On https://instagram.com/magicflight/ you can see the picture and the text that they release it tomorrow.
I did not provide a link because OP's picture contained the text that they released it tomorrow and the picture. But now OP deleted it, so might as well post it for those who does not have instagram :-)
And I did not downvote you by the way... Cheers :)
X-post from r/trees. This was in the comments there but I'll post it here too: Here's a link to a Dropbox with the schematic. It was made in Autodesk Inventor and I'm not sure if any other 3D CAD program can run it. The overall diameter of the part is slightly bigger than the tube it went in (link to Amazon), so it required some sanding and rolling on a hot skillet to mold it perfectly. Also, it took a while to cut off the base that the printer puts down before it actually prints the part. It took 2 hours to print and about 4 hours of refining afterwards to get it perfect.
Mine has been mistaken for a queen cage; https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=queen+cage&qpvt=queen+cage&qpvt=queen+cage&FORM=IQFRML&PC=APPL
I'm a beekeeper and I didn't correct the assumption.
a non-ENT who doesnt know about my box saw the batteries and didnt blink at them being unwrapped. Apple makes batteries that look very much like unwrapped ones.
Well I wouldn't know what color to suggest, but maybe have a look here, that background color is pretty similar and you can see how other colors looks on it.
It goes as low as 76 bucks on amazon pretty frequently. I'd advise that you save up atleast 80 bucks for it. Then use camelcamelcamel.com to set a reminder to email you when it gets under 80 bucks. IF you care about going through the mflb link above you can just click through that way after you get the email.
It makes a huge difference. A finer grind means more contact with the screen which vaporizes more surface area. This lends way to a more dense (is that the right term?) hit. That's why it is better than a regular grinder. However, I like kief, so I grind it in my regular grinder then I feed it through my finishing grinder. In terms of trench life, it doesn't last as long, BUT the hits are more powerful. You don't need as many hits to fly sky high.
Edit: You can purchase it on Amazon for considerably cheaper if you didn't already know. I'll provide a link right here.
There's no way to reverse battery degradation, however a new set of batteries are pretty cheap. I like to order from puff it up, here is a link to where you can purchase a new set of batteries!
Edit: You can also order a 4 pack on amazon
peel off the outside layer, remove the glue and you're good to go!
Yikes, Amazon only charges me $10 here in the US for those Powerex batteries. I don't know if the duracells are worth it either(never used them), but if they're like the Amazon Basics high capacity batteries, they'd probably be better bang for the buck. For reference, they seem to be slightly better than the OEM batteries that come with the box.
Honestly, I’ve been using the mflb for like 8 years and never carried it in anything but a small digital camera case like this
I ordered this hoping for it to be like a Burton 420 Kit, and IT IS (minus the poker, and straps) still has a place to put mflb, 4 batts in a pack, stem, herbs, and fits right into pocket easily. For $5 shipped its a really good deal and came INCREDIBLY fast (came next day for me), for anyone else looking for a case
Ah. Yeah, that post was a smaller pelican like the plano-case I use for my Grasshopper when I'm fishing (https://www.walmart.com/ip/Plano-Hunter-Guide-SRS-Piece-Field-Box-OD-Green-3500-Size-Small/53947095). I've got a larger one for my 1911 that I was thinking of re-purposing but it is waaay too large for the MFLB unless it was just more of a "show kit" for the house. If you get a chance later please post the model of your kit so I can check out the dimensions. My toiletry bag is flimsy, was thinking of upgrading for road trips-
This is the one I got.
Same price as official store, plenty of extras, quick to reply to emails, and has a phone line you can call.
Do you have a store that might sell energizer batteries in your country? I use Energizer Recharge in mine, which are rated at 2300 mah. Not as much as the powerex, but I can find them in stores easily.
Walmart link but I find them everywhere https://www.walmart.com/ip/4291462?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&adid=22222222228001148521&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=40343417792&wl4=aud-261800281660:pla-56940240527&wl5=9008565&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=p...
Thanks to a tip from u/intotheocean I was able to make these videos, they even play in real time!
Here's a gif of a "dry run" http://gfycat.com/JauntyDazzlingEsok
And this is a real draw of a medium sized drop. http://gfycat.com/SlimFamiliarBarb The full version is amazing. Let me know if there is a way to discreetly post a 720p video.
If you use the original box, what I do is put the stem inside the soft bag. I always put it on the side of the box opposite the batteries [so if the batteries move around, they don't hit the stem.]
Also, I have a new case that I have been trying out, it fits a miniature stem perfectly [like the glass pieces on the end of the whips] inside of the padded lining.
I use camelcamelcamel.com to track it for under 80 bucks and got the notification this morning. Snagged it pretty quick, I sure hope it is the new brand with everything in the kit.
So, I’m headed out of town for the weekend and needed some sort of solution to toting extra power along without fear of shorting the batteries out.
This seems to do the trick perfectly, I hadn’t seen any posts concerning storing batteries for travel, so I found this on Amazon-
Storacell SLAAORG by Powerpax SlimLine AA Battery Caddy, Orange, Holds 4 Batteries https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B0067KSR34/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_4F5VDNDWSNP9M56VXMWX?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
1) Use the tin box they gave you. It's pretty small and portable. If you pack it, it won't rattle.
2) Yes AFAIK. It doesn't complete the circuit.
3) Use makeup containers or the MFLB ABV containers. You can find it on Amazon for like $5 for 50. I'll link it -------------> here.
4) I have a pretty low tolerance, so a trench lasts me about 3-4 sessions. It's a very slow and building high unless you are taking hit after hit. It gets me to a [5] - [7].
Glad to help - the box shorts out the battery as part of how it works, so it does weaken the batteries over time. The panasonic XX batteries should be easy to find at bestbuy etc (http://www.bestbuy.com/site/panasonic-eneloop-pro-rechargeable-aaa-batteries-4-pack-black/5467047.p?skuId=5467047 ) but i'd reccomend the amazon ones over them just on cost : https://www.amazon.com/AmazonBasics-High-Capacity-Rechargeable-Batteries-Pre-charged/dp/B00HZV9TGS?th=1
all you have to do with either is peel the outer sticker off around them. I use a knife point to get under and peel it off. I hear wd-40 and a rag gets any stickiness off really quick.. and then you're good to go! and they work with the existing charger.
I get Amazon Basic high capacity batteries. You just have to remember to peel off the sticker/sleeve
Looks like they also have a bundle with a charger.
If you are able to make a really nice battery end of the PA, then you can easily and cheaply buy what's known as "Buck Converter" on Amazon or similar. What you would need is a wall power brick that can deliver 2 watts of power or so (the MF PA is rated at 2 watts) and will change your wall AC voltage (at 120V or 220V depending on where you live) to 12V DC. From there you will connect the 12V DC to your buck converter and adjust the converter to output 1.2V or a little more (for hotter temp). The buck converter has to be able to handle 2 watts of power, but those are readily available on Amazon for around $6. Wall brick is another $6 - $10 unless you have one collecting dust somewhere. That's pretty much it. High power buck converter is the magic component and that is exactly what's in the MF PA. here is a link to one on amazon (hope it's okay to post a link. I am not benefiting in any way from it). https://www.amazon.com/DROK-Voltage-Regulator-Converter-1-2-36V/dp/B00C4QVTNU/ref=pd_sbs_23_3?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B00C4QVTNU&pd_rd_r=YH7A9XJTZCYR8TMBH7QE&pd_rd_w=1kwf3&pd_rd_wg=ADaPx&psc=1&refRID=YH7A9XJTZCYR8TMBH7QE
i was looking to replace my stems right off the bat, not a fan of acrylic wish i would have known i was going to before so i could save myself some cash on shipping. Do you/ anyone reading know if these are authentic from amazon? https://www.amazon.com/Magic-Flight-Glass-Stem/dp/B016QHDBDS/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1502897624&sr=8-6&keywords=magic+flight
they come out to the same price with shipping if I grab them via amazon and I have amazon gift card credit.
They don't get that hot, however, invest in a powerex charger. I can change my batteries in 30min and they don't even get that hot. Also, buy Amazon basics for an even stronger battery.
Changed my life, now I routinely use all 4 batteries while comfy at home.
Powerex MH-C9000 WizardOne... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003DIGKOG?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
AmazonBasics AA High-Capacity... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HZV9WTM?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
i got these at whole foods.
the halves overlap a bit so they dont need to be full
I have one of these water proof containers. This should work right?
I recommend getting a better charger than the MF-standard-charger. I use the BC-700 which has a very good battery refresh mode. This discharges and charges your battery until the best capacity is reached. This may take some days, but it really worked fine with all my batteries (I use this charger mainly for my photo equipment). This charger is not cheap, but it is worth every cent. There is even a better version of this charger (BC-1000) which has a higher charge and discharge current and helps to speed up the process of refreshing. The big one also has the possibility to charge two batteries with up to 1800 mA of current, which let's you refill your MFLB batteries in about one hour.
It seems legit. The carger does not look like any charger that is listed in the counterfeit guide on magic-flight.com. But if you need a new or additional charger I would recommend to get a better microcontrolled charger. I have made very good experience with those chargers:
The first one charges a bit faster, but both chargers are microcontrolled can handle single slot charging. You can maintain and even revive batteries. I use them for my photoequipment as well.
I like top comment. What he's suggesting is a manual battery refresh, not a bad option.
I've had better experiences with "smart" refreshes like this $40 battery charger can do. You said money's tight but if you have $40 this will give you more life out of your batteries. Granted, it's more effective if you do it every 3 months rather than once there's already a problem.
You should be doing an ISO cleaning every 10 sessions or so. Youtube videos on how to do it exist, there's also info in the sidebar.
Pretty sure new batteries are only about $15, so that would be the least effort option. Though I'd still recommend that good battery charger once you can afford it, to keep the batteries lasting longer.
I picked up this grinder and show it off to all my friends who bought crappy, bulky grinders for $30. Just get this, its the perfect size and is high quality + low price!
I just bought one off of eBay for $101 (with tax) and it includes the grinder and such.
oh and before i was going to buy from puffitup i almost bought this one http://www.ebay.com/itm/Magic-Flight-Launch-Box-Vaporizer-FREE-VP160-Vaporizer-/120731235173?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c1c247365#ht_1641wt_1037
Can you order things from ebay? You can find powerex batteries there with free worldwide shipping like these
I like it because I'm not in a situation where I can have an oil rig next to me all the time. The MD does have a strong smell. I keep it in an airtight box so it's ok for me. If it were out on a night-stand, you'd probably notice the smell when you walk into the room...
Incidentally, I did a deep clean last night. I did an ISO brush and 20 second dry burn like 10 times in a row. I saw the alcohol and heat were loosening the oil layer at the bottom so I mopped it up with a q-tip. Here's how it looks now.
That sounds fairly standard, my abv use to have some chlorophyll(green flecks) left in it after 30, 10 second draws(split into 3 sessions) in accordance to <strong>this study</strong>.
My abv has been going way darker ever since I started using my rig(mflb w/ PA 2 which is connected to a bubbler(Orbiter) which is then connected to a bong).
NY Gifts which is a block from the west 4th street stop on the ACE & orange lines. They sell them for $100 in the official box and everything, latest model. Threw in free papes when i got mine, very good experience there.
Its one of the best headshops in NYC, one of the only places that sell licensed for real illadelph glass pieces too, and not some bullshit knockoffs.
Ive also seen MFLBs on the street in st. marks but can't attest to how legit they are.
Do you think the 1020 or 1015 would fit a mflb, this blue jar https://instagram.com/p/bHvDpLQIuj/?modal=true and http://www.spacegrinders.com/space-case-4-pc-grinder-small/ which is 2 inches wide 1.75 inches tall.
Use a tracking site, you'll get an email as soon as it hits whatever your budget is. The lowest seems to go is about 77ish dollars. Heres a link where you can sign up for the emails here
I have used these batteries before and they work well with the charger.
I've been using one of these https://www.amazon.com/Electric-Grinder-Chambers-Rechargeable-Portable/dp/B08K2KP29B/ref=asc_df_B08K2KP29B . . . you can find them cheaper if you search. I always thought these electric grinders were purely a gimmick but I was given one of these after having surgery that left me one handed for a while. They're simple to use and will turn your buds into the consistency of kief if you want.
Hmmm that's odd. You might try getting a battery with higher mAh to increase power output/heat. Looks like the Panasonic eneloops are around 2100 mAh and in the past I have had good success with batteries around 2500-2700. Here is the last set I bought and they work great.
for me, the essentials are the finishing grinder from magic flight, and these powerex rechargeable batteries along w the charger associated w it. some people will recommend the official magic flight power adapter, but i find it to be clunky and awkward and that for me ruins its functionality. i love having batteries charged up and ready to go so that i can take my launch box on the go wherever. cheers and congrats on your first purchase !
edit: keep in mind, you will have to peel off some of the wrapper on these batteries in order for the metal to make contact w the metal negative contact point on the launch box, but this is easy to do with your fingers and maybe an eraser to get off any extra glue.
just bought those exact batteries and am v happy w them. also got the charger and that thing is v impressive, esp for its longevity features for the batteries.
just bought those exact batteries and am v happy w them. also got the charger and that thing is v impressive, esp for its longevity features for the batteries.
yeah i got powerex as what the other guy said, this was exactly what i ordered.
Yes, the Amazon batteries are fine. I uses the 2400s all the time. But I'd recommend this charger or something similar https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07428G1G2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
You can change the rate of recharge, set it as low as 300ma or 500/700/1000. And you can set it to completely drain your batteries before charging. I also have 18650s so this thing is necessary for me.
So I could just use some of these? What's the best way to take the plastic off without cutting my pant open?
do you batteries still work? if not,
otherwise I use the black whip that comes with the Maud Dib and then an 18mm whip attachment and a short piece of whip
if using The Launch Box you should be able to get some silicone whip, attach it to the glass MP and a whip attachment like in my photo.
I use the original charger but I assume any NiMH charger will do, found this cheap one on amazon https://www.amazon.com/EBL-NiMH-Rechargeable-Battery-Charger/dp/B00EB7812C/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1UM5HCG3LFKEF&dchild=1&keywords=nimh+battery+charger&qid=1591411132&sprefix=nimh+battery%2Caps%2C178&sr=8-3
The opening is the same size as the trench opening so the nano grinder sits on top perfectly.
The Australian Amazon doesn't have as much range and prices are not always great, often you're better off looking at eBay and it's cheaper for the same thing. Once the Australian Amazon opened, access to the US Amazon was cut off, mostly to appease Australian special interests. Amazon has "free delivery", but so does eBay on most the same items. I have Prime for the Prime Video and the odd item I want. There's 20 pages of results on "butane torch" on Australian Amazon. Cheaper than retail, but not always cheaper than eBay even with local shipping. Amazon Marketplace has the 45 degree angle version of the eagle in a box of 20 only, for a unit price that works out to be $4.13US each. Maybe I could sell the other 19 on Amazon Marketplace myself...
I use these. I have only just replaced mine after a year of fairly heavy use and the quality had only dropped a little. They're more powerful than the ones which come with the box so bare that in mind if do get them.
I bought this upgraded battery charger from Amazon for less than 10$ during a sale. I've noticed that my batteries seem to last longer vs when I was using the included charger.
17mo is old by my standards :) i would recommend new ones: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00A9KTPY8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_kGGUzb9BB53XE
If you have a good charger with a "refresh" feature, you can possibly get even better life by doing a refresh/recondition cycle every once in a while.
I own this one, but it appears the newer ones have had really bad ratings so I don't know if I'd recommend them anymore. But mine has worked great for about 5 years, I think: https://www.amazon.com/Crosse-Technology-BC-700-Battery-Charger/dp/B000RSOV50/
I got the foam from Amazon I think it was about 12 bucks. You can get it in a bunch of different heights that suit your need. FS040RS-Bundle 40 mm (1,6 Inch) customizable Pick Pluck Foam for all kind of using self-adhesive with separate bottom https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06X6N3FDP/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_bfMXcNqKeOoRv
Powerex Pros work a bit quicker than the glyphs... Last a little longer, too. I picked these up the other day.
Nah dude I'm pretty sure he's got the kind of battery charger that has swappable prongs on the backside. They sent him the battery holster but didn't send him the UK prongs to slide in. Same concept as this.
It seems the only thing missing for the ultimate setup is a good grinder.
I've been using the PA and the Finishing Grinder (+stem) for a while now and you can't beat the consistency. The FG grinds the bud to a perfect, fluffy trench (with built-in portion control!).
That being said, the extra ~$20 is definitely worth the investment.
This is one that caught my attention, but it seems like I have read about other brands/models that are better suited.
Also, after a certain period of time, condensation under my screen made my MFLB not heat really effectively. I know you say you're a broke college student... been there, trust me. But get good batteries, and a good charger. This is really the only option. If you use daily get the Energizer 15 minute charger, and the PowerEx 2700... The PowerEx even come with a great plastic case that holds 4 batteries.
Or buy it on Amazon from Magic-Flight for more than $10 less than on the site.
I have this one https://www.amazon.com/PowerEx-MH-C9000-WizardOne-Charger-Analyzer-Batteries/dp/B003DIGKOG/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1469838659&sr=8-2&keywords=powerex+battery+charger May be a lil above your price range but its worked really well for me. It charges quick and gives you stats and shit on the battery charge time.
Is wattage the only thing I need to worry about then? I was aiming for correct voltage, probably a very novice mistake.
Edit: found this https://www.amazon.com/CanaKit-Raspberry-Supply-Adapter-Charger/dp/B00MARDJZ4/ref=sr_1_14?s=electronics&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1466353372&amp;sr=1-14 could I just hook this up to a dummy battery like in my diagram?(and probably also a potentiometer) It actually seems a lot easier to do it this way.
Keep your box clean, use fresh batteries(seriously gotta keep these things charged to work well) I would highly recommend the finishing grinder i can't really recommend the Power adapter as I have never owned one, but I hear it's a game changer. I personally moved on to a pinnacle pro vaporizer, but the MFLB still has a spot in my heart.
You can get another one from Magic-Flight for $15. Personally, I'd just purchase one of those Eneloop sets that come with 4 batteries and a 4 battery charger. Those allow you to independently charge 4 batteries at once and the chargers themselves are actually highly rated by this Amazon reviewer (NLee Engineer or something) who specializes in battery chargers.
I have at least 2 or 3 extra Magic Flight chargers I'm not using. I can look for em and send em your way but don't hold your breath on that. They're all still packed somewhere in a box I've had stored away since moving.
PS.: instead of that candle I would get something like this: http://www.amazon.com/Activated-Charcoal-Absorber-Executioner-Purifier/dp/B017ITAFYG/ref=sr_1_2_s_it?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1461076154&sr=1-2&keywords=activated+charcoal+air+purifier
Never used it, but you can't go wrong with Activated Charcoal.
Also check out sploofy, a better sploof if you got $ to blow.http://www.amazon.com/Sploofy-Personal-Smoke-Air-Filter/dp/B01AUE9HVI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1460600057&sr=8-1&keywords=sploofy
bannable15, Are you grinding your bud finely? I dry out my bud and then fine grind it almost to dust in my MFLB fine grinder, I measure out a "dash" with a lil' marked "dash" spoon, one scoop from that spoon gives me right around 0.1 give or take, I sometimes like a heaping "dash" full in my MFLB or other vapes I have.
Thanks for the tip! :)
That is definitely a downside to the electric coffee grinder, I now use the cheapest guitar picks I found on the web just to scrape kief off the edges and crevices of my electric grinder. Now that I'm a bit brighter (hopefully) than 20 years ago, I now use plastic to scrape off kief from inside my KRUP's.
Back in the day I would use whatever was close to me to scrape my coffee grinder(keys and pointy metal knives mostly), who knows how much plastic and metal shavings from my grinder were mixed in my joints back then from gouging and scraping for kief in the crevices of that old coffee grinder....scary!
I found the link to those cheap guitar picks, they work great scraping kief off of any grinder you have, it works great scraping my 3pc space case. http://www.amazon.com/ChromaCast-CC-SAMPLE-12PK-Sampler-Guitar-Picks/dp/B00BL6JDUA/ref=sr_1_6?s=musical-instruments&ie=UTF8&qid=1456725339&sr=1-6&keywords=guitar+picks
I have a MD but I still like to use the non-screen tray for good quality bubble hash (which would still leave some residue if used in the MD).
I have the Monocle edition LB so my screen has never had any problems. I don't take the trays out and about with me, but I have a small pocket butane torch that would be easy to bring out and about with you.
I think the concentrate trays are a pretty cheap way to try out bubble hash/wax/shatter/rosin and see if it is something you like.
Sorry about your batteries. This one takes awhile, like overnight, but the 8-battery capacity really makes up for it.
I make pills out of mine so I don't have to taste it.
I buy empty gel caps on amazon for cheap and then just stuff the AVB in there with the tube from a small pen to tamp it down tight. Takes anywhere between 4 and 10 pills to get me high, depending on how dark I've been making it.
I use this one from Amazon, also doubles as a kief scraper for your grinder.
I use this, along with Powerex batteries.
Thanks! I took this pic a few months ago when I was still using my old 3 compartment hand grinder. I have since purchased an electric herb grinder off the web and it works like a charm, turns my herb nearly to powder, and doesn't strain my wrists the way the old grinder did.
I wouldn't recommend buying them just for the PA, but if you have some laying around or have a use for them then these are really good for keeping things from sliding off a table. Nice and cheap but unless you need 100 of them then it's probably a waste, lol.
I use the Pelican 1010 as my "permanent" case. I then use a smaller version of This as my portable.
Get these off of Amazon. Peel the stickers and glue off of it and you're set with 4 brand new batteries.
I got my box there years ago, was $10 less. I strongly recommend getting a wood stem up front, shattered my acrylic one almost immediately, they're fragile as all hell. It fell like a foot, at most, onto linoleum.
Then I had one battery that never worked very well, it exploded in the charger like a week into ownership. So I also recommend buying a charger that isn't retarded and STOPS charging the damn batteries once they're full!!!! Gah!!!! I didn't even know they still MADE chargers without intelligent shutoff circuitry, it's ONE PCB board! ONE!
I recommend this one as it will rapid charge, refresh, drain and test the batteries. So you'll get the most life from them. Most people in this sub say their batteries last around 6 months, well, with this charger mine last 2+ years. This charger pays for itself.
Could always get a 4 AA battery case, only $5 I MUCH prefer that to just letting them flop around. Available of MF site and Amazon, very cheap.
Hey, Yeah, the batteries go bad after many recharges. Mine lasted about 6-8 months of use before noticeably being weaker.
I got this 4-pack of Powerex batteries and they seriously kick ass. I haven't really been able to go through one charge on my own in one session. You'll have to strip the wrapping from the battery, but that takes a few minutes at most.
Keep it in a travel humidor like this one. Keeps things safe and keeps the smell out.
HOLY SHIT! I vaped on monday, didn't vape tuesday and just tested NEGATIVE. I tested myself with one of these http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00UCKDHIA
I didn't do anything special. It was my 2nd piss of the day. WOW. Can i trust this result?
Hmmm interesting point. However the Powerex 2700 are even cheaper than what I paid so maybe they are really 2950? Doubt it but even if it's close that should be fine they look more mflb legit than the Powerex hahaha. If they suck then I'll order these thanks!
Pretty much anywhere they sell kitchen supplies. It looks like this. And it's usually like $5. Maybe $10?
These stainless steel drinking straws have an OD of 1/4" and might able to be used as a stem for the mflb.
Would the vapor cause the steel to heat up though?
For a frequent vaper who doesn't need your batteries to last for weeks on end without use, MFLB reccomends these: http://www.amazon.com/Powerex-MHRAA4-2700mAh-Rechargeable-Batteries/dp/B00A9KTPY8 MFLB's battery FAQ is worth a read if you're trying to learn about the subject. Brb vaping and taking a shower.
Cool, what's the lid made out of?
I was thinking of doing something similar but with either a wood disk or mason jar lid. Then attaching one of those jar grippers on the bottom to create the seal. (http://www.amazon.com/Jar-Grippers-Grip-Slip-Rubber/dp/B004HM1E3Y)
honestly don't buy the finishing grinder from the mflb site. you can go to places like amazon or any other wholesaler. On the magic flight website I believe the price is set around ~$40. I found this on amazon..little cheaper. I'm not sure what your budget is but this is a cheaper one... http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00GNKFOSO/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 edit: found a cheaper one for about $20...http://www.lighterusa.com/magic-flight-finishing-grinder-cherry.html?utm_source=google_shopping&gclid=Cj0KEQjwi-moBRDL4Omf9d_LndMBEiQAQtFf85tJXnDHsd9QjYeuOb8U3B-_YqIrs5lkokijnaPc4GIaAkKH8P8HAQ
I use these handy orange cases. They are nice because they are marked in such a way you can flip dead batteries around to know which are dead and good. Also if you order the Powerex four packs they come with a 4 pack case.