While I love it, it does kind of feel like you’re missing a trick by not making the bible look as unapologetically 90s as the original. Still a really great drawing though!
Lucretia didn't know Takko cast detect thoughts on her. https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Detect%20Thoughts#content
He only used it to detect her surface thoughts, which doesn't let your target know you're reading their mind. Griffin specifically mentioned this IIRC.
You can google Nick Polygon. He worked at Polygon with Griffin and they did a bunch of videos together. The thread you replied to basically has all the information...
Here's the first link that comes up when I googled Nick Polygon: https://kotaku.com/polygon-parts-ways-with-nick-robinson-following-twitter-1797735272
No, it's a reference to this actual real book that was published in 1999, long before King of the Hill's season 8 (which was in 2004, according to Google):
Although you might want to stick to Google Play Music, I highly recommend Podcast Addict on Android. Clean and simple interface.
You can see a lengthy preview on Amazon.
There are two "fucks" and a masturbation reference within the first five pages, so I would say no!
Just a bit of background for those who are interested in learning about us, I got the chance to DM for the first time a few weeks ago with my friends and brothers, and to be honest, it went surprisingly well. Now we play through our phones via Discord app. It's a bit more difficult but manageable once you get the hang of the commands. Considering we aren't able to play together in person a lot (my brother lives out of town), we play a lot through Discord when we're not together in person. Anyways, similar to the beginning of TAZ, this is the cover I made for our first adventure (Lost Mine of Phandelver) from the starter pack; I plan on making more as we play more campaigns. Also, I need to give credit where it's due: the 8-bit characters are from an artist named Chloe (http://azidraws.tumblr.com/post/43668843808). I found them on Tumblr and didn't even notice they were characters from The Hobbit; they really remind me of my brothers and friends. Also, the background was found on google but I can't seem to find the original artist; the only thing close was this article talking about SNK: https://kotaku.com/5977912/the-best-animated-backgrounds-of-2d-fighting-games.
They are using a modified homebrew version of 'The Lost Mine of Phandelver' in the first arc, so here is 'Nezznar the Black Spider' on page 59, feel free to add/remove anything that doesn't fit the fight/tone of the campaign you're running. http://anyflip.com/afgs/hczf/
So I just googled 90s man windbreaker and got this as the actual first hit. I'm comparing it to the pics I took, but damn if that's not the same jacket it is so close I'm having trouble seeing the difference.
The wrist bands Griffin has on aren't part of the jacket, they match his headband.
It is my first one, so I got a cheap longboard on amazon. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B073Z3DHDM/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00
Now I just have to learn how to use it.
They mentioned they're using https://roll20.net/ . Basically, the GM can build a virtual tabletop with maps and put the characters on it. Then the players can either type in something like : /roll 3d6+4 and it will calculate it for you, or for many systems you can enter your stats, and then just click a button like "Attack", "Will Saving Throw", "Perception Check" etc.
You can also watch overview videos of what it looks like on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-aJLyYUXa0
I don't think there's a specific directory but some good places I lurk are:
The Adventure Zone tag on tumblr - You can filter so only image posts show up and then filter byt "Most Popular" or "Most Recent" (Most recent usually has more doodley/unfinished stuff mixed in.)
#thezonecast hashtag on twitter - Filter by "Top" or by "Photos"
The Adventure Zone appreciation group on facebook is another good place to check out.
I have the rest of these on my tumblr if you guys want to see the past ones!
I'm so excited for murder on the rockport limited, it is so damn good
There are magic items that have that mechanic in D&D
from the Staff of Power description
Retributive Strike: You can use an action to break the staff over your knee or against a solid surface, performing a retributive strike. The staff is destroyed and releases its remaining magic in an explosion that expands to fill a 30-foot-radius Sphere centered on it.
You have a 50 percent chance to instantly travel to a random plane of existence, avoiding the explosion. If you fail to avoid the effect, you take force damage equal to 16 x the number of Charges in the staff. Every other creature in the area must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes an amount of damage based on how far away it is from the point of origin, as shown in the following table. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage.
Just a Puzzle Game. I downloaded it, the puzzles themselves were pretty boring and it felt like the plot was being telegraphed from the start so I didn't play it long enough to find out if it gets more interesting.
cryin while sprayin
Hey don't worry about it, we were all noobs at some point and this subreddit is a particularly positive community as opposed to a lot of the default and popular subs.
Here's a simple Reddit FAQ if you're interested and if you're using reddit in a browser on PC you might want to install RES. It adds a lot of functionality to the site.
You might consider having the character become an NPC and have the player start a new character. The relics as described are so much more powerful than a low level DnD character. Essentially the character's personality would be replaced/be a thrall to the relic, and the NPC would become a villain in the story.
If you decide that the relic isn't that powerful, there are existing rules for items with personality. Rules for sentient items are found in DM Guide page 214, or here. See especially the "Conflict" heading.
I can say with 99% certainty it's a custom font. You can let this run to see what fonts were -possibly- used. The cracking is done by a designer, and the O is custom as well. https://www.fontsquirrel.com/matcherator?matcherator_img=tuwtqeu7bket2aan0cgbupou7c7o8dqs
Yeah, I think that's marker?
Neither her mom nor I are artistically inclined, but we've always tried to support her with materials. She gravitates to digital (mostly using FireAlpaca I think?), and we bought her some Copic markers which are apparently magical, and she's really into those right now.
Well, there's this (found via a link on the wiki). Doesn't look like it's 100% up to date with the latest few episodes, but is this the sort of thing you're looking for? The wiki also has a page for each of them. (Spoilers, obviously.)
I really really like this app a lot:
Great art and cool ideas. I think they have a set of cards too in case you're not into apps.
I like this one. Allows you to have multiple spellbooks (for different characters), and you can sort out only your prepared spells from your full list of known spells. Also has all of the spells from PHB & EE pre-loaded (the 4 cantrips from SCAG aren't in there, but I was able to enter them myself pretty easily).
> Because that is not how they envisioned him? Is it a racist thing?
A little bit of both -- if you go to Tumblr and just search "Taako", you'll find that he's largely represented as a PoC, as well as stout/body-positive. Much more so than the other two, Taako has somehow been put up on the pedestal as a rallying point for diversity in all directions, I imagine largely because it came to light during the campaign that he was a gay elf.
I don't think the Latinx community is in any sort of agreement over whether or not Taako should be/is Latinx as well -- you can see how problematic casting a man named Taako who spent the first part of the series trying to create the taco and stealing everything he could get his hands on would be, but at the same time, some of the community argued that "reclaiming" the character would be more beneficial than erasure of their culture. Bit of a Catch 22 there when they decided to make a visual representation of an audio artform.
If you just want to listen and have an Android device, I highly recommend YouTube Vanced. It lets you continue playing audio even with your screen blanked. (Bonus: no more YouTube ads, ever. I mean, like, none.)
p.s. cheatsheet of mp3 urls, ripped from web archive copy of the old rss feed. (up to the end of amnesty)... might need some care with ordering though! :p (these are A-Z order) watch out for balance 49 instead of 049! :p
could mass download them in a download manager (browser extension or a desktop one)
'paste urls from clipboard'
You can either get the Player's Handbook (which is like the core ruleset and will lead you through character creation) - https://www.amazon.com/Players-Handbook-Dungeons-Dragons-Wizards/dp/0786965606
or you can get the Starter Set, which is cheaper and includes how to play a character levels 1-5 - https://www.amazon.com/Dungeons-Dragons-Starter-Set-Roleplaying/dp/B00SI774U6
Spell cards are useful, not necessary, and I'm sure you can find those on Amazon as well! I play a Druid in one of my games and it's a fun class.
If you're referring to the app they currently use, this came up a little while back: https://twitter.com/griffinmcelroy/status/733415093392695296
And here's the Android version: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wgkammerer.testgui.basiccharactersheet.app
Our group uses this app, we all really like it. Absolutely worth the money.
He also has an app on the Google play store. Really great app of throwing characters together very quickly, just wish it had a stat block export, or export to PDF.
This is correct. Griffin's confirmation on Twitter: https://twitter.com/griffinmcelroy/status/733415093392695296
And here's the Android version if anybody wants it: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wgkammerer.testgui.basiccharactersheet.app
Our group uses this app, we all really like it. Absolutely worth the money.
To the best of my knowledge, Griffin basically uses the standard D&D planescape which is easier to just link to a wiki for than try to explain but is basically divided into the Material Plane (where the game is set), the Transitive Planes (Astral and Ethereal, which are empty and used to travel), Inner Planes (The Elemental Planes. Scary places) and the Outer Planes (The Conceptual Planes. Heaven, Hell etc) and then, on top if that Griffin has added The Plane of Thought, which is our world and is basically just his excuse to add a frankly unreasonable number of elevators into Faerun. :P
TAZ also uses a pseudo-Spelljammer idea that there are multiple Material Planes that are all different but operate on a similar ruleset. In Spelljammer this is to tie all the published settings together in one mega planarverse, but in TAZ seems to be more of an alternate universe deal, where they aren't connected and you need an artefact like the Starblaster to get through to another one. This is where The Hunger came from, one of these planes that became predatory and essentially started attacking other versions of itself.
I hope this helps a little bit? Planes are something I find most people only vaguely understand and get handwaved away as "IT'S MAGIC, OKAY!?". Or at least that's how I deal with it in my games. :P
I use RES, and it keeps a tally of upvotes when usernames appear - I must have upvoted you 7 times. It's 8 now. . . .
(I meant to delete those when I cut and pasted the usernames, but obviously forgot.)
Weird. I messaged the mods because I didn’t get a notification that it was deleted. For now, here’s the link.
After finally downloading the Crystal Kingdom OST (which, tied with Journey's End, is my favorite TAZ album), I was listening to this song and decided that I should try my hand at Clone Hero (a really, really good fan reboot of the Guitar Hero games found here) charting again.
So, here it is: Oh Hey, It's Hodge Podge, now playable on your nearest plastic instrument. The chart download is in the YouTube video description.
it says flat.io. Flat is really fun for making music and it's easy. I use it a lot to just play around, and it can also do stuff like this. Lots of people publish awesome stuff everyday.
https://flat.io/score/5e9e4c0aac1e8549c478640c-the-adventure-zone-crystal-kingdom Here you go! I don't have too much experience writing sheet music because this is the first time I've ever made a piano cover, so I hope I didn't mess anything up/that it's not weird to read haha. I'm glad you liked it!
it's the first 3 arcs, and it comes with an exclusive two sided poster included
but yeah box sets arent always a complete series.
Ehh, you can get by as a newbie in the 5e scene by using the System Reference Document which is free by default. It doesn't have everything from the Player Handbook, such as all of the cleric domains, but it has the rules and some of the other subclasses. After playing with it for a while and determining you enjoy that edition of D&D you can get the PHB on Amazon for $29.74 USD.
So there are lots of options before resorting to piracy.
Thanks guys! If you like the shirt, here is the listing on Amazon . It only comes in a t-shirt so you'll need to pull out the sleeve seams. And if you're a particularly small mothman like I am, you'll need to take it in at the sides. Keep Kepler strange!
as noted you can get a rss feed.
another handy general tip if android:
the podcast addict app lets you add mp3s as 'virtual podcasts'
e.g. will treat a folder of mp3s as if they were a podcast show
sounds weird. perhaps try in another app for this case.
> Overcast for iOS and Podcast addict for Android.
My (free) podcast apps of choice would be Overcast for iOS and Podcast addict for Android.
Both fully featured and customizable, and have the crucial 'silence skip' feature.
Try amazon smile to donate to charity automatically at no cost to you!
^^^I'm ^^^a ^^^bot ^^^and ^^^this ^^^action ^^^was ^^^preformed ^^^automatically.
Amazon! Here’s the link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0762LTCN8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_sSrjEbD0C8KCY It’s not shiny at all and actually super low maintenance, just had to give it a light combing after having it tied up in a ponytail for a while lol
Oh I have both a cat and have had a kouse and I gotta tell you the bunny is 100 times worse I guarantee lol. The mouse wasn't too bad especially since we have him dried papayas he went crazy for em. Dropped a link below incase: )
Kaytee Fiesta Healthy Toppings Papaya Bits For All Pet Birds, 2.5-Oz Bag https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002UIZ12W/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_z0WpDb7SJC8JW
There's actually an official "Podcast App" inside of the "Google" app, it's built in! Google doesn't explain it well, but basically just download this: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.podcasts and then search the podcasts you want.
I also recommend Pocket Casts, but the official Google App is a great, free alternative.
That's so cool, I definitely want to try my hand at seed art when I'm back in MN, in the meantime I wear this shirt: MN on a Stick - Here for the Seed Art
For real-time ..
If you use Android, you can try our pro audio app - it includes these voices: Effects:
3-band Equalizer
Voice Changer:
Dark Father - not affiliated with Darth Vader or Star Wars
Rylo Ken - not affiliated with Kylo Ren or Star Wars
Dane - not affiliated with Bane or The Dark Knight Rises movie
Exterminator - not affiliated with Dalek or the BBC
Space Trooper - not affiliated with Stormtroopers or Star Wars (this one will be improved in the next update)
Captain Phase - not affiliated with Captain Phasma or Star Wars
The app link is here
Just plug in a male-to-male cable to the phone jack, and the other end goes into the gaming hardware mic jack - just remember to keep volume very low initially (so you don't blow anything out with loud volume).
Now after jack is plugged into phone, pressing Record in the app will echo the recorded audio to the output as well.
Click Effects - Voice Changer and pick from the effects. Or just use the Effects - Pitch (which is free) - or the Equalizer.
Let me know if you have issues.
I don't think they do. Especially with as fast and loose the play with the rules, I doubt an app would be useful.
I think they use those dry erase character sheets though.
Edit: well, guess who just finished the ep... So, Griffin mentioned looking through the app. I'm thinking it's this one