/u/icondense: The content is indeed limited depending on country.
> Netflix’s original content — which it is ploughing billions of dollars into — is available worldwide, but the exact catalog for users varies based on their country. That’s because licensing deals are different from market to market, and Netflix also curates its content based on what it thinks locals will like.
Anyone seeking for wider variety: http://techcrunch.com/2016/01/06/now-that-netflix-is-global-you-should-go-buy-a-vpn/
EDIT: If anyone's planning to pay for VPN, I suggest PIA (Private Internet Access)
I'm not sure how practical a VPN is in Cyprus though due to low broadband speeds.
you can do the registration online and you dont have to wait for the card
register here: https://theasis.cy.net/koa/el/home/
install card app here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=koamember.pegasosis.com.koamembercard
and link the card with the app
In Nicosia: Kontosouvli and Syrian Arab Friendship Club.
>Be careful if you use taxis and ask for a price before getting in, especially in places like Ayia Napa where there are a lot of drunk people. Many taxi drivers try taking advantage of people and overcharge them.
Just rent a car! https://www.kayak.com/cars/Larnaca,Cyprus-c32005/2021-07-11/2021-07-18;map?sort=rank_a
Prices are low, and you have the car for a week, to travel around
You can also try airbnb. Check if you can find something better than you already have.
Food price depends on what you are going to be eating. You can have a sandwich at small Kiosks (produced almost daily) for 3.50 euro for example.
I have some friends there yes. Most of them are europeans and not Germans so learning the language by speaking with them is gonna be a bit hard.
The fact that in german you pronounce the letters in a consistent way makes it easy to learn like Spanish.
I also got a book to read along with the German course I am doing and it helps a lot.
On Sunday, be prepared to walk few minutes from parking. It is normal to see people walking all dressed up walking all the way from Debenhams/Alfa-mega towards the carnival.
If you start early, you might be able to find parking in residential areas in the small roads near the main Carnival street.
If you don't like walking, park somewhere near the beach road & take bus #30.
> So it is my first time attempting to go to the carnival (either Sat. or Sun.), and I have no idea what to expect.
Well, this isn't Rio, but you would expect to see LOTS of happy people & some grumpy kids.
Come ~1 hr early, so you can see the hustle-bustle at the Enaerios parking place. Then run to find a good place to take photos.
Few of the floats are political, so perhaps you may not get them - but most of the floats are just kids/adults-acting-as-kids dressed up in funny clothes.
PS: Wearing carnival costume is optional, but highly recommended.
I checked the laws in the North. The minumum drinking age is 18, though the law states that it is illegal to sell alchoholic drinks to people under 18, it doesn't say that it's illegal for them to buy it. Speaking from my own experience (and I have lots of experience with getting drunk while still being a minor), I've never been asked for my age at any time when I bought alchohol, even when I was doing in my school uniform. I don't know much about clubs and bars, though. Some may ask for your ID at the door. I don't go to clubs.
Kyrenia is the most annoying city in Cyprus in my opinion, but if you like clubbing and such, it might suit you. The bars along the harbour are not bad. There's also a well-known rock bar in Kyrenia called "Old Tunnel", or simply "Tünel" by locals. That's literally all I know about life over there.
It's been about a year since I came across it and started realising its importance! The Document. I don't think the majority of Cypriot people have any idea what TTIP really is and how it affects them. It's the sort of news that never makes it to the TV or radio over here.
download navigator and on settings u can remove motorway...it will go u everywhere u want without going to motorway(highway) if u need help pm me https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mapfactor.navigator&hl=en
also read the contract when u sign be4 renting.. i never heard anything saying u cant go outside ayia napa
Taking this chance to recommend a great book on the topic: Killing Hope: U.S. Military and C.I.A. Interventions Since World War II by William Blum. https://www.amazon.com/Killing-Hope-C-I-Interventions-II-Updated/dp/1567512526
Unfortunately it only covers interventions until 2003. An updated version would need to include a bunch of fuckery in Latin America and the Middle East, Ukraine in 2004 and 2014, and so on.
I recommend these two excellent books on this very topic:
"The Cyprus Conspiracy: America, Espionage and the Turkish Invasion" by Brendan O'Malley and Ian Craig https://www.amazon.com/Cyprus-Conspiracy-America-Espionage-Invasion/dp/1860647375
"EOKA B and CIA: The Greco-Turkish Deep State in Cyprus" by Makarios Drousiotis https://www.protoporia.gr/droysiwths-makarios-eoka-b-kai-cia-9789963631025.html
The first one only exists in English and the second one only in Greek as far as I'm aware. You should be able to find the first one on LibGen.
It wasn't Russia which spent literal trillions of dollars with the goal to destroy socialism in your country with the result of plunging it into a protracted 3 decade long capitalist crisis, where Ukraine lost 20% of its population (1991-2021 Ukraine lost 10 million, that's more than died in the Soviet Famine 1932-1933, aka the supposedly deliberate supposed genocide supposedly by evil Russkies), and where quality of life indicators failed to recover to 1990 levels even in January 2022. It wasn't Russia which kept the Banderite Nazi collaborator movement alive and well since 1945, helping orchestrate multiple terrorist attacks on innocents in Ukraine the 40s and 50s (source: https://www.amazon.com/Hitlers-Shadow-Nazi-Criminals-Intelligence/dp/1782662995), and in practice setting the foundation for the utter permeation of Ukrainian society with fascist ideology since the destruction of socialism. It wasn't Russia which pushed Russia into a protracted proxy war "to the last Ukrainian" purely for the interests of US capital, either.
No, my hatred is logical. I'd say what's illogical is that you hate your country so much that you uphold the ones who are responsible for bringing your country into devastation and backwaterness, but I'm not surprised at this point, fascist and imperialist propaganda is a hell of a drug; combine it with your upper middle "labor lieutenant" class interests and things start to make sense. You look down on us Cypriots as stupid backwater islanders but at least we don't bootlick the same NATO fuckers who were truly responsible for bringing death and destruction on our country and we rightly denounce their treacherous coupist agents for their crimes (as seen in the OP, for example).
>But how did you ship to cyprus? I tried to buy from amazon instead of the official website but I changed my mind because if you go on their website they say thay if you buy from 3rd party sellers basically they can "cancel" the test because the package could be contaminated, as a lot of people return their packages back to amazon or something amongst those lines.
I got it from Amazon, the seller is Ancestry DNA themselves, and not a 3rd party. The box and everything inside was sealed, so there was no possibility of contamination.
haha lol no, just a small robot. I want the graphite rod for mechanical support. Maybe I used the wrong word. I am looking for something like this:
>Israelis are like the Turks
nothing alike actually.
"Cypriots support Israel because they dont know history and assume Israel is our "friend/ally"
so your saying theyre naive and ignorant to the facts... ok...
and you somehow think that a population that was at least 2/3rd greek were somehow being oppressed by a minority of turks that were already being treated as second class citizens and being oppressed for decades??
yeah ok... lol. i think you need to do a lot more reading man, personally. i got a good book for you actually if your interested https://www.amazon.co.uk/Genocide-Files-Harry-Scott-Gibbons/dp/0951446428
that will show you what it was actually like for the TC's there.
oh and to add some facts. israel is the product of genociding Palestinians. civilians. torture. rape. murder. backed by superpowers. land stolen. out of religious belief and some claim to land that wrent theres due to this bullshit religious belief. when in reality israel are just americas and UK's seat warmers to for the bases there. so do you support israle? not GC's ... you! ?
Why don't you contribute a bit? You know it's the community who does streetview right? Especially in an island such as Cyprus.
Press this link, it should take you to streetview download page in App Store.
Here you go, compare to all other couriers, literally last and no reason to support such a shitty business. I swear they are just for money laundering…
Yes, it is possible to join via phone call and Here Is the list for zoom numbers per country. The Cyprus numbers are +357 2 505 4777 and +357 2 200 0888.
I have used the first one myself and i can confirm it works, (although all the users in the call were in Cyprus but i dont think it matters).
They will be asked by an automated message (In English) to enter their zoom meeting id followed by a #, then their participant id (if they have one, don't think its required) followed again by #, so keep that in mind when explaining things to them. Hope this helps.
I'd be surprised if you find it anywhere in Cyprus. I can't think of any other use for it other than pumpkin pie during Thanksgiving. Amazon UK has it if you can get it delivered there: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Americas-Finest-Pumpkin-Puree-100/dp/B084P79YFY.
You know you can sideload gapps on your aosp based rom, right? :D
Anyway I don't think it's worth for me to have to maintain 2 listings. If you don't have gapps you can get it online from one of the multiple sites that scoop the store and get the apks.
eg. https://apkpure.com/cy-tv-guide/com.pixelsunstudios.tvguidecy
Feel free to try my other apps too!
depends what your in to really. for me its natural beauty, serenity, amazing beaches and wildlife. so for me the most beautiful and best place on the whole island is dipkarpaz. its personal preference though.
theres nothing i like more than waking up in the morning to the wild donkeys and birds, getting on a boat (watching dolphins and turtles), catching some fresh fish, picking potatoes from the garden for fresh chips, some fresh picked tomatoes, cucumbers, and onions for salad, with fresh picked watermelon for desert with some village hellim on the side. oh man.... honestly im in paradise when i experience that.
unfortunately i live mostly in the UK with frequent visits to cyprus now but its my fave place on the whole island. in the day thats what i like to do and at night i love to star gaze. im really in to my space, so could literally spend hours just watching the stars and planets etc. will invest in a proper telescope next i reckon to leave there for my visits.
great vid though. i want to catch the rest of it later as i only got to see a little due to work. i do like these type of vids promoting the island. have my upvote sir
This game is a good time killer https://www.geoguessr.com/
Basically you get random google street map views and you have to guess as close as possible where in the world they are.
I use Le VPN and their smart DNS.
Installed on my Google WiFi. Use BBC iPlayer, ITV hub, now TV and prime video on an Apple TV.
Also all devices that connect to the WiFi get a UK DNS so all the above mentioned apps work on iPads etc including radio when the football is on.
on android I use MapFactor
You only need to download the base map of your country and any updates, initially. It does not need data to work, although it does offer some options if you want it to.
I have been using it for years, and updates still being made by the developer, maps are open source and updated fairly regularly
None of them is white. Their color is mostly between the #FAE7D0 to #E8CDA8 range.
If you are unsure of your color you can buy this to test yourself:
Here is the Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/Pause-Stela-Fyrogeni/dp/B07RH93H18/
The link will stay the same, so feel free to keep checking until it hits Prime!
Just wanted to let you know PAUSE is now available to stream for free on Amazon Prime Video: https://www.amazon.com/Pause-Stela-Fyrogeni/dp/B07RH93H18/
Just wanted to let you know PAUSE is now available to stream for free on Amazon Prime Video: https://www.amazon.com/Pause-Stela-Fyrogeni/dp/B07RH93H18/
Just wanted to let you know PAUSE is now available to stream for free on Amazon Prime Video: https://www.amazon.com/Pause-Stela-Fyrogeni/dp/B07RH93H18/
Bus timetables?
The only app I found that has the timetables is this.
But it is made by the government and it is as unweildy as you can expect. At least it has all the bus routes, so if you know the bus route you want can help a bit.
It’s just something I found on YouTube for convineince. Don’t know where the full is.
My sources are here: https://www.amazon.com/Hostage-History-Cyprus-Ottomans-Kissinger/dp/1859841899
Search Hitchens on the crimes of Kissinger also.
Lots of material. Hitchens was on Kissinger like a hound. He did a lot of research on his crimes.
Use this app to determine where the next bus will be at your station: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gmv.cyprusbus2
If you want a bus to stop, you should raise your hand and wave. As if you would hitchhiking.
Just wanted to let you know PAUSE is now available to stream for free on Amazon Prime Video: https://www.amazon.com/Pause-Stela-Fyrogeni/dp/B07RH93H18/
Just wanted to let you know PAUSE is now available to stream for free on Amazon Prime Video: https://www.amazon.com/Pause-Stela-Fyrogeni/dp/B07RH93H18/
any will do really, if you are ignorant better go with tp-link because it has an easier interface, i recommend any that has the Wi-Fi 6 logo(formerly 802.11ax) or Wi-Fi 5(802.11ac)
Instructions for nordvpn: https://support.nordvpn.com/Connectivity/Router/1047409322/Setting-up-a-router-with-NordVPN.htm
Instructions for expressvpn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUm5HD-s1yM
I mean, at the end of the day it's not particularly difficult to spoof the service into thinking you're in the UK by using a VPN (such as TunnelBear or TigerVPN). Even the free chrome extension "Hola VPN" will do the job perfectly fine.
Bitter Lemons by Lawrence Durrell (for some reason listed as Bitter Lemons of Cyprus) describes the life and political situation in 1950s Cyprus as the colonial era comes to an end and the Enosis revolt begins
There is an alternative to Uber that could do the work but the thing is that because it is decentralized and it is fairly new, a lot of people need to download the app and register the city in which they want car riding to be unlocked so we can be supported.