>Sure. See how long you continue to have drinking water if everyone does that.
Good. Then maybe everyone can collect rainwater again... which is actually illegal in some states
If that doesn't tell you how messed up the system is, nothing will.
The real reason we are treated to this fuzzy fireworks display behind closed lids has to do with phosphenes! Phosphenes are the moving visual sensations of stars and patterns we see when we close our eyes. They are thought to be caused by the inherent electrical charges the retina produces even when it is in its "resting state" and not taking in a ton of information and light like it does when our eyes are open.
I’ve always been a skeptic of significant age differences, but I really don’t think nine years is a big deal once you get into your 30s.
Here’s a beautiful story about a couple with a MUCH bigger gap...
I've done this throughout my life and have found it to be very beneficial. Glad you posted this because I could use the reminder to keep this practice up.
I use an adaptation of the techniques laid out in this book, which might be of interest to some people here.
I agree some reflection can be useful, but there's a way to do it without pulling away from the moment.
If you haven't already, check out "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle. It was an eye-opener for me and he articulates the idea much more eloquently than I can.
I prefer reading it, but if you like audiobooks you can listen to it for free with a trial on audible.
I think you'd find the concepts interesting.
I am going to try this. I also use mynoise.net with various sound gens to meditate to.
Right now I am playing Runescape making Dust runes and the process I have is very repetitive.
Also, I am using an external screen marker program to mark where I need to move my mouse for certain actions that can't be used with a key bind.
I've been doing this for about 3 hours now listen to Progressive Psy Trance, then Eve Online OST and its been putting me in a nice focussed meditative state.
I found this really helpful, thanks for posting it :)
"Be bold"
I think Terence Mckenna said it best here https://quotefancy.com/media/wallpaper/3840x2160/235683-Terence-McKenna-Quote-Nature-loves-courage-You-make-the-commitment.jpg
Did you happen to be inspired by this post? https://saidit.net/s/CriticalThoughts/comments/j0g/what_are_we_even_doing/wwq
I literally discovered this quote 8 hours ago and then I see it here, I have to wonder if you saw the post on saidit? Anyway, it is a great quote, thank you for posting it.
Justin Guitar website and youtube is incredible. He is pretty much universally loved over on r/guitar and has a wonderful program for complete beginners up through intermediate to advanced players and almost everything is free. Register for his website (free) and start with lesson one (dont skip them even though you might have picked up 90% of the really early stuff by just being around a guitar player) and progress through slowing down as needed to get the lessons down. (Also advice from me is to get as thin a pick as you can to start out with, it makes learning to strum a ton easier) https://www.justinguitar.com
Also here is a copy of a beginner songbook which has a lot of the same material you can get for free on the website if money is tight but it is nice to have it in front of you in text while you are learning. https://www.amazon.com/Justinguitar-com-Beginners-Songbook-Guitarists-Performance/dp/1780387105/ref=tmm_other_meta_binding_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1617894908&sr=8-3
If you have any other questions feel free to pm me.
It’s kinda small (prob about 7” high) but nice and heavy. I got it off amazon actually, but what I’m not crazy about is there is no switch for the light — you have to plug in/unplug the usb cord every time. This is the one I got
As in Archangel Michael? If that's what happened, that's awesome. ;)
I actually had a really cool Archangel Michael synchronicity a couple days ago. I was watching videos on youtube, and this one autoplayed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZwsOiLyUv0 At the EXACT SAME MOMENT, I was searching for a red jasper necklace on Amazon, and this https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01FLFQ57U/ was the first result I got. So I ended up buying it!
Sorry if that was a boring story, but I thought it was pretty cool :D
At some point, I'll type up a post on energetic influences of light reflection in our solar system and how this can be used to help you in this process in a more... predictable way. Until then... take a look at the "Planetary Times" application and set your HERE/NOW information according to your birth year/time. It will give you very detailed information on what energies are hitting us and I've had tremendous success with this strategy. It will give you alerts on planetary hour rulers, day rulers, phases and traits. It helps a lot!
The interface takes a bit to get used to but it has been an invaluable tool since I started to learn it. All that to say... the importance of grounding and the influence of energetic potentials is paramount to coordinating appropriate times for this sort of activity.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for reading another long winded reflection of mine... and sharing your wisdom yet again!
It has nothing to do with trust; when someone is using well known mathematical or physical facts, it's easy to check does the sentence make any sense. When the mathematics is WRONG and the ideas can't be checked at all - insert any random spiritual idea that is speculative - well, then you know everything is a scam...
The best books you can find on "Sacred geometry" are by J. Kapraff - "Connections" and "Beyond measure". Expensive collections of essays that usually start from no pre-requested knowledge to semi-advanced topics - the author is math. proffesor with some interesting research papers.
Other authors with many good books: Ian Stewart (easy to read), J. H. Conway (medium to advanced), K. Critchlow ( medium to advanced - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hidden-Geometry-Flowers-Living-Rhythms/dp/0863158064/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1537534712&sr=1-1&keywords=Critchlow+hidden this one has very beautiful pictures too ), R. Penrose (advanced).
Pick up this workbook and work through it - https://www.amazon.com/Kriya-Secrets-Revealed-Complete-Techniques/dp/1479109517
It's easy and step by step of exactly what you need - from there you can branch out to things like kundalini yoga, tai chi, chi gong and Franz Bardon's IIH.
I just read this fabulous book by a woman who had an ET encounter. The book is inspired by her experience and it was a THRILL to read!
Awake: The Legacy of Akara https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09HDJ277H/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_1NQMTGPD5NQWJN23772B
This is a preview of the book.
The story is more of an Indiana Jones type of adventure, but it's the message that is super potent and beautiful.
It's a crazy story, actually. I can't recall if I've written about it here before, but here it is:
The spirit called itself "Boatman" and I chatted with it through the white noise of my fan for 30-45 minutes. lol. This was all audible, mind you, not just in my head.
The most staggering part was when Boatman said, "I read the letter you wrote to your (dead) mom." I was like... wtf?! I didn't remember a letter! I wracked my brain and remembered I wrote a letter to her shortly after she died! She's been dead so long, I had forgotten about that.
Then Boatman said, " I read the letter you wrote to your dad too." Again, I was like WHAT?! Then Boatman said, "it's in your book." After some contemplation, it HIT me! The letters I wrote in this book (https://www.amazon.com/Darkest-Knight-Black-Chronicles-Book-ebook/dp/B07HFTSNDD/) from the main character to her dad could have absolutely been written for my (dead sigh) dad. I reread the letter at the very end, and I heard the last line audibly, IN MY DAD'S VOICE. The last line ("My heart would break if you hated me.") was extremely relevant and I broke down crying.
Another time, Boatman told me (yes, I've heard him more than once) "I liked your School for Spirits book with the Roy Orbison song." I'd also TOTALLY forgotten I'd mentioned that song in book 3 of my School for Spirits series.
I'm an extreme skeptic still, to this day, but I'll never forget these experiences, and I don't know if they came from an actual spirit named Boatman, or my subconscious mind. I do wonder if Boatman was trying to validate his existence by mentioning things I'd forgotten.
I've had a lot of crazy experiences because I think spirits like to stagger the skeptic. lol. I just looked at my Darkest Mind file, and it was last saved at 11:11. Of course it was. ;)
I wrote the future as I see it coming in The Darker Ages: https://www.amazon.com/Darker-Ages-Aron-Lewes-ebook/dp/B077HVG9YW/
Robots take human jobs. People have unlimited free time and go into realistic virtual worlds all day, wearing diapers so they don't have to leave. College-age kids are encouraged NOT to go to school and send a robot to work on their behalf. Entertainment is all about sex even more than ever, and people lose touch with the real world.
I’m busy reading this. The book is very insightful, well written but I’ve literally started reading a few days ago and yet to access any records.
It seems that you like being a deity and you are passionate of your research and study the history and the possible lineage. I wish that soon you can ESP and experience your deity consciousness and communicate with the divine universal realm to have enlightenment. There’s lots of manipulation and deception up there for us deities.
I never asked to be one and I don’t want to be one, there’s an hefty price to pay for being a human deity. My human life’s has been ruined by these contracts they put me in and by the other Gods that don’t like competition.
I Don't Wanna Be a F**king Divinity : Soul Contract: New Moon Jan 2nd 2022 to New Moon May 30th 2022 - Book 1 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B1T9X4JQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_XZTE1M4VCAW2ESSTAP1P
Absolutely start with smaller doses and work your way up incrementally. The experience can vary wildly from one session to the next as your state of mind (set) and situation you're in (setting) will greatly affect your inner journey. I once took too large a dose too early and it absolutely overwhelmed me. I had a bad trip and I did not benefit from it, as I was not prepared for it. Nothing could have properly taught me what to expect as it is one thing to read about something and another to experience it. Also, someone you trust that could serve as a a tripsitter to accompany you on your journey would be of great benefit. I can recommend this book as a beginner's guide to magic mushrooms. https://www.amazon.com/-/de/dp/1612439470/
Blue light glasses that look good on almost everyone $25 ANRRI Blue Light Blocking Glasses Lightweight Eyeglasses Frame Filter Blue Ray Computer Game Glasses https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07GRPXNX4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_S1GGYMK86MY1HW8GY1WZ
For books I would recommend these:
Cool thank you, here is the link for amazon. and here is the link for the book website.. I hope you enjoy.
Because you continue to identify with the past rather than a vision of the future. I highly recommend my book, it explains everything you need to know: https://www.amazon.com/Labyrinth-Rewiring-Nodes-Maze-Rewired/dp/1398425494/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=32ZECZ8QFUDUS&keywords=rei+rei+labyrinth&qid=1644249234&sprefix=rei+rei+la%2Caps%2C150&sr=8-4
Your art looks really cool! I've seen similar things, especially in deeeep meditation.
Thank you for sharing your creations with the world as well. This one is just the coolest! https://www.ahayleyfractal.com/451483075?i=181526997
My main pen name is Aron Lewes. I always worry that people will think I'm trying to sell them something if I mention my books, but I do have some freebies out there too. :) https://www.amazon.com/School-Spirits-Dead-Samurai-Spirit-ebook/dp/B078YNFD4F
The Great Wave Off Kanagawa by Katsushika Hokusai - Japanese Fine Art Wall Poster (Laminated, 18" x 24") https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07K6VYRY8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_G67R348MBJAGT28A68HV?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Anxiety is not something you are meant to "stop", "turn off", and least of all "hate". It is a messenger, like all emotions. One that you must welcome and love. Check out the book (The Wisdom of Anxiety)[https://www.amazon.com/dp/1683642503/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_X27HK93AMBTZ9C17N8ZJ]
I'd pick up this book and realize that from your 20's-30's you are going to be sexual and that's ok. Maybe you should even consider attending a tantra class or retreat. The warning sign is when you can't masturbate without porn as easily with - in that case it's time to reconnect with your body. Just remember that as long as your intention is love, even sexual self love, you are ok.
I've been watching AND WE KNOW for 18 months now. A new episode every 2 days. Keeps up to date on all the REAL NEWS. Has made me emotional many times with his content... It's so important to share.
Here's the latest episode:
I'm very sorry for what your loved one went through. It's a very painful experience. Often we are filled with the projections of the narcissist as they mirror all of our good qualities and cause us to doubt they are ours, then they project their toxic qualities and poisons on us and this can leave us shattered and drained for a long time after, doubting our innate good and worth.
For me, I entered therapy and got stabilized, so if your loved one needs to stabilize, first in care is therapy for that portion. They will learn management skills and tools for how to deal with the resulting depression and anxiety/triggers from their contact with the predator.
I still avoid hypnosis or trancing and am triggered by neuro linguistic programming which as you know, is present everywhere. A solid support system is vital. Of course, zero contact nor acts of retribution towards the predator or it will all just start up again.
There are free CBT/DBT worksheets online if therapy isn't an option right now. There are survivor support groups that can help with the isolation for some time, but they should not be afraid to leave the support group once it becomes unhelpful.
Journaling, life affirming experiences, being heard helps. Part of the abuse is not ever being heard unless the predator is seeking information to use. Being validated and heard can really help a heart heal.
There's a book I'll link, it provides help for working through trauma, and this is traumatic, what your loved one went through.
Have you tried sigils? SIGILS ALWAYS WORK.
Like you, NG etc never really worked for me (meditation did, somewhere around 15k hours now, I stopped counting after 11k) but then I discovered sigils and did it the way Grant said...
Draw a sigil with intent.
Give it a few weeks 'till you forget what it was about. Even if you remember, don't think about it or how it will manifest.
Masturbate, or get "serviced" orally or however your favorite sex is.
When you orgasm, you picture the sigil, and the sigil alone. This charges it.
Then you burn it or bury it or whatever.
I did a sigil for "wealth and health" and not even 24 hours later, someone offered me $25k in cash if I lose a certain amount of weight.
Hi ellensundies. Our next meeting is Sunday, March 14 6:30-7:30PST. We are reading Ram Das’s Be Here Now at a no pressure pace. Also, we’re each picking a mantra that speaks to us (from the book or not), displaying in our home, then talking about how it’s related to our week.
Here’s the zoom link: GoogleMeet: Join: https://meet.google.com/ght-evcn-ogr
I can send you the Google Calendar invite if you DM me your email and I can send you my phone number if you have issues getting into the call.
I started writing this book https://www.amazon.com/School-Spirits-Dead-Samurai-Spirit-ebook/dp/B078YNFD4F/ in early 2017. At the time, my dad (who had dementia) had just been moved to a rest home. He was completely out of his mind, had hallucinations and delusions, and couldn't even remember my name.
In that particular book, there's a scene where an angel-in-training lays his hand on the head of a man with dementia. The man in the book gains miraculous clarity and could remember his daughters' names.
This exact thing happened to me a few months after I finished writing School for Spirits. My dad was in the hospital, days away from death, and he had a full day where he seemed like Dad again. He remembered me and my sisters. He even remembered Tim Allen and was cracking jokes. Dad came back to us, just like the dad in my book came back for a day. It makes me wonder if I had my own angelic intervention. ;)
Fast forward to this book... https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07HFTSNDD/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_tkin_p1_i0 I was writing that series while my dad was dying. In the very last chapter of the very last book, my main character says farewell to her dying father. Just hours after I finished that book, my own dad passed away.
The main character (Kizzy) had to forgive her dad before he could pass on. Years later, I learned my own dad's dark secret (I won't get into that) and I found out that, like Kizzy, maybe I really DID have to forgive my father before he could pass on.
There are many many weird syncs and experiences surrounding my books, but those are the big ones. I feel like I tap into higher self when I'm writing... maybe?
I hope that wasn't too long. lol
Objects, yes, though they are far less varied. Everything is vibration and frequency, including the device you are typing this to me on, and the blades of grass just outside your doorstep.
This is a great book explaining it all if you enjoy your spiritual talk blended with science: Stalking the Wild pendulum: https://the-eye.eu/public/concen.org/Kundalini%20Tantra%20Yoga%20Chakra%20Meditation%20%5Bsecond%20book%20pack%5D/PDF/Itzhak%20Bentov%20-%20Stalking%20the%20Wild%20Pendulum%20_%20On%20the%20Mechanics%20of%20Consciousness%20v2.pdf (PDF warning)
It does a great job explaining varying degrees of consciousness.
Dunno about you, but some of the "conspiracies" in the COVID-19 constellation have a sort of uncanny valley aspect to them as if not organically designed by humans.
I'm 98% sure COVID-19 is the most intrusive and aggressive ad campaign I've ever seen, certainly, the creation of an AI birthed from the loins of Cambridge Analytica shenanigans and the ol' faceBOOk feed algorithm that settled on eliciting outrage for maximum user engagement. Only, the COVID-19 ad campaign feeds off human fear and panic.
Not saying the virus is fake, and people aren't dying, and the whole world isn't being slowly pressed and turned inside out from within each conscious entity (are we all collectively birthing AI with sentience, each and every one of us from within?... that's a pretty far out there sci-fi scenario)
Tupac glorified murder and drug-running. He played a big part in the manufactured hiphop cult which has basically destroyed the African-American community. Healing music? My ass. Listen to this and read the lyrics: https://hooktube.com/watch?v=41qC3w3UUkU Gangsters to this day, listen to this shit when doing drive-bys. Tupac lived long enough to become the villain.
Movie sharing sites: https://sync-video.com/ and https://www.mycircle.tv/ I like the first but both have basic sharing+ chat features.
The Dogma link on YT is a little quiet and has Italian subtitles but it'll embed, so that'll work. Or maybe someone will find a better version.
Very easy, natural and powerful method: https://www.amazon.com/Automatic-Writing-Experience-AWE-Meditative-ebook/dp/B0847TSW4H
breathe, my friend. you chose this path. check out the book “journey of souls” by michael newton. it goes deep into our journey as souls and why our lives shape out the way they do. it helped me find solace in knowing that everything is going to be okay. we are here to learn and grow. this time of your life may be incredibly difficult and even painful, but those feelings will pass. all it takes is one moment, one opportunity to get out of the “funk”. but you can also reach that point faster by looking inward, meditating and trusting that everything is perfect. you are going to be just fine, i promise. you are exactly where you are supposed to be.
You don’t need to understand it, it’s more of acceptance type of situation. Go with the flow and enjoy the view.
Cards? Not sure what this is in reference to but you can get a deck of tarot cards on amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/091386613X/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_i_LC81Fb9497EGK
Interpretations: https://www.trustedtarot.com/cards/
Definitely relate to this feeling! If you want to know which star it is, you can look it up using a sky map app, like this one for Android
I wrote a book about drawing sacred geometry and creating string art mandalas from those patterns. It's currently 20% off. But if you're in the US I'll send it to you for free.
I'll join you! I highly recommend these trash-pickers/grabbers from Amazon. This $10 investment keeps you safe while picking up the rubbish of others.
I live in a condo in a highly-trafficked riverfront park that, incidentally, seems to be on a nexus point of some ley lines. I have come across my share of hypodermic needles and soiled undergarments that otherwise tarnish this beautiful urban/natural landscape. I will do a little spiffing today as per your suggestion!
Yes, it's out. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1710141859
It is easier, but if you dose off for a moment you miss important info. Therefore it's best to listen daily. It suits my lifestyle better to listen so I listen daily. I just finished listening to neville explain how the Titanic sunk 14 years after the release of the book "The wreck of the Titan" by Morgan Robertson. Both ships unsinkable, carrying wealthy people hit an iceberg on a cold April evening. Everyone's imagination sparked the actual event. This is why I don't watch many movies anymore. The dark-side has figured this little trick out.
I get all my books from Audible and listen to them on an old samsung phone that I don't use anymore. I order the books from the phone via wifi so it's like my "audio kindle." Audible has a very extensive selection of his audiobooks.
Very neat article! It is actually medical astrology that I’m particularly interested in!
I read Dr. George W. Carey and Inez Eudora Perry’s book the the Zodiac and Salts of Salvation .
I have been really intrigued by the subject ever since. It is based on Dr. Scheussler’s biochemic system of homeopathy with cell/tissue salts.
My experience has been limited in Kundalini awakening, but it has helped me immensely reading the writings of Gopi Krishna.
My first encounter with his writings were in his book Kundalini: The Evolutionary Energy in Man
He has written about his experiences in 'accidentally' awakening the kundalini and the process he has undergone to bring it to balance. This is a very serious process and so there are no easy answers. Many will tell you otherwise, but bringing together the neural channels of Ida, Pingala, then Sushumna nadis of the spinal network is a truly concentrated effort. I wish you the best of luck and prosperity in your undertaking.
You are very fortunate in this, but again, this is not an easy path. Again, I am sorry I don't have the experience to give you the answers you seek, only resources I hope will help :)
I’ve used this book for exactly that purpose with my non-spiritual friends... All have really enjoyed it and gotten a lot out of it. Good luck!
10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works--A True Story https://www.amazon.com/dp/0062265431/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_43E7BbKWK997M
That's so sick, it's like that book Little Brother I read as a kid, and still cool for anyone who's into this stuff.
But yeah, can anyone tell me how to do this haha. Like how to make a key and where the Soul Nexus people are.
"What Thoughts Are Made Of" - is an excerpt from <strong>Semin, Gun R.; Smith, Eliot R.. Embodied Grounding : Social, Cognitive, Affective, and Neuroscientific Approaches. Cambridge, , GBR: Cambridge University Press, 2008. p 108.</strong>
"What are thoughts made of? Do we think in pictures? In words? In symbols? What is the currency of human cognition and how do the representations that make up thinking - come to be in our minds? In this chapter we explore the rich sources of input that humans receive from perception and language and how combining the information from these two input streams can be used to created the amazing complexity and sophistication of the human knowledge system..."
"...The findings reviewed in this chapter begin to tell a story about the acquisition of knowledge that is simultaneously grounded in perceptual experience and enmeshed within a linguistic system..."
"Appreciating the richness of this information humans receive as input both from these two sources should help us turn what had seemed to be unsolveable mysteries about the origins of knowledge into tractable puzzles."