Your uneasiness is fair, but I think they’re just making a growth play because they just raised a ton of VC funding and probably want to make the product more enticing for people.
Edit: Just looked on their What's New page and they're also hiring 20 more people, which further suggests the growth play. Link:
I've already found some cool stuff in here, like how to put columns in toggles and templates
Also "This page was last updated `@now`" at the end of the main help page is real nice. It's something I'm going to start using in certain places to keep track of when I last edited things.
I think you could do this one of two ways depending on how your other properties are set up.
If you have a Status select, you could check to see if it's set to Complete
and if it's not you could check to see if the current date is past the Due Date. If the current date is past it, you'd then display Overdue
I usually have Started and Completed dates for my tasks and then have a formula that works out the status based on those.
If you were to throw a Due date into the mix, you'd then just have to first check if Completed was empty and if the current date was after the Due one, in which case you'd display Overdue
Edit: the obvious caveat with having a formula-based status is that it can't be used to group by in board views.
I very recently decided to pull out all the info from the Formula panel and put it in a database so I could reference it more easily and have working examples. You can find that here. There'll also be links to any examples I've done which use any of the functions, etc. Hope that helps.
Did you investigate this on your own before coming here to complain?
Did you open Notion and try it yourself?
The post you linked to is 24 days old. No, this hasn't been changed by the developers in the last month.
If you Google "Notion changelog" the FIRST RESULT is the official changelog.
Do research on your own. Don't make us hold your hand all the way to the FAQ or User Guides. Be an adult and try to solve your problems before polluting this subreddit with another unnecessary post.
This is my work in progress. I also use it for real work.
Clarification, I ported just the web clipper. And I almost did nothing:
There is no filtered rollup based on a select's value, but you can manually filter the data. Here's a template.
First, there is a problem with your setup. You shouldn't link a database entry with a database defined within its page. This will create a new relation field for each new day (because it relates the Food tracking database to a new database each time). You need to create a master Food Consumption database, and you add a linked database in each day's row, filtered for this day. You can do this in a template using a self-referential filter.
Then you need to add a Water formula field to the Food consumption table. The formula will be (prop("Type") == "Water") ? prop("Quantity") : 0
Finally you add a rollup field to the Food Tracking table that sums up the data from the Water field in the Food consumption table.
Now when you create a new day, you use the template, and enter the consumption in the linked database, and it will automatically add up the consumption of water in the rollup.
Here is an example of a day's note for Java Programming I did this quarter.
I'm also taking an Online class and this is my page for a section
This was all done quickly from either using hashtags #, ##, ### for headers, [] for todos. * for the start of a bullet list. /code creates a code box, and copy paste from a powerpoint. Also they just added the '/table of contents' that I keep at the top to quickly find things in the page.
And these notes were held in either a calendar or a trillo like database that I follow up back on
Here's how I set up mine:
I have the majority of my stuff set up in one Academic Year database and then use different views of it across pages to track deadlines for a weekly view and by course. Each course has its own page where I keep track of assignments and notes. I also made an undergraduate degree plan database to keep track of my credit hours and requirements.
The only thing I haven't yet figured out how to track is grades, but I hope this can at least give you some inspiration.
Regarding the scrollbar at the bottom, Uzver made a Notion enhancer: which will let you customize how it looks. Fairly easy to change if you use the web version.
You could have a formula that outputs the total of the row again if the checkbox isn’t ticked, and then you could use the calculation row at the bottom of that formula column to show the total. Basic example here.
Here's how I ported it:
Fixed their use of a deprecated API on line 1270 of main.js, by googling for the error message:
"tabs.getSelected" is deprecated or unimplemented
Found , which made it clear what was the correct modern API to use.
Tested extension, worked flawlessly, so I submitted it to Firefox.
Let's hope they create an official version soon.
Everything you want is possible except for the most tedious part: automatically incrementing numbers. You'd have to assign numbers manually.
This is because Notion handles rows in a database without any sense of sequence/order.
Here is a test page:
1) yes! Absolutely! I have a template button that I dropped an entire page into so it creates an entire page with the click of a button.
2) if you make a header in your template and add that template to the template button, the colors and formatting and all carries over each time you click the template button. I guess you could make a template button and put a red header in it so it's less clicks.
3) you'll want toggle blocks. They have triangles that represent the toggles. And yes you can nest toggles inside toggles. If you make the background color of a toggle block red and you put stuff inside the toggle block, that stuff will also have a red background.
4) I'm not sure I quite follow you, but you can copy and paste blocks as well as use embedded inline linked databases.
The above link is to my public copy of my dashboard. It includes embedded tables and toggle blocks. Enjoy! Comments and questions are welcome. :)
I was recently reorganizing my room and, in the process, had to un-shelve and re-shelve my books, which I had to do anyway because I had accumulated quite a few that weren't properly shelved but just stacked on top of the others. So I thought, "What a perfect time to go through every single book and grab the information to plug into a database!"
Things I track:
No. of Pages
DDC No. (For Nonfiction)
Publication Year
Genre (Simplified to just Fiction and Nonfiction)
Subjects (This is where I'll tag sub-genres such as "classic," "horror," "YA," etc.)
Read status
I did this for all 200ish hard copy books that I owned (at the time, plus more that I've acquired since then). It took a full day. Luckily I don't really care for cover pictures.
My own Library dashboard consists of a few databases: My Reading Log, Catalog, Borrowed, and Wish List. I link them all together in a variety of ways and views that are kinda hard for me to explain here in a way that would make straightforward sense but do feel free to peruse it here and let me know what you think:
Here is a link to a pretty board which was tweeted by Notion (not mine) and it is really well put.
If the extra property you have is a number that specifies how many months then you could do something like the following.
if(empty(prop("Last Spoke")), "", if(dateBetween(now(), prop("Last Spoke"), "months") >= prop("Contact Every # Months"), "Time to reach out", "👍"))
Example here.
This is a template workspace for active readers who like to keep notes who what they read, like to share them and like to keep resources for a later read.
Although this template is geared towards ML practitioners, I believe it can be repurposed for other domains of interest.
Duplicate it, leave your comments:
Well, that one was fun to build! Here is a suggested template.
And here is how to use it:
I hope that this helps! If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them.
I've made a copy of this template public if anyone wants to use it
This is normal behavior for Notion. The arrow pointing diagonally is what tells you its a linked database vs the original page.
This could be partially why people create dashboards to navigate their pages instead. When you have a lot of linked databases and pages in one page, it could get real messy.
What I've done is copy links to blocks and create a menu at the top. Notion has done this in their Work at Notion page in red.
As a work-around, at least for FullStory, you can opt-out from FullStory for all apps via
Granted it's per-browser setting so you have to opt-out in every browser you use (and it's possible it gets reset when the browser gets updated, not sure though).
Yep, if you want a static site page that can be easily edited just spend a little extra time and learn something like Jekyll. Super easy to pick up and get looking right, supports Markdown rather than having to know all HTML, and has themes designed for small businesses across a few different theme sites.
If you're willing to pay to have your domain direct to Notion, just go the extra mile and host a Jekyll site that works better. There's so many tutorials out there to get a perfect website that doesn't follow one format and load after 30 seconds.
Regarding searches becoming more and more ineffective as your personal database grows... I can definitely attest to the degradation.
Notion doesn't support making pages exempt from search today, or even search filters, but Better Search is coming up on their roadmap.
Hi! You can use this formula:
(toNumber(prop("date 2")) - toNumber(prop("date 1"))) / 3600000
Using toNumber on a date will convert it milliseconds in Unix Epoch time (useful Notion Formulas reference)
1 hour = 3600000 milliseconds
I made someting similar, but it doesn't use 'Export as CSV' but synchronizes directly. See this page.
So I have a similar thing for my school tracking that may help you or at least give you some ideas.
What I do is make a single database for one Academic Year (so that I don’t overcrowd my Category tag with all of my courses for my full degree plan). In that database, I have the following properties:
Title - For event or assignment titles Category (Select) - “Academic” tag for school-wide dates like semester/registration start/end, holidays, etc. and then a tag for each course. Status (Select) - “Not Started”, “In Progress", "Complete"; this is only for things tagged with a course in the previous property. Type (Select) - This is where I put the type of assignment or event: "Exam", "Quiz", "Assignment", "Discussion", "Reading", etc. Due Date (Date) - Obvious Completion Date (Date) - When I actually complete an assignment Schedule Date (Date) - When I PLAN to complete an assignment (this is purely preferential and just helps me to make a soft deadline plan for my work)
Then I use this single database to create different views using different filters in each of my course pages and even on my personal dashboard as a "Due This Week" view to make sure I'm on track.
It's kinda hard to explain all of the views and filters. Take a look at it here:
The Academic dashboard page gives me an overview of my AY's current month as far as what section of each course I'm in. Then at the bottom I have pages for my Semesters. I recommend looking at Summer 2019 because Spring 2019 is set up in an old configuration.
Pay attention to the filters, sorts, and properties I use for each view, but you'll see that every one of them goes back to the main Academic Year database.
I saw this in a Notion Facebook group I'm part of and it works so well. Currently got it for all of my stuff in Notion :) took a bit of time to build but it's GENIUS.
From Notion:
In terms of data secruity, we use SSL everywhere, run 100% on AWS behind a VPC (based in US West, Oregon), with the database encrypted at rest. Everybody on the team follows the necessary security hygiene and Cloudtrail is turned on at all times.
And while don't have any ISO, SOC 2, HIPAA certificates, we have passed security audits of large tech customers like Slack and Intercom. And we do independent quarterly audits by NCC Group (who also audits Salesforce and other major enterprise companies.)
You can also check out our privacy policy here.
I would think most a lot of CMS's can just import .md files and use them directly?
It's not exactly what you asked for but for anyone who's interested, here's my workflow when preparing a PDF for a customer.
Export in notion, open file in 7zip and unzip to place where all my ".md"-files go, open Atom.IO, rename file and check if markdown syntax is correct (Notion has a habit of fuckups when some part of a block is bold and one part is both bold and italic) and then I run "Markdown Themable Pdf" to export it and add stuff like headers and footers with dates and so on.
It seems a bit convoluted but since the process is always the same I can run through the hotkeys for everything in less than 30 seconds so it's fine.
You can find it here
Here's my first ever reddit post btw, so please go easy on me 😉
Why I created this:
I noticed that many non-black people don’t know where to start or how to learn about black issues, while many black people don’t know the resources that are available for them to help themselves either. This solves that.
I use Notion for everything, so naturally this had to be in Notion too 🙂
You can have columns in nested blocks by using this workaround. It also looks like you'd be best off creating a template button that allows you to easily create that content in columns. I'd do away with the extra two columns on the sides though, seems like it would get fiddly. Example here.
I'd also look into creating this in a database format, that way you could have Select properties for each person and the Yes/No/QC options in those. Comments could be added to the discussion section of each page. I added an example of how that might work to the example as well.
It's not perfect, but here's a possible workaround. Check the default view on each table to see how it's built.
There are two tables, one with the Video games, and one for the Duplication tracker. They are related through a Relation field. The idea is that all video games are associated with the same row in the duplication tracker (that's achieved by using a filter on the video games table where Duplication tracker Contains Duplication?).
The Video games table has an ID field that concatenates the Title and System. In the Duplication tracker table, I added two rollups for this ID field, one that counts all values, and one that counts unique values. I then have a formula that checks whether the first is greater than the other, and if it is the case, it shows a warning. It's unfortunately not possible to show which value is duplicated, but if the warning appears after adding a row, that's the duplicate row.
I hope that this helps!
I've been using Notion for almost 2 years now. I tried several finance, expense tracker etc apps but I like keeping the tools I am frequently using in one place.
I built this template for myself and I taught maybe the template can be useful for others.
Please enjoy!
There is no voting feature, but here's how it could be approximated. As a caveat, I'm not saying you should do this, just that it's a possibility :-)
The idea is that you have a Features table, and a Votes table, which are linked with a Relation field. The Votes table has also a Created by field, and the name field was renamed to Note.
There is a database template in the Features table to create a new feature (called New feature). This template adds a linked database to the Votes table. That linked database has a view called My Vote that filters by Feature Contains New feature and by Created by Contains Me. There is also another view called All votes that filters only by Feature Contains New feature.
Finally, there is a rollup field in the Features table that counts the number of votes rows for a feature.
Here's how to use this template :
Again, you probably shouldn't do this. It's not really user friendly, and it's far from perfect. For example you can't prevent voting multiple times for the same feature. But it's a fun workaround :-)
Like u/DesiCodeSerpent mentioned, there is no specific filter for that, but you can work around it.
You need to add a Formula field in your Journal table with the following formula (assuming the date is in the "Date" field): month(prop("Date")) == month(now()) and date(prop("Date")) == date(now())
. This adds a checkbox that is checked when the month and the day are the same as today's. You then add on your home page a linked database to your journal, with a filter for when that new field is checked. Here is an example.
Hope this helps!
As u/DannyHatcher mentioned, you need to put the tasks in a database if you want to summarize them in any way.
Here's a quick template to show what you could do. I showed the todos in a board, but you could also have different lists as linked databases for Priority, Soon and Someday.
There are two tables, one for todos, and one for the summary. I linked the two tables together using a Relation field, and filtered the todos table by that relation field so that all new todos will be associated with the summary. Then in the Summary table, you enter the number of tasks per day. There is a (hidden) rollup that counts the number of todos that are undone, and a simple formula field that outputs the summary.
Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions.
Sorry silly me, I found this on the third page of the SERP -
You should send these through as feature requests if you haven't already. You can do that in the app, on Twitter, or via email:
+ enter
to go to full page mode as soon as the modal opens though. For this I wish there was a modifier key you could press to go straight to full page mode when clicking, something like shift
.I think you'd be able to combine the two formulas into one. Something like the following. You might be able to use one date property too, start date as the issued date and end date as the expiry.
if(empty(prop("Expires")), "🚫 No Expiry Set", if(now() < prop("Expires"), if(dateBetween(prop("Expires"), now(), "days") < 91, "🔥 Expires in " + format(dateBetween(prop("Expires"), now(), "days")) + " days!", "✅ Valid"), "💀 Expired"))
Edit: an example using one date property could be like the following.
if(formatDate(start(prop("Issued -> Expires")), "L") == formatDate(end(prop("Issued -> Expires")), "L") or empty(prop("Issued -> Expires")), "🚫 No Expiry Set", if(now() < end(prop("Issued -> Expires")), if(dateBetween(end(prop("Issued -> Expires")), now(), "days") < 91, "🔥 Expires in " + format(dateBetween(end(prop("Issued -> Expires")), now(), "days")) + " days!", "✅ Valid"), "💀 Expired"))
You can't choose or reorder the columns displayed when clicking on the relation. You can however use Rollup fields to display selected fields from the Contacts table (e.g., first and last name) in the Expenses table.
Not directly nor easily, but you can create dependencies between tasks by using a Relation field to link a database (or calendar) to itself. You can then use that to calculate for example the deadline of a dependent task based on the previous task. Here is an example of what that would look like (check the different views).
This is a possible workaround, but it is definitely not as powerful or flexible as a dedicated project planner (if that's what you want to use such a calendar for).
I am currently developing a Notion template for small to medium-sized architecture practices. It is mainly a project manager (with tasks assignable to team members). It also has the ability to manage clients, contractors as well as having a simple business wiki.
I would really appreciate some feedback. You can duplicate the template here.
>prop("Completed") ? prop("Effort") : 0
is this what you want?
The answer by u/CokeIV is correct, you can't have an automatically set auto-incrementing ID, and using the Created time field is the best way to work around that.
If it is acceptable for you to enter the ID yourself, you can use the (slightly convoluted) solution here to always have the last ID display when you create a new entry, which makes entering they new ID very easy:
So there's an issue with the template when it comes to my two linked databases so I've made a workaround. Here are the pages with all the separate views in my set up on one single page labeled. Simply duplicate and drag into the main template to the appropriate areas. The links are below. Sorry for the errors, I don't know how to fully transfer over my databases with the main template. Links can also be found on the template walkthrough page on my main template
I use Notion Potions for widgets if that helps at all:
hi. there you go:
lmk if you have nay questions.
Do you have a property where you specify the number of years the item is supposed to last you? You could use that, the purchase date, and the cost to work this out I think. Working example here.
prop("Cost") - dateBetween(now(), prop("Purchased"), "months") * prop("Cost") / dateBetween(dateAdd(prop("Purchased"), prop("To Last (yrs)"), "years"), prop("Purchased"), "months")
Yes, do you see that toggle on the part you selected the cad size option with the properties? If you turn a property on, it will show on the board (this applies to any view, and the order of the properties will be the order they will be displayed). On the board view, all the enabled properties will be shown on all cards.
As far as I know you can't with a board view. You can, however, have some linked databases with Gallery views in columns with some filters to do what you want. This is my preferred solution and I tend to always use Gallery views because of this, way more convenient. I did an example a while ago with a quick and short explanation. . When yin have these views in columns, you can adjust the width of each columns and simply don't use auxiliary views. And, as I mentioned in the example and answering 1, you can display the properties you want enabling them on a per view basis. This means, you can have a more important column show more information, something you can't do on a board view. If you applied the filters to each linked database, it will work exactly like a board view but with more control over it.
Have you checked out Notions Official Template Gallery it has more then just what's shown available normally. You can also use google or youtube so see if anyone else has shown off their templates
Other then that, if you really want help then you'll have to think and write down a list of features you want and how do you need them to work. Then we can offer different solutions. I can't really suggest anything since there's such a lack of detail.
Even something like "I want this" or "-to happen if I do this" or "it would be nice if something like this happened-" would be great.
Edit: I'd be willing to help you set it up, if you'd like. Or if you have any questions, I'll try to walk you through it! There's a lot to take in, especially if you don't know the terminology.
no, formulas don’t have access to the history of what you enter. what you could do is have 2 separate tables, one for cumulative time and one for individual entries. each row in the entries table would have the number of hours spent each day, and the cumulative table would have a rollup for each category of task that displays the sum.
Currently you can only group board views by Select, Multi-select, and Person properties, but adding more options for this seems to be on their radar.
Hi there!
Here is a template of my workout calendar for your use:
Please let me know if this helps!
Currently you can only view columns in the iPad app, so I imagine that's what's happening in the browser versions as well. Seems like you'll have to create and edit columns on from the desktop app/browser.
This feature is documented here:
They have a tip that reads
>If you put your Template Button at the top of a list of items, your templated content will appear below the button. Conversely, placing your Template Button at the bottom of a list of items tells the button to generate content above it.
I also have template, whick track tasks with given interva,which can be any days you want. I think it can be named recurring tasks tracker. Number of days left updates, when you check checkbox. Maybe it will be useful too. Interval in the "task" is negative just for the example
You'll need "nested conditionals" to check for the possible values of "Yes", "No", or "Half" and assign them the appropriate integer values of "1", "0", or "0.5" accordingly.
Nesting conditionals can be very complicated and confusing for non-programmers but this one is simple. Here's what you'd do for the "Monday" column:
toNumber((prop("Monday") == "Yes") ? "1" : ((prop("Monday") == "No") ? "0" : ((prop("Monday") == "Half") ? "0.5" : "")))
Basically this says:
With the results being a number, you can then Sum, Average, etc. the column.
Then, you'll have to create a partner Function Property for each day of the week. Once you get the "Monday #" function column working, just duplicate it, rename it, and change the day of the week in the function.
I created and shared an example you can duplicate into your Workspace:
Feel free to keep sending requests or challenges! (note: the more detail in your request, the more likely I am to tackle it quickly - the slowest part is figuring out what functionality is needed)
> What is one of the coolest use case that you have seen for Notion?
Hard to say really. My favorite things that people build in Notion are often quite simple. They're processes and ways of recording or organizing information that are exciting to me. It doesn't have to be complicated at all.
> Do you have some personal templates that you are particularly proud of?
When I built the whole public-page duplicate feature, I made a template for how we organize things at Notion. Things have since changes a bit, but it's still a good place to start.
> Is it possible to implement the long-press actions when on the homescreen for the Android App?
Definitely! We have a few other things to do first though.
> Do you use iOS or Android personally, as an engineer and designer
I use iOS. The UX is so much better, but I am frustrated how closed off and locked down the platform is. Another engineer here, Rob, is getting the Librem 5 which I'm pretty stoked to play around with.
I really like what you've done here. I'm always curious about what others are doing on similar projects.
The big difference is that I strip out the ingredients as a checklist (for shopping) and rewrite the instructions to be more in line with my process. I also rate the recipes and track whether or not I've actually tried it. I'm doing keto right now, so trying a lot of new things.
I checked the keyboard shortcuts, it can be accomplished without the mouse, click into the beginning of the block and type "
then spacebar
and that should accomplish the same.
Ah, gotcha. It sounds like you'll need another database that you can relate all of the entries to and then add some true/false formulas to the original database so you can use rollups for counting those on the new one.
Maybe something like this? You could get rid of a lot of the properties in the original database if you only needed the "this month" amounts in the second one.
A page link can't be a toggle as well unfortunately, but there are a couple of ways to add the link to the toggle heading. But yes, the page will already need to exist in both instances.
You could link to a page in the toggle heading with an @-mention. That way the text in the toggle would update if you were to change the title of the linked page. If the page in question was a direct subpage of the page with the toggle you could hide it in a toggle at the bottom of the page.
also you can try clicking on this link maybe you can duplicate it to your workspace
>creates a linked database — a copy of an existing database that you can insert into any page in-line and filter or view however you want. Helpful for creating multiple excerpts from the same database on the same page.
I hear you! I'm not a big fan of the current shortcuts either. We definitely want to make them customizable in the future.
A bit of context: we arrived at ⌘+P
because text editors like Sublime Text and VS Code use ⌘+P
to navigate between files. So the muscle memory works for developers who use those editors, but for everyone else (myself included; I use a different editor) the shortcut is mentally mapped to "Print." :(
It's not even as simple as remapping to ⌘+K
like Slack, because ⌘+K
is also the universal keyboard shortcut for adding a hyperlink, everywhere from Reddit to Gmail. (In fact, you'll notice that Slack's new rich text composer doesn't support hyperlinking text.) And while Slack also supports ⌘+T
, we obviously can't override that shortcut in Web browsers.
We're trying to rethink this holistically, but it's tricky because we don't want keyboard shortcuts to change depending on whether or not you're in the editor, have text selected, etc. Please bear with us 🙇🏻♀️
As a workaround, if you never use ⌘+K
for hyperlinking, you can use a utility like BetterTouchTool to remap the shortcut to ⌘+P
in Notion. Populating the macOS menubar is a good idea, thanks for the suggestion!
Actually good point I can use the template button. I've just stuck my week ##
template into the button. Implemented the change:
Thanks for the suggestion :)
I've been using Found there's a limit to how many you can download, but signing up for a free account and I get just about every icon I could want.
Are you starting something new or have you been on wordpress for long?
I'd say do some research into alternatives there are a lot out there both if you want to selfhost or otherwise. I know it might end up being a lot of work but I'd recommend you look into jekyll. It's also a great learning-opportunity if you wanna get into coding!
So, the Eisenhower Method is a way of managing all the seemingly-never-ending tasks in your life by prioritizing them & splitting them into specific categories.
DO: these tasks are important & urgent, do them as soon as possible! DECIDE: these tasks are important, but not urgent. Decide when it's best to tackle them. DELEGATE: Tasks that are urgent, but not important, should be handed over to someone else. You've got better things to do... like sleeping! DELETE: Bit of a harsh name, but basically tasks that aren't important nor urgent get thrown to the side. You don't technically have to delete them, of course, but perhaps don't waste too much time on them.
Googling the Eisenhower Method will give you loads of articles & videos with people discussing it more in depth, here's a random one I found.
Other than that, this Notion template simply plops the boxes into Notion for you.
Use the table below the boxes to create tasks, assign them to be "important" / "urgent", and the boxes above will filter appropriately to showcase which are which. You can also create & drag cards around in the box for on the fly organizing! Pretty neat ;^)
Let me know if you need anymore help / explanation! :^)
What is with the self deprecating page if you keep asking for more explanations? It's so... weird and unpleasant, it just boggles my mind why anyone would think that this is a good look for the site.
"we cut corners to beat the deadline, sorry"
"Quit, why go with an unknown software just stick with something known"
"Suffer, if you some how manged to set this up, it'll only get worse from here"
"Mobile Last (untested), Missing Features, horrible learning curve" "Unpolished interface, horrible quality"
"We have miserably spent 3 years of our lives and are still ashamed of the result."
"Claims to be a one for all but it mediocre at everything" "at least we tired"
These are direct quotes! I guess it could be seen as a joke but it's still so unprofessional. I want to see what this site can do, not listen to some one whip and shame themselves? I feel like I just watched some one get their lunch money stolen and then shoved into a locker, maybe this is an attempt at reverse psychology or making you feel like you want to root for an underdog? If it is, it's not working.
Edit: in any case, this and Clickup (which was recommended yesterday) seems more useful for teams and professionals not just for a single person who wants to have their muffin recipes and anime watch list. Or maybe if you really have a large scale project and want to focus on the development of that.
Yeah all I keep seeing is ridiculous influx of cash and all of their competitors (,, ClickUp) iterate and push out new features on a weekly basis.
This product is slow as molasses to get new features that the community is seeking.
It's pretty bad. For all that money, they work slow as shit - convince me otherwise.
Bear is sleek and easy to use for not taking. It's Mac/iOS only and has no web access. Loads up super fast, unlike Notion.
Still using Notion though. Patiently waiting for it to become faster!
Relations: I have two databases. One has people and the other has companies. I can have a relation in the company database which connects to the people database. I can select who works for what companies.
Roll up: Let's say I wanted to see how many people work at each company. I can use a roll-up set to count. This will count how many related records there are.
Another example. Let's say in the people database I had the time it took for each person to commute to work. I could do a roll-up which took an average of the commute column for the related entries.
You've created quite the conversation here! That's awesome. I'm wondering about a few things now though. I'll be the first to admit I know very little about end-to-end encryption and self-hosted SaaS, so some of these might be silly questions.
If you don't have too many statuses you could always have a formula that converts them to an icon, or an icon with the status text and then display that property on the card. Example here. You could set it so completed and archived items don't show anything as well.
Yep! You could use a rollup on the Person database that pulls in the latest date of interaction and then do a dateBetween
formula using that rollup. Example here.
Instead of having a new database inside each project, you'd probably be better off having a master Tasks database that you link to the Projects one, and then have linked versions of the Tasks database inside each project. You could then filter those linked databases using Project
[Parent Project]
You could then use a simple formula in the Tasks database to check a box if the status is set to In Progress, and then use a rollup property on the Projects database to count the number of checked boxes.
You could use formulas to get the start and end dates from the Assigned Date property and then filter using those. Example here.
Because Notion treats databases a bit differently to traditional spreadsheets, there's no easy way to reference a preceding row without manually relating it. Take this example. You can only get the previous project's ID by first selecting it in the Previous column, which kind of takes away from the concept of auto-increment.
Unfortunately you can't access a database entry's page content in a formula. The best you could do would be to create a new Text property, copy and paste all the text into that — which in itself is a pain because you'd have to paste it into another plain text app first — then use a formula to work out the reading time from that property.
At that point though you're probably better off just putting the text in a Text property from the get-go, but then that's super limiting.
I've put together a very quick and silly example here. This is a long message for not having helped all that much, ha.
Ah, gotcha! I forgot that doing that created a Link to page. So yeah, it'll always have the title of the original database. You could always hide those linked databases under a toggle, copy the link, and paste that on some text. Not a great solution, admittedly. Example here.
Notion probably isn’t the best for this type of thing as their databases work a little differently than a traditional spreadsheet. There’s no way to reference other rows using formulas, but you could pull in the previous day's balance using Relation and Rollup properties and then use a formula to work out the current balance, but you'd have to manually relate the previous day's entry each time. Quick example here.
Edit: Ha, totally didn't see u/Suwessi's response, but yeah, same principle.
Instead of using a Status property, could you simply have Started and Completed date properties and work out the status based on those? Then you could use another formula to calculate the time between start and finish, or the current amount of elapsed time if not completed. Example here.
To round to a certain amount of decimals, the formula is as such:
// Add/remove 0s to BOTH '100's to increase/decrease the amount of decimals you want.
round(100 * prop("Number")) / 100 //shows 2 decimals
So for you it would be something along the lines of:
round(1000 * prop("balance")/prop("Credit Limit") / 1000
Rounding to n decimals after the dot/comma:
My story section has some templates you might like.
Some extra info on how to get the token and the page ID and Kindle directory:
Page ID
Kindle Dir:
Use these three values and the instructions on the github page to run the script
>Having 1 project page with multiple deadlines, that can show up on a master calendar?
Or try this. You can copy it as a template, I'll delete this page in one week
The easiest way would be to create a separate database for books. The title of the individual page within the database would correspond with the book title -- this could then be quickly searchable and linkable. You can store your book notes as part of each page. For things like genre, theme, etc. you could use multiselect properties. Here's an example of my own personal book database I use for similar applications.
Yeah, it's definitely took me a good part of the 3 months I've used this software to really optimize it down. And even just making the template I've discovered some refinements!
Template is available now here! Thanks for your support!
formatDate(prop("Date"), "dddd")
Output : Monday, Tuesday etc.
formatDate(prop("Date"), "ddd")
Output : Mon, Tue etc.
Replace "prop("Date")" with your own date field/column name. You can also replace it with 'now()' to get the value for the current day.
Hrm... Maybe it's dependant on what's scraping the data... Where are you posing this link / what app are you using to do so? My experience (with it working) has mainly been through Slack.
Can you try this one? I tested that one out in Slack specifically and it had the right title and cover image.
No...see this page for more context...
See their pricing page & FAQs:
$48/year is roughly £38.
Once your subscription runs out, you can access, read, organize all your blocks, but can't create new ones until you're down below the free threshold again.