You get 100 extra "bonus" points on your SeeD Exam score if you beat the X-ATM092, but then you lose some points in other categories as explained in this guide.
God I love FFVIII - such an underrated game that receives so much shit talk from the die-hard VII and IX fans.
One of the best investments I've ever made. Its an Epson 1176W. You can kind of see in the pic I have the XBONE, Wii, SNES mini, N64, and XB360 hooked up to it. Was it designed for gaming? No clue. Do people salivate over it when they come over? Absolutely. Do I laugh while I destroy my friends on a 10 1/2 foot screen in our Mario Kart tournaments? Again yes.
If you are thinking about getting one, do it. I watch movies and play games with zero issues. I'll never go back to having a normal TV again. Projectors are the best bang for your money. I have a second one in my bedroom.
This one is a few years old and i think there are newer models out but here is a link to the specs:
> FF10 alone transpires along a single line from start to finish, but I don't recall people lobbing as many criticisms against it.
It got plenty of criticisms, but the reason it didn't get "as many" was because FFX did a better job at not feeling as linear. There are intersections (Kilika Forest & Macalania woods for example) and, more importantly, you can backtrack and revisit most of the game at will.
Most of FFXIII's levels felt completely disconnected. There was a cutscene in the transition, and you can't backtrack to revisit. Rather than feeling like a cohesive world, it feels more like different stages. Like playing Super Mario Brothers. 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4.
Another difference in linearity is all FF games are linear, but they use the linear portions to teach the player the world. When the game finally does open up, the player is already familiar with the layout. In FFXIII, the two are unrelated. When you finally get to an open world, it's something completely new to explore, but it also leaves the player completely lost except to follow the arrows to the next story objective.
I enjoyed the linearity of FFX and how well done it was, but I didn't like the linearity of FFXIII. It's the small details in implementation that make the difference.
My other biggest complaints about FF13: The level caps, instant failure if the lead character dies, and too much optional content is left for the post-game rather than as the build-up to defeating the final boss.
Edit: I just remembered another difference in the linearity between X and XIII. In XIII, the encounters aren't even random. Not only are the spots pre-defined, but so are the enemies that are inside those encounters.
Look at the chapter-by-chapter walkthrough. The majority of the content of the walkthrough is a list of the encounters and chests.
Up until chapter 11 you can do decent damage with just the equipment given. I did that part with no equipment upgrades. You also farm shrouds to use before tough fights.
The picture is slightly misleading because by the end you have to use the ultimate weapons and maxed hp bangles which somewhat makes up for your terrible base stats. I got those by doing tons of chocobo farming. Vanille has deshell which boosts your magic damage by 89% and Sazh has faith which boosts your magic by 40%. Summons actually make up a decent part of your damage in NCU too.
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Polls could always use more votes :P
XIII for me. It’s the one game I’ve loved replaying again and again to experiment with the battle system. Currently replaying it actually while waiting for my copy of HZD to return from the other side of the world (literally...). will be your best bet; in particular you should look out for guides written by Split Infinity which are always comprehensive.
I got Vol 1 today and it was totally unexpected! These books have a pretty stiff spine so be sure to properly break them in before you read them to make sure it doesn’t weaken or split too quickly.
This is the guide I have been using, trying to go for 100% too, and as far as I can tell it is completely comprehensive. Dude doesn't miss a beat. Strongly reccomend.
Dude, how many times do I need to tell you to post a fucking source? Which of course doesn't exist and you just completely fabricated that quote.
Well, there is this FAQ that argues that FF3's and FF8's worlds are the same. (You're gonna have to scroll down past the R = U theory argument to get to it) I doubt it's canon, but it's an interesting theory.
Keep in mind, though, that there's also Dissidia, which 1.) links all the games together through FF1's world and the Void, and 2.) has been confirmed as canon by the devs.
I don't know where to buy it internationally but the pencil pot is available in the UK at a couple of retailers. I didn't get it from Amazon but it's there: Then just draw the eyes on in pencil first to make sure you get the position right and follow up with marker pen.
Edit: specified where in the world it was bought
Sounds like how things went my first time playing as well. FF1 is not the most friendly of games to people who are brand new and it is not going to hold your hand. You might want to follow a walkthrough from until you feel comfortable exploring on your own.
If you're playing "Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls" on the GBA, you can try this one:
As for getting gear, there are two gear shops in the first town. One is a building marked with a sword that sells weapons, and the other is marked with a shield and sells armour. You will need one weapon and several different pieces of armour on each character. Different characters can equip different things, but I think the GBA version will provide you with in-game info on who can equip what, and if it's better than what they already have.
Don't get me wrong, XIII wasn't bad by any means... but... Hironobu Sakaguichi (Final Fantasy creator, he who SAVED Squaresoft from bankruptcy with the original version) wasn't even involved with the game and it shows. It's... just... NOT a Final Fantasy game.
You and everyone reading, do yourselves a big favor: Play "Lost Odyssey" on the Xbox 360... this game was a thoroughly enjoyable experience with some of my favorite characters in an RPG ever (LOL, you cray-cray Jansen!). The combat, story, gameplay is a direct mix of Final Fantasy 4, 6 and 7 (right down to locations/music). It should say something about the quality of the story/writing that the in-game "A Thousand Years of Dreams" (lost memories gradually recovered by the 1,000 year old immortal Kaim) was translated to an extremely well-regarded novel that has snagged award nominations, wins, and decent sales.
Final Fantasy XIII just has... a lot of merchandise.
Pretty good list of all missable items
Also, ALL final limit break manuals and ultimate weapons can be obtained on the second disk (some which can be obtained earlier)! No need to wait for the third disc.
Ninja edit: Sorry,just realized you said you were playing on steam. Beginning of disk 3 = game brings you to the final dungeon.
> Explain how I'm wrong, downvoters.
For what it's worth, I didn't downvote you, but for explanation, you may wish to look over this
Mine is right here. I gave it a 6.9 going by objective and technical standards. A flawed game that feels thrown together. It isn't bad or broken, it's just undercooked. That being said, if you were to take my personal preferences into context, I would say that I loved the game madly. A 9 or so based on how much I enjoyed it. I saw the sun in the same spot twice from the time I started the game. I am also here to answer all questions in spoiler free ways as best I can.
Here is a very old site that archived a lot of submitted color combinations submitted by users on GameFAQs. The site itself is now frozen, but thankfully the Wayback Machine's got it saved.
There's also screenshot previews for some of the combinations the archive saved as well.
>Map size is indicative of the content. This map combined with this website would say otherwise.
>You are blind if you think EA is the only company dicking us around. I remember FF13-2 had dlc purchased ending, Ubisoft releasing games that literally are unplayable on release loaded with micro-transactions. Hell even FF15 wont have the airship in the game according to Square and it will be DLC... Open your eyes man this shit is spreading, even the re-skinned FPS games and MMOs are now following these trends.
I use EA as the easiest example. But yes, there are more instances of problematic dlc.
>This is the only valid argument anyone can make and something I fully understand. Guess what though that's the way things work in the world. The cost of living goes up for everything not just creating games. The funny thing though about technology is that its constantly getting better, and performance is always enhanced. But there comes a time when this has to stop being an excuse. Witcher 3 proved all these stereotypes wrong.
Actually Witcher 3 doesn't. Its an extremely good game, but it still isn't exactly cheap and it still manages to fall into "open world" syndrome. And since you mention cost of living that is something you have to factor in. Living in Poland isn't the same as Living in Tokyo. Poland is a lot cheaper.
Either way, its about amount of content over anything else. If Square puts out multiple games worth 60 dollars or 40 dollars or whatever they charge, none of this matters. Its simply a matter of if the content is worth the price.
PS2 emulators do exist (PCSX2), but their success will vary greatly based on the CPU (not GPU) speed of your computer. A lot of laptops will not have the capacity to play at full speed, but some do and if you have a decent desktop it should perform well enough. You can use PS2 discs for the emulator too, but before you buy the game I highly recommend researching whether or not your computer will be able run any games.
Check here: FAQ and system reqs
The idea is to chain as many quickenings as possible. Each character can learn up to 3 levels of attacks. They're non-elemental, despite their names and animations. If you manage to chain enough, you'll get a Concurrence, or a large special attack that hits all enemies nearby.
To chain them together, watch the bottom right corner of your screen. You may see a "Mist Charge" command. That refills someone's magic for another attack. Keep hitting shuffle and Mist Charge and see how far you can get! Be careful though, as Quickenings deplete your magic rather quickly.
You can find more info here:
Edit: To use them effectively, you need to know WHEN to use them. One method is to use them to finish off bosses. Often when their HP is low, bosses will start to ramp up their defense, attack speed or more. Quickenings, if chained for long enough, can finish off bosses before they even get a chance to get more difficult.
Do not be alarmed by that critic review bullshit. You mean to tell me that Kingsglaive was a worse movie than This
With that said, the movie is pretty good and sets up alot of FFXV. I cant wait to see how it pans out in the game. For example, something happens to suddenly anger and enrage a character, but the result of said rage isnt in the movie, that is gonna be in the game. Go in expecting a cliche movie about FFXV in order to showcase that world and its politics so you know it before playing.
...The mobile version of FF1 (this game) has these graphics, though? It's not a 3D port. Are you thinking of III/IV?
There are quite a few things: characters, items, Espers, dances, bestiary entries.
You can refer to this Gamefaqs page for more info. Search w/ keyword: missable
Thought I'd elaborate about the implications of that. It means that Silver Spectacles (or Eyeglasses) are useless, as blind nearly doesn't effect you at all. Additionally, Prayer Beads are basically useless, but the Zephyr Cape still works, if I recall.
Also, because of the way that stat bonuses work, Stamina is not really worth grinding. It's best to simply have a party member level with an HP%+ esper for a couple of levels.
Per : > Stamina: The most useless stat. It is supposed to affect defensive properties, but the only thing it really does is make Regen and the Tintinabar relic heal more. Stamina sucks, don't waste a level raising it.
The short version for the answer to FF8 is that they stopped her just before she was successful, and that because of the mechanics of times travel this was a fixed event.
For the long version, I recommend reading the Time/Ultimecia Plot FAQ on GFAQs.
It got some of the best reviews of any Final Fantasy game ever, especially in Japan. It was rated as well as FF 7 and 10 on MetaCritic, only being beaten by 6 Advance and 9. Source. It also got an improved version that was never released outside of Japan. The probability of a re-release is extremely high.
What gaming platform is she using?
You probably want to avoid anything using voice acting.....I think this guide will help:
Personally, I'd recommend an earlier, non-voice version of FFIV. My brother was about 10 when it came out IIRC and he enjoyed the hell outta the game. It's got a very good, easy-to-understand story and relatively simple gameplay.
Split Infinity's guide, by far:
Everything is laid out perfectly, with optional quests in order that they are available in the game. Very detail-rich, yet simple in it's wording/explanations. And it does a great job of avoiding spoilers.
They've already confirmed that they won't remake FF7 until they've produced a FF game that they feel has exceeded it in quality and sales first. They've also dropped hints on other occasions that there are some serious technical concerns regarding remaking FF7 due to the size and complexity of the world compared to more modern FF games. I'm sure that there are similar concerns for other FF's around that generation of games. The scale of FF7 was possible in large part due to the use of 3D sprites laid over prerendered backgrounds, whereas remaking the game entirely in 3D at the graphical quality of modern releases would be an absolutely massive undertaking.
That was Toy Story 2 right?
I'm sure I read a fantastic article the other year (!) about the whole cherade. Someone managed to delete the whole thing from whatever Unix file system they were using and they recreated the whole lot in 9 months with just this one copy on a home machine. Incredible.
Edit: this one I think.
I'll remove my edit directed at you. As for sales the exact place wikipedia is likely to have gotten their numbers (given how they match up).
Edit: This is also a good breakdown
If you can find your disk somehow, you can use PCSX2 to emulate it. You can tweak the settings to get it running at 1080p and it looks beautiful. You can use DS4 to Xinput Wrapper to get your Dualshock 3 or 4 to work with Windows. Information about setting the emulator up can be found here.
I haven't played it myself yet (first thing on my list after FFXIII-3), but based on what I've heard others say and what you're looking for, you should probably start with Final Fantasy Tactics. Pick up the War of the Lions version on PSP/Vita. The games are usually very story oriented so the gameplay has never been much of a focus, but FFT at least has a very complex battle system and whatnot. There's a spiritual successor to FFT on the horizon as well called Unsung Story: Tale of the Guardians that should be worth checking out if you enjoy what FFT offers.
> it is just starting development
no it isn't. it's been in development since the relaunch of the game.
I work at GameStop.
"Be the first on the front lines - snag the Early Enlister Deluxe Edition today and get access to the full game on October 18, three days before launch."
>It's just a division of labor that existed way before The Wealth of Nations was ever written.
Well yeah you won't have an argument here that women essentially existed as babymakers and subservient to men for most of human history, but now we live in a time of unprecedented progress and achievement and with that comes progress on gender roles
I mean if you had a daughter today, what would you rather tell her? That if she works hard she can achieve all her dreams in life, or if she works hard she can achieve all her dreams in life as long as they involve staying home to take care of kids and being dependent on someone else to provide a living?
Oh I see, the game is 3.xGB and requires 8GB of space.
your phone won't run it without expandable memory.
It says so when you buy the game
EDIT: Ouch, downvoted for the truth.
Only upgrade items when you can get the full multiplier If I remember it's x3 the points. Was a while since I played... I'm sure you can google it easily. Basically you use organic items to build the multiplier and then you use mechanic items to gain the experience on the gear. You can read more here:
You could, if you want google which character is most optimal for each role. They are not equal so spending Crystarium Points on a role the character isn't good in might not be a smart idea. Though it shouldn't affect you too much.
It's quite possible there are uses for materia beyond combat. I mean, look at the Underwater materia. However, considering unequipping it removes its effects (as with any other materia), I don't think one would be able to remember anything they have learned.
As for summon materia, you're not that far off. Here is an old topic on GameFAQs with a translation of some unused text within the files of the Japanese version. Maybe you can find the original thread/post on Qhimm if you look hard enough.
Edit: Ah. I've found the original Japanese if anyone is interested (alongside the mentioned translation): right here. The website also holds more translations of unused text.
Learn to block. Seriously. I've dumped ~500 hours into the Dissidia games and played 400 of those without being able to block effectively. Dodging is great, but learning how to block made even the most difficult battles manageable. Oh! The Iai Strike build is fantastic. Here is a link that will help you a lot.
If you can donate, please do so here:
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If you want to buy these mp3 ringtones, write to e-mail:
Thank you for your feedback!
Don't bother with either - get yourself an emulator and either an actual PSX copy of the game or an .iso and you're in business. It'll save you the hassle of dealing with memory cards and old hardware, plus it won't cost you a dime.
I recommend using a game pad of some sort as it really heightens the experience. You could either go with a 360 controller or a Logitech Dual Action, which you can pick up for about $10.
Your friend is right - it's a truly fantastic game, and although not my favourite, it's the one that hooked me on the series.
You don't need to emulate 3, it's on PC (Pixel remaster and 3d remake I believe), Google Play (<strong></strong>) 3d remake, and the Pixel Remaster.
Final Fantasy 5, without question. The colors are super vibrant, the characters don't go off on angsty long-winded monologues every 10 minutes, and there's 2-player support for battles so you can help her out during boss fights and stuff. But probably don't start with a Final Fantasy game as her first RPG, and ideally she should be able to read or at least already be trying to learn. RPGs in general are pretty text-heavy and if she can't read then she might feel that you're more in the driver's seat than she is. There's a fine line between giving occasional hints and just playing the game for them, and even very young kids can tell the difference.
Start her off on something a little simpler iike Star Tropics or Earthbound or even Mystic Quest. That way she won't have to learn as much when she gets into Final Fantasy for the first time. Also this controller is great for young kids, if you have a system that it can connect to. It's much smaller than a standard sized controller which will help her feel more like she's part of the whole experience.
seeing this is just a port of the FFV android one, im pretty sure the steam version of VI will be based on the android version also.
I just hate this two ports.. i really really preffer the style of 1,2 and 4 on psp, it wast just nice 2d. This looks like it was made on rpg maker..
There's a rare monster in the Stilshrine of Miriam that continually spawns zombie enemies. If you set your gambits right, you can just leave the game running and max out your levels within a few hours. I've only done this on the original version, so with the speed-up option in IZJS it should be much more efficient. Here's a Gamefaqs article on how to do it:
Check out Absolute Steve's guide to the Gold Saucer:
M1.3 is the section on Battle Square. The problem is, in the 8 rounds, you don't really get any points until the 7th or 8th rounds. So to maximize points, take the best handicap for you, the one that hurts you the least, for the first 6 rounds, then in the 7th and 8th rounds, take a safe handicap that gives you the most amount of points.
Generally I have found the "no green materia" handicap to be the most lucrative, since green materia isn't really necessary in battle square, yet in the 7th round, you get 1775 points, and in the 8th round, you get 9425 points. The only handicap that's more lucrative is the "no materia" handicap, but that could be very tricky if you aren't in good shape or you don't have a good weapon. For comparison, this handicap gives 1866 points in the 7th round and 10000 points in the second round.
Wear a ribbon, and for the first 6 rounds, keep selecting the handicaps that are frog, mini, poison, etc., as they won't hurt you at all. Also use long range materia and counter attack materia, and put Cloud in the back row. If you have nice Enemy Skills, such as Big Guard or White Wind, or things like Trine, Beta, or Aqualung that kills everything quickly, that's always a plus.
When I say "select the handicaps," that does mean you have to get somewhat good at manipulating the slots. Use square to try and time the slots better, hopefully you get good enough to select the handicap you want.
If you have the necessary equipment, and are lucky, you should get Omnislash within 3-4 complete runs of battle square.
This guide tells you all you need to know about optimal esper bonuses and random FF6 SNES weird things:
Notes: 1. The Sketch ability is broken, it can actually corrupt your save. Not a big deal because that character is way more effective as a mage. 2. Evade does not do anything (already mentioned), anything that raises MBlock instead (Force equipment, white cape, Paladin Shield, Aegis Shield) are the ones that will have your characters nearly dodging everything. 3. Really only Vigor (Strength) and Magic are the only level up bonuses worth doing. Stamina, Speed, even HP and MP are negligible. And Vigor doesn't give you as much of a boost for your money as magic does, but it's really down to those two. Sabin should get a magic boost because his Blitz abilities are magic based. Tritoch and Zoneseek have the +2 magic bonus and Bismarck and Raiden give the +2 vigor bonus.
Casting Vanish and then Doom on 99% of enemies will give you an instant death. This makes the game not fun so it's best not to do this -- the game is plenty easy enough without it.
Most speed runs involve breaking Slots to get Joker Doom which is an instant win on any enemy. You won't discover how to do it naturally so don't worry about it.
Gogo is the most versatile character in the game. Go to his status screen to set his abilities manually.
SUPER IMPORTANT!!! Not a bug but the one thing everyone wants to know when they play a new game of FF6. Everyone has a hard time following this advice when they first play the game. Halfway through the game, when it's time to escape a certain floating continent, you need to decline to leave twice (!) and then wait out the timer. Failing to do so will result in an optional character death.
for those who wants to achieve quick leveling, i recommend this guide
this guide is so efficient and blew my mind when i played the game
Fully upgraded Earth Rings along with Shell were enough for leg stomp to be a minor issue. Once I got the hang of it, I was using 1 medic most of the time.
Once you know how to kill them and you're geared for it, they're a joke of an enemy. They'd go down in under 2min 30s and the only time I'd have trouble would be if I got distracted and made a mistake. I killed enough of them to accumulate 7 trapezohedrons and about 40 platinum ingots.
I was following that walkthrough, and it was the strategies and equipment setups in there that I used. Be forwarned though. Killing Adamantortoise without death is something meant for the post-game. You are going to want that final tier of the crystarium, as well as the gear.
Just wait until you encounter their upgraded version, the Long Gui. That one requires switching to sen/sen/sen before some attacks or you get wiped, and the enemy can hit aoe daze which sucks when it lands just before the enemy follows instantly with a massive aoe attack.
Tonberry trick, for sure. It takes some setup, but is the preferred way of getting sphere levels. Honestly, with how massive the sphere grid is, it make little sense to grind against monsters. There is a great FAQ about it.
It basically relies on turning damage taken into AP for your party, and using tonberry's high damage Grudge to get the most out of it. It's not a glitch or a cheat, either. The abilities necessary were placed into the game, and it was even patched in the newer releases to be capped (but still work).
I did this one a few hours ago using the Death strategy. My first time doing Neochu on mission 55 I got lucky and landed Death on the 2nd battle. This time, it took more attempts totaling about an hour before it landed.
I used this guide:
Here is the relevant snippet:
> VANILLE: Malboro Wand, Sprint Shoes, Black Belt, Shield Talisman, Sorcerer's Mark
> LIGHTNING: Enkindler, Sprint Shoes, Black Belt, Growth Egg, Aurora Scarf
> SNOW: Paladin, Sprint Shoes, Black Belt, Warrior's Wristband, Royal Armlet
> BATTLE DESCRIPTION: Remember this guy? Well, also remember that when you fought him earlier, he was battle 55, so this guy is just a little easier. The biggest reason is that there are no Picochus around. He can summon them, but he'll still kill you long before that happens. We're not quite ready to make ourselves good enough to beat this guy in a straight brawl, so we're going to spam Death again. Remember, have Vanille cast Imperil 5 times first, then just sit there and cast Death until either of you dies. You can survive the first Screech now, so you'll get 10-15 castings per battle. Even so, it took me about 12 battles to finally kill him. Time, of course, is not an issue.
I wasn't even properly leveled for that fight. I'd wipe on the second screech, long before adds were summoned. Casting Imperil should raise the Death success rate to 2%.
I think the main camp of thought is that upgrading your weapon is not efficient until you get to Gran Pulse, at the least.
There are also pre-Gran Pulse grinding spots if you really want/need those extra stats. Here's a gamefaqs link:
Theres a longer post about the topic but I cannot find it.
I had the zodiac spear at like level 30 by rushing it
No - that's the problem.
There was supposed to be more of them, but due to budgeting, or whatever reasons, they were never made. Xenogears was actually episode 5 of a 6-episode series. They originally intended to release the entire story, all the way back to the first set of people. But, it never came to be. =[
Xenosaga intended to do something similar, but the Xenosaga releases were not the same episodes that were intended to be released along with Xenogears. They were set in the same universe, but Episode 1 of Xenosaga is not the same game as Episode 1 of Xenogears would have been.
Although, they did release Xenogears: Perfect Works, which is a magazine or a book that explains the entire story of Xenogears, episodes 1-6, as it was meant to be told. It was never translated and sold in America, but fan translations are easy to find on the internet.
Actually, I have a link here myself for you, if you want it.
That’s actually what they used to do in fashion magazines since before mass production photo printing was advanced enough to look good
these guys have actually covered the various techniques that they used to make the fashion illustrations and even a few famous fashion illustrators
Are you playing the Remaster/PAL version? I would recommend the expert sphere grid. Give Kimahri the strength sphere from beating the Luca Goers and he's a powerhouse. On the expert sphere grid, I'm at Home and I have him with Haste, Steal, Use, Dispel, Reflect... All kinds of neat stuff. Not being restricted as much by key sphere makes him awesome. You no longer need to just pick a path and stick to it.
EDIT: I see that you are playing the remaster based on the guide you chose. But be sure to check out the original game FAQs too. This one is pretty good, and addresses the PAL differences at the end.
The guide I used on the subject was this.
You should find a superior medic to replace Cait Sith (I recommend Flanitors from the Augusta Tower). If you've got Improved Moogle Throw, you can get one of the best COM monsters in the game just by throwing Mog at a patch of red flowers a little south of the camp (of the Archlyte Steppe). A great RAV monster can also be found in the Steppe, Cloudburst, located in the Stonestump Wastelands area during windy weather.
Haven't played X for a while, so I shamelessly stole the following from a guide - hope it helps:
>Before you fight, give Tidus an armor that protects against Berserk. Once the battle begins, have Tidus cast Hastega and move your 2 other characters, preferably Auron and Yuna behind the boss. Now, have Tidus Provoke Spectral Keeper and Yuna cast Protect on Tidus. On your succeeding turns, keep Tidus in front of the boss at all times. This will give your other 2 characters freedom to pummel him from behind in peace. You may use your Aeons here too, but only if they are at Overdrive since Keeper will kill them at once with Glyph Mines.
>With the strategy above, Keeper will only use Berserk Tail and nothing else as long as Tidus lives, so have Yuna heal him often.
You can probably get more detailed tactics for this battle on gamefaqs or other sites if this doesn't do the trick.
First, it's really nice that you explain why you can't play 2D games. Some jerks just say "that shit's old and it looks horrible. Gimme realistic characters, I wanna see bewbs"... And I agree with you. I have a passion for pixels cos some people can do such beautiful things with them, but it's far easier to immerse in a 3D environment (for instance, I've been playing the hell out of Dragon Age: Inquisition and the world is simply amazing. I wouldn't think much of it were the game 2D, though).
Now, with the actual question... Depending on your specs you can run FFVII and VIII. Hell, you can even run the 3D remakes of III and IV (I wouldn't recommend emulating them cos well, DS emulation is not the best thing in the world and if you can't emulate PSX, you probably can't emulate DS), of which I highly recommend III for the job system and IV for the story. It's not last generation 3D, but it's sill 3D.
You could check if you can run those at Can You RUN It. I use it quite often and although I still can't quite understand the video card details it gives, it never let me down (only when it said I didn't have the minimum specs for State of Decay, but then said I had the recommended).
Many people seem to be unaware of this album, which consists of all the songs playing during full-motion cutscenes, some other songs that missed the original soundtrack, and a bunch of unused songs.
Most of these unused songs are just variations on familiar themes, but Weuber is mostly (if not all) new. It's fun trying to imagine where the song would have played, it's so different from everything on the OST.
For further information, you can also check the sidebar link: Question about which version of a game to play? See this handy list!
There is a link in the sidebar: Question about which version of a game to play? See this handy list!
The latest news to come out of Square Enix: "no comment."
I've given up hope of seeing a remaster until 2014, sadly. SE just doesn't seem to care about a frustrated fanbase. I wouldn't be so annoyed if they'd just give an update, post a picture, or even make an off-hand comment.
Did a quick google search because I haven't played the game in a while (the reason I remember so much is because it's my favorite game of all time). Seems like the enemy Dual Horns on Mi'ihen Highroad drops them, from this forum post. It's a rare drop, but there are a lot of enemies who drop them and it shouldn't be a super rare drop.
As for the rarer spheres, my route was through capturing. I'm not sure you're supposed to get teleport spheres early in the game because I think they want you to use each character as situational, job-based fighters at the start. I spent most of the game with capture weapons equipped on my characters and then I fought them and the hybrids in the arena. It really is the best way to make sure you have enough of what you need before you continue on to the later fights against Seymour and Sin.
Sorry I don't have concrete answers. The best solution might be to go download the strategy guide, because it really does make a huge difference, especially so you don't miss important items like the item after Yunalesca.
The Steam version does have better graphics and a higher resolution, but the Vita screen is so small that you might not notice the difference. I played FF7 on the PSP and it looked much better than playing the same game on my PS3, even though the resolution is the same.
I'd go for whichever one you can grab cheap on a sale. PSN is doing sales every week this month, and Steam is going to have the holiday sale presumably between Christmas and New Years Day. The lowest known price for FF7 is $3 at GetGames and $4 on Steam.
I really recommend this amazing stat maxing guide:
Note that FFXHD is the international version, if you're following the guide.
In addition, you don't have to get 255 luck, you can just get around 175 if you're going that route, but the drawback is you'll need to use overdrives against certain Dark Aeons.
This game is a very VERY close second favorite of mine to VII. I love the characters and the villain and everything about it. Anyway, I just finished playing it and I followed an online guide at gamefaqs.
It's a great guide because as they go on, they list the stuff that becomes available (such as blue magic updates or Chocograph locations you can access at that point.) Anyway, I suggest using this guide. Helped me out a lot.
It's all about answering their questions a certain way. Pretty difficult to do without a guide, but here is one if you want to attempt it
A few points:
You also have the full final party from [Eblan Cave](/spoiler) through [Sealed Cave](/spoiler). However, when [Kain](/spoiler) leaves and returns, they'll have swapped out their gear. This will generally result in upgrades unless they are equipped with rare goodies like Zeus Gloves.
After characters leave your party temporarily, they also share in the exp gain of your current party. This is how their returning level is decided. Source: ctrl-f experience (first result).
However, the last character of the final party doesn't arrive until lateish ([Edge at Eblan Cave](/spoiler)). At the very least it's worth waiting until they join up. Even after they join, you only have two more party setups that aren't the final one: final party minus [Kain](/spoiler) and [Fusoya replacing Kain temporarily](/spoiler). The latter case is only used briefly, [on the moon, and returning to earth forces you into the Giant. Completing that gives Kain back](/spoiler).
Most of Gran Pulse is meant for the post-endgame, when you've opened up all of your Crystarium and have the means to get the money to upgrade your weapons.
You can beat the game without upgrading any weapons, and it isn't really necessary for the endgame, it's really only necessary for the later C'eith stones and grinding on 'toises for money
THE BEST postgame guide out there is Arthellinius' guide on GameFAQs. Has great advice on paradigm strategies, equipment upgrading, and 'toise grinding.
When you level up a large node, the role you level up dictates the bonus stat you get. You can make use of this to max certain stats on each character - generally Strength for Noel and Magic for Serah.
Here's a guide on this:
Note that this is pretty irrelevant unless you are a perfectionist
The only official release for these titles and platforms is VI on iOS/Android. People have all sorts of complaints about the graphical overhaul, so look into it first.
Other than that... there are no other official releases, so you will need to use an emulator. Choose the emulator and platform of your choice.
There's also this handy list from the sidebar regarding which versions to play.
If your computer has blue tooth you can.use the ps4 controller very easily. Just make sure the controller is off andhold the share button and the PlayStation button until the controller flashes. Then link through the pc.
If your pc does not have Bluetooth then download the DS4 tool. Download it and there is a how to use on the page also.
With that I would say the pc version with mods is great.
For PC go to or the Play store for Android(it has a small price tag but it's better than the free options). The rom is everywhere, a quick google will find a direct download but maybe a torrent would be more reliable.
Not promoting piracy here btw folks, I think we've probably all paid for this at least once. really this isn't the community for this. Just because your previous problem was FF doesn't really relate. There are more dedicated communities for this kind of thing. Anyways, FF is in the clear on PS2.
A quick walkthrough check tells me that there is 163 gil in a chest in the Lindblum inn. Certainly not enough to bankrupt the innkeeper. It is Lindblum after all.
Now if it was a few hundred more gil, and if it was being taken out of a chest in Dali, that would be a problem.
Best party Cloud, Barret, and Cid and make sure all members have a cure materia so it can level up, Remember when u max out a Materia you automatically get a free one. Lastly max out the support materia like quad-magic and stuff like that, they are even more important that regular green Materia. If you get stuck find a place to fight with a save icon so you can level up without worry. And if you get stuck use the Gamefaqs site
Don't know what kind of tv/smart devices you have, but you could also try using and stream the game
I have no idea if/what can be done with your iPad. BUT I can tell you that if you do want to play though FF7, go out and buy a used PS Vita. I'm sure you can find one cheap enough on craigslist or Amazon. The Vita is a FF machine along with a ton of other JRPG's in general. I love FF7 and have bought it on almost every platform it has come out on except apple. Cause screen controls for a game like that are the absolute worst. Don't limit yourself to a great game by playing it on a device it was never meant for. Go get a Vita, I swear by Odin's Beard you will thank me.
And if you buy a Vita, buy these handles. They increase the battery life by easily double and give a ultra comfortable grip while playing long term. Are they super bulky and hard to travel with? Yes. Absolutely. But they added benefits of the battery life and comfort with the grips GREATLY outweigh the awkward shape and size.
Looks like expanding water beads that were just dumped into dyed water. There are some that come pre-colored. It would be cool though if after this was done they sealed them in resin or something. Water beads on Amazon
Yeah! They’re called Final Fantasy Trading Art Minis. There are two sets of these kinds and the first set contains Squall! I found them at a local game store around where I live, and they come in blind boxes, but you can order them offline as well! I thing Square’s website is out of stock, but Amazon has them! Check them out here: Square Enix Final Fantasy Trading Arts Vol. 1 Random Blind Box Mini Figure Set of 6 Action Figure
It’s just have a long vertical stand, but the base is off axis to the left. It’s behind my thumb in that picture.
I like them vertically mounted so I don’t have to twist my neck all the time. I just can just stick a YouTube video on the top screen and lean back in my chair. Maximum Chill 👌🏻
Android link below. Excellent touch screen integration. Built in turbo. Auto-save every screen. Graphics smoothed a bit. It's really good.
Apparently they just released an Ultimania this last June that covers the first 5 or so games. Pt. 2 comes out in december, and PT 3 (The one that covers 13) comes out in April.
Tagging /u/FFXI_MOBILE_ES for visibility.
You... uh... know that's what's happening, right? FF9 released on iOS and Android in January.
Yep, World Reborn. From what I can tell, it gives you options. Keep the new sprites, but get rid of the blurry filter. Or mod in 'nostalgia' style sprites. Or a mix of the two.
Looks really promising, and likely be what I do when I eventually get to VI. Working on 1 myself. First FF I'm going to complete, and I'll be tackling the Chaos dungeon tomorrow.
Dude love the collection. You’ve gotta think bigger on the screen though. I’ve seen 70 inchers dipping down to the $500 range. Not to say you need a 70 but a good 50/55 is priced very nicely! Example deal
Its an item that doubles crystarium points. Its supposed to be a post game item but when the game came out, it was discovered it can be gotten quite easily at the end of chapter 11 simply by using death with Vanille. I highly recommend getting it as early as possible on any play through.
heres a quick guide for getting it.
I used the 100% Walkthrough on for my Platinum trophy. It includes an order in which to do things to get that 100% trophy in a reasonably efficient manner. I was following the guide from the start, and I think my platinum save came in somewhere around 60-80 hours. Some of the steps are done before finishing the story, so you'll probably have to start reading it from around chapter 11 for where to start on the optional stuff.
There is an importance to the order you do things. The most efficient monster for accumulating gil disappears once you finish all 64 missions, so farming needs to be done before that.
Auto protect and auto haste for everyone automatically then im trying to do ribbon on only wakka and Tidus. There is a great link on gamefaqs im using right now that talks about each ability that is good to use for each enemy. Take that into consideration if you'd like
There is a poison+attack method in this Five star mission guide? Worked like a charm for me. Of course, it is slightly easier to five star it by redoing this mission.
Yet it is true. One of the main reason MGS4 could only fit on a blu-ray was because of the uncompressed audio
I'm 99% sure. :P
Jump Festa starts tomorrow!
There is a countdown for the stream, I'm not entirely sure on what day they are going to show it but probably the first. Prepare for some goodness!
It will probably be a niconico for the active time report. I unfortunately don't have the link, but I do have a countdown to it.
Just check NeoGAF 30min before and they'll probably have the link to the stream. Sorry I couldn't be of much use :/
I found this guide yesterday as I decided to start a new game with a lot of card playing. Very fun so far. :) There is good info in it on how to spread/abolish rules, but it seems to be a very laborious process.
If you get stuck on any bosses, open a walkthrough on for tips. If you're fighting every battle you won't be underleveled but some of them can require a specific tactic that you may not have worked out for yourself fighting the trash mobs.
My tip: Debuffs and Buffs are OP. Any fight that is going to last more than one or two rounds, take the time to cast them. Deprotect and Brave can triple your physical damage output. It's not a bad idea to have accessories that start you with those buffs. Fang with an auto-Brave accessory is going to greatly speed up those fights.