Who knows how long these will be up for so check them out while you can...
From the samples at least 3 songs have cleans and all the songs sound very different. Album sounds like it'll be amazing!
Melancholy by Shadow of Intent on Amazon Music - Amazon.com https://www.amazon.com/Melancholy-Shadow-Intent/dp/B07SJXDCY9
I've only heard the one EP (I don't remember the name, it's yellow) by them, but I think they're more slam death than deathcore. So you might try this list.
Not at all. I spend most of my time rating stuff, I don't even remember half of the stuff I listen to though. I keep track of it through last.fm and rateyourmusic though.
I don't have any Deathcore shirts, but I have a few metal ones that I really like. I have This Skeletonwitch shirt (amazon link) and this TBDM shirt (indiemerch).
Antagony, Reprisal, Dyingrace, and a bunc more I can't think of at the moment. This is a list I often refer to when looking for 90s or more precisely, classic Deathcore: https://rateyourmusic.com/list/Goregaze/old-school-deathcore/
I just spent a couple hours trying to track down this band (Ides of March) just to show a friend a sweet song I found on the internet a long time ago, and I wad wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience!
> This was very interesting to read, thank you! I quickly listened to Machinae Supremacy and found a link I was looking for in my post: I never heard this kind of music before (although it sometimes remembers me of Dragonforce) and I guess it may bridge the gap between more popular genres and things like Deathcore. A bridge I never heard before.
Well both do play power metal, so it would make sense.
>I once was at the point as you are right now: I was really interested in the roots of "my music" and tried all the old bands, reaching back to Black Sabbath.
Something like that, (at least that's why I've checked out At the Gates and In Flames). But it's not just metal genres that I'm interested in.
> But I think it isn't condemnable if one doesn't like everything from the past, just because it influenced your favorite band.
Certainly. I haven't been a fan of what little beatdown hardcore I've heard. No one can expect to like everything out there.
>I tried hard to find a suggestion, which will slowly bring you into Death Metal. Try Dying Fetus. Although Dying Fetus is fast and brutal, they often have somehow groovy parts, to which you may will connect.
My problem at this point isn't that I can't handle dm, I just have to explore it more. But I have a huge ass backlog of music to burn through (like ~700 albums) I don't have much time for it. I tend to listen to an album and then forget about it, but I'm keeping with the metal I like here.
>Try Dying Fetus. Although Dying Fetus is fast and brutal, they often have somehow groovy parts, to which you may will connect. Try their cover album "History repeats" for easy access ;-)
I'll give the album a listen sometime. I liked the Dying Fetus album I listened to a while ago.
I don't know if I count as younger (21) but I found the genre because of rateyourmusic. I saw the genre was related to metalcore and looked at the list of all of the deathcore albums just looking at all the different album art, and liked the one for Dominion by One More Victim and decided to check it out. Before that I'd known about deathcore, but really didn't want to listen to any of it because I wasn't interested in metal (and the pig squeals were a huge turn off). I ended up liking the album and came here to ask for some suggestions, burned through those in a couple of weeks and got tired of deathcore. A little while later though I heard that Carnifex had a new album out and said "fuck it why not get into Carnifex?" and decided to marathon their discography. I actually really liked it.
I'm still not as familiar with the genre as I'd like to be though.
This list might be helpful.
Maybe you want something fun to play?
Maybe you want to test a somewhat technical breakdown for your new band?
For whatever reason, here is the GPX.
Can’t recommend hearing protection enough.
High Fidelity Concert Ear Plugs, Hearprotek Noise Reduction Music Earplugs, Hearing Protection for Musicians, Festival, DJ’s, Nightclub, Concerts, Drummers and Other Loud Events https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08PBQFQH6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_CS4HKZVJPT3KRTP0M167
These are ones I usually use. And they are cheap https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07R4SG77T/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_WY3CCNSE00X64S55F5JR?psc=1 FEIYOLD Blue Light Blocking Glasses Women/Men,Retro Round Anti Eyestrain Computer Gaming Glasses(2Pack)
Valhalla Reverband an Ebow are your friends, my friend
Straight from Amazon , 186000 thousand reviews and still 4.5 star.
The Scarlett 2i2 is a really solid interface for the money, with basically no discernible latency. You can use a 1/4" if your amp/effects processor has direct out, or you can use an XLR cable for either input for a microphone. The air feature is also pretty nice for boosting an otherwise sludgy tone.
For recording software, I use Pro Tools First, which is great but has just been discontinued recently. There are a variety of other recording suites out there, though. Most have free trial, I'd say just give those a spin and see which one clicks with you.
I love these earbuds! Great sound quality clean highs the bass hits and overall I just love them! Actually got them at an airport because I forgot my earbuds at the time and when I returned from my trip I ordered a second pair off Amazon!
Headset with Mic for Phone Call, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JRD13T8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_89GQX0MG7MJ28AVMQ7TN?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Guitarist / bassist / synth. Got stuff to record at home.
I've got an 8-string guitar but I don't play it much. I prefer to rock a 6-string tuned somewhere around A#-A range. For bass I'm limited to a 4-string but I've played it comfortably in the low G# realm for basic basslines... I'd imagine that wouldn't go will for riffy stuff.
Used to play in a metalcore band called Every Single Lie (we opened for Carnifex a couple of times). Lately I've just been doing home recordings of covers for fun... mostly non-metal stuff but I heavied up covers for stuff like Death Cab For Cutie, Childish Gambino, Alkaline Trio. PM me if you want to hear some of them.
For sure I would get an audio interface like the Scarlett Solo and a virtual amp from Neural DSP. My personal favourite of theirs is the Granophyre, but they offer a free 14 day trial for all of their plugins, so you can see what’s for you. If you have the cash for it, I’d look into getting a DAW full time too. I use FL Studio and their licences start at 100 USD for their base edition, but if you want something a bit less expensive then Reaper is 60 USD for a licence. All these together will take you to a damn near professional sound if you keep your gear maintained, and with plugins there’s so much room for creativity and expansion. I’d recommend looking into the Nail The Mix series by URM Academy on YouTube, they have sessions with industry top dogs like Buster Odeholm of Vildhjarta and Humanity’s Last Breath, Jens Bogren, Tue Madsen of Meshuggah, and many others. These videos will help you to fine tune your signal chain and learn techniques to get the sound you’re looking for.
i got some sony wireless headphones refurbished a while back that work pretty well/don’t bleed much at all. very affordable and good quality for bluetooth
Sony WH-CH700N Wireless Bluetooth... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079GPFLT1?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I don't have one, but you could check this list. It has new releases added to it when an album is known/released. It's not perfect though.
I really haven't listened to a lot of deathcore this year, so I'm probably missing some stuff. Here's a list of stuff I've listened to this year (metalcore is in a separate list, but deathcore is here) tell me if I'm missing any important deathcore, or any deathcore I might like that's from this year.
My top 5 in order of #1 to #5
Rings of Saturn - Lugal Ki En
Carnifex - Die Without Hope
Within the Ruins - Phenomena
As Blood Runs Black - Ground Zero
Lorelei - Lore of Lies
Non Deathcore:
Fallujah - The Flesh Prevails
At the Gates - At War With Reality
Darkest Hour - s/t
Monuments - The Amanuensis
Misery Index - The Killing Gods
Olawdy yiss there are some highs. Closer to some of the classic sound than some of the other songs but also mixing in the cleans as well. Seems to encompass bits all their sounds so far.
For those who can't view it on youtube, looks like it might be out on Deezer as well (just make a free account).
Download Reaper for free and buy one of these and you're set.
Like the other guy said, you may need some thicker strings so you have the right tension for lower tunings and aren't playing with noodles. Some .012's or .013's should be fine, I've even be able to get drop A on .011's just fine especially for Drop B. So something like these or these.
If you want to go lower than Drop A, however, you're going to need much heavier strings and a baritone 6 string if you don't want a 7 string. 7 string songs are 100% playable on a 6 string most of the time, you just won't really get that same low end sound, unless of course you get a baritone. If you can't get a baritone or 7 string though, then just ignore this paragraph and get some heavier strings and you're set, my friend.
I paid 220€ for them back in 2013. I had to replace the cable twice, but since it's removable that's no big deal. They are very comfortable (I can wear them for hours without feeling any pain) and they sound amazing.