It's a stock image drawn by Tithi Luadthong: is the largest version I could find.
This is copyrighted photo by Natali Zakharova
If you want this is the best resolution I can provide.
1440x1440 Just play around with screen setting like stretch and such until you are happy , otherwise it really doesn't look good on 1440x900
1440x900 centered If you want an exact res.
Yeah about that , they have quite some background around them which would make the job of cutting them out close to impossible , but I did actually got around and did the original request with the logos. <strong>Link</strong>
1366x1025 You can play around with the screen setting like stretch and such , you will lose minimal detail on the top and bottom if you put it fullsize.
Best I could do without losing too much quality , the streching is inevitable because of the low res/width of the original.
Found the XHD source of background and combined with logo
crop to fit
oh I love this one, you can get a version of it at wallpaper engine (steam) called "foggy forest"
google reverse image from a screenshot of my desktop guided me to pixabay:
Try this. The file might still be in your computer. Press windows key and search for .jpg and look for the image.
No specific suggestions, but I like SimpleDesktops when I'm in a more minimalist mood.
I tend to prefer things that almost invite fingerprints on the screen, though.
This site has loads of simple colour designs:
There are quite a few similar to your example but you might have to scroll through quite a lot of them to find the ones you like :(
Hope I helped :)
When your cursor is hovering over the picture in the Rainmeter gallery you'll see Momento by HipHopium pop up on the bottom of the screen. Click it and you'll get to his deviantart page. He gives a wallpaper link at the end of all the thanks.
Believe it can be found on the Marble Wallpapers app, available on Google Play Store.
Don't have the app to confirm it, but at the very least it seems to have tons of very similar looking images.
This wallpaper is called Shoreside Slide and is found in a wallpaper app called Backdrops. The link to the wallpaper app:
The 2 wallpapers u are looking for is in app called backdrop (it's free) The one on the left is called "Denim Days". The one on the right is called "Tranquil Noise" when you download the app just type those two words (separately not together) in and you will find what you were looking for✌��
Dam what a ride but finally got the 3200x2560 source photo which was downloaded from an app called Backdrops since its an exclusive for that app apparently.
BTW if you want to search for it on Backdrops, its called "Squandered Skies".
Thanks! Been trying to get this for months!
I used the Adobe Capture CC app. It lets you create vector images based on photos/images. It's pretty good!
This is a gallery of stock wallpapers from multiple devices, I hope you can find something for yourself.
(The original IOS 11 wallpaper with a blue and white gradient, and the SE logo in the middle.)
Found the full pic, unfortunately locked under Shutterstock.
If you want the new live wallpapers you want to go here
Then go download intolive app from App Store
Open app choose which ever video you downloaded and boom you a new live photo wallpaper only works for lockscreen just like all live photos
It's apparently the Transfăgărășan in Romania
ah sure thing:
for the text, i ran your original image in whatthefont to get the font (or at least a close match). then generated the text by clicking the link to the font to get to the font page, and typing in "Hollywood's Bleeding" to get the text preview. You can select the text and background color and after it shows, you can open/download the image.
for the wallpaper itself, i used photopea make the black background and dropped in the text image created earlier. did a little resizing and moving around to center the text and that was all it was. (sounds like a lot but once you get the hang of it, it's not too bad)
Hey I have found it on backdrops, called Array of Faith by Kxnt. I can't send the picture because downloading wallpapers is a paid feature, but if you wish to use the wallpaper it's free to apply - Backdrops - PlayStore (Idk if it's available on iOS)
If it has buttons that work that's probably not just a wallpaper. There are desktop customization programs that can do that. Rainmeter is the one I know of. Check out the sidebar and FAQ in r/Rainmeter for more information on it.
As for that specific wallpaper/customization setup, try messaging the owner of the video to see what program and themes they're using.
Sorry mate the Google photos don't have a sharing option so I can't get you the link.
But I found this website from which you might be able to get this wallpaper-
Hope this helps
i used to crop/resize to the corresponding ratio of the S20 Ultra (it's resolution being 1440 x 3200). here's a quick tutorial from a previous request --
you can move the crop area up/down as necessary. then just pick the blue color and use bucket to fill in the space. this one was relatively straight forward as the background was a flat color.
It's a kwgt widget. You can download it from here
Then go to the globals in kwgt and turn on music setting.
This wallpaper is called Out & About and is found in a wallpaper app called Backdrops. The link to the wallpaper app:
This wallpaper is called Amber Arrows and is found in a wallpaper app called Backdrops. The link to the wallpaper app:
You can find that wallpaper in a app called "wallpaper" when you download the app scroll down until you see a category that call "landscapes" the wallpaper you are looking for is in there. Here is the app down below ⬇️⬇️
That's a default wallpaper for the pixel phone. You can find that wallpaper in this app. When u download the app go to texture and u well find the wallpaper u are looking for.✌��
You can use touch retouch ( or other similiar app. I only make this with that app but it looks bad
First time it showed up online was here
After a little digging, it's from the Backdrops Android App
Maybe somebody could make it? Or something in that style (live wallpaper prefferable) idealy with color settings? :)
There is minimalistic live wallpaper with similar theme but its still far from that. Would be nice to see something more complex like this request.