The same way Washington defeated well trained Hessian mercenaries at the battle of Trenton.
The same way the Vietcong were able to defeat the most powerful standing army on Earth.
The same way Rome was defeated by scattered Celtic tribes, the same way the Persian Empire was defeated by Huns, the same way the Ottomans was defeated by Albanian forces.
You hit hard and fast, then vanish like greased smoke. Take every small victory, and kill 30 for every one of yours lost. Leave as they arrive, arrive as they leave. Hit them where they're weak, avoid where their strength lies, until such a time where they neglect that strength and spread their forces too thin.
"Anciently the skillful warriors first made themselves invincible and awaited the enemy's moment of vulnerability."
-Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Vigilo Confido brothers.
And obviously none could hit it, because he was flying up high. Next turn the Archon landed and somehow got poisoned, dunno how, I repeated the move and a 2nd wave of burrowing Chryssalids just ran up to him.
I had no idea of this nifty interaction, but it sure does make this particular mission a piece of cake as long as you have access to Domination.
If anyone wants 'Disable Timers' without interacting with steam workshop, I read this in the comments:
>Shaska [author] 1 hour ago
>It's not on github, but you can download it here
I installed the game, haven't played it yet, but including what others have said, I already hate the idea of timers for almost every mission. One of the things I loved about X-COM:EW was it was kind of like alien chess, you got to tactically strategize each move. I also enjoyed listening to podcasts while playing cuz it went along with the pace.
Those Legend/ Ironman players also represent less than 10% of the XCOM community. (3-7% to be exact: Play it on easy first. If you find it easy, ramp up the difficulty and try again. :)
You can if you bring up a file picker and the user selects the file.
You just wont be able to write it to disk.
If you enjoy timed missions, then more power to you, but I prefer being able to strategically move my squad like chess pieces (while listening to podcasts), so rather than getting stressed out, I use a mod from that removes turn-counters... also, there are other mods that allow you to add more turns, if you still want them.
I've used this site plenty of times and they're safe, 20 quid there
I believe these are the patch notes :
It's version 1.0.3. I don't have time to test everything but i did just check and i do now have a "zip mode" available to me.
Took me completely by surprise last night. Took a while to download and install too.
This helps some but not all, and there may be a clue to the underlying problem in that. If I knew anything about coding at all I might be able to help, but alas, I do not.
Some apparently knowledgeable people in that thread are saying that it's a memory leak and in inefficient 'garbage dump' cleanout system (don't ask me what that second one means..) that work together to ruin the game in this way over time. They've said that some mods that use UI listeners (?) can make the issue worse, perhaps by contributing to the amount of memory that is held by things no longer needed. This would seem to explain why the list of mods that have been associated with the bug is strangely long and not the same for everyone.
If the underlying memory leak issue isn't fixed, then for many systems the game won't be able to handle the big mods like LW2. Some people have reported some success using Cleanmem , which is a program that cleans out the memory for you. I have not tried it myself yet as I just read it in the thread last night before sleep.
But back to config -- part of this issue may be old mods that haven't self updated. At least one person in that thread reported success dumping all mods, deleting cache in documents/mygames, verifying files, and then reacquiring the mods. I'm going to try this before trying Cleanmem to see if it works, because I had not played XCom2 for many months until I heard LW2 was out about a week ago. I did not have the problem at all before, though the game would sometimes crash when the screen looked as it does just before it sends you under the Avenger. I have a hunch that was the same issue, it just wasn't as bad on my system then because I did not have a mod as large as LW2 at the time.
I realize now that your post was made a couple weeks ago, but I'm leaving this comment up so that I can use it again in a newer thread. Maybe someone will find it when searching and it can help them.
Its ok, for android depends on the specs of your phone here is the link for PlsyStore if you are interested..
The Vita version, I think is called Xcom Enemy Unknown Plus that has the Enemy Within changes albeit the name and has some difference to the original game in the missions and landscape. I can't recall everything because I've not played the Vita version in ages.
Now, it is obviously both versions have graphic downgrades. Also both can be played with touch screen. But I remember something bothered me about the camera control, don't remember if it was on the Android or Vita version.