This app was mentioned in 233 comments, with an average of 2.29 upvotes
In case if your device doesn't have different options for wallpaper. Install Google Wallpaper. Open the app and set wallpaper. It will show 3 options. (Home, lockscreen and both)
Shouldn't be. I just checked on mine and it worked fine. It's possible you need to update the Wallpaper app along with Pixel launcher, which you can grab from the Play Store here
Hello all! An update on my icon pack. I now have 500 icons completed which took way longer than I was anticipating. The big problem now is that I have no coding skill and I need to figure out how to create an icon pack app. I've tried to follow some tutorials online but they are all dated or corrupted or missing parts. Anyone out there willing to help me out? I would definitely be willing to pay a small fee for some assistance with Android Studio. If not then the icon pack will be put on hold for the time being as I try to learn some coding. Thanks for the support everyone! Can you guess which icon goes to what app?
The wallpaper is from Google's Wallpapers app.
As stated above the icons are custom made by me from my upcoming icon pack "Capricorn".
The map widget is from Pixxy.
I found myself doing the same so I installed The Wallpapers app by Google and it has an option to auto change the wallpaper everyday from their library of HD landscapes, Seascapes , textures etc. You select the category you like and it does the rest. I've come to love waking up everyday and unlocking to see a some new landscape or scenery as my background and how it is able to bring life to my homescreen in a different way.
It's a live wallpaper that shows real-time weather and day/night cycles while also subtly moving the perspective around. Been using it for years on my pixel and nothing beats it.
Get it here then install via Google Wallpapers.
• First download & install the wallpaper which I linked.
• Then go to Play Store and install this app (
• After installing the app, open it, go to the bottom, where you'll see 'Live Wallpapers' & set the one you like.
>u/Fit-Leadership7253 - how to restore pixel live wallpapers in lineage os
Try Google Wallpapers in Play store.
Check on XDA: [PORT] [APP] [6.0+] [Google Pixel/2/3/4/a/5/6] Live Wallpapers [27/07/2022].
Google Wallpapers has some great landscapes and you can have it change every day automatically for you if you'd like. My favorite was the of the Earth and it rotated as the hours went by in the day, also showing your geolocation on the globe. This isn't my image but like this
I use the google wallpaper app.
You can set any pic anywhere but it shows you what each wallpaper is.
The problem I have with a lot of wallpaper apps is that they're full of wallpapers that are too busy, which I find clashes with icons. After playing around with a bunch I stuck with Wallpapers by Google. I really like the Earth category, which consists of a bunch of beautiful aerial landscape shots.
Google Wallpapers app is really nice with the daily wallpaper feature. I use the landscape category.
I'm able to use all of these settings just fine (P4, USA), so I'm not sure what your issue is.
My suggestion would be to check the Wallpapers app in the Play Store and see if there's an update available—if there is, install it and try again.
You could also try clearing the Wallpapers app data, then try using it again.
This is actually from the Google wallpapers app:
Install, then open, and select seascapes category from there the 4th last wallpaper is what I used..
Please do upvote my post. Thanks!
Thanks bro! This is from the Google wallpapers app! If you don't have a Google phone go download app from Play store! Here's the link
I have a better idea (but will require some extra space on your phone).
Go get the Google Wallpaper app from Play Store, side-load the live wallpaper APK, then apply the time-aware Earth live wallpaper on both the lock screen and home screen.
Wallpaper app:
Live wallpaper APK (get the Android Pie version):
There are a couple of apps that add that option. Here's the Microsoft one for instance.
that's not the only wallpaper that auto update
even Google has an official one
i used to use a Reddit sub auto wallpaper
However if you dont want to install a custom launcher and still want beautiful wallpapers, check out Google Wallpapers app.
It works with any Launcher and the images are just as amazing!
To be honest, Android's lock screen settings vary by device and version — sometimes setting a wallpaper just does it for your home screen (mine defaults to both without warning), sometimes it'll prompt you to set home screen, lock screen or both.
If it didn't prompt you while setting KLWP as the wallpaper in KLWP Settings, then the system probably doesn't support live wallpapers for your lock screen.
It's also worth a shot to use Google's own wallpaper app to set KLWP ( )
The Google wallpapers app has this feature but daily wallpapers are restricted to just a collection series iirc so you'll end up with a few repeats unless you change the collection every so often.
If you're talking about the daily wallpaper feature you can just download Google Wallpapers from the Play Store. You don't need the Pixel Launcher for it, I'm using it with Nova!
Its already built into the Pixel. It's also available for any device. Go to "Earth" section, tap on daily wallpaper. App link here
I'm using this until they fix:
It will not work as the official app as it does not replace it in the settings but at least it work for changing wallpapers (for me it is working also for those super wallpapers)
No worries, check this out for a workaround:
Try grabbing the Google Wallpapers app too:
Your stock wallpaper picker only shows locally stored photos.
Download the Google Wallpapers app.
Open it, select My photos. Here you can tap on the Google Photos icon and search for your image. Tap it, Set Wallpaper, Lock Screen.
You are right, it used to work in my old phone, maybe I mixed up the apps.
What about this one? I tried and it worked.
Download this app pack, and install it like any other apk. It has a live wallpaper which does exactly that, among many other great live wallpapers. Oh to apply this live wallpapers, or any third arty live paper in general you need the wallpaper app
Pixel Saudi Arabia live wallpaper from Google Wallpapers app:
Custom icons made with Icon Pack Studio
It doesn't have its own app in app drawer. You can go to your launchers wallpaper selection where you'll find it in live wallpapers. If you can't find it there then download wallpaper app from Google Link and you can find it in the live wallpaper section
How are you going about trying to set the wallpaper? If from your default image viewer, try another one. Or try Google's wallpaper app if you haven't, already.
I'm a big fan of Google's Wallpaper app. The backgrounds are pretty high quality and they're supposed to update every day. Link
I believe it's one of the Pixel live wallpapers that slowly rotates, should be able to download here as long as you have Google Wallpapers installed
I had to set these up by first applying a live wallpaper and then selecting one of these wallpapers through Google wallpapers app:
Hope it helps.
you can get it yourself. here you go.
1) Install apks from the zip file! 2) Download Google wallpaper app :- 3) Select the wallpaper you want to apply ( Earth live wallpaper or Mars live wallpaper)
Pornhub's offering free Premium during the quarantine, so all hope is not lost! Against my better judgement, I entered my real email address and created an account. Nothing bad has happened so far, there aren't even any more "hot singles in my area looking to fuck" in my spam folder than usual, but you should probably still use a 2nd email address. Oh, and to have some nice Wallpapers to go with your porn, there's the official Google Pixel Wallpapers app that seems to use the same pictures Chromecasts do.
I use the Google Wallpaper App. New wallpaper every day:
You can find that wallpaper in a app called "wallpaper" when you download the app scroll down until you see a category that call "landscapes" the wallpaper you are looking for is in there. Here is the app down below ⬇️⬇️
Hey OP. If you download this app open and navigate to the "Art" section you will find that wallpaper. There does not seem a way to link the photo or I would do so.
Google Wallpapers masterrace.
Got a Xiaomi phone with MIUI 10 some time ago, sadly the software doesn't allow lockscreen wallpaper to be changed through apps other than the gallery and whatever is pre-loaded on the phone, so I can't set Google Wallpapers to change the lockscreen wallpaper, and thus no more daily+automatic high quality wallpaper changes sigh
That's a default wallpaper for the pixel phone. You can find that wallpaper in this app. When u download the app go to texture and u well find the wallpaper u are looking for.✌��
Moto X4 ..good will find that wallpaper In this app under "art" section. Apparently Motorola's default wallpaper selector is on play store too.(
Have you tried Google Wallpapers? Or you can download the live Google Pixel wallpaper APK from online (although this might chew into your battery).
I used to like live wallpaper that reflects weather and daytime. But couldn't find a good one any more. So just rocking the google Wallpapers app for daily rotation
here are the animated ones in an APK file You'll also need to download The Google wallpapers app in the play store However, the animated wallpapers may not work on your particular device.
Thanks - checkout Wallpapers.
Edit: shoot - I don't think it from the first link... Maybe from this one. But TBH,I don't remember where exactly I found it.
That should be a basic google app included with the OS but I can't remember what it's called. I think "Android Wallpaper" or "Android System" or something similar.
Try selecting an image from a gallery app and applying it from there and Android should ask what you'd like to apply it with.
If that doesn't work maybe you should factory reset or better yet if you haven't updated to the latest Android for the phone you could do that.
Alternatively, as a quick workaround, maybe you could give this a try:
up to you. here............ install FIRST
THEN this
google wallpapers and pixel 3 live wallpapers.
Google has an app for this so I assume it will integrate with Android soon. I do the landscape and have it change every day.
I was too dumb to make this work, only to discover that I have to install google wallpapers ( and set the wallpaper from there, not the default Samsung Theme
Get this app...
Open it up and go to the "Art" section, and that wallpaper will be near the bottom. If the app doesn't show up in your drawer (it doesn't in mine for whatever reason), just search for it in the drawer search / finder.
Hope that helps.
I've noticed that I can't use the Google Wallpapers App with the launcher. I like to use the rotating wallpapers feature, but I can't even see the app in the drawer and the wallpaper changes don't stick.
I love your version of the Pixel launcher! Been using it since your first XDA post, I'm glad you've made it available on the Play store! Thanks for all of the hard work!
Download Google Wallpapers first
Then Follow the instructions here and download the ARM64 version.
I use Google Wallpapers. I really like how the daily wallpapers are updated automatically without any need for user input.
You have to do a two steps. First, download the Google Wallpapers app from the play store.
Then install this modified APK to add the live wallpapers. apkmirror
Google wallpaper app in the "textures" category" they have some awesome wallpapers. I'm always split between a solid color and water droplets lol
Definitely, you should try unsplash (I use the web-site, but I've heard they have an app) or google wallpapers ( Also visit or
The Wallpapers app from Google should have it included:
Edit: yeah fuck me for trying to be helpful, right? I had no idea Google would restrict the live wallpapers to certain devices.
There is a set wallpaper option in image viewer, but it's similarly limited (it doesn't have cropping ability). I use Google Wallpapers app which seems to work reasonably well: I think it lets you crop your own wallpapers, but I've only tried the ones it downloads. Also using Nova here.
I can't speak for the S7, but works fine on Nougat. Customize your sources, then hot the Activate button and then Set Wallpaper. It also could be your Wallpaper chooser. Try
launcher - AOSP launcher3 from Nougat MR1 release branch. downloaded source, changed a few things to make it build properly and work as a non-system app
wallpaper - daily wallpaper from Google Wallpapers, landscapes group
Yes, but it might be buggy and unresponsive at times. Also, download the Google Wallpaper, otherwise the launcher might crash when you open the wallpaper settings.
Wait, did you mean the Wallpaper app by Google? If so, it should work just by pressing "both". It works for me.
This one
Wallpaper came from the official Google app:
Carrier name has always automatically been there when I have no notifications. Probably just something sprint did.
There is an official one on Google Play, maybe you should try that.
Simply install the Google Wallpaper app...
Most of the categories have a "daily wallpaper" option...just enable that.
Awesome! Thanks for the insights!
Here is the app I was talking about:
And here's a video that explains a bit more about the "live wallpapers":
I installed the app on my V10 yesterday. I can get some wallpapers (and I can set them to change daily), but I can't get the "live wallpapers." I'm wondering if that's tied to Nougat or if it's a Pixel-exclusive feature. It'd be cool to have the Parthenon or Arches wallpapers.
This update after a few hours is huge. Let me tell you... I'm now sold on the app shortcuts. The wallpaper app is my life complete. Now the wallpaper app isn't part of the update, I just got it today from the play store. Swiping down once to have access to the settings icon makes so much sense to me now. It's amazing... Plus 6 quick toggles... What!?! I'll never be able to go back to 7.0... Even if there are bugs that pop up... Not to mention the stupid 7.0 bug with photo folders that are everywhere. It's fixed now... This is the best version of android by far. From 6.1 to 7.0 wasn't that big of a deal. But this one got me. It's super. Well done google, I'm not even mad I don't have a pixel launcher. Lets not even go into how good the phone dialer app is now. Plus the ring bug has been fixed too!!!!
I'm excited for this version. 2k17 will be a good year with all this stuff.
Phone dialer Settings one swipe away App shortcuts These things make sense and are amazing.
Don't forget the wallpaper app, its on play store now. :
I quite like the Earth category (satellite imagery) of that new Google app ( - "Wallpapers") - the daily refresh thing is nice
See for yourself. I think the answer is no, I can't find it on my pixel
There's ones that move but I think that's it.
I wrote a quick guide here.
I use the Rootless Pixel Launcher. For the Live Wallpapers, install Google Wallpapers and then install the Live Wallpaper APK.
Google Wallpapers (came pre-installed) is good enough for me.
I'm not sure if all can be found here, but it's an official app, so I guess no xda help needed
Link to the app Wallpaper
Link to the app in the PlayStore. Skip the article if all you want is this. Here is Google’s official wallpaper app on Google Play.
Found it in the new Google wallpaper app
Yes, you need to be rooted in order to edit the build.prop to enable assistant and to use the pixel launcher as a system app.
Pixel Dialer -
Pixel Launcher -
Pixel wallpapers -
Assistant build prop tweaks
I mainly use: Google Wallpapers, Backdrops and WallpapersCraft
I'm using stock Android wallpaper on my pixel 2 xl. It's in the landscape section.
This is the play store link if anybody is interesting in download the app.
It's under Sky High in the wallpapers app.
And if you like cars:
Hope you find one useful!
Frans Lantingin norsukuva (kuvankaappaus).
Tabletin taustakuvana on vaihtuva Google Earth -kuva, ja kännykässä tämä.
edit: ja niin Win10:ssä tietysti tämä.
Wallpaper is from the Google Wallpapers app
Icon Pack is Aurora UI
You can get the Pixel Navbar Buttons Here
Using Nova Launcher to get the 'pull up' App Drawer
Running DP 7.1.1 Nougat on my Nexus 6P
You can get Pixel 3's live wallpapers to make it more realistic
Pixel 3 Live Wallpapers App (159MB)
Google Wallpapers (Play Store)
I use Google's Wallpaper app and modified wallpaper apps from the Pixel 2 and 3 to get their live wallpapers.
google live wallpapers, including the pixel 3 live wallpapers. They are free. download FIRST
​ Then download next.
you need to USE the wallpaper app to apply the wallpapers. don't use the stock samsung themes to apply.
Android can use different "launchers" to change the user interface of your phone. Nova Launcher is generally accepted as the best launcher. It has a TON of customization options so it could be a little overwhelming. If you want to get specific with how your phone looks, that's the launcher to go with.
I highly recommend downloading the Google Wallpapers app. It has a bunch of great wallpapers.
I use Nova Launcher but I still keep my setup pretty minimal and stock.
I also use Pixel UI icon pack with Nova to give all my icons a uniform, round design.
It's "Third Point" by Jerick Van Ortiz, available in the Google Wallpapers App under the Art section, or the Walli app:
Go to the app and it should be in live wallpapers.
Don't know about FOSS versions.
But Google WallPapers apk can also set different ones: -
You have to install Google Wallpapers first too.
Here you go! Wallpapers app by Google
I use Google Wallpapers.
Here you go:
But to let you know, it's from the Wallpapers app by Google (Cityscape section, 7th row) They've got a ton of good wallpapers there, should check it out.
Also I almost forgot to credit the photographer of that photo. Here's the original photo link:
Download the Google wallpapers app, I'm on a OnePlus 2 too with CM14 and I can changed it through the app
This app will be installed by default in pixels. If not, install it.
Google Wallpapers on a daily basis
Here's the link to the app
Its under 'life'
If i I reupload and share it won't be nearly as clear
Found the wallpaper. Google Wallpapers app in the art section.
Idk, the link I got it from the Google Wallpapers app (on device section), but here's a link to a reverse image search, lemme know if some of these are good:
Edit: found the op, but it's 500px so u can't download it. HERE
It's in the Google Wallpapers app, I can't get it without rooting my phone. Or in the Google Wallpaper app: Inside the "Earth" category.
I'm certain that Google Wallpapers does this.
try that, and depending on what android version you are on install these AFTER google wallpaper app.
Google Sfondi mi pare che lo faccia.
Works great! Thanks!
FYI, it looks like you also need the Google Wallpapers app installed to use this apk.
It's my random wallpaper of the day from Google's official Wallpapers app. I came here thinking you had a Pixel too!
Wallpaper: From Google's Wallpaper App
Icon Pack: Whicons
Widget: Andromeda KWGT, AK 016
Launcher: Nova Prime Launcher
Been a while since I had a new theme, decided to rework! Hope y'all enjoy :)
Not the same but really good live wallpapers.
It's available in Google wallpapers app in the earth category.
I've never seen that happen before.
Try using another wallpaper setter. Like Google Wallpapers.
For me I like Google's wallpapers app. Has the cool live wallpapers on there that they showed off on the Pixel 2
It's in here in the life section
The wallpaper app from google...
It's on Google wallpapers the app which is where I got it from, also. But that is a lot easier, thank you.
Wallpapers - Android Apps on Google Play
Try art
I use google's wallpapers app. I love their the daily wallpaper option.
Open the app, scroll down to the bottom. It's in solid colours, called blue-grey
It's this app by the way...
Try Google's Wallpapers.
There's an official Google App, Android only.
<strong>Here</strong> is my new phone homepage. I'm using Nova Launcher Prime and Google Wallpapers.
Gives you a nice wallpaper everyday.
I haven't tried it but I believe the new Google app called simply Wallpapers will do that for you. I know for sure that Muzei can do that, if you use Google photos with it. I like Muzei with the Reddit plugin
try /r/androidapps
It's just that new wallpaper app that comes preinstalled on the Pixel phone.
No, the official Wallpapers app.
Or install the google wallpaper app from the play store.
Actually i have replaced it with the google themes and wallpaper app (this: ) until they fix
Sorry I miss named it
It's wallpapers app
It might be a Pixel exclusive, but I'm not sure. This should be the Play Store Link
Found it in the Google Wallpaper app! It's in the "Life" section
Are we talking about the same Google app?
Do you have the Wallpapers app updated?
My Pixel 6 Pro has it. My favorite is the Calming Coastline, Lagos.
Phone: Moto G7 Power
Wallpaper: Geometric 5 from Wallpapers (Google)
Icons: Lines by Nate Wren Design
Launcher: Niagara Launcher
i thought you are talking about that
I have used several methods and theses all work
Google's wallpaper app: as someone else said in the majority of the sections you can choose to have the wallpaper to change daily automatically.
Microsoft launcher: Can serve as a provider to get the bing image of the day to set it as an wallpaper, it happens automatically and you don't even need to use the microsoft launcher as your launcher to do so (but you need to have installed the app).
Muzei: Probably the king on the matter, it works by using plugins to get it's wallpapers, so you can load the bing image of the day plugin and get your wallpaper from there or from archillect or unsplash. It also have some nice settings like add some blur or dim the wallpaper (this setting is separated for the home screen wallpaper and the locks teen wallpaper, so you could have a slightly blur and dimmed image on your homescreen so you can still easily distinguish app icons and tittles but have an completely blur and dim free wallpaper for your lockscreen) you can even set how frequently you want it to change the screen, once per day, every 6 hours, every 15 minutes if you are a madman maybe.
I am using Google's solution right now but I recommend you to try them all, specially muzei
So many to choose from. I used to go for the one from Google itself:
Install Google Wallpapers from Google Play:
Then these two:
This is from the pride section in the Google wallpapers app
Pixel 2 XL default wallpaper.
It's from the art section on the Google wallpapers app... Good stuff in there, highly recommended!
You need to have this installed.
If it still doesn't show up download Google wallpapers link
E din aplicatia Google Wallpapers la sectiunea citiyscapes.
Maybe try the Google wallpaper app:
Try this goggle wallpaper app out and it's simple from their.
You will have to download this app of you are having trouble it will make it a lot easier.
Hey I have this app it's made by goggle it was built in for me but you can use this to use rem.
This one?
Sorry can you be more specific?
It's from an app called wallpapers
Wallpaper: Google Wallpapers (Category "Life")
Icons: Linebit Light
Widgets: Nebbia KWGT (Widget 071) and Sesame
I use google's wallpaper app and it gives me the option for home or lock screen, using native one plus launcher.
Wallpaper by Google:
Which app are you using to set it as your background? Try setting it through Google's Wallpapers app.
Home Screen
Swipe right - Google Discover
Swipe left - Google Calendar widget
Press - Phone app
Swipe - Call wife
App Drawer (Folder)
Press - Open app drawer
Swipe - Open folder containing frequently used apps (Gmail, Reddit Is Fun, Wunderlist, Pocket Casts, Chrome, Waze, Keepass2Android, Goodbudget, Calculator
Messaging (Folder)
Press - Default SMS app
Swipe - Open folder containing frequently used messaging apps (Telegram X, Viber, Hangouts Chat, Messenger, KakaoTalk, WhatsApp)
Wallpaper: Google Wallpapers
Icons: Whicons - White Icon Pack
Widget: OnePlus Weather
It's from the Google wallpapers app. You'll find it in the bottom of "Life" collection. top view of a staircase.
Home Screen
Swipe right - Google Discover
Swipe left - Google Calendar widget
Press - Phone app
Swipe - Call wife
App Drawer (Folder)
Press - Open app drawer
Swipe - Open folder containing frequently used apps (Gmail, Reddit Is Fun, Wunderlist, Pocket Casts, Chrome, Waze, Keepass2Android, Goodbudget, Calculator
Messaging (Folder)
Press - Default SMS app
Swipe - Open folder containing frequently used messaging apps (Telegram X, Viber, Hangouts Chat, Messenger, KakaoTalk, WhatsApp)
Wallpaper: Google Wallpapers
Icons: Whicons - White Icon Pack
Widget: OnePlus Weather
Have you installed the google wallpapers app too?
I have to choose it from there
I think it's this app: Google Wallpapers (apk)
It's a Google app for wallpapers:
It's just a black background. Google Wallpapers has a section for colors and includes an all black option
I'm pretty sure its from the Google Wallpapers app
Apply wallpaper through this app ,see if it works.
There's an official Google Android app for it too!
Wallpaper: From cityscapes category on Wallpapers by Google LLC.
Icons: GEL
Widget: Custom made with Zooper Widget.
You need the Google app
I don't know how to download an image off Google Wallpapers, but it's there under Landscapes.
The easiest way is install Google Wallpaper, open it, scroll down a bit then you will find them.
Just spent a few hours playing with different tools and came up with this, still playing with icon positions... trying to replicate random connections between them, kinda like i imagine neurons...
Wallpaper: Google Wallpapers (it scrollssss....)
Launcher: Evie (Would probably work better with Nova Launcher but I am too cheap to pay for bigger icons)
Icon Pack: Light Void Free
Weather Widget: Today Weather
Time and date: KWGT (modified from a huk kwgt pack preset, links to calender when pressed)
It's from Google Wallpapers app > Landscapes
It's from the Google Wallpaper app:
I believe it's under the nature category :D
Quite casual:
OnePlus Launcher. Stock icons.
Wallpaper changes daily through the Google Wallpapers app.
Download the Wallpapers app by Google here: -
After a bit of homework, it's this...
Here's some things
That is for the wallpapers
Apps are a mixture of this -> And making the icons become a squared circle in the Nova settings
Clock widget is....
Sorry for the bad looking resources page, I was on my phone when doing this
Apps/Widgets used to create this setup are as follows.
Wallpaper Used: Can be found by downloading the Google wallpaper app.
Icons Used: Urum Icom pack.
Launcher Used: Nova Launcher .
Weather Widget: Can be found by downloading another widget app . Beware this app contains some bugs.
To get the AOSP UI navigation buttons simply download the theme: Material Design (Android 7+) on the Samsung theme store.
download this and try if it works
Been using this for a long time, new wallpaper every day
In the art section of the Google wallpaper app.
Google Wallpapers daily landscape.
I think this one's under earth but I usually prefer the ones under art or live wallpaper.
Have you tried to use the Wallpaper app from Google?
Google Wallpaper app
It's a live wallpaper and you can find it in the Google Wallpaper App.
Here it is:
The official Google wallpapers app has the ability to rotate wallpapers like that. You can download it here.
The official Google wallpapers app has the ability to rotate wallpapers like that. You can download it here.
The wallpaper app built into the Pixel launcher :) Had it on my Nexus and loved it.
Ask her to use this: it's a simple app from Google, works great, you can add your own pix or use theirs. Wallpapers with a random daily background.
You can find it in Google's wallpaper app.
Install Google's Wallpaper app to those devices.
Hey, I know I am late to the party but this will serve you well kind sir!
Here you go! Sorry that took so long.
Are you referring to the Wallpapers app that Google released in the Play Store?
It's straight out of the new Wallpapers app that Google released.
It's also available on the Google Wallpaper app. I've been using it for the last few days.
Or just download the official Wallpapers app?