I used this app, (£2.50) and recommend it to so many people! Has a ridiculous amount of practice questions and like 50+ Hazard Perception clips to practice on.
Best of luck when you go for the real thing!
They're quite obvious, if you could see the box in your mirrors it would have been clear when it flashed.
In future, if you're using a headset and have an android phone, install this app, go into settings and there's an option to have it start up when you connect to the headset. It's saved my dumb ass countless times.
It's called The Crash Detectives . Very interesting but blood boiling at points when you find out how easily bad driving and laziness cause such severe accidents.
Short answer, no.
Long answer, nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. NASA (they know about this shit) say that if you are going to view an eclipse through welding goggles, WELDING, then you should use ones that are rated #14 or higher. You know what that scales goes up to? Fourteen! Just no.
Any vehicle owner should have Vehicle Smart because keeping on top of Tax and MOT isn't nearly as easy as it should be (plus it's fun to look at other people's MOT history, hehe)
Also I would install something like IFTTT that way you can setup the GPS ping to a button or even have the move warning set off a box of fire ants concealed under your air box.
Get a hardwired alarm instead. Amazon do them for about £20. They're easily worth 100.
EDIT: I got this one last year and it hasn't let me down .
I tend not to read good reviews, as normally they're posted right away and without the benefit of hindsight. Bad reviews, on the other hand, normally get posted once a customer has reached the end of their tether trying to get a problem resolved, and can give you a better insight into what could go wrong with a company.
I read up on SBF (based in Macclesfield if I recall correctly?) a while back, and there is no way I'd touch anything they tried to sell me now. When the POOR and BAD reviews on Trustpilot account for 11% of their overall feedback I'd take that as a serious warning sign.
So Sunday was my birthday, and I didn't have any commitments for Monday, so I decided to make the most of it, rode from Weston out to Eastbourne, and back again, via Central London (first time in traffic like that, hairy!). Looking forward to more trips on two wheels!
Rode with my Garmin Edge, so have tracks of my travels too!
http://connect.garmin.com/activity/429662250 http://connect.garmin.com/activity/429662163
My steed is in for new shoes tonight, as the last set were on their last legs.
>Make your bike harder to steal than the next persons.
This exactly, but also make it obvious to thieves. A scruffy anonymous cover is useful, but if they peer underneath you want them to see pukka security kit right in front of them.
Almax or Pragmasis chains, high-end Abus or Kryptonite are okay too. 13mm will withstand any cropper attack, go bigger if the chain isn't mobile. Oxford chains are very mixed, budget brands like Ryde are same as generic stuff off Amazon. Disc locks from Abus or Pragmasis, high-end Kryptonite or Squire. For chain padlock a Roundlock is hard to beat, but high-end Squire (SS50CS) is superb. For easy reinforcement, it's often possible to lock a good padlock through the disc or rear sprocket (I carry a small light alloy Abus for unplanned temporary security, for example. And you need to be chained to a hardpoint or ground anchor, of course.
Arrange all of this like decorating a Christmas tree, make it plainly visible. Let them see they'll have to make 3 separate cuts on 3 different high quality locks. You don't want them snapping the steering or tearing the wiring out before they've realised it's unstealable.
It's fairly easy to carry something like this around. You can even knock up something similar at home for pennies, and it'll fit nicely under the seat.
I bought some from Amazon. Originally I had bought these from eBay but they just didn't fit despite being "Precision Machined Pivot Bore To Ensure A Perfect Fit".
Then I bought these which were three times the price but actually fit.
I'm getting a bit pissed off with eBay sellers though as I also bought an indicator for my bike after I snapped mine and that didn't fit either. And some bar weights I bought are so light that the handlebar vibrates a lot when they're on.
Buy a raincoat and not rainproof gear.
My only advice is that you buy a full raincoat. I use this when it pours.
I commuted 50 miles everyday for the past 5 years. You will be surprised how stupid people are when they drive in rainy weather. Best to be seen.
Like u/deadsoldier /u/Spiritaker and /u/Randy_marsh- I also now record all my calls to most businesses---anything that might require evidencing that you spoke to someone about it.
I've used ACR Call Recorder (free version) and it's worked just fine. It automatically records both sides of your calls and puts up a little taskbar notification when recording.
I recently completed my theory for my Motorcycle test. It is unfortunately different and you cannot use the same test from your car.
However, I strongly recommend you purchase the app, https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.co.tso.ctt&hl=en_GB as this will get you prepared for the different questions asked.
Being said it isn't all that different and I passed mine 1st time due to experience with my car.
Have you tried using an app on your phone or tablet? I used https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.deepriverdev.motorcycle.hpt which is for Android, but I'm sure there's the same sort of thing for iphones. It's got a selection of videos etc for the hazard perception test, and there's a free version to try. I passed first time, and it was really helpful particularly knowing how the videos work. Not sure you'd get that from a book?
I used this one thanks to /u/unimind80 and nothing else. Went through it all over a couple of hours on Saturday and 4 or 5 hazard perception videos on it, and got 48/50 and 66/75 on Monday.
A few years ago, my wife and I did a similar tour, but we didn't even have 125cc between us - we took our push bikes from Harwich to HoH, then cycled back through the South of Holland and Belgium, and caught the train back to London from Lille - it took us about a week in total. Some days we camped, other we stayed in hotels - it was a lovely way to experience both nations. The point is, adventure is scalable.
If you're taking a month and setting yourself a daily distance of 80 miles, you could have a great time touring Northern Europe. I just quickly mapped out a circuit of Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Austria and France (confession: I'm a mapping geek!) and it could look something like this (if you avoid highway) https://ridewithgps.com/routes/37934074
Fair enough, something like this is probably a better shout!
I would try to find a crashed one and ask for parts
Like here: https://www.gumtree.com/p/lexmoto-motorbikes/lexmoto-assult-spares-or-repares-parts/1299269280
Bike may not have much security, good chance a locksmith can cut a key for you in few minutes
MT's are great, but they're silly money sadly, the cheap ones are usually private sellers meaning you won't be able to finance through a dealership. You'd have to go on rate setter for a loan or something.
an old gf of mine rode a yammy XT example link which was great fun, I much preferred it to the cbr I learned on.
If you're completely strapped for cash honda CG's are dirt cheap.
Where abouts are you based btw? I'm in the midlands, if you want someone to come along with you to view bikes and i'm in the area - i'll happily tag along
33 pages. I'll try and make TLDR if I manage to finish it
EDIT: first bit of bad news "European legislationsets out the requirements of the moped and motorcycle licence acquisition test . This includes the minimum ages that riders must be and the amount of experience that they must have, in order to ride certain sized motorcycles.
CBT is not regulated by any European legislation and has remained largely unchanged since its introduction"
This means any changes to the A2-A could be hard to pass :(
So far a focus seems to be on tailoring each CBT to each individuals circumstances, with a focus on the highway code for younger riders with a bad highway code knowledge and a proof of being able to ride solo before a CBT is issued.
Possible long term consideration to make learned complete theory test before a CBT. (makes sense to me)
They want to find a way to be able to judge specific schools and give recognition to those who are achieving a specific level of training. This will hopefully improve the training over the whole community as all schools will want to achieve this. They like to remind that 2 hours road riding is the minimum and most riders will require more
"Restricting riding to automatic motorcycles if CBT was taken on an automatic Currently, completion of CBT on an automatic motorcycle or moped also allows a rider to ride a small manual motorcycle on the road" Can't argue with this logic
"Some trainers also thought that repeat CBT candidates, who might be considered as experienced riders, should be ableto demonstrate continued competence by only undertaking the onroad ride element of the course" Is this more sound logic from the government here? What am I seeing?
Questionaire: http://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/150539FVDTU
It is a single carriageway road, but the other lane has traffic going the opposite direction doesn't it? So that's the other carriageway, because it's a different way, for the carriages to travel. Isn't it? https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/carriageway
Fair enough! You've obviously done some serious research into it!
I take it back. I missed it. I saw it after I used the desktop version and went back to check the one on my phone. I think the problem is that it blends in with the sea. Maybe you could look at changing the colour or position of it to make it stand out a little more? Just a suggestion. The bottom right is the last place a user looks for information; first result I found on Google https://www.crazyegg.com/blog/lessons-eye-tracking-studies/
I've found the app called "UK Motorcycle Parking" fairly useful. Shows places on a map - mostly on street dedicated bays, but lists car parks with motorcycle parking as well.
With any luck it's just sitting in the bottom of the sump. Otherwise it's going to cause a problem somewhere long term.
I'd drain the oil and get one of these -https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00A6K4DCK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_QGRX2JQ3KFQM4SHXR05R
Put it through the sump plug hole and see if you can see the tube lying on the bottom. Then you could try fishing it out with a bent coat hanger or something.
I'd definitely want it out as it's going to do some serious damage eventually.
This is a universal 7” headlight from Amazon. The one I got is SKTYANTS 7" 7 Inch Headlights, but you can get any brand. Here is a link what I have SKTYANTS 7" 7 Inch Headlights Housing Bucket with 7 inch Headlight (White DRL Amber Signal Light) for Harley Motorcycle (Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075N1K11Z/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_KNPCWAN4372N1EBDRKW8?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Not sure if it would suit your needs, but I just ordered an Infinity 2 through Amazon yesterday. Being sold by HGF Motorcycles. Sizes are a little limited depending on the colour, but they do have some in stock, and mine was dispatched this morning.
EDIT: Sorry, didn't read the "mesh" part. I just saw "Infinity" and my brain went off on a tangent. LOL
Congratulations. I have been riding many things for many years and if I could have changed one thing it would be to read this 20 years earlier: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Motorcycle-roadcraft-police-riders-handbook/dp/0117083798/ it forms the basis for the advanced rospa training I done and the blue light training. it'll only take you a few weeks to get through even if you just read it on the bog
They can cut through anything, but in my opinion anything less than 16-19mm (depending on brand) is just a deterant from it being wheel away.
At my friends college this was smashed open with a brick and small hammer. And many Sold Secure Gold have been proven cuttable by Almax (bolt cutters).
If the thieves need an angle grinder and a few minutes they're statistically more likely to move to the next bike.
Gutted for you mate! Such a horrible feeling, they got to my 600rr which was my pride and joy (also my first bike)
See if there are any underground car parks or something near you, most of the time bikes are taken somewhere for a few days incase they are fitted with a tracker!
Chin up! All will be well in the end :)
For the future you can get a family easy to wire tracker for £50 quid ish. It's not the pro stuff but at least gives you something..
Will keep my eyes peeled in the west London area.
Looks like this and FYI they’re called tire hugger fenders. I’d shop around though, you might find one custom to your bike.
+1 for the FreedConn, I've had mine for 3 years and it still plays audio. The microphone stopped working only a few month into ownership because it kept on falling out of my flip up helmet.
I continue to switch between the Freedconn and Anker Soundbuds.
>Search Amazon for “Safego 12V 24V 10W Cree LED Spot Work Light Lamp for Truck Off Road Lights 4X4 ATV Tractor 30 Degree Round”
Or as Tim Berners-Lee would phrase it, link
Thanks for the recommendation, much appreciated. I had an ls2 evo stream in matte black. It was the last gen version of this linked one though (and slightly better looking IMO) I think they were discontinuing it when I bought it so they threw it in for free with my bike
WINDCHASER ESDY Men's Winter... https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0771BGTY9?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I’ve had a pair of the thermals above for over a year and they’re really good at keeping me warm under my rst leathers. They’re pretty forgiving on sizing as they’re really stretchy 👍
Topboxes (Tenere & LT), sideboxes (LT) + chains. In the past I left a helmet chained left on the ground, in a plastic bag and the helmet's own cloth bag to protect it from splashes of rain in Heatrow for a week w/o a problem when I was off to a business trip. I have an Onguard Akita chain or something similar (I think, it's been so long since it's purchase, that's the closest thing I see on Amazon). I use this to tie down the helmet & the jackets when we're going around we need to leave things behind for a short (2-3h) period. Nothing has been stolen yet. You take the jackets out, put this thing through the arms, tie it down with a massive padlock. Yes, someone who really wants it can steal it but it stops opportunistic thieves.
I use an ID card holder with a retractable reel that I attach to my belt loop, can get them on amazon for £2. Makes it super easy to access as you don't have to fish into your pockets or unzip anything. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B004FVC1ZC/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I got these ones from Amazon, came with M10 x 1.25 blanking plugs for my OEM mirrors too.
i've been using this[1] from amazon for the same helmet w/o issues for the last 6 months.
Im using it for gps directions/music/radio and not comms so i cant comment on that, but its been OK.
Minor issues that i've found are:
[1] https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00PKECDXI/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Haynes manual is a very good investment in this regard. Including full wiring diagrams of how the wiring should go.
Have a plan, sketch how the wiring should go. These are good for making temporary connections on a new circuit, so you can test that it functions properly, before swopping them for proper plugs.
Take your time, take reference pictures, you can't take too many. Have card ready. You can store bolts in the order and layout that they are in the bike by poking through the card. Cereal packets and old Amazon boxes are good for this.
If you haven't stripped wires and made connections before, then do a practice few before you do it on the bike. You may make a mess of the first few, cutting rather than stripping, or cutting by over crimping.
You can get a digital tyre gauge for peanuts - cheaper than 3 points at least.
https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B074KD2D73/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I have this one and it's great.
Saves having to go the garage for one, I keep mine under the seat.
An impact driver like (this)[www.amazon.co.uk/Draper-81519-6-Piece-Impact-Screwdriver/dp/B0001KA1ZI/ref=psdc_1939023031_t5_B0001K9R8U] if that fails and you can get to the head a pair of vicegrips/molegrips, if that fails a centre punch and hammer to tap them around.
I hesitate to *recommend* it, but for me it works well. I'm using Traccar. "Downside" is that it needs a server to send data to; which works for me, because I keep ownership and control, as it's running on my own server.
But lets me track routes like this!
> Selfridges
There are quite a few round there, I would personally park on cavendish square gardens as its very visible - but there are some closer.
However, really you should just use THIS
It helped me to understand how the scoring works. In each clip there is one scored hazard except for one in which there are two. When the hazard first becomes obvious a count down starts from 5. If you click it straight away you get 5 points, after a short time 4, then 3, etc.
If you have an android phone I'd recommend this app. It will let you see how the scoring works and if you practice all the clips you'll be fine.
The price can be justified as it felt like it provided a definite pass.
> New version of Android has disabled call recording
Sorry, can you elaborate? What app are you using for the call recording (or is this a built-in Android app?). I'm currently using ACR Call Recorder and it seems to work fine on Android 8.1.0. I've not updated to Android 9, so it would be good if you could confirm for me whether the functionality is disabled on 9.
Edit: Damn, I found the answer. No third-party call recorders work on Android 9. Looks like I'm not going to upgrade for a while, or at least until I root the phone.
One final suggestion... try using this app on your S6: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.adm It seemed to give slightly more accurate results than the web interface in my test just now.
I used this one and passed without an issue, you can do practice tests, hazard perception videos and there is a stopping distance calculator built in.
Good luck!
Do yourself a favour and get one of these instead. I've put them on a couple of bikes now, and they're absolutely fantastic. Small, compact, discreet, straight onto the battery, and most importantly waterproof. You can then just get different tails for mini/micro USB or iPhone etc.
I took my theory last week. Only studied from these two apps, got the same questions in the test!
Just google it, LDC (despite being a car company, it's still the same) have a good one. Be warned, the CGI is much shitter than real life videos. If you get practice test, the app on android (with a green bike on the front, and the 42 videos), Here
aim to get at least 4 on every clip, it's what I did.
I messed up loads on a few clips, but still passed so, hey ho!
I gave myself 2 months for my theory, within the first month i had most of the theory nailed, didnt dedicate much time to hazard perception. I was wrong. Hazard perception requires a fair bit of time too!
I used this
I don't do Audible as there is no way to convert to or from it. I just use MP3 and a very good Android app - Mort Audio:
If you use Android I cant highly recommend enough AIX weather widget. Its a widget that goes on your screen and gives you weather for the next 24 hours in a nice chart format. So you can see temp rise and drop, bars showing min max rain. So the night before you have a quick glance at your screen and you can see if the weather goes below zero and for how long and at what times. Really handy.
Not sure what phone you have, but this app on Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.deepriverdev.motorcycle.hpt was super useful. Has loads of questions, mock tests and hazard perception tests. I've been doing this a dozen times a day since booking my theory earlier this week.
The hazard test is good as it gives you the indicators afterwards as to were the maximum points where and the lengths of time you get. Can be useful.
I use AppyParking London in London (obviously) and it's really good. Not dedicated to motorbikes but you can filter what info it gives to just motorcycle bays. The info it gives (if you want some ideas to get started on another app):
Paid Meter Bays
Motorcycle Bays
Petrol Stations
Car Parks
Disabled Bays
Charging Stations
Controlled Parking Zones
Congestion/Restricted Zones/Red Routes
It shows restricted times for certain bays, when residents parking is free, single yellow/double yellow etc, bank holiday schedules. Finally it links to street view (which is really useful) and allows you to get directions through gmaps.
So far it's been spot on.
>It may sound silly to others but police in London do nothing about bike theft so I’ll rather hit some thieves with a baseball bat and get done for that
You won't get done as long as you remain within reasonable force, which provides plenty of latitude. Say you spot them trying to break your locks and charge out there with your bat. If they scarper by vehicle, it would not be sensible to pursue them. If they run on foot and you're willing to take one down, it's lawful to forcibly detain until cops arrive. Watch out for his mate coming back though.
If they don't scarper, but instead menace you with weapons (eg waving a grinder or knife at you), then you're faced with the threat of immediate, unlawful & lethal violence. You are under no obligation to retreat, and can use violent force in response. If you feel confident, go ahead and knock seven shades of shit out of them. But once they're out of the fight, eg unconscious, fleeing or surrendering, you have to stop. There is zero tolerance for "punishment beatings", you may only use necessary force to put a stop to the threat.
Stick to this, especially with the cctv as evidence, and you're behaving completely lawfully. "A person may use such force as is reasonable in the circumstances in the prevention of crime, or in effecting or assisting in the lawful arrest of offenders or suspected offenders or of persons unlawfully at large" - Criminal Law Act 1967
Good luck tonight, but hopefully this wasn't preparation for theft. For future reference, I think a shotgun alarm is excellent for covers. £30 with a box of blank shells, easily rigged so that pulling the cover off will fire it. In the dead of night, the sudden ear-splitting bang should scare them shitless and wake you too.
I was interested in their black version, but seems the Amazon stock is completely gone now (in all colours & sizes)
>Fleece snood. I got this for a fiver
> Keeps you warm and windproof as long as it's tucked in the jacket and helmet.
I've got one of those, and it's great for cold autumn/spring days. But for bitterly cold winter rides, this is even better. The front panel is a stretchy, tight-weave fabric which completely blocks wind, and the back is conventional fleece.
First of all, check whether the stiffness is in the clutch mechanism or the cable. Disconnect the cable at the engine end, and see if it moves freely. If the cable seems okay, you may have other problems (notching wear in the basket etc). Assuming it's the cable, you might want to just fit a new one. The factory cable is probably worn, and the liner might be torn or perished.
If you want to try to clean it up, squirt copious WD40 or similar in at the top while working the wire cable up and down. Or improvise a funnel with gaffer tape and pour some paraffin or petrol down it - either way you're looking for some grot and muck to be flushed out at the bottom. If the movement remains stiff, you may have frayed wires jamming. The only option is to pull the inner wire out to examine it (which may require an end bullet to be cut off and replaced, so maybe buy a repair kit). If the movement frees up and is smooth, drip some oil in before reassembling or squirt some dry PTFE lube in.
Well if I could shoehorn another bike into the garage then this would get a visit asap...
Pretty much the first proper quick bike I had. There was a really nice one that I was seriously considering just as we went into lockdown, but it was in Cornwall and it's no longer listed.
And I'm going to try and get a test ride on Yamaha 900 Tracer in the next couple of weeks. The FJR is becoming a bit on the heavy side for me.
Mate you can get them so cheap today and you're literally getting one of the best motorcycles ever made. This one is £3200!!
>Anyway, if you want a helmet cam GoPro is arguably the best.
It is, but this conversation started with OP trying to shave a few quid off his insurance. It will take him a long time to break even with a gopro. I think a cheapo generic 4k actioncam may be preferable - only £35, doesn't matter if it's lost, broken or nicked. I have one, the image quality is surprisingly good. The key weakness is total absence of stabilisation/correction, but for insurance purposes they would still clearly show who was at fault.
The fill up hole is the biggest hole on the tank.
I've used one of these to pull things out of tanks before.
the best way is to park in a area that has people walking past or is populated, not up a dark back ally out of the way. Use carparks that are maned. Always have a disc lock or a disk lock and chain, I got this one and it's pretty good. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01MRQWVJX/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
If leaving overnight somewhere put a cover over it so it doesn't stand out to a casual look.
Also make sure it's well insured and if on finance you have gap insurance to get back to the proper cost of a replacement bike.
I just have a stop and go with pump to run off the battery. Then just run the engine while inflating.
Waterproofing is hopeless, they've fitted a cheap seat which is through-stitched. I used the same type for a project bike, and it absorbs water like a sponge. I don't ride this bike in rain, but I found out after washing it.
You could fit a waterproof cover over it, or improvise something from a sheet of rubber or plastic. For a tidier job, pry out the staples and remove the outer cover, wrap the foam with plastic and refit the cover. Some water would still get in through the stitch holes, but it wouldn't be absorbed in any volume. Or replace the whole foam piece with closed-cell foam. You can't easily get this in large blocks AFAIK, but wouldn't be hard to stack multiple layers of camping mat and glue them into a block of the necessary shape.
I've tried and tested this with a few slow slides at 20-30mph when I was dealing with my Dullville. Whilst it's cheap, it held up very well.
They are used with ank cartridges. Also perfectly legal. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Shotgun-Alarm-Mine-Blanks-PACK/dp/B01A5VTTCS/ref=pd_aw_day0fbt_img_sccl_2/261-3235581-7687318?pd_rd_w=y2gVz&content-id=amzn1.sym.eceacb97-ee2c-47f4-8571-078c2d45f843&pf_rd_p=eceacb97-ee2c-47f4-8571-078c2d45f843&...
>Good stuff. I remember that bike alarm that used a shotgun shell. Literally exploded making a huge gunshot.
>I want that.. anyone know if that still exists? I think they stopped making it...
A lot of the underground parking are free for bikes. Like qpark and smithfields. There maybe something near by?
I've found that 'uk motorcycle parking' app really useful.
I passed MOD1 6 days ago.
I was the opposite, high speed was super easy, never messed up once in practice but I struggled with low speed stuff.
The swerve is super easy on a bigger bike. You have to go 50km/h, the examiner showed me the readout, I did 62km/h.
The biggest concern I had about the swerve was how much space you have to do it and it's a LOT more than you think!
You only have to swerve out about 0.5M in a 10m (length) space
If youre gonna practice in a car park, take a tape measure and a few cones/plastic bottles and get an accurate feel for it.
I use this on my bike KINOEE Bicycle Alarm, Wireless... https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07TZTG5JY?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Doesn't use the bike battery and is very loud. Of someone touches my bike outside my house, I will know about it. It would also stop people from sitting on your bike in public.
As above, and I also have a
for use with an air compressor.
> been out riding 5 or 6 days a week since then
What are you doing when you go out on these rides? Just street riding?
I did similar but 2 hours of my riding was in an empty carpark or on an industrial estate when they'd all gone home.
I was doing slow manoeuvres. I used something like these https://www.amazon.co.uk/ND-Sports-Plastic-Marker-50-Pieces/dp/B08PNR6FYJ/ that I could put in my backpack. Just put them them out as per the mod 1 (not all of it at once just the section I was going to do) and went through it until I mastered each bit.
Keep at it. Once you get it it's a huge mount of fun.
BlueFire Motorcycle Phone Holder. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01FQTB2MY?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I bought this 2 years ago and have done 70+mph on my 125 and never had a phone fall out. The usb stopped after the first bit of rain but as a phone holder its great
I’m a noob but I bought some little speaker pads that Velcro in underneath the liner of the helmet and they work amazing, not too loud but perfectly audible when riding ( Geva Motorcycle Bluetooth... https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B09RZVDZ7D?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share )
Defo the way to go. I got these and the jacket a size larger than my bike gear in 2015 and still bone dry every time it rains.
I mean they are made for the ocean haha, so does what it say on the tin
Don't get a helmet cam. You'll constantly worry about battery life and you'll never get the footage you want because it'll be switched off. Buy hardwired front and rear cameras such as this VSYSTO Motorcycle Dash Cam... https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07W4HQTYM?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share.
Read the Highway Code, you will be expected to know this for the CBT. You can read it for free here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-highway-code or you can buy a paper (or Kindle) copy here for cheap: https://smile.amazon.co.uk/official-highway-Driver-Vehicle-Standards/dp/0115539956/
How questionable? The battery life of GoPro in general isn’t great.
My brand new Hero 10 will give me about an hour from full battery recording 4K, and about 90 minutes at 1080@60fps.
First thing I did when I got my GoPro was buy additional batteries. Something similar to this for an 8 might help. Allows you to carry them in a carry case which is also a charger, handy if you’re out for the day. Take a battery pack and you can have backup batteries on loop.
Homesuit Hero 10/9 Batteries... https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08KW693VP?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Not quite what you're looking for, but... I have had a pillion passenger, and I have a 2nd helmet for them.
On both my and their helmet, i stuck some bluetooth headphones from Amazon. And then I just phoned her, and she answered. Meant we could talk to each other on the bike. You do get some background/road noise (i think thats cos we were so close together though, being pillion and rider, might be quieter if you're further away from each other).
Great to talk, but you can't really have music/podcasts playing at the same time (unless there's an app that allows you to do that, but i haven't looked).
You cannot install LED bulbs instead of the halogen ones, you'll fail MOT. You need to replace lamps.
Just replace this shitty candle with something better, like Osram Night Racer 90 °
° not an endorsement of the brand, just an example, although this is what I was using indeed.
Get some bar risers instead of a new bike! I've got the gsr and they solved some of the problems you describe. It's such a good bike in other areas. Doesn't fix the seat but will help the wrists & back. Here's an Amazon link to the ones I got, I'm UK based. Handlebar Risers, 22mm 7/8inch... https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B088RC5KZP?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
>Are there any good trackers for a bike? Possible cheap as don't earn a lot but not so important as if its really good then it's worth it.
Entry-level is generic ST-901 for one-off cost of £20-25. Perfectly good tracker, I've used one for several years. I put £10 on a pre-pay giffgaff sim and it hasn't run out yet. SMS "G1234" to it, and it replies with a live Google Maps link. If it's moving, the reply also has compass bearing and speed. Downside is no system administration or support. You install it yourself and set up the sim, relying on Chinglish instructions and the internet. Took me a couple of hours, because you have to SMS each setting to the tracker one by one, prefixed with the password. But you only need to do that once, and then it works fine.
For mid-range, the Teltonika devices are excellent. I'm planning to buy one of these next. £40 purchase, £60pa subscription. They arrive with sim loaded and configured, all you need to do is connect a couple of wires. Buy from a service provider like TruTrak, and they'll provide some system admin & support. But that doesn't include taking responsibility for recovering your bike or working with cops - only the premium, costly services will do that.
Final option, very popular with bikers, is the self-contained, self-powered Monimoto (£170). Importantly this is a passive tracker, it only starts reporting locations when you activate it. Batteries might only last a day or two under active search conditions, but that's all you need. Again arrives preconfigured and ready to go, the only installation required is to work out a cunning hiding place.
There's no real difference in the actual GPS location function, they're all using widely available, well-proven chips.
I use this app. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.londonbikebays
Just locate to where you are or want to go, click on any MC Bay within the borough and it will tell you which borough you're in. Click on the borough name and it will show you if you can only park in mc bays or in other places.
That's what I normally do and it's super easy and quick. As I said what caught me off guard this time is I have successfully and legally parked in that residential spot previously. And as I didn't know this was Lewisham (I ride and park all around London) based on my memory I just remembered it was fine and free.
Cekell Summer Quick-drying... https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0927BP4VV?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
That seat pad really helped me and my v Strom, and let's a bit of air through as well, really pleasant.
I'd also make sure your rider sag is set right, if you're under or over sprung it'll tire you out in no time. You'll need a mate and some cable ties and probably about an hour the first time, but it makes a good bit of difference (and it's free!)
Are the 40mm JBL speakers oval or round? I ordered these https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07RJTTXBG/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
from their warehouse deal for £50 but they were oval and didn't measure 45mm across so sent them back as I figured someone had swapped them over for 40mm.
Hiya OP!
Not sure if anyone has recommended it to you yet, but give this app a try.
In case it doesn't work it's the Driving Theory Test 4 in 1 Kit by Driving Test Success Limited.
They will drill so many examples into you that you'll pretty much be bored out of your mind both in multiple questions and in hazard perception but you'll learn the likely patterns. Best part is, if you complete their criteria, you can also register for a guarantee, so if you fail the test, they'll reimburse you for the test cost.
Thanks - hopefully she runs after all this :D
I don't have any issue reccomending Mutt - found their customer service really good & never had any real issues, as long as you appreciate you're buying a cheaper bike & that comes with a little extra effort required, you'll do fine.
Also, buy some ACF50 - itll prevent rust issues or anything like that if you wipe some on after each clean :)
similar to you, look at a euro size 54 or 56 dainese air frame d1 jacket. I'm your size and have the 54, which is nice and fitted feeling. I reckon I could also get away with a 56, but it'd be baggier in the chest on the bike
Is thisthis what I want then?
Agree with most of that, but I bought a 5 pack of these on Ebay a few years ago for about a tenner, and they're a fuck of a lot easier and quicker to use than a toothbrush would be.