I like crossdressing in ROBLOX, AMA!
I'm a male btw
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2018-07-07 15:02:03.408467
Next update in approximately 20 mins at 2018-07-07 15:22:03.408500
IamA (Shift Manager at McDonalds (UK) ) AMA!
My short bio: Ive worked for McDonalds for almost 8 years and have been a shift manager for almost a year. Ive worked at various stores throughout the country so know all the ins and outs. My Proof:
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2018-06-07 00:57:57.059008
Next update in approximately 20 mins at 2018-06-07 01:17:57.059029
I Am A (Relatively) Accomplished Fanfiction Writer. AMA!
I write fanfiction in my spare time. Probably have around 100,000 reads across sites, writing for a few different fandoms, published or not.
Proof: AO3 link where most of my work is stored, but not the most successful fic I've done, which I can provide if anybody is interested.
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2018-01-19 16:07:40.338880
Next update in approximately 20 mins at 2018-01-19 16:27:40.338901
I am a 25 year old man with Schizoid Personality Disorder. AMA.
Schizoid Personality Disorder is basically a fancy way of saying I'm dull. I don't get particularly lonely or excited or feel any need for companionship.
My doctor thought my personality was indicative of depression during a physical, and referred me to a psychiatrist who diagnosed me.
Ask me things. Or don't. I'm not the boss of you.
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2018-06-30 19:20:58.361017
Next update in approximately 20 mins at 2018-06-30 19:40:58.361049
Feel free to ask me anything!
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2017-12-12 03:09:03.471629
Next update in approximately 20 mins at 2017-12-12 03:29:03.471652
Hello, I am a 17 year old girl diagnosed with Misophonia. AMA.
What is Misophonia?
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2017-11-26 04:05:00.493500
Next update in approximately 20 mins at 2017-11-26 04:25:00.493520
Upcoming Ranked Play & Matchmaking AMA with Heroes Developers - August 9, 2018
Greetings, Heroes!
As mentioned in our recent blog post, we’re going to host a Matchmaking and Ranked Play AMA right here on /r/heroesofthestorm on Thursday, August 9! The Heroes devs will join the thread and answer your questions starting around 10:00 a.m. PDT (7:00 p.m. CEST) until 12:00 p.m. PDT (9:00 p.m. CEST).
Developers from the design, engineering, and productions teams will be on hand to answer your questions.
When posting multiple AMA questions: Please make an effort to post one question per comment. This will make it easier for others to read through the thread, and will help the devs focus on one question at a time. However, please feel free comment as many times as you'd like in order to get your questions posted.
You might also see Blizzard Community Managers posting questions on behalf of players in our non-English speaking communities during the AMA. Feel free to upvote those questions if you’d like to see answers to them.
We will be starting a new thread on the morning of the AMA, so please hold your questions until then.
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2018-08-07 19:48:38.093676
This is the final update to this thread
Friendly reminder: Ranked Play Changes and Matchmaking AMA this week.
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2018-08-06 20:29:51.329602
Next update in approximately 20 mins at 2018-08-06 20:49:51.329624
GM Week: AMA with the GMs Wed 22, 15:00 UTC (EVE time)
Greetings! I bring tidings of an event! Allow me to present the following message from our beloved GMs!
Dear Character IDs,
As part of <em>GM week</em> we the Game Masters want to give you access to our souls and innermost secrets by doing an AMA tomorrow, Wednesday, August 22 at 15:00 UTC (EVE Time).
Have you ever wondered what an EVE Game Master does all day? How we tackle all the complex issues that come up in a complex universe? Why we do what we do? What the strangest cases we've dealt with are and how they warped our minds beyond repair?
...or anything else you've always wanted to ask a GM but couldn't find a suitable category on the ticket form?
Join us tomorrow for the AMA...and may the logs be with you! o7
Best regards,
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2018-08-22 13:43:52.571331
Next update in approximately 20 mins at 2018-08-22 14:03:52.571365
Account of and AMA with an alumni GHPer
I attended GHP 5 months ago now and recently, as part of a class project, started a series on my experiences throughout the process. I thought it could be helpful to all those still in the midst of the process. If you have any specific questions, whether relating to the specifics of interviewing, although I believe you’ve already done it once at this point, or more general information on the program, I’m looking to answer any questions you might have on the 3 episode of the podcast. Consider this an AMA with a member of GHP ‘55. Here’s the first episode:
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2018-11-09 02:24:36.392248
Next update in approximately 20 mins at 2018-11-09 02:44:36.392272
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2019-01-05 01:16:34.365728
Next update in approximately 20 mins at 2019-01-05 01:36:34.365751
going to sleep soon ama pls xoxo i love attention and personal questions! 🤪
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2019-01-02 23:09:16.439199
Next update in approximately 20 mins at 2019-01-02 23:29:16.439220
Jumpin on the bandwagon, AMA or tell me stuff anonymously!
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2019-01-02 20:05:57.874403
Next update in approximately 20 mins at 2019-01-02 20:25:57.874425
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2019-01-01 00:22:13.864297
Next update in approximately 20 mins at 2019-01-01 00:42:13.864320
Sick of female scum leading me on. Ama. In my cc. Unrelated.
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2018-11-21 03:33:57.742378
Next update in approximately 20 mins at 2018-11-21 03:53:57.742409
fuckiong ama im high what a fucking stoner bit h
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2018-11-18 23:37:31.827407
This is the final update to this thread
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2018-11-02 17:46:34.023378
This is the final update to this thread
i am sad lol ama to distract me😏
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2018-08-21 15:34:08.052842
This is the final update to this thread
i am a hot single 17 year old Ama team
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2018-08-15 16:13:30.112037
Next update in approximately 20 mins at 2018-08-15 16:33:30.112070
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2018-08-08 23:14:52.303534
Next update in approximately 20 mins at 2018-08-08 23:34:52.303561
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2018-08-08 17:51:29.555621
This is the final update to this thread
im bored AMA cyber bully me through curious cat pls
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2018-08-03 22:53:38.697736
Next update in approximately 20 mins at 2018-08-03 23:13:38.697780
this is my curious cat for Monday 30th July ama i am wutang chili pepers new accountzzz
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2018-07-31 12:36:05.549380
This is the final update to this thread
i could literally die in my sleep any night ama before u dont have the chance any more...
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2018-07-28 21:21:10.580658
This is the final update to this thread
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2017-09-16 09:44:42.193637
Next update in approximately 20 mins at 2017-09-16 10:04:42.193663
I'm Hazel Redgate, aka Portarossa. I've spent five years writing smut for a living. AMA!
I'm /u/Portarossa, also known as Hazel Redgate. Five or so years ago, I quit my job as a freelance copyeditor to start writing erotic fiction online. Now I write romance novels and self-publish them for a living -- and it's by far the best job I can imagine having. I've had people ask me to do an AMA for a while, but due to not having anything to ~~shill~~ say, I always put it off. But no more!
On account of it being my cakeday, I've released one of my books, <strong><em>Reckless</em></strong>, for free for a couple of days. It's a full-length novel about a woman in a small town whose rough-and-tumble boyfriend from the wrong side of the tracks comes back after disappearing ten years earlier, only for her to discover that he was actually a ghost all along. (No. He actually just got buff as hell and became a famous musician, but that ghost story would have been pretty neat too, eh?) If you like that, the most recent novel in the series, Smooth, has just gone live too, so that might be worth a look.
Ask me anything about self-publishing, the smutbook industry, what it takes to make a romance novel work, why Fifty Shades is both underrated and still somehow the worst thing ever, Doctor Who, D&D, what Star Wars has to do with the most successful romance books, accidental karmawhoring, purposeful karmawhoring, my recipe for Earl Grey gimlets, or anything else that crosses your minds!
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2018-12-27 20:12:45.757955
Next update in approximately 20 mins at 2018-12-27 20:32:45.757985
I published a RPG Maker game on google play. AMA !
Hi there, it's been a few days since i published my game ( and while i'm working on the sequel, i wanted to take some time to answer some of your questions your might have regarding this topic. so AMA !
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2018-08-04 19:47:14.640899
Next update in approximately 20 mins at 2018-08-04 20:07:14.640938
People use to-do/task lists to organize and manage their tasks. However, they usually forget to keep to time frames for completing their tasks. So, I created Task Clock app to address this problem. The app reminds you in a timely manner next subtasks within your tasks. The app is available on Google Play. You are welcome to ask me about any aspect of the app.
The link:
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2017-12-21 01:04:16.381078
Next update in approximately 20 mins at 2017-12-21 01:24:16.381102
Hey guys,
Smartynote Pro is a notepad app with features like Image to text (Optical Character Recognition), Speech to text, Text to speech. I published this app few months ago. Although, i made this app for people struggling with dyslexia but i was surprised to see general audience enjoying this app as well. The app is currently sitting at about 10,000 downloads with 4.4 ratings. However, I think i am somewhat succeeded with the goal i had for this app - to reach and help audience with dyslexia. I am really glad that my app actually helped the audience. I am amazed at the positive response of the people and praises and compliments from the emails that i get is worth more than any money in the world. So, guys check out my app and give your feedback and if you have any questions regarding me and my app. Feel free to ask
App Link : Smartynote Notepad
Thank you
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2017-12-27 13:26:04.792522
Next update in approximately 20 mins at 2017-12-27 13:46:04.792555
IamA Author of critically acclaimed book "Blindsided by the Taliban." AMA!
My short bio: While embedded with US forces in eastern Afghanistan, journalist Carmen Gentile suffered one of the most unusual injuries in the annals of modern warfare when he was struck in the side of the head with a rocket-propelled grenade, shattering bones in his face and blinding him in one eye. His new book "Blindsided by the Taliban" is a dark-humored, self-deprecating account of his injury and effort to overcome his physical and psychological wounds.
My Proof:
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2018-09-20 12:11:03.914491
Next update in approximately 20 mins at 2018-09-20 12:31:03.914513
It's beef ramen.
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2018-05-31 16:39:05.941602
Next update in approximately 20 mins at 2018-05-31 16:59:05.941622
I just published a book called, “Music Theory for Electronic Music Producers.” AMA.
Here is the book:
A little more info: I’m a college professor, PhD in music composition, and Ableton certified trainer. I started Slam Academy, and have a bunch of online classes about music theory and Ableton live.
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2018-04-17 23:47:16.504232
Next update in approximately 20 mins at 2018-04-18 00:07:16.504259
Michael Imperioli wrote a book and is slated to do an AMA next month in /r/books
I'm sure it's no You Bark, I Bite, but the dude wrote a book and may show up to talk about it in a month. Thought it was worth noting.
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2018-03-06 18:22:39.409717
Next update in approximately 20 mins at 2018-03-06 18:42:39.409744
IAMA award-winning journalist and author specializing in immigration news! AMA!
You've probably heard a lot of news lately about immigration - terms like Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, DACA, the Dream Act, the wall. How did the situation get to this point? I'm a news reporter who has been exploring immigration issues since 2001. I wrote the critically acclaimed, award-winning nonfiction work "The Book of Isaias: A child of Hispanic immigrants seeks his own America," from St. Martin's Press. Here's a link: I'm happy to answer your questions today. Proof:
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2018-03-15 15:11:52.331566
Next update in approximately 20 mins at 2018-03-15 15:31:52.331601
Written many award-winning books on Sun Tzu's The Art of War, AMA.
Among my award-winning works are:
And so on.
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2017-11-14 17:16:59.986942
Next update in approximately 20 mins at 2017-11-14 17:36:59.986967
I got a Yeelight Strip for Xmas - AMA!
For $30 I figured it would be worth trying the light strip out, and so far so good. I'm using them as an under cabinet lighting solution and they're plenty bright. Ended up having issues with the original mounts I purchased as they were too big allowing them to sag. I ended up getting these today ( and they work great! I'm using some with screws and the others with just the adhesive.
As for the drawbacks. They're pretty bright but I would have preferred just a tad bit more light. The colors are varied enough, but I feel like 16 million is a bit of marketing speak. The app is easy enough to use and it does integrate with IFTTT and Google Home. I wish it would work with my Samsung SmartThings hub, but out of the box it doesn't.
If anyone is interested in some pictures I can include some in a bit.
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2017-12-28 21:22:57.028445
Next update in approximately 20 mins at 2017-12-28 21:42:57.028469
I just published my first poetry/self-help Book - AMA to convince you to buy it
The book in question:
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2017-11-11 05:23:06.312845
Next update in approximately 20 mins at 2017-11-11 05:43:06.312869
[META] Jesse Mecham will be doing an AMA on August 14th @ 10:30am EST
Hi everyone!
I'm excited to announce that our founder/CEO, Jesse Mecham, will be stopping by to answer questions for a couple of hours on August 14th, starting at 10:30am EST (9:30am CST, 8:30am MST, 7:30am PST).
All topics are fair game, but his main focuses will be on the new mobile app release, the recent release of The Debt Consolidation Myth, and what might be coming next for YNAB.
He's looking forward to chatting with you all again!
IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2017-08-09 12:26:32.640281
This is the final update to this thread