For me the biggest part would be dedicated servers. Servers that are online 24/7 are a huge deal for alot of people. With a voting system built in we can choose our own gametypes/maps. Also the new recode will fix ALOT. You can read up about that here:
Meh, not really.
Technically, its more Halo 3 than anything else, as confirmed by devs.
>OS: Windows 7 or Windows 8
>Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 (or AMD equivalent)
>Memory: 4 GB RAM
>Graphics: Nvidia GeForce 9600GT (or AMD equivalent)
>Storage: 4 GB hard disk space
>Internet: Broadband
If you are talking about Eldorito, when you start the game you need to push on F11. This will open the Server browser. From there you can connect to other servers. No VPN needed :)
The official game requires a key to play which you can find here, You should be able to play there without a VPN too.
To be fair it is on the trello:
I'm sure they have a shitload on their plate.
It'll get there eventually. In the meantime, anybody with experience with either Wireshark or IP banning in general would be immensely useful.
Use crystal disk info to see what your smart info says. That will give you an idea if your disk thinks its failing or not. Most likely your just having video driver problems. Halo online has lots of bugs with new graphics drivers.
>We decided to give it the opportunity to get acquainted with Russian gamers Halo Online First, because Russia and the CIS countries - one of the key regions of the PC-gaming, with a huge potential audience.
>But Halo Online still offers in many countries. Could it be that the game will be, for example, in the United States? Yes, exit Halo Online is possible in other countries.
And they've said that a few times since then, this was near the initial alpha announcement back in May.
Also, it should be obvious to anyone who has hexed the game from Russian to English, the localization and regional changes have already been done for the most part. There are completely new strings in English, not ported from Halo 3, completely new, just look here: Halo Online: Tactical & Support Packages Complete List. There is no other reason for everything to be converted to English as well.
I thought this was announced months ago. I remember reading about this before the summer but people were pissed that there's no matchmaking
N Edit: Yeah, this was known since May
OBS-Studio can do multi-track audio and has VCE (AMD), NVENC (nVidia), and QuickSync (Intel) encoders to allow you to record with little to no performance loss. You can get fairly high quality recordings out of OBS with the right settings.
I believe this is caused because eldorito defaults fov to 90 where as halo 3 was 65? (correct me if I'm wrong)
Edit: And this is now up on trello
Nice work guys! It would be awesome if you could integrate the boarder stripper app with this. It gives the players a much better experience, but it is a pain to setup each instance individually using border stripper as is. If you want to check it out here is the link:
Ok, then your download is getting corrupted then for some reason, sorry. Maybe it's a dying hard drive? Try a different PC or network.
Here are the links if you want them.
Base game:!ldQQjIQT!_4bSgc2BkNwH_jhRMlTUYljMNDXM_LTZlmKEYRQZIkQ
First thing we need to do is verify that this is actually reproducible.
Download this:!5I4VwBTJ!vPiEgFiYnANrDBJkvnC7w51e3buNzewlL7RKTY7nIGI
Put it in your Halo folder and overwrite your existing mtndew.dll. Then, run the game by typing in the following in a command prompt: "C:\Halo\eldorado.exe -launcher" (where C:\Halo is replaced with your Halo folder). Do you get micro-stuttering now?
Okay now run the DewritoUpdater.exe (which will update you back to 0.4.6) and run the game again. Do you get micro-stuttering now?
First thing we need to do is verify that this is actually reproducible.
Download this:!5I4VwBTJ!vPiEgFiYnANrDBJkvnC7w51e3buNzewlL7RKTY7nIGI
Put it in your Halo folder and overwrite your existing mtndew.dll. Then, run the game by typing in the following in a command prompt: "C:\Halo\eldorado.exe -launcher" (where C:\Halo is replaced with your Halo folder). Do you get micro-stuttering now?
Okay now run the DewritoUpdater.exe (which will update you back to 0.4.6) and run the game again. Do you get micro-stuttering now?
Do you meet the system requirements? >OS: Windows 7 or Windows 8
>Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 (or AMD equivalent)
>Memory: 4 GB RAM
>Graphics: Nvidia GeForce 9600GT (or AMD equivalent)
>Storage: 4 GB hard disk space
>Internet: Broadband
the servers are up every day from 16-22 msk unless something is happening is where you can check for updates, just translate to english. 16-22 msk (change to your time to see) for me its 7am-1pm
Well the pre-order bonus yes, but as the other person mentioned, if you can pre-download the game before release can also be a reason, here in Melbourne my internet is beyond abysmal, if it was a game I really loved I might be tempted to do the pre-order to get a pre-install.
I know people like to shit on EA, but Origins refund policy is also pretty great: Basically in the scenario (my understanding is), I could pre-order, download, play for the whole of day 1, and as long as I put my refund request in before 24hrs after I launched the game I'd get a refund.
I've not pre-ordered anything that I've regretted, but I don't really pre-order. I do however play a lot of VR, and a big problem in that space right now is general-overhype. I.E: A game comes out and it's rating will be artificially inflated just because it's "X amount" of gameplay hours for VR, and the community is taking whatever it can get. I've not found reviews very helpful. I have returned a VR game or two because they didn't click with me.
As I mentioned. I think the problem isn't really pre-ordering. Yes people could be more reasonable, but a broken or shit game is a broken or shit game, and I really think the main issue with the pre-order space is the lack of protection for the consumer. All you're really doing by saying "wait for reviews" is (imho) "wait till some other sucker spends their money or a non-biased review comes out". And that second part doesn't always work either because if you take a look at SW:TLJ, critics had an incredibly positive reception, but the general audience was noticeably more sour towards the movie.
I haven't been following this community for that long (considering i only heard of this mod since yesterday), but it really just depends on how much attention this gets. The problems is that huge companies have to protect their IP.
IDC what you think of it, but around eight years ago Hasbro shut down a completely fan-made fighting game based on MLP just because they had to protect their license. Only reason it happened was because it caught so much hype Hasbro couldn't ignore it.
All in all, I feel the recent surge from the new release is going to make or break Microsoft's legal standing on this mod.
Try using OBS to record gameplay, that might help with the quality some. Adobe Premiere is a very powerful software that you should look into learning more about for editing. It shouldn't cause that great of a drop in quality unless it is required for GoPro Studio to work.
There is no Mac version, but you can probably get it working with Wine. If not, just install windows on your mac with BootCamp or VirtualBox.
It's not a magic number. On a little endian system it'll be stored in memory as "daeh" and "head" in big endian.
Since it is programmed in this way, the data files have to be changed to accommodate the change of endian cause it is a binary file that is not endian independent. It wasn't done willy nilly. The map compilation process was changed such that the game source code wouldn't have to be changed to support an endian independent file, and probably increasing loading times cause you can't simply plop the map file into memory anymore.
> It also makes me wonder if tampering with map files could be used to execute arbitrary code.
No it can't be.
Without vsync the game has fps issues so you have to take your pick. I don't know too much about graphical enhancements but most of the info is here
From this blog post:
>Q: Will gamers in other regions like North America and Europe be able to play Halo Online?
>A: Right now our focus is on learning as much as we can from the closed beta period in Russia. Theoretically, any expansion outside of Russia would have to go through region-specific changes to address player expectations.
I assume that the "region-specific changes" would include getting rid of or toning down the microtransactions.
So I actually tried this on my 5 year old laptop. Totally possible, but sadly it was a lot slower than windows.
[I used Lutris, here is a link. It's pretty easy, install lutris on your machine, press install in the web browser.](
You could blur the background, maybe; Or you could use a different font and do a really nice thin stroke to the outside of the text.
I'd recommend something like District Thin or Roboto just to fancy things up a bit. The current font, while I don't mind it, just seems a bit too hard for how clean everything else is.
They will not. However, I use this software for my own custom crosshair
i was a big fan of lava pit back in the day and unfortunately there is no option for last survivor on slayer. however the idea was that you just get -1 on your death. i made the gametype for you , in case you want it. File on AnonFiles since no fucking site works
Some notes for the original lava pit:
-choppers spawn after 1 minute
-the mid hole is round
-the area is a square (your map has some weird edges)
-the hole must be bigger
Download Tixati.
Check this out.
Copy the magnet link and paste it into your URL bar. Then, simply select Tixati to manage it, what you want to download (ElDewrito, and where to download.
I'd suggest going for the Full-Game link.
Main post also has some little tips, such as the Mod Manager.
Try reading from this webpage: under Corruption case: Can not open file 'a.7z' as archive. All I understand is the file is corrupted and possibly downloading the latest 7zip program can help.
>Q: What is Halo Online?
A: Halo Online is a free-to-play shooter developed by Saber Interactive and published by Innova Co. S.a.r.l, in association with 343 Industries. It is currently undergoing beta testing, and is exclusive to Russia and Windows OS. The game runs on a modified version of the Halo 3 engine, and includes gameplay additions such as sprint, assassinations, tactical packages, and more. The official website is here, and the official social media page is here.
>Q: What is ElDewrito?
A: Two days after the initial announcement of Halo Online, an early build of Halo Online was leaked from the official website. This build differs from the official game in that it contains Forge mode, Halo 3's menus, and various Halo 3 assets (though not Campaign or Theater). ElDewrito is a mod which makes Halo Online playable for all, and includes changes and additions such as English menus and HUD, support for medal/announcer packs, a server browser, and more. Its name is a play on the name of Halo Online's original executable, eldorado.exe.
Go to here and sign up: They had it region blocked yesterday, I'm not sure if it still is, they may have taken it off. If they DO still have a region block then just use a vpn and say you're in Russia. I use Hola, as it's the only one that seemed to work. After you have an account go here:
It's like a Russian Facebook. They post a key that can be used 100 times everyday at around 7am-9am Pacific Standard Time. If you can't read Russian, just use Chrome's feature or get an addon that translates everything.
A video of the Official version of Halo Online. I've only found a billion Halo 5 videos and 3 Halo Online videos in Russian so I thought I'd post this.
For the most part it's pretty fun and far more functional than Eldewrido except for some lag issues.
They post daily keys from around 7-9am Pacific Standard Time here:
Make an account here and wait for you to get selected to get in.
Or you can try to grab a code from (you will still need a 4game account) the VK website usually posts codes for about 100 people everyday.
Forget about that man, go to and keep and eye out. Most days they post a key up that's worth X amount of activations (usually 100). So if you're quick you can get in that way.
I have found something similar to the "Halo" maps and gametypes from Halo 3 which is just like your 2nd link. I DID NOT makes these. I found them from somewhere and for the life of me can't remember where I found them.
Have you worked with powershell before? Powershell can completely delete and remove services and unused apps.
Are you using the bootcamp manager? I actually found not using it, and manually installing the packages from the bootcamp source was actually pretty stable.
Adapted from the Halo Online VK page:
>OS: Windows 7 or Windows 8
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 (or AMD equivalent)
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia GeForce 9600GT (or AMD equivalent)
Storage: 4 GB hard disk space
Internet: Broadband
I missed twice in a row because I tried to turn into it both times. The solution is not getting over excited and turning into it.
Another tip is that you do NOT need to crouch to get your foot on the corner. The only time you need to crouch is to clear the landing into top yellow.
Also, Check out S1-S2 in Halo:Online!
The devs of OBS have some easy to follow guides to get the best out of OBS.
Here is one on how to get high quality local recordings. - download and unzip into your main halo directory Viruscan -
They will release it when it's ready Right now the only thing done for the next release is the bans and the recode still has a list of features that need to be added. Don't expect a date just because it makes sense because this is just a small team that do this for fun
The RTX series have issues rendering the Contrails in Halo Online, which even the main menu uses.
There is a workaround HERE which will allow you to play.
The problem is, the wiki is wrong.
While we may not get it in its current form, it makes sense marketing wise for them now to release an iteration of it to us. Why? Cash-Money. They would make a killing
I always go back to this.
One of the questions asks and the response is: right now our focus is on learning as much as we can from the closed beta period in Russia. Theoretically, any expansion outside of Russia would have to go through region-specific changes to address player expectations.
However these region specific changes, certainly for pal zones are partly already in the game. For instance after you've launched the game once a config file (json format) is created in the game directory. In there You can change two settings to 80% convert the game (including HUD) to English
OK, if it's working for other things then I'd agree, it should be working with this too.
First thing is to just check that the firewall isn't causing issues. The easiest way to check this quickly is to turn the windows firewall off completely for both computers, try to host/join a game and see if it works. If so, you know the firewall is causing the issue and can look in to allowing traffic from eldorado.exe through on the relevant network type.
If it doesn't work with the firewall completely turned off, you could try literally connecting them directly with an ethernet cable. You shouldn't need a crossover cable like you used to, since most NICs perform auto-negotiation now, just a regular ethernet cable between the two should work. Then you just need to set a static IP on both machines. This page has a decent guide.
The obvious issue with this is that it can only connect two machines, so only good for 1v1s.
It's just been a series of confusion, but I'll tell you what I did and maybe you'll be able to diagnose it.
I downloaded the ZIP folder for it, and I got the Halo folder. It has these files starting with folders; bink, Frost, maps, tpi, binkw32.dll, crash_reporter, eldorado, game_local, and preferences. When I tried to run eldorado, the icon stayed in the taskbar for about one second, and then it closed itself. I tried this about 15 times before giving up.
Then i downloaded DeWrito Updater from here, and it's been displaying "Validating game files" for a few minutes now with no sign of stopping anytime soon.
I'm not really sure what to do now.
I had the same issue as you have now and the updater wouldn't download it. The only solution for me was a clean install and that seemed to do the trick. I uploaded my tags.dat here in case you want to try replacing yours (back it up if you do) but I'm not sure if that will help.
No, not at all. For LOW settings, I was able to run on my laptop quite smoothly. Maybe give Razer Cortex a shot? I remember it used to be a really good and adware-free GameBooster back when my old laptop struggled with games :P
You'll need an Xinput Wrapper, which disguises your DS4 as a 360 controller, as an owner of a DualShock 4 which I use mostly for emulation, a popular tool is DS4Windows, it converts everything to Xinput (so you can use it as a 360 controller) and as an added bonus you can use the Gyroscope and TouchPad as extra button mapping or a mouse!
Grab it here:
AMD should be fine, the lighting issue only affects Nvidia cards and presumably the registry edit is only applicable if you use a Nvidia card.
There's a list of compiled mods at NexusMods. Mind you 0.6 is coming out on Friday, so it's up to you if it's worth bothering with all these for the next couple days.
I was able to successfully install the version from in a 64-bit prefix. You can't trust winetricks in a 64-bit prefix and I think the DewritoUpdater.exe might be 64-bit.
Also, I had to use a old version of the game because the newest version doesn't work on Windows 8. I was able to get the DewritoUpdater Launcher working today.
Ok, I have resorted to using damn command lines in order to try and circumvent this. It isn't meant to be a permanent fix since the game will still try to change the gain at will, however I think it'll hopefully do.
I've gone to and downloaded their program. Unpack the .rar and run nircmd.exe as an admin and select copy to windows directory. Now open CMD and copy the following commands, you may need to tweak them to suit your own needs:
nircmd.exe loop 172800 500 setsysvolume 36000 default_record
To explain the parameters, 172800 is defines the amount of seconds the program will run for until closing automatically.
500 determines how many times in milliseconds the program will check to see if the gain has changed. If it has it will revert the gain back to the specified parameters.
36000 defines the amount of gain set for the microphone. In this case, 36000=55%. For notes 65536 is 100% and 32768 is 50% just to give you some bearings.
If you wish to at anytime stop this program, go to task manager, details, nircmd.exe, end task.
This is the closet to a fix for this I can get until the dev team can fix it, assuming they'll hopefully be able to resume development.
Hope this is of some help to some people with this issue!
EDIT: Misspellings.
My Dewrito Updater constantly fails to download files, so I used the eldewrito installer, and then launched the updater, getting this The problem is, my updater never changed to become the new launcher, so I'm kind of just stuck, what do I do? Might be worth mentioning that my updater is still on apparently, and won't change.
Everyone seems to think you need a new account to get around this. Go here and download the VPN client. Choose a connection to the Russian Federation and then load up the Halo play page by clicking the desktop icon. It should still say you're region blocked, for now. The next day, though, you should be good to go and the block will be removed. I've done this with two of my region blocked accounts. If you connect to the web page while logged in with a Russian IP, apparently the foreign error flag will be taken off the next time the servers make their rounds.
Actually I have never had a problem doing stuff like this using SoftEther vpn client with the vpngate plugin from:
Just find a russian server in the list and connect. Remember though - your sending your entire connection through it.
I wouldn't do things like sign into normal sites etc - its very easy to perform MITM attacks when going through a VPN - even with SSL-Stripping
What version of windows are you running? Do you have .NET framework 4.5 installed? Did you try to get a fresh version of the Updater? - The website for Halo Online. If you want to apply for the official closed beta, use Google Translate to translate the page and use a Russian VPN (such as Hola) to increase your chances at getting accepted.
X-Posted from the sticky.
Use 7zip which can be found here:
When you're finished installing it, right click on the 7z file and select extract here. It will extract the Halo Online base game and that's where you put the updater. After that you run the updater, wait till it's done then launch the eldorado exe file which will be the Halo game. It should be a smooth enough process. You can reply if you run into any more problems
Since I couldn't do a "fresh" download, as I had modded tags, I simply uploaded the one I have. I didn't change anything. But please scan it, I don't wanna infect another redditor's PC. My AV says I don't have any viruses, and that the file is safe, and so does virustotal. (aside from Symantec, bc it rates files based on reputation, not an actual scan. The results are 1/56, as you can see.
Without any further ado, here it is.
Sync-video Enjoy your youtube couch. Just give your friends the link you get when you open a room and enjoy synchronized youtube vids that everyone watching can pause. All free.
The VK page for Halo Online gives away keys pretty often. It's 1 code with a limited amount of activations. Not sure if there is any uses left on this key but I used this one yesterday
There is a possibility of HO having a release in the US and other places in the distant future. You can play the beta right now if you have an access code which are sometimes posted on VK's pseudo Facebook. Many of us have been playing the official HO ( I have to tell you that it is unbalanced and complete crap). Other than that, I recommend Eldewrito over Official, especially with the amazing mods that have come out, and things like new maps and the recode that are right around the corner. The installation is insanely simple, and if there is anything you need help with on the way, please visit the get started tab, the wiki, or post if you are having any troubles with the install. you might have to scroll down a bit, and use right click and do translate to english. (if using chrome) But since the russians have less maps it could be valhalla and reactor that they are adding, so this may be wrong.
Try this one: 289274935924727
But be quick, the key is limited to 100 activations. If the key doesn't work anymore check this site. They post a new key every few hours. I just got my key there a few minutes ago.
We want a little eliminate confusion and clarify as there will be release of the game. You will find three stages: 1) ZAT - closed alpha test. Will begin next week. Access is available on the approved application or through a special code. A limit to the disclosure of information on the game ( ). In the end - zeroing accounts. 2) PTA - closed beta test. Such as alpha, but without confidentiality restrictions. Access is available on the approved application or through a special code. In the end - zeroing accounts. Important! Participation in ZAT no guarantee of getting into the PTA! 3) MBT - open beta test. Access is open to all. Still not available for purchase real currency. No reset at the end.
I downloaded the game and can play it with no glitches with KBM. But I wanted to play with a controller so I bought this controller from Amazon ( which is a usb controller with the xbox layout. I plugged it in and it was immediately recognized by Windows 10, but when I started the game and switched to "gamepad" in the UI menu, nothing happened, the game acts like the controller isn't there. I confirmed in the W10 settings "test" area that the controller works and is sending commands mapped to the correct buttons. So I tried adding both ElDorado.exe and updater.exe to Steam, then using the steam controller configuration feature to recognize the gamepad (which it does, and responds to the controller in the Steam menu UI), but again, even after doing this then opening the game through Steam, it acts like the controller isn't there. I tried downloading x360ce but it crashed and said the file became corrupted; then I downloaded Durazno but when I open it the program never responds (I get the little mouse "loading" wheel indefinitely on mouseover) until I force close the program. I was REALLY looking forward to playing Halo Online with a controller, since I have many years of experience with a controller and I suck with KBM... Is there any way I can get this controller to work or did I just flush $19 down the toilet?
If Hotspot Shield and Ultrasurf won't work, then that's about as far as it goes for my knowledge of filter bypassing. I would try a few other things though.
If it is a DNS thing then changing the DNS to Google's may or may not help.
If all else fails, I would use my phone or some other connection to the internet so that I wouldn't have to deal with their filters.
Another thing I would think about doing is setting up my own proxy, but I have not looked into this at all.
But, that's all I got. Sorry if this didn't help that much.
I'm going to be buying a laptop soon and want one that could run this game. The requirements aren't too high right? I was thinking of possibly buying this laptop off Amazon. Does anything know if it could run Halo Online?
e: thanks for replys halo online fam
I would like to report an issue I have with the game.. We all know that Halo feels more.. Halo with a gamepad. For the ones who do not own the official xbox 360 controller, the game just freezes after a while. This is happenning due to vibration beeing actvated. Unfortunately, there is no such option in the settings menu and I would like to request a patc or a way to fix this manually. It happens to me to all my games and disabling the vibration fixes all of the issues. Thanks in advance. I have ths gamepad :