According to Metacritic, Ocarina of Time is still the highest rated game of all time.
I like how every time there is a new Zelda trailer, we have to reverse the music just in case.
Maybe there is a short audio cue, not sure.
Honestly, if you're looking for a "Zelda Maker", what you want is Zelda Classic. It's been around longer, it's solid, and it has quite a few quests. I'd recommend it if you're interested in anything like that.
I will say though that you won't have a "Zelda Maker" like you will a Mario Maker. There's too much involved. You might be able to match it on the surface with in-game editing and such, but ultimately creating a quest in Zelda is a major undertaking.
次元の狭間に 消え去れい is what I found. Sorry I can't be very precise, but a literal translation might be, "(It) must vanish into the interstice of dimensions!" 次元,狭間
If I had to guess, Ganon is basically kicking him out of the Universe, but not even being kind enough to put him into a different one. I'd say the translation is pretty decent, and gives the same idea.
You can read a couple of translations for yourself here
To find the relevant text, search for "However, one day,"
It suggests that the entrance was opened accidentally, rather than discovered accidentally.
I did a bit of a run through on the translations, and they all look good. The only trouble I ran into was determining which reading of 開く was correct, and luckily I have the Japanese manual and it uses furigana, so I could see that it is indeed suppose to be "hiraku", not "aku", as suggested in that link. This means that "it was unsealed" is a potential translation. You can see that hiraku, the top entry, can be "to open; to undo; to unseal; to unpack", while aku, the 2nd entry, is "to open (e.g. doors)" So there's quite a bit of leeway here in how it can be interpreted!
So, I thought I'd check out the Japanese version, and I actually think this is could be a bit of a mistranslation. It's a difficult concept to translate, I guess, so it's not surprising. Note, however, that my grasp of Japanese is poor. tldr: I think /u/henryuuk has it right.
The kanji in question is 族, which normally means tribe or family. However, according to, the specific combination of 魔, which means demon, devil, or evil spirit, and 族, specifically means a magical being or spirit from Hell. (Wikipedia, though, claims that it is a concept that incorporates a magical race or tribe of beings.) However, there is no mention of evil in either definition. Since I think Ganon is the Mazoku in question, and as far as I know the monsters in the Dark World were mostly twisted by Ganon's power using the Triforce, it leads me to believe that he's mostly just talking about himself.
Here's the Japanese text dump if you are interested. Search for ゼルダを to find the speech for the first encounter with Agahnim.
(Don't bother using google translate, it's almost all garbage.)
I checked and there's a Sheik toy on amazon, I can't speak for it's quality myself so maybe check out the reviews before buying it. It's about $40 though. Hope that helps.
Zelda 2 was a decent game, but not all that great IMO; the limitations of the NES held it back rather severely, as did some other questionable design decisions (like the lives system).
Which is exactly why that's the one I want to get a proper remake; the gameplay concept was solid, and on a more powerful system that can more smoothly handle the sidescrolling action-RPG gameplay and with a team that has more experience, all those little annoyances could be fixed.
Also, for your maps problem. GameFAQs, man.
Title is as it says,
I would like to continue the work of others who have made progress in decoding and understanding the secrets system of the Oracle games. The passwords have been successfully decoded completely but we are working on encoding any secret so that it will work in the game.
Edit: Here is 39ster's work on decoding the password system:
It was just swimming through hoops, but it was timed. If you had perfect accuracy you could keep up with the beaver nose-to-nose. The new system looks like it might be a slower swim, mostly because we don't see the jetstream/wake when you're swimming as Mikau in the remake. If it's true that you can't go as fast as the original game unless you're expending magic power, the Beaver Races would be more challenging.
So, a couple of points may strengthen your theory.
彼方 is apparently usually written in kana, the syllabary of Japanese writing, instead of Kanji. Writing it in Kanji would be a pretty interesting creative choice, almost drawing attention to it as being a specific location instead of the more abstract concept that it usually represents.
Phantom Ganon is described as 異次元悪霊ファントムガノン 異次元 is better translated as, "different dimension," not, "beyond". And in a lot of ways this actually makes sense for your theory. If Ganon could conjure his phantom from the beyond, wouldn't it be possible that Ganon could easily escape from there?
I don't know that all of that is in there, but I do for sure hear "Is Hyrule falling" "Poor Hyrule" "For Link has found the body"
Edit: listening closer I do think I hear “For Link is gone” as well, which could be something.
Related but unrelated: this is the best piece of fan music I've heard in my life and has songs from every game, I believe.
Back on topic, I have to agree with Twilight Princess, it had some exceptional tracks (seriously, the Hyrule Field theme is outstanding) and the credits song was great. I also really like the soundtrack from Spirit Tracks. Every time I hear some of the songs I want to play the game again, but I then I get disappointed shortly after.
I once read through an old thread that linked to an older thread reminiscing about a much older thread describing the dungeons from Ocarina of time.
Here's that link, it's interesting to say the least. Worth the read!
IIRC the original zelda was going to be this originally, but in play testing they realised people liked to play through the dungeons more than make them them, so they decided to just make really good pre-made dungeons rather than also have a maker.
this is also why we have heromode/newgame+/whatever its called in the original, since they scrapped the maker they still had 50% of the rom space unused so they decided to copy the world over that space and add deviations to that world for players that already finished the game.
so yeah, if mario maker is successful (which it will be, look at how popular Lunar magic got) I definitely suspect we will see similar things in the future, and zelda is a logical choice.
also, this
> Tap-to-move-toward-the-tapped-spot also sounds like hell on such a small screen.
Modern smartphone screens are larger than DS screens. The original DS touch screen was 3 inches on the diagonal (and they're still around the same size, with the 3DS clocking in at 3.5 inches) while modern smartphones average somewhere around 6 inches on the diagonal.
So if it worked for PH and SS then it can definitely work for smartphones.
There are some new N64 controllers that make the replay a lot better.
Retro Fighters Brawler64 Next Gen N64 Controller Game Pad - Nintendo 64
very different, the consoles hdmi port plugs into it and then the audio extractor plugs into you tv. the extractor then has the red and white audio jacks to hook up to an amp or surround sound system of your choice. my wii u,ps3, ps4 and switch are all wired this way.
not OP but this is an amazon link to the first volume
Wait, I can't find the Amazon link. Can you link me?
Edit: Never mind, found it. I had no idea that they renamed it to "Breath of the Wild - Creating a Champion"!
There's a cool comic style one I had when younger here:
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
It's basically the plot of A Link to the Past, with some extra bits in it that aren't in the game. Just a fun read. The Super Mario one that Amazon is suggesting for me to buy also was one I remember being cool too.
>unless your dev team is about 2 people
Nope. Even then it slows down because you have to take time and energy away from work and put it towards coordination. At least, that's what a synopsis of The Mythical Man-Month told me.
I still think it's a stretch, but it doesn't disprove anything. There is a Hyrule Castle in OOT, it's just not the big one we see in TP. There's also some sort of a Castle Town represented by the Market in OOT. Honestly, I thought the city they were overrunning kind of resembled it. Not to mention that the new Zelda actually bares a pretty strong resemblance to OOT's Zelda, outfits notwithstanding.
I still don't think it'll be the Hero of Time (though I'd be thrilled if it was), but nothing deconfirms it. I'm definitely placing this in the downfall timeline, either in the very beginning or the very end.
Honestly, there's been such a batshit crazy mish-mash of everything from every timeline that it's pretty hard to place it anywhere. I think we just have to assume that our underlying assumptions about certain things in the lore are wrong, and we won't find out what until we actually play it.
> As for the Gorons, there's no mention of Dodongo's Cavern.
"Th-That's it! It's so good that I dream about it... Dodongo Cavern's finest quality rock sirloin!"
>Personally, I believe Skull Kid originally came from Termina and through the events mentioned in that post came to Hyrule for some time.
I agree. That's why I mentioned Skull Kid being one of the people who has come to Hyrule from Termina. But he and the fairies still made their way to Hyrule via non-supernatural means. (Just like how Link and Epona left Termina at the end of the game.)
I think you misunderstood me on the Postman thing. TWW mentions that a Postman was the ancestor of the Rito who looks exactly like the MM Postman (and since the MM Postman was the only Postman in the series at the time, the reference was originally intended to mean that the MM Postman had made his way out of Termina after the events of MM).
Games are usually a lot easier then they used to be, especially Nintendo games. Maybe that's just because Nintendo has been around for so long. If you compare old Zelda games to a game like SS or ALBW you can see it. It's especially obvious in Mario games which used to be a challenge, and now the "New" Super Mario Bros titles are ridiculously easily.
This is because companies make their target demographic the casual gamer. Meaning anyone who doesn't want a big challenge like most people, especially kids. This is what I meant by I understand the reason for games being easy, but don't necessarily like it.
I'm very excited that Miyamoto said he's going to make the games he wants, and is no longer going to cater to the casual gamer. Maybe after Zelda U we'll see titles with real challenges, just like before!
Source on Miyamoto and Nintendo
> The "Zelda formula" you're talking about regarding linearity is really only from games since OoT
Really? I thought ALttP and LA followed the linear Zelda formula too. I know you could do some sequence breaking, but the fact that there was a "sequence" at all makes me feel that they count as more linear games than open-world.
I did a little Googling and someone said of the Dark World dungeons in ALTTP that:
>1 must be done first, as you can't get to the other dungeons without the hammer.
2, 3, and 4 can be completed after 1
5 requires the items from 3 and 4
6 requires the items from ~~2 and~~ 4
7 requires the items from 2, 3, 4, and 6
8 must be done last, as you need all of the maidens to gain access
Okay so maybe ALttP is somewhat nonlinear, but I think LA was pretty linear.
Unfortunately, it doesn't include games from old consoles. So yeah, I can't find any lists that compare good old games to good new ones.
The NES Classic was only $60 but looks like it's not sold anymore.
But you said your price range up to $300 so you could get one off eBay. It's pretty simple to use. They have "renewed" ones on Amazon for $150. Again this is going way over their original retail, but it'd be the simplest way to do it.
That is exactly what darkness is my friend - Darkness: “The absolute or comparative absence of light, or the modification of visual sensation produced by such absence; gloom,”(source)
I did research, the word isnt only used in one context, it has many applications. It does translate to reincarnation, if you search the definition in google it just says "reincarnation", in the context of buddhism it refers to samsara. The belief is centered around reincarnation theory.
So, my answer is potentially.
My personal belief is that Link's sword is also the player's controller because we know that Link is you, the player^(1). BoTW seems to ba a special case of the shiekah slate being synonymous to the Gamepad/Switch. However, Link's crossbow training is a pretty good example of how it functions parallel to the wii zapper.
This is why I say potentially, because an actual gun controller does exist for nintendo^(1). If Nintendo for some odd reason were to ever make a Zelda game using that controller...
Then we might have Link using a gun.
Game Counselors were great haha. There are some interesting write-ups out there from ex-Counselors like this one.
>Have you played any other games that gave you the same feeling as old school Zeldas in terms of wonder and mystery?
When I was a kid, there were others that triggered a similar feeling - like Simon's Quest on NES or FF6 on SNES (after the world ends).
But otherwise - no.
I think it's more of a me-problem than the games, though. I play less games, have less patience, and generally am more cynical as a mid-30s guy with 3 little kids and a mortgage and all that. I honestly thought I couldn't get that feeling again playing a game until BotW came out. It completely and instantly captured that sense of awe that I felt in the early games, delivering a world that I was imagining while playing.
When I was like 6 or 7, I used to always ask my mom to reread this cheesy story about Link and a Moblin. It's just about Link on his way to find Zelda and he stops by a shop and fights a Moblin. In my mind, that was kind of happening in Zelda 1, but it really wasn't. In BotW, I felt like I was making those mini-stories. Nostalgia plays a big part.
I do like lots of newer games (Hades is a masterpiece and I'm stoked to start Eastward tonight), but they haven't been able to find any that strike the same chord.
there's aactually plenty of usb controllers looking like nintendo controllers for example:
pc emulation is technically illegal, but so is modding an existing console to play old games (also emulation) so you are not going to find an officially supported tutorial or set of peripherals to help you. it's relatively easy to find what you need with some good googling
Something I better see in this book or else it doesn't matter