Looks like they're gonna put the sequel out soon, good advertising.
>We are rapidly approaching the point where Xenonauts-2 is complete enough to put on sale – and the first step towards this will be our Kickstarter, planned for the next few weeks! This update will explain what our Kickstarter / Early Access plans are, and also give you some information on what we’ve been working on in the background over the past couple of months. If you’re at all interested in hearing about our Kickstarter, please sign up for our mailing list as we’ll be sending out an notification when it launches!
in case you're a long time fan of X-Com and haven't heard of iit, Xenonauts is remake of the original and should be out this year. looks promising, but is more of a modern update instead of a new game.
They won't, because they've already taken out half of what made xcom unique and special. No inventory or ammo management, only one base, tiny squad of elite non-disposable soldiers, 3 fixed classes, xp and skill trees, extremely simplified turn-based system, tiny non-random maps, significantly reduced weapon lethality and range, ...
It's been "streamlined" for the console kiddies. If you want a decent new xcom, look at Xenonauts or maybe UFO:ET2.
This isn't exactly what you are asking about, but you should be aware of Xenonauts. I haven't played it (yet), but from what I've read, it's a more close spiritual successor to the originals than the new XCom games. It just came out, so it's still full price, but you want want to look into it eventually.
Xenonauts 2 is going more 3D - this shows some art. They also have free pre-alpha build available. http://www.xenonauts.com/xenonauts-2-media/
There's also in development Terra Invicta from Pavonis who are the Long War mod team doing a game themselves in the genre.
you could try the Long War mod which makes it more like the original xcom where satellites give you vision.
be warned this mod makes this game harder to beat.
Then there is Xenonauts which is the spiritual successor of the original xcom whith stuff like time units and inventory management.
and ofcourse there is the original xcom. http://store.steampowered.com/app/7760/
Guy asks a question and gets downvoted for it? I mean, what's the beef?
X-Com to me is still one of the greatest games of all time. It's one of the only turn-based strategy games that I actually enjoy.
It had great gameplay for the day and amazing "spooky" atmosphere. It made me scared to take my soldier around every corner, knowing there could be an alien bastard lying in wait. And even if they didn't automatically fire at me, what if I didn't have enough time units to fire at them before the end of my turn? Horrifying.
And the aspects like base building, research and manufacture, they all added to the great experience.
I'm not sure if it holds up as well today due to the old-school graphics, so I'm not sure if it's in the "everyone should play it" category. I know I still enjoy playing it from time to time, but the nostalgia factor helps me still enjoy it.
However, this: http://www.xenonauts.com/ is shaping up to be a great remake of it.
I'm not totally sure if this game fits the criteria though, but you got the tactical aspect in Xenonauts for example: http://www.xenonauts.com/
There is also the new Jagged Alliance game which is in development (even though it isn't an indie game).
Xenonauts is a stupidly named but far more faithful adaptation of the original XCOM than enemy unknown
http://www.xenonauts.com/ (on steam too)
Edit: sorry if I just ruined more of your productivity grey
Check Xenonauts, it seems to be pretty faithful to the original, fixing what needs to be but leaving what's working alone.
Although it's not released yet, the staff of PC Gamer where impressed with what they saw in the preview.
It is a fun game, but doesn't feel like it is everything it should have been.
I understand trying to streamline the interface, but they went overboard with it and simplified the mechanics far too much.
I'm really looking forward to Xenonauts for a more authentic X-Com experience.
> "The team behind it is asking themselves every day: 'Is it true to the values of the franchise?' It's not a case of cashing in on the name. We just need to renew it because times are changing."
Not cashing in on the name? Could've fooled me. Never mind the Ray Charles - Kanye West comparison, I almost stopped reading right there and then. Anyway, I think Xenonauts will fill X-com fans' needs nicely.
obviously it was the best alternative when computers werent powerful enough to do full 3d at the detail prerendered sprites could. some prerendered sprites have been used fairly recently and look pretty good doing it. see sim city 4 and xenonauts
No we don't need Firaxis, if Xenonauts succeeds it will prove that the indie-scene can give us great tactical squad games. Xenonauts is moving into beta, and although it has much lower production values than X-COM it seems to hold on to the play style we all loved, and doesn't simplify the original in the slightest. It actually adds some strategic decisions.
I've looked at it for a while, and I'm not very impressed, it feels like they're making it less complex, which was actually a strong feature of the original games.
What I am more excited about is Xenonauts. It feels almost exactly like the original X-COM games but with better graphics. They had a kickstarter a while back, it might still be on I'm not sure.
If this game doesn't feel right enough there is also Xenonauts, which aims to stay much closer to the original. Currently backing their Kickstarter because I will definitely be wanting to play it. The Alpha demo is quite impressive.
Xenonauts is shaping up to be an awesomely updated remake, especially compared to the overly-simplistic new XCOM that's in the works elsewhere. I believe there's a free demo on the kickstarter page.
UFO: Enemy Unknown aka X-COM. Can't believe its 18 years old. Graphics are bit low-res but still pretty and gameplay is unrivaled to this day. There are lots of remakes that tried to replicate that creepy atmosphere and engaging gameplay but none has bested the original. The new XCOM might not be bad but it looks bit ridiculous with its colorful and comixey style. I'm personally looking forward the Xenonauts.
Edit: oh, and iam still pissed that this mod wasn't finished.
If you truly want a spiritual successor to X-COM, check out Xenonauts. I've played it; it's awesome, and it really does feel like X-COM.
Firaxis' game is going to be good, but it's also going to be very different from the original.
Check out Xenonauts. I love the first two X-Com games like no others, and have played every knock-off since. Xenonauts seems to me like it has the potential to fill the original X-Com's boots.
Here are some fun oddballs,
Not grand strategy but it has the cold war and a sci fi theme for tactical TBS: http://www.xenonauts.com/
If you like the Civil War check out TC2m which imo feels slow and good: http://www.madminutegames.com/
Yeah, for me personally something is missing there despite it being a good game from what I heard.
I watched several lets plays of the game, and it lacks a certain likeability. Every menu is crisp and usable, but lacking in style. That Lab screen with obnoxious hipster scientist is plain irritating for me. I really want to punch that guy in the face. Dr. Vahlen is pretty badass in comparison. Soldier avatar design is uninspiring, and they lack enough personality to really care about individuals beyond stats.
I realize that they had a limited budget and made as great of a game as they could. However their art direction and UI look just doesn't work for me, both in Geoscape/Base management and tactical combat mode.
So I am personally going to try Open XCOM for the original experience. It fixes a lot of issues with the game while retaining its charm.
No one has mentioned Xenonauts yet? Alrighty then, I guess it's up to me.
If you've heard of/played the original X-COM, then this can be described as a remake of it by people who loved the game, and it makes it much more accessible (accessible =/= easy), pretty, and has menus that don't make you want to kill yourself immediately.
If you don't know what X-COM is, you play as the commander of an international organization created to defend against an alien invasion. It has a world map, from which you design and build bases, research new technologies, command interceptors to take down UFOs, and dispatch troop carriers. You need to keep up with the alien invasion as it modifies it's larger, more powerful ships for atmospheric flight, and protect the airspace of the countries that fund you so they don't drop out.
You then command your soldiers against aliens on the ground, which is where the fun is. It's known for being incredibly unforgiving, but fun. It's turn based, and very detailed.
This is set during the Cold War, so you work with that era's weaponry and equipment, and there's a little short short story that comes with the game written by a real writer, rather than just one of the team members.
This is still in development, so it might be unstable at times, and isn't very well balanced yet. Still didn't regret my purchase :)
Don't worry. If it turns out not awesome you can always play Xenonauts. It's a remake of the original game, built from the ground up with the aim of fixing various balance issues and such.
I think you're right about expectations and the final product being "too different" from the original.
So people will then direct everyone's attention to this: http://www.xenonauts.com/
Pre-ordered it to try it out and I have to say it's amazing how well they've captured the essence of the original X-com, while updating the graphics quite a bit and the gameplay slightly.
Sadly no. While is is unarguably the seminal squad based tactics game, it certainly does suffer from UI problems due to it's age. You get used to it after a while. Keep your eye out for Xenonauts and the new Firaxis remake that was just announced. Also remember medkits can you be used to boost morale, it's not a guaranteed solution but it's worth a shot.
Although it is awesome to see a big name developer having a go at a proper reboot, it is sad that the guys over at Xenonaut will not get the recognition they deserve for their hard work, now that there is a big name attached.
I personally am not too interested in the new XCOM game, it doesn't live true to its predecessors. I think that will be a game I will buy in a few years when its down to like 10$. I am going to stick to xenonauts in the meantime. http://www.xenonauts.com/
Yeah, I just look at it as an off-shoot of the original series that doesn't really have much connection to it. Like 'A Different World' was to 'The Cosby Show' or the 'Star Wars' prequels.
It lessens the sadness.
While it isn't necessarily a new X-com game, we still have this to look forward to:
I'm not holding my breath, but hoping that it turns out well.
Just because it's a much, much better game than XCOM and a very similar vein. It's the true spiritual successor to the original xcom and is better than both the original by a little and the triple-a title by a lot.
Everyone should really give it a shot. Goes on sale quite a bit, available through gog, it's amazing.
Look like a great concept but I dont invest until I see its done.
I just hope there isnt too much to do and I got lost/dont care. Im already looking for xenonauts 2 but I dont mine competition :D
If you enjoyed the original XCOM at all and haven't picked up Xenonauts yet, I would highly recommend it.
It brings back a lot of the management and flexibility that the original XCOM had without the bugs excesses, (you can't have 28 soldiers on the field in Xenonauts, but you can have up to 12-14).
The story is, imo, greatly improved over both games.
Edit: Whoops, text wall from another thread.
While I actually recommend the game, bear in mind that it is a lot closer to the original XCOM than the 2012 version is, which has pros and cons.
It lacks the Eye candy and 3d engine of 2012 XCOM and that can be an issue if you are not used to indies/oldies.
Aside from graphics, it did not improve significantly on tactical gameplay compared to a game that is almost 20 years old. One could say "if it's not broken, don't fix it" but still ...
BUT ... it has an air combat system which is not purely RnG based. However, it's a bit of a rinse and repeat kill-escort, outmaneuver the big guy and shoot him form behind.
There are also cases when a game is listed as Windows-only in Steam, but there's Linux version available on developer's website. See Xenonauts for example:
If you would like to check out the game, but rather avoid my review, feel free to use your mouse pointer to click on the following links:
Official Homepage: http://www.xenonauts.com/
Give Xenonauts or UFOAI a try. Both are far more faithful to the original X-COM than the new XCOM is. Xenonauts is curerently in development and gets better with every patch. UFOAI is currently in development too, but updates pretty slowly. It's still a fun game, if half complete so far.
BONUS: both games are linux friendly
I see no mention of a release date for Xenonauts on the official website or forum: http://www.xenonauts.com/
In fact this post: http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/showthread.php/3499-Development-Update-23-October-2012
basically states that they're still releasing Alpha builds for preorders and that they're working on getting a basic beta going.
Just wanted to let anyone else know that the date listed by the OP is most likely incorrect.
Sprites and micromanagement? More complex interception and research? It might as well be a completely different game!
No seriously, I'm getting tired of seeing people going through the 5 stages of loss over XCOM:EU. People need to face that it's not the game they wanted and move on.
I can see myself playing XCOM:EU for a long time coming, but it doesn't quite scratch that hardcore strategy itch for me. It's a blast to play, for sure, and I've already spent most of my free time since release playing it, but I'm starting to look heavily at Xenonauts for a more in depth, old-school style strategic game.
Are you 100% certain they don't have a US partner? The only guide I've found for listing on from outside of the US basically says you need a US citizen with a social insurance number. If they really got around it, do you know how?
There are plenty of projects all around the world, but that's not proof that they don't have a US partner (and I mean "partner" as in, someone who helps set up some of the paperwork for you)
I'm not sure about this - but to be clear: the issue has nothing to do with the game directly (you haven't installed it), but more to do with the zipfile?
I do know that 1gb+ zipfiles, when zipped up on a Vista or a 7, when unzipped on XP can go all screwy. That's not the fault of the game/any game/any file, but the hard, sad fact that things have moved on from XP. (I just did a check - and oh god I feel old. XP was released over ten years ago! I remember the good old days of Windows 3.1.1 - XP still feels current to me).
If that's the case - 7-zip and WinRAR are the recommended tools for such cases - so if they aren't working - well, I don't know if I can offer any useful suggestions! (Apart from get Windows 7).
Regardless of all that - post here: http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/forumdisplay.php/12-Xenonauts-Bug-Reports - so you can at least talk directly to them to seek help.
Lastly, looking at this http://www.xenonauts.com/system-specs/ - the spec requirements are rather light, and they do say they will refund anybody who has issues - so as long as you are able to provide evidence that you paid for it/contributed via the kickstarter (either/or), I'm sure you will get a refund.
I just got Xenonauts and it's brilliant. It's still in alpha at the moment but I can't wait for it to be completed.
It's extremely reminiscent of UFO: Enemy Unknown but changes some things which I believe actually improves upon the original. And, trust me, I do not make that statement lightly.
I'm going to predict that this will still be better: http://www.xenonauts.com/
From the recent test build I just played I'd say they're well on track to making a great re-imagining of the original X-com.
I see lot's of people saying X-Com, Enemy Unknown. Well if you loved this game I have some good news for you, it is being remade and you can atcually pre-order and play it right now. http://www.xenonauts.com/
yeah... that's the depressing "modern" piece of fallout 3 copy paste, I was thinking of.
There is http://www.xenonauts.com/
but the jury's still out on that.
There's also two new versions of Jagged alliance on the way, both of which look.... erm.... interesting... MAYBEDON'TJINXIT!!!!
Agreed. I've seen a number of games that tried to copy the X-com formula but they always seem to tweak it too much or just fail altogether.
They need to take the original X-com, update the graphics, and tweak the controls somewhat.
This game looks promising, but I'm not hoping for too much until I get a chance to play it:
You mention X-Com, so you should probably be made aware of Xenonauts. What you ask for is more or less available in many forms among independent developers. Surely you understand that mainstream publishers wouldn't have an interest in making what you request, because quite frankly the gaming industry by and large has moved on from those types of games and there just isn't a large enough market for big publishers to throw time and money behind such games anymore.
And indie developers don't have the kind of marketing budget the big publisher do. I hate to tell you, but if you're not going to have mainstream tastes when it comes to games, it is up to you to find out about the games that appeal to you.
Your belief that PC gaming is dying couldn't be more wrong by the way; you just have to actually investigate the extremely vibrant indie/small publisher scene to realize this. Check out publishers like Paradox, who don't put any kind of drm on nearly any of their games, for example. Anyhow, your open letter is a bit silly, everything you want is within reach if you'd just open your eyes and look in the right place for it. EA, Ubisoft, and Activision won't give you what you want, but there are plenty of smaller developers and publishers who most certainly will.
UFO: Aftermath is currently $1.80 on GOG. Anybody know if this is a good one? I always get the entries in the After series muddled up whenever I read about them. Would love a comparison of them all to see which ones, if any, would peak my interest.
Xenonauts also looks promising.
Just so every knows there is a next gen remake in the way titled Xenonauts! I can't wait. This version will keep true to the sprite based origins of it, and is separate from the upcoming FPS X-Com coming out by 2K.
Aye. I thought about Delaware but old testimonies (such as this one from the venerable Xenonauts team http://www.xenonauts.com/kickstarter.html#C11 ) show that it wasn't that simple an thing back then. Wasn't easy, but there wasn't a choice also because Kickstarter only covered the US at that time. Now the situation has changed, and from other input Ive seen here and there, Delaware as a spot has lost some of its attractivity to other destinations, or so it seems.
I didn't complete Xenonauts so I'm no expert but all the info is here: http://www.xenonauts.com/2017/01/03/xenonauts-2-changes/ also more info in the forums.
For me I noticed that UFOs should be breachable I think (I hated always entering the front door of a ufo). A proper 3d game so you can rotate the map. Better use of vertical terrain (hopefully more like XCOM with much different heights in the map).
I'm sure there's more check out the page and forums! I don't like to hype unreleased games and I'm not sure their timeframe but I couldn't get too into Xenonauts because of the things I mentioned above. I do love time units though!
I recommend hotlinking Xenonauts 2 to http://www.xenonauts.com/2017/01/03/xenonauts-2-changes/ or maybe http://www.xenonauts.com/xenonauts2-purchase/ as someone that wants more info on X-2 will easily be able to click on that and see what's up.
> So this can be done all online? Don't they need a US address? And bank account? And pay tax there instead of the home country (or even both)?
No, yes, yes, yes.
Here is a short guide and here is a really detailed one there should be more of those floating around (less now that KS expanded to more countries).
Similar to Xcom (maybe a bit harder) would be Xenonauts. Which i liked quite a bit more than Xcom Enemy Unkown (haven't played Enemy Within).
I have mixed feelings about Civ 5, mostly because of the schizophrenic AI. More on that here and here. Basically the interaction is very limited and the AI is really arbitrary in everything.
Instead of CIV you might like Age of Wonders 3 (haven't played the first 2). It has less AI interaction, but i liked it more. Age of Wonders is like Civ but with RPG elements.
And finally: Like /u/Pthaos said Crusader Kings 2 is a really great game (when unsure watch Arumba's videos on youtube, especially his tutorial series)
Good luck with you search!
Plays: Xenonauts A great isometric top down turn based strategy game. It is like XCOM, but with technology from the late cold war, instead of state of the art modern technology.
It would be great to see Dan play a generic and understandable strategy game on the channel, not something like Ruthless.com.
http://www.xenonauts.com/ - a Kickstarter project I backed. It's almost done and it's just like playing the original except cleaned up for modern PCs. The graphics aren't cutting edge or anything, but it's absurdly fun.
I would love to see TB to do a comparison of XCOM: Enemy Unknown and Xenonauts sometime in the near future. Xenonauts enters into beta at 9th of October (source) and XCOM releases in america at the same date, so around there would be a perfect date to try both out.
Xenonauts, which is being developed by a small indie studio, also has an air combat tactics phase, and multiple base building strategy. Furthermore, it has much larger squads, so you can send out your best team with some rookie cannon fodder as in the old X-COM.
I'm excited for both games. I've already played an alpha of Xenonauts and I'm happy it has the original feel of X-COM, so it will be a good complement no matter how the new X-COM turns out.
As to your question I think this type of game is best described as Turn-based tactics with strategic management and research.
The new XCom is bit too comixey for my taste. I am definately going to try it but i won't get my hopes up. I'm looking forward Xenonauts though, it looks very faithful to old X-Com in terms of gameplay and atmosphere. Another promising indie turn based game is Wasteland 2. The first Wasteland was predecesor to the Fallout series so Wasteland 2 looks much more like Fallout sequel than the actual Fallout 3.
Not a big fan of what Firaxis is doing. they are trying hard to make a game like X-com but its too limited.. if you want a more faithful X-com remake check out Xenonauts.
I have played the alpha and it really feels like X-com and its just as Brutal if you make a mistake
Let's also not forget Xenonauts, an X-COM reboot in all but name.
There have been a few attempts over the years to recapture the X-COM magic (e.g. the UFO: After____ series) but with variations to the format, and which despite being similar in gameplay terms, somehow didn't have the magic or the commercial impact of the original.
This won't be the first time that a retro squad tactical blockbuster has been (almost) faithfully remade. We've already had Jagged Alliance: Back in Action this year, and look at the hand-wringing and tantrums that that caused.
Maybe we're seeing the emergence of a new marketing angle - the straight remake of the retro classic, but using modern engine tech and production values.
It worked for Michael Mann with his movie: Heat
Not completely being ruined by an FPS :)
Also, if you haven't seen this, I pre-purchased it so I could play it early and so far it's a very good re-imaging of the game:
Same art style and same feel, heres some gameplay so you can get a look. Still beta but if you pre-order it you get to play the current build.
Xenonauts, being created by Goldhawk Interactive, has the same art style and feel as the old xcom. It is still in beta, but can be pre-ordered to play the current build. I would sugest a look at it.
Except I will gladly pay $40 (woa, it's now $20) for a game like this: Xenonauts. This game is more like X-Com than the new X-Com.
The new X-Com game actually looks interesting and I won't pass judgement on it until it is out and I have touched it, but X-Com it is not. They only named it X-Com in order to drum up press and sales.
More shenanigans at Xenonauts (via Hacker News )
> There's about $4,100 sitting in the account, with a payment of another $2,000 initiated a few days ago that may or may not make it out into our corporate account. Apparently Paypal policy is just to sit on this money for 180 days and then either give it to us or return it to the people who pre-ordered the game.
>The next syndicate will be made by an indie dev (team)
This would be a good chance for a small team to make a 'heavily influenced by Syndicate' game faithful to the originals. It shouldn't be technically that hard and they would get free press every time the FPS aspect of the official new game is discussed. Like with Xenonauts.
Also, imagine the shitstorm if EA made a real, photorealistic FPS Syndicate, where exploding police cars and hundreds of dead civilians and leveled city blocks are part of a successful mission.
To answer the question that was asked by another user, that is indeed X-Com/UFO: Enemy Unknown.
There's actually something of a spiritual successor in the works called Xenonauts.
So far, it's shaping up to be pretty neat. At least, I hope it is, since I pre-ordered it.
Actually as I was putting the link up here, I just noticed that they released a new build for pre-order customers, so that's great! I'll leave what I wrote previously for posterity.
Xenonauts - a strategic planetary defence simulation from Goldhawk
Touted as being much like the original X-Com, essentially built to do exactly what you're looking for. It's not released yet though.
If you didn't know, someone is "remaking" (again) the original X-COM in spirit, and it looks damn good. I'm a huge X-COM fan and can't wait for it!
And if you can't wait, there is a open source community project called UFO: Alien Invasion. Graphics are very dated, but they release updates regularly. I sank a good 15 hours to it and it's pretty good.