This app was mentioned in 154 comments, with an average of 1.92 upvotes
Don't use antivirus + Can we get the link to the apk you downloaded?
edit: here is the playstore link
edit2: Version 4.5.4 can access:
In-app purchases Identity find accounts on the device read your own contact card Contacts find accounts on the device read your contacts Location approximate location (network-based) precise location (GPS and network-based) Photos/Media/Files read the contents of your USB storage modify or delete the contents of your USB storage Storage read the contents of your USB storage modify or delete the contents of your USB storage Camera take pictures and videos Wi-Fi connection information view Wi-Fi connections Other receive data from Internet view network connections pair with Bluetooth devices connect and disconnect from Wi-Fi full network access run at startup use accounts on the device control vibration prevent device from sleeping install shortcuts uninstall shortcuts read Google service configuration
I prefer Wallet. The free version does everything most people will probably use it for. Might want to look into their privacy policy if you are concerned about privacy (I haven't read it so I'm not sure what they collect).
I really like Wallet, it has Cloud sync. There's a premium Version but most features are in the free version anyways so there's no need for it.
It looks really nice and it's also a recommendation from the Play Store.
I've tried almost every money app I came across and currently I settled with Money Lover. One app will have this, the other will have that... I was never "fulfilled", so I just came to an agreement with myself to just stick with Money Lover.
Also importing data from one app to an other is always an issue so be sure as to what you will chose because if you decide to change app at some point, it most likely be a pain in the ass to migrate if you are not willing to leave behind the past.
For your needs though and from what I know Wallet-Budget tracker might be your best bet.
Not sure it has everything you want but ...
Esta es más para el día a dia pero está copada:
Y si no también tenes una q se llama Delta q es para seguimiento de criptos y acciones.
Awesome list. Looks like we have many apps in common!
As for a budgeting app, I recently installed Wallet - Budget Tracker and I prefer this over YNAB (also cheaper if you want the pro).
I used to use Money Lover for a while but at the point of managing credit cards it wasn't good enough for this job, so i moved to Wallet it's pretty nice and easy to use, i liked how it manage my all accounts with perfect reporting and filtering for the expenses and incomes
Wallet Linking is optional. Free version is ok, with limited number of accounts. Very good development, there even is webapp that's gaining functionality similar to the app. I've been using it for about 2 years now, suits my all needs.
Wallet is the best!
I used to keep track of all my purchases but I stopped. I wish I hadn't though because I have no idea when I bought stuff, even sifting through my bank statement I can't find stuff.
On a related note does anyone know a good free budgeting program? I've been using wallet on my phone but I think I need something PC based.
Yo estuve usando esta un tiempo WALLET pero la verdad me daba flojera registrar todos mis gastos ,uanque debo admitir que es muy buena si eres disciplinado puedes darte cuenta en que rayos gastas tu dinero por poco que sea desde esas botanas ,hasta el transporte,lo que regalaste,si le prestaste a alguien,etc .En el programa Pones tu monto puede ser lo que tienes en tu cuenta bancaria total despues de ahi vas llevando registro no se de retiros o pago con tarjetas,etc. pruebenla les va encantar,sin albur ;)
Hi guys, ada rekomendasi budget managing app yang bisa connect ke account bank?
Tadi nyoba wallet tapi pas dicoba gak bisa sync sama bca
Uso a wallet desde 2017 e recomendo, tem integração com bastantes bancos, mas confirma se tem o teu. Pago 10 euros/ano e vale cada cêntimo.
While that is true, i find manual entry makes you pay much closer attention to where your spending is going!
If you're looking for apps that connect to banks, one that caught my eye is wallet by budgetbakers.
I find Wallet an awesome app, simple UI, a lot of categories and really fast. You can use it for free, but with a max of 3 bank accounts, if you want more there is subscription.
Sto usando Wallet by Budgetbakers da un paio di mesi e mi sto trovando molto bene. Ha un app fatta decentemente, è utilizzabile anche da browser, ed ha tutte le feature che servono a me disponibili gratuitamente. Se sei disposto a pagare (qualche euro all'anno, ma ha pure una licenza a vita) puoi sempre fare il Premium, che fra le altre cose ti dá import/export dei dati da/su excel, collegamento con la banca per tracciare e categorizzare le spese in automatico, ecc ecc.
Ti lascio qua il link:
Avevo provato anche Spendee e MoneyLover, che però non mi avevano convinto affetto. Quello che ti consiglio è di provarne alcune e decidere per conto tuo.
Io mi sto trovando bene con Wallet anche perché se mai volessi cambiare e portarmi dietro tutti i dati, so che posso farlo grazie all'export dei dati in formato Excel. Il mio consiglio è di verificare sempre questa feature dell'export (e magari anche dell'import) in Excel quando si fa la scelta di un app di budgeting, proprio per evitare il lock-in
Eu uso wallet
Faz tudo o que preciso porque de momento só uso mesmo para ir recordando as despesas que vou tendo com as minhas contas correntes.
Mas estou a planear passar a gerir as despesas e contas de uma maneira mais organizada, para isso vou ter que pensar se uso alguma app com mais funcionalidades, ou simplesmente excel.
I use Wallet. Its UI isn't the best at first. And it can seem that it has tons of features, but it works great.
There are a few ripoffs, but they usually lack a few features Wallet has, so I always come back to it.
Wallet. You can sync it with your bank to let it track your transactions especially if you swipe a lot. However, subscription is required.
EDIT: Also tracks you so it can suggest to create an expenditure record ASAP.
the in app purchase of $145.
This article says 79 Euro annually
Ich nutze folgende App:
Es ist großartig, die monatlichen und jährlichen Ausgaben nach Kategorien zu verfolgen. Sie können auch Ihre eigenen Kategorien hinzufügen.
I have been using an app called Wallet for a few years now.
Once set up it is quick and easy to use which is the best for us. It takes seconds to check our spending or to see what is due to go out the accounts.
The wife and I have a shared group setup so we can both update it daily and correct any mistakes with the categories it automatically assigns to stuff.
I just started using it but it can link with my US and Thai banks. It also I think updates currency daily and honestly its close enough for my use (The Thai Baht doesn't really change haha) give it a try! To link a bank account you have to buy perimum but its pretty cheap and you can try the trial first.
I use this one here daily, mainly because it shows all the different accounts in the first screen and because it integrates with my banks.
There is also this one that is really good looking, but more limited.
Mi intrometto al volo, io uso l'app Wallet (su Android ma dovrebbe esserci anche per iOS) in cui registro tutte le entrate/uscite.
Tendenzialmente cerco di segnare immeditamente i movimenti. Ad esempio, pagando la cena con NFC da telefono mi costa giusto 5 secondi in più aggiungere la voce "Cena" nella categoria giusta e con l'importo e a fine mese/anno mi trovo con tutto già segnato. Oppure, le bolletta domiciliata che mi arriva, dopo averci dato un'occhiata, mi segno importo e scadenza nell'app che andrà in automatico a segnarla come pagata il giorno della scadenza.
Se non sbaglio, puoi esportare anche su xls/csv nel caso tu abbia già un file excel da integrare.
P.S. io è da più di due anni che utilizzo la versione free, non ci sono pubblicità e non ho trovato limitazioni, almeno per l'uso che ne faccio io.
Za tole sm kupu lifetime licenco in see mi sinhronizira z TRR na SKB. Dokaj dobro avtomatsko kategorizira transakcije. Dober UI, zelo pregledno, moram pa enkrat primerjat z toshlom.
gw pake apps wallet ini, jadi buat recording transaction sama budget monitoring. Karena gw banyak pake CC tapi gw ga anggap CC itu extra balance jadi duit gw itu cash - liabilities CC. jadi gw pake CC tpi treatmentnya kyk debit card.
Fitur budget ini ngitung smua expense dari bbrp wallet jadi berguna banget bagi gw
Ada dashboard defaultnya jadi bs lo montioring singkat, tapi gw pake fitur export buat jadiin transaksi gw ke tabular form tiap bulan, buat in depth analysis.
kalo connect various bank is a big nono from me
Definitivno Wallet od Budgetbakers, do sada sam koristio Money Manager Ex, ali imali su užasnih problema sa bazom podataka na Androidu... I evo, prešao na Wallet već nekoliko mjeseci, prezadovoljan, a free je.\_US&gl=US
C'è Money manager expense e budget , o anche Wallet
È pienissimo di app valide. A quanto vedo sono tutte completissime (anche le free). Cambia bene o male la veste grafica. 7 o 8 anni fà quando cercai un app del genere, c'era poca scelta. Oggi è pieno
I recommend Wallet by BudgetBakers.
I've been using it for 2 or 3 years now and it's really easy to manually add all your expenses and have different accounts. The statistics are also detailed.
I can't remember the limitations of the free version though as I have the premium for so long, but worth the price for sure.
Ich benutze die hier :
Da kann man einfach alles eingeben (sowohl Eingaben als auch Ausgaben) und auch vorlagen machen, um z. B. Einen Unterschied zwischen Überweisungen und Barzahlungen machen kann ohne da nochmal extra zu klicken. Die stellen das ganze auch als Webapp zur Verfügung. Bank integration hat das auch, hab ich aber noch nicht probiert. Mit Premium kann man dann auch eigene Kategorien anlegen, ohne kann man nur weitere Unterkategorien erstellen.
Would like to second this OP. I'm trying to limit my cash on hand so much na minsan I go 2 days with just less than 100 in my pocket. My funds are divided across different banks and ATM accounts.
Also, I've been using this app to track my expenses for over a year now, works like a charm Wallet: Personal Finance, Budget & Expense Trackee. I used a few other apps before this pero so far eto yung pinaka-nagustuhan ko. They also have an iOS version in case you're using an iPhone.
Wallet para administrar tus finanzas.
Y esta última para calcular el tipo de cambio en tiempo real. Ambas son excelentes y te las recomiendo ampliamente.
The Wallet app is able to import transactions from UBS accounts. But when I tried it (a year ago), it wasn't automatic, so you always had to do an import by hand (and do the 2-factor UBS authentication) each time you wanted to see the latest transactions.
App looks nice. Years ago I was looking for a simple tracking app like this and eventually I settled for Wallet app which definitely grew over the years.
I'm pretty sure Wallet can do this. I don't personally use it with banks, but it's a feature in the app.
Wallet is a beautiful app, but it's a bit pricey ($54 for lifetime, ~$27 per year if choosing subscription). I'm currently still using Mint because I need a way to hide transactions from budgets and trends (I handle collecting and paying rent for roommates), which I can't figure out in Wallet.
I have tried almost all of them and Wallet from budgetbreakers is the best one
Foloseste cineva ceva applicatii de tracking financiar gen:
Daca da, ce folositi si o aveti legata cu vreun cont bancar ca sa trackuie mai automat?
I'm a fan of the Wallet app . It'll require premium for collaboration. I've never used collaboration, but it is included in the premium subscription.
Prova a guardare questa:, credo manchi solo il sync con Dropbox.
You might like Wallet
I have used it exclusively after checking almost every expense and budget tracking app in the store, including YNAB. Have to admit that I am not happy with their recent update, which screwed over my previous categorisations, but maybe it works for you if you start from scratch.
OP, looks like someone is on a downvote spree here... Although I wasn't able to grab a promo code, thanks for the opportunity!
I like your idea, however over-simplifying things might not be the best for most people. Currently I use Wallet by BudgetBakers, and although it's a bit overcomplicated, it does its thing properly. I will however check Many out, and maybe even buy it in the future :)
What I'd like to see in it to make convincing me a bit easier:
For budgetting and keeping track of your personal finances I discovered Wallet (from budgetbakers). It is a very clean and easy to use app. It has many features, has a couple of bugs, but the app is constantly receiving updates!
The pro version is also not absurdly priced like most budgetting tools. Still expensive imo though. (€18/year) I get by with the free version.
Desde noviembre vengo usando esta aplicación: para ios y para android.
No es que me hace gastar menos, pero veo donde filtro la guita. Siempre fui recontra rata, muy rata, muy muy muy. Esto me ayuda a ver donde soy menos rata.
Descubrí que, después del auto, gasto mucha guita en comida. Pero no voy a dejar de comer.
Una cosa que uso para ahorrar, es que apenas cobro (sabiendo aprox mis gastos del mes) saco toda la guita de la cuenta que esta por sobre lo que deberia gastar y le cambio a dolares. Entonces ya no la tengo mas, es lo mismo que no haberla cobrado. Entonces ajusto mi mes a esa guita, a veces llego raspando la verdad, pero es como una especie de obligacion a ahorrar. Me apreto el cuello, pero asi ahorro.
If you have a smartphone, I've found that using an app is more useful to me than pen and paper or a spreadsheet. If you don't, then a spreadsheet is a great way to track your finances too (physical or electronic).
For Andriod, I really like WalletApp by BudgetBakers (Play Store Link). It also exists on iOS, but it's not as developed, and I'm not as familiar with the AppStore to recommend something on it. WalletApp also has a web app to accompany it. On the Andriod app, it allows you to log up to 3 accounts for free, and unlimited for $2 a month (with an over 1 month free trial). That includes receipts too!
YNAB (You Need A Budget) is also pretty cool! I've used that too, but never got into it as much as WalletApp. Anyway, it's a Zero Sum based budgeting system that also has a companion app for Android and iOS (both of which are fully developed). You can head over to /r/ynab if you're interested! (I believe that they just released a new version, which is web based and also a subscription for like $5 a month.)
There's also stuff like Quicken (a computer program that's been around for a long time, kind of expensive and uses forced obsolescence to make you purchase new ones) and Mint (a web based platform that's free and has a companion app for Android and iOS, but has been known to be buggy at times. See /r/mintuit for more info.).
I'm not actually affiliated with any of these personal finance programs, I've just used a lot in my quest to find the perfect one.
Hope this helps!
Yo uso Wallet. Es gratis (tenes cuenta paga tambien, pero pones la gratis y por ahora no le encontré ninguna restriccion).
YNAB (I have free student version). But the Android app is more of a companion for the Desktop client. Even though it's a good program to manage personal finance I wouldn't suggest it if you only want android app. Some good alternatives I tested are /u/gringoh suggestion: Money Lover, Wallet, Finance41.
Wallet - Finance Tracker and Budget Planner
Best? Wallet
try Wallet
Se tiveres interesse é este o link
Acho que devias meter a zona em que vives, ajuda o pessoal a situar melhor para que é que dá um ordenado mínimo, ou então a renda que esperas pagar.
Não te vou conseguir ajudar muito, porque a tua pergunta é do estilo "ganho pouco, a minha namorada também, como se faz para viver?". Opah, és tu e meio Portugal, mas aqui vai:
Antes de sair de casa dos teus pais, façam bem as contas se conseguem mesmo dar esse passo com o ordenado que têm. E tentem ter algum para casos de emergência (que acontecem sempre). Estou a acreditar que se correr mal podem voltar para casa dos pais, por isso também não deixem de avançar só por medo de arriscar que têm sempre essa almofada como segurança (que é bastante importante). Depois de mudar:
As contas de casa, renda e comunicações, olha, é uma bocado o que é, tens de pagar e pronto (podes, claro, poupar algo nas comunicações tendo algo pior).
Pensar sempre duas vezes antes de ir comer fora (se calhar menos vezes e mais caro para dar mais valor), planear bem refeições para não ter coisas a estragar no frigorifico, atestar sempre o carro (não andes sempre a meter 10€ e a ir 5 vezes por semana às bombas, gastas balúridos só no desvio), se queres algo para ti/casa que não é essencial (TV nova, playstation, o que for) espera sempre duas semanas antes de comprar e pondera se é algo que vais dar mesmo valor, se sim, avança (dica do Mr. Wonderful :p), poucas saidas à noite (sacar filmes e tal para ver com a namorada).
Ter controlo de gastos neste caso é muito importante. 1º Quando o dinheiro é apertado vão existir discussões de certeza. Por isso, convém terem bem definido como gastam o dinheiro, em quê e quem pagou o quê. Aconselho uma app para irem sempre apontandos essas merdas (eu uso o splitwise para minha casa). 2º será o controlo pessoal, teres orçamentos mensais para cada coisa e ir controlando, também uso outra app para isso (Wallet) - (mas acho que o splitwise também dá). Estas ajudam-te a controlares os gastos mensais e quem sabe dar uma vista de olhos aos gastos anteriores e veres onde podes melhorar.
Olha, o resto é o que te vão dizer, com o ordenado mínimo, não se vive, sobrevive-se.
É isto que tenho, boa sorte :)
Viszont ez az auto sync a fizetős verzióban elérhető, ha jól tudom
Wallet Io uso questa e ha l'opzione per la sincronizzazione con i conti bancari
Or else open a Monzo account which provides a breakdown of spending automatically via their app.
Kalo langganan bisa link ke akun bank yang dipake
Maybe Wallet is what you're looking for
I tried a lot of financial apps but currently I'm using app called Wallet. It has all the things you need.
not this.
I use Wallet. The free version has enough features for my needs, and it looks pretty nice.
I recommend Wallet.
Wallet - Finance Tracker and Budget Planner
Congratulations on the businesses. That looks to be a great jump in income from your previous job.
I am a bit short on time so I will be blunt. No offense meant!
> I am afraid that making 5.8000 €/mo (net) will "make me go on a spending spree".
No one can solve this for you. It's your own money and you need to manage it accordingly or be disappointed later. First step is to get a good understand of where you spend your money. I suggest using an app that can analyse your bank transaction history (e.g. Next you have to set up a budget. Don't make it super detailed. Just lay out how much you want to save (e.g. 30% of net income) and then how much for rent, bills, essentials, and comforts. Now you have the plan, stick to it. Check your spending every week/month with the app.
> I know some close friends that have had good runs but eventually "lost it all".
This will not happen if you are regimented with your saving and do not pull out the money for frivolous reasons. If you find yourself spending more than you are comfortable with when you are with those friends, either talk about it with them or find new friends.
> I need to have at least 10.000 € on my account, otherwise I will be stressed. I know it must sound stupid, but I need to be able to get to that money if something happens.
We call this an emergency fund. Since you are an entrepreneur and have uneven income you should keep 6 - 9 months of living expenses in a savings account or short term 'safe' investments. Don't touch this money unless it's actually an emergency. Holiday is not an emergency. Its better to put this in a separate bank account so you don't see it all the time (online savings acounts usually have better interest anyway). Now you know it's there in case you need it and a wire transfer will take 1 day to hit your main bank account. Therefore you should only keep your spending budget money in your main account.
> since I know nothing about DeGiro I am quite afraid. I am ready to commit with 2.000 Euros (to open the account) and add around 500 Euros/mo. Do you think this is enough?
Start with whatever you want in order to get comfortable with it and learn how a brokerage account works. Don't rush to invest everything and stress about it. The market is slow anyway, you won't miss out on much.
Is 500 euros savings a month out of almost 6000 a month net income? And you don't want to count on Social Security? Well it's probably enough if you plan to work until you're 80. If you want to retire earlier, save more. Personally I save 30% of my net income but I also have a 10% employer pension and Dutch social security.
> What should my portfolio look like
Obviously this is a personal question and it depends what your goals are. But the typical answer which works well enough for most people is:
As you get older and can accept a lower return for more stability, then decrease the stock percentage.
> Do I need to change my positions monthly?
Nope, just add new money to the same funds every month and if one of the funds goes up or down a lot, then rebalance it back to the original 80/20.
> Any chance I have a simulation on how much money I will have in 5yr? 10yrs?
Average stock market return is 7% a year, so €1000 invested for 10 years should be on average 1000*1.07^10 = €1967 so about double. But because of inflation you won't be able to buy as much at that time as you would today with the same money.
> I have opened an account in Germany (N26). Ami safe?
Basically yes. N26 are covered by the German deposit guarantee scheme up to €100k. They are a newer bank so might have some glitches, card may not work sometimes, etc. But I would not be concerned about losing the money.
You can give a shot to Wallet, you can manage on app as well as on web and features you are looking for.
Pretty sure it is this, Wallet by BudgetBakers, as there is a subscription plan called Premium - Master.
I didn't find a legit crack.
But you could try this apk!
I use Wallet - Budget Tracker
Wallet - Budget Tracker
Ova, ali ima ih more sličnih i besplatnih.
Try Wallet, it can link to bank accounts also
Uso esta app que se llama Wallet
viene funcionando bien por ahora
Wallet By Budgetbakers. i love it, it has bank sync as a premium function
Wallet hard wallet ?
Atau aplikasi
Io con Wallet di BudgetBakers (Android e iOs) mi trovo benissimo.
Hai la possibilità di caricare tutto su Google Drive tramite account Google e di creare più conti. Io, ad esempio, ho creato un conto "contanti" per tenere traccia del liquido che esce ed entra sul C/C e nel portafoglio, un conto per monitorare i depositi su Degiro ed un conto per monitorare i depositi su Binance.
Tu, ovviamente, potresti creare un solo conto attaccando il tuo homebanking all'applicazione e aggiungere o sottrarre con transazioni manuali il contante che non proviene o non viene depositato dal/nel conto.
Altre features interessanti sono:
L'unico problema è che alcune features, particolarmente quella di sincronizzazione coi conti bancari e della di export e import sono a pagamento, tuttavia esiste la lifetime licence, al costo di 49€ che spesso va in promozione a 20/25€.
Altrimenti esistono piani mensili e annuali per il premium.
Wallet by Budgetbakers
I've been using one called Wallet
i use wallet and i really like it.
Creo que lo mejor es hacer algo en google sheets, sino existe esta app
So para confirmar, é esta aplicação da que estavas a falar? E se não for, consegues facilitar o link por MD?
Check out Wallet
The best apps I've tried have all been paid apps. Pocketsmith and [Wallet]( come to mind. I work in software and personally cannot stand the freemium model, especially in fintech. Maybe because I've seen how the sausage is made and the user is not the actual customer. This has been proven time and time again by Mint. They somehow have the budget for an ad-campaign with [napoleon dynamite]( but can't be bothered to solve five-year-old known issues.
I feel like this is the app mentioned (use it myself and it really is quite neat).
Wallet by BudgetBakers
I mainly use this: Wallet
You can also check Wallet
I'm using it for years and it's great!
I used to use Wallet by BudgetBakers. The only reason I stopped because I got too lazy and couldn't track everything.
I use Wallet, it's very useful and simple
I use Wallet
> Eu uso wallet
Mais um para o Wallet!
This Google Play
Check if your bank is supported
Wallet. Folosesc aplicatia de vreo 6 luni si sunt foarte multumit de ea
I use Wallet
In the past I have used Wallet, Spendee and Money Lover. I believe all of these are available on iOS as well.
All of these are lovely to use apps which generally cover the main basics but they have their pros and cons.
I do also recommend going down the spreadsheet route if you so wish. It's nice and easy and can use Google Drive and Google Sheets if you want total control of what you can do.
I used these methods for around 3 to 6 months until I became comfortable with what I was doing. It really helped me get my act together and sort finances out.
Try Wallet, it has bank account integration as well as manually entered records and even recurring payments.
Habe mir vor Kurzem das geholt und bin sehr zufrieden damit:
I use Wallet and have for a long time. Really simple to use. I love it
Io uso Wallet
Credo sia la migliore, per Android, e ha tantissime altre funzioni utili oltre a quelle che chiedi.
Damn it. Wrong app. wallet
don't look further: - Wallet on Play Store
Wallet? It's not a budgeting app tho. Tracker lang.
Wallet is my favourite
might be similar: Wallet - Budget Tracker
I can recommend this app.