I support your initiative, but i do think public toilets for number two is also relevant for men. I use "Hogenood", an app which shows you the nearest toilets and their capabilities (eg. Men only, baby proof, etc.). Link here below for android, really reccomend it.
This seems like a good start, written by an American who is half Dutch.
I don't know any English books on Dutch history though, but if you search you could maybe find some educational youtube videos in English as well.
You can publish it on https://livestream.com/. Use VPN during upload. And use anon email service like proton mail for any account sign ups. https://protonmail.com/.
Local media are pretty bored in NL so contact them as well. Put the cops on blast.
Ziggo is the worst. Buying content away from half the country and charging its own clients lots of cash to make it available. I'd say NordVPN and torrents are you're best option. Illegal but these assholes leave you no choice.
Sorry this happened to you, I keep telling people to never ever order from Mediamarkt. It's absolutely baffling to me that this company is still standing, looking at all the customer stories. They have a score of 1.4/5 in trust pilot : https://www.trustpilot.com/review/www.mediamarkt.nl.
Ordered a TV from them for next day delivery, 4 weeks later I still haven't received it. They claimed that it was sent, though I received an email that it was canceled. I can't remember how many times I called the customer service to get my money back. Two months later after threatening them with my credit card company claiming the money back, they finally refunded me.
Anyways, I ordered with Coolblue and got my TV the next day, always go with them.
Ziggo, requires subscription plus extra package, I think. HBO Max isn't a thing here yet.
I think this wasn't mentioned yet, but one of the things that truly helps is really a minor adjustment. Your friends who speak Dutch, I assume they try to speak Dutch with you(if they don't that's a good place to start). If you don't understand them at all, you will most likely need some form of a course to get you started. Once you got some basics down, you most likely will understand them better and better. However, when you get to the point where you don't understand everything, don't let them tell you the English word for it, rather let them explain the word using Dutch.
Along with how language acquisition works, I'd say also look for a job that requires you to speak it/practise it. Because as with anything, keep trying. The more effort you put into it, the better it gets. See language immersion: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Language_immersion
Also here's some extra tips from another website: https://bilingua.io/pro-language-immersion-techniques
Good luck in your ventures!
Wheww that has to be overwhelming but thats really cool! Here i am, only speaking Dutch, English and some German haha! Trying to learn Spanish, my friend from Mexico is my teacher but i suck at it.
I'm sure your son will be fine. Learning Dutch can be a pain in the butt but its not that hard of a language to learn i'm sure, its a lot easier than learning Arabic and Spanish. Pronunciation can be rough, there are youtube videos with correct Dutch pronunciations. I'm subbed to a dude originally from Texas, he lives here for maybe one or two years now and all of his videos are already in Dutch and he's learning fast, its even easier for kids.
We all have American tv channels/shows here like TLC, ID, History channel and you name it, all with Dutch subtitles. Same for some cartoons and did you try apps like Duolingo?
Link: https://www.duolingo.com/course/nl-NL/en/Learn-Dutch
ETA this is the youtuber i'm talking about, he has many the Netherlands vs USA videos on many different subjects, like healthcare, culture and politics: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUInfstar0Ar54e_gVs6PWg/videos
No not at all. I like the way they adjusted it (mostly in big cities and on television, smaller towns still have him black) most of the pieten now are lighter and only have some wipes of soot on their faces like this: https://tinyurl.com/ya5lnjnm which illustrates more that he has soot on his head, and therefore less likely to be associated with black. There are still a lot of people here that dislike this as they still think this is not enough change, but I support it because there are also a lot of people who are screaming that he must stay black and maybe with this solution those people will soothen up a little as well.
E: a letter
The tulip fields will be in bloom by then. The famous Keukenhof, at least, is open: https://keukenhof.nl//en/
As for cities to visit, I'm not too big on Amsterdam myself but I understand that for someone from the US it is probably a 'must see'. In terms of friendly cities with canals and nice views, Utrecht is very interesting. If you're looking for medieval cities, Ghent in Belgium is worth a visit too.
Dangers - well, the usual I guess: be careful after midnight is probably good advice in any city you go. As for Rotterdam, this page has one paragraph on the issue: http://wikitravel.org/en/Rotterdam I guess if you try to google for your other planned places to visit, you'll find similar information.
Luxembourg is not possible as a day trip from Amsterdam- it would take about 7 hours for a one way journey. Maastricht is already pushing it a bit- it's a longer journey than to Antwerp and you'll spend more than 6 hours in the train for a return trip- but if you don't mind that, it's doable.
For things to do in Amsterdam, check the Wiki of r/Amsterdam, it's full of resources and ideas and it's hard to advise you without knowing anything about your likes and dislikes.
For shopping in Amsterdam: main (and more generic) shopping street is Nieuwendijk/Kalverstraat. Especially for shoes, Leidsestraat has good options. For posh/expensive: PC Hooftstraat. For unique / Dutch design: de negen straatjes.
Edit: here's the weather forecast, since "warm, cold" is relative to the person and what they're used to: https://www.accuweather.com/en/nl/amsterdam/249758/daily-weather-forecast/249758
Check it out here. You set up the transfer and then send the money to Wise who will deposit it in the other account. They say it can take up to 1-2 days or something but in my experience it takes a couple hours tops. But I also don't remember how arduous the sign-up process was.
>I want to know because I love to read about radio and television and to catch it by antenna.
For the tv channels you would need a DVB-T2 antenna, and only NPO 1, 2 and 3 and the regional broadcasters use that. For all the other channels you need either cable, internet or a satellite dish (and often a subscription)
For radio: try https://mytuner-radio.com/nl/ . You'll find a lot of Dutch stations there.
I came here to say this! I recently ordered a ton of stuff in the sale as gifts for friends abroad.
I would also suggest the Dutch Cooking Today as a recipe book, its relatively cheap and has authentic Dutch recipes in (the apple pie and speculoos are great recipes).
Well, depends of what part of history you are interested in. There is ´The Dutch Atlantic´ by dutch Historian Kwame Nimako, which essentially talks about the role of the Netherlands in the transatlantic slave trade and the role of that trade in the formation of Netherlands and Europe. It´s written in English.
There are a lot of books written by foreigners living here, usually men with Dutch wives.
You're better off going with this series, they write for many countries and not just Netherlands, i feel they are more balanced and no desire to get promoted by clickbait articles.
I really liked Edge of the World. https://www.amazon.com/dp/168177206X/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_imm_57Q8AE0TQ071M9627RB0
It's not only about the Netherlands but its a large part and explaining the differences between North and south Europe. How trade was a bigger impact then wars.
As an addition to the post of @maureen_leiden you could also use the Kopie ID App created by the Dutch government.
This app is developed to create a secure copy of your Dutch Passport for all kinds of reasons, it requires you to take a picture of your passport and blank out certain sensitive areas of the passport.
You can download it over here in the Google play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.milvum.kopieid Or if you are more of an Apple user, from the app store:https://apps.apple.com/nl/app/kopieid/id932970330
streams all public television, but most of it has a region lockout. The easiest solution is to get a VPN service in the Netherlands to connect through.
I use AirVPN for this, but there are many competing services that will do just as well.
Yes, what to me is a proper, traditional mince pie tin are very shallow with a curved bottom. Sorry for Amazon link but this one: https://www.amazon.com/Faringdon-Collection-Bakers-Non-Stick-Muffin/dp/B000FLT7LM. You can get ones called mince pie tins with a squarer bottom that basically look like mini-muffin tins, but they produce a pie with too much filling per pastry.
Yes, I'm very particular about mince pies, they're very dear to my heart! My nanna always made them, growing up, but she's now senile, and my mum has passed away, so I've now taken up the family mince-pie-maker mantle.
More info, if you care to know more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mince_pie.
If you’re near The Hague, folks swim the North Sea in Scheveningen… I’m a fair weather open swimmer, myself, but there are groups that meet there year round. There are riptides so use caution, and I also recommend a swim buddy buoy (eg, https://www.amazon.nl/dp/B092HVGPYY/) for visibility, but if you’re a fan of open water it’s very swimmable and has decent buildings for spotting to keep you on track. Just watch the winds, and keep an eye out for the reddingsbrigade flags, sometimes it gets adventurous out there.
They are all similar in how they work, the principle is very simple. The cheaper the unit the more efficient it will generally be, by just changing electricity into heat. So don't spend more than €20-30 on an electric heater.
If you want to take a step up, an infrared panel heater will be a bit more efficient and practical. They are directional so you can heat a specific area, whereas electric heaters are omnidirectional so you need to heat a larger area before it becomes comfortable. Infrared panels are however more expensive.
Check your devices for 230v compatibility before you go. But I would fully expect any usb phone charger and any laptop charger to be compatible with 230v. So all you would need is the pin adaptor. See links above.would probably get the second one as it has an earth pin.
Nah man, adapters are not expensive at all. Here's a generic 45W Chromebook adapter for €16,30 that can be used to charge a Note 10 too:
Well it's $7.99 for a month, that might be worth it.
You can also rent in on Amazon for $3.99 it seems:
Not sure if they block it geographically though.
Update: I tried to find some capybara plushies on Amazon.nl before I came on to Reddit and only found these ugly capybaras. The other results on Amazon were also similar looking to this one and the prices were not it. The ones on AliExpress were cheap but looks the same also. If you look up real capybaras on Google, you would see that the difference is astronomical. I just hope I can find some cute capybara plushies at the places y’all linked! I also asked my mum if I can go to the Artis zoo to buy one but she said no.
Update: I tried to find some capybara plushies on Amazon.nl before I came on to Reddit and only found these ugly capybaras. The other results on Amazon were also similar looking to this one and the prices were not it. The ones on AliExpress were cheap but looks the same also. If you look up real capybaras on Google, you would see that the difference is astronomical. I just hope I can find some cute capybara plushies at the places y’all linked! I also asked my mum if I can go to the Artis zoo to buy one but she said no.
My goodness this link is so long
:( I was never cold but then I got a house with central heating and discoverd that I would feel chilly when going outside. Also, the thick sweaters I used to wear all day, suddenly were itchy. On the upside, windows no longer froze shut with ice so I can now always look out. Once you know comfort, you cannot go back. It is like trying more expensive catfood.... :) !
- Thermal underwear like the ski underwear at the Lidl or Aldi stores. Your skin loses less heat and you can bear an extra -2C.
- A vertically placed Infrared heating panel of 100 - 140 watt for the cats. Like this one https://www.amazon.nl/gp/product/B07HKHDPN6. It heats sunwarmth up to 20 cm distance from the panel. I have one stuck under my desk to keep the legs warm.
- REAL blankets, the heavy ones. Not the fluffy socalled warm blankets every store here sells. I cannot find them here so I buy them in Germany.
If you are looking for a book with that provides a great introduction into a large variety of typical Dutch topics I can highly recommend "The Dutch I presume?" by Martijn de Rooij. Available in both English and Dutch (so watch out which version you get) . It has information about a whole range of Dutch topics, from our national color, via cultural tradition (Sinterklaas), to typical food and candy (hutspot and drop) to history, inventions, habits ("Going Dutch!"), weather/climate, etc. And each chapter has lots of pictures (Note: there is e 1 pic in there that would not be considered age appropriate for children in the USA it is in the chapter on tolerance (a bare bre@st)
, amazon.com/Dutch-presume-icons-Netherlands/dp/9076214174/ref=sr_1_1?crid=4A0QXWR0HHUT&keywords=The+Dutch+I+presume&qid=1669128428&sprefix=the+dutch+i+presume%2Caps%2C166&sr=8-1
As long as the bag/carrier flexible, they're OK with a slightly bigger bag. We got rejected once with our small dog when we put her in a bag exactly the size of the recommended dimensions, because they thought it was too small. The animal has to be able to stand up and turn around. But when you're in the plane you have to shove the bag under the seat in front of you, so the bag will get a little bit squished. We used this one without any trouble: Amazon pet carrier
Hi everyone , this is a very fun app to play with your kids. I would really appreciate it if you could share this app. Have a great sinterklaas https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ratinganimals.raadhetdier
>AaBe deken
I should have said comforter probably. I am looking for something likes this
But with less delivery time
Funny thing is, Duolingo actually does include the grammar, but for Dutch it's only available in their web version (https://www.duolingo.com/learn), not in the app. I have no idea why they didn't include it in the app as well, they have the technical ability to do it (it's there in the German course, for example). If you open the web version, click on the lesson and select "Tips", and a grammar section relevant for the lesson will open. Also, you usually can get an explanation for why your answer was wrong: every exercise has a comments section available after your answer is submitted (a small chat window icon to the top right of the "Continue" button). In the comments, people usually ask why the app didn't accept this or that answer and others explain what's wrong, in my experience there's always someone who's made the same mistake as you did and got an explanation for why it was wrong.
Somehow Dutch kids seem to be the happiest in the world, so I don't think the suffer a lot from getting less pocket money
>1 kilo of paper results in approximately 1 kilo of CO2 during its production (1.2kg of CO2 for unrecycled, and 0.7kg of CO2 for recycled paper)
>The carbon footprint of making LDPE film ranges from 2 kg CO2e/kg to 4 kg CO2e/kg. The average value is around 3 kg CO2e/kg.
So you'd think paper is better, right?
But: One can get much, much more square meter packaging out of 1kg LDPE than out of paper.
For example: https://www.amazon.nl/Toppits-Vershoudfolie-verpakt-incl-trekhulp/dp/B00NNR95MQ/ref=asc_df_B00NNR95MQ/?tag=nlshogostdsp-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=430620226490&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5763635980826521095&hvpone=&hvptwo=&... This is not even 1kg LDPE, probably about 700g or so, and gives 200*0.2.59=about 60m2 of film.
Whereas paper (standard A4) goes for about 200 sheets/kg. Which is: 200*0.29*0.21= about 12 m2! So, by approximation, you get 5 times as much packaging per kilogram material, whilst only producing 3 times as much CO2. So LDPE is 5/3ds as efficient, when comparing cling film to paper sheets. And honestly, most paper packaging is gonna be much thicker than an A4 sheet plus potentially coating
I’ve got this one from amazon. It does it’s job, and can be programmed to keep humirity at certain level. Can’t really compare it to anything since I haven’t used anything else. I’ve seen people suggesting passive dehumidifiers as well, but then again I haven’t tried one..
Try a VPN like NordVPN that explain how to stream US content on HBO Max from the Netherlands for example.
Continuing from my previous comment, if it is true your laptop does a mini-DisplayPort, purchasing this cable will help connect your second monitor to your laptop - https://www.amazon.co.uk/AmazonBasics-Mini-DisplayPort-HDMI-Cable-Black/dp/B0134V3KIA/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=mini+displayport+to+hdmi&qid=1665256417&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI0LjIwIiwicXNhIjoiMy45MyIsInFzcCI6IjMuODIifQ%3D%3D&s=computers&sprefix=mini+dis%2Ccomputers%2C90&sr=1-4
I love when my neighbours listen to good music. Jk.
I hear that alot from friends who have crazy ass neighbors. Just tell them to take it to the building engineers or if you rent with rental company as sound levels are within your property limits are reasonable ~ 60-70db or smth. Just measure with this app. I tested it with profesional meter seems pretty close 1-2db diference. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gamebasic.decibel
Remember its their problem that they are bothered by it if you keep it under sane levels after 20h so if any solution comes for you buying something like carpet ask them to cashnin on half.
Some people are just like that. They hate that someone is having fun. Especialy if your foreigner.
Notify about celebration with paper notice. Then there is not much they can do.
There don't seem to be any streaming options in NL currently for Twin Peaks, which is a shame. Your options might to be:
Buy it through Amazon US at $9.99 per season, but you may get a notice about your location:
When you click on 'More purchase options' on that page you also have options to view it through Paramount+ or Showtime.
If all the above methods fail then you could use a VPN to access them.
>Slava Ukraini und Slava Netherlands !
Alternatively I use these for necklaces so the pendants can't fall off, 925 but not in stock on NL: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01GD05BH2/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o06\_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I use from the list the one from Soundcore. I use this one: soundcore life p3 which have I think 6 mics to capture your voice and have awesome noise cancellation. Be aware however they have multiple noise cancellation modes for ambient sound that can sometime almost block nearly all surrounding sounds. I use them daily biking, while in gym and cannot hear anything outside and sound is crystal clear even on office calls.
You can buy a heating table pad to warm your hands. Something like this
Basically, some people have toddlers who are runners and some people have toddlers who aren't.
Unsafe places (shorter distances)
I see a lot of people just carry their children to the car for example, if it's parked next to a canal. It's safe, although they often don't like it. Sometimes they use wraps or carriers, sometimes they just hoist the kid up.
Unsafe places (longer distances)
Strollers, so the kid is safely contained and you can enjoy an outing.
Toddlerwrap/carrier if you are strong enough for it.
Safety harness, leash and most often the backpack variant (https://www.amazon.com/Goldbug-Animal-Safety-Harness-Monkey/dp/B00JJ5DLM6/ref=zg_bs_2237486011_sccl_16/145-8786814-2047207?pd_rd_i=B00JJ5DLM6&psc=1), that looks cute, but it's super safe.
People who don't have runners will condemn you, but you at least know you did safety first.
It is extra insulation if you use boiler. For some reason it is only sold and used in North America https://www.amazon.com/Reach-Barrier-3016-Heater-Insulation/dp/B0058W5M30/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?keywords=water+heater+blanket&qid=1662805056&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1
If that shape is difficult to find in Nederlands try maybe in Germany or France. You'll only have to pay a little more for delivering. this is the only one similar of what you are looking for https://www.amazon.nl/Genesis-instellingen-Technology-Draaghandvat-G20BOX-WHT/dp/B0854FY793/ref=asc_df_B0854FY793/?tag=nlshogostdsp-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=572324019252&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=4630769139712628661&hvpone=&...
I hope I don’t get booted from the Netherlands for saying this but… I eat a hagelslag inspired breakfast/snack where I put peanut butter on bread and sprinkle some cacao nibs on top. Sometimes I’ll use banana slices instead of PB. But like you I much prefer savory flavors and the cacao is nice and chocolate-y without being sweet.
There's even an app for it:
Works great because it uses super little data, has no adds and is therefor really fast.
i found it on amazone UK i searched it in English tho as some books have complete title change when translated https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/9004146474/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A3TJVJMBQL014A&psc=1
and good luck with your pursuit you are competing with 30 of her cousins
Yeah, no judgement, all my friends watch anime illegally. I used to use Zenmate but its quality downgraded recently, so can’t really recommend it. Honestly, I don’t even bother with the VPN now, but it might be a good idea if you feel worried
I stopped drinking alcohol almost 6 years ago now. I quit because I read Allen Carr's Easy Way to Control Alcohol. I hadn't intended to stop completely, I just thought I probably did drink too much and I wanted to drink less. But by the end of the book I'd realized I did need and want to quit completely, so I did. And it really was easy. The book made me go from intellectually knowing I should drink less because it's bad for you, to feeling "Uh, what was it again I used to like about that nasty stuff?"
Police won't come knocking on your door or other services knocking on your door/sending mail. And be sure to not torrent things Brein has been paid to guard over (I thought DFW movies). If you want to be completely safe and sure there won't be any consequences, use an internet condom (VPN, Mullvad is great).
I got tons of friends torrenting without VPNs. They’ve been at it for 15 years. Geen problemo! If you don’t want to get trouble however, Use Mullvad VPN since it’s cheap and most non ethical nerds use it too which is a sign of a good working VPN.
There are plastic bags for those items. Like this Most of the time we don't need it. There's a lot less rain then foreigners think
Your BSN should be on the back, so as long as he didn't take a picture of the back you should be fine.
The next time you're in this situation you could bring your own copy with all things you want kept private blanked out and a water mark so it can be traced when it's leaked.
The government even has an app to help you with that: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.milvum.kopieid
It was just this
Nothing fancy but really helpful for work.
This post has been brought to you by NordVPN, world's number 1 VPN provider with thousands of servers all around the world. Get NordVPN for as low as 3 euros per month by using the link in the description!
Im not a torrenter. I would mostly download from direct download websites since they're much safer, you could also try to leech on torrents. Still recommend you to use a VPN. (If you dont want to take a risk, Mullvad VPN has an super strict antilogging policy and is super secure)
On the Dutch Amazon site there's a black version: https://www.amazon.nl/dp/B08FF5QRJ8?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_dp_S0C8PFT4B2FS8T6JENJ6 (it's on the bottom right.) It's in stock, will arrive in two days and costs EUR 26,67.
I spent some time trying out a number of them a few years ago, there are actually quite a few decent and affordable umbrellas available on Amazon. The important thing to look for is one with at least 8 ribs, and up to 12 ribs. The 12 rib ones are more durable in extreme weather (bft 5-6+) but they are more expensive and also more heavy to carry around.
As a rule of thumb:
8-rib will weigh around 300g and cost around 10-12 euro, best used up to 3-4 Bft
10-rib will weigh around 400g and cost around 18-20 euro, best used up to 4-5 Bft
12-rib will weigh around 500g and cost around 25-30 euro, for 5+ Bft
The one i have been using for the past 3 years in up to storm level winds is very similar to this one:
I purchased my first car in 2018: a Renault Clio 2 from 1999. This is my first car and as of today I've driven it for over 60k kilometres. Since I've kept track of most costs in Fuelio I hope I can help you gain some insights in what to realistically expect if you go for a relatively light car.
My (current) monthly cost breakdown:
So far so good. Now for the other costs (2018-now):
So lets say that the non-monthly costs (€872 + €1645 + €1912, so excluding purchase of the car) have been €1000/year (so €83/mo) on average. If we include my current monthly costs (€24,33 + €26,01) that would make approx €134/mo in total.
If I'd still drive to work every day (like I did in 2018 and 2019) I'd be making money while driving (because of the reimbursement from work). Unfortunately I'm working fully remotely these days, but since the monthly costs are low I'm keeping the car because it convenient (it's the only car in our household).
Depending on the weather and type of trips I get 15-16,5km/L (6,66L/100KM - 6,06L/100KM). Since driving distance is different for everyone and the fuel prices are very different from what they were a year ago I don't think it makes sense to include my actual fuel costs.
Hope this helps :)
Bought them at Amazon Germany - here it is:
Amagabeli 60 cm x 300 cm garden fence, metal fence parts, garden fence, decorative fence, complete set, fence, metal, wood, wire, fences, metal https://www.amazon.de/dp/B07P6ZXHXV/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_PBY21Y2GNEBYBSMDFN5G?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
A magic thing called a VPN can solve your issues. Mullvad VPN is cheap, secure and easy. But there are many options more.
With a VPN you can trick websites into thinking you are in a different country. Let's say you want to watch something that is only available in Germany. You choose a server location is Germany and connect to it. Now all sites you visit think you are in Germany and will let you access region-locked content.
Don't knock the hustle!
I know students who make it by in this country with about 700 a month. Lifestyle just needs to change. Share a room, shop different, budget better, spend money wiser.
Reminds me of the book The Power of Broke [AMAZON link] by Daymond John. When you NEED to make things happen you are driven to get them done!
I got a TDS tester (like this one) after receiving a letter from the municipality that the water in my building pipes is not that good.
Here are some numbers:
My building: 350ppm
Average tap water Amsterdam: 200-400 ppm
Jumbo/AH/Lidl branded bottles: 150-250ppm
Chaudfontaine: 120ppm if i remember well
SPA: 25ppm
Spa is really good water you can tell the difference from my tap water. Thankfully my neighbor's Jumbo will recycle the SPA bottles.
P.S. Average Europe tap water: 100-300 depends on the area usually not the country, but i didn't keep a log. The lowest number we saw it on a side parking resting place on a road in Switzerland , there was a tap with water coming from the mountain. it was 10ppm or something like that.
You might be better of with ordering the bigger refill bottle from the French Amazon then actually find something like this in the Netherlands. https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B00EEW5B4A/ref=aod_recommendations_asins_pageSource_mobile_fod_widget_title_2
Or treat yourself on a short holiday to Paris. It's only a 5 hour drive a anyway 😁
I used to be a weed addict too and here is a list that helped me. - There is a reddit page. Called r/leaves. This page is dedicated to stop smoking weed.
download the app: quit weed. This app really, really, really helped me. The creator really understand the process of rehabilitation. (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.michaljanecek.quitweed) --> I use android but it's available for IOS too.
try to think for yourself: just not today, maybe tomorrow. Don't force yourself to think that you will never ever smoke weed again, that thought killed me in the beginning so I always said whenever I felt like I missed a joint "just not today, perhaps tomorrow".
If you ever wanna talk you can send me a message. I know how you feel but with the right guidance you can find light at the end of the tunnel. I managed to stop smoking weed without professional help, but it is completely okay to look for it if YOU feel like you need that.
I personally believe that if you really want to quit these tips can really help you, I used to be deep in that whole too. * Digital hug *
I use one of these:
NeilMed Nasendusche hilft bei Erkältungen, verstopfter Nase, Allergien mit 60 Portionen Nasenspülsalz https://www.amazon.nl/dp/B08CXBCGF9/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_ANEXXAR05ZA5T4TBCJ42
If you have to do it regularly and for some reason you’re not insured, the cheapest salt I found was:
120x neusspoelzout (oplossing) ·... https://www.amazon.nl/dp/B0788RLDKS?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Also make sure you used bottled or boiled (and cooled down) water as using unsterilised tap water can actually kill you due to the presence of microscopic parasites that can be harmless in your gut but distastrous in your sinuses (very unlikely, but possible).
It’s uncomfortable the first time you do it but after a few times, and if the water is warm but not hot, it actually becomes quite pleasant.
I use Expense IQ link. It was 1-time payment at the time. Featuring many accounts and currencies. Probably there are better already.
Gonna be honest with you OP, I have lived all my live (27) in the Netherlands and in Amsterdam (bijlmer area) as a native Dutch from Dutch descent.
There will always be dumb and ignorant people, sadly they got a racist representative in politics (Geert Wilders), whom I have strong opinions on.
But luckily for you Amsterdam, Rotterdam, the Hague, and Utrecht (a combined area known as the Randstad) is super multi cultural, and more open minded on a whole.
As long as you try to integrate into dutch society and respect everyone's culture, roots, etc you will absolutely love it here.
May I recommend you the book "The Undutchables: An Observation of the Netherlands, Its Culture and Its Inhabitants" it is a great read, funny, and very insightful into our weird and quirky cultural norms, values, and habits.
Link: https://www.amazon.com/Undutchables-Observation-Netherlands-Culture-Inhabitants/dp/188858047X
Ps: always happy to make new friends, so pm me if you want to know some of the best restaurants in town. ☺️
Could the case be made 1milliom scovile sauce also ain't a food product? Not seen any restaurant or supermarket, not even at toko's. More like a gimmick made not with the purpose of nutrition but hurting burns.
The first hit on Amazon actually has a bottle marked with skulls and bold letters "NOT A FOOD ITEM".
Hey guys, I have a promotion available for the next 12 days. In order to win anywhere between 10-200€, please use my link to register for a revolut account. By doing so, you would need to order a revolut card and make 3 transactions over 5€ anywhere in the Netherlands.
link- https://revolut.com/referral/noampc1y!FEB1-22-VR-NL
remember this referral only works until the 16th of Feb!! If you have any questions please contact me for more information on my instagram: @noabertovic
Hey guys, I have a promotion available for the next 12 days. In order to win anywhere between 10-200€, please use my link to register for a revolut account. By doing so, you would need to order a revolut card and make 3 transactions over 5€ anywhere in the Netherlands.
link- https://revolut.com/referral/noampc1y!FEB1-22-VR-NL
remember this referral only works until the 16th of Feb!! If you have any questions please contact me for more information on my instagram: @noabertovic
Signal hides who the message comes from, see https://signal.org/blog/sealed-sender/
It does nothing about who the message is for. Otherwise, the server would not know who to deliver it to.
It also does nothing about hiding your IP address. And your client is logged into the server.
Doesn't matter what their policy is, based on the above, technically; they can extremely easily correlate at a server level who is talking to who, if they wanted to and the clients would be none the wiser that this is happening.
Well it really depends what your background and capabilities are. Hard to say anything in general about these things, but building a network just to get an entry level job seems like a roundabout way. Of course it has its own advantages but for the purpose of finding a job it's probably better to just apply for vacancies in your field. There are jobs, especially in cities, where English is perfectly fine.
I work in IT and in my student time I joined some organisations that focuses around this stuff and joined some that I supported that could use IT skills. But when I started working full-time I kind of abandoned all that, but most of my friends are also IT people so when we go out or on vacation together there's still a lot if IT talk.
But as a newcomer I wouldn't know how to go about it except through work and indeed meetup.com, or maybe conferences in your work field. Or through a sports club or gym if you're into that.
Can't really help you here I'm afraid.
Thank you for this response! Comprehensive and helpful!
>I wouldn't say the labour market is tough. Unemployment is very low due to high demand.
Technical people have it relatively easy anywhere, but otherwise, I think for a foreigner who does not speak Dutch and has only 1-2 years experience can find it really hard. Maybe I am also quite anxious about the job market and try to prepare myself for the worst. How do connections work? Is that the best way to get a job? If you know someone?
>Our working culture tends to be very informal, with little or no hierarchy
That's wonderful to hear. I hate corporate cultures where managers are the kings and others are not taken seriously even as human beings unless they have a high-status job.
May I ask you what can I do to get to know to more dutch professionals, except going to organized meetup.com meetings? And I mean informal meetings. Where do dutch go? What're the most popular hobbies? I am not talking necessarily only about natives but people who are based in the country. I think getting to know to them both socially and professionally, can be the best way to find a sort of support system in the country, integrate better and maybe even find an entry-level job. Am I correct in my assumptions? Although, it does seem a hard job getting to know Dutch without speaking the language.
Very useful comment. Thanks!
>join some sort of group hobby or club
Noted! One of my plans is to actively seek out such social meetings on meetup.com . Do you know any other specific source that Dutch or people living in the Netherlands are using for gathering for such meetings?
>Dutch people don’t tend to have any layers in the things that they’re saying
I have heard from this sub already that sugarcoating is not something that dutch do. So, it would be understandable why they things only once. Also, in a perfect world, wouldn't it be really nice if things are said once and then they are just done?
>Being 5 minutes late to an appointment a terrible mishap.
Even if it's a social event? I don't mean when only one person is waiting for you, but maybe when a group of people gather and you are a bit late?
No idea about it being Dutch (I'm a dirty American) but I have something like this: https://www.amazon.com/Tube-Key-Tooth-Paste-Squeezer/dp/B088X36PF1/ref=sr_1_24?crid=24UINYDRARA6R&qid=1643661612&sr=8-24
You slide the end of the tube into the key's slot and roll it up, it's quite effective. Definitely easier than scraping it out, and probably more effective too.
Indeed, already got them from the initial offer when I signed up with them.
is this the one? Thanks!
I did use the Flink app when I was in quarantine. They charge 1.80€ for delivery. Not sure about the payments part. The menu is enough to get by is what I'd say, not as extensive as the chain stores. Give it a try though.
MKBHD (youtuber) got me to try:
Je betaald wel wat (hoe on-nederlands ook) maar dan heb je wel een hele fijne app als je reddit veel gebruikt.
Evil companies helped me through the times I ran out while living in the U.S. bad times.
I'm guessing through the Ziggo Go site?
The last one is specifically for sports.
It's also available on T-Mobile, KPN, XS4ALL, Freedom, Online, Caiway, Youfone, Budget en DELTA.
You'd have to check their channel plan to get the right tv channel.
Because it is mainly a political hoax, we currently have a good hoax at the ready so no need to bring out the environment at the moment. When this hoax is over, we'll either see the environment or a financial one. Here you can read about the political climate stuff in Dutch, it's about Frans Timmermans. https://www.climategate.nl/2022/01/onder-professoren-de-timmermans-soap/
Also about the hoaxes, a good book to read:
https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B001H3M4GM/ is available it seems. Not the same Cd, but pretty close
Amazon Netherlands doesn't appear to have it either, so that's a shame.
I can get your particular CD from bol.com, but they don't seem to ship outside of the Netherlands. eBay has listings as well, but I can't search properly on my phone atm.
But shipping is as much as the CD :/
https://www.amazon.de/dp/B00004WA1Y/ seems to ship to the US though.
Not inside their own frikinn app... Contacted support. They tried to fix it, failed. Send them links too 😏 i'm not THAT stupid..
Unless you're claiming that BOTH the android app published by postnl holdings and the verified twitter support account are both fake?
Not sure about the company, though I found one on Amazon. Did that help?
Building on this, I highly recommend N26. Unlike Revolut, they're a registered bank (in Germany, this in EU, N26 has german IBAN which legally must be accepted by employers in the EU.) So you know your money is secure and you'll get a mastercard, I think they may even be able to do Maestro in NL. Here's a referral code which may help, I apologies in advance for posting this here but whatever! Sign up for N26 with my referral code and see how easy banking can be. Use aedano3275. https://n26.com/r/aedano3275
Get this app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.phonecastsolutions.bzreisadvies
Reisapp van NL overheid. Geeft je de huidige status van / naar elk land. Als je een land als favoriet instel krijg je ook notificaties met alleen de wijzigingen om het makkelijker te houden.
In America, my company provided some adhesive strips to put on the inside of your mask as we constantly worked outside in the cold and couldn't have our glasses fogging up. There's also a spray. There are also cheaper options than the link listed. Google "mask anti-fog adhesive for glasses".
Here's a link: https://www.amazon.com/MaskTite-Glasses-Medical-Grade-Hypoallergenic-Double-Sided/dp/B08J2CLYXW
You can also try looking here if you're feeling too tired to get out of bed but want to try something: https://www.7cups.com/
They got all sorts of things, including 24/7 free chat if you need someone to talk to.
Good luck!
You are ideally located. From NB you can drive to the coast in about two hours or go south east to Limburg. Walking parts of the Pieterpad, for instance, could be a great day trip. This path stretches the entire length of the country. The path is cut in leggs of 25km, but you can study the route to shorten it.
Limburg has some of the best parts, for instance from Sittard to Valkenburg. Halfway through you can take a train back to Sittard from Schinnen - dog may need a ticket too if he can't sit on your lap. The NS dog ticket is valid in arriva trains. The Valkenburg - Maastricht part is nice too, you will see caves.
Rather take a round trip, taking a walk around Margraten or the hills around Valkenburg, can be exciting for you and the dog as well. Here is a site with routes to get you started https://www.komoot.com/guide/893897/hiking-around-margraten
I just moved here from New York. I had this list bookmarked: https://mubi.com/lists/essential-dutch-cinema and was looking forward to watching some of these. But I've discovered practically none of them are available on any streaming platform. I can't even find all the Verhoeven films. Soldaat van Oranje is supposed to be one of his best and I can't find it anywhere! Can't watch any of the Dick Maas besides Amsterdammed, and I can only find the english dub of that one! I'm honestly pretty disappointed. I plan to visit some kringloopwinkels and look through used dvds.