Why not contact the admins?
Pretty sure a bad ad is something they did not intend to have on their site. Zooqle itself is a great site, they might just have a bad ad provider at the moment.
Here yah go. :D ,Someone posted This site a while back and I'd Bookmarked it because I thought it would come in handy some day Never tried it thou.
Really like the UI, clean and simple. Bravo! Agree with others about showing/sorting by date, seeders, etc.
I don't know what would go into this, but a feature Zooqle has that is pretty sweet is if you search a series by name you'll got both unsorted torrents (for anything even close enough to your query) but also they'll present you with a page of the show, organised first by season, then by episode, and further by quality. e.g. https://zooqle.com/tv/brooklyn-nine-nine-11q3/
I suspect that's a lot A LOT of work, but if possible to do correctly (without making everything all FUBAR), it is extremely efficient for the end user.
It's worth noting that meta search sites also have tv content. Zooqle is pretty good for this but there are other general meta search sites too.
Thanks to /u/Mr_Beckford97 for the link
Edit: Put the portable version of µtorrent on your USB drive, use the magnet link from the homepage and download it.
> Just change dns server and use a proxy
> https://zooqle.com/ https://1337x.to/home/ Thank me later.
The problem isn't that they block tpb the problem is that this is violating net neutrality and that this might just be the beginning, who knows what's next know that it is possible to block a site if you throw enough money at the judges
The below two sites are all you need, they are two torrent search engines and will give you a list of sites for the torrents you search.
With zooqle you can directly download the torrent from the site instead of going to the torrent site
You can try this site - I remember someone here on Reddit posted it a while back (can't remember exactly where)
My fav for movies and TV shows, very well organised, run by russians, has an english version (I will kill you if you go and fail to see the english version and complain there isn't one):
I use zooqle, they have it set up so you can see all the seasons and episodes available on one page, and then you can decide which format and who you want to download it from.
This works if you have your bittorrent shoes on.
First, you will need a bittorrent client. qBittorrent is my current favorite and it runs on everything (Windows, Mac, Linux..) Get it here: https://www.qbittorrent.org/
After you install that, you need to find some trackers. I am only recommending this site because it's tier 1 easy to use: https://zooqle.com/
Download and enjoy.
As far as I can tell, the inaccurate peer counts are due to the websites that the search plugins use for their searches e.g on a particular torrent zooqle.com reports seeder/leecher ratios that are at least 8 months out of date. When I refresh the trackers on the website for this torrent, some trackers are still not updated meaning that in essence those wrong peer counts are somewhat permanent. :(
As for the search result UI problem, I have yet to reproduce the problem, but if I do, I will file an issue on github.
Note that it is a DHT crawler. Since it just crawls and indexes public torrents that appear in the DHT network there is no concept of "uploader" nor any way to know who created any particular torrents.
OP could build out something a lot more intensive, like intentionally trying to download every torrent found in DHT and maybe virus scanning it, running checksums on it to see if it matches a scene release, etc. but that's a ton more work that would be involved, not to mention all the bandwidth/storage needed. I don't think any DHT indexing sites do that.
The closest is something like Zooqle, they do scan at least part of the downloaded torrent data to figure out what sort of media is in it. But they're not scanning to verify that something is "legit" like you say, and I don't think they are a DHT indexer like OP's site.
What the black mirror episode about bees? It's not about reddit but more about anonymity of the internet and the sort of 'mob mentality' that you sometimes see on places like reddit. It's an interesting episode for sure with a very real undertone/message but the delivery just doesn't hold up to Charlie Brookers standard imo. Don't think there are many sites you can watch it on for free anymore but I can point you to zooqle.com if you know how to torrent.
got to Zooqle.com for The Munsters there is 15 gb all seasons hit there, try it
and try this: https://watchcartoonsonline.la/mork-and-mindy/
Golden rule of internet if you can see it, you can download it
NB: streaming only, and current series (c.f. House season 2). But nice looking and packed site.
Also https://zooqle.com/ is good
https://filesharingtalk.com/what-trackers-offer/TV-Movies is links to TV show trackers, i.e. each link on this page is a TV show tracker.
> Or some way at least of getting the torrent info without downloading it
Not possible without having to download at least some of the torrent. I know Zooqle does something very similar but to pull that off they need to download the header of the torrent for it to be analyzed. See [the earlier comment] (/r/torrents/comments/5bpbsu/feedback_requested_new_torrent_site/d9r1sju/).
With a DHT crawler there just isn't much metadata to display unless the torrent data itself is analyzed.
> users who downloaded the torrent could add info about the torrent
In theory users could upload mediainfo .txt output from downloaded video torrents (for example) & then OP's site can parse the mediainfo log & display whatever needs to be displayed. Lots of private torrent trackers already do this when users upload torrents, but I don't know how well that'd work in practice for this sort of public site where users would just voluntarily submit that data if they feel like it.
zooqle et ExtraTorrent en plus des autres cités, ils sont pas trop mal.
Edit: si tu es vraiment désespéré, quelqu'un a compilé une liste sur /r/kickasstorrents: thread
Zooqle is good for new releases, especially TV. The only problem they have with movies is that they'll only list a film as new once the first torrent is released, which is usually a cam. You'd have to keep checking a specific film because it's not "updated" as "new" when a proper DVD/BD/WEBRip/WEB-DL is posted. For TV, it's pretty fantastic, though.
1337x and Extratorrent seem to have good new releases/popular section for both movies and TV.
If you are savvy enough to use torrents this is a good source. I just found it and its good quality. Still not good subtitles that I have found yet. I did find one but the subs are off by a good 60 seconds or more.
>I found it here. Good quality. Best to use uTorrent or something similar. I still cant find a decent Sub for it, though.
I think you can get them on Kiss/Kim Cartoon. You can also download a cracked version of Hulu to your phone. I personally use Hulu legitimately on my computer, but a cracked APK from AC Market. If you have a VPN and the extra space, you can find all 8 seasons on Zooqle, a piracy site. That's where I downloaded Invincible
Here is a repack from zooqle that sets up the game 100%. You just download it, run the repack installer and when its done, it can run breath of the wild. https://zooqle.com/the-legend-of-zelda-breath-of-the-wild-v-1-5-0-dlcs-2017-pc-repa-xg0qu.html
https://zooqle.com/bellapass-bryci-bryci-co-workers-05-06-2016-v9gud.html it's 4k i have already downloaded it if you want me to send you it
Zooqle is your friend:
I posted it a few days ago.
I noticed my torrent of this two months ago needed repair. It is back seeding all the time. PM for additional titles I host if interested.
Have you tried Zooqle? Looks like some working ones there. I find that place really good for tv. They don't have this for Derry Girls but a lot of popular shows have a dedicated page with everything laid out in seasons and it'll even have a space for upcoming eps and how long until they air (if known).
Which program are you looking for ? Here's a search that give some of their title * https://torrents-csv.ml/#/search/torrent/Beachbody/1 * https://limetor.com/search/all/Beachbody/ * https://zooqle.com/search?q=Beachbody
Estoy haciendo mi primer torrent público, alguno de ustedes tiene experiencia? Necesito saber cuántos trackers es recomendable ponerle y de dónde puedo sacarlos (acá hay varios, no sé si es buena idea poner todos y más de otros lados o cómo puedo hacer https://zooqle.com/trackers/)
I don't care for copyright. I never have. For me its just copy and share to my heart's desire without impunity and it always has been. I get given content for free. All my online content issues were solved in 2008 when I got broadband and got into torrents. Before that I had been (and still do) using eMule.
I don't get overwhelmed cycling through various offerings. I browse and pick content from sites like Zoogle or EVTV. I don't pay a cent for my tv, movies, music or porn. I laugh at those who do. I don't pay for a VPN and I have never received a notice about infringement.
Ahi el domingo lo subieron a las 4 de la tarde mas o menos el filtrado a buenisima calidad.
Y a alas 22:15 estaba en 1080p.
Tema subtitulos hay que bajarlos de otro lado
Like many others i also switched back from Seren/GAIA to standard premiumizer addon + RSS Feed (showrss.info an zooqle.com) for TV Shows + manually adding movies.
Seren/GAIA are great in theory, but they rely both on trakt.tv and the trakt API is soooo slow and unstable. every second they i have a big hassle to watch my stuff.
With premiumizer and RSS + manual add its flawlessly and instant.
It seems the first three episode torrents have started to appear. S03E01:https://zooqle.com/young-justice-s03e01-princes-all-720p-dcu-web-dl-aac2-0-h-264-x62l5.html S03E02:https://zooqle.com/young-justice-s03e02-royal-we-720p-dcu-web-dl-aac2-0-h-264-nt-x62le.html S03E03:https://zooqle.com/young-justice-s03e03-eminent-threat-720p-dcu-web-dl-aac2-0-h2-x62lc.html
hmm , well there is a censored and uncensored versions of this game as you ddnt mentioned which one you are searching for im givin u the uncensored version. https://zooqle.com/sakura-gamer-uncensored-wgk0e.html
Offhand Zooqle can do that.
Look through the posts in the Common Post Topics list in the sidebar if you need lists of sites to try, maybe there's others. e.g. /r/torrents/comments/6ojr2v/is_there_any_alternative_to_the_pirate_bay/ and /r/torrents/comments/71m8ct/status_of_torrent_sites_btdig_dead/
Otherwise like /u/LordChilde mentioned most people just sort by file size after doing a search with most public torrent indexers.
Day 5 S02E04.. Here is the torrent. I am unable to download, in an odd country with shitty internet :(.Megalinks works slowly though
Day 5 S02E04.. Here is the torrent. I am unable to download, in an odd country with shitty internet :(. Megalinks works slowly though
Can't go wrong with Zooqle. It's my new favorite. It has a beautiful UI, and it's so easy to navigate to find exactly what you're looking for. Any Kickass user would cling to this site right away.
Não sei se você se interessa por tecnologia, mas esses 11 documentários são muito bons. Assisti todos eles, e são muito interessantes. Segue a lista:
Recomendo especialmente o "How We Got To Now", que é um documentário fantástico falando sobre como invenções que nós julgamos "pequenas" acabaram gerando toda revolução tecnológica dos dias de hoje. São 6 episódios e é um documentário simplesmente FANTÁSTICO. Tem o primeiro episódio legendado para assistir online:
Caso queira ver tudo, cá está o link do torrent:
i found it here https://zooqle.com/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-legendary-edition-v-1-9-32-0-8-2011-p-ky54k.html, but it's russian version, so u need to download english (or whatever language u want) too
This might be late but I've found a pretty easy to install Illustrator CC 2015 here: https://zooqle.com/adobe-illustrator-cc-2015-19-0-1-x86-x64-2015-pc-repack-by-d-ako-6y4wg.html
and Photoshop: https://zooqle.com/adobe-photoshop-cc-2015-1-20151114-r-301-2015-pc-repack-by-d-ako-e3g8j.html
I haven't tried Photoshop yet but I did install Illustrator and it worked for me.
Oh yeah, slow and capped may be a good reason to stick with ettv then. I have fast and uncapped internet with about 10TB of storage (and if I run out of space I can delete an old show) so I prefer rartv.
Ninja edit: BTW, what provider do you use for Sonarr? I used to use KaT for Sickrage but ever since they went under I've been using https://zooqle.com for my torrents but their RSS scheme is wonky and Sickrage doesn't like it.
I just use Zooqle now. It had that organized feel that Kickass had, and it's not as mainstream as TPB. It indexes only verified torrents from major torrent handlers, such as The Pirate Bay.
So, if you wish to have verified torrents from TPB that were manually sorted through, then Zooqle is gonna be your new favorite website. I highly recommend it to any torrenting veteran.
That would be the FirGirl Repack (trust me). Here's a link to the torrent description/download on Zooqle.
Id keep eyes locked here because I do believe once it is upped, people will tell you where to get it, but one site I came across and i think it was mentioned on here is - https://zooqle.com/, maybe ThePirateBay, or even the usable KAT site that is still up