One of the funnest things about this project is that the rigid dialogue models left a lot to the imagination. I like coming up with activities the characters would be doing as they converse. It made sense to me that Dak would be on an IV (I wrote KOLTO in aurabesh on the side) and that instead of Carth awkwardly hovering over him, waiting for him to wake up, he would be doing something soldierly, like cleaning a blaster. I opted to have Dak remove part of his uniform to be less conspicuous, and went with the simpler undershirt design Luke wore in Empire.
Anyway--thanks for reading y'all! I'm one guy putting these comics together (pencils, inks, colors, letters) and am hopeful to be in the industry one day. Please check out some of my originals on ComiXology if you want to help me out! Kaiju Kingdoms #3 will be dropping in the next few weeks!
In 2015 Revan won a Hasbro fan poll along with Sabine Wren, as characters to be added to the toy line. The figures were eventually shipped in Fall 2016. However, the line of toys that Revan belonged to wasn't ordered by the big retailers like Walmart, Target, and Toys R Us. The reason was the figures in this box weren't tied to the movies.
It took a a while before there were scattered reports of people finding Revan in JC Penny's, Kohl's, or Best Buy.
If you want it, I just checked Amazon.
$18.99. Wow. There was a time online scalpers charged $70 for Revan.
Was she also implying that Atton is a rapist? Because I really don't want to believe that.
According to the definition of the word, "something that causes a loss of respect for someone or for yourself" which may or may not be sexually related, which means that it isn't 100% certain that it is. Kreia got the crap beaten out of her and she was, ahem, stripped of her power (poor choice of words for my argument, I know) which IMO is enough of an indignity without getting sexual.
It's all open to interpretation of course, but it had never crossed my mind that she meant anything sexual until I read it on tvtropes. Maybe I'm one of those weirdos whose mind isn't firmly planted in the gutter.
If you have it on steam the mod is actually on the steam workshop so you just need to subscribe to it then let it download
Otherwise you can get the mod yourself and install it manually from:
I hate articles like this. They're nothing but trashy clickbait articles by even trashier websites. EA has announced that any and all Star Wars games that have an actual story are under Disney's restructured canon. While the name Revan is canon, Revan's story (Meaning that of the KOTOR games and the rest of Revan's story in Legends) is not canon, which is something this article can't seem to understand. Furthermore, this article passes off its claims as fact while using maybes and ifs to lampshade.
Even if we assume that this article is 100% accurate, that doesn't mean fans should get their hopes up, due to the fact that it's EA or one of its subsidiaries is gonna make this (Again, assuming that this bs article is accurate), meaning it won't hold a candle to the original games. As for crossing over with the High Republic, that makes it worse (For context, I'll refer readers of this comment to the synopsis of the book "A Test of Courage"). I'll end it here, as frankly I need to cool off after reading that garbage article.
TL;DR: It's bullshit.
Alpha 0.4.0 of the mod is live! We released earlier than expected!
Head over to ModDb now to download!
Unfortunately in this very early stage of development of the mod there is not much to do, than explore the maps, search for loot, etc. Still, it's a great achivement for us, enabling You to experience all game maps / levels in mobile!
Instructions for install are included în the mod .zip archive and on ModDb as well!
>Does anyone have any fanfic recs involving Revan?
Naw. It's very viable, and very powerful. Especially when you get blasters with the "Unstoppable" stat. (Which cuts through shields and lightsaber deflection, IIRC.) I've always followed this guide and had good results.
Are you playing on PC? If so, or if you can get it on PC, you should use TSLRCM, the restored content mod, first off. The game is incomplete and buggy without it, and most players consider it an absolute necessity.
Second, some of the gameplay effects are broken in KOTOR 2, like AI using advanced abilities (give them Advanced Flurry, half the time they'll use regular Flurry over it). You can fix this if you're on PC and use the Improved AI mod.
Third, as opposed to the original KOTOR, skills actually matter in KOTOR 2--thankfully you also get more skill points per level than you did in the original, but it's something to keep an eye out for. Additionally, like the HK dialogue in KOTOR 1 locked behind skills, there are some companion/NPC dialogues which can reward major experience points and other bonuses which are locked behind skill points. For this reason I always play as a 14-INT Sentinel and cross-class my two non-class skills with my first two feats. This isn't optimal in terms of gameplay, but it does unlock more of the story.
Fourth, companion opinions exist in KOTOR 2, and they matter. If you get full negative or full positive opinion with any companion, you'll unlock... special bonuses. Some of it is just dialogue, some other stuff you should find out on your own. Be conscious of what your companions like, and plan around it.
I have a poster too. Pretty sure I ordered it from Bezos
Note: might not be exact as OP's
Filefront is down but all the mods were on Gamefront and afaik still are. For example here's the droid enhancement mod from the Kotor II build list.
*T*he *S*ith *L*ords *R*estored *C*ontent *M*od - the unofficial but quietly endorsed cut content restoration mod. It fixes a large number of general bugs, and restores a lot of the late-game content which was cut for time or pacing reasons; notably the HK Factory and associated plotlines for the droids and Bao-Dur is largely restored and makes the endgame more coherent and probably more enjoyable.
Opinion here seems to be split between "new players shouldn't bother playing vanilla, just play it modded" and "the vanilla experience is better for new players, but it's ideal for a 2nd playthrough" - I personally lean towards "play it vanilla the first time", just because some of the restored content janks the pacing up a little - that slower endgame can turn people off, and there are noticeable difficulty spikes in the restored content in at least a couple of places.
Phil Spencer at Microsoft had said back in February that he would discuss it internally to see if a KOTOR Anniversary Edition could happen.
Anyone hear whether anything came of it? I have a feeling the difficulty with the rights (with Disney/EA owning everything now) plus the focus next year on the new movie & new games are probably going to be big obstacles to a re-make actually happening. But one can hope...
If you loved the first one, you'll definitely still enjoy the second one despite its many glitches. Just check out and get the TSL restored content mod from there if you're going to play, in my opinion it makes the game much better!
Wow, it actually took a while to find, but I found it. Also in case you didn't know you can actually peruse a relationship with Juhani as a female PC, but unfoutunately there's no Jolee/Canderous love as a male PC.
Hey you have a few days left to get this week's humble bundle. $12 for 12 great games, all of them activate on steam and include the Mac version if available. Kotor 1 and 2 are in it.
This resource might be helpful. With some tinkering you can get the game running in 1080p.
I got this, it's a bug with the mod.
The mod uses some kind of config editor to work, it should be in the mods folder. Run it and set it so the min HP is 0 rather than 1.
The savegame editor this thread talks about, it should already be installed.
Again, this covers it.
Mate, you need to up your googling skillz.
> It is more likely that a Star Wars RPG will be made. A game was being developed that looked to me like it was going to be an open-world action RPG, but I think the development of the game has become complicated.
Visceral and the linear action single player SW game they were working one have both been officially canned by EA. Maybe they'll reuse Visceral's assets for the new SW game EA Vancouver is developing now, spiced with enough opportunities to get some sense of pride and accomplishment.
Jason Schreier wrote an interesting article about the demise of Visceral if one wants to get into the details.
KotOR 1 doesn't work with a controller for PC without using scripts like this, whereas the steam version of KotOR 2 was patched a few years ago and has native controller support now.
Also, have you looked into the steam controller at all? It's designed to allow you to play more KB+M dependent games using a controller, and there have been a few users around the steam forums and /r/SteamController who say it's helped them last longer with their arthritis/carpal tunnel. Though it is a weird controller and takes a bit of getting used to at first.
I'm also going to recommend you install the partyswap mod, There is a companion you only get as male and one you only get as a female, and this lets you have them both. They both add a fair amount to the story, and I think it's a shame you can only get one per playthrough in the vanilla game. (Not compatible with "extended ending" mod, though).
I believe /u/Snigaroo has it listed on his mod-list, and I think the link works. If it doesn't then good ole Snig can probably take care of you
Some of it probably has to do with textures--I might even be able to claim (very slight) responsibility for some of it. The only two male facial reskin mods I consider quality, and thus the only two which are advertised in the mod builds, are for MM and the Second Coming--here and here respectively.
Texture reskins (and especially their inclusion in the mod builds) aren't sufficient explanation to account for all of their usage, of course--I think there's inevitably something about them which users like above and beyond that, and the only two good textures being for those characters probably isn't an accident; the textures were probably made due to their popularity, not the other way around--but I'd say it likely does have at least some effect on it.
Sadly, yes. Although the Skip Taris mod gives you most of the items you can acquire in Taris, along with party members and enough XP to level you up to level 8 (you'll also be able to choose if you want a light side path or a dark side). You can also use a game save editor to get you back up to where you were before. Here are links to both of the mods.
Super Skip Taris:
KotOR Savegame Editor:
You may also want to reinstall the game as well as an added measure. Make sure to delete the files it leaves behind as well, I believe it had something to do with those.
Try that. It takes direct input (non xbox360 controllers) and tricks the game into thinking its a proper controller.
I don't know how well it will work as even with the added controller support that game is still finicky. It wouldn't register my wireless 360 dongle and controller properly.
Hope that works!
I think he meant Filefront/Gamefront by "Kotor Files". Anyway, OP, it's not that it doesn't work anymore, it is just that GameFront has (without explanation) banned many countries from downloading. Read their FAQ ; if your country is not on the list there then you can't download from FF. However, you can circumvent the ban just by using a proxy or a VPN. Look around the web for some guides on that.
Okay. Here's one of my save files. Unzip it and put it into your saves folder and try to load it.
I'll boot up KotOR II and see if I run into any of the issues too. I transferred the save files my computer, so I've never actually started a new game on this lol
Depends if you want to make him viable with force powers or not. This guy can keep up with consulars. The actual build uses a soldier, but there's a caveat about going scout instead. I went scout when I used it.
This guy (second from the top) cuts fools in half. Should work just as well with a 5/15 scout. Maybe check out the Defending Jedi on the same page.
I don't think there's a native way to do that, unfortunately.
IFTTT can connect to Reddit and trigger when there's a new post in a certain sub. You can try it and see if it works with user pages. If you install the IFTTT app to your phone you can have the action be to pop up a notification in that app.
I have modified your savegame file. You will be able to download it here: I'll remove the file after 48H.
Everything should be as you asked, except for the feat/powers. Because you're not able to add ' feat points' , just the specific feats itself. I hope you'll enjoy your journey! PS.Cheater
Yeah in this sub we're always hoping for that, right? lol We're sort of like the "Bring Back Firefly" crowd except it's "Bring Back KOTOR"
As for BioWare's upcoming this article EA said their approach is going to be based on what the Arkham games did with Batman IP. It's unclear if that means the game's style and mechanics will be like Arkham, but I have to say that does sound very cool.
Try that, you might find a solution there
If that fails, try going through steam discussions and typing "Crash on start up" in the search bar, I'm sure yours isn't an isolated case, good luck.
Sorry for being a little unclear I meant using the console command/cheat to teleport. Here's a link to explain:
You can also use a warp band mod which makes it a bit easier;99458
If you have no quests though I'm pretty sure the only solution is to add them via kse (not sure if possible) or go back to a previous save.
I would suggest reading up on what each class receives so you can decide what's worth your time. Look at what skills, feats, and bonus feats are available between the jedi and non-jedi classes. Decide what you want and what you can forego.
Some sample considerations:
All Jedi gain their last bonus jedi feat at level 12.
Soldiers gain feats more quickly than any other class.
Scoundrels gain skill points faster than any other class.
Scouts get free implant feats at levels 1/4/8.
If it's still available, you're most likely to find it in the wayback archive, which has been so good as to archive most of the filefront mods and maintain them for download.
Bastila PC Head by Miles Edgeworth:
Handmaiden Style Undies For Female PC's by Shem:
You aren't playing the Steam version? It has native widescreen support now.
As for head models, this one fixes basic issues with many of the head models in the game. Install it, then install this one (screenshots are in the .zip). KOTOR 2, in my opinion, really lacks good head model mods. That's the only one I'm fond of.
Huh. I think you might have to restart, i don't think there is any other way to get the papers, except maybe console commands, but then you wouldn't get any of the missions for Gadon.
Edit: Oh actually, you could skip the entirity of taris instead.
A lot of the KotOR filefront mods can be still be found on gamefront.
Found on Gamefront, New PMHC04 and Juhani's Grove Saber Change.
Can provide direct Dropbox links if need be.
It is absolutely possible to install mods with the app store version, I've done it in the past. Here's how:
If you have a regular mod installation ("Override" method):
If the mod uses TSLPatcher (I know the name implies it's for K2, but some K1 mods use the program as well):
I think TSLPatcher still gives an error just because it's not running natively, not sure. Anyway that's the method that's worked for me.
I don't have KOTOR II currently installed in my PC because I recently did an OS upgrade, but from what I remember, the cantina music files, along with some other smallish sounds are located in a different folder (StreamSounds) and work a bit differently from the bigger, more conventional music files.
I never really bothered with the cantina sounds in my KOTOR II music overwrite because there's not that much time spent in them, however this thread has a post in which someone was able to edit the file using GoldWave, which you might be able to use to mess with the KOTOR I music files too.
How did the cantina music work in KOTOR I, anyway? If it came in a different folder and was as hard to work with as KOTOR II's, you might just be in luck and not even need to mess with it that much before substituting it.
Reddit Enhancement Suite--there's a sub for it too, predictably. Essentially it's a browser plugin which adds a lot of critical features to reddit, including user tagging, comment highlighting, image inlining, never-ending scrolling, and a lot of other neat stuff. Almost everything can also be customized on the user's end, which is obviously a major boon. I've used it for over two years now, and I can't really stand to even be on reddit without it.
Yeah. When you go here, you have used the "click here" part of "Your download will begin in a few seconds. If it does not, click here." right? If not I'll download it and try to upload it somewhere for you. Won't be soon though, it'll probably take a day or two given my pitiful upload speed.
I've been recommended Trello in the past. Honestly, we won't get anywhere if we try to take on everything at once..we should start by getting a rough demo level nailed out before we even begin to work on the actual game. The demo level would allow everyone to work small scale and work on the core components of the game without having to worry about how large of a scale it is. We need to take on this projects by taking small bites. The fourth link that I shared talks about this and I found it to be extremely useful.
I had the same worry as you regarding Mira - give this mod a shot, it'll allow you to choose between Mira or Hanharr when the time comes:
This is all I could find for you about leveling. It increases the number of feats and powers you get on levelups.
Reddit really needs to figure out how to make the subreddit sidebar available to mobile users.
> TSLRCM, or The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod, is a famous bugfix and restoration mod widely regarded as the only mandatory mod for either game. Play with it even if it's your first time through!
Yeah it is a mod. It's been around for ages and was made for KOTOR 1, not sure why it isn't working because I've never had an issue with it before, with TSLRCM and all. It doesn't conflict with any other mod actually.
I think it's fun to discover it on your own, but if you don't want to, you can use as a guide. It's usually about performing certain actions while certain people are in your party.
You can find the whole series on Kindle. Here's the first one:
There's actually multiple 5 or 6 issues series
The original "Tales of the Jedi" (5 Issues, 2 arcs) (These are also sometimes referred to as the "Knights of the Old Republic," or at least they were before the video games came out. For example the audio drama for this series uses the KotOR name)- Arc 1: Ulic Qel-Droma and the Beast Wars of Onderon (3 issues)- Arc 2: The Saga of Nomi Sunrider (2 issues)
"Tales of the Jedi: The Freedon Nadd Uprising" (2 issue follow up to the previous Ulic Qel-Droma story, also leads into the beginning of the Dark Lords series)
"Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith" (6 issues)
"Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War" (6 issues)
"Tales of the Jedi: The Golden Age of the Sith" (5 issues)
"Tales of the Jedi: The Fall of the Sith Empire" (5 issues) (These last two series are prequels and can totally be read before the others, nothing gets spoiled)
The Legends Epic Collection should be coming out with a few compiled volumes as well soon (I think the one with the "Dawn of the Jedi" comics, a different series set even earlier in the legends timeline, is already out).
(copied from my own comment elsewhere, but I want to make sure everyone that wants to find these comics can, because they're pretty great)
You can find the whole series on Kindle. Here's the first one:
There's actually multiple 5 or 6 issues series
The original "Tales of the Jedi" (5 Issues, 2 arcs) (These are also sometimes referred to as the "Knights of the Old Republic," or at least they were before the video games came out. For example the audio drama for this series uses the KotOR name)
- Arc 1: Ulic Qel-Droma and the Beast Wars of Onderon (3 issues)
- Arc 2: The Saga of Nomi Sunrider (2 issues)
"The Freedon Nadd Uprising" (2 issue follow up to the previous Ulic Qel-Droma story)
"Dark Lords of the Sith" (6 issues)
"The Sith War" (6 issues)
"The Golden Age of the Sith" (5 issues)
"The Fall of the Sith Empire" (5 issues) (These last two are prequels and can totally be read before the others, nothing gets spoiled)
The Legends Epic Collection should be coming out with a few compiled volumes as well soon (I think the one with the "Dawn of the Jedi" comics, a different series set even earlier in the legends timeline, is already out).
You're absolutely correct; if a game has been released specifically for a modern system (i.e., Android/iOS), then it should be made to run on those systems primarily bug-free. Granted, it doesn't help that the Android ecosystem is fraught with various ROMs, hardware (that the OS should technically account for), and UIs, not to mention mobile OSs are significantly updated way more often than they should be to keep apps stable.
Are you referring to the "Display cutout" option in the Developer Settings? I tinkered around with that just now and don't seem to get near the desired result that the third party app I use, Nacho Notch, gives me. If you were referring to a different setting, please let me know.
The Conversion Pack is the mod he's speaking off.
Personally, I prefer the new KOTOR mod that's in development, but only one demo has been so far. It uses actual models from the game and will port over maps from the two games. I believe audio is also being ported.
Thanks for the info. Going back over the Steam Page, it looks like when Aspyr updated the game they completely changed the system requirements. My apologies for that mistake. They now need an i3, and 4 GB of RAM, and Windows 7 among other things. Here's a link to the originals.
Listed below below the system requirements is the following note: "Important Note: For users that prefer the original version of the game or for users on old hardware that can no longer run KOTOR II in its updated form, we have created a "legacy branch" that will allow users to access the original released content. Click on the support link and our team will walk you through the process."
I'd recommend you go that route, as it is most likely the easiest option for you to implement.
Regarding your specs (in case it helps):
CPU: Meets core count and speed requirements but not generation. This could just be Aspyr changing nomenclature to match what they think people are most likely to own, or they could've updated the binaries to use specific functions on the newer model processor that your PC isn't capable of performing (unlikely but possible)
RAM: It looks like they need 4GB now, this could easily cause an issue with your system, although to be honest I have a hard time imaging TSL really needing those four gigs.
Direct X: Should be new enough for most semi-recent games, although KOTOR and TSL use OpenGL so that point it moot here.
OS: This is what I suspect is your issue here, if they've issued an update and changed the OS requirement, it's eminently possible that they have done so for a reason.
Graphics Array: Looks like this is another one that actually ties in with the OS above, although i'm curious how you managed 4 GB of VRAM with only 2 GB dedicated as system memory.
Hope this helps.
I play K1 with an XBox One controller. I do it with a combination of Steam Controller Support and an AutoHotKey script.
To use Steam Controller Support (which does work with an XBox One controller - it's not just for the Steam controller), go into Big Picture mode, select your game from the library, and go into controller options (I forget the exact names of the buttons - at work right now).
You are not going to get seamless controller support. I did it because for some reason the mouse/keyboard control in the game killed my wrist, but it's totally not optimal. What Steam gives you is the ability to map button presses and mouse movements to the controller. It is not aware of where things are in the game or what dialog you're looking at. It's going to be clunky.
That being said, I like the controller scheme I came up with. I can share it if you're willing, but it requires a 3rd party program ( and may require some tweaking based on your resolution. It's not easy to set up, but once you get past that it's easy to use.
You are wrong.
Source is Boss Fight Books Knights of the Old Republic by Alex Kane.
> > > KOTOR1 and KOTOR2 are $3.32 CAD each, says Mac but pretty sure you get both Mac + Windows on Steam. Takes to mods refurbish it somewhat for modern systems, especially KOTOR2 with a lot of cut content restored lovingly by fans. > > Best Star Wars story ever before the Old Republic MMO retconned and ruined Revan + Jedi Exile.
Thanks. I missed "off." Will resubmit.
Hey, yeah started new game from scratch with mods installed, installed them from, yes latest version of both mods, only other mod I have is the latest version of the extended enclave mod. Not really sure what you mean by revalidating the game (not sure if that option exists on Steam although I am quite new on the platform plus not not native English speaker so might be misunderstanding something)
Huh, it turns out it's a TSLRCM addon.
And the lightsabers are actually a separate mod. I remember that it made them quite dangerous so pack enough grenades and cheese.
I'm playing through kotor on linux currently as well, and ive been getting this glitch quite often and quick saving/quick loading fixes it every time for me.
Maybe it has to do with the mods you're running? The mods im running are from the gog-installer version here (if you're on steam the mod list is in the credits if you'd like to try- it includes some patches for widescreen that might help)
im still having trouble getting this to work 1. I have hd cutscenes 2. Modded my exe to allow 1080p res movies. Set to the same res my game is. 3. Loaded the game. Only the intro plays full screen. The rest of the movies dont play at all now, i just hear the music. Alt tabbing during cutscenes crashes the game.
heres my 1080p res modded file if anyone wants it
Edit: Found Windows XP sp3 mode should be set on the .exe
No problem. When I get home from work later tonight I can probably write you up the script you need. I have a ton of experience with AHK, so it won't take me long. You will need to install it, though:
There's an android update that made a lot of internal file managers stop accessing certain folders, the Android folder in particular. Using your computer to access them should still work, but if for whatever reason you're doing this in the wild with just your phone/tablet, this app should still allow you to access those folders/directories. Well, until Google figures out how to block that too, I guess.
Here is a fix for installing on Windows 7:
Hope it works for you!
Have a look over here, it's incredibily easy even if you don't read the guide
I leveled up Mira to level 6 (or was it 8, shit i can't remember now). Saved the rest of her levels till she was a Jedi. Pump up the dexterity, give her master speed and master rapid shot. Have the group constantly buffed with Battle Meditation and Master Valor. Give her some nice guns, like a Mandalorian Ripper. Upgrade them with some good upgrades. Watch her destroy everything. It's a site to behold. Super powerful.
Good old Games ( is a platform similar to steam established by the CD Projekt company from Poland (they are best known for making Witcher games). Their new GOG galaxy interface (their version of steam client) allows to add games from other platforms such as Microsoft store, Epic game store, or steam into their library. This makes it super convenient to catalog all the digital and physical games you have. So you don't really have to stick to one platform e.g. steam just because it's convenient that everything is on the same platform. (Obviously there are other platforms allowing this, but I really enjoy GOG.)
Still I'd suggest getting KOTOR 2 from steam due to native widescreen fix and easy implementation of mods from the workshop.
Are you talking about just the portrait, IE what appears in the box at the bottom-right, or about the actual appearance of your characters?
The former do exist, although they're mostly for companions and I don't have any ready at hand. The latter are more common, but I have to admit that I'm not fond of most of them. The only two I can recommend are the Dark Harbinger mod for males and the Canonical Jedi Exile mod for females.
The download is right here. If you can't get it to work properly, Gamefront doesn't work in certain countries. Use an American proxy and you should be fine.
What compatibility mode were you running it in, XP SP2? If not, try it; if so, try XP SP3.
If that doesn't work, switch back to XP SP2, download this file and put it in your main game directory, then try running the game.
Filefront is permanently down, you won't even be able to load the site. Which is a problem, because there are multiple mods that do this for KOTOR 1, and I don't know which you're referring to.
This is the one I prefer, but I don't know if it's the one you're talking about.
Darn, I was just congratulating myself that I found the filefront mod mirrors:
You've confirmed this specific mod doesn't work with TSLRCM? :(
It's really odd, I found it no problem the other day. I've recently bought the game on Steam so I'm new to this, but I've played the game on X-Box when it first came out. Anywho, after digging and searching for it I found it again.
Do you look for something specific or just some recommendations? Do you play as male or female?
Only character reskin mod I happen to have on my hard drive is Bearded Mullet Man (PMHC04).
You can access some Filefront mods by Gamefront, so here comes one of reskin mods from the sidebar - New PMHC04.
Hope it helps.
That's pretty much standard. The only way to fix it would be to alter the blade texture to give it a smaller radius, to try and fade the alpha out before it reaches the edges of the blade planes. The silver blade texture is the same size as the other ones, so presumably all blades have the same issue.
Here, try this. Extract the ZIP and put the TGA and TXI in your Override folder. See if that makes any difference.!75JmVJ6R!EMCmRyNa3GKXB0BrDiDlkDo09M3vLOfiAvPCEMmeeeU
If you can see this pictures, you can see I have it downloaded but then nothing shows up.
I've always had a shitty laptop, even the new one I'm on now can still be classified as shit.
Anyway have you tried using Razer Cortex? My boyfriend gave it to me on my old Dell Latitude and I use it now on my Lenovo laptop and I ran run games decently.
Echoing Sith_Holocron's sentiments on A & B, but also,
D) Gamefront went offline but came back recently, perhaps that is the site.
E) What was your old username/modder name? That might help us track down your old mods or which site? Especially if its an old lucasforum username, some people are still around from back then.
Maybe try Borderless Gaming.
It's pretty simple to set up. Just set the game to windowed mode and open Borderless Gaming. KoTOR should show up on the left side (Applications). Click the button that looks like four arrows pointing outward and hopefully it works.
You might need to run both KoTOR and Borderless Gaming as Administrator. If you're playing it through Steam you also might need to close it out and run it as admin as well. If you do, Steam might give you some warning about admin mode breaking compatibility with certain games but you can probably just ignore that.
Star Wars: The Old Republic SWTOR is the only other Star Wars RPG. It's an MMO set in a similar era but still generations after KOTOR I and II. It's scratches an itch for sure, but it's not the same as whatever a part III would have been.
If you have any interest in taking your RPG enjoyment to the tabletop, there are a couple pen & paper Star Wars RPGs out there ... There's an old school game and a modern one both set in the original trilogy eras published by Fantasy Flight.
Check em out here:
Part of the marketing for the release of The Old Republic (TOR) MMO was a video series where a Jedi archivist recounts parts of history preceding the events of TOR. This includes events about the Jedi Civil War, Revan, and the Mandalorian Wars. Here is a link to the videos.
What! WHAT! I can't believe you missed it!?
Obsidian Entertainment kickstarted, and funded, an isometric RPG in the BG/ID/PS:T style two years ago. A few weeks ago it finally launched, and to a lot of critical acclaim.
I didn't expect much out of it due to its kickstarter nature, but it was bloody brilliant. What's more, I believe it has been a great commercial success and already an expansion + sequel is in the works.
I think it's the first time Obwidian has made something they REALLY shine at, and with the cash they've got from its sales now, I think PoE 2 will be brilliant. Hopefully, they give themselvesthe means to succeed.
And, like I said... the writing in PoE is good at all times, and sometimes it's just plain fantastic.
One thing you can do is to generate a hash/checksum of the TSLPatcher exe to compare to a known working version to make sure it is ok.
There are a number of ways you generate a hash. One I like is using HashTab, which adds a tab to the Properties window when you right click on a file in Windows Explorer. You can get a free for personal use version here -
The values I get for K1R_1.2_Installer.exe are
CRC32: DAD3F972 MD5: 3542F412F5366C99CF5FB9648155B620 SHA-1: D28A28BC22E942C591D63A1DB585B4B44549D110
Interestingly, even though it is labelled as 1.2.10b1, the hashes differ compared to the ones for the last official version of TSLPatcher. I gather the K1R team did something to the version they distribute. You could try a "vanilla" TSLPatcher.exe from here - Just copy the exe into the same folder as K1R_1.2_Installer.exe and try running it instead.
Have you tried adding DisableVertexBufferObjects=1 to the Game/Graphics Options section in the .ini file?
And how about the Anti-Aliasing/Anisotopic Filtering?
Also, you can use Photoshop or Gimp to save the images as something else, or get Sagethumbs to convert them on your computer.
Also, there's this:
Okay so last night I went to and checked out the KOTOR 2 page, and at the very bottom it says that software updates to Windows 10 may cause compatibility issues. So there's my answer.
If you're playing a version of any game, odds are good it's properly patched to the latest versions (unlike Steam) and absent a strong reason to do so, you should not change the patch version.
Download this file, extract it, then place all the files in the override folder located in Android/data/com.aspyr.swkotor/files. If the override folder doesn't already exist, then create one.
That's it. I don't know why, but the one I was trying to use from NexusMods wouldn't work, but this one does.
You likely don’t have the program 7-Zip installed which is the program required for extracting .7z archives. That program can be found here. Once that is downloaded and installed, right click on the .7z archive and select 7-Zip -> extract to, and then select new folder. I usually extract to the same folder so I can make sure everything is there. Then take THAT folder, and copy/paste/drag it into the proper game folder as defined in the mod’s installation instructions.
Word pad is ipening it because you don’t currently have anything else installed that can handle that file. Once 7Z is installed, it will be fine.
Yeah, I've been messing around in blue stacks, and it works, but doesn't recognize USB controller (xbox 360 controller). Mouse/keyboard seem to be fine though. Weird because on my phone the controller works perfectly fine. I'm gonna try Nox now.
EDIT Wow, Nox is certainly faster. Just wow. Installing KOTOR again, hopefully I'll get controller support this time.
EDIT So I've followed these instructions however I'm unable to get the xbox 360 controller to interact with the android emulation. I've only done this in lollipop on my phone, is this a limitation in 4.4.2? Or am I missing something very obvious?
Glad your interested, I'll do my best to answer your questions and any more you might have.
link to the engine I will be using:
Yes, I will be coding absolutely everything in the project. Well, some friends and colleagues might be helping, but we will not be reusing any direct code from the original. We will be using the concepts, and creating our own version of it. When you are playing the game, elements like the HUD and menus will look very similar (but updated) but we will have made it happen with our own code and not anyone else's.
An Engine basically gives you building blocks that you can use. For example, once I have a level designed, I can place lighting "building blocks" where ever a light source is and the engine will handle all of the shadows and lighting that goes along with that light. The engine also already applies gravity and physics so that I don't need to create my own. It provides an easy way to create menus, characters and weather.
Hope that helps.
There are ways to get Google Services on your Huawei so you could try that.
But other than that, you can also buy Kotor from the Amazon App Store, how does it compare better or worse? Because I have wanted to start playing it again in the small amount of free time i get.
Here is a link. It is pretty expensive, but that's because it collects all 50 issues of the comic, and few extra things as well. If you're not comfortable dropping that much on something you're not sure you'd like, you can always check out the first issue or two on the Marvel Comics app before making a decision.
Yes they are both there. I agree with other people in this thread, if you're not comfortable modding a PC game, I would go either Xbox One or mobile.
As for the novels, I can't speak to them since I have not read them, but honestly I've heard that they aren't great.
There is a comic book series though, which I am currently reading and really enjoying. They just released an omnibus edition (big hardcover book) that contains the whole series. The story is pretty separate from the game (from what I've read so far, 6/9 volumes) but there are some references.
Bottom line, I would play the game at least.
In line with Reddit's user agreement policy on "Copyright, Trademark, the DMCA, and Takedowns," we do not permit the facilitation/support of pirated content on the subreddit, such as raw APKs of the mobile ports of the games.
I highly recommend you buy a legitimate copy of each game. In addition to the game files being less likely to be corrupted, you will be able to get legitimate support from other users online. You might want to look into Google Opinion Rewards to get rewarded with Google Play credit by responding to periodic surveys.