This app was mentioned in 56 comments, with an average of 1.79 upvotes
SoundHound is a music search and discovery experience that identifies music being played around you. Tap the orange button to instantly identify songs and see lyrics, share, stream, buy or simply explore more about artists you know and love or have just discovered. Exclusive: You can also search by singing or humming into SoundHound, making it the only app in the world that can give you results through unique sing/hum search technology.
Just a thought, the logo instantly reminded me of SoundHound. IDK if you'd get taken down for that but just so you're aware.
Otherwise I'm about to try it out. Seems to be working so far but I haven't tried to block anything yet.
Se tu lembra a melodia, tenta esse app:
É um programinha que tu tipo cantarola a melodia, e ele tenta identificar qual é a musica. É meio limitado na real e as chances de achar não são grandes pra ser sincero, mas é de graça :p
I prefer Soundhound to Shazam, seems to work better on Android phones.
You can easily search for a song that's stuck in your head by typing, singing, or even humming it in, though the results are hit and miss when it comes to actually speaking it.
You have find the song now, we are waiting for the answer.
Can you record it and post it for us? It's probably a public domain tune.
You can also try SoundHound. In my experience it's better with melodies and things like that, whereas Shazam is better for the actual recorded song.
Há um app chamado SoundHond, onde tu podes "cantar" a música pra ele e o app vai te dizer qual é a música. Não precisa ser a letra correta, às vezes só no cantarolar ele já descobre a música.
Oh, that app. I was thinking this app:
Btw, the app you linked is called hound, not soundhound, although both are made by the same company.
Or SoundHound or Sound Search by Google.
SoundHound was better when I used that type of app.
Google Now does the job for me now. "Ok Google, what's this song?"
yeah, for whatever reason 6.0 changes the design and functionality of the sound search widget.
like others have said, you lose your history on 6.0+ even if you are using the same app version.
why they did this, I have no clue.
as for alternatives, Soundhound and Shazam do the same thing and both (IIRC) have history and play well with google play music/spotify. but its been a LONG time since I have used either one.
Wait, how is it allowed to be called that? Doesn't this app own the rights? I've had it for several years so it's not new either.
EDIT: Welp I'm a doofus, it's the same company....
Soundhound Android Soundhound IOS [Soundhound](
SoundHound maybe? I haven't personally used it, but that's what popped into my head when I think of a Shazam alternative..
Do you know about the sound search widget that comes with the default google app?
Soundhound has a whistling/singing feature, I don't know how well it works though. Instead of playing it, you need to whistle the melody
There is an app for it. It's basically like Shazam, but it also recognizes when you hum.
I could give you the link for it but since I don't know which phone you are using just let me tell you that you'll find that app when you search for "How to find a song by humming" on Google.
Edit: here's the link anyways
Alternatively, sound hound is an app similar to Shazam and also allows users to hum the song for identification.
SoundHound found it. I usually recommend Google Sound Search but it failed at this one.
Have you tried SoundHound? That's what I use to identify a song, if that's what you're asking for.
Darude Sandstorm
If you're serious, check out /r/tipofmytounge or download this app (assuming android, iOS equivalent is probably available) and hum into it.
... this isn't an ELI5. Not even kind of.
Try using SoundHound. There's also an iOS app as well.
Have you tried the Soundhound app? I use this for the most obscure stuff that plays over the Alamo Drafthouse muzak, and I've had a lot of success.
Note: If you don't get to it first, I'll try playing this on my home PC and capturing it on my phone's SoundHound app in about 2 hours when I get home.
The other app, SoundHound has a sick transition when opening the left nav menu (seen near the end of the Play Store video). Anyone got a clue how to replicate that? In native.
I heard this song in a hotel and couldn't get which film it was and then recorded the song mobile used Soundhound to identify the song later.
I should say it is a really good app , identified many bollywood songs correct
Soundhound or Shazam to find the name of songs you hear. Just put your phone close enough to the speaker and it will detect the song. If you have an Internet connection it will find a match straight away. If not, it will save the snippet and tag it later.
Uh, SoundHound? It works with humming.
I used SoundHound to look it up
I switched over to SoundHound a couple years ago when it was on sale. I think the free version is pretty decent as well.
Thankfully there's options. I'd like to see Google snatch up SoundHound because they seem like a Google company and they've done a decent job with their Voice App (Hound) as well and i'd love to see some of the features rolled into Google Assistant.
The reason i use SoundHound is it shows lyrics inline and will typically highlight the line they are singing. One thing i wish Google would add to Google Play Music.
Puedes probar tarareándole la música a soundhound.
EDIT: Que é o mesmo site que o bycrozz postou.. Já solfejei uma música japonesa uma vez que escutei quando fui na colônia. Essa coisa é do demo. Se cantar bem parecido vc acha!
Didn't SoundHound do that? I'm not sure if it still does, but I think it used to.
Soundhound seems to be the app you need.
Music and Photos
I would have added SoundHound alongside Shazam, and VLC beside BS Player.
VLC is still a work-in-progress, but it's been working well for me.
Solid Explorer is my first choice for a file manager.
Other than that, the list mostly reflect my essential apps.
se você cantar pra esse app, ele acha a música:
Can you remember the melody? Use this app.
This app's name is SoundHound. You can search by humming. (no need original song)
If you can't, I recommend to searching 'humming search' in google.
Have you tried Music App like SoundHound?
Have you tried the Sound Hound app? It listens to a tune and finds the song.
Have you tried apps like SoundHound?
Try soundhound music, it uses whistles humming.