Say whatever you like about the rest of the game but the Zombies mode is hardly generic and lazy. The amount of effort the devs put into what was originally a bonus minigame is insane.
Just look at the timeline, for gods sake. That was not made by lazy people.
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I AM A BOT. Questions? Concerns? Contact /u/greenlittleapple, the creator of this bot!
Here is some proof that it doesn't exist. A complete text dump from the codec data files:
If you search it you will find that the message isn't there.
For those of us who aren't made of money, there's the "Casio Royale"
It's literally missing Chapter 2 and 3 (and maybe others we don't know) Title cards for Chapter 3 do exist in game data.
Also, Konami treated their workers like prisoners and didn't let Kojima talk to the development team. ( )
So, no. I do not think that the game is complete.
> 33 mhz CPU and 2 MB RAM
It has a built in GPU that had double the MIPS. My 133mhz PC with no GPU was about on par with it. The GPU also had additional 1MB VRAM. If you want to read more impressive things, see how Crash Bandicoot was made.
Oky, I am back.
Here, this is what you want:
And here is an amazon link for reference:
It will contain:
Metal Gear (The original 2D MSX game)
Metal Gear 2 : Solid Snake (The original sequel to Metal Gear)
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid 2 : Substance
Metal Gear Solid 3 : Subsistance (NOTE: if I remember correctly, the original Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 : Solid Snake are found in the menus of this game, but I might be misremembering)
Metal Gear Solid 4 : Guns of the Patriots
Metal Gear Solid : Peace Walker
The HD Collection has most of these games as well, but is missing MGS4 and also I think MGS1.
even though it's 99% trolls, the 1% of nice people on the MGS videogame general thread on 4chan maintain an extensive onedrive full of Metal gear stuff, including this for making a very detailed paper model of Metal Gear Rex.
Since 2008. The author took a lot of liberties, though, and anything he added should not be considered canon.
Edit: ACTUALLY, I just remembered, there was a novelization of Metal Gear made way back in 1990. Snake was referred to as "Marine Captain Justin Halley" most of the time for some reason. I own a copy, got it at a book fair in elementary.
Looks like the Senior Producer for MGSV is now a contractor for Konami. LinkedIn
edit: The page doesn't exist anymore... Weird.
I hope you can make it like this:
...but for my Pixel XL :D
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I AM A BOT. Questions? Concerns? Contact /u/greenlittleapple, the creator of this bot!
Check amazon. I got a pretty cool bandana thats very solid snake. Just folded it in half. So its not as big.
CHARM Yoga Ninja Head Band Wrap - Boho Bandana with Tassles for Men and Women
Well looks like I know what I'm doing tonight £6.50 too. Its also on the PlayStore.
SO! A friend and I created a fix for this. It's only a temporary solution until they actually patch the problem. But here you guys go.
(Steam Only Fix)
All you have to do is
Make a backup copy of your "...\Steam\SteamApps\common\MGS_TPP\master\data1.dat file.
Download the FIXData1.dat and unrar the file.
Replace data1.dat with FIXData1.dat (Rename FIXdata1.dat to data1.dat)
Load up your game, get an S Rank on C2W (I find it fastest to just spawn the helicopter there and shoot the satellites)[IMPORTANT] Don't do any other mission.
Once you are done, Double check that you now have an S Rank, then make sure it Autosaves, then exit.
Delete this data1.dat fix and replace it with your backup copy of data1.dat.
All credit for figuring it out goes to /u/ShoutmonXHeart.
Hey, thanks!
Sure! It didn't take too long; I don't know exactly how long, but the longest part is probably laying down the base kinda "level" or what would be the playable space; the bridges etc, figuring out what that should all look like. Because it's based on modular game assets, though, once I figure that out you can do a lot of copypasting or whatever of tiles and rails etc, etc.
With other more intricate animations the animating and the loop takes longer than the art, hands down, but in this one there wasn't really anything that determined how long the loop had to be. As a point of reference, I have another loop of Snake climbing The Ladder in MGS3. That one is 128 frames (this one is only 30) and it had to be that long to sync up both the movement of the background downwards to simulate Snake going up, and the progression of Snake's hands and feet up the ladder based on the pixel increments between rungs. Much small image, resolution wise, much larger, longer file.
I use aseprite! Layer functionality of Photoshop et al but focused on pixel art.
This one if this game is Symbian OS-based, this one if it's J2ME.
I have no idea what actual platform it's for (ie Symbian or J2ME) so I decided to cover both bases.
> the ps2 itself had an emualtor in it.
You are somewhat wrong there. The original PS2 had a PS1 in it. In a pretty genius move, the included PS1 chipset and RAM served as the sound hardware for PS2 games.
Years later, the PS2 Slim was introduced with imperfect PS1 emulation, which was only possible for very specific reasons. More information.
Well I would suggest stalking. I doubt they've let it out of the 3DS version since it's so important.
I've done some super advanced internet hacking to see if, by some unlikely chance, there was some kind of online resource that describes the controls for videogames. I dug up this nifty little site, and performed what they call a "google search".
Now, both my arms are broken, but I was in luck because I didn't even need to scroll down to find what I was looking for - there was a useful-looking result second from the top!
Not only was the controls list for the game right at the top of the document I just linked you, but when I performed a "find" of the document for the text field "stalk", it jumped right to the "Stealth' section of the document, with a paragraph about how stalking can be performed with the DPAD, just like on every version of the game.
I then rapidly tabbed back to this post so I could answer your question for you before you wasted your own time trying to hack the internet in search of answers.
I have questions about this game.
[1. Why are there TPP saves in GZ folder?] (/spoiler)
[You can confirm yourself: SteamFolder\userdata*your id*\311340\remote] (/spoiler)
[2. There are missing achievements in SteamDB for TPP.] (/spoiler) [You can check here:] (/spoiler)
The guide I (loosely) followed stated some times you should aim to beat, so if you're time is lower than these then you're probably okay.
> I would recommend to try to aim to beat the following times.
Total Act Act 1 - 1:00:00 - 1:00:00 Act 2 - 2:00:00 - 1:00:00 Act 3 - 2:45:00 - 0:45:00 Act 4 - 3:30:00 - 0:45:00 Act 5 - 4:10:00 - 0:40:00 End G - 4:30:00 - 0:20:00
>This leaves you with 30 minutes to waste just in case. If you take more time than this then you are in danger of not finishing in time unless you're sure you can complete Acts 3, 4 and 5 quickly.
In honesty though, timing is the last thing you should worry about. Getting that emblem took part of my soul, I swear!
There's now ANOTHER LEAK of a script and yet again I hit ctrl F and searched for "rumor" in
and found this:
Indeed. And there's no end to these rumors
I was searching for the MGSV watch on r/watches and had to make a post!
The Casio ae1200 is $15 on Amazon and will be a great addition for cosplayers or people trying to subtlety pretend they're snake or bond.
Casio Men's AE1200WH-1A World Time Multifunction Watch
It's obviously not exactly the same but gets you a similar look for way cheaper
(Doesn't actually speed up time)
Before anyone goes "David Hayter in MGSV confirmed": This is a promo for the kickstarter project Blackmore. Since it's a kickstarter project, and people have already pledged money to it, I highly doubt it's "just another front for MGSV". I mean, they have to deliver on Blackmore if they reach the pledge goal.
SO! A friend and I created a fix for this. It's only a temporary solution until they actually patch the problem. But here you guys go.
(Steam Only Fix)
All you have to do is
Make a backup copy of your "...\Steam\SteamApps\common\MGS_TPP\master\data1.dat file.
Download the FIXData1.dat and unrar the file.
Replace data1.dat with FIXData1.dat (Rename FIXdata1.dat to data1.dat)
Load up your game, get an S Rank on C2W (I find it fastest to just spawn the helicopter there and shoot the satellites)[IMPORTANT] Don't do any other mission.
Once you are done, Double check that you now have an S Rank, then make sure it Autosaves, then exit.
Delete this data1.dat fix and replace it with your backup copy of data1.dat.
All credit for figuring it out goes to /u/ShoutmonXHeart.
Already discussed. The gas mask also appears in the 2015 E3 trailer:
The mask was revealed even before that; if you take a look at the chicken hat's concept, you'll see that they made it a point to make it compatible with tnv goggles and gas mask:
This implies that the gas mask is equip able in a similar manner to the goggles, regardless of your head customization.
I believe that the prevailing theory is that Mother Base got infected with Skullface's zombie parasite.
To all people who think CoD is a low effort game with no work put into it and hate it, i encourage you to look into the Zombies part of is which this art is for. It has the most insane story to it, with multiverse and more and is highly enjoyable. The picture above is the official timeline and a link to the...multiple page document about the storyline.
Archive link for those who don't want to give Shitaku the click.
This is all just a shitstorm drummed up by retarded fans who needed some shitty conspiracy to endure a 6 month wait.
Hopefully it'll die down soon.
I'M SORRY....I like being a detective nerd!
Look, I downloaded the original leak text found here:
I then opened the notepad document and searched a bunch of words I thought Kojima would use as a way a bunch of words to disprove this leak and I found this by typing in "Rumor"
These are all rumors - the fire, the disease, the autopsies. All right, now go. CP, CP, this is Dmitry 9!!
These rumors are utterly false.
Then a new text file appeared with the script supposedly made easier to read:
I opened that file and hit ctrl f and typed "rumor......................."
Not sure who this may help because people hoping to use their second monitor for the app don't seem able to use the app... BUT, there's a new Android app called Vysor by the Clockwork Mod folks that streams your Android device (Lollipop and up I believe) over USB through a Chrome Web App.
You can resize the window and control the app with the keyboard and mouse. I used it briefly last week with the Ground Zeroes app just to check it out. The picture quality drops sometimes (I think this is using some kind of video streaming) but for the companion app it probably won't be too bad. It IS a beta though and people seem to have wildly different experiences with it.
Just wanted to put that out there though since it came to mind!
There are "hidden" battles throughout the levels that count toward the final ranking at the end of each level. I used this guide when I was getting the platinum.
He expressed an interest in reviving the franchise using the Fox Engine. Akira Yamaoke said he'd return if that was the case and members of Team Silent said the same thing.
I'd love for Silent Hill to return to Japan.
It's called a pocket ashtray. You likely won't find an exact match but a ton of variants exist:
Amazon and eBay also have some.
Here is probably the closet match, shame about the stripes and price though:
New copies are still being sold via Amazon, and for much cheaper no less.
Why run the risk with a private seller?
At those price points, you may actually be better off spending about an extra $40 and getting a PS3 and a copy of the MGS Legacy Collection:
The game:
Used PS3:
Ground Zeroes release date was officially announced 3 months before its release. Given that and the "early 2015" window, we're still within the alotted timeframe for Konami to make a surprise announcement.
Also, it doesn't matter if the VAs for MGSV have to record new lines. It's not extremely difficult to dub or lip-sync the lines as opposed to tweaking the game's world and gameplay.
In other words, the game could very well be done and the VA's are recording the final bit of lines. The motion capturing was all complete by the time GZ came out, so all that is left are the VAs, both Japanese and American, to just dub over the lines.
Also consider that TPP will bring back the cassette tapes, so Atkin Downes could very well be recording for the final tapes, and the voice overs are even easier to implement for cassette tapes.
EDIT: And every post by Konami in social networking sites are them pushing for the audience to begin pre-ordering the game.
Thats incorrect, the game is canon. Its not part of the SOLID series, but it is part of the overall Metal Gear series.
The preview album shows what I think are the best of the shots I took, but there are many others. During my playtime I took a lot of screenshots during cutscenes. I tried to get a varied amount from different characters and tried to get shots that were wallpaper ready. Kojima made it fairly easy, for the most part.
The full download is .rar and the original .png files. You'll find a lot of shots that are similar to others, but might have small differences that change the tone of the shot. Quiet is by far my favourite character so there are more of her than the others, but I did try to get some good shots of everyone.
Sure, It has been pretty easy for the PSP, I used PPSSPP emulator, the link for it is . You just download the one that is free, there is a "gold" version for it but the basic one works great. Then you just install it. this one is very easy to use
Not sure if you're kidding or not but this is a reference to 1984 by George Orwell. Knowing that TPP will be referencing it in same shape I'm going to read it before release :D
looks good! they make sheets of sticky carbon fiber you can cut and stick to the blade
> So you saw a hacker once on some dude's stream, that means nothing to my 400+ hours of hack-free Dark Souls play time.
By that logic, you shouldn't say much about PC either since this is one report out of 400 000+ players on Steam.
well, I think the smartest way to start is to go for 5 Star codenames. It's much easier to make it the first thing you do than the last.
I wasn't able to do any of this until I started the game from scratch a second time. Many of the folks at GameFAQs were very supportive in figuring out the most efficient ways of accomplishing certain tasks. For instance, the "Reset Method" is the most elegant way of keeping track of your stats, even though it's very tedious and still takes a fair amount of guesswork. This technique, as well as many others, is detailed here.
After codenames, you basically have a free pass to do just about anything else, since there's very little you can possibly screw up. However, it's important to note that 5* codenames require more than just a certain weapons usage ratio. It's about Camaraderie/Heroism as well. Well, just a bunch of multi-tasking in general.
That said, it would be in your favor to either have two PSPs or two PS3s with two copies of the game. Of course, this isn't at all necessary, but it sure helps. Other people can be, at times, unreliable. In fact, the only thing about 100%ing PW that REQUIRES other players is leveling up the Human Slingshot.
But these are just the things that come off the top of my head. If you want more specifics, we can either continue the thread or PM.
TL;DR: If you want to start trying to 100% PW, start with codenames. Multi-Task Camaraderie Farming with as much other stuff as possible, specifically Human Slingshot. Visit the link mentioned earlier.
You can download full resolution posters files (3508 x 4961 px, 300 dpi) or support me here.
You can use these files to make posters of it. This saves shipping costs and you can decide how you want to print it.
~~I don't have the PSD anymore, you're gonna have to ask /u/GatorGalore if he still has the higher-res version. His links to it don't seem to work anymore.~~
EDIT: NVM I found it, even resized it to be 27 x 40 (movie poster standard)
White Raiden is 25,000 points in Jamis Vu, which is harder than it sounds.
So is unlocking Pupa, Chrysalis, and Cocoon custom. Luckily, I found this youtuber with guides on how to get lots of points on those missions.
Were those made with the fox engine. No. You seem to be under the impression that there's some program that every single piece of multimedia uses, but there are actually many. For example:
Snake Tales are just extra non-canon fun missions.
Here you go. It has some pretty cool stuff in there. Like I said before, you can use IDA to open it up and take a look. Obviously it's all in assembly but if you don't know anything about it, you can look at the strings. Go to View > Open subviews > Strings or just do Shift + F12. One thing I found at quick glance was some metrics for MGO.
I tried loading the executable but it just shows the generic loading icon at the top right and then sits at a blackscreen. Not sure if it's just not done or maybe they added something to prevent it from loading. I checked using a debugger and it never hits a breakpoint or freezes itself which makes it a lot harder to fix if they're actually preventing it to load. If someone has more PPC assembly knowledge than I do and notices something that might be stopping it, feel free to let me know and I can try it out.
A russian coworker of mine just told me that there is a famous book in Russia called "Father and Sons" where a kid is referred as "the third Child".
I tried to look at the wikipedia page but nothing came out. Might be nothing...
Edit: I find it more interesting that the mecha pilot in Evangelion is called "the third child", and that we just saw in the latest Shinkawa artworks that Psycho Mantis kid floating above Metal Gear's head, like if he was controlling it telekinetically.
It is a big reveal but I would still recommend the game because the gameplay in actually fun and can get very varied (your imagination is your only limit). It will easily take you more than 200h to finish (especially if you are a completionist):
I am around 200h and still at 75%, having finished the main storyline. There's a lot of replayability (replays to S-rank missions, or to complete all objectives). Therefore, it's a value-for-money game.
MGS 3 average speedrun is less than 2 1/2 hours. Meanwhile the cutscenes are just under 5 hours. That leaves a smaller ratio of gameplay to cutscene than MGS 4.
So MGS 3 is hardly a "game" either.
This recap I posted might help you. It is about understanding the main storyline prior TPP, so stop reading once you reach the GZ part:
It is all very summarized, so after reading it you can focus on knowing more details about each character or event in particular using the wiki for example.
So, it may be out of place or something but I really want to tell you people that the companion app is up and running on the Google Play Store
Sadly enough for us PC players, it is only available for consoles (PS4, Xbox One, PS3).
Well, just in case you didn't have this here you go, that'll help a lot. Good luck this was the first MG that I did a BB rank in, and hope you complete it!
Edit: Also you can save an unlimited amount of times, so whenever you you want to save, leave the elevator room then walk back into it then walk back out then save. This will make it so when you reload a save you will spawn on the section/floor of the elevator of where you saved instead of where you last entered the elevator. (In the case of doing what I told you you will respawn where you last walked into the elevator, which should be the floor that you walked in and out of the elevator in.)
There aren't any missable characters that are even a little bit vital to the story or anything - but some of them have missions based around meeting up with them, but they're kind of hard to find without some spoilers. This walkthrough from GameFAQs is an excellent help, but will spoil the characters. Not that it's a huge problem because they're all only really cameos. Hope that helps :)
Uhhh... colours?
You can use a hash (#) to preface a line, which turns it into a header. There are four levels of header supported in reddit - using one hash (#) is header 1, two hashes (##) makes header 2, and so on.
So the following text:
> #Header1
will output in the subreddit as:
Hope that's useful to you! It's best used for making big blocks of text more easy to read and navigate. You can still put links in headers, and there is special formatting to account for that, like so:
What if it means the release date is in 3 months and 7 days (either from now or when it might be announced at TGS)? Metal Gear Solid 4's release date was revealed Feb 26, 2008 and it released on June 12, 2008 which was 3 months and 17 days apart. Going by the Tokyo Game Show Schedule I came to the conclusion that it would/might be announced during the Sony part which is on the 17th and 19th but may be on the 19th instead because the 17th is a pre-TGS show. Actually it would most likely be during the presentation known as "Virtue" which is the last presentation for TPP. 3 months and 7 days after the 19th/20th will be December 26th/27th, the Friday/Saturday after Christmas. If you look up previous titles, most if not all the games don't come out on Tuesdays but instead Wed - Fri so having a Friday or Saturday release date is not out of the usual for MGS games. This is my theory and I'm sticking to it.
tl;dr Release date December 26th or the 27th because theory.
Mr. Kojima, you so mysterious.
Well, the Fox Islands are real, and Shadow Moses is supposedly part of the Fox Island chain. Someone on The Metal Gear Wiki apparently determined that these are the approximate real-world coordinates for Shadow Moses, but there's nothing actually there...UNLESS THE PATRIOTS ARE ALTERING THE SATELLITE IMAGE.
I'm creating a playlist with 58 songs. They are from the years 1984 and older, but some of them are after 1984. Check back soon.
EDIT: Finished it.
Hey! I just tried uploading it right now, but minus restricts the upload size to 15 MB. Mine was at 19 MB, which was just shy of Imgur's 20.
I did put it up on my Google Drive, though, if you want to download the original!
Yup. There was an official price drop. Also, I'm not certain of this since my PS3 is broken, but I believe that the digital download price for the ps3 version is even lower. Don't quote me on that though..
MGR is canon. Its not part of the SOLID series, but it is part of the overall Metal Gear series.
Hey Try and recently I've been ordering from those sites Edit: this figure got a price drop recently you might want to get it. - Square Enix "Metal Gear Solid V" Play Arts Kai Solid Snake Action Figure
I added music and did some editing to the audio to make it sound like the mic or whatever in his gas mask.
Thank you!
And I want to hear them while I'm on vocation, so I downloaded your playlist and have them converted to mp3:!bY00xY7B!7x4o48gaGONFky-jbK1urxbh-QS7qBA23BHOURRzId4
Hope it could be useful for somebody likes me in here.
Yes the second Quiet Tape is unfinished too... Maybe some update later on. Kojima's name in the source code for the data of the recruitment website page Konami did for MG: SurviVe? Things like that are a smoking gun that something very strange is indeed going on.
The leaked script has now been processed into an easily digested format, including names and the corresponding codes to the original leak
Yeah. It doesn't show up on their compatibility list here and on their wiki it says there are constant crashes and freezes with the game. I get that RPCS3 has made great progress (before I wasn't able to play Skate 3 with a 3700x and a 2080ti comfortably and now it runs like a dream) but MGS4 is still a work in progress as far as I recall. They only got God of War 3 running decently recently and I was under the impression MGS4 is gonna take some time since that game was built from the ground up to take full advantage of the Cell processor. Sure you can get in game and take screenshots and play a few sections but its far from decent. 10fps and crashing isn't fully playable.
I'm using Unity, have been for the past 5+ish years. I had previous experience with coding in Visual Basic, so I wasn't too overwhelmed with the coding as I would have been otherwise.
Unity has blown up lately so there is an insane amount of resources out there to get you started, but it's a lot different than those things you mentioned. You'll have to learn C# and modeling, as it doesn't have a 'level creator' or anything like that and it doesn't have any kind of visual programming like RPG Maker or Game Maker does.
Luckily C# is not too difficult and tools like Sketch-Up make building levels easy as well. For coding, Unity's own tutorials cover a variety of topics and skill levels:
If you have an Nvidia card, try disabling Shader Cache in your Nvidia Control Panel.
edit- Also try lowering the Effects graphical setting. My performance would dive during one custcene, the one where save Code Talker from the parasite unit.
Hi! Spanish is my first language too! I'm also reading Moby Dick and it's a pretty difficult reading, not only in English -I believe it is also difficult in Spanish. Good thing is that most of the complicated words come from latin and thus are almost the same in Spanish.
I highly recommend this version . It comes with a lot explanatory drawings of whaling ships, spears and even a world map (that is also quite spoiler-y). It also has an interesting introduction and some notes here and there. The only thing is that it's not hardcover and it doesn't have the classic illustrations by Rockwell Kent (only in the cover).
Anyway, hope you enjoy the book!
Kojima also sort of talked the decision down.
I don't think Kojima would have said something like that if it was his sole decision. Saying that another way would have been ideal unless it was linked to technical problems. But this was a business decision. That they tried to spin as being "for the fans" even though at the time everyone was just confused and hesitant on the prospect of buying a game that may only be as significant as a demo. Not just SO HYPE that they have to play it even just a small chunk of it RIGHT NOW!
optimized gfy(html5 video) version of the gif
after some googling, yes it's indeed an edit of another piece of art
it's probably done by the OP of
the very original piece is apparently here:
It might have helped him get the job, according to his linkedin he didn't work for Konami until Sept 2013. Either worked at Gameloft or Eurocom when the art was made.
You can pretty much get the most set from this amazon link hope this helps! Metal Gear Solid Iron on Patch COSPLAY Set Foxhound, FOX, XOF, Diamond Dogs, Outer Heaven, MSF
I made a shitty mobile game a while back and although it wasn’t complex enough to add cheats, everyone was pressuring me to put ads in it at the time but I just felt dirty doing that so in the end I made it completely free with no ads (there is 2 skins that you can buy for $.99 but they do absolutely nothing)
Nobody ever bought those skins so the game costed me about $75 to make over the course of 2 months and I didn’t make a penny off it.
I don’t really care though because it’s something I created and I can say that. Which is good enough for me.
If you’d like to check it out just to see what I’m talking about here is the link. It’s only on Google Play and isn’t on iPhone App Store:
I currently work at a newspaper, have exposed myself to as many classic novels as I can, took some intense writing classes, took a seminar about detecting deceptive and misleading writing, and worked editing papers in college. Having a clear vocabulary and methodical approach to your speech will guide every aspect of your mind and allow your thoughts and feelings to flow robustly.
I am giddy to see where Kojima takes the "words can kill" theme. Research by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky (Elaborated on in Thinking, Fast and Slow) prove humans respond more intensely psychologically and behaviorally to narratives and stories. I know I have an internal narrative, like this old man told you, and I cannot wait for this game to hold my hand and lead me down some spiral.
I'm sure there are! There's one app I used to use called Llama that provided a lot of automation.
It's a little simpler to use than Tasker. You have an Events tab and you create a new event, set a Condition that will trigger the Event and set an Action that will be performed.
You would have to use this in conjunction with something like Rings Extended in order to pick the sound you want to play because it doesn't let you browse for files.
I tried this for 5 minutes with the Screen On action. It was triggering but I couldn't hear anything. It may work though if I had more time to look at it. I don't think these apps have been updated in a while so that could also be a factor.
Seems like the files were added as dlc in steam, but not unlockable,we're prolly going to get them at 6th,going to find source in a bit
Edit here's the source
with english as my third language I have an excuse to brainfart-spell some words.
and now from
>Although it is often supposed that octopi is the ‘correct’ plural of octopus, and it has been in use for longer than the usual Anglicized plural octopuses, it in fact originates as an error. Octopus is not a simple Latin word of the second declension, but a Latinized form of the Greek word oktopous, and its ‘correct’ plural would logically be octopodes.
so we are both wrong
Just played through MGS2 yesterday, so it's fresh in my mind. Check directly behind you above the door on strut D, beside you on strut D kind of beneath and to the right of the bridge, the cipher hovering above the bridge, behind the Sons of Liberty flag, to the right of the bridge on Strut G hiding behind some birds, plus the obvious ones in front of you on the bridge itself. If you're not seeing terminals that are in the video that you watched, then you are playing on a different difficulty (most likely a lower one). Try looking in the spots I mentioned if you can't trigger the cutscene. EDIT I just found a map of the bridge showing terminal locations based on difficulty level
About the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo thing:
(I just chose the first chart that showed up; I don't know the language)
La, li, lu, le, lo is a group of syllables that basically don't exist in the language. The idea is that the group is so clandestine that even their name kinda doesn't exist -- it "can't" be spoken... or at least most likely wouldn't.
This GameFAQs thread is kind of funny, though... I guess it sounds goofy no matter what. America should have had a few intelligence agents in Japanese elementary classrooms.
From start of preorder to right now, GZ owner only increase from 400k to 468k.
So the GZ owner from TPP preorder would not take 20%. BTW in contrast, the player increased during this week.
Whoa I'm at 50%.
Expected much less. Calculator here for anyone who wants to use:
edit: 35% have been played for more than an hour, so I guess thats a bit more accurate.
While most people are saying very few are getting PC copies (which seems most likely), SteamDB shows that some people have been playing the game on and off for the last few days. Now obviously, it doesn't mean anything too legitamate concerning if people got PC review copies or not, but food for thought.
Yeah if you have that many games that you've had to mess with on PC to get them to work right, something is wrong. I've had my PC for two years, had an underpowered laptop before then, and over the last 7 or 8 years of using Steam, I have had maybe 10-15 games give me issues that weren't the cause of hardware (in my laptop's case) or software (Punkbuster not liking overlays, mainly). I own like 590 games on Steam (Steam Calculator here, so you can get a rough idea - granted some I haven't actually played much of because they were in bundles or whatever - also got all of Valve's games for free from the Portal 2 ARG, so that's a good chunk too. Also games I got on sale and haven't gotten around to, or played before Steam implemented their hour counting)
> "One of my ideas [for MGS4's ending] was that, since Snake and Otacon are breaking the law in order to fulfill their justice, I was thinking of having them turn themselves in, and for the sake of justice, they'd get convicted and executed by the law," he explained. "But all of my staff went against the idea, so I decided not to go with that."
That's what Kojima said, you can it read here. It has to be somewhere at the end of the article.
Kojima has shown interest in porting TPP to PC, which is, by no means, guarantee that it'll happen, but there's a possibility.
You can kind of see him in this potato image and then I found this which I think must have been a mod or some shit cuz only one of them was in boxers.
Actually, Kojima himself once referred to Skullface as being a bit like Clayface from the Batman series. A damn shame that I fail to remember which interview that was. It might be worth to point out that Clayface was an actor before he became the villain, he has the ability to shapeshift and change his voice... hmmm... edit: found it link
I'm fairly certain Portable Ops was always intended to be released first. >Until Ops is finished, 4's story can't be finalized.
Though I will admit, the article's wording is ambiguous.
Here is a direct link to the thread.
maybe one day we'll see a "grand-plan" document like the MGS2 that actually explains some of the obscure and confusing segments of the game. Reading the MGS2 document gave me amazing insight on a game I;ve been thinking about and analyzing for years before. After reading this document a few months ago, I replayed MGS2 and a lot of subtleties that went unnoticed before became so obvious I was dumbfounded. There is hope we'll get to see his original vision on MGSV
-Download the MGSV QAR Tool
-Place the tool into the same folder as the game .exe
-Download the MGSV GZ EZ Tools
-Open the folder 'Do this first' and copy the two .bat files and place them with the QAR Tool
-Run unpack.bat
-Go back to the EZ Tools folder and go to 'Model swaps' (where you'll find a bunch of character folders)
-Follow the instructions in there with whatever character you want
-When done, run repack.bat
-Run game