Sorry for the long post but maybe it's relevant to your issue as well.
The stock CPU fan for my i3-6100 failed after a little more than a year, it would intermittently fail to start spinning but once it was going it would stay on. I first noticed this because of 90-95C temps in games and even had the system powercycle presumably due to CPU heat.
In addition to the MSI Afterburner/RivaTuner in-game OSD I started using OpenHardware Monitor with its Windows Desktop Gadget and temp history plot to track temps and fan speeds and noticed the CPU fan often wouldn't come on when powering on the system or resuming from sleep and I'd have to physically tap one of the fanblades to get it spinning again. I also noticed that when I disconnected the fan and would manually spin the blades it would feel "notchy" in a certain range of the rotation which didn't feel right. I suspect this is where the fan would sometimes come to a stop and the initial burst of power sent to the fan when turning on the system wouldn't be enough to overcome the resistance and initiate rotation.
If you're satisfied that your CPU fan is working fine now, or that the issue was user error (e.g. failure to connect the fan (we've probably all been there)) that has since been fixed then you're probably OK but if you didn't pin down the issue with the fan I suggest monitoring the speed, perhaps keeping the case's side-panel removed so you can actually look at the thing and maybe consider replacing the fan via a warranty claim or aftermarket part. I ended up getting a cheapie Rosewill fan which has been working fine and even runs a few degrees cooler.
Even though a CPU is designed to protect itself from heat it's still not good for the system as a whole if it has to powercycle so it would be smart to keep your eye on temps and fan speeds until you're satisfied everything is fine.
> is there any foolproof way for me to check or know?
Run resmon or procmon, since apparently viruses like these like to hide themselves if you open task manager. Resmon comes with windows, winkey+r type in resmon. Hunt for processes you don't recognize that look fishy. Takes experience to know what is fishy.
Run TCPView, see what's trying to dial out or listen in over the internet.
Run OpenHardwareMonitor at all times, have it graph CPU usage, memory usage, etc. After 24 hours look at the graph and see if your CPU usage is going way up when you're not looking. Should be <5% when nothing is running.
Grab openhardware monitor.
Run it
Play a song or two on beatsaber, once it starts lagging take your headset off and tab over to it.
Check to see if it's system temps throttling.
Other thing to check is to make sure your vive's HDMI cable is plugged into your dedicated GPU and not your onboard. It's a simple thing people sometimes forget, even us tech savvy folks.
> I've also heard it can destroy ur Graphics card or something
The only issue with laptops is they tend to have poor airflow, and heat is what degrades components. However, it's not as if you run a game that's "too heavy" and break the GPU - you'll just get unplayably bad framerates or won't be able to launch the game at all.
Just download some form of temperature monitor software - something like Open Hardware Monitor will work fine - and keep an eye on CPU and GPU tempatures. Google around and see if the manufacturer/knowledgeable people have recommendations for operating temperatures, then just make sure your temps are at or below that. If they're below what's considered "healthy," you're fine. If they're above, either know you run the risk of reducing the lifespan, or skip playing that game.
If it's not a K-series CPU on a Z-series board you can't overclock it.
As for why it's slow, could be a lot of things. Do you have a video card? Is your screen connected to it? Is the driver for it installed? What is the type of the GPU?
Is your CPU running at a reasonable temperature? Use Open Hardware Monitor to have a look.
1 to 3 are indeed kind of essential. After that the OP should check the performance to see if overclocking is worth the time and risk, especially considering we are talking about a laptop, which generally means less than optimal cooling.
There's a little utility program called Open Hardware Monitor that can help monitor temperatures and CPU/GPU load to check for thermal throttling
I don't trust anyone who advises you to install CC cleaner lol. It's an intrusive software that does more harm than good. You can do all it does manually.
Don't OC your cpu if you don't have a good cooler, use this to check temps. If you are getting temps over 75° the life spam of your cpu will be shorter. Over 90° you're literally killing your CPU (most of them).
You don't need to OC you gpu. The game is cpu heavy, not gpu heavy (unless you're running high settings).
Also, mouse raw input is integrated with Fortnite so no need to disable mouse acceleration manually.
Da steht Basisgeschwindigkeit 4 GHz, aber die aktuelle Geschwindigkeit ist 2 GHz. Wahrscheinlich untertaktet sich die CPU in der Zeit. Schau mal, was die Temperaturen sagen, zum Beispiel über Open Hardware Monitor.
> well... i would like to ask just one single request: cpu and gpu usage monitoring since i want to know if my game is well optimized or not while debugging... i make everything print on screen so now i just have ram and vram monitoring (that is very good thank you).
You can use third-party utilities such as MSI Afterburner, Open Hardware Monitor or MangoHud for this.
In Godot 3.4 beta2 and later, you can make the project run directly using MangoHud when running it from the editor by opening the Project Settings and changing Main Run Args to mangohud %command%
(assuming MangoHud was installed as mangohud
in your system PATH
You mostly wanna look at temps, not this. You can use something like to check the temps.
Set windows power settings to balanced and don't worry about that number since it doesn't tell you much.
Sure, <strong>Cinebench R20</strong> is a synthetic test that utilizes the compute threads on your APU to render an image. This is a unique test as it fully loads each core, and will typically reveal the true effectiveness of your systems boost before thermal throttling occurs.
<strong>TDP</strong> is an electrical engineering concept known as Thermal Design Power, that is a measure of how much heat a compute unit generates (and the system is designed to cool). In its most simplest reduction is a good indicator of the power supplied to the process as almost all of that energy is dissipated as heat.
You can monitor your systems information during tests with <strong>open-source software</strong> such as Open Hardware Monitor; which will roughly estimate the given TDP for both the silicon as a whole and the cores themselves.
You can manually manipulate your CPU's TDP with community provided tools such as Ryzen Controller which provides Ryzen Master like features to tune your performance. (I will not link this software, as is not fool proof and you can damage your system.)
In Cinebench R20, you can test both multi-core performance and single-core (however to access the single-core test you must enable it within the settings).
Another way to test if it is the temps is to use a temp monitor to see if they are going up or not.
I prefer:
I had failing case fans a few years back and it was causing my temps to rise for all parts during gaming.
> 4k 60 fps video editing in adobe premiere pro
You're going to want more RAM.
> a 550 W supply, is this advisable?
Completely fine.
> did not include a CPU cooler, should I?
2nd gen Ryzen chips have XFR2 which is essentially the CPU overclocking itself if the workload is there and the current temp is low enough. So, keeping it cool is a big benefit. The stock cooler is good. Adding a better cooler later would be a smart upgrade, but it's not critical right now.
> 2 preinstalled fans, do I have to worry about buying/installing any more?
No. Never waste money on more fans until/unless you have actual, measured temps inside the case that warrant additional fans. Build the system, run it, monitor temps with something like OpenHardwareMonitor, and then make a decision. Adding fans is probably not needed, but it easy to do if it is needed.
> any tips for beginners
Your system is crashing randomly, most likely there's a hardware problem.
Try testing the RAM with Memtest86+.
Also have a look at the CPU temperature under load. I recommend a 75 C maximum for the FX-8350. Run Open Hardware Monitor to observe the CPU temperature (look under the CPU node, not the motherboard), then create a high CPU load with IntelBurnTest.
Free, several YouTubers recommend it. I use it but not as much. You're in a tough spot as far as knowing what your base readings would be pre-noise, however I would assume you can start to build that picture after some monitoring yourself.
Well, if you weren't getting enough wattage to specific components then I highly doubt that those components would work correctly.
Does the issue still persist when you restart the pc? Because the artifacts appeared whilst playing games, its indefinitely heat related.
I'd suggest you restart the pc, and check the temps using a tool such as open hardware monitor.
Edit - Do the artifacts appear when booting up, before windows has even loaded? - take at least CPU Package and GPU Core temperatures while you run those games (i.e. the built-in benchmark in R6 Siege)
For cooling and case setup, just take a picture with side panel off.
It can't overclock, but Openhardwaremonitor is a good monitoring software. For overclocking your GPU I recommend your Brand Software (Like Nvidia, AMD Aoftwares/Drivers etc. They can overclock their own GPUs)
I would suggest you download Open Hardware Monitor to check if the temps are normal after using your pc for some time. If you open the case, do you see if the fans are working correctly?
There are a couple of different considerations - somewhat separate from how you keep your XPS, the eGPU will perform generally the best if you connect a monitor directly to the outputs on the GPU card itself, and turn off the internal display on the laptop.
The second thing is it depends a little on what you're doing. If you're doing something that uses the GPU extensively but doesn't really hit the CPU, it might not matter, but some gaming really hits both, and so then you really want to prioritize cooling your laptop, and you might use a CPU temperature check to see how your CPU temp is (like OpenHardwareMonitor). You probably will get the best cooling either/or in tent mode, open in laptop mode, but on a stand, or possibly on a cooling pad.
My processor fan went wonky awhile back and I've been too lazy to replace it. My Sims, like yours, is not enjoying the summer months and lack of processor cooling.
I've resorted to running Open Hardware Monitor in the background, checking it occasionally to make sure my temperatures aren't too high.
I've been noticing problems when the processor gets up to around 70°C, so try to shut down the system and let it cool whenever it gets anywhere near that hot.
Temperatures are a common culprit in lost performance, as well as background software unexpectedly eating up your CPU. Check Task Manager to make sure nothing's using a high percentage of your CPU/GPU other than the game, but then I'd recommend using a program like OpenHardwareMonitor to take a look at the temperatures of both; games hit both of them hard and either one can drop your framerate. If you're seeing anything around 90C or above, you could be running into thermal throttling. If that turns out to be the case, I can explain further what to do to help with that (could be a lot of things from a stuck fan to a loose cooler or thermal paste).
Off-hand, that sounds like something slowly overheating. Have you tried using a hardware monitor like this one to see if any of your components are reaching significantly higher temps than the rest?
Don't listen to the people saying you got scammed. Also ignore the people saying your CPU is bottlenecking, they don't know that. I'm pretty sure my brother plays valheim with a 4460.
Can you use task manager while a game is running to see what resource usage looks like? That may be able tell us if something is actually bottlenecking or not.
It may also be worth checking the temperatures your parts are reaching. I use hwinfo, but it's a bit complicated. Alternatively you can use OpenHardwareMonitor. Knowing the temperatures can tell us if maybe the CPU cooler needs cleaning or replacement, or maybe you got a faulty GPU that is overheating.
Running some benchmarks can also tell us if everything is performing as expected. Cinebench is a go-to for CPU testing.
It's not too loud when you keep it at a constant fan speed. But honestly for $35 or so, you can pretty much rid yourself of any issues with it. I love the look of the Wraith Prism and prefer a top down CPU cooler. But that damn Ryzen temp spike really is annoying if you're sensitive to sound. And I love a quiet room. I've been eyeing coolers for a year until I finally found Open Hardware Monitor. Fixes the problem right away.
check the ingame and nvidia settings about vsync types in use to disable them if your current monitor could be locked in to 30fps mode ?
also check temperatures of the cpu and gpu when under load, so its not throttling. should be fine
Firstly, dust off any fans with a brush. Then get a temperature monitoring program such as open hwmonitor then run a game with hw monitor open and what temperature your cpu and gpu reach and how fast they reach it. If the temps are jumping right up to 90C+ quickly then you need to repaste the heatsinks/chips. If its taking a while to reach 90c then you need to give the insides a thorough clean and maybe repaste the chips while you're at it. Also, you might wanna have a look at undervolting the cpu, its easy to do and doesn't affect performance but underclocking too much will make your system crash, gotta find the sweet spot with trial & error. If the temps aren't hitting above 90C then heat is not the issue, at least not on the cpu/gpu anyway.
Also, check to see if your laptop has a button that allows you to turn the fans to 100%, if it does, make sure they're on 100% when you're testing it. if putting your fans to 100 fixes the problem then your fan curve needs adjusting or you can just do what I do and turn them to 100 whenever you play a power hungry game.
Open Hardware Monitor y tenés los resultados, a los ventiladores con el tiempo se les acaba el lubricante y empiezan a hacer un ruido tremendo hasta que dejan de andar, probablemente sea eso. Es buena oportunidad para reemplazar el horrible y poco rendidor cooler stock de Intel, no te parece?
I'm also happy Check_MK user, currently upgraded to raw 1.6.0p15 @ home, but that's only one of several instalations I've made so far.
I can even monitor GPU parameters via OHM.
You should be getting way higher frames with that setup both in multiplayer and Warzone.
Troubleshooting to-do list:
Make sure your GPU driver is up-to-date.
Turn off Game-bar
Checking %usage of GPU / CPU + temperatures. Game must be running when you are checking.
If your hardware is working fine and drivers are updated then things can start to get convoluted.
I would check your temperatures - it sounds like it may be heat related. I would stress test your computer while watching your temperatures and see what happens.
The smallest, quickest, and best programs I've found for this task are OpenHardwareMonitor ( and Prime95 (
Both are small programs (.exe's) that don't need to be installed, you can just run them and find out real quick if you have an overheating problem.
If you want to stress test your GPU too, download FurMark and run it while watching the temps.
Download ThrottleStop from TechPowerUp. Their download site has the signed version. Other download sites do not have this version.
If you are still having problems, rename the ThrottleStop folder. Also try running OpenHardwareMonitor. It also uses the WinRing0 driver. Once OpenHardwareMonitor is running, try starting ThrottleStop.
If this does not work, try using the free version of Avast Antivirus. Windows Defender is overly aggressive. Once it puts the WinRing0 driver on its bad list, ThrottleStop will not start up. If you get ThrottleStop working again, you can try going back to Windows Defender.
>Circle Pro case. I
How does it do on cooling? This looks similar to the build I am doing and I worried that on full gaming load the Ryzen 3900X and 2070 would get too hot in a case like that.
Download this and paste the results here:
Run this while you’re playing: Make that window as tall as possible. After it freezes see what the GPU and CPU max temps are.
It sounds like something that would be happening if your CPU was overheating.
Check your cpu temps and report back. If you've never done this before, you can use
Okay then it might be that you've got some Windows app which does fan control from the OS and is interfering with your BIOS settings. would be the best software to check RPM (and every parameter imaginable) in.
Have you tried reinstalling your GPU drivers? Does your laptop seem especially hot? I would run Open Hardware Monitor to see if any of your temperatures reach dangerous extremes.
This seems to be a screw to a cooling solution, so the heatsink will be raised slightly and may lead to overheating if proper contact with the chips underneath cannot be made.
Regarding the GPU driver, you may need to refer to the laptop manufacturer's website for a driver tweaked for that laptop model due to multiple gpu to monitor configurations.
Ah yes this is describing a video driver/GPU crash.
You may already have all this info but I'd grab a copy of Open Hardware Monitor and set it up to log:
.. then leave it going in the background while you trigger the suspected GPU crash event.
Get the game saved/exit it as best you can and then look at the graphs for the GPU. I suspect you'll see either temps spike up or the GPU core power spike up/down as the load sits at peak for a bit.
If it's the temp, try cleaning fans, verify they are getting good airflow (not in a cabinet), and consider adjusting the fan curve setting. I can't stand hearing fans make strange noises as the RPMs shift around, so I manually lock mine to 80%.
If it's the power you might want to try borrowing a PSU for the graphics card to run off of exclusively. You'll see overclocking whores with a PSU devoted to each card so that power won't dip under load. :P
Try hardware monitor, which may be compatible:
You can also try looking in the UEFI/BIOS of the laptop, which sometimes reports.
As a third option, your laptop manufacturer may have a diagnostic that can test the fan.
As a fourth option, you can open up a CPU temp monitor and then run something like Prime95, which will heat up the CPU quick and should start the fan in no time. Be careful, though, because if the fan isn't running, the CPU will hit the throttle temp quickly. Be ready to quit the program if the fan doesn't start.
Test it under a different game. If you continue to have artifacting, make sure you have most the recent GPU update installed. If you do, download Open Hardware Monitor and check the temps of your GPU.
Its likely the other way around. Your PC is getting hot because its working properly. Some program/setting/hardware is limiting it. Check the task manager and see what uses the resources, download hardware monitor from the original site and check the temps, frequency of cpu and usage cpu/gpu in the graph to visualize whats going on. Disable all auto startups, set power plan to high performance.
Case manufacturers provide multiple mounting locations so you have options in how to configure the case. People go insane and start thinking they need to fill every available slot with a fan. Build the system, run the system, and monitor temps with something like OpenHardwareMonitor. IF you find that your temps are too high (probably not), then you can worry about adding fans. It's not like they're hard to add later. It's 4 screws and little power connector.
edit: before adding more case fans, I'd get a different cooler than the stock thing.
Don't add any fans. Just buy the new GPU, install it, and then play some games while monitoring temps with something like OpenHardwareMonitor. You'll probably be completely fine, but monitoring the temps will let you know for sure. On the slim chance that the 1080 Ti runs too hot, you're not going to damage anything. It'll just slow itself down, so go ahead and run it to see what results you get.
Power supply is a totally different question, but it's impossible to answer without knowing what you have.
Your GPU might be shutting down because its Over-Heating:
If you're messing with cooling (fans vs temps vs noise) then get yourself some software to monitor the temps and fan RPMs. Don't just assume things work because you can't hear something. If you don't have any temps on your GPU who knows what temperature it's at. You really should do your due diligence before you melt something and find out later "oh right, I see this wasn't working". You'll also get a better baseline of how things change depending on your parts and settings so again, you're not just blindly guessing and assuming things are working because of noise.
Well first of all, you didn't mention adjusting the CPUs voltage at all. When you're overclocking, you can't just up the frequency. That's why it's becoming unstable.
But honestly, your CPU is a badass cpu as is, you will really have no benefit from overclocking it at this point.
Are you still getting stability issues at stock speeds?
You have a 1080 so 4k gaming is really pushing the card. You can expect to get around 60fps on high graphics settings. Less if you're on ultra.
I would have a game running in 4k and have OHM ( open in the background. Game a little and post your GPU max load, CPU max load, CPU max temp and GPU max temp. The we can really see what's going on.
I have a zenbook with an 8th gen processor and mine doesnt. You might feel that way because the ultrabooks dont trubo too much on battery to save power, but turbo really hard when plugged in and then they overheat and start getting toasty. You can get a hardware montior like openhardwaremonitor or HWMonitor to check if the cpu is running hot.
Check CPU temperatures with something like Open Hardware Monitor, most likely issue would be improperly applied thermal paste/improper removal of old paste causing temperatures to get high enough that thermal throttling kicks in.
Your ram is underperforming.
Can you please download a hardware monitor and look at the results live
E2: I’ve read somewhere that unity has issues with SLI, have you tried running it on a single card? Nvm I see above comment
E3: I also want to verify that you have both steam + rust installed on your SSD
Je viens apporter mon grain de sel, peut être un peu tard mais je dors la nuit (oui je sais, c'est fou !)
Comme tout le monde l'a dit, je pense aussi que c'est soit surchauffe de la carte graphique soit l'alimentation qui serait défectueuse et n'arrive plus à fournir ce qu'il faut pour alimenter le pc.
Déjà, je peux te conseiller ce logiciel : qui te permettra de logger dans un fichier CSV la température de tes composants, que tu pourras lire après le crash. Si c'est une surchauffe, c'est possible de ne pas la voir avec un logiciel qui fait juste du temps réel, le GPU a le temps de refroidir entre le crash et le retour sur le bureau de windows.
Je t'aurais bien suggéré de downclock ton CPU, mais un i3 ne doit pas consommer énormément... (c'est ce qui m'avait permis de voir le soucis sur un ancien pc, downclock d'un vieux FX 6300 qui consommait 120W). Si ça crash et que la température est normale (je pense que moins de 90° c'est normal), essaye de downclock violemment le GPU et de diminuer le voltage. Je ne suis absolument pas bon dans ce domaine, donc je suis incapable de te dire de combien il faut diminuer le voltage par contre. Mais a part des crash tu ne devrais pas risquer grand chose dans ce sens là.
Try downloading some hardware monitor software like MSI Afterburner or Open hardware monitor and post some screenshots of the stats for the system idling and playing a game.
Get Open Hardware Monitor, start and minimize it, then replicate the crash. That app will record various hardware utilization metrics, including how much RAM is being used. That should give you a conclusive answer.
Check your CPU temperature it should be below 80°C / 176°F max tmp. is 95°C / 203°F and it's not good for CPU. You can check it in BIOS or using software like HWMonitor or OpenHardwareMonitor
There's a number of things we can look at. What are your specs? What is your resource usage while playing games, all settings in task manager? Have you monitored the temperature of your PC using something like this? What is the temperature in your room?
What type of motherboard do you have? Is the CPU cooling working well?
These FX-9000 CPUs have a very high TDP (220W), so you need to make sure they're cooled well. Another thing that can happen is throttling from an overheating or permanently damaged VRM.
I recommend checking the CPU temperature and clock speed under load. Try running Open Hardware Monitor and create some CPU load with a game or stress testing tool. Is the clock speed 4700 MHz? If it's lower, or very low (800 MHz), then there's a CPU or VRM cooling problem. Look at the CPU temperature, is it below 75 C? If it is, the VRM is causing this throttling. If it isn't the CPU is (also) overheating.
Finally, is the FX-9590 a decent CPU? I'd say, no it's an outdated CPU from 2013 with low single threaded and pretty low multi-threaded performance. It's single threaded performance is about half that of a modern CPU like the Ryzen 7 5800, it's multi-threaded performance is about a quarter of the Ryzen 7 5800's.
Your specs are fine, they should be able to handle Rust without issue. Next thing I would do is download a open source and trusted thermal monitoring software ( is the one I use.) Monitor your idle temps, then attempt to launch rust or a benchmarking service and see if your temperatures are exceeding desired levels. "While many processors on the market have different tolerances, there’s generally a range of temperatures optimal for performance. The acceptable range is between 150 and 160 degrees Fahrenheit (65 to 70 degrees Celcius) when the PC is running essential apps. This temperature can quickly increase to around 175 degrees Fahrenheit (80 degrees Celsius) when playing games or running intensive software." "While ideal GPU temperatures are usually between 65° to 85° Celsius (149° to 185° F) under load, AMD GPUs (like the Radeon RX 5700 or 6000 Series) can safely reach temperatures as high as 110 degrees Celsius (230° F)."
(,PC%20is%20running%20essential%20apps. ),Celsius%20(230%C2%B0%20F).
Please report back with your findings.
id guess the heatsink on the cpu or video card isn't mounted properly. maybe there is a gap that doesnt allow the heat to transfer properly. something like this
will show you the temperatures and at least you might narrow the issue to either the cpu or graphics card know where to focus your attention
OK lets try this remove the video card and use the built in video to boot up the system then get this free program and check your voltages.
i do not think it will show your problem but it may point out other problems like low voltage on CPU or overheating.
it will not report video voltage unless one is plugged in and yours will not boot with the video card.
It is a very useful tool to see what is going on with your computer.
open it up and stress your system then look at the max
>Yeah i checked the bios same temps as icue
ok download this and keep it open in the back ground while you use your computer stress it with a game or bench mark.
your wanting to keep a eye on the cpu temps and gpu temps
A couple of ideas if everything seems to work and you've checked e.g. GPU working in its entirety, audio working, all storage devices working, WIFI / LAN working...
That's a handy free utility that monitors temperature sensors, fan speeds, voltages, load and clock speeds. You might look for issues in voltage or temperature particularly - or fans apparently not spinning when they should be. You can use the utility to take manual control of some fans (all fans?) too and set them to off or 100%. I wouldn't recommend 'off' but if you're in a quiet environment you could try setting everything inc. the 3080FE to full, one at a time, and seeing if you can hear things turning on / getting louder as they ought to.
Failing that...
Not very scientific but you could look for any signs of trouble this way.
Could be heat or temps. Trying to think what could have happened at a LAN party. Only thing I can think of is extra unexpected vibration on the PC. Maybe knocked a fan/heatsink loose.
If neither component is running at 100% I'd check thermals first. I like Open Hardware Monitor as you can create a gadget that sits on your desktop, and its shows other figures too like voltages and fan speed.
That would be my first call. Run this while gaming and give us information about your temps.
What's the capacity of your RAM. When RAM runs out your computer starts read and write to the hard drive. This would cause your system to "freeze" without giving a bluescreen.
If none of the above my bets are on defective RAM or Motherboard.
That would be my first call. Run this while gaming and give us information about your temps.
What's the capacity of your RAM. When RAM runs out your computer starts read and write to the hard drive. This would cause your system to "freeze" without giving a bluescreen.
If none of the above my bets are on defective RAM or Motherboard.
You didn't specify the OS.
On Windows I know only about Open Hardware Monitor: Licensed under Mozilla Public License 2.0. It can only read data, and it's not actively maintained, last update was in 2020, so newer hardware isn't supported.
On Linux for reading sensors there is lm_sensors, for controlling fans there is fancontrol. Nice write-up about them in the ArchWiki:
But I don't recommend setting up fans in the os, it should be set in the BIOS/UEFI if it's possible. If the fan control software stops for any reason, and your fans remain on a low speed you can damage your hardware easily by overheating.
First of all, you can't install wrong BIOS on the device unless you disable compatibility checks on the installer.
As for the problem, there are four posibilities:
That sounds like at least enough info to suggest it's worth checking further into! What graphics card do you have? Depending on your hardware, you might be able to check the GPU temp from Windows Task Manager, but if not, you might be able to check it with something like Open Hardware Monitor ( ). See if you can get a temp reading for your GPU and compare it against the recommended temps for your particular hardware.
What specs does he have? If you don't know, I'd install Open Hardware Monitor to check what components he has. You can make a screenshot and post it here. Beside that, the GPU market is dead. If you can afford it, you should be able to snag a GPU for double or triple it's original price.
A couple common things to check:
Is your computer overheating? Open Hardware Monitor is a pretty good open source tool for tracking this, you can have it open while you play and see if any numbers are getting high (70/80/90+ degrees).
Are you low on disk space? Microsoft recommends keeping about 10% of your main drive empty for reasons.
Is everything updated? Windows updates and GPU updates might help.
You might be able to snag an error code if you take a picture of the bluescreen, and then you can google that error code to see if it gets you on the right track.
Hey man, this is the fix! Right here! Turns out Systemstats has a problem with the Temp and GPU module.
Doing this: Also you have to edit the file SystemStatsOHM.exe.config and modifiy it with
<add key="CPU" value="true" />
<add key="GPU" value="false" />
<add key="MEM" value="true" />
<add key="TEMP" value="false"/>
plus the things @VL4D_DA_IMPALER did
completely fixed it for me, with an AMD CPU. Sadly, you cant use the GPU module but apart from that. This is the fix to get at least the CPU module working.
Check your temps, seriously.
Max operating temp for your CPU is 90° C
if it gets near that temp it's gonna start throttling down. As far as I can tell you ideally don't want to it to get any hotter than 75°C but I can't find a hard number for exactly when that CPU starts to thermal throttle.
You should be able to use this program to see what your CPU core temps are if you don't already have software on your laptop to monitor this.
I have the same but with the 3070. I game the shit out of mine and have had zero thermal issues running as is out of the box.
One thing you should for sure do is stop using the Omen gaming hub thermal monitors. Get a free per-core monitor like this one. The Omen one just grabs the warmest core and uses that as the temp for everything. It gives at best an inaccurate picture of the actual temps and makes you think the entire box is running as hot as that one core that's doing work. Trust me, run that program and compare the difference to the Omen one. You'll see there is way less to worry about than you thought.
I think it might be overheating and thermal throttling (reducing performance to not overheat and shut down). Laptops are notorious for their cooling problems.
You can use a program like to see what the temperatures are when playing.
Sounds like temperature or voltage, though the BIOS reset suggests otherwise. Looks like you’ve got some useful feedback.
To add: it might be worth installing something like Open Hardware Monitor, hitting its “reset all counters” button, and then playing. The next time your PC dies, fire OHM up and check out which of the measurements went crazy. It won’t fix the issue, but it might point you at the component that’s causing it.
I used this in the first few days when sitting in 8 hour queues and my fans were going nuts, and then to confirm that dropping graphics to Low and FPS to 30 while queuing made an appreciable difference.
And a friend used it with another game to work out that his PSU was unable to supply his mobo and GPU with enough power at high load.
I use open hardware monitor. It will tell you the max and current clock speed of each core as you use the laptop. The cores will vary greartly in speed depending on use and thermals.
The skin is my own port of the Simplic skin, heavily modified and setup to use OpenHardwareMonitor as the input source. I haven't yet posted the skin for download anywhere, but working on it. As for the rest:
Wallpaper - here
OpenHardwareMonitor - here
Original Simplic skin - here
My port - coming...
If this is on Windows, then you will need to write code to read the temperature from the WMI sensor or just use Open Hardware Monitor and then open the COM port to write the value to the serial port. I would probably do this in C# if I were you
Bad news, your system is crashing with the exception 0xc000001d. This means the CPU either got an invalid instruction, or more commonly, it entered an invalid internal state. Often this is indicative of a CPU failure.
Verify the CPU temperature under load with Open Hardware Monitor and IntelBurnTest. How does it get? It shouldn't exceed 85 C.
Sam si ga reko onda. Skini i proveri temperature. Ako bije u 80 i vise, onda treba temeljno ciscenje. Ja moj cistim kompresorom, ususivac nema dovoljno snage da istera svu prasinu
It sounds like it could be overheating? One of the fans inside your computer could have died, and it's massively throttling to not overheat.
Do all your other games run fine? Does FFXIV run well for a little while and then bog down?
You could download Openhardware ( ) monitor and look for temperatures that are 82C or above. You could also open the side of your PC and make sure the CPU and GPU fans are all spinning.
If you have two monitors, you could open the game on one, and Open Hardware Monitor on the other. Then just watch temps and clock speeds during the lag. Nvidia Performance Overlay could also be useful.
I'd find some temperature monitoring software and run your render for a few hours as a test. If it's not getting too hot in that time it should be a pretty good indicator
For passwords if you delete your cookies and cache you should be OK. Unless you told Chrome or which ever browser to remember them then you have to google "how to delete stored passwords in chrome" I know in the past it was possible to view these passwords as plain text but I think Google fixed that.
As for your fan it depends if it's the cpu fan or the fan built into the gpu/graphics card.
You can download this and check the Temps of the cpu and gpu it will let you know which one it is. But by the sounds of things it's the cpu . If that's the case cpu fans are pretty cheap and fairly easy to switch out. It's 4 screws and a plug. You probably will have to apply new thermal paste or pad.
Also in task manager what's your cpu usage? You could do this yourself and save a bunch of money.
But I get it I don't have anything to hide either and prefer to keep things private.
It looks like GPU artifacting to me. Some of the main causes of this are overheating or overclocking past its' capabilities. A good way to track your GPU Temps is an application called Open Hardware Monitor, found here.
See if this helps:
Bottleneck seems unlikely as it worked before with the same hardware.
Things to try:
Good luck
Check for thermal throttling. Use something like Open hardware monitor or hwmonitor to observe maximum temperatures across your system. Ensure nothing is in the red.
Well it wouldn’t hurt. Have you ever tried Open Hardware Monitor? It checks out how much power your machine is using. I’d keep the monitors on the surge protectors and only the PC on the UPS personally but I’m sure someone else here will say something else. open hardware monitor link
The 100C is too hot I think.
You can see there graph of temp for cpu\gpu and cpu freq. Open it up and then play the FN until fps drop then alt-tab to check graphs.
I used this way to figure out my stock cooler was crap. And once you have minipc - usually the cooling there is not targeted for 20 minutes of high load but more for office usage. So you might need to do something about it - i.e. bigger cpu cooler if fits, or ready made water cooling - again if you can fit it in. Or cut big enough hole and set the fullsize cooler.
Don't use Speccy. Speccy has been known to have inaccuracies when reading temperatures. OpenHardwareMonitor, HWMonitor, and HWiNFO are all vastly better options. Speccy hasn't been updated in over 3 years (V1.32.774 is the latest release and that was from May 21 2018).
There is nothing wrong with your PC. The i7-6700 and GTX 1060 are still very capable components.
Definitely seconding checking the temperatures, especially if this is a custom build. You can use OpenHardwareMonitor to watch temperatures on most hardware.
It is litterally named "Hardware monitor" link: I just installed it yesterday so haven't got much experience with it, but i have used NZXT CAM software for a while and found that it works well too. I think it's just a matter of preference. HM(hardware monitor) is just a bunch of numbers displayed for info, but afterburner, cam and similar can adjust a bit. Reccomend HM in addition to what you use, just for the info when you need more details.
Definitely a headscratcher that might require a lot of troubleshooting, that sucks. If you're set on solving it, I would definitely use Open Hardware Monitor, start it up, enable "Log Sensors" in the options menu (so you have records if the game crashes), and enable graphs for at least the following: CPU Package Temperature, GPU Core Temperature, CPU Total Load, and GPU Core Load. Run the game for a while (at least a few minutes, but not until it crashes if possible), exit the game, and see if anything on those charts looks crazy, specifically temps on either your CPU or GPU going over 90C. If it does crash, you can find spreadsheets of the sensor logs in the same folder you ran Open Hardware Monitor from. If you don't understand them you can at the very least use them as helpful information for others if you go to forums and they need details.
cpu core temperature should stay below 90 while playing. If it goes over check for dust
And try playing without cheat engine. Perhaps you're editing parts that shouldn't be changed.
It could be a lot of things, overheating, insufficient power supply, bad install of windows. I'd check the temps with after gaming for a while. If you're too hot (near 90 or so) it can lead to instability.
What does your case look like? It could be poor airflow. The 3600 does pretty well with the stock fan if there is enought fresh air comming in.
> Is it when you build too many objects too far from each other (like having a for example a Steel factory in the south west, an iron factory in the north east and like a coal power plant in the north west) and thus too much rendering happening on the map that makes the game load too much data and it starts lagging?
No, factory buildings that are far enough away that they're not even rendering is an easier workload than if you build everything in one huge megabase.
> I get these stutter freezes every 5 seconds, where like 30 Frames are frozen.
I would get a hardware monitor program like OHM or HWinfo to check out temperatures on your CPU, video card to make sure you aren't having problems via overheating. Also make sure that you aren't running out of ram while playing the game.
I use Open hardware monitor. Has a lot of info on temps, clockspeeds, voltages, power, fanspeeds. Free and a must-have.
Download from dev:
I would just load up the newest most demanding game you have and turn all the settings up to max and then watch the FPS and temps to see how it handles. Thats what I did when I got mine done, played the games I had been wanting to play but couldn't before.
I like for checking temps and stuff