Man, I HATE people who do this kind of thing. I'm sorry someone did that to you. Luckily, you have a few options to fix the tank without replacing or removing it.
There are expanding plugs made of chemical resistant rubber for exactly this scenario. You may need to make the hole bigger to use one. Make sure it is nitrile rubber or rated for fuel (epdm).
Since it's so small, you can probably use this putty meant to fix holes in fuel tanks. I believe it's epoxy.
Here are two examples I found.
I would definitely leave the hole smaller to begin with.
A Philadelphia journalist recently went undercover as an UberX driver. It's not the best piece of writing, but it's worth reading.
There was also some interesting conversation on Hacker News, including a comment from someone claiming to be a former driver.
> I have no problem hailing an Uber - they are really, really cheap. However, it's a raw deal for drivers. Uber turns a blind eye to driver-contractors driving without commercial vehicle insurance. It has to, as the additional cost (which is pushed onto the driver) would cause the driver's hourly rate to plummet even further.
Another users clarifies
> So basically you mean than Uber can only make money if most their drivers do not respect the law. Which gives Uber an unfair advantage over the competition (regular taxis that do respect the law ). It's like saying employer X doesn't check if his employees are legal workers, because if he did it would be too expensive to do business.
I like the convenience of Uber, but I'm surprised how most people think it's a godsend.
Are there any current or former drivers here?
The vast majority of people don't, but there's been a weird trickle of the ones that do coming in everyday. Unfortunately I don't think they fit the r/portland demographic, but I'm not exposing myself to just to rant into the void.
There aren't enough dildos in these photos. I mean, the cops are dildos. But instead of throwing water bottles, why not dildos? The ground in front of the Justice building should be littered with rubber dongs. The feds would have to come out and pick them all up. GREAT photo op.
Edit: Also, throw balloons full of waterproof lube. Make the assholes slip and slide around in a mess of lube and dongs.
Double edit: If people are interested in this idea, alibaba will sell bulk dongs for $3.70 a piece on orders of 1024 or more. If 1000 people pitched $10, that would be a lot of dongs. Here is a 55 gallon drum of lube
> I'm not taking down my jurry rigged airconditioning set up until august is over.
Might want to hold out till mid-September especially if the smoke rolls in and you can't open up your windows.
Here’s what it looks like, but a variation that’s white and red:
Of course amazon sells bullshit like this, because anything for a profit, even if people die.
Airbnb has a feature allowing you to report/file a complaint. They will then get in touch W the host associated with the listing you report (your neighbor).
I understand how people would be concerned about that, but from an economic perspective it's not likely to shake out the same way.
The reason is that SF is bordered on three sides by water, and on the fourth side by other cities. So in SF there's literally nowhere else for new housing to go but in the already super-expensive city. In economics we call this inelastic supply of available real-estate.
Portland, while it does have its urban growth boundary, doesn't face the same geographical restrictions, so while prices can (and have and will) increase in Portland, it's highly unlikely that it reaches the proportions of SF.
One driver for this effect is new construction. In cities like SF, there's basically no space for new construction, and any new construction is done on parcels of land that are themselves already incredibly expensive. In cities without such geographic restrictions, new construction is relatively cheap and easy, allowing new housing to be built to "take the edge off" of the price increases, so to speak.
This inelastic supply for new development was particularly evident during the '07/'08 crash - places with highly inelastic supply, such as SF or New York City experienced some of the biggest crashes in property values, because the inelastic supply had driven prices far beyond "normal".
Cities with plenty of space for expansion, meanwhile, didn't experience the same degree of crash (on average) in the housing market because the relatively elastic supply hadn't caused prices to be driven up as much.
Edit: Sources: See Housing Supply and Housing Bubbles by Glaeser, Gyurko, and Seiz for some empirical research on this topic.
Pop in stop ID? What is this, the dark ages?
Download Transit (free for Android and iOS). Uses GPS to list nearest stops with next arrivals in the bottom half. Map on top half of screen shows nearby routes, MAX lines, city bikes, and car2go
Works in 100 different cities, cause fuck all this fragmented "one app" for everything BS
Lots of love from Tulsa!
A big tip I have is to use a bump cap insert to protect your head a bit. Will keep you somewhat protected, while still being very discreet.
These are not equivalent to hard hats or helmets, but they still help with blows to the head.
Here’s an example of the type of bump cap insert I mean:
Universal Safety Bump Cap Insert, Lightweight, Fits Into Any Baseball Hat, Skullerz 8945
Sadly, and I am not joking there is a history of this in Lewis Co.
The whole system there in general.
I’m a big fan of these personal alarms. They’re painfully loud and can’t be used against you like other weapons. I especially like the ones where you pull a pin and it goes off.
Very interesting. There's a great book about Lovejoy that I found really engrossing- Peter Korn's <em>Lovejoy: A Year in the Life of an Abortion Clinic</em>. It gives perspectives from everybody- the clinic director, the counselor, the receptionists and nurses, the doctors, the protesters, and you get to see an unvarnished, unbiased look at their day-to-day operation. Highly recommended.
Not much but she was Born on the Steamer Ajax on the Columbia in 1877, born Ocean Pearl Tice. Died Feb 21, 1940 and was survived by her husband, two sisters and a brother. A bit of slightly random information that somewhat pairs and somewhat conflicts with the obit info on Ancestry. A census from 1920 lets us know that she and the husband can read and write and that he was a machinist by trade. Without putting more than a couple minutes into it I don't see any sign that she or her siblings had any kids.
Buy a megaphone of equal or larger size. Point the speaker at him, point the handheld microphone at him also. This should create a sound loop, which is about the most annoying thing to humans.
That should do the trick.
There are a bunch of morons in my feed talking about not paying their property taxes to the county because they are mad at the city. I hope a bunch of them do it and find out what happens next.
Where is the do not drink label? I see only the standard child safety label that is on the side of every 5 gallon bucket. A do not eat warning does not look like this, it is usually just printed in words. And it would be far too small to see from the distance this photo was taken.
On top of that, here is an add for cheap, common, food grade buckets exactly like the one in the photo. Honestly, is this the kind of reasoning you use to convince yourself? Or did you read that garbage somewhere else? If you heard that somewhere else, you seriously need to ask yourself, are those sources are trying to be honest and act in good faith? Because this line of reasoning is nonsense. Really.
Been bad since at least 1975
I think they can just blame themselves for the area not gentrifying fast enough for their tastes.
It's pretty disgusting. You could save it only by excavating the contaminated ground and re-building the structure from scratch.
In about 1991 it was a mess inside, before the clock faces were removed. Asbestos, dry rot, lead paint and many unlabeled 20-gallon drums, hundreds of dead birds, and I believe the basement had evidence of multiple water intrusions.
Edit: And let me be clear: signage in 1992 warned of asbestos everything. Asbestos-insulated exposed pipes, asbestos ceiling tiles, asbestos floor tiles.
Another Edit: Here is the Mercury article with pictures of the interior.
And yet another: Abandoned Kickstarter with video of interior!
Simple is an online bank located in downtown Portland. We're currently hiring customer relations staff and have a few engineering positions open. It's a really great place to work.
Last time I posted this we actually hired a couple redditors for the customer relations team.
Buy a club. Don’t forget to put it on.
It deters the thieves enough to look for an easier target.
On a recent trip to Mexico, many places were using straws made of agave. They had a similar feel to plastic and didn’t get soggy like paper straws do. Haven’t seen them around town, but they’re available on Amazon. They also make metal straws with silicone tips if you don’t like the mouth feel of a plain metal straw.
'Dyed in the wool' white supremacy is alive and well in the NW (and all over the west &amp; the U.S., for that matter). Right wing terrorists and white supremacists, along with men's rights activists, are more likely to violently attack people in the U.S. than other groups. This issue should be discussed clearly and often.
Sorry for the mobile link; I'm on mobile.
Edit: What's with the downvotes? This is an issue that needs the light of day to clear up.
I'm a native and an optimist.
I've lived all over the country, and in places like northern Idaho in winter and South Carolina in spring, days would go by without a break in thick cloud cover. It struck me as weird, but I didn't know why until I moved back to Portland.
I started to notice on my commute (I ride a motorcycle, which makes sky gazing a little easier) that no matter how rainy or dreary, there were always breaks in the clouds. So I started looking for them every day starting in about 2007 or so. It was something of a "personal project,;" just me being an optimist, really (always looking for blue sky is pretty cliché, I know). I started the photo series after I went back to school at Portland State, and was inspired by my professor's "one-a-day" project that she had started when she was a student.
Originally, I was just keeping the images to myself. But lately, I've been using them for my own one-a-day project that you can see here.
It's not something I use every day, but when you need one you really need one. I also have the cord wrapped around one of these open reels:
You can't really cast off of that reel since the paracord has too much friction, so I just unspool what I need at my feet and use that as a handle so the line doesn't go overboard with the hook.
Everyone should have a bidet in their home. They're not all that expensive either unless you go with a high end Japanese model. I think I spent $25 on mine which has lasted 5 years so far, and is the best quick fix for summer swamp ass.
Edit: added amazon link to the bidet I have
I like this phrasing more. Banned from 20% of the country. Want to go hiking in the west? It's probably illegal.
>less than $100 a month
If someone is 24 years old, doesn't smoke, $20k in income, the cheapest plan is $54 a month. The tax for not having coverage would be $27 a month for them I think.
> What is the actual danger of off leash dogs, if you can prove they are behaved?
You're kidding.
For one thing, an off-leash dog has much higher potential to walk up to people and other dogs, vs. leashed dogs. Some people do not want dogs to come up to them. It's surprisingly often for religious reasons. Some leashed dogs will immediately attack other dogs. So there's that.
There's also the Van Halen Test. If you cannot follow a law as simple as "Keep your dog on a leash," how can you possibly be expected to raise and train a dog properly? Should I just trust that you and your dog are going to obey unwritten rules of decorum, when neither of you are willing to obey codified, well-known laws? Or should I just risk it?
Based on this
> Shivering Slurred speech or mumbling Slow, shallow breathing Weak pulse Clumsiness or lack of coordination Drowsiness or very low energy Confusion or memory loss Loss of consciousness Bright red, cold skin (in infants)
bold is what I see the homeless with everyday, it is going to be exceptionally hard to determine if some homeless person his suffering from hypothermia.
These teens must live near us (we are in Foster Powell) and they have been terrorizing people in our neighborhood amongst others nearby (BD, Mt. Scott Arleta, etc). This may not be a city wide trend with teens but there is absolutely a trend of these specific dipsh*ts getting away with the worst kind of behavior. It’s been going on for months and they’re committing actual crimes, not kiddie antics. I know kids are kids but this is not pandemic fever. 😳
That guy was a wanted animal rapist according to The Weather Channel's reporting. This post is a complete waste of time, and you need to learn how to type.
> owned and managed remotely by someone in San Francisco
That is illegal, unless they're also managing it as a rental property. You can and should report them.
"[A] local resident must occupy the residence for at least 270 days each year"
Yet he is stuck in a lawsuit for not paying his LBB employees overtime for almost 3yrs tsk tsk tsk
Edit: Added source
Oh noes!! My sekret trail is out there!!! I can't believe there are people at a state park!
Guess what? Google exists and your secret trails have been in hiking guidebooks for years. I myself prefer: Poking round the Gorge
This is what happens when Californians come here and complain about the rain and cool weather. The Weather Gods are angry.
Also, predicts 90s for 9 days straight. I have never encountered that in my time living here. I guess maybe 2009? We've gotten way hotter than we've been before in the NW from what I remember growing up. I can't remember the last time we've had a below average summer.
Use Waze. Turn by turn navigation app that specializes in helping people avoid heavy traffic using a combination of city data and crowdsourced data. Google bought them a few months back and is slowly integrating the technology with Google Maps, but Waze itself still does better for the traffic avoidance.
A quick google search shows there are some 3rd party tools to do this. I don't have Spotify so can't check, but it seems you can take the list (last link in post) and upload.
FWIW: this was one
All things are go at Simple. We're hiring customer relations agents, iOS/Android engineers, frontend/backend engineers, data engineers, marketeers, office managers, you name it. Excellent work environment with a great culture and GIFs. Lots of GIFs.
A different angle to look at it would be actual spending per student. Washington is the only state on the west coast increasing funding per student in the last few years.
California $9,595 Oregon $9,945 Wash $10,202 Nev $8,414
Hell even conservtive Wyoming spends 1.8x per student on actual instruction than Oregon does.
Portland Connect on LinkedIn has 33 jobs posted under the jobs tab. I'm sick at home today so I'll approve new members every hour on the hour.
The next free Portland Connect Live Meeting is on April 11th at 8 a.m. in the Portland Business Alliance conference room. 200 SW Market in Downtown Portland. Doors open at 7:30. Bring plenty of business cards.
welp I was curious too not the same product, but the same thing?... NSFW
The second pic is definitely nsfw. Also, yeah...its a little wiener. Anways, now that's in my Amazon view list.
EDIT: clear your Amazon browsing history
EDIT2: looks like my linked product isn't the same as OPs.
To everyone freaking out about a gendered opinion:
As a dad myself, I was shocked to discover that I couldn't produce milk for my newborn child.
Thankfully, my wife could and did.
Our second, she did the whole work plus pumping thing and really fucking hated it (women that have gone through this know it is not comfortable usually, since most employers don't have a place to pump, and because pumps can really irritate sensitive tissue).
Our third, we said fuck it all and she stayed home until breast feeding was done.
I know some moms can't breast feed, and some don't want to and am not knocking anyone's choice or inability.
There's a reason lots of people have a mindset that kids espeicially benefit from their moms early on, and for many of them it is in no small part because breast milk has been clearly shown to be better than formula.
To the moms that pump and work, the dads that stay at home, and the parents that do formula and work, many of us know it's reaally hard work to pull off.
For the people pissed off that someone has a gendered position on early development, take a long look at an anatomy book.
For those pissed off at me, I'm sorry you can't think objectively about human anatomy and parental roles.
I learned that some men (me included) feel kind of shitty that we can't provide for a new baby the same way a mom can. It's hard to be a dad early on and realize that (without formula or mothers milk) we are not very useful to an infant.
I dealt with that by trying to be really helpful to my wife (keep her well fed. Holy fuck does lactating burn a lot of calories).
I was really excited the first time I got to feed my kid, because we couldn't afford bottles for a long time, so it was months before I got to bond like that.
Fuck how difficult it is to be a stay at home parent.
<strong>Google Flights</strong>
Click on the map, then at the top click on PRICE and use the slider to lower it as cheap as you want to see how far your money can get you
Make sure you specify the dates too
You can totally learn. There are websites online to get you started is probably the most accessible at the moment.
Once you've got that stuff under your belt, let me know and I'd be glad to point you to the next step. This goes for anyone who reads this post, too - I'm always glad to teach people how to steal my job. It ain't hard, and if you like it, sky's the limit.
From 2003:
"Here's the gist: Typhoon, a Portland chain of Thai restaurants, sponsored two cooks to come over from Thailand. Once here, the restaurants said they would help them get their green cards but the cooks would have to sign a contract which bound them to the restaurant for five years, prevented them from working at any other Thai restaurant in the vicinity of Portland for three years and required them to repay expenses three times over if they left the restaurant.
When the couple backed out of the agreement, the restaurant set the INS on them who ended up arresting them and held them for four days."
From September:
"workers who were recruited to come over from Thailand were:
• Not paid proper wages
• Not allowed raises
• Required to work longer hours than U.S. employees
• Not given the same vacation time as U.S. employees
Even worse, apparently when Thai workers complained, they were threatened with job termination, deportation back to Thailand, and even legal action against them."
What I've learned is to not wait for motivation to come, but to do things and the motivation will follow. "An object at rest stays at rest" kind of thing. Make sure you've got consistent bed and wake times.
Also, a dawn simulator is essential for me in the winter (it slowly increases light half an hour before your alarm time):
It's becoming obvious that all your social media is being manipulated. Twitter/Facebook/Reddit/etc. Professors have shown that the entire narrative of a subreddit/post can be controlled by as few as 5 bot accounts. $200 is enough to get a clearly false post onto the front page.
The key is that you should put NO faith in arguments nor articles written on social media/twitter/etc. Consider it all fun theater, but don't use it to form your opinions or be educated on a subject.
But this is not new. All during the Cold War, Russia would manipulate groups to stall and derail US politics. Despite the fact the whole effort was very poorly handled and turned into a witch hunt, the Red Scare searches for Russian manipulation was quite real.
If you think you're immune, know that the military's handling of nuclear weapons is often seen as incompetent and comical. See Dr. Strangeglove. Despite the fact Russia had even MORE incidents and worse handling, they did a tremendously good job of capitalizing on our failures. When their intelligence found an incident of mishandling, they would leak it to the news, and then use our own news/advocacy groups work against the government. They absolutely did fund/feed/use well-meaning groups that aligned with their goals: create scandal, discredit politicians, control narratives, ferment social disorder. Sound familiar?
Worth a read about cold war nuclear programs and had a good chapter on these tactics:
Command and Control - Eric Schlosser
Portland Connect hosts a monthly Network Before Work event. All are welcome. There is no cost for the event. It's a great way to network with other Portland-based professionals.
Join the Portland Connect Linked In group too. There are usually a bunch of jobs posted under the jobs tab.
Are you fucking kidding me?
Why should you know who's sick or who isn't? Have you heard of HIPPA? Do you really expect people to be broadcasting this out?
>McCall said that he didn't care if Oregon had jobs, the environment was his top priority and less jobs meant less environmental damage (less people could move to Oregon if there weren't any jobs).
That's not *entirely* accurate; he felt Oregon could have both. Check out Keeping Oregon Green for details on McCall's environmental policies and rhetoric.
I'm surprised they can find drivers considering what you can make with a CDL:
You don't even need to go super far afield to make decent money, just stay local/regional.
I once saw someone renting a tent in their backyard, complete with time-restricted access to the bathroom indoors. It was like $50 a night. I'll see if I can find it again.
Couldn't find the tent but one of my neighbors is straight up renting their shred.
Found another.
The problem is that AirBnB is not enforcing its own rules. It takes two seconds to find an illegal listing on their site. I chose this one because it is esp. grating.
Airbnb Portland is hiring software engineers!
Safeway on Hawthorne and 28th has a huge HIRING sign up
EDIT: added a job, formatted links
same, the usual comment is "look on!" where yes that's true, at least you can try out a few groups and see if you like them and meet some randos along the way.
Even going to a few of these regularly, I would say most are still acquaintance but at least we can 'catch up' in a different way.
You should try Skyscanner. Very flexible search parameters. Tell it you'd like to fly from Portland (or any other city) to "Everywhere", by date, month, or for the whole year. One way or roundtrip. From there, it will sort countries by rate. Great place to get ideas for places you may not have otherwise considered visiting. You can also tell it to look for flights from Portland to "United States", and it will sort US airports by price.
Vaccine Card Protector 3Pcs CDC Vaccination Card Protector, 3 Pack 4 x 3 inch with Lanyards
Amazon link for convenience they sell these elsewhere
Try being weird and doing weird shit. Next time you pass that weird person, engage them. They might introduce you to their weird friends and invite to their weird events.
If you can't find anyone weird enough, become the weirdo. Portland doesn't exist to entertain us. Everyone in this thread has the ability to increase the creativity and fun in this city. Most of the artists, musicians, actors, clowns, comedians, and general shit stirrers I've known in my life have also worked hard and barely gotten by in the meantime.
Be the weird you want to see in the world, or live in a boring repetitive slog. It's up to each of us, but if you choose boredom, you chose it.
I've lived here for almost 20 years now and probably half the shows I've been to have been at the Roseland. I've always felt like there was something vaguely dark about it, so when I found out about the murder in its history it didn't surprise me a lot. It's definitely a story from the city's Drugstore Cowboy and Fugitives and Refugees days.
HAM here. What is likely occurring: a wire connected to your speaker is at the correct length to resonate at a frequency that is causing you to pick up his transmission -- its basically acting as an antenna. What could fix it: install some of these (here is a YT video that explains a bit more detail
CBers are a bit of a different crowed compared to the other amateur radio operators (they don't need a license, for starters). Don't be surprised if confrontation doesn't go the way you expect.
Uh, by any possible measure the baby boomer generation has been a disaster for this country. They will go down in history as one of the most self-involved generations to ever exist. Their parents won WW2 then built this country, whereas they voted to cut their own taxes and still demanded nice services from government. This had led to massive deficits and things like infrastructure and social services and education going underfunded for decades. These are not even debatable points. If you want a detailed accounting of the boomers role in creating most of our current problems you can read this book.
Do you have any hobbies? It seems like almost any hobby has some sort of group around town. has groups both for hobbyists and for just meeting new people.
I had a good time several years ago playing kickball through the Underdog League. A new league starts each season and you can register as an individual to get assigned to a team if you don't have one yourself. They have other sports too, but kickball is probably the most casual.
They don't exactly have a strong track record of compliance with local government.
IIRC too, during the (sad attempt at a) sting operation, Uber was flagging "cops" in the system as soon as they were identified and cancelling their rides.
I say we need something more dramatic, and iconic. We are a tree town, what about a crazy tree ideas.
Two towers has been done before.
Here is three towers but with tree branches.
Or something crazy like this, a giant skyscraper shaped and merged with a tree.
I don't...I don't think whoever thought this up knows anything about corvids, or even birds in general. Corvids will attack hawks when they see them (especially when they're together in groups. A lot of animals mob predators, but crows especially. It's so predictable that hawk calls are actually used to attract crows in hunting. When I lived in rural California, I'd see crows mob hawks almost daily, literally any time they saw one.
>Costco reserves the right to inspect any container, backpack, briefcase, etc., upon entering or leaving the warehouse. To ensure that all members are correctly charged for the merchandise purchased, all receipts and merchandise will be inspected as you leave the warehouse.
That's the contract that you agree to when you drop 55 clams on a costco membership.
If this was bestbuy, I'd have sympathy for the guy; you don't sign a contract to shop at bestbuy, and they have no right to try and detain you. But you can't just agree to a contract and then think the terms don't apply to you.
Don't get that little toy one. Buy one of the canes that fit under the door handle and plants into your floor. Make sure it's not a shoddy plastic cane either. They're called security bars.
Something like this -
South Main Hardware 810185 Adjustable Door Brace Security Bar, White
The only way an intruder will enter your home with one of those on your door is if they literally break the door itself or decide your windows are easier to get through. These are especially good for apartments and flimsy alternate-entrance garage doors.
Those areas of Portland were redlined back in the '30s, forcing people of color into those parts of town, but denying them mortgages. These parts of town were often denied services and let to fester for decades. Renters are the first to be pushed out when the prices start to go up.
Yes, some families of color managed to buy back in the day, but predatory prospectors often fleeced them pretty early on. It's not to say they didn't agree to move, I get that, but not everything was made perfectly clear.
Grant High students put together a really neat video about it a couple of years that I show to my students. Also I'm halfway through The Residue Years which also deals with some of the issues in those part of town and is a pretty good read that my school has Juniors read.
At 4:42 you can hear an officer call out shots fired, and that he had engaged in a gun fight with the suspect, unconfirmed that the suspect's weapon is a rifle of some sort.
At 7:42, suspect down.
I'm always down to solve problems and have been using *nix derivatives all over the place for 12 years. I also have people skills.
I promise not to replace everything with Windows servers, though I might try to put them all into containers.
I'm with Unitus, and they've always been really great to me. Plus they've got some cool loan options (like bike loans) and have really competitive credit rates.
There is this new online only bank called Simple which I just signed up for recently. Pretty limited as to what they offer now (debit/checking accounts) but they're very mobile/app oriented. You do need a smartphone to be able to access/use the accounts. To some that might be a deal breaker. I just got my card the other day, plus they're based here in Portland. Biggest benefit is that they have NO fees. No overdraft fees, nothing.
There are a few other credit unions out there as well like Advantis and OnPoint but I unfortunately have no experience with them.
If you live in an apartment that doesn't have/won't allow a window AC unit, get one of these as soon as you can:
Brand doesn't really seem to matter, buy the highest BTU you can afford. Connect the hose to a plastic bracket, open your window slightly, insert the bracket into the window, close the window on the bracket.
For added security, I cut a wooden dowel and put it in the window track to keep it from opening the rest of the way.
For windows with an odd shape, there are local places that will sell a custom cut plexiglass to fit.
There is this stuff on amazon called liquid ass. A squirt or two near the camper is enough to make even the filthiest of criddlers run for the hills. Liquid Ass
I would strongly recommend spending the extra ~$40 to get something with 1440p resolution and a CPL filter. You'd be surprised how much difference it makes -- the majority of the license plates in OP's video are unreadable. A dash cam with 1440p and a polarizing lens would have almost certainly captured all of them.
I'd be happy to upload an example video if there's any interest. Here is the setup I use:
I am a huge proponent of dash cams, and while I won't claim to be an expert, I have done a decent amount of research. I'd be happy to answer any remaining questions, and fully agree with the sentiment that everyone should have a dash cam -- ideally front & rear-facing (I myself need to pick up a rear-facing).
I use this silicone one in my freezer, and it's flexible enough that I've never needed to thaw it before dumping. Really keeps odors and compost sludge to a minimum.
Also it's a Rally Blue 2.5 RS with STI upgrades and new engine - great parts payday in addition to being easy to steal = worst of both worlds. Old subarus are common, but this one isn't. :(
Edit: Thank you for linking the other thread, it's really great info + This product referenced in the thread looks pretty solid. Unlike the regular Club on the steering wheel, nobody is cutting through a pedal, and if they are attempting to cut, it will be extremely awkward.
125k seems really high to me. I built an ADU on my property for about 130k and it's two stories and it's a hell of a lot nicer than the one they're showing. Seems a bit scammy.
Here's some pics of it being built if anyone is curious.
May 2008
There are probably more but that one I remember distinctly.
I agree, it's too far out to care - but folks should keep an eye on it and plan accordingly.
This is the "setup" that led to so many problems a couple weeks ago: Bone-dry, below freezing, and then BAM - snow.
Eek. That's a 2.5 hour drive on a good day. No Uber/Lyft driver would you drive you there, even if traffic allowed. You might get lucky if you really push hard to ask around on Craigslist, Facebook, reddit, etc. if there happens to be somebody going to the exact same place, but you'd have to offer many hundreds of dollars to get someone to drive you there who wasn't already going there.
Your cheapest option may honestly be to take public transit to a used car lot, buy a cheap car, and just sell it when you're done. 82nd avenue is full of sketchy used car shops, I'm sure one of them will be happy to sell you a crappy car for cheap.
EDIT: There are still flights from PDX to Eugene available on the 20th. Not even too expensive. You might be able to find a rental car in Eugene still, and fly there from PDX. Would be faster than hitchhiking from Portland for sure. Looks like National and Enterprise have rentals available at the Eugene airport still.
Sling TV. $20/month, no contract, includes ESPN, TNT, and a bunch of others. It's always worked great for me. I picked it up last year thinking I'd just keep it for college football season, but I haven't dropped it yet.
I tell this to everyone because it's true. If you haven't already, join Nextdoor and post this there -- they seem to have a higher success rate for finding lost pets since the groups are done by neighborhood.
Google was advertising on Linkedin several weeks ago for an outside plant engineer in Portland. This seems pretty normal for advanced planning work. Good news to see they're continuing to hire more rather than pulling back.
Since they didn't reply I'll chime in. Something like this would be better. But I suspect the straps you're using have a pretty high rating already so that commenter may have been spewing smoke.
Crescent beach between Ecola and Cannon Beaches. It's a somewhat decent hike down which makes it a little more secluded and private. It's nestled between two rocky outcrops which isolates it from the it other beaches. It's great if you have a dog that you might not generally let of the leash. It's close enough to some of major towns when you're ready to eat/sleep.
Raincoat...not rain hat.
REI membership (joking)
Map of McDonald Forest or Bald Hill Park near Corvallis
Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast: Washington, Oregon, British Columbia, and Alaska (It's my Bible.)
Considering she is obviously a motivated ambitious person, she probably didn’t change her name to Outlaw for fun
She probably married someone with that name
Here's a somewhat useful figure.
If you want my completely baseless opinion it looks like you're being drastically undervalued. Portland isn't that cheap, especially if you want to live in a neighborhood with some vitality, though the rents vary considerably if you're flexible in that regard.
> as much as I’d hate to use it.
This is going to sound a bit odd - but you're going to feel a lot less guilty using it if you experience it yourself. I've been hit with pepper spray lots of time in my life through riots and training, and it certainly sucks, but it's far from life ending. 30~40 minutes of pain, irritation for the next couple hours.
If you're going to carry it, you should know how it feels to be used against you. Plenty of videos on youtube as well.
This is all to say that, if you ever get to the point where you think pepper spray might be a good idea to spray on someone, it probably is, and you're going to have a lot less hesitation about using it once you know what it's like.
I really like this stuff and it's easy to attach a lanyard to the key chain to make it easy to find in your pocket or purse.
Yes, use it. As far as I know, they never pull in outside air.
Also, you can get some nice filters. I use these, which are apparently fine enough to filter smoke, though not-quite HEPA. I have them auto-deliver every 3 months, since they do dirty up quickly.
EDIT: Though, while it's running, make sure there's always a good return path to the intake. IE, don't close bedroom doors. That can cause air to get sucked into your house from outside.
It's the photo from this post and the 'Wild' art style applied via the Prisma app.
You shouldn't see any additional property taxes for an existing ADU - it would have impacted the assessed value for tax purposes when it was put in/registered, but it doesn't change your property tax compared with if you were renting it out on a long-term basis or keeping it available for your own personal use.
As far as income taxes, you will pay taxes on that income as if it were normal income (it's not capital gains), and also the applicable Portland taxes detailed on both of these pages: