Someone recently asked Justin Uberti ( former lead for Duo, created webRTC ) about the lack of group chats on the web and he said "It’s more complicated on the web - all Duo calls (including group calls) are end-to-end encrypted (unlike Zoom), but this requires technology that isn’t in the open web platform yet. We have many ideas on how to solve this, but that’s all I can say right now."
Chrome just added insertable streams API in to Chrome 83 ( currently in beta ) that can help address the issue on the web browser side
Jisti just demoed a working PoC where the group call was e2e
I'm gonna vouch for Jitsi, a client that allows you to connect to multiple accounts on a single client. Works a lot like Adium on Mac.
Right now I'm using hangouts, but I'm going to uninstall the extension on my desktop and use Jitsi since Jitsi is a dedicated client, and keeps your history for viewing later. I think it lets you connect with google accounts, AOL, FB (why), and a few others. It could use a reskin but I like it either way.
Unfortunately not just that problem but also a “man in the middle” (Zoom themselves) listening in and performing AI on speech and faces. See the title, your discussions and your identities aren’t safe either.
Use - free and open software that runs in the browser
This is misleading and e2ee video calls are far from a solved problem. WebRTC does not require e2ee by design at all. Data is only encrypted in transit. This works fine e2ee-wise when you are directly communicating with a single other party. However, for group video calls it becomes necessary to have a SFU or MCU server that can ingest all video streams and forward them back to the clients. In these cases you don't have e2ee by default. Jitsi has been working on a protocol to enable e2ee with their SFU bridge which is a work in progress:
Yes, that's what the article says. But I wouldn't assume the UK Government can't already do that themselves, too, though, especially with their latest snooping bills attempts.
Jitsi is the best alternative to Skype, cross-platform:
Jitsi is an opern source alternative to google hangouts & since it uses WebRTC most browsers (FireFox, Chrome, Chromium & Safari) support it out of the box (you have to use FireFox Nightly over FireFox).
Some of the features are: ✔ 100% open source ✔ Encrypted by default ✔ HD audio with Opus ✔ No account needed ✔ Presentations and desktop sharing ✔ Integrated chat ✔ Invite by pretty URLs
Might be a fun project for you and you can show off to your friends you 1337 server skills :p Only concern would be going over bandwidth on Digital Ocean (or another VPS) but if you can go over 1TB of bandwidth I'll be impressed.
If you do it post your results :)
Because they trade privacy for convenience and Skype is easier to setup than let's say, SIP or encrypted VOIP. Most people don't go through the trouble of downloading Jitsi, which supports many different protocols.
I'm not against channels but want to point out that video chat apps typically do more than connect two clients, they can also buffer and transcode so more devices can work with each other. I would opt for a microservice approach and have something like jitsu do the heavy lifting. Let Django do what it's good at: accounts and business rules.
I think you're probably underestimating the complexity of building such a tool. There are several very big fish in this pond that dominate the marketplace because they can afford the resources required to succeed in building and maintaining their product.
The current professional marketplace leader is probably; was big news last decade but Cisco's management is killing it. If you want a free and open source tool, I'd strongly recommend looking at
So are subways 10% faster than cars for travel in cities?
Fundamentally, you can use UDP to simulate all the features of TCP if you want (e.g., see PseudoTCP) and if you used UDP like this, you won't see any sort of difference between UDP and TCP.
The difference is does your application care want reliable transport? Or is it more important for real-time feedback? The typical example being real time video chat (UDP) vs a large file download (TCP). With video chat if some packet gets lost, you'd rather have the application drop the lost packet, and give the application the next packets received to prevent a lengthy pause in the video stream. With TCP you'd have to wait for the missing ACK to timeout then the sender resends the missing packet, and it would eventually arrived quite late. If this happens a lot then the video chat will have an unwieldy delay that messes up the conversation (things you say now get heard a several seconds later and there's a pause between any interactivity). With a large file download, if the file being sent is broken over 1000 packets, you want to make sure all 1000 packets eventually make it to the other side and get passed to the application in order -- TCP shines at that. (Though again, you could program that reliability out of UDP if you wanted, though it would be much easier to just use TCP).
It all depends on the compromises you want your application to make when packets go missing. If you need fine grain control that differs from TCP's defaults (that will keep resending packets over and over again if they are lost), then go with UDP and program in the logic you need.
It doesn't make sense to trust any communication apps that are not open source anymore. Why would you trust something that cryptographers can't verify has no backdoors, intentional or not? If you want something that is open source, does end-to-end crypto, and does voice/video, check out Jitsi.
You're wasting your time with Skype on GNU/Linux. Not only is it proprietary spyware, but Microsoft hasn't updated the GNU/Linux version in awhile.
Seek a replacement video chat program like Jitsi.
also, Jitsi > Jitsi is a set of open-source projects that allows you to easily build and deploy secure videoconferencing solutions. At the heart of Jitsi are Jitsi Videobridge and Jitsi Meet, which let you have conferences on the internet, while other projects in the community enable other features such as audio, dial-in, recording, and simulcasting. > Jitsi started life as a way to talk to people over the internet using audio and video. Over the course of a decade, though, it’s become so much more.
Jitsi is secure and cross platform and if you are the paranoid kind you can even set up your own Jitmeet server and lock it down so only people you know can use it. Jitmeet also does not require any client software and can be used by any modern browser with WebRTC multiplexing enabled.
Want to do something about this? Simple. Do not use non end to end encrypted services.
Replace email with email using GPG.
Replace IMs with Jabber OTR and
Replace dropbox with spider oak
Right now, I'm pretty hyped for Jitsi. It's just a messenger but with solid protocol support. It can without any problems replace Skype by use of XMPP/Jingle, and also provides a Softphone. In addition, pretty much everything can be encrypted.
I found it just a while back, and it meets all my communication needs right now, I don't even open Facebook for the chat anymore.
Also it appears quite stable so far and is under LGPL, so I wonder why it isn't in community yet...
I recommend staying home. If you want them to know they're in your thoughts perhaps providing a pre-cooked dinner would help. Here's some suggestions (Caveat, not all are applicable to ABQ)
Phone's still work just like in days of old, and if your parents are internet knowledgeable Zoom or work great for visits and are fairly easy to use.
Please stay home and stay safe. I know it's a challenge during the holidays but this year's an exception. This won't last forever.
I just finished installing the Zoom client on my System76 laptop to help my mom learn how to use it. Got it from the zoom webzone.
Also, check out and for freedom respecting video meeting software.
You could try Jitsi, it has support for XMPP and SIP. Encryption is a strong feature but it can be turned off (looking at the options: you can disable call encryption on per-account basis from Options -> Accounts -> Security, secure messaging from Options -> Security -> Chat, and SSL&TLS from Options -> Advanced -> SIP).
> Skype encrypted.
With keys that could well have been part of the sale. Not to mention any NSL could have been sent against a Skype user and they would then have to release the keys anyway.
Skype is pointless when it comes to security or privacy. Everyone who is not a clueless muppet sheep should be using Jitsi by now. Open source end to end encryption on txt, voice and video.
That does sound fishy, but then again, not everyone has an online presence.
If for some reason you want to try video chatting with someone in the future. I'd suggest you use the free and open source jitsi program that is end to end encrypted, unlike zoom. And there is no credentials or account information other than what you give it in the chat session for your name. You don't need to download and install a program, it works from within your internet browser whether, desktop, laptop, or smart phone.
There is that doesn't require any registration whatsoever, you just create an instance of a meeting and share its link with other people. If you use the desktop app or a chromium browser you have end to end encryption. I don't think it's peer to peer but if you are into self hosting you have that option as well the free (as in cost, no server set up) version of Jitsi.
Just put URL in a browser and it works.
Like Zoom but with no break out rooms.
> Apparently, there is no market for open source software for online presentations
There is a market, it's just getting management to sign off on it (or administration if you are in academia.)
Yeah. Sometimes it's the tool you have to use though. I need it for work and for AA meetings. I don't get much choice there.
I just looked up some open source conferencing software. Have you had experience with jitsi?
Seems like it might be a good alternative.
Thanks for posting, this is very interesting. Could anyone from the Brave team elaborate a bit on this feature? It seems to be based on/copied from Jitsi. Is there a partnership between Brave and Jitsi? Or is any browser free to incorporate Jits in this way? Are calls end-to-end encrypted? I thought Jitsi was still working on that.
Duo is end to end encrypted, so it needs a new API in WebRTC called Insertable Streams for E2EE group calls, due in Chrome 83. Here's a Jitsi Meet developer talking about it:
Hello hobonichi fanatics! With the recent circumstance of Covid-19, we are all on a #StayatHome order and thus, large gatherings are no longer taking place.
The good news is what with modern technology, people can still have virtual gatherings via the internet! We, the admins and mod, of this group invite you to join us in our very first Hobonichi LA Online meetup! We will be hosting this meetup on , which is a website that doesn't require any registration to use the video/audio chatroom. There is audio and type-only chat options for those too shy to do the video chat.
If anyone is interested, let me know! I'll send you an invite link the day of. :)
Jitsi is open source and the body trustworthy, but I believe calls with more than two people are not end to end encrypted
HOWEVER, due to new insert able streams on webrtc, this literally just got affected by a Game changer yesterday
So now they are getting very close- though they're already the most trustworthy right now.
Signal is working on client side E2E group chats and group video as well as we speak,- and this is going to be it as they are already the most secure as is- once they get multiple people for their videocalls, ..everyone's going to be drooling
Aside from that, yeah right now it's just Google Duo(NOT Hangouts), FaceTime, Jami, wire... For client side end to end encrypted videoconferencing
-but I think all eyes are going to be on jitsi and signal as they figure it out....
/u/theshank23 /u/TheOnionGirl - If you haven't already looked at the list of secure alternatives, look at the group of trustworthy/secure options out there, and keep an eye on the ones that are suddenly about to figure it out (Jitsi and Signal)
Duo(Not Hangouts, which is what most people know of - few seem to know about Duo)
Personal observation the op said about a self hosted replacement and isn't itself self hosted (sorry pedant moment over) if you want to self host you need to look at
Personally I found the whole setup a bit hit and miss and only really got this working using the docker-compose.
If it's for internal use, ootb when I last installed it there was want and login/rbac by default (may have changed) so it becomes potentially an open server on the internet unless locked down..
My personal preference ended up being nextcloud talk, for our setup nextcloud itself worked well and the talk part behind an RBAC login was much better implemented.
First of all, speak to your ISP and request a IP change if possible (or if you have a dynamic one, reset your modem/router).
Then, uninstall Skype and forget about it. Use other voice services, such as (OSS), or rent a VPS and set up a mumble server, so it doesn't point to you.
Hmm, looks like it isn't.
Bummer. Jitsi Meet is open source though, and also looks super slick.
How about JitsiMeet?
No software to download and install, you can have a video chat at
Works with the Chrome browser and hopefully more browsers soon.
Maybe something like this?
If you really want to be secure, you can set up your own sip/xmpp server and use a VPN.
Personally I've just accepted the fact that true privacy is dead.
> It struck me that the project could be steered towards a browser based replacement of Skype, or an open source alternative to Google Hangouts.
Something like JitMeet?
I think the biggest challenge is choosing algorithms that are well-adapted for the environment: real-time, inconsistent data. VOIP traffic generally uses/supports UDP or UDP-like transports that do not guarantee consistent delivery or ordering, so your encryption must be tolerant of both. If RedPhone can get voice encryption on Android working - over the standard phone call audio, no less - then I wouldn't be too worried about performance.
As a random example, perhaps the CTR block cipher would continue to work well in the face of dropped packets, since each block is independent and can be decrypted separately. I haven't read about ZRTP enough, but as a "specification how to protect and encrypt a RTP packet", I assume their spec is designed with similar desires.
Disclaimer: do not take implementation advice from this post!
Jitsi is fully open source and works really well.
They've got a section on zrtp and srtp and support secure SIP (if your provider does) if that's a motivator.
Pidgin or jitsi with off the record encryption: Note: for OTR to work both clients must have that addin or the builtin support. I think jitsi has this from the start but pidgin hasn't.
Interesting. I saw there are some plugins that do a similar job for Firefox, too (not for Chrome, though) for web e-mail services, but you should keep in mind that they still have all your meta-data from the e-mail. That's how they got Petraeus. So you won't be very anonymous with any e-mail, but at least your conversations will be encrypted and secret.
Also, I suggest Jitsi for chatting (OTR) and video-calls (ZRTP). Skype is compromised, and so are other IM services, but at least with Jitsi you can have encrypted chats by using your Google Talk or Facebook Chat accounts. The person on the other end will also need Jitsi, or other IM with OTR (or ZRTP for video-calls).
Use Jitsi with an XMPP server called prosody.
Jitsi supports both ZRTP and OTR for securing your voice/video and text sessions respectively.
To avoid MITM attacks, make sure you establish a voice chat with ZRTP and then use that to verify the key fingerprints with OTR.
Also make sure you disable any variable bit rate (VBR) codecs in Jitsi, otherwise the encryption is basically useless.
Jitsi: Prosody:
edit: msg me privately if you want help.
Great story! It's nice to see educators using Linux and getting some good use out of it. All of those packages you mentioned are awesome with the exception of Zoom. Zoom still has some wrinkles to iron out but hopefully they will get better.
There is a Linux alternative (Jitsy) but their security is even worse than Zoom at this point but it's getting better. The last time I saw someone use it on YouTube, someone logged in and kicked everyone out. Even the administrator. I don't know if that was fixed or not. That was about 3 months ago.
Element itself doesn't handle video calls. They're handled by an application called Jitsi. Jitsi can indeed handle calls with that many participants, but I haven't tried it inside of Element, so I don't know if/that it works as advertised.
There is a Java app call Jitsi that provides a lot of multimedia functionality. I have used it before as a SIP phone.
They spun off libjitsi into its own project so other people can use it:
From the libjitsi description:
"libjitsi is an advanced Java media library for secure real-time audio/video communication. It allows applications to capture, playback, stream, encode/decode and encrypt audio and video flows. It also allows for advanced features such as audio mixing, handling multiple streams, participation in audio and video conferences. Originally libjitsi was part of the Jitsi client source code but we decided to spin it off so that other projects can also use it. libjitsi is distributed under the terms of the Apache license."
we will have to use something with a strong encryption that is self hosted so the government does not find out, jitsi is a good option for this if you don't want to teach many at a time
webRTC works well in peer to peer, but only up to a point.
Several providers (and I believe Jitsi is no exception here) automatically switch from a P2P mode to a server-based mode once the number of peers gets to a certain size (or by using some other related metric).
There's 2 points to this:
- p2p can only scale so much. If you need to broadcast your feed yourself to 20 individual other peers, your own connection will suffer
- the network ends up choosing video parameters (resolution, etc) depending on the slowest peer. Everyone else needs to suffer with a low quality feed just because of the one guy using a 2G network
With a server (e.g.: these problems can be tackled
Now, webRTC as a whole is not a library, it's a standard that has many implementations. Most existing services just provide you a custom UI on top of it, or in some cases, a public API of their own, which ends up mimicking the open source implementations in many ways
As for your concrete question. I'm not fully understanding what you're trying to do. Are you trying to do a webrtc infrastructure service, or a user/business-facing service using an existing infrastructure such as Jitsi?
It sounds like you don't really have a lot of experience in the field, so I'd suggest you just start by using something like Jitsi (it's open source, you can run your own copy), maybe build something custom around it. If nothing else, you'll at least get a sense of how the tech works. Moving then from Jitsi to anything else is straighforward (again, the underlying tech is the same all around, once you grasp the concepts)
> Yes. Jitsi is 100% open source and freely available to use and develop with. We also host and run as a free service.
It's also entirely possible they're giving back in some way.
how many people on average will be in the video call? if its a small number (like less than 10) then you can do it all through the web using webRTC. its peer to peer so everyone connects to each other and theres no server in the middle, but you will just need some small server code to set up the video call (e.g. create a "room" and let people with the link join that "room"). if its more or you want more control you would need to have dedicated servers for hosting the video conferences like and in that case you might have to have dedicated software which brings up the complexity a lot. a single developer could set up the web app very quickly, i have never used webRTC before but looks like you could have a useable demo/prototype up very quickly, in a week or less and the infrastructure cost will be a few $/month to start
In general,
The person (Scott) hosting the conference verbally gave details to us at the end. He mentioned something (I think!) about a high end 4-core processor running hard (load level 7, but he may have qualified that lower) on his DSL line with 200 mbps uplink. I emailed him last night to ask if he'd post he details to the Linux-Ottawa list, as I was curious myself. I'll post when they become available.
I decided to connect on the ios app on my iphone, as I don't have a camera or mic on my Linux systems right now. It worked well.
Focusing only on the technical aspect of the question: Yes, for example Jitsi Meet. Set up your own instance and you're reasonably secure (your own server or any of the participant's connected devices need to be compromised). Soonish it's also supposed to get E2E encryption, which is even better in that the server becomes a blind data router without access to the actual video streams.
Free and open source alternative to zoom -
Currently using it with one of our online games. Last weekend we had someone in the Ukraine, someone in New Zealand, someone in the UK and someone in Australia all using it together without issue
In short zoom provides a backdoored software with lack of security.
What it however do provide which signal currently doesnt is multipart videoconferencing. That is a videoconference (with or without video) with 3 or more participants in the same meeting.
Rumours has it that Signal have this in progress but lets see how and when this will submerge into the public.
But if you need a multipart videoconferencing solution today which isnt Zoom then take a look at jitsi:
Here is a great video on how to setup your own jitsi server by crosstalk solutions (the jitsi specific stuff begins at around 23:15):
Note however that jitsi just like Zoom doesnt provide end-to-end encryption - only whats onto the wire is being encrypted, whatever happens on the videobridgeserver itself can be dumped by an evil admin (or evil user hacked into the system). The main difference is that jitsi is open source, no cost if you want to run it on your own and mainly dont phone home to china (or usa) with encryption keys.
I went the free open source route after management was in panic mode the other day.
I just sinned up a few VMs for failover and was up running in an hour.
Ad-hoc VC doesn't exist, at least not in a convenient state. WebRTC is the protocol that is introducing this, there's not really a stable platform that implements this though.
You can try setting up jitsi. When I set it up though I found the automatic throttling way too draconic. It ruined the experience because it didn't feel like our 500mbps link was good enough and kept trying to set bandwidth to adsl1 style speeds.
If you are looking for something that's business grade, set up two links using Newtek Connect and appropriate HDMI input/output cards. That'll be reliable, the software is free, and it sets up a static communication link. It also does require around 150 mbps to be reliable though.
Or I could sell you something. I represent a lot streaming products in Australia, the cheers kinds of gives it away. You can get something cheap, or you can get something reliable. The two are (generally) mutually exclusive.
In which case you do not really need a SIP trunk. Your just complicating things for yourself and wasting money. A SIP trunk is only useful for connecting to the PSTN so you can call other people via telephone numbers. If all your friends are going to be connected via the same medium, you may as well do one of these...
What desktop client did you end up using?
Our VoIP provider didn't have any good recommendations for us. I've tried a few of the free ones...couldn't find one that was really suitable for enterprise use though, aside from maybe Jitsi (
Is Jitsi Meet a viable choice? Though, it's about instant video conferencing. It's also available for both iOS and Android.
>* Encrypted by default. >* No account needed.
Another solution can be Ring but it's not available in iOS. Or maybe Riot? Though noted concerning Riot: "End-to-end encryption is in beta on Web as of Nov 5th 2016, with other platforms following week of Nov 14th."
Actually, OpenFire (or specifially, XMPP) allows transport of video or something: How it works... I dont know. But it's a centralized solution, depending on the xmpp-server. Not p2p.
This is more about your endpoint than it is about VOIP. Here's some recommendations for clients....
I have heard good things about Zoom which basically does everything you need it to but it's a commercial service.
Jitsi is another one. Free and open source. It would have been my first recommendation but it requires quite a lot more setup to get it to work as smooth, particularly server side.
Encrypted Skype alternative I've used and like: . There's a version of Jitsi you can use in your browser, namely , as well as one you can download. Hope that helps!
Il est conseillé de ne pas utiliser Skype si tu connait des dissidents/militants dans un pays totalitaire, ou même en France, au risque d'être mis sous surveillance.
Préfère utiliser des outils chiffrés :
Linux/Mac/Windows : Android/iOS : Signal Private Messenger
Not many Linux distro has Skype perinstall. My did which is Netrunner 16 – Ozymandias
To install jitsi. Just use the Package Manager of your Linux distro or use their site.
For a USB Linux Live with persistence. I just treat my USB flash stick as a hard drive. And just install Linux on it.
Meaning you have a USB Live Linux version. Use that to install Linux onto another USB stick instead of a hard drive. See where I'm getting at. When you do this. The install Linux on the other USB stick will have a regular Linux installment. Where you'll have reading, writing and execution permission.
Jitsi is an open-source, end-to-end encrypted, ~~audited,~~ complete replacement for skype (except perhaps for obtaining reachable phone numbers). Tox is an up-and-coming, similar tool that is still in active development and has not been audited, but may be a great asset in a year or two.
> La minorité de technophile et de gens qui ont une conscience politique plus profonde que les gros titres de TVA nouvelle vont-ils suffirent à renverser la tendance? Il faudrait des Tom Wheeler à tout les niveaux du gouvernement pour que ça marche
En effet, c'est pourquoi les solutions doivent venir non seulement du législatif, mais aussi de la technologie. "Build it and they will come". Un des problèmes c'est que la monétisation de la technologie, en ce moment, passe par la collection de données et donc il y a peu de motivation économique pour réglé le problème.
Évidemment il y a une prise de conscience collective à faire aussi. On a déjà démontré que l'adaptation technologique peut se faire asser rapidement (MySpace > Facebook par exemple). Il existe déjà plusieurs pistes de solution, mais il faut les utilisées. Par example en remplacement à Skype, il existe déjà Tox et Jitsi; ou utiliser GNU/Linux quand c'est possible (parce que en effet, la sécurité ça passe aussi par la transparence technologique).
Just a quick query. How come no-one @ JB Towers knew about Gnome Shell Magnifier. It's been an integral part of Gnome for last 2 years.
Great show btw and now I understand why you were using Jitsi-Jitisi client connections. All that codec stuff can be set up on the Jitmeet server too but it is beyond my paygrade to know exactly how to do it. Ask the maillists.
Since you apparently cant read.... And NO not everything on the internet is logged if you take the proper precautions. Quit being a lazy complacent fuck and take your privacy back.
Oh, probably you never heard about jitsi?
Also check this extremely powerful web base jitsi:
works only in chrome/chromium but is really really nice for one time meetings where you don't want to expose your nick name etc
Great question. We felt the same way as you are about companies like Facebook running a metaverse.
For our communications system we are installing a Jitsi, open source communication server ( more details can be found at allowing encrypted peer to peer communications.
We are also working on integrating encrypted NFTs to store user data. Keep all sensitive user data off our servers and protected in your wallet.
> Jami, Jitsii removed ?
Jami doesn't have an audit, neither did linphone.
As for Jitsi, we do still mention it in the Element card, and are keeping a keen eye on
We're waiting for that to be audited though. Insertable Streams support is not quite yet ready.
Awesome, hit me up in DM and we’ll figure out a good time for a quick Zoom or Teams call, or I think Jitsi is a privacy based telemeeting site but I haven’t been able to talk anybody else into trying it because of course Zoom is so easy and nobody around me seems to care about privacy.
You can still do it if you're stealthy enough.
Make e2e-encrypted calls via something like Jitsi or Jitsi Meet and maybe over a VPN as a precaution.
This way there's going to be more potential for the other side to claim pleasurable deniability.
I’ll note that Jitsi‘s security isn’t terrible even when end to end encryption isn’t enabled.
I guess I’d assume AWS has access to anything that isn’t encrypted with user‘s key. So in other words anything that isn’t end to end encrypted. No matter what policy Element/AWS have, AWS does have physical access to machines with that data in them. Any private keys that are stored on the server they would also have.
It would be good for Element to be clearer about how this works, but ultimately whatever’s not end to end encrypted AWS could access if they wanted to. Whether Element or users could/should take legal action is a much more complex question.
I guess it becomes a question of how much is actually end to end encrypted in Matrix, and how much you trust the server admins (i.e. AWS and Element).
In addition to the other good answers like youtube/jitsi, teams live events is made to broadcast to large audiences and has a Q&A feature, and doesn't require a client. It does need some licensing and an O365 account setup.
You might gear your search more towards broadcast or event platforms rather than conference platforms, which should be cheaper per user if you don't require full interaction.
You can also do a hybryd style and use a meeting software to gather your participants, then use OBS or similar broadcast that as a screen to youtube, while using youtube's built in chat, or an external one embedded next to a youtube livestream in a web page. Some have built in event stream integration.
Jitsi’s WebRTC calls are tricky. If you’re doing strict P2P on a 1 to 1 meeting , it’s fine, it’s already E2EE with DTLS-SRTP. If you’re using the Jitsi VideoBridge (mostly for groups calls), it’s currently in the clear because the videobridge needs to relay the video. But that is changing in Jitsi and should reach Element as well in the future.
Meetings between two people are completely peer-to-peer and always e2e encrypted.
For multiparty meettings you have to enable end-to-end encryption, which disables various functions provided by the server like recording, phone participation etc.
Jitsi is the most popular FOSS screensharing program to my knowledge.
Similar to Syncplay there's also Metastream for syncing externally hosted video.
Looks like someone else already helped you solve the problem.
Just for future situations:
> The .deb package was on Jitsi’s download page.
I'm assuming by "Jitsi’s download page" you mean I don't see a link to a .deb
package there, only links to and And AFAICT the first one doesn't have a package called "jitsi", the second one has a large number of different versions of a package called "jitsi".
So I still have no idea which package you downloaded, which can make it difficult to help you solve the problem
La quasi intégralité des logiciels de vidéochat proposent ces fonctionnalités en fait. Même Skype le faisait quand on y pense.
Pour un truc où tu aurais le maximum de contrôle, regarde peut être.
You need to use your own infrastructure (own servers) if you remove the logo though. If you are, then no problem.
It's my advice, largely based on the fact that your high school needs something now, and won't be needing it anymore a year from now. I understand it's not what you want to hear. It's entirely up to you to take it to heart or ignore it. Maybe you could set up a free system for your school to use whilst you're developing your own solution, as I guess the need is urgent? There's e.g. jitsi.
Jitsi is an awesome free and open-source alternative. Personally I think it’s even easier to use for non tech people than zoom, it just requires some web hosting knowledge for the initial setup. Once it’s running on a host machine users don’t even need to download anything to use it, as it can be accessed entirely in the users web browser with an invite link
Please note Jitsi is (one of the best solution, but it is) not end-to-end encrypted by default at this moment. (Unfortunately with browsers is is not even supported.)
Do a search for Jitsi and privacy policy. The closest we get to is this: or
None of the requirements for GDPR are covered according to EU commission law nor to the guidelines for meeting basic GDPR compliance.
More info:
They say "voice chats done right", but where's the mention about the feature being end-to-end encrypted? Signal is always E2EE, even is E2EE for voice and video chats.
I love Telegram's features but they seem to lack the basic security and that's very troubling.
A Google Meet clone? Ok, well... the language is not that important, because it relies on WebRTC mainly, so you would need to concentrate on the server side of the audio/video processing and the interface, that should demand good knowledge of javascript. If you want a real Google Meet clone as big and robust as the original, you will need a strong team and good servers behind. But if you just want to implement a simple videoconference service, I would suggest using something like Jitsi.
You will need knowledge of internet protocols like IP and WebRTC, and understand distributed architectures well enough you can design a server-client system or a peer-to-peer system.
I would recommend you don't start from scratch but instead try contributing to Jitsi, an existing open source project for a video conferencing platform with security.
You can also look at the architecture and code of Jitsi projects to understand how and why it was designed that way, and take ideas into your app.
Can you send an email to maceion at gmail dot com and I will open Jitsi internet video chat to read it to you. I am an old Scots speaker who can read at least in Ayrshire dialect. ( is a free open source software browser application that does not need any install software or tracking or registration. (Avoids Skype or Zoom copying data from you) . Search Jitsi.
I am in UK so we need to fix a suitable time/ date/day .
My evening, your morning may do.
Jitsi Meet (public server). or Run your own instance, requires a domain, server and bandwidth. No registration or installation required, and runs in the browser as urls that you can password protect if you want.
Nothing major before FaceTime; but there was definitely video calling before FT.
FaceTime and Zoom are the leaders ATM.
I wish Jitsi would take off more. It's E2E encrypted and better than Zoom. Also, I'm pretty sure it's open-source, but I may be remembering that wrong.
I propose a monthly jitsi (its like zoom but open source and runs on the browser) summit.
We hold talks, discussions and other stuff that would otherwise be done on a physical convention. It is an opportunity to come together as a community.
Jitsi meet has it and it supports video calls, not sure if it does e2e on all platforms though.
Hmm, the f-Droid page says this
> (Warning: when using a Jitsi Meet instance, your stream is encrypted on the network but decrypted on the machine that hosts the bridge. See for more information.)
Jitsi is a free and open source Google Meet equivalent, with video chat and a variety of great features (it also has a text chat option)
It's not specific to any framework, but could be integrated into a React applicatoin.
Element's A/V conferencing is Jitsi Meet. For now, you're probably better off just using Jitsi Meet directly, because the UI embedded in Element is kind of fiddly and annoying when more than two people participate. (That will probably improve eventually.)
The number of people Jitsi can handle will depend on the server, the network bandwidth, and the browsers/apps used by the participants. I'm afraid I don't have any rough estimates to offer.
Group A/V conferences are not end-to-end encrypted; the server can see the data. They are working toward addressing that in a future version. In the meantime, you can get about the same privacy if one of the participants hosts the server in a private and controlled environment.
For 200 people, I would suggest:
> Jitsi Desktop, formerly known as the SIP Communicator and briefly known as just “Jitsi”, is a VoIP and instant messaging application. This was the Jitsi team’s first project that originated way back in 2003.
> Jitsi’s video conferencing capabilities evolved out of this original project. Jitsi Desktop is no longer actively maintained by the Jitsi team under 8×8; but it is still maintained, by the community.
BBB is really easy to use for the participants as it is a complete web app. No companies tries to force you to install an app to get at your data. The strength of BBB is web conferencing with many participants. If you do not want to host it yourself, there are many groups who are happy to host it for you. You do have to trust that group, because the server theoretically has access to your video stream, just like Zoom or Skype has. In Germany, for example, a group of students from the university of Heidelberg does so.
A good alternative for video chats is Jitsi, which is also open source, self-hosted and does not track you.
If you only need voice chat, Mumble is an application in the same category.
Overall, the security is good, and very good if used 1-to-1.
Complete end-to-end encryption for more than 2 people is still a work in progress. That can be only achieved used with chromium-based browsers (but not Firefox) or the native electron client. And even then, e2ee is not the default - extra steps are required.
The present status is explained here:
If you're the organizer, I highly encourage you to look into the free and open source video conferencing software Jitsi. It doesn't sell your information, and is super easy to set up and use.