By reading this, you'll become an angr pro and will be able to fold binaries to your whim
If i understand what I've read correctly this is a tool for picking apart and experimenting with existing compiled binaries. My guess is to probe for exploits.
Hey there new players!
A while ago I wrote a csgo-guide that many people liked and got a 5-star rating. Being motivated by the feedback, I decided to keep on writing and now it has become a complete e-book for cs-players.
I would love to hear some feedback. I know it is very detailed/boring in the beginning, but the tips and tricks in chapter 4 are surely helpful for a lot of players :)
Here's the link: Ready to GO?
Keep on grinding! -n0tch2k
Gitbook primarily offers a Markdown -> HTML convert, and hosts the generated site for you. They charge $15/month for a premium account -- plus a 20% fee on all sales.
Now consider that there are open-source alternatives like mdBook (and, more specific to Rust, rustbook) which generate the HTML you can host on your own site.
Not saying people shouldn't fund or pay for software development, they should, but when that software doesn't do a whole lot and charges a prime-cut percentage of your sales, I personally start second-guessing.
The tutorial I most often see getting suggested is TypeScript Deep Dive by Basarat Ali Syed. As a heads up, it may document bleeding edge stuff from our nightly builds, but this is usually not a problem.
Do you have any specific sorts of things you'd like to see in our current docs?
Hey guys!
It's Arena Tracker, a deck tracker that shows Lightforge and HearthArena scores on screen while you draft.
Github or if you want to go straight to the download section
If you get lost there's an user guide
Cheers, Triodo
Blindly copying pasting is a bad idea. You should always understand what you're doing, why said problem occurred, and how the solution works.
Depends on the problem you are trying to solve. Generally, Google is every software engineer's friend. Can't sort out Hibernate config ? SO has the answer. Having trouble remembering some SQL syntax ? Google will save the day ! Some framework is throwing an exception ? Ask for help using teh interwebs.
But, if you're trying to come up with an algorithm to some homework you got in school, sit and figure it out on your own.
Well she's fat and kind of old (I estimate she's 1.5 years, which is old for a jumping spider) so that helps, I don't let the younger ones out most of the time. I wrote a draft of a pet keeping guide but it's kind of a mess
Regarding Perl6, here's a couple things:
I'd suggest checking out the first one-liner guide and seeing how you feel about it. I think Perl5 still has a good future. It's getting better all the time and it truly is fast (which can't really be said for Perl6 right now).
Caliban and the Witch <em>Women, the Body, and Primitive Accumulation</em> - Silvia Federici
>a history of the body in the transition to capitalism. Moving from the peasant revolts of the late Middle Ages to the witch-hunts and the rise of mechanical philosophy, Federici investigates the capitalist rationalization of social reproduction. She shows how the battle against the rebel body and the conflict between body and mind are essential conditions for the development of labor power and self-ownership, two central principles of modern social organization.
volevo consigliare (questo libro)[] a chi vuole imparare python ed è completamente a digiuno di programmazione. Ho trovato valido anche "Learn Python in the hard way" (che consigliate spesso qua), ma questo è più ELI5 e mi ha chiarito molti dubbi (ossia cose che chi programma dà per scontate).
Android fundamentals course > This course is intended to be taught in a classroom, but all the materials are online, so if you like to learn by yourself, go ahead!
While it's not from a teach
What you're looking for is web3.js
It's a JavaScript library to allow connecting to an ethereum node, and performing lookups and transactions. This wires up quite nicely into any existing webapp/site, whatever you're preferred development style is.
What's quite important when starting development is deciding whether your app connects to a server at all, or relies solely on a user running their own node.
Also worth knowing from the start is whether your app will rely on existing contracts, or yet to be developed contracts, in which case you're just going to be using web3.js as development tooling to debug and test your contracts before being able to design an app to make the interaction seemless.
Edit: I wish I could have pointed you at but I'm still busy writing 😅 you can register to be notified when it's done, if you like
> I just worry about rhetoric normalizing violence
I hear that, but I think this is more blowing off steam than anything.
Since you say you're new to leftist thought, a suggestion that I have is to read Caliban and the Witch ( Everyone should read it: It's a great history of the creation of capitalism and its affect on workers, particularly women. When you get into the actual barbarity of that system from its inception, maybe you'll want to blow off some steam with guillotine jokes too--or at least be more understanding of those who do. (I mean that less patronizing than it came off, but I really do recommend the book since it really can shift your perspective on what violence is.)
> copy another developer's work
Apple? How... how do you think programming works?
edit: Sorry, that was a joke, I need to make it more clear I guess.
Next time it would be easier if you write on /r/ArenaTracker this way I can help with some troubleshooting in the correct place.
Sometimes AT might fail when detecting the cards but that is not common and is more related with golden cards. When wrong cards are detected you can force AT to reescan the screen by using the refresh button on the top-left (You can see it on your screenshot). You can also click the the card detected on AT and a top-down list will appear with alternative results where you can choose from.
In case there has been any problem downloading the cards you can force a download again by removing the dir Hearthstone Cards located on USER/Arena Tracker and restart AT.
If you don't want to download all the cards again I have download them from my client and put them here. Extract the zip on USER/Arena Tracker to rewrite your old Hearthone Cards dir.
Edit: To know more things about AT you should take a look at the user guide.
This should allow us to organise things a bit more easily! We're in the process of restructuring things a bit in time for the Massdrop Plancks getting out in the wild :)
You can suggest changes through the github or gitbook (they're synced). has also been updated! We're hoping to add a little more content there down the road, along with non-technical keyboard pages.
Using LLVM would bring a lot to the table from what I know. It would save us from having to deal with generating assembly on multiple archetectures. And there is already support for JIT compilation too. It also makes interop with C painless.
There is also two extensive tutorials on how to build a language using LLVM with a JIT, one in C++ and the same tutorial in Haskell.
/u/domsch At the time I used a mix of GitHub, ZenHub, BountySource and Gitter to create a collaborative framework similar to what you have in mind. I stopped working on this project as there wasn't much interest/support from the community at the time (pre-Frontier).
That being said, I think the experiment created some value as the solutions explored spread throughout Ethereum as a project - from GitBooks to Gitter channels, this in turn improving the communication and learning experience for the project/community as a whole.
It's worth mentioning that the code and everything that was produced as a result of the experiment can be found in these GitHub repos.
I believe the community is now in a different position with Frontier up and running and I'm open to ideas if there is enough interest and help coming our way to get it back up.
Don't you EVER link to that overseo/spam nightmare of a website again.
Here's the direct link:
Here's the actual website of the actual author:
Hey guys!
Although it's not the one used in the screenshot...
I think Arena Tracker might interest some people on this thread, it's a deck tracker that shows Lightforge and HearthArena scores on screen while you draft.
Github or if you want to go straight to the download section
If you get lost there's an user guide
Cheers, Triodo
I'm looking to create a generic skill system framework along with in-engine tools for quest design.
As for games, I'm interested in a variety of 2D turn-based titles: for now, a Vim-like RPG and a tactics game where time loops around repeatedly.
I also have a long-term project I intend to try out in Godot of using dialogue with a constructed language as a means of scripting content so that I can narratively describe content that results in generated gameplay changes.
I haven't looked much into Django Girls, but I've read parts of their tutorials when I needed help understanding things. It's a good resource. Here's the link I'm talking about, it's an e-book/blog project:
I think Arena Tracker might interest some people on this thread, it's a deck tracker that shows Lightforge and HearthArena scores on screen while you draft.
Github or if you want to go straight to the download section
If you get lost there's an user guide
Cheers, Triodo
Recently released PDF OWASP Mobile Security Testing Guidelines for whoever is interested in Mobile Security Testing.
For moving further, you can try this OS - Android Tamer, which has inbuilt tools for Android Testing.
My coworker rewrote man to use the top result from stackexchange. Everyone uses google. There is a reason this joke is a thing
Just apply to everything. Don't waste your time with a cover letter. Put together a resume, your college will likely have a resource to get you some help with that. Blast out as many as you can, things that you aren't qualified for too. All they can do is say no, or not call you. You don't need a great job, you just need any job in the field. Once you get some experience, it's easy to find a follow up job. It's only the first one that is hard. After that, it's easy as hell to find a position.
You could also apply for something in DevOps, they want people who know how to code, and are willing to do Ops stuff as well. The field is generally pretty heavy on the ops side, so you could probably get by with knowing very little of that, but being able to code much better than most of the other ops heavy guys (A vast majority can barely do more than basic scripting).
Suave and Freya are most popular F# libraries for creating websites both providing quite idiomatic APIs. In GitHub repositories of both you can find different examples of using them in different use cases.
For more complex Suave example, with really good description check out Suave Music Store gitbook
Suave will probably be what you're looking for:
I set up the anarchivists account with this in mind and would love to turn it into a thing. If anyone is interested, PM me (or post below this comment) and we can discuss details.
> it is hard to write a document that explains everything including CLI commands and how to install Node.
Yes that seems hard, because it's not documentation, it's a tutorial. Don't write tutorials. There are plenty of tutorials on the internet already.
> Do you typically write a document for clients that explains how to edit the application?
These people aren't your clients, it's the future development team.
If you want clear documentation use something like gitbook.
But, the best documentation is clear, well-written code. With lots of tests. PLEASE write lots of tests, these will be very useful for future maintainers who are looking at the code for the first time.
Teach Yourself Computer Science
Bitcoin para Programadores Da uma base da criptografia por trás da bitcoin
o Gitbook tem muita coisa também, da uma pesquisada lá.
Já que faz ADM, cria um sistema de administração com criptografia, blockchain. Pronto já te dei a ideia pra ti ficar milionário.
There is a really nice book for learning LWJGL called "3D Game Development with LWJGL 3", it can be found here.
You can view it online or even download it in PDF format and there are online source code samples available for all the examples in the book.
Hey, I'd say it was similar to learning Excel from zero experience. Seems doable in hindsight but hte first time you use Excel there's just soo much to learn.
7 months ago I had minimal coding experience. Here is the path I took and am reasonably happy with:
Django is a python 'add-on' as in it's still Python but has extra keywords to save the user writing so much custom code.
Someone in O&G should just do step one in this list and branch out
A lot of it is difficult but everything is solveable with the power of google and reddit
> This is my hope as well. You can't just grope around in Powershell; you have to RTFM to get the syntax.
Clearly you have not met people who bought Essential Copying and Pasting From Stack Overflow
There are plenty of people who will blindly paste whatever they think will fix an issue into PowerShell/bash/zsh/etc.
It's not even necessarily their fault they might just be following bad documentation (e.g. the guy who accidentally deleted the production database because the onboarding documentation was crap).
yeah I have a rough draft care book they are pretty easy to care for, but would need more than just the gnats
Continuing from last week as usual on the worldbuilding of a kung fu battle wizard setting. I should probably get someone to proofread the work.
Also, I am told that the magic system I am using is not original enough and too close to Naruto's magic system. Let me know how I can make the magic system more distinct.
Do note that it's crucial that ninja must be able to navigate a three-dimensional world and carry out logistics for their civilization. Right now, ninja use pocket dimension storage and adhere to walls and trees like spiderman.
You can use KeySAVe to do this by using a custom Handlebars template.
For instance the following template: {{speciesName}},{{natureName}},{{abilityName}}
would generate rows like these:
Remoraid,Quiet,Moody Kecleon,Adamant,Protean Vanillite,Modest,Snow Cloak
You would just need to copy those lines to Google Sheets and select the option to Paste formatting > Split text to columns
and have commas as the separator.
If you're into reading, I recommend this free book: The Psychopath Code - Cracking The Predators That Stalk Us. It helped me identify and deal with a psychopath in my life.
I would recommend that you check out this short read on powershell error handling. It is excellent.
Here are some resources, otherwise /r/hacking and /r/howtohack have some links to sites like Hackthissite and hacksplaining. Otherwise it's great to start learning with hacking but branch out into programming otherwise you'll just become a shit stain scriptkiddy. I'm more of a scriptkiddy at the moment but I don't spend a lot of time on security. When you know how to use the tools learn how to make them. Metasploit an Ruby are awesome, I'm more of a Python guy though.
I'd check this out: (same thing, but in PDF! it is ready to kill trees from one of these providers: )
DISCLAIMER: I'm just a community member, not a part of the team behind the tech:
I personally think they each have their merit, but the SAFE network has a more holistic approach which makes it more interesting for me personally. I'm surely a bite biased because I first stumbled upon SAFE before I knew about Ethereum and Storj and I've only read briefly about them.
~~I think with Deep packet inspection they can ban whatever the hell they want.~~ See the answer below.
If you follow the project for a while and see how they're communicating with the community and what they're saying, they'll gain your trust. It always will be a matter of trust, nothing can change that. I was convinced by their open and honest communication with basically anybody. Especially David Irvine took so much time to explain anything and everything to anybody that asked, until recently that is. Two reasons for that: the community is getting stronger and more educated and is able to deliver answers to some of the questions as well. Second, they're really busy with the current development cycle right now and don't have time to answer as many questions as before, but again, the community does a good job I think in filling in.
You should definitely head over to the forum and start reading up on the topics that are of interest to you. You might want to look at the SystemDocs as well, although the libraries are a bit outdated by now (will be updated in the near future)
Again, head over to the forum at, where you can read some more and get answers from a really friendly and helpful community in case you have any :)
And, welcome :)
Thanks for the support! I will mention one project (I am in touch with the devs) which I think will be using the Thelonious model Prometheus. Its basically like a time bank if you've heard of those. Also another project I recently found out about along the same lines
Hi Kevin, I loved What Technology Wants I read a good part of it in a hut in Belize on a dive trip and for some reason that seemed very appropriate.
I had a question for you, as a technically capable writer, what are your thoughts on the new generation of tools that let writers control the entire publishing and sales process like or ?
I’ve started using gitbook as an online alternative to one note. Simple web interface with the notes / files hosted on your github repo as markdown files.
If you’re willing to self host an app you can do all sorts of things too -
Not exactly what you asked for but just in case you didn't know it... You could use Arena Tracker, it's a deck tracker that shows Lightforge and HearthArena scores on screen while you draft.
Github or if you want to go straight to the download section
If you get lost there's an user guide
Cheers, Triodo
Hey guys!
I think Arena Tracker might interest some people on this thread, it's a deck tracker that shows Lightforge and HearthArena scores on screen while you draft.
Github or if you want to go straight to the download section
If you get lost there's an user guide
Cheers, Triodo
It may not be the primary target demographic, but I see Elm as valuable for teaching programming in a functional style to beginners. It's easier to learn than typescript, Haskell and other functional languages. While I'd like to see typeclasses available, this isn't critical for teaching beginners. It is still sophisticated enough to be able to tackle challenges from Project Euler, Advent of Code, 99 Problems in Elm etc.
As an academic interested in Data Visualization, Elm provides a good learning environment for teaching visualization programming. While allowing browser-based output, its front-end architecture isn't central for me.
Can't do better, for me 3D Game Development with LWJGL 3 is one of the best resource for OpenGL + LWJGL 3. In complement I used videos mentioned by @my_p my_password_is from ThinMatrix to visualize certain concepts (he makes good schemas).
Nothing official, but it looks like a couple books like Coiling Dragon and I Shall Seal the Heavens have been converted in epub, pdf or mobi format by fans.
Hi u/MisterRenard.
7 months ago I had minimal coding experience. I'm not Django expert but I have made a basic web app that real-world users use and like. Here is the path I took and am reasonably happy with:
A lot of it is difficult but everything is solveable with the power of google and reddit
Since the title is about PowerShell scripting help and not suggestions on vendor or Microsoft products for system inventory, I have a few suggestions. Don Jones covers a great "get-osinfo" in this three-part YouTube video "".
Assuming your computers are all domain joined, the firewall exception to enable WinRM via GPO is straight forward and uses the domain firewall profile.
"" this should help and is found on ""
You can use a variety of try/catch's and include a portion to try to connect via $SO= New-CimSessionOption -Protocol DCOM if WinRM fails. I've found that only using DCOM will be much slower than WinRM. Enabling WinRM via GPO, in your environment, will allow you to automate and remotely control your ADComputers to a new degree.
If you want to learn more about it, they also have a great guide at
The only downside compared to JavaFX is that, as far as I know there are no visual editors producing Tornado code, so you'd have to revert to FXML if you want to use any
Fsharp for fun and profit as a PDF ebook:
The Scott's new book currently in preview:
What is most useful will depend in part on your coding background. Personally I found of most importance was to get my head around functional programming, so I found working my way though invaluable. They are nicely graded and have answers and hints to help you on your way. I find writing apps, so much easier now as a consequence.
Please, please do it in Python not C# (or JavaScript): the C# Discord library,, is (to be blunt) terrible. The documentation... argh, I could go on for hours. Anyway, Python or JavaScript, yes please. Both languages are simple to pick up, and the libraries for them ( and discord.js respectively) are really well made. Good tutorials can be found here (Python) and here (JavaScript).
If you've never used C before I highly recommend reading Learning C with Pebble. It will introduce you to the language concepts and some of the Pebble API.
Also feel free to ask questions either here or on the Pebble discord; we're always glad to help.
I think both types of ressources are not exclusivly better.
It might come down to the subjects of programming you are really struggling with.
Is it basic syntax, do you struggle with software architecture or is it really software project management?
Using the latest language features won't recover a bad architecture and having syntax and design down won't help you if you don't structure your efforts right.
In my opinion, the ability to recognize the most urgent lack of skill at a certain point of time is very valuable, once identified you can look for ressources regarding that topic. For faster changing subjects like latest language features online ressources are more up to date, but books also deliver valuable insights into more general topics.
Functional reactive programming? I haven't try it, but this might be what you're looking for: ReactFX. ^(sorry for late response)
EDIT: After some more research, this might be even better: RxJavaFX. It even has its own free book. It is written for version 1.x, but is currently being rewritten to meet version 2.x.
Veeam addresses your requirements
although "run daily snapshots every day." may not be strictly true, but in the essence of what you're asking for, yes.
Here's a great book to digest before you start.
Any questions fire away.
I wouldn't worry too much about them and everyone tends to mean something different from those terms (very few "agile" teams are truly agile). Have a read through the Agile Manifesto.
You never mentioned which language the role is chiefly using but even if it isn't Java, Java for Small Teams is a good read.
You sound like you know what you are talking about and ask the right questions, so I think you'll do fine. Good luck!
Start with Bitcoin, it is the reference crypto for everything else. If you like C# this is excellent book: Programming The Blockchain in C#
It may be too late but you could try a DCPU-16 emulator. It's the virtual CPU that Notch came up with for his now abandoned game 0x10c. It should be pretty simple to get up and going and there was a large community of people creating software for it.
Not exactly following the book, but closely related to it and highly recommended:
See here for the details about Container (called Box
in the Lesson 1)
Interesting that you mention this here. I'm in the middle of reading The Psychopath Code, and it's chilling to realize how many psychopathic traits can be found in some people in China. It's almost starts to feel like psychopathy is a prerequisite for becoming successful. I haven't finished it and thought much to start a separate discussion, but you can check out the book here and read online for free at
I was going to reply with a joke, but then I googled it and found myself disappointed that the actual thing wasn't a real book.
C++ isn't the easiest language to just jump straight into if you have no experience with it, so if your problem is that the code itself is hard to understand, I'd recommend doing a tutorial just to get up to speed.
Since you're working with embedded systems I'd suggest this guide which is very digestible in my opinion.
Also I'd recommend using an IDE. Visual Studio, CLion, CodeBlocks, or Xcode are the big ones. It will help you a lot with trying to understand what the code is doing, allow you to easily move between functions, and most importantly for your case, it can show you the structure the classes form.
LWJGL uses OpenGL for it's graphical code.
So any book for OpenGL eg OpenGL superbible.
Of course, you would have to translate the C or C++ code into Java code.
For a video, you could use ThinMatrix's tutorials.
He has been using LWJGL for several years.
Then there is which uses C++, but the OpenGL code stays the same.
A quick google search also came up with this
Ah well fuck, site's down, but the gitter is still up.
Regardless, here's the post that marks the start of it, maybe you can ping the people behind it for a revival.
1、WiFi module is industrial-grade chips ESP8266, which is ESP-12E with metal shield, strong anti-interference ability;
2, Shield is pin-compatible with Arduino Uno, Mega2560 and other control board. A voltage converter chip is used to deal with 3.3V (Esp8266) and 5V (Arduino);
3, Dual DIP switches is used for serial ports so that this module shield can be used alone as an Arduino Uno expansion board, and also be used as ESP8266 expansion board;
4, Serial data is transported to WiFi device transparently, and vice versa. Arduino program does not need any configuration;
5, WebServer is developed to configure WiFi parameters and serial port parameters;
6, The module shield can be used as an independent ESP8266 development board. for instance, downloading the official AT commands firmware, NodeMCU open source firmware can be used;
7, The module shield also can be used as stand-alone expansion board for Arduino Uno. See More:
1、WiFi module is industrial-grade chips ESP8266, which is ESP-12E with metal shield, strong anti-interference ability;
2, Shield is pin-compatible with Arduino Uno, Mega2560 and other control board. A voltage converter chip is used to deal with 3.3V (Esp8266) and 5V (Arduino);
3, Dual DIP switches is used for serial ports so that this module shield can be used alone as an Arduino Uno expansion board, and also be used as ESP8266 expansion board;
4, Serial data is transported to WiFi device transparently, and vice versa. Arduino program does not need any configuration;
5, WebServer is developed to configure WiFi parameters and serial port parameters;
6, The module shield can be used as an independent ESP8266 development board. for instance, downloading the official AT commands firmware, NodeMCU open source firmware can be used;
7, The module shield also can be used as stand-alone expansion board for Arduino Uno. See More:
This is the precise use case I had for making
More extensive instructions still under construction can be found at
I just found out about Gitbook the other day. Probably easier than MS Word to PDF since you can copy/paste the source of the post and then download it in whatever format you want. I just did that with the Legendary Plunder event.
Actually no. I think I it's because the older version of Gitook has been deprecated, and using Gitbook today implies using the newer version (found here) that doesn't allow any plugins to this date.
But I may be mistaking. I could try and use the older version of gitbook, and test it out, but I didn't bother trying.
I'm not sure I understand what you're aiming to do, but it is possible to render a .md file on github that would serve as a page on your gitbook, if that's what you're wondering.
There's a git link in the upper right hand corner, like all GitBook doc sites.
>Your technique for encouraging people to help out with open-source projects could use some work.
Or, better yet, you could actually help out in the appropriate format and context for open source projects and not randomly tell someone they need to fix something in a random forum and then when they point out the correct process for filing and fixing issues, not say:
>...I'm probably not going to get around to improving your site for you. Sorry.
As I previously said, want something fixed? Fix it yourself. Nobody here is your parent or babysitter. You're the one requesting something, so the very least you can do is request it properly. Otherwise, it's clearly not important enough for you to fix.
I'm a big fan of GitBook
Our API docs use them and fantastic for our users.
However, they haven't done an update in over a year, so I'm not sure if they are still active.
I've never self-published anything, but if you want to host it yourself - maybe look at something like gitbook along with a pdf download for people who want to read offline/save it?
Others already mentioned it, but I have heard that it's easy to publish through Amazon now too.
Our documentation is on Gitbook and the images that we use are of PNG format.
CSS won't work with Gitbooks. There's a way to include CSS with Markdown, but i guess that would be too much for my guy who is writing the documentation.
We don't have any images to start with. So i guess from day one we would be using this.
React is blazing fast (I use it at work, and have worked with a lot of other libraries and frameworks in multiple languages - would never go back), but Electron apps are hit or miss - usually fast enough but with a huge RAM footprint.
About your question, I really like GitBook for keeping notes these days after my OneNote stopped syncing for some reason. It uses Markdown and has really good sharing features, but to my knowledge the only way to organize stuff is to make different "spaces" - i.e. you only get a directory depth of 1. Each space can have any amount of pages, each page being a markdown document. Hope this helps.
It's a good start!
- It would be nice to see the full examples somewhere, and screenshots of the example app
- You might want to use something like (free for open-source projects) to host the docs. Formatting is better than the raw markdown and much easier to navigate than the PDF. Or use some fancy pandoc script to gen your own html if you are against hosted services.
- 3rd party dependencies are always kind of a bummer when trying out examples. At least for the very first example, try to make it dependency free. If you make it easy to start with your line of tutorials, people will be motivated to try the rest. If QMovie doesn't work just because you need to save, it might be worth skipping that feature to trim the dependency. I know you want "real world" examples, but mucking with CMake to get dependencies right doesn't help make these more useful to start with.
Yes, you do miss something (its pretty common for anyone who've just heard about it). You can create the stream (using Observable), fetch the data (using Observer's subscribe()
), etc. There's way too many operation to mention one by one. Its not as rigid as it might seems.
Read the gitbook (link) to get the big picture. I quite understand how it works after reading some 60 pages.
I think Arena Tracker might interest you, it's a deck tracker that shows Lightforge and HearthArena scores on screen while you draft.
Github or if you want to go straight to the download section
If you get lost there's an user guide
Cheers, Triodo
Oh you're in for a whole new way of seeing keyboards. Check out QMK firmware - both of the boards above fully support it, you can freely program just about anything you could imagine. I'd also be surprised if you as a dev were opposed to building a keyboard yourself, it's heaps of fun and at an "adult legos" level of difficulty once you read into the subject a bit. Downside is that you'll likely spend some more than you would getting something off Amazon but the full customizability both in hard- and software and the joy of using something you made yourself absolutely make up for that.
👌🏼 Another great resource is the free Mind Hacking ebook, although I'm not sure the author has ADD, so you'll have to tailor things a bit. I couple his medication technique with binaural beats from to meditate for 15 min a day and it's been a HUGE help with emotional regulation in particular.
When complet
No, it is not odd. In fact, you should supplement your learning by reading Copying and Pasting from Stack Overflow. This is a great resource to learn the best practices for taking code from SO.
In this unnamed merging of Scribblenauts and Sethian, mix and match up to 150 concepts to solve puzzles and befriend characters using a hybrid constructed-scripting language called Tokawaje.
Any suggestions for improvement are appreciated.
Since I didn't get as much feedback as the mentioned post, I'm adding my own, here's an extract from The Psychopath Code:
>Power pyramids specialize in getting clients, suppliers, and workers to give more for less. They act like parasites. If you turn a power pyramid upside down, it looks like a feeding funnel. An extreme example are the large surface retailers who pay their suppliers and staff the minimum, while generating billions in profits.
>It takes some effort to keep masses of people sitting still while you feed off them. Power pyramids do this using a mix of force, bribes, and threats. They demand physical presence. They promise monthly salaries and bonuses. Failure to conform means dismissal. This is a form of constant, low-level internal violence. Power pyramids also project violence against external threats. They use force to remove competitors and achieve their goals. They are pragmatic, and remorseless.
Read that book, it might help you recognize these psychopathic companies, I'm afraid it's going to be difficult to find one that isn't.
So I don't know if you've played 4E, but there's an excellent overhaul of 4E matrix rules done by Frank Trollman that's pretty close to, though not exactly like, what you're describing here.
But I for sure agree that the Matrix should more closely resemble an existing system than having its own minigame.
There is an API available if you have someone who is willing to code something up. I don't know if there is WebHook capabilities to do a broadcast as soon as something is created but we have a bot respond to a command to pull basic information about games scheduled for the current day. There's some documentation on the API here:
And you'd need to reach out to Mike to get a token created for your group.
Read this:
A TON of frontend and backend stuff revolves around transforming/reducing data-structures into something more workable. Functional Programming makes doing this sort of thing extremely easy.
I use MS Word's "Review" functions. (Tracking changes, adding notes.) It automatically records/shows who made what changes. But another alternative would be GitBook --for more than 2 contributors and/or bigger projects.
Thank you all for answering. I think i am starting to grasp the theory around it. I guess I'll just have to use it in practice, and get used to it.
Here is a link to a book I found about it if anyone is interested:
It seems like you have the "Learning" checkbox activated in the option tab. You can also activate the overlay if you activate the "Overlay" checkbox in the same section.
You can check the user guide, these are the sections that might be useful for your case:
Also keep in mind Arena Tracker window shouldn't stay over the 3 cards of the draft because it needs to read them from the screen. In your screenshot the card at the left is overlapped by Arena Tracker, this could cause you problems in recognizing the cards during the draft.
I wouldn't worry too much about them and everyone tends to mean something different from those terms (very few "agile" teams are truly agile). Have a read through the Agile Manifesto.
You never mentioned which language the role is chiefly using but even if it isn't Java, Java for Small Teams is a good read.
You sound like you know what you are talking about and ask the right questions, so I think you'll do fine. Good luck!
So the thing with spark is, its a massive platform that relies on top of different other platforms (for example, hadoop, zookeeper, yarn, or mesos, each one with its own levers that you can setup and that sometimes arent really documented) that can be used for multiple things. Additionally, it has 3 different apis as their core (java/scala/python, not including SparkR) with their apis varying with every version, and also varying between language implementations. To make things best, support is spotty, with databricks forums being a dead end, the mail list being not really curated (you would be amazed at how many messages just include an error trace with no context) and the only way to ask things to real spark devs being to submitt a jira ticket.
I know there are TONS of articles of people showing you how to do a wordcount in spark. That is not really spark.
If you really want to get into spark, I would recommend getting the spark certification?
I really liked this , i read the previous version, I think this version has updated api changes.
Source: Deployed and use spark clusters multiple times. Fighting with my cluster as we speak.