I'm a simple meme apprentice, and I'm afraid technological questions of this caliber are out of my wheelhouse. Sadly I can't add a personal recommendation, but this was the first thing to come up in google: https://vox.rocks/resources/why-and-how-choose-flac-player-mac
Hey, that's my desktop! I'm running macOS. The terminal is /u/DrabWeb's borderless rounded iTerm2 running tmux, with Vim in the top pane and Weechat in the bottom. The music player is Vox, which I use because it looks great, supports media keys, and supports Soundcloud.
More details can be found at my dotfiles.
He didn't say he would prove it and I don't think he has too. Anyone who has tested this themselves with the right kinds of music and good enough headphones/speakers will know this is true. And anyone who spends a lot of time listening to music and really really enjoys it will have tested it and already know.
That's why I backed him up. I don't really see a way to provide you the proof other than meeting you with my amp and headphones and letting you try it yourself, but maybe this will help.
> yes, there is a very clear difference in the sound when one listens to FLAC files. But this applies only when they are using good headphones and an appropriate sound system.
Source - https://vox.rocks/blog/is-flac-really-better-than-mp3
Vox Player the older version before they started charging for EQ. But kudos to them as they still allow people to download older versions. it is quite a good player. Personally, I just drag folders over when I want to listen, but it can manage your playlists too. https://vox.rocks/mac-music-player/old-versions
Well, don't get too excited yet. It's only for Play:5 (Gen 2) and Playbase in the beginning. "Other devices following later." No word on which devices exactly will be supported, or when. https://twitter.com/SonosSupport/status/915610498636402688
In the meantime, you could use an Airport Express plugged into the Sonos AUX IN jack (if your Sonos has one) to give you native AirPlay support now. There is also free software out there you could install on a computer (Mac, PC, Raspberry Pi, etc.) that would provide AirPlay functionality to your Sonos network. Google for "airsonos" or "sonoair." I have v1.0b5 of the latter set up on my iMac and it works fine. Doesn't work for everybody though, so YMMV.
Lastly, if you use a Mac check out VOX Music Player. It has native support for playback on Sonos speakers, and also has built in support for Soundcloud and Youtube.
On Mac, get an older version of Vox, https://vox.rocks/mac-music-player/old-versions (v 2.8) The new version I'm sure works I just don't want to pay monthly for whatever they are selling. It is a great player otherwise.
Try out https://rogueamoeba.com/soundsource/. I am using an older product of theirs called MenuBus, but it is a finicky to use the UI for Waves as MenuBus wasn't made for hi-res UI plugins, so you have to kinda guess where your mouse is. Try Soundsource. You will be able to process the audio from Vox, or really any sound source with it and load Abbey Road. For stereo sources, this seems to work great, but I haven't had much luck bussing multichannel from VLC through it.
Make sure to take all the proper measurements for Abbey Road Studio. it is just incredible with my Utopias, especially on the large speaker setting. The cool thing, is my headphones aren't the bottleneck. As spatial DSP gets better, so will overall sound quality.
Tidal Hi-Fi is the easiest solution, but you can buy here also https://vox.rocks/blog/10-sites-for-buying-lossless-music-in-flac
To be honest, not all people notice a difference between high quality lossy (320kbs) and Lossless music, so don't be disappointed if you feel you are missing out.
In terms of the headset, the audio quality is very good, and compared to the wireless it's a lot better - the wireless has a low audible hum. I consider myself as a true audiophile and have invested alot of money in audio equipment, but for this headset i see my self using PC-mode.
I don't listen to lossless much on my computer - I usually play games
The ability to mix between discord and games are far superior and quality in pc-mode is the same as HiRes (you need lossless to hear the difference there).
I'm not sure if this is exactly what you're looking for, but maybe check out VOX ( https://vox.rocks ).
Also if you want to try a VLC alternative, check out IINA ( https://lhc70000.github.io/iina/ )
You mean the iOS version - https://vox.rocks/iphone-music-player, right?
Are you still having these issues with VOX music player? Vox works stable for me. Even secretly, I can say you that i was given a try version with music from Qobuz - hi-res music library.
If you still have the issues - i think the support team can help you ASAP - https://vox.rocks/support
Apparently foobar2000 for iOS doesn’t have scrobbling capabilities for now. I use VOX (vox.rocks/) for now, but hope that scrobbling functionality is added to foobar on iOS some day.
They're exactly the same in terms of information preserved and sound quality. The only difference is ALAC can be played by iTunes, FLAC cannot. It's just apple being apple.
I use Vox for this exact scenario. https://vox.rocks You can AirDrop the files to your phone, and "assign" them to VOX and you're set. It's a little jankier than iTunes sync, and it doesn't update playcounts/ratings, but it definitely works.
None of these will sell in Croatia?
Can you get a Paypal account to purchase via Qobuz?
Vinyl is king when it comes to audio quality. Much better than digital. Here's some examples why
I can suggest creating your own from CD's.
Other legal sources: https://vox.rocks/blog/10-sites-for-buying-lossless-music-in-flac
Tbh I love iTunes on Mac. I haven’t upgraded my personal computer just to not lose it to the Apple Music app. IMO there is no better app to handle and organize large music libraries but that’s just me
In the past I enjoyed VOX but they went for the subscription model so I stopped using their apps
See, the trouble with that is that a large part of the reason why people collect vinyl is this: they like the lossless quality of analog sound.
Can you understand why this introduces a conflict of interest to burning digital to analog, and why data rot has nothing to do with it?
I'm guessing you're looking for a free option, but if not Vox, Apple Music, and Google Play Music/Youtube Music all have Carplay apps and support unlimited uploads of your file to their servers.
I know Vox supports Hi-Res audio formats if that was something that was important to you.
same question here. Are there any apps that take advantage of this? On Mac there's Vox but they charge a recurring subscription fee to enable that feature (and more) and I'm not sure it's worth that. So I'm wondering about other options... on all platforms.
>I think it'd be a difficult one to exploit: streaming services run at a loss for years before subscription revenues outweigh infrastructure costs. More likely, people will revert to local network file sharing for their own media.
I'm thinking something like along the lines of this https://vox.rocks/mac-music-player One idea I had would be simply read files in Dropbox or iCloud or it's own hosted (With a pro-tier perhaps), so not a streaming service per se.
It shouldn’t have anything to do with the operating system you’re using. It’s the application you’re using to play FLAC files. I’m not really up on apps that support FLAC on macOS, but a quick google search turned up VOX, which seems to support album art in FLAC files. I’m just going off the screenshots though. Have you tried that app?
Use VOX. However, it is only available for Mac and IOS. Developers are working on releasing apps for Windows and Android in 2018. It lets you upload any music file you want and stores them as original. Flac, Alac, Wav, AAC, MP3 and so on. However, they have a monthly and yearly subscription.
> Foobar2000
If the deal is a flac/lossless player, then VOX - https://vox.rocks/mac-music-player might be your player.
But I've made a video just for you, so you can have your Foobar running ON THE MAC, using wine. Pretty simple, "even a cavemen can do it". :P Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnB3Q4DANIY Might be a better simpler, faster, more satisfying solution. Let me know if you have problems.