phone you can use the spell book cards app to substitute it either permanently or temporarily if you cannot get your cards in time. The players in my group use it and it is a lot easier then carrying around cards or going through the book each time.
Something I recommend as a player and as a DM is this application that I use to keep track what spells i have and those around me have available and what these spells can do.
What about fifth edition spell book app, it works great and has all the spells plus they are filterable by class and level...
Best android DND app for me is the D&D 5 Spellbook Cards.
Edit: corrected app name , added link.
5th edition Spellbook - Allows you to create individual spellbooks for characters, track spell slots, as well as look up spells. Incredibly useful.
Tome of Items - Allows you to look up items from the DMG. Sort and filter by category and rarity. Very helpful for DMs!
Wizards are the same. I use an app on my phone called D&D 5E Spellbook.
D&D 5 Spellbook Cards i think this is one
Assuming you are talking about this one
It's awesome and you can get the spells from the supplememts for free.
Or if you have an Android phone/tablet.
5e SpellBook has been my best friend through my current campaign. Can create custom lists for spells and has all info found in PHB.
I use a few differant things myself:
*Dungeon Painter Studio in steam for my maps.
*Tabletop Audio for sounds.
*MS OneNote for all my campaign notes, ideas, NPCs and other stuff.
*5th Edition Spellbook, android and apple to quickly look up spells.
*And of course Kobold Fight club
Isn't the '5th Edition Spellbook' app basically this?
There are other apps that have the spells.
I use this one.
What about fifth edition spell book app, it works great and has all the spells plus they are filterable by class and level...
* 5e Spellbook App by m&m Apps: A must-have for players of spellcasters, also super-useful for DMS. Keep track of your NPC's spells, and can be used as a reference to your players' spells, as well.
* DM Screen by AWeD Software, or u/DarthCluck: A compendium and automated roller of all the tables on r/BehindTheTables, useful for improvising.
* "Character Documents" that I make for the players using GM Binder, listing the full text of all the race, class, and background features that apply to their character, and stripping away the rest.
* Player Reference Guide (currently being migrated from the Homebrewery, so a bit wonky), which I also supply to my players, with a lot of commonly referenced information from the books.
* Totally Legit PDFs of the Core Books and Supplements (so I don't have to carry the books everywhere)
* DM Screen: For the actual information, I use a slightly tweaked version of Fitz's DM Screen.
* Battle Grid and Wet Erase Markers.
* GMBinder Document of all the Statblocks I know I'll need for that session.
* List of Random NPC Names, sorted by Race and Gender, for when the players actually care what the shopkeeper's name is, for once.
* List of "NPC Templates," for when the players burn down the tavern and I need a captain of the guard to intervene.
Use a spellbook app like this one.
MUCH, MUCH easier.
For 5e I like this app.
Two options:
1) Free
2) Buy premade cards:
I have not yet personally bought the premade cards yet, but I have heard other mention that they don't have overlaps. In other words, if you bought say the Cleric set you would be missing any spells considered Arcane that the Cleric can learn. Even if you only want the Druid or Cleric you're probably going to need to buy 4-5 sets if you want all the skills for those two classes. In this case, it might be worth buying the two sets you want and filling in the blanks with the first option until you can afford the rest (I'm just making the assumption you don't want to drop $100 on spell cards all in one go here).
Δεν χρειάζεται να αγoράσεις DND.
Αυτό που χρειάζεται να αγοράσεις είναι:
τουλάχιστον 2 σετ ζάρια (καθένα με 1d20, 1d12, 2d10, 1d8, 1d6 και 1d4)
μολύβια, σβηστήρια, στυλό, ξύστρα και μπλοκ σημειώσεων Α4.
Τα βιβλία είναι κυρίως αχρείαστα. Είναι ωραίο να έχεις κάποια στο χέρι, ιδίως αν θα είναι η πρώτη φορά που θα παίξετε σαν group. Κυρίως το Dungeon Master's Guide, και ίσως τα Monster Manual.
Από εκεί και πέρα ότι χρειάζεσαι μπορείς να το βρεις σε torrents (δεν θα ποστάρω τίποτα τέτοιο εδώ).
Επίσης μπορείς να βρεις apps για android και apple που εύκολα αντικαθιστούν τα βιβλία. Π.χ εμείς έχουμε αυτό για spells και αυτό για τέρατα.
Επίσης χρησιμοποιούμε αυτά τα character sheets. Κάνει όλους τους υπολογισμούς για σένα, έχει ενσωματωμένους όλους τους κανόνες, και σου δίνει και references για που θα τους βρεις αν θες να διαβάσεις κάτι συγκεκριμένο. Επίσης στο character creation σε αφήνει να επιλέξεις ποια βιβλία κανόνων ισχύουν.
(ότι πόσταρα link είναι για 5th edition, αλλά μπορείς εύκολα να βρεις ανάλογα εργαλεία για άλλα editions. To 5th edition είναι το τωρινό set κανόνων, και επίσης είναι αρκετά απλό για νέους παίκτες).
Επίσης θα χρειαστείς μια παρέα από άτομα διατεθειμένους να παίξουν. Να αποφασίσετε ποιος θα είναι ο DM ή Dungeon Master, δηλαδή αυτός που λέει την ιστορία, και ελέγχει τον κόσμο (δηλαδή παίζει για τους εχθρούς, σας δίνει πληροφορίες, παριστάνει τους μίζερους χωρικούς που θέλουν να σκοτώσετε τους ληστές που τους παρενοχλούν κτλ). Γενικά, 4 άτομα για αρχή είναι πολύ καλός αριθμός. Παίξετε κάτι μικρό και άμα δείτε ότι σας αρέσει συνεχίστε.
5th Edition Spellbook - Especially helpful for casters. Allows you to set up spell books and quickly look up spells.
Complete Reference for 5e - Handy reference for spells but also skills feats, items and more.
Loot Generator and 5e Treasure Generator - Pretty good tools for rolling up some random treasure.
Tell him to download an app.
This one is what I use.
Super handy for quick lookup of spell descriptions. I use it every session! 5th Edition Spellbook
I use this, works wonders.
Lots of links ahead, hopefully it helps ya!
I DM in the Forgotten Realms/Planescape/Spelljammer (They're all kinda linked by nature) so I spend a lot of time browsing classic Volo's Guides, Elminster's Ecologies, Dungeon/Dragon issues, and Candlekeep Forums are super handy for some quick inspiration or detail on a particular point of interest. You will find NO better FR resource than Candlekeep, even Ed Greenwood answers our questions there very regularly.
I also use tabs all over the damn place, it makes my books look like a hedgehog sometimes but it also helps with rapid flipping around mid encounter.
Encounter cards.
I use 3x5 index cards that I just hand write on usually with quick HP, AC, Init, gear information. I have pre-printed versions I made for the most common of common creatures like Orcs, Slimes etc. I set these all aside in one spot.
I spend all the cash collecting books so I kinda neglected minis...for 27 years. Sad, right? Anyway I printed out a shit ton of pages from the ever useful Pathfinder Pawns sets and I (tediously) cut them out by hand, double sided two sheets, tape all 4 edges, and use binder clips to stand them up. Viola! Long lasting cheap as dirt minis with a diversity higher than you can usually buy in 3d form. I pop em into clips as I can usually predict encounters ahead of time, even as an improv DM.
I'm a digital hoarder, I have ~2000 battlemaps from everywhere I have collected. Thus I probably have something for almost any situation that will pop up. Worse case, I just tweak my descriptions to resemble the map available. I also use Virtual Battlemap on STEAM to make my own 3d animated maps but time constraints limit the time I can actually spend on this. Also, again as an improv DM it's pointless to make a crap ton of maps myself ahead of time because of how gameplay actually works. Here are a couple shots I made myself though. These are projected on the table via ceiling mount projector.
For obvious places that we visit a lot I have city maps (like Suzail) made up with a key on the other side. Since I run these places A LOT I made them pretty high quality but still on the cheap. This helps me remember where things are, places etc etc which is important in multi-year campaigns. You can make cool PC versions also that will hold up well being passed around the gaming table for months if you use good photo paper!
Dungeons? Make a DM copy and scrawl any noted you need like this. 5e book maps are HORRIBLE, tiny and stuck in a book so take them out like this so you again have an easy to grab fast reference for YOU. That example is from an early crawl the group did several months back with my notes on it.
I use the retail D&D spell cards usually, but also supplement them with various iOS and Android apps because there are quite a few new spells in the game that are not printed yet in a new set. I make little spell books for the casters ahead of time. It's really only useful spells, not ALL spells. It's not like that Kobold Necromancer is going to live long enough to use half of them anyway.
I created, using various generators I like, lists of NPC names in dual columns. Here you can see my actual probably-drank-to-much mid game notes! Each sheet is color coded. RED Human, BROWN dwarf, ELF green etc. I did this for every common NPC race. So instead of having to create a name on the damn spot I can just grab the sheet, look at "Oh Male Elf...hummm OH this works!" and pop it out. Then I write on the sheet who now owns that name. It helps organize all the NPC's for my frail memory and speeds up npc creation table side drastically in those sudden improv situations where the PC's decide to go bug some random NPC for muffins or something.
Anything beyond that is highly variable session to session. That depends on the group/situation...a personal oddity that my players noted is how I go into way to much detail describing the flavor and texture of every beer they ever order in game. Thats because i'm an admitted beer snob. To help my beer-love I utilize a printed chapter (because I don't use my original copy at the table, it's to old) from Auras Whole Realms that can be transplanted into ANY GAME! It's a good 15 pages or so of just beer, wine, mead, ale, and liquor with cool names and descriptions and history. It's a minor thing but it helps with those sudden PC questions like "What's on the menu?" that might suprise you.
When do you level them? Don't do it in the middle of the session. We also have a party of 6, 1 set of books and party level up is maybe 10-20 minutes in total.
Here's a few tips:
I have this spellbook app for android, but it only has PHB and EE spells. Is there another one with the full list of spells?
You can try 5th Edition Spellbook for spell reference. I've been using it for a while now and found it very useful.
As DM I use a few things -
Turn tracker for initiative and monster HPS - It's made for 4e but I use it in whatever edition I'm running. This is also nice because it has a player window. I put that window up on the big screen so people can see their initiative order. - Edit my maps and display them on a big screen. I put a layer over the map and erase the layer revealing the map as the PCs explore.
Spell cards app - super handy for players and DMs alike. Often my players will just have the spell up on their phone and if I have any questions on details they can just hand it over.
Youtube - For music. There are tons of awesome playlists for any tabletop game. This is my go to.
donjon - To randomly generate whatever I need if I've gotta be making shit up on the fly. Great for NPC generation in a crunch.
If running Pathfinder I swear by Combat Manager. Since PF is all OGL this app literally has all monster stat blocks, all core books, all spells, etc. It's a beautiful thing.
The book as a whole is pretty terrible, I wish they would redesign it. Casting spells without this app is nearly impossible.
Use this app. Saves games.
If you have android with play store this app is spectacular to use for spells and also for players to keep track of their own lists.
Here ya go. All spells searchable and sortable and you can compile a spellbook for individual characters.
I personally really like, This app for android
I've been using this one for years now.
I second the recommendation for an app.
He means something like this app.
I use an app on my phone to keep track of and look up spells.
Kobold Fight Club for building encounters.
5E DM Screen for all your charts at a moment's notice. Doesn't include all charts, but does have an index at the bottom with page references to the actual books.
5E Spellbook App (available on iPhone as well), since WotC has yet to figure out how to properly organize spells for character building in their rulebooks.
I use this app on my phone, works a treat.
This app works wonders for tracking my spells. I even have my backup characters spell books all set up. Just in case...
Just the ones I use on a daily basis.
I've used this app and have been really satisfied:
This app (if you have android) has saved me many times in 5e
You can use a different app for your spells, like D&D 5 Spellbook which I use.
try this out
not to rain on ops post but check out
Ah, gotcha. DM is on Android and I believe he's using the D&D 5 Spellbook Cards app; might not be available for iOS though.
I have been using this app, which is wonderful. It even let's you make a spell list and save it
>5th Edition spell book
5th edition spellbook - comes with only the SRD spells by default but you can manually add the rest or find them online. If you're using 5e
Critdice - for when you need to roll too many dice for something
FaNG - Fantasy Name Generator, super useful for grabbing quick names for NPCs on the fly that you can save for noting down later.
Edit: also please add an edition to your question, lots of stuff is version dependent
I assume this is the app you're talking about
And that's pretty much all I use. I also use some of the ones already mentioned here and some sites but as for apps that's all I got. Hope they're useful to you as well!
Nice! I use an android app for spells learned, prepared, and slot upkeep. It's super helpful for me.
Love the art, but for anybody less artistic that wants an easy way to keep track of spells let me recommend the 5e spellbook app.
Organizes spells easily with filters for class, level, etc.
Gives info exactly how you'd expect
And you can keep separate spell lists for different characters!
What about fifth edition spell book app, it works great and has all the spells plus they are filterable by class and level...
Hi all!
A few friends and I have made a new weekly podcast about, you guessed it, Dungeons and Dragons.
Rather than being an "actual play" show, ours is more of a news and information show, where we cover official WotC news and releases, apps and items that are handy for players and DMs, tips for players and DMs, interviews and more!
We'd love it if you were to check us out and give us any feedback! Bear in mind this is the first episode and there's still plenty of great content in the pipeline to come.
Also, thanks to the mods for letting us post here :)
... to the ninth entry into the Heroes Rise chronicle. This episode was recorded on Saturday, 20th January 2018, and made available for download on Wednesday, 24th January 2018 at Unfortunately Ryu rolled a 1 on her Constitution save and has been Diseased for 1d6 days. Ryu, if you’re listening, (and may I remind you you’re contractually obligated to) we miss you and wish you the speediest of recoveries! In the meantime, good listeners of the multiverse, you get to listen to Raerae, our Social Media Mage! To start the show off, we dig into our Adventurer’s Packs and this time Lennon teaches us how to spell! Then we take a look at some D&D News as we cover:
After that we take a Short Rest and hear some Wisdom from the Masters as we bring you the final part of our series on using Weather in your games; before finishing off the show by looking into the Scrying Pool to see what you have to say
> ##### Do you use D&D Beyond? Have you tried out the latest UA and Critical Role content? If so, what did you think of it? If not, why not?
The 5e Character Sheet app is really good.
Hmm, well, the Android app hasn't gotten taken down. And it now has Xanathars spells as well.
Are you not using the 5th edition spellbook app?
For Android I really like this App
5th edition spellbook is very useful. It has all the spells in the PHB plus the spells listed in the Elemental Evil book.
This is the one I use.
As far as Spells, this app is the best way I stay organized (as a player and a DM).
There's this
Pretty convenient.
Seconded on that app. Works great.
Do they have an Android phone? Make them a spell book in this.
If you don't mind mobile
> D&D 5 spellbook cards.
haven't had any issues with it. Also free.
D&D 5 Spellbook Cards
D&D Spell Book I loved this app when i was running a Warlock.
As an aside, if you intend on playing spellcasters I recommend this app. It's much faster than trying to navigate the PHB for specific spell references. An excellent find. Much thanks for sharing.
Is it this one? Because I can't figure out how to update it to include XGtE spells.
That one's okay, but I prefer this one.
And it's "Android," not "DROID."