This app was mentioned in 192 comments, with an average of 2.59 upvotes
Material Audiobook Player is written in Kotlin and is open source.
Play store:
Voice: a very nice open source audiobook player
iNaturalist: a big hobby for me, allows me to identify local plants, animals and more, and record them for science! It is well known but I don't think I've ever seen the app mentioned here.
This seems almost identical to Voice Audiobook Player in both looks and features.
If you forked your code from it, you need to respect the GPL license it was released under. Most notably, you have to disclose that it is based on Voice and you have to release your source code under the same license.
I miss this feature too! My inconvenient solution is to use an audio book player like Voice. If I wasn't trying to use open source apps more, I would go back to Podcast Addict.
If I may make a suggestion, I've been using Voice Audiobook Player and have found it to be extremely reliable. Great feature set, and I love the fact it is fully open source with no ads/tracking BS in it:
Disclaimer: Not the dev, not affiliated with the dev in any way. Just a fan of the app.
Maybe an Audiobook player will fit your needs? Something like Voice Audiobook Player, would keep track of where you are at in the MP3 and I believe keep the last played at the top. Also it's open source, GitHub link
Hope it helps
Voice is open source, no ads and free. My favorite so far, low battery usage, no clutter, minimal permissions and very good interface.
Voice is really good.
>• Remembers last position
• Adjust playback speed
• Beautiful Material Design
• Day & Night Theme. Don't hurt your eyes!
• Bookmarks
• Android Auto
• Sleep-timer. You don't have to stop the player in the middle of the night.
It's also free and open source.
If you don't mind separate apps for podcast/music, I would suggest Voice for podcast listening (since you are importing your own MP3s) . It's free, open-source, nice feature set for podcasts/audio books (adjustable speed, saves playback position). Fits your criteria of 'not a podcast manager' since it's fully offline but still great for bring-your-own podcasts!
Can't recommend this enough. Still can't believe it's not popular amongst the audiobook community. It's got most if not all the features of the other paid and unpaid apps being recommend and it's for free. Also has no ads.
It's just a brilliant little piece of software and is a definite check out for its awesome interface, options and capability. Big thumbs up to these guys.
i've never used their app, so i can't comment on how good it is.
i use both the Smart AudioBook Player and Voice Audiobook Player. they both let you combine multiple files into a single book, change playback speed, sleep timer, and various other features.
Material Audiobook Player (play store)
Material Audiobook Player (F-Droid)
If you're on Android, Voice is the absolute best audiobook player I've come across. It's free and open source, and has a bunch of useful features like speed control, volume boost, silence skipping, sleep timers, bookmarks, and a built-in EQ. Here it is on Google Play and F-Droid.
Check your messages ;)
If you're an Android user I recommend this player
I use voice for audiobooks. Should also work for you.
You can get it from github under ~~releases~~ assets, or download from the play store.
I like listen audiobook player which is great. But voice audiobook player is free and has pretty much the same features and it is well designed. My mom has used it for quite some time and really enjoys it. Link to app
Have you used Voice? Personally, I prefer it over Smart because it has a nicer design, day/night mode, .1 increment speeding up, it scans and sorts library a bit better (at least for me, Smart had a hard time recognizing some books and folders, don't know why), and you can also download a cover from the internet in-app, if you don't like the default or if your files don't have an image.
It looks like it kinda affects certain apps. For me, AudioFX affects my audiobook player (Voice Audiobooks Player), but doesn't seem to do anything for any other apps.
I'd suggest trying different music apps to see if there's any difference. But if you're just using Spotify you might be out of luck.
Voice Audiobook Player is free and I've been happy with it. When you select the book you want to play there is a timer option.
From the app store description: >What it can: > >* Remembers last position > >* Adjust playback speed > >* Beautiful Material Design > >* Day & Night Theme. Don't hurt your eyes! > >* Bookmarks > >* Android Auto > >* Sleep-timer. You don't have to stop the player in the middle of the night.
Check out Voice. It has more features applicable to audio books (e.g. bookmarks, goto chapter, playback speed, sleep timer, saves where you left off)
To be fair, I don't use GPM. I'm making the assumption it doesn't have those features.
Linkme: Voice
Edit: Yeah I should have added a little more there. Here's the correct link.
There's a free open source audiobook player called Material Audiobook Player:
I used to use Smart Audiobook Player but it's so much nicer and better looking, and free.
Is this better than Material Player? I use it, via f-droid, and the only permission it uses is Storage.
Whereas Bookido wants location as well, according to the permission button on Google Play.
Material Player is
I really like Material Audiobook Player - free, open source, no features hidden behind a paywall, and very good at recognizing audiobooks in my library (it can also automatically hide them from other media players)
I know what you're looking for. For audiobooks, you have Voice:
This offers you resume functionality. For i don't have anything yet. For ebooks, I guess you'll find many .epub reader apps.
On android, I use Voice it is pretty good and has android auto support if that means anything to you. Just have to laod it up with your own audio files.
Big fan of Voice, a free open source audiobook player. It has a very in-depth audio tuning system that makes books much easier to hear as it runs through a test of your hearing to tune the audio to your ears and the equipment you are listening on. Simplistic design also makes it a stress-free app. desktop application + mobile app if you want something to help you organize your books, keep track of your listens and completed audiobooks and to easily download books from your home server to your android device for listening. otherwise is fantastic for just listening to books you’ve already copied to your phone.
I use Voice, but you still have to obtain the audiobooks somewhere else.
I had the same question as you a while ago and couldn't find something similar to Tachyomi.
Voice Audiobook Player.
I like that the creator's focus is on simplicity and having it just work. Very minimalistic. Has all the basic features most people will ever want.
I use Voice. It's open source, and I believe it works in Android Auto, but I don't commute anymore, so I might be misremembering.
You just put a folder on your phone for audiobooks, then a subfolder for each book.
This is what I do. Use Libby to browse the library, use Overdrive to actually download the MP3s (on Android), and finally move them to an audiobook reader (in my case, Voice Audiobook Player).
I personally use Voice Audiobook player, It started off as Mort audiobook player and is really good. Has support for bookmarks as well as multiple customizations you can make. I have it set to that it rewinds a full minute each time it gets paused.
Voice does! It's been my go-to audiobook player for over a year now, because it has all the controls I could possibly want, without ads or a paid version.
I use an app called Voice that works with android auto. I don't use it much these days (no commute), so I'm not sure about the skip back/forward buttons
Voice! (F-Droid, Play Store)
Been using it for years already, never looked back.
Try Voice Audiobooks Player it's free and open source, specifically made to play audiobooks!
I purchased and have used both SMART and LISTEN for years swapping between the two depending on the audiobook as id get oddities with play back speed at 2x or chaptering or whatever
I switched to VOICE AUDIOBOOK earlier this year and have been very happy with it, have not had an issue with the last 20ish audiobooks.
I dont recall if i paid anything for it but here is the link
Edit: I use bluetooth on a Samsung S8. Just read app page and its opensource so yet another reason to use it, it just works with a clean UI, my only complaint is you cant delete files/books within the app
Okay, there was an audiobook player that I loved but deleted but couldn't refind to suggest it, but now I found it again: Voice Audiobook Player.
I really enjoyed it, back in 2018 when I'd reviewed it. I had to go and look at my reviews for apps in the PlayStore to find this one.
Voice Audiobook Player -
I’ve been using it for Podcasts, audiobooks, etc. About 4 years now. Works perfectly, and it’s free \ open source.
I've been happy with Voice. Open Source simple and it works Voice (Simple audiobook player) -
Don't know about that but you can always just use something like Voice and get your Audio books from AudioBookBay
Voice material player (f-droid, google play)
Is a open source media player that supports bookmarking features and resume from last played position that is useful.
I use Voice Audiobook Player and I particularly like it as it is very similar to Overdrive, but much easier for books from other sources.
Im using this one. It is in german i believe. It has a sleep timer a skip to certain point, a speed changer, bookmarks and some other stuff. Sadly it does not recognize chapters in these new fancy audiifiles.
> Are there files that have a human or humanoid voice saying the letter/number/punctuation, and then you hear the morse code for it?
If you have learned the letters and numbers well enough, you shouldn't need this. Do your "testing" at home; in the car, just try to copy what you can in a relaxed manner. I converted a favourite book (Cory Doctorow's "Homeland" ) with ebook2cw to mp3 files, and use the "voice" audiobook player to listen to it. I can even speed it up or slow it down somewhat depending on how I feel.
> It kind of sucks though cause I like listening at x3 speed on Audible. And my phone's app only goes to x2. Ah well.
Are you even human?
Though player I use on Android support up to 2.5x, but how one can stand it?
Voice Audiobook Player will remember where you left off for multiple files (if you listen to more than one at a time). You can also adjust the playback speed and add timestamped bookmarks.
I used to use that one, but recently I've found Voice Audiobook player is the best option. It's GPL, open sourced, and beautiful with great features.
E i da te preduhitrim u novom threadu "Na kojoj aplikaciji slušati audioknjige?"
Voice Audiobook Player (bivši Material Player) je super.
(Možeš i slušat na običnom playeru ali audio datoteke znaju imat po 10 sati trajanje, pa kad poželiš vratit samo par sekundi unatrag, sa prstom ćeš skočit sat-dva unaprijed :D. A i pamćenje gdje si stao i još hrpu funkcija će ti nedostajat.)
Material Player. Free, simple, ad free. Customizable forward back skip from 10 to 60 seconds. Resumes playback where you left off across multiple files (critical since the audio files I'm listening to are four hours long).
There is a homescreen widget that has both rewind and forward buttons, but the lock screen control only has rewind.
Music apps are not ideal for audiobooks. Use a dedicated audiobook player, those have the pause/resume feature plus many others that are necessary for audiobooks (rewind, fast forward, speed control, chapter indexing, cover art, multiple libraries...).
I've used Material Audiobook Player and Listen Audiobooks, both are great:
essentially exactly the same as Smart Audiobook Player mentioned elsewhere in this thread, but less ugly (and less features but does what you requested)
I have tried all the famous audiobook players for Android:
Battery wise they are almost the same and will eat battery similar to any local music player app
Design wise I like Listen the best
Feature wise Smart and Listen are similar
Developer feedback wise Listen is better
There is another player which is good on aesthetics:
Material Audiobook Player - >
You can try it out if you want great looks on lollipop. However my go to app is Listen.
Material Audiobook Player - 50k downloads - 4.4 stars.
A no nonsense material designed audiobook player that had all the features I wanted (bookmarks, variable playback speed, skip back and forward in chunks of time)
MultiWindow Toggle for Samsung - 10k downloads - 4.3 stars.
Disables the weird pulldown to pop the app into windowed mode on TouchWiz on Galaxy S6 and newer devices. I was tired of swiping for my notifications only to pop the app into this weird floating window. This app solved the problem.
TapHunter - 50k downloads - 3.4 stars.
An app that tells you where to find specific beers around town and also gives you the tap list of specific bars. It's handy if you're looking for a certain beer or want to know where to go based on what they have on tap.
Voice is a free and open source audiobook player, with Google's new Material Theme inspired UI.
I'd recommend Material Audiobook Player. Does everything you asked for. The fat finger thing is for you to decide.
What you probably would be best using is an audiobook player app. There are a few free ones and some very excellent paid ones.
The best purely free one is Voice.
For paid ones, I used to use Listen, but now I use the paid version of Simple Audiobook Player. The devs for both are super responsive and make great products, I just like the setup of SAP a little better than Listen. Both are great.
Voice, Formerly Material Audiobook Player.
Material Audiobook Player
I'm a Medical 5th year (Our medical education system seems to a bit different than yours). So as far removed from Math as possible. But here are a few things I have noticed that do work -
1. Stop wasting your time with all the things you listed. They are mostly disguised distractions. Beware of pathology disguised as physiology.
2. Start doing something, anything. Do something to take your life into your hands. Wake up an hour before you need to. Eat things you need. Go to the gym. Always go the extra mile in your daily dragging chores. Just doing what you need will never stimulate you. Going beyond and doing more in any area of life will always lead to improvement in the other, tougher areas.
3. Next is the question of motivation. What I like to do is download lectures from renowned speakers from Youtube. Then convert them to audio and listen to them as I go about cleaning/cooking/gym/walks/my day. If you want you can also invest in audiobooks. Use a audiobook player as it offers resuming any file any time. Also, as you seem like a fairly intelligent person, maybe you could increase playback speed upto 1.5x-2x.
Remember, the point of this not the facts/tips/knowledge you gain. The lectures of Brian Tracy for instance are antiques by now and have very few information that you don't know. But he always gets me motivated as hell. Podcasts are also good for this but you must do a lot of screening to find good ones.
4. Practice the Pomodoro technique. This app might help. Or this if you like things simple.. Or maybe you are a masochist.
5. Change you surroundings for better motivation. This works very very well if you get it to work for you.
material player is really reliable. Doesn't have desktop support but it's minimalistic and well thought out.
The best - Voice
It shows chapters in the m4b file for me.
Material Audibook Player
I'm a fan of voice for audiobooks and still haven't found anything that beats moon plus reader for ebooks
Free, open source, day/night mode, playback speed, sleep timer, remember position: Voice Audiobook Player
Maybe an audiobook player like
also available from
Try this : It has all the features which would be premium features in other apps. It has everything for free and is open source
I use Voice audio book player is free to use and ad free to plus it has a couple of features specific to playing audio book
Check out Voice Audiobook Player:
I used to use Smart Audiobook Player as well. Then I found Voice. It's basically perfect imo.
I'd recommend Voice, it has a cleaner interface and is free and opensource.
I recently started listening to audiobooks and Voice Audiobook Player is what I use. Seems to fit what you need.
Material player is a good free open source option
I recommend Material AudioBook player
If storage isn't an issue why not use an audiobook player like Voice
I just switched to Voice, free and open source. Looks much more modern than Smart Audiobook Player.
This is the best one I have personally used.
App for which platform?
Voice is my preference on Android.
Audiobook player: Voice, I've been using it exclusively for ages
My daily app use :
google maps
whatsapp -- everyone i know has this
reddit official app
google calendar -- for everything, work, family, events and travel - - i try to be organized
YouTube -- only to cast to TV otherwise i use newpipe when outside home or office
Voice Audiobook Player most of my day
Samsung pay
newpipe -- youtube download -- not in store but can be found on F-Droid
n7player -- i use this in the car and shower :)
deezer -- i use this at home only and i don't know why
mi fit -- i have a sport band and a scale
google keep
aftership -- shipment tracking
fing for the network of my home and office
IRC for Android IRC and DCC stuff
termux -- best app that i have, i use it to run other apps from this terminal
nova launcher
Samsung mail app
Here's an audiobook player that's also quite good.
Voice is pretty good too, also open source. f-droid | play store
You can use Voice. It has simple UI ,you can add folders. Pretty decent.
Check out Material Audiobook Player.
Material Audiobook Player handles pretty much exactly what you need. It's completely free, open source, and has no ads
Lots and lots. Try this one for book-specific playback
I use this app for audiobooks and it works fine for BF stuff too
I use Voice
I'm currently using this free one and I suggest you to give it a try.
I use this and have gone fond of it.
try Voice Audiobook Player (also plays flac)
Unter Android VOICE ( bzw. ) oder VLC player. Beide Open Source und kostenlos.
VOICE verwende ich auch selbst. Spielt bei langen Hörspielen da weiter, wo du zuletzt gestoppt hast und der Sleep Timer funktioniert tadellos.)
Bei beiden kann man JPEG vom Cover mit ins Verzeichnis kopieren, dann können auch Kinder, die noch nicht lesen können, die gewünschten Hörspiele leicht finden.
Mit lade ich Hörspiele (ohne Werbung) von Youtube. Gibt eh fast alles dort. Covers ziehe ich auch direkt dort oder suche auf Google Images danach.
Try Voice
Try an audiobook player like Voice
Best audiobook player I ever used on Android
Try Voice. It has all those features
Теж його використовую, мені подобається. Без реклами та купи-купи механік. Ось посилання:
Definitivamente Audible.
Pero sí quieres navegar los 7 mares:
Y la app para escuchar, recomiendo:
Get audiobooks from miok on 1337 and use 👇to listen them. Thank me later.
If Android, free and open source app:
>Made by podcast-enthusiasts, AntennaPod is free in all senses of the word: open source, no costs, no ads.
lets you add device folders of mp3s as local podcasts
from either Google Play Store or F-Droid.
Could also go entirely local and just pick up an audiobook app
e.g. again, Android, free and open source app:
Voice Audiobook Player
if iOS, I am not really as familiar with the offerings and that OS has a very obfuscated attitude towards file management. likely need to find an audiobook app.
they have not indicated that they will at this point.
YT very easy to locally rip offline audio only too, below free & open source examples
>e.g. Newpipe (android), yt-dlp command line (desktop) / Tartube graphic interface (desktop)
>*unknown source status: Offliberity (browser)
then sideload local mp3s into a podcast app (or dedicated audiobook app)
>e.g. antennapod (android), Voice Audiobook Player (android), BookPlayer (iOS)
YT very easy to rip audio only too
e.g. Newpipe (android), yt-dlp (desktop) / (Tartube graphic interface
then sideload local mp3s into a podcast app (or dedicated audiobook app)
e.g. antennapod ((android)), Voice Audiobook Player (android), BookPlayer
I use Voice It is good
Sure, here you go
You've not listed your platform. On Android, Voice Audiobook Player offers a volume-boost feature.
Right now I'm using Voice Audiobook Player, but i'll try others.
I would recommend Voice Audiobook Player for audiobook. Open source and no ads.
Voice Audiobook Player - Minimalistic audiobook player
Really nice simple audio book player. I use it since forever and it's just neat.
the best way to replicate a podcast experience via the youtube content would be to use Newpipe which you can use with the c2 playlist and allows for background audio only playing and even downloading audio only offline. example screenshots
or download the mp3s from a desktop and add into an audiobook app (or import into podcast addict 'virtual folder' feature)
e.g. using window's youtube-dl-gui to download audio only, and playing with something like Voice Audiobook Player
Podcasts addict has a visual folder option that would work for this. An audiobooks player like Voice would also work I think
Try voice instead
I use Voice
Voice Audiobook player it's also open source
(For Android: Voice)
Vezi Voice.
I like the voice app:
I store it in the local storage and use the app Voice Audiobook Player
This one is great.
I use voice audiobook player
Sure, here you go
shitty UI try Voice instead
For android, Voice is the best.
I can personally recommend Voice Audiobook Player. It is fast, minimal, and free.
Is it abandoned now though? The "Visit website" link given on the Play Store page gives 404 error.
Voice Audiobook Player has Android Auto support.
I'm happy with
Voice (Simple audiobook player) -
also available from Google Play at
Audiobooks are perfect for listening on long car trips
This is free and also very very stylish and functional.
This one is my favorite:
correct link for material audio book player.
I use this:
It's simple and works well.
NT by chapters:
OT by chapters:
Audiobook app with bookmarks:
Happy to help!
Link to the app I use which I forgot to include earlier.
I tried that for a while. I swapped to Material Audiobook Player because it has a much prettier user interface.
If you're on Android then "Voice Audiobook Player" is awesome for playing them.
Here's a link: