It was in a keychain/necklace set from Amazon
I used a different chain though, because I wanted it to be silver like in the show. I just had it laying around in a drawer.
Here's the direct link to download the app for Android:
The iOS and Windows versions are coming soon too as well once I figure out the issues preventing them from working.
I use ultra pro eclipses and I love them. I recently switch to dragon shield mattes because I felt the eclipse sleeves were too foggy.
Ultra Pro Pro-Matte Eclipse Small White (60 Sleeves) -85268
Dragon Shield Matte Red 100 Protective Sleeves
These too listings have them pretty high.
They are really hard to move because it's just a collector's item with okay reprints
This is the most recent thing I can find regarding Takahashi. It doesn’t seem to indicate that he despises it, with the way he seems to embrace the merchandise. But of course, I could be wrong.
It’s no secret Takahashi had different intentions with the original Manga, and the popularity of Duel Monsters/Magics And Wizards made him change things.
As for the anime - she appeared in episode 050.
You can get a newer set for like$20 through Amazon.
You can also get an added discount (15% off I think) using the code HF2B7JR5SNZF9
Got the code from retailmenot and it worked fine for me, earlier today.
I use these Broccoli Sleeves as my outer sleeves and they have been great so far. These ones are clear on both the front and back.
These have a matte back but clear front.
1 In an ironic manner.
1.1 Used to denote a paradoxical, unexpected, or coincidental situation
I got mine from these guys on amazon, I was really happy with them. I'm from the US, But I'm relatively sure that they ship to Australia.
If you have the ability to download an emulator and World Championship 2011 for the DS, it has a really good tutorial that covers everything except Xyz monsters. In fact, the tutorial is in about 15-20 parts. There's so much to cover that it's pretty unreasonable to cover it just by typing on reddit.
I could get on DN and help you out with the phases and what you're allowed to do in a single turn, but I'd strongly recommend using the DS game for the tutorial if you can.
Edit: Didn't answer your question about deck construction at all. jojo is right about looking at top decks, but I recommend this link to anyone wondering about making a good deck.
Depends really. What did he do? What was he responsible for? We have no idea what this guy's purpose even was.
From what I've gathered, he's worked on a couple of the games, so he may not have had much say in the actual development of the card game itself in terms of making actual cards.
Maybe. It may or may not break online play, and I believe you'll have to change it again every time you update the card database.
How To:
Open up your ygopro folder, and look for the file cards.cdb. This is a SQLite database - download an sqlite viewer (I recommend sqlitebrowser for windows and sqliteman for linux).
There are two tables - datas and texts. datas includes all the numbers and stats of the card, like Attack, Level, etc. texts includes the text on the card.
Select the texts table, and find the card in the database.
There will be several columns. The first three are id, name, and text - these should be self-explanatory. The other columns are labeled Str1-Str16. These are the text that appear in the prompts. These are associated with card scripts, so you can't change which order they appear. However, modifying the text there will change the text it prompts you with.
I Repeat: You cannot change the order the options appear, and you cannot add or remove options, without modifying the cards behaviour, and therefore being unable to play online.
For example, Enemy Controller (id 98045062) has Str1 of "Change the Battle Position of 1 face-up monster your opponent controls" and Str2 of "Tribute 1 monster. Select 1 face-up monster your opponent controls. Take control of it until the End Phase". Modifying either of these strings will change what the choices you have will say.
I have not tested this online - I'm not sure how well the server checks the accuracy of your cards.cdb. It may or may not appear when playing online.
EDIT: Apparently card text is done server side when online. This method will only work against the AI.
No problem. I'm just getting back into Yu Gi Oh cards again and I ordered a Yu Gi Oh starter deck reloaded from amazon it was in the Yugi deck
Mods of r/yugioh I am including a link for proof that I didn't Photoshop this image <strong></strong>
Here's a Google doc that a fellow Redditor spent some time on. It lists a large number of potential side deck cards,
Lucky for you I made this, it's a guide to what to side vs what in the current meta
The staples are in bold
Here's the Desmos link:
Please don't steal, or use for your own project, my math teacher will be very disappointed.
:d Yea, I'm really interested in doing Yugioh monsters(yes homo), though I really want them to be close to their original depiction, in all their badass Glory(THAT'S YOU EREBUS), and I really haven't hit the point where I can do that yet. I think you're definitely gonna see some more from me though.
Done in Blender.
All my current devpro lists This is linked to my onedrive which has my devpro install. So any list or change I make will show up here.
I tried to switch from Windows to Linux (again). I deleted Windows, installed Linux, installed programs, realized that one program I really wanted didn't have a Linux version, tried Wine. Didn't work, reinstalled Windows, installed programs, did what I have to do, then realized I already miss Linux. Installed Linux again. Then it hit me.
WHY THE FUCK DID I FORGET ABOUT DUAL-BOOTING? I spent the entirety of this day under the idea that a PC could have only one OS installed, although I did dual-boots so many times.
I started formatting the drive again, thinking about splitting said hard-drive into 6 partitions(Windows Boot, Windows Main, Ubuntu's /, another / one because I want to start doing the Linux from Scratch course, and a /home partition for both Linux distros). Then I remembered that a HDD can only have 4 primary partitions... I spent another hour learning how to logical partition, did the stuff, and started installing the operating systems.
Everything went fine, until Ubuntu messed up Windows's bootloader. Fixed it, installled the programs and stuff, and I still have to move all my files and documents from backups.
And now I'm waiting for Windows 7 to upgrade to 10 because I didn't make a W10 disk yet. I don't think I'll get to test Subterrors today...
There already is a Mac version! The only problem is that the Mac Lackey software currently does not work with OSX Sierra. If this is your operating system, you have a couple of options:
If you can, revert to an older version of OSX. The mac version of LackeyCCG should run fine on it.
Download the windows emulator wineskin: The windows version of LackeyCCG has been reported to run on this emulator.
I've taken to recording my own duels as well, just for shits and giggles if I wanna look back at my feats of awesomeness (or epic failures for that matter).
What I like to use to record is OBS, easy to use, just find the right settings and all is good. A somewhat famous Yugituber known as Azneyeswhitedragon posted this video which could help you if you want.
Editing - I have all raw footage. Adobe Premier Pro is good (if you want to pay for it) or iMovie if you have a Mac. That's about it for what I know in terms of that.
Can you upload the actual deck file? (if you don't mind of course) some of us like YGOPro more than DN :)
edit: the effect of Moja is kinda useless in this deck
2nd edit: here's the deck file for those with YGOPro
I've only recently started thinking about double sleeving and the rules on oversleeves are a lot more stringent than I imagined- specifically, I've learned that apparently I can't use standard-sized clear sleeves to protect konami sleeves since they'll "shift around". That said, is there any legal, clear, and matte oversleeve that I can use over Konami sleeves? I see people recommending these a lot but I don't like the border they have. Is there something like those but perfectly clear I can use?
Card Guardian - 9 Pocket Premium Black Binder with Zipper for 360 Cards - Side Loading Pockets for Trading Card Games TCG (Black) Is this what you mean?
> Those cardinal binders look nice, but are awfully expensive on Amazon for me.
You're telling me, lol. I bought them at Walmart for $10 each, but spread over time as I needed them. You obviously won't need a plethera of binders if you're starting from scratch, although keep in mind supplies ARE ALWAYS expensive, you're just noticing it because you need it all at the same time.
> what sleeves do you recommend?
For your 3-ring binder, I use the exact ones you linked. The more you buy at a single time, the cheaper they are. I usually buy 2,000 at a time. They are perfect for 9-pocket pages.
A trade binder, to me, is one of those ultra pro/monster binders you were referring to in your older post Like This. If you aren't planning on going to locals and trading with fellow players, don't even worry about it. If you're just going about starting a personal collection, get a smaller 3-ring binder for valuables and a bigger one for collection. I personally do not recommend lugging a small 3-ring binder around to locals and tournaments to trade because the cards can fall out of the pages if you aren't careful.
Glad that you love it, it has been my pleasure!
Believe or not, I got this advertised in my Facebook after looking for references. TIL FB know what I looked at on Amazon.
Hello, does this Amazon page mean I get both structure decks?
I just bought this one off of Amazon. It's really nice--sort of like a mousepad sort of material. I play with my boyfriend so we just got the two-player mat rather than getting two individual ones.
Ultimate Guard Deck Box The lid opens and it closes with magnets and is it really feels like a premium product.
Ultra Pro deck boxes really aren't built to last and its not like you're buying a quality product. There is a reason you can buy 5 of them for less than $10 on Amazon.
Ultra-Pro Pro-Binders are my favorite, a bit more expensive but worth it in my opinion. Side loading and zippered binder helps protect cards, I've had no issues with mine yet. Something like this:
On the other hand, the cheaper Ultra-Pro binders with the plastic covers and elastic strap work just fine as well, but if you're looking for a binder to display your most expensive cards, I'd recommend the upgrade to the Pro-Binders. The cheaper ones work great for the $5-20 cards that you use more often or for a trades binder.
Amazon link to it. It can fit sleeved cards and a 50 card deck but has some issues with some of the S/T zones and graveyard.
Just personal recommendation from experience, but I like the KMC oversleeves. Snuggs in greatly (double sleeved), and I like the design (I use the gray scroll clear sleeves)
Would def. Recommend to take a look and try it out.
Hi, you guys may remember SideDeck from my post a couple of months ago. If you've never heard of it, it's a Lifepoint calculator app that I made because I didn't like any of the other ones that I had tried. Check it out, it's based on having a minimalistic and easy to use interface, is free, and has no ads.
I am planning on releasing a big(ish?) update and would love for some people to help me test it.
To sign up, just fill in the form in the link and I will send you a beta test invitation.
Also, if anyone would like to see any particular features, just let me know in a comment in this thread.
In the midst of all this derision, try this: download
It's Zach Buckley's Cloudian deck, tweaked a bit by me, in a YGOpro download for quick and easy testing. Have fun!
Nice, if me and my friend were not doing the same thing you are doing I might buy...I still might if you ever put cards up that I need. This is the stuff we have selling right now.
For starters you can check out Frank and Sons if you live in Southern California. The new Yugioh rule books in the structure decks have some pretty good information on how to play. Also check out the "building a deck" section on the sidebar of this subreddit–I found it pretty useful.
You can also ask us on Reddit if you have any questions about the game. ;)
Surprisingly Barnes & Noble has the best deal I've found. 29.95 with free shipping.
This isn’t specifically about YGO, but this 2004 article by Mark Rosewater, one of the lead designers for MtG mentions that the absence of the ‘Demon’ type from MtG was because of the ‘Satanic panic’ that was strong through the 90s and early 2000s and targeted properties like Magic, D&D and YGO for their depictions of demons and evil spirits. He goes on to mention that Demons were finally reintroduced when the depiction of them in mainstream media became more fashionable with stuff like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Hellboy becoming increasingly popular.
It should also be noted that while games like MtG are marketed to a 13+ audience and artists are permitted to depict excessively violent, dark and sexual content in their card artworks, YGO is primarily marketed towards kids and Konami has to follow regulations in order to be allowed to sell their product to their audience, and that a majority of the card artwork censoring is done in Japan in compliance with this standards. IIRC Kevin Tewart, the main guy in charge of localization in YGO R&D, mentioned on Pojo that the only card artworks that Konami of America has directly censored is Maji-Gire Panda, since it could be interpreted as a depiction of domestic violence, and cards depicting pentagrams or the star of David.
I am semi-interested in the blue eyes from the first image and the BPT cards. I have 3 boarders all nm and a binder you can look at. Can also make up difference in pp for the right price
NicoNico, the ones that make these polls, are the 12th most visited site in all of Japan. I'm honestly surprised you asked, I thought it was common knowledge of the gigantic influence that Nico represents in Japan.
Yeah, niche... you've never visited, have you? The Yugioh section has 51,900 fics archived now. Hell, go over to /r/BanListNarratives to find fanfics that people have been working on for yugioh for the past couple months, too.
Not really, I kinda like some of them :)
I'm interested in your Relinqush, Sinister Serpent, Five Headed Dragon, and King Dragun.
My binder is here and I have a SR Legendary Six Samurai- Shi En.
Did you buy the card or did you gift him the money? If you bought, you maybe able to open a dispute in PayPal.
Here is some more information in case you haven't seen it yet. I'm not quite sure if there is a time limit for opening a dispute or what the procedure is, but I'd say it's worth a shot since you don't have much else to lose.
He’s a Spike, but a very untalented one. The names are more indicative of the player’s mindset, not their actual ability. If you’re interested, here’s an explanation by an actual Wizards of the Coast employee.
Click here for an alternate link
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I AM A BOT. Questions? Concerns? Contact /u/greenlittleapple, the creator of this bot!
You could emulate World Championship 2011 for the DS and play through the tutorial. It won't teach you Xyzs, but that's pretty new and you can study the rulings that have come out so far.
In lieu of writing an impromptu deck building guide (which, I actually want to write one of my own soon and make it concise) I will link this.
If you have any other, more specific questions I can try and answer those as well.
PS: How do I get one of those sweet name tags, broderators?
It's an old compy(about 4ish years) with outdated hardware(my processor. lol Doesn't help that it's on Wind 7 and filled to the brim with uninstallable bloatware. Mom got this thing for my brother cause it was cheep and somehow it turned into a hand-me-up, cause she spoils the baby of the family. :/ I've done what I can to it within reason(it's a cheepo compy, i'm not blowing my wallet on it...), but I've already began part shopping for my new one. Gunna build it myself! :D Then I'll probably turn this one into some sort of little family Media server so we can digitize all our movies.
In computer graphics, vectorization is the conversion of raster graphics into vector graphics, a process also known as image tracing. What vectorization does, is it takes and image that has a defined size and pixels, and it groups sections together, much like polarization. This allows us to scale an image infinitely.
That being said, I usually use a website called to vectorize the images, then download the .svg, throw it into illustrator where I will then export it at a much larger size .png and then i am able to use it in photoshop.
Please note that these images will NOT look the exact same, as colors are grouped.
Edit Also, on that website they only allow two free conversions. To get around this, I would suggest using a temporary email account to sign up within a proxy because they track the IP address to confirm if you've already made an account.
GIMP is a free-to-download image manipulating software. Since you can utilize multiple layers (as in multiple images on the same image, yo dawg), it is possible to use the template and adapt your own Blueprint Mat. I recommend reading up on their tutorials for a further understanding. Most commonly for Blueprint Mats:
Or you could put spaces between the astrisk and text
Or end each line with two spaces
Two enters is a bit different
Notice the gap in the last example?
Check this out for more formatting tips
Here's a link to look even further into it, if anyone is interested Im attempting to keep a competitive community afloat. The true of the matter, there is alot to talk about in a competitve sense like hearthstone mtg. Most decks and techs are figured out by ocg players so that leaves tcg players with little to talk about or make. The last innovation we made was the lunalight combo but thats it. Also there really isnt a market for competitve content in ygo like anime and character content is. In the amino scene, most people want anime shit which is why the regular amino has about 80k plus member vs our 700. Also most good competitve content is released cause competitve players want to keep them to themselves instead of sharing their knowledge.
If you're gonna download the APK for YGOPRO (android) download the app from here:
then you'll need to update it, so download the update from here:
the file says it's only version 1.5 but it's 1.5.1.
so far these were the only places that only requested permission to write/read SD files, the others wanted permissions for tons of other stuff like phone logs and i didn't like that.
Team Innovation on Youtube did a deck building series a while ago. You should check that out: How to Build The BEST Yu-Gi-Oh Deck ( 4 Part mini Series):
Honestly, the best thing I've learned about decking building is just to keep trying. There's no magic formula and ratios will vary depending on so many factors. (Archetype, personal play style, budget even..) The more you build decks the more you'll understand how to make them run better.
Also, don't ignore deck lists online from big events. Net decking can actually be super helpful in learning how to build a successful deck. But again, you want to make the deck your own that will work best for you. You can't just copy someone's deck and except the same result.
And then after you build its all about consistency.
So 10 0'clock GMT, Correct? For anyone from places other than America that is confused about time.
This site is based of the Google Docs spreadsheet with all the cards. I've used a public API to gather most of the card data. I still need to work on a script that gathers the card images.
Currently the site is very rough. A lot of functionality is still missing, so I'll have my work cut out for me. I'm just putting it out there so people can already use it.
If you want to help with anything I could use some help.
The database has incorrect data because I copied everything from the spreadsheet and used a script to grab all the card info. I could use some help with fixing the mistakes. People interested will be given an account that gives access to the admin panel. You will also be invited to the Asana project, so provide an email I can add. Asana is used for reports by users, which can be made for each card.
Regular users can report mistakes by clicking the 'Report mistake' link on a card page. If you do write a report, please be as specific as possible and provide as much data as you can. This means that you can provide full card text if it's missing.
Want to contribute to the code? Go ahead! Maybe someone can make the site look better (would be much appreciated). Or you want build something new.
Feature requests can be made on the Github issues page (I'll configure this later).
I hope you'll enjoy this little project. Feel free to ask questions and request features. :)
Didn't expect so many people would go straight to the booster overview instead of searching. So I quickly add the list of cards available in a booster.
I use for my decks i'm not playing that day, and the one with the extra tray for dice for main deck.
My local store sells them 16 before tax, and for the quality it's worth it.
This is the box I use. I got one of these at Kmart something like ten years ago. I have another that's much larger that I got at the same place, but haven't managed to find a replacement.
as an example of the binder the u/Exorias was referring to:
I'd also recommend one of this type. had one for years and its still very well kept up and almost no wear on it, despite going through 2 moves, a year of locals and unfortunately being thrown around in my unnecessary habit of rearranging my room every couple of months. The cards held in it are extremely well kept, even without being sleeved(though I would recommend that you have one on more precious cards you own)
Hey man, look into the speed duel battle city box (
it comes with 8 playable decks (up to 30 cards, 20 minimum per speed duel rules), has a dual sided playmat for you and your housemate, and also includes 8 iconic cards in secret rare printing. This is a great and cheap way to help your friend get used to the mechanics of Yugioh and then of course you can branch into the non-speed duel variant of the games once everyone is more comfortable
Yeah it's from the time of the 4Kids, it's old, so that's why you didn't saw before. I don't remember him doing that, but there's such a long time that I watched those episodes.
No Problemo!
I found the link to their page for you to look at:
This is the type of answer I was looking for. What are chase rarities? Genesis Impact is so fucking cheap on Amazon so I'm gonna get a box. Does this look legit?
Legendary Heroes is your best bet. It's 3 decks, he can play with friends and share. And on amazon, it's $22.
Amazon has it for $35:
I was suspicious at first but it says shipped and sold from Amazon.
Custom backgrounds are something I’m looking into, it’s just a matter of making sure that the app elements are still visible enough as to not affect usability. Entirely custom colours are something I might consider for the next version, for the moment I’m gauging the interest in themes in general :)
It’s available on the iOS App Store here and the Google Play Store here!
Hi fellow YuGiOh fans! I and a friend recently created a deck building app together that we just released and would love it if you guys tried it out!
Its free so knock yourselves out :D
Here you can download the app:
Some nifty features include: -Fast card download in background (using your phone and putting it in sleep mode will not cancel the download. If internet connection is lost, download will continue when it is back.)
Download already finished decks made by others, or share your own creations.
Advanced filter makes it really easy to find the cards you need. (can search the text on cards as well.)
Test draw from your decks to find out how well it would work on your first turns.
Colorful and neat looking interface.
Thanks and good luck with your decks :D Any suggestions on improvements are very welcome!
I like this one, since it has LP bars from every anime, dub and sub, if you like that (not free though):
For a free alternative (ie Anime Style LP counters) theres also this:
the one i use is YgoDeck.
Not only does it have the latest TCG and OCG sets. But also allows you to make and manage decks, track wins/losses with the decks, simulate the decks in a game, show the prices of cards being sold, track cards you own and see other user submitted decks.
Its honestly such a good utility app for YGO
Could You share the link with us?
EDIT: got it myself:
And here is the link for everyone to download it
I appreciate your reply. Unfortunately I don't have access to a 3rd Maxx C or any Shared Rides. I will do what I can before regionals and see if I can pick any up.
What about System down for Qliphorts? It could also work against the mirror match?
What do you think about this build so far?
I've been playing around with a few field spells in my Kozmo deck. I've tried Chicken Game, Chaos Zone and Seal of Orichalcos. Chicken Game is definitely a decent field spell to have. I used to use 2 but I ended up dropping them altogether (for now). It's better than Upstart in this deck. And don't worry about losing LP. That's what the deck does, but it can kill really fast so it's worth it.
Seal of Ori. is an interesting field spell. ~~While it's an MST target, I really don't mind because I don't want my traps getting MST'd.~~ It pumps up your monsters. Farmgirl is more of a threat, and she's also safe if you have another monster on the field. Also, I like to activate it when I have special summoned Forerunners/Slipriders, because they blow up and get their effects, and then I can drop a 2K Farmgirl and a 2300 Goodwitch.
edit: Once per turn Seal of Ori. can't be destroyed by card effects.
This is my Evilswarm Deck.
In regards to the Extra Deck, the backwards card by Exciton is another Exciton. I am lending it to a friend atm and will be getting it back after the regional he is attending on May 3rd. I will also be replacing one of the Ophions and Thanatos for Number 101s when I can find them.
I have a playset of Drolls, Ashs, x2 evenlys, and knightmare Unicorn. Danger! engine is sold. Only looking for Paypal
I have 3 twin twisters but only 2 are secret, 1 is super. and I have a bunch of MRs. here is my binder (twisters arent pictured)
Looking for:
Magical Musket Core w/ 3 Caspers
3x Brilliant Fusion
3x Secret Village of the Spellcasters
1x Traptrick
1x Starfoil Altergeist Kinquery
1x Rhongo
1x Super Polymerization
1x Thunder Dragon Titan
1x Predaplant Dragostapelia
3x Red Reboot
3x Summon Limit (rare)
I have both if you would like since he doesnt want to split.
Prices will be 20% off TCG
Actually one more thing, would decal stickers work on a mat? to be more specific these decals
Book is the Ultra! It doesn't look that great from the picture though...
EDIT: Also common Herald of Orange Light.
So the pack is looking a little better. Still not that impressed yet though.
EDIT: So the rest of the pack is lackluster. The best explanation I can come up with is to get the new text out there, but then that doesn't explain Serpent Night Dragon...
If you buy it in the next few minutes I'll be able to ship it out today. If not then it won't be til tomorrow or the next day.
i would recommend to use an outer sleeve ontop of it.
I'm not sure how much use this will be, but Amazon may be your best bet!
With the exception of some huge stacks of commons, here's the list of everything I have. Not sure if this the right place for this, but I'd prefer selling over trading, since I've pretty much stopped playing. I also started a page for my magic cards, although I haven't added anything at the moment.
Is Amazon safe to buy packs/boosters from?
I’ve learned from reviews that there is a matter with resealing and stuff like that even on Amazon..
So how will I know if the item I am willing to buy is factory sealed?
Like these for example:
Tin still is good for collecting as well, but they won't have much of anime cards. Since your brother already opened few packs of ghosts, you could get tins for new cards.
Or, if your brother is only interested in anime cards (in high rarity) then ghost from past 2 is still good pack as well. This amazon product is little over your budget but it seems good.
Sounds like they confused when optional trigger effects and thought the activation timing is the same as the resolution timing.
This book explains it and more!
I'd swear and die by these.
I got my gray one back in December of 2021, and it has been amazing. I wasn't double sleeving at first, but about 2 months ago I started double sleeving the deck I use a bunch (Marincess), and this was the only deck box I had that would fit everything. It fit my 40 card main deck, 15 card extra deck, 15 card side deck, 2 single sleeved tokens, a single sleeved custom made field center (Yugioh card with an image on the front that says Field center), a divider that I got from a $4 Dragonshield Nest deck box, and it still had room for maybe 5+ double sleeved Yugioh cards. It also has a dice box on the bottom and a counter for MTG, if you want that.
But it's been great. I've used it to go locals almost every Saturday, and some Wednesdays, since December, and it's stayed brand new looking even now. I've also been to a regional and participated for about 6 rounds before I left, and it was good there as well. You can also shake it and the cards won't fall out of get messed up. Magnet is still as strong as ever as well.
My only complaints about it so far are the price ($20.00 regularly, but I got mine for $10.00 at the time) and the bulk of the deck box. It's a pretty bulky box, for just holding 1 deck, but it will give you the protection you want. There are also other deck boxes made by the same company, but their other deck boxes don't provide a dice tray and may be smaller (haven't tried them, but I've seen reviews).
I've never seen one of these but I'm guessing you mean something like this? I bring a binder incase comrades need something but this is interesting.
Fullest potential eh...? I don't know about all that.
Many rulings on specific cards, chains, and how things work can be found on the internet.
I'd suggest checking out the YuGiOh wiki, as they're a good resource.
Also the rulebook is available online for free:
I’d recommend watching Yu-Gi-Oh! GX instead of the original series. As others have mentioned, the series with Yugi doesn’t follow the rules until Battle City (Season 2) and even then there are a lot of discrepancies.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX features a younger protagonist, Jaden Yuki, and is much more true to the rules. They also only use one extra deck summoning mechanic, “Fusion Summoning,” which I think would be a nice way to introduce your son to the game. Each subsequent series focuses on a new extra deck summoning mechanic, so you could move on to each series as he advances.
A speed duel (abbreviated version of the game, great for learning) box was recently released. It has multiple decks so you and your son could play together and features Jaden’s Elemental Heroes along with other deck types. You can get it here for about $20:
Speed Duel is literally made to help introduce new and younger players to the game. I would seriously recommend reading up on it here: