Instructions if you are a newbie to bitcoin
edit - You were talking of dog, the animal?
As always, the sidebar my fellow soon to be possible shibe!
And to get you started,
+/u/dogetipbot 10 doge
Have fun! :)
I fucking loathe 'doge'
It makes no fucking sense, yet somehow people circle-jerked all over it.
Some fuck thought this 'meme' would make good crypto-currency?? (dogecoin) and then it infiltrated NASCAR with Josh Wise and the Dogecar
so fucking retarded
Just more tips for your wallets.
Dogecoin Wallet
So where are you going to keep this wonderful Dogecoin of yours? The safest place to keep your dogecoin is in a desktop wallet. You can easily obtain a desktop wallet from Just choose the Operating system you currently have and you are ready to receive and send your Dogecoins.
This is the serious section, so listen close. Dogecoin is a fun currency, but this is still a currency. This means that people will try to take your precious Dogecoins from you. BUT FEAR NOT! You can do things to safeguard your Dogecoins. First things first, ENCRYPT YOUR WALLET! Create a password that has never been used ever and make sure you never forget it. If you do forget it, then you lose access to your wallet forever. After this, please make sure to backup your wallet to a usb drive. This backup allows you to gain access to your wallet if you happen to damage your hard drive or computer in some way. A more in-depth explanation about security can be found here.
And I edited my reply. Apparently the dogecoin tip didn't go through,!
+/u/so_doge_tip 100 doge
Now you have 100 doge waiting to be transferred to your wallet. Go to, download the wallet, and enjoy your dogecoins!
Welcome! Dogecoin is the future of money and it's going to take us to the moon!
You can read a little about it here:
You can buy dogecoin at an exchange like or you can get some by participating here on Reddit and receiving tips. Here's your first dogecoin:
+/u/dogetipbot 50 doge verify
When you receive a message from the bot, reply to it in a private message with this text:
Enjoy your stay!
You came here from the ad? :) That's great! We welcome all new shibes to our community!
First you download the wallet, leave it open as it will take some time to sync up.
From there you can either learn how to use your graphic's card power to get doges or you can buy dogecoins.
Video on how to mine:
Where to buy dogecoins:
Have a browse around the subreddit and see what you think, hope it helped, glad to answer any additional questions!
Btw, have some doge! +/u/dogetipbot 50 doge verify
Bitcoin er svona internet-gjaldmiðill sem var stofnaður til þess að einfalda netkaup. Bitcoin er ekkert svakalega þekkt meðal íslenskra fyrirtækja þar sem það er nokkuð nýtt.
Persónulega mæli ég með dogecoin því það er skemmtilegra en BitCoin er mikið verðmætara eins og stendur.
It's easy, download a simple one from and get started! The community on /r/dogecoin is extremely helpful and friendly.
Here's some doge to get you started :)
+/u/dogetipbot 100 doge verify
These provide a good synopsis of general info along with the process to adopt doge. is an excellent resource for businesses to adopt doge.
I think that should be enough info to make a skeleton of your article at least (:
People raised a large amount of money for them in a new crypto currency called Doge Coin. Unsure why, but it's a good deal for them. Maybe we'll get Cool Runnings II out of this.
Don't hardlink to the wallet, just link to That way when a new wallet is released you aren't making people download the outdated wallet. did this too and is currently linking people to the 1.1 qt-wallet.
Cool!! Copy and paste time?
Here's a small doge to continue funding your tipping scheme :D +/u/dogetipbot 30 doge verify
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Right here you can download the Windows client (or whichever OS you're on). It will take a few hours to download the data for all the blocks, but then you should be good to go!
Hey there!
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Here are some handy links:
[Using SoDogeTip](/r/sodogetip/wiki/index)
[List of Faucets](/r/dogecoin/wiki/faucets)
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Well, that's just for a reddit wallet.
Some Shibes keep large amounts on it, as /u/mohland has a very secure storage method, but access to the coins is based on how strong your reddit password is.
Here's a link to where you can get such wallets.
Online wallets are the most convenient and easily accessible, however, the services have been hacked in the past.
To initially generate the currency, people use their computers to solve complex algorithms (called mining). This mining process is very slow for a single person, so people network their computing power together in groups called pools, which then collectively work on the problems and solve them much faster. Each pool works on a single 'block' and once solved, can give the entire pool 0-1,000,000 dogecoins, which are then split between each person in the pool depending on how much they contributed. On Valentines day the rewards for each block will halve, meaning each block will give out between 0-500,000 coins. This halving keeps happening as the total number of dogecoins goes up. We're still generating 0-1,000,000 coins per block because we're so new! This mining process also verifies and processes all the dogecoin transactions people make.
The other way people obtain dogecoins is either from people sending tips and people giving each other coins, or by purchasing it on one of the exchanges on the internet. At first the only way to buy was to purchase Bitcoin with USD and then exchange it for doge, but there are people setting up direct USD to doge exchanges too. I'm guessing that to donate to your group, the charity organizers are going to cash out the dogecoins on one of these exchanges.
The only thing you need to have dogecoins is to get a wallet! Clicking this link is a great guide for getting started. Once you have a wallet you can transfer over the dogecoin tips you've been getting in this thread and they'll be yours!
Congratulations BCSketches! I mean goddamn just look at this! And congratulations to this weeks winners! I'm having trouble following everyone now. XD
And hooray for Dogecoin tips! It probably wouldn't hurt to hope over to make an announcement at /r/dogecoin. I should also mention they have a "getting started" tab there that is useful for anyone interested. (Here is a quick guide)
I can't wait until /u/dogetipbot is all caught up so I can start throwing some Doge around. :P The mods should put some doge tip addresses in the side bar so we can throw them some love. :D
Welcome! Glad you stopped by!
Dogecoin is digital currency (much like Bitcoin) that can be used just like the dollar to purchase good and items, but we on /r/dogecoin love to tip people with it.
If you want to know how to get some dogecoin, well let me tell you:
I would recommend walking through the Getting Started Guide from the official site (, which is being bogged down at the moment), it will walk you through a digital wallet and inform you how to acquire doge. It is written for people who have no prior knowledge to digital currency.
You can buy dogecoin via exchanges (Kraken, Vault of Satoshi, Prelude, Crpytsy) but not all of them support buying them with regular money (we call that fiat around here) so it takes a little bit of time to set up. But there are services like where you buy dogecoin via paypal.
As for how to get your first coins and about tipping... well I will help you with that.
+/u/dogetipbot 500 doge verify
The tip I sent you is managed by /u/dogetipbot, which is a friendly bot we have set up that makes tipping on Reddit super easy. Once it gets to it (it can get bogged down sometimes due to the number of tips going back and forth) it'll send you a private message asking you if you'd like to accept the tip. If you tell it you accept the tip, it'll create a tipping wallet for you on here which you can use to tip other users. If you want to move the coins to another wallet (say you set up one on your own computer) it's got a Withdraw command that lets you do just that! Your "inbox" for private messages is up in the upper right hand corner and looks like a litte mail envelope. When you get a message, it'll turn red (here on /r/dogecoin it'll also have a doge which pops it's head up too!).
Recommend downloading the dogecoin-qt core wallet client at, links for different OSs right there on the front. For holding a fundraising address, I'd recommend not sending any transactions with it until the fundraising is over (or else it will look shady), and also keeping the computer it's on offiline behind a locked door, once you have it set up. This is called cold storage and is the most secure way to hold a large amount of digital currency. When it's ready to be used, plug the computer back in to the internet. Transactions will still go through to your address while the wallet is offline, they will appear once it syncs back to up when it comes back online.
The other option is we could find a trusted 3rd party escrow to hold funds for you. They could convert it and send you traditional money once the fundraising effort is complete
Dogecoins, they are like bitcoins. You could save them up and buy something or you could just give them to someone else by using the second line in my previous comment. If you have any other questions feel free to ask. :)
Well you can use dogetipbots wallet at first. Then later you will want to get a wallet on your desktop or laptop.
Here is a getting started guide:
Here is info about dogetipbot:
Here is some doge to get you started +/u/dogetipbot 250 doge verify
Please message me, make a post on /r/dogecoin, or ask anyone here for help' we love helping.
Also be sure to visit /r/dogeducation as well!
Under the banner that says "Start using dogecoin today:" Just click which version you need and it will download the wallet program. Once you get it extracted from the zip file and run it it has to synch. This can take a few hours depending on your internet connection. But once it is synced you can start moving doge into it. can tell you all about it, and gives you places to go to get free coins. Here are some coins to get you started
/u/dogetipbot 15 doge
I'd give you more but I'm a poor shibe myself.
Dogecoin's community is SO much more active than ANY of the communities that are behind any of these crypto currencies and we're seeing 100% gains in some of them. It also accounts for more transactions than every other crypto currency combined. Much potential growth.
If anybody knows how to get the dogecoin tip bot working, please help me. I want to send yall some Doge coins so you can get more silver.
Update: The Dogecoin tip bot is really backed up from so many tips going through it's gonna take me a while to register.
If you want some Dogecoins Ill send you some... Just think of it as some money to buy some silver with later.
You can download a wallet at . Send me your address and Ill send you some Doge.
You can get dogecoin in a few different ways:
Over on /r/dogemarket for paypal or google wallet
Mining them!
On an exchange with bitcoin or litecoin (I like or
Once dogecoin becomes more popular and prevelant, you'll be able to buy straight from and exchange with USD.
Start here and download a doge wallet. PM me your address once it gets the blockchain downloaded and I'll give you some doge!
Pre-mined tweet for those who'd like one:
> Have you checked out Dogecoin? It's the fastest growing alternative to Bitcoin with a great, fun community: #dogecoin
Feel free to use it, shibes.
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[List of Faucets](/r/dogecoin/wiki/faucets)
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[List of Faucets](/r/dogecoin/wiki/faucets)
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[List of Faucets](/r/dogecoin/wiki/faucets)
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[Using SoDogeTip](/r/sodogetip/wiki/index)
[List of Faucets](/r/dogecoin/wiki/faucets)
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[List of Faucets](/r/dogecoin/wiki/faucets)
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[Using SoDogeTip](/r/sodogetip/wiki/index)
[List of Faucets](/r/dogecoin/wiki/faucets)
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[Using SoDogeTip](/r/sodogetip/wiki/index)
[List of Faucets](/r/dogecoin/wiki/faucets)
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Thought for the day. Dogegeddon? Dogecoin keeps steadily creeping up coinmarketcap. Given the whole idea of the coin was basically to point out how ridiculous this all is, doesn't a huge rise in Dogecoin suggest the end is nigh. Personally, having a slightly anarchistic bent, I think we should all buy a bit of Dogecoin, to show just how silly this all is and also because it's hilarious. Wow. Such bubble. Very pop.
Would you ever use it to purchase something?
If not, would anyone else? What about all the horror stories about people who bought pizza with it 3 years ago ....
That's part of the deflationary problem mentioned by others. But that's just one of many problems. It's completely speculative. At least with gold speculation, you have a physical thing with real scarcity at the end. Can't more Bitcoins just be created? Who decides?
Less businesses accept it as currency this year as did last year. And it's associations with black markets early on will eventually attract governmental scrutiny. The US Constitution gives a monopoly on currency creation to the US federal government. So there's some justification to regulate. Especially when people start losing their retirement savings on it.
My advice, stick with safer investments ... like DogeCoin.
Hi and welcome:)
Some basics that will help.
1) Please look at the wiki on this sub (/r/dogecoin). It really is full of information and quite a valuable asset when looking for doge related things, help or downloads.
2) The Official Wallet download site for most recent versions
3) This is the dogetipbot wiki and has links covering how to, etc.
4)And as always, don't forget that /r/dogeducation has lots of info and help anytime you need it.
+/u/dogetipbot 250 doge
Hi and welcome:)
Some basics that will help.
1) Please look at the wiki on this sub (/r/dogecoin). It really is full of information and quite a valuable asset when looking for doge related things, help or downloads.
2) The Official Wallet download site for most recent versions
3) This is the dogetipbot wiki and has links covering how to, etc
4)And as always, don't forget that /r/dogeducation has lots of info and help anytime you need it.
Hmm, I'm usually a lurker let me find you some links sir/mam hold on.
Edit: Here is a link to the dogecoin wallet and instructions, where you will learn where to store all your coins:
Here is a link on how to use the dogecointipbot on reddit:
If you have any more questions feel free to PM me! Once you figure out how to use the tipbot, try to send me 10 coins and I will send you 100 more back! ( just to make sure you got it )
This will take you through creating a wallet. A wallet is like a bank account for your dogecoin. I'd recomend an online wallet to start with, but you should move to a desktop one in the future because they're more secure.
This will go over the basics of dogecoin, including how to start mining if you have a decent GPU.
This is the getting started guide for dogetipbot
If you have any more specific questions ask but that should take you through the beginning.
Heres the commands to interact with dogetipbot
So to withdraw from dogetipbot to your own personal wallet you would send a message
to: dogetipbot
subject: withdraw
message: +withdraw ADDRESS AMOUNT doge
ADDRESS is your recieving address that can be generated using the wallet software fond at
hope this helps!
+/u/dogetipbot all doge verify
Here's some doge (:
+/u/dogetipbot 50 doge
Here's how to get started and feel free to ask any questions :D
How to use the tip bot:
My only suggestion is that, while this is a great collection of information, it might be a little bit too much information for people casually looking for information about dogecoin after talledega. IMO, the answers should be short and succinct. If they don't 100% answer the question, I think that's okay.
You could also make use of existing resources. Like the site has a great page about setting up a wallet.
>Q: How do I set up a dogecoin wallet?
Actually, now that I think about it, the dogecoin website does a great job of answering almost all of these questions (except dogetipbot)
Dogetip bot is a bit slow today, due to some maintenance and down time that it's catching up from, so you may have to wait a few hours before the tip is confirmed. Once it is, reply +accept to the message you'll receive, this will put the 50 doge in your dogetipbot wallet. You can always download a wallet for your pc, and transfer funds to\from dogetipbot, but that's more complex.
Look here:
First lets get you some Dogecoins ;)
+/u/dogetipbot 50 doge
all you have to do when it verifies and sends you a message do +accept. =)
To start with dogecoin Guide here:
you can head to /r/dogecoin and /r/Dogeducation as well =).
The community is always there to help ;)
the tip will take a bit the bot is getting overloaded
Let me throw you some Doge so this can be a worked example...
+/u/dogetipbot 50 doge
Right, so Doge tip bot will message you to say I've sent you a tip, and ask if you want to accept if. You just have to send back "+accept" at this point, it will then consider you to hold 50 Doge with it (the bot). It only gets trickier if you want to "cash out" your Doge; to do that, you need a Dogecoin client (from ).
Once you have the client, you should wait for it to sync the whole blockchain (list of transactions made to date); this will take a while, and is probably best left running overnight. Any transactions to your wallet will not show up until the blockchain is up to date (because they're at the far end of the chain, as it were). Once up to date, you can ask Doge tip bot to send your Dogecoin to you; it will need an address, which you can get from "Much receive" tab in the client.
/r/dogeducation/ is a great source of more information getting started, and there's a lot of discussion going on (as well as a lot of silly memes) in /r/dogecoin/
Hey there!
I see you are new here, Welcome to /r/dogecoin. How did you find out about Dogecoin?
Do you have any questions you need answered to help get you started?
Here are some handy links:
[Using SoDogeTip](/r/sodogetip/wiki/index)
[List of Faucets](/r/dogecoin/wiki/faucets)
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Hey there!
I see you are new here, Welcome to /r/dogecoin. How did you find out about Dogecoin?
Do you have any questions you need answered to help get you started?
Here are some handy links:
[Using SoDogeTip](/r/sodogetip/wiki/index)
[List of Faucets](/r/dogecoin/wiki/faucets)
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So, this is a REAL GAME for HUMANS, built on top of /u/alphatak 's pretend game that only computers can play. Right now, it only works on Linux, because math and AI programmers are corrupt mafioso types who only make tools for people who buy into their hocus-pocus. It'll work on Macs soon, maybe, and Windows eventually. (does the Windows bash shell bode well for this?)
To install, make sure you have curl and git[1] and then open a terminal and run the following command:
sudo curl | sh
This will look at my website for some things to install, then install them. If you want to check the code yourself to make sure I'm not stealing your Shibe Inu monies, just visit the URL in the command.
Once the installer finishes running, it should start the game for you, and you can begin losing to the plastic thing in front of you. If you for some reason want to play the game more than once, you can click the handy script titled PLAY_TAK. You could also run this command in the game's root directory:
love .
What is love, you ask? It won't hurt you, baby, that's for sure. It's a free game engine, and you can lavish them in hatemail for enabling me here.
Please also message me about bugs, when you find them. When I release feral animals into the wild, I make darn sure they're vaccinated.
sudo apt-get -y install curl git
The safest wallet is the dogecoin core (once you are caught up to the current block, Encrypt your keys with a solid passphrase or long password, and then back them up in a couple separate locations (I use a USB on my keychain, a USB at work, and another location) I also use the android wallet for petty cash, it was developed by one of the dogecoin core devs /u/langer_hans. ~~You do have to trust him though to use it. I do.~~
There are risks. If your computer is/gets compromised, a hacker could steal your doge. (Hence the encryption) If you do not follow best practices in web surfing, I would isolate your doge to a device that you do not do compromising things on.
A shibe is someone who likes to make the world a little happier or better. I think many people are shibes, they just haven't discovered dogecoin yet ;-)
+/u/dogetipbot 333 doge verify
i understand your concerns:
first there is a bitcoin miner alert
than you see "doge" named file and think dogecoin miner
more than that it came with crack not original gamefiles
but after some research before, i found that, it was like saiwunna said a steam api file basically renamed steam_api.dll
Hi, I'd really like Sir, You are being hunted because British people are cool and robots are cool, so British robots are double cool. Here's the absolutely best picture from 1989
I don't know anything about cryptocurrencies but Dogecoin has an interesting name.
things will get better.
there's a handful of options. merchants can use gocoin, which does similar stuff to moolah. there's a lot of wallet options, a few online, listed at .. and there's always bittrex and other exchanges if you don't wanna mintpal.
This will take you through creating a wallet. A wallet is like a bank account for your dogecoin. I'd recomend an online wallet to start with, but you should move to a desktop one in the future because they're more secure.
This will go over the basics of dogecoin, including how to start mining if you have a decent GPU.
This is the getting started guide for dogetipbot
If you have any more specific questions ask but that should take you through the beginning.
The 500 Doge I gave you is in that online wallet. If you'd like to store it offline you'll need to get an offline wallet. It's a lot safer than online wallets.
You can find the right wallet for you on under "start using Dogecoin today". If you use windows, the light wallet will be the fastest to set up, and by getting the full wallet you'll help support the Dogecoin network, but it will take a lot more time to start working.
Once you have a wallet there should be a receive tab with your wallet address in it, this is what you need to get Dogecoins, other people can send them to that address.
So once you have your wallet, you can withdraw the Dogecoins to them by sending a Withdraw command to the tipbot. Replace address with your adress and it wil send them to your wallet.
Here's the guide on the tipbot if you'd like to know.
Hope that helped :)
So, your dogtipbot account is a separate wallet from your dogevault one.
Take a look at the dogetipbot wiki under the commands section for "withdraw". That will give you the information you need.
On a more serious note, it sounds like you are wanting to use an online wallet as your main wallet. I highly suggest against this, as online wallets are insecure. The hosters of that wallet have access to both you public and private keys, and can use them maliciously to steal all of your coins. This is unlikely, but very possible.
Please consider using an offline wallet. You can download them from the official Dogecoin website
You register with the dogetipbot. Then download a dogecoin wallet and withdraw from the bot to the wallet. Then you have dogecoin! Worth about .009 cents!
I bought some on the offchance that in a couple years it might be big. But if not it's fun to tip people with. All of my tips come from mining that I've done.
Here's a link to the dogetipbot stuff. Here's a link to get a wallet. And here's something to get you started.
+/u/dogetipbot 19.84 doge
Imi pare bine ca esti intersat... sau cel putin intrigat. Totul incepe aici Iti descarci wallet-ul pentru sistemul tau de operare, il lansezi si il lasi sa sincronizeze blockchainul. Acesta este "lantul" tuturor tranzactiilor de doge din 8 decembrie si pana in ziua de astazi. Dupa ce il sincronizezi, recomand sa il encriptezi cu o parola. Simplu, doua click-uri. Aceasta parola va impune o verificare la fiecare tranzactie. Este specifica tuturor wallet-urilor de crypto.
Acum ai un portofel functional si ceva doge in cont. Intri pe un pool dedicat DOGE (am dat exemplu cu mai sus), iti creezi un cont si apoi "minerul", contul hardware-ului tau. Acesta se creeaza din tabul "My workers". Necesita un user si o parola. Daca vrei sa minezi, trebuie sa te armezi un un tarnacop (o placa video) si sa iti descarci minerul dedicat. Iti recomand CGminer 3.7.2, iar in cazul in care ai nVidia, daca doresti sa te ajut la un eventual debugging, foloseste CUDA Miner. Daca doresti sa te apuci intr-adevar de minat, te pot ajuta la crearea script-ului necesar. Nu este mai mult de o linie de text transformat in batch. Dupa ce setezi corect parametrii, launch aplicatiei miner si profitul generat este afisat pe site-ul pool-ului.
+/u/dogetipbot 25 doge
Maybe it's stealthily hidding in a "load more comments" somewhere, but a serious answer:
Good luck.
It should automatically create a wallet for you once you receive the tip - You can use the bot to check your balance and tip others ;)
You can also download the dogecoin wallet here:
Dogecoin is like Bitcoin, Litecoin, etc. You should check The Dogecoin website or the Dogecoin Subreddit
By the way...
+/u/dogetipbot 50 doge Enjoy!
To get started, all you need to do is download a wallet and join the fun. See you on the moon.
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Hello tocuoco,
We always suggest you use a software wallet in combination with a hardware wallet.
We suggest you use the official wallet offered by Dogecoin which can be downloaded here.
The hardware wallet you can use for this is the Ledger which can be bought here
And a guide how to use these two together can be found here
With kind regards,
The Anycoin Direct team
Tweet has been sent : " DogeCoinToMars:
Tweet has been send to @elonmusk to promote Dogecoin. We think to create a dogecoin fund for buying a special gift to @elonmusk . His agreement would help Dogecoin to reach planet Mars.
@elonmusk Dogecoin is the cryptocurrency with the best community ever. Based on the meme Shiba Inu, our goal is to reach moon and mars. Can you help us sending one dogecoin to the planet Mars or making ad on the mars skyrocket? Thx "
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> "Why don't we add onto a little and offer DogeCoin's lack of services in one convenient place?"
> why don't we just make it a center hub for all things DogeCoin?
I've been running for years now without ads out of my own pocket doing just that.
Other problems include the number of cryptocurrencies out there- just makes them seen like a design project for CS class.
It's also very hard to take one seriously when its logo is an internet meme.
What seems to be the problem? Does help?
Happy to answer any specific questions, but a complete tutorial would be a very long reply indeed :) +/u/dogetipbot megaroll verify
Also check out the dropdown menus at the top of this sub. /r/dogeducation is awesome too.
Yep, there's a bunch of ways, one is to store in your reddit/dogetipbot account. Check out the links in the sidebar for +history in /r/dogetipbot. Happy to answer any more questions. Dogetipbot is an online wallet. You can get a local wallet at
+/u/dogetipbot 200 doge verify
Well you have it answered but i'll put it in my noob words.
Dogetipbot can be used as a wallet, but it is advised to only keep 10% of your doge in it, for it can be hacked along with your reddit account.
The better option is a online wallet like Blockchain wallet but even this can be hacked, low chance but still possible.
The Best option is a computer wallet like a one you download.
You can get on Here Click a button under the cute doge picture, only click the button with the image of your computer software eg Windows, IOS, Mac Android etc..
That was info on good,better and best wallets
This is info on dogetipbot deposit question
Ok go to /r/dogecoin and hover over the button on the far left that says "Information" and look for Dogetipbot guide click on that.
Then you will scroll down a bit and click a command that you want, which you would want deposit so click +history then send the pm.
After you receive it you should see in the message your deposit address send the dogecoin to there.
Pm/reply to this comment with anymore questions, idc if they are so stupid it is like "How do i eat daz doog cin" I'll answer it ;)
Here, among others?
+/u/dogetipbot 213 doge verify
No, but really:
Click on "Get Dogecoin" on the bottom of for more info :)
Welcome to the club man :) Let us know if you need any help or have any questions.
First things First check out
I'm not sure if I understand the question. Did you download a wallet program? If so, it gives you an address and you can generate more receiving addresses that will lead to it in the receive tab.
If you haven't downloaded the DogeCoin wallet app, you can get it here and also read up on how to use it.
For future notice, there is a "Getting Started" guide you can access through the drop-down menu in the header.
If you have further questions, feel free to PM me or reply to this comment.
You can access your coins by tipping other users like KillerManiac93 did.
To get your coins to one of your offline wallets (download one at just use the "+withdraw" command while specifying a payment address (where to send your dogecoins) and the amount of dogecoins you want to send (right now you have about 2000 dogecoins). Here's a wiki for the useage of /u/dogetipbot
To make same self-promoting: To use your dogecoins outside of reddit you can go to pages like DogeTyper which is in public beta right now. On DogeTyper you can write stories (like posts here on reddit) and get dogecoins for them by so called QuickTips.
That's just an idea on where and how you can use your dogecoins!
Have fun with it!
Welcome :)
I would use the "Dogecoin Core" also called "Dogecoin-Qt" but you need about 5.7 GB free space on your hard drive. It's the safest wallet and you also support the Dogecoin network called blockchain.
Home (wallets):
Are you looking to buy Doge or mining? Mining involves using your computers GPU or processor to solve complex problems to earn Doge over time. Are you Windows, OSX, or Linux based? I highly recommend the info is great and they have step by step guides for miners, which are very cool shibes!
Welcome! sold some zazzle shirts or whatever
so long ago T_T
(note: i don't actually know what "first to use in commerce" means, or any legalese xD)
>What is Dogecoin?
>Dogecoin is a decentralized, peer-to-peer digital currency that enables you to easily send money online. Think of it as "the internet currency." Dogecoin sets itself apart from other digital currencies with an amazing, vibrant community made up of friendly folks just like you.
>What's with the dog on the coin?
>"Doge" is our fun, friendly mascot! The Shiba Inu is a Japanese breed of dog that was popularized as an online meme and it represents Dogecoin.
All taken from You can also link them to the video which explains it well.
And your mobile posting issue is specific to this sub, correct?
Go here:
Download the light wallet (MultiDoge) or the full wallet (Dogecoion Core). The full wallet might take hours or days to sync with the network because it downloads the entire dogecoin block chain.
You can download the wallet from then get the address in the much recieve section. It looks like you then tweet at tipdoge @tipdoge withdraw addresshere
Or you can just put the giveaway address in the addresshere section
Are you using the QT client? If so, you need to update to version 1.6! You can get 1.6 here It's ABSOLUTELY necessary. Backup your wallet.dat file before updating, just in case. After you update, open it up again and see if it starts syncing. If it doesn't, you need to go to the Dogecoin directory (never used Mac, but Google says it should be located at - /Users/”your mac name”/Library/Application Support/Dogecoin), delete the "blocks" and "chainstate" folders (don't delete anything else), then open the client and it should sync. It will have to start from the beginning, which sucks, but it's probably your best bet.