But the required .NET Core 2.0 is not. :P
To elaborate, because some people (caugh*anonveggy*caugh) don't know/get it.
In order to use the ASP.NET Core 2.0 framework you need to have a runtime that implements .NET Standard 2.0 (an API specification). This is because this framework targets only .NET Standard 2.0. Currently the only runtimes that support this standard are .NET Core 2.0 (which is not yet released), or .NET 4.6.1 with a new tooling set (which is not released either).
So while ASP.NET Core 2.0 is released, there's no way to use it yet (unless using preview software). That's likely the reason why Microsoft made no announcement about this yet.
> If you want .NET to be a massive hit on non-Windows platforms, move it off Microsoft.com to a small site, have a single version of "getting started" (and only one "guide"). Don't ever mention things that exist and don't work on Linux.
You mean like https://www.microsoft.com/net/core#linuxubuntu ?
Maybe doing 4 steps is too hard for the Gopher though.
> huge pro-Java rant about how it's so much better than all these hipster languages for building large applications (true)
> Doesn't mention the elephant in the room even once ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Do you have the .Net Core 2.0 SDK installed? If you have VS 2017, it should already be installed along with it, but if not, you can download it here.
You'll also need nodejs (but only for NPM.)
Once you've got all of those, you can instantly bootstrap a complete ASP.net MVC SPA with Angular2+ by running dotnet new angular
at a command line.
Seriously. It's magic.
The initial installation instructions were incorrect. (issue https://github.com/dotnet/cli/issues/7435)
Please try the new installation instructions: https://www.microsoft.com/net/core#linuxfedora
Have back up before removing file: To correct the previous incorrect permissions, you will need to remove /home/user/dotnet as well as .dotnet folder in your user directory.
-@wli3 (https://github.com/wli3)
If you looked at my included links you would know better. http://benchmarksgame.alioth.debian.org/how-programs-are-measured.html Downloads from Microsoft https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/linux I also watched the benchmark game benchmarks move from benching Mono over to .NET Core. There's good reason for that. Performance is much better and Microsoft has even helped make Mono better.
The recommended programming language for Kinect is C#, so you'll have to learn that. Plan on spending at least a few months just learning to program really basic stuff like tic-tac-toe before even considering moving on to something more complex like this.
Here's a C# tutorial you can start with right away.
Next you'll want to install Visual Studio (NOT Visual Studio Code, which sounds similar but it's totally different) so that you can compile and run C# programs on your own computer.
Once you're past the basics, consider using a book on C# rather than online tutorials.
After you're able to write somewhat complex programs in C#, the next step is to install the Kinect SDK. It sounds like you need the SDK version 1.8 since you have a v1 Kinect.
Download the Kinect SDK 1.8 here.
It comes with plenty of examples. Try running one of the examples to learn how it works, and go from there.
> How viable is C# as a machine learning tool? Should I continue learning it?
Yes, you can do it. u/theannomc1 pointed out a link to ML.net which is nascent but has great potential.
But the fact of the matter is that python is so deeply entrenched in the ML space that nothing else can compete with the sheer volume and quality of open source ML offerings. If you're serious about learning ML beyond academic exercises and such, you should consider investing in learning python too. (It's really not that hard after the initial learning curve hump.)
Btw, Visual Studio 2017 has great support for python (+intellisense and all of that you're used to) and AI/ML tooling: VS Tools for AI
I had this same question about a year ago (I have been coding asp.net since 2003) and have read various books and video courses. I feel that learning architecture is not the same as learning to code. Converting a string to an int there is a few ways to do it but essentially there is a right way to do it. Software design and Architecture is more of an art form taking into account many factors and so to learning it is somewhat of a journey, combining new narrative to your conscious reality.
For me video does not lend itself well to this sort of learning process. Reading the way you do when studying philosophy works much better. So the process of reading a chapter of a book, taking the time to think about it, hypothesizing how you would incorporate the architecture into your current project and questioning if you really need it before proceeding to the next chapter works really well.
Architetecting Applications for the Enterprice is great, they thoroughly go through the thought process involved in choosing an architecture, be it CQRS, DDD, Event Sourcing or Transaction script. It does feel a little dated and I would like to see a 3rd edition but still very good basis.
There is some good books at .NET Application Architecture page. The Microservices & Docker one is good, specifically the chapter on Tackling Business Complexity in a Microservice with DDD and CQRS Patterns. I like how they provide links for futher readying.
> If the CLR environment was more competitive with the JVM and could be divorced from any association with Windows, both for runtime and tooling, then I might be more likely to consider C#.
I haven't personally done much with it, but what you describe now exists.
.NET Core.
I've been looking at using it for some IoT stuff on ARM.
You could have a look at ml.net https://www.microsoft.com/net/learn/apps/machine-learning-and-ai
It's the machine learning module, and could come in really handy as it's also in the list of what the cool kids are learning now.
Sounds like all you need to do is install the .net 4.5.1 developer pack on your build agent. (In this case I think 4.5.2 would cover you)
What do you want to focus on with C#? And what industry do you want to get into? As /u/serentilla said, you should probably try to leverage your 3D skills in C# using Unity.
Also, for the basics: If you are not too opposed to CLI, then I would highly suggest you get the cross-platform .NET SDK, and VS Code (not to be confused with Visual Studio). Then follow this tutorial to get started. This will at least get you going, and give you a good feel for both C# and Command Line Interfaces. Then try to make some simple console applications (either via tutorials, or just use your imagination).
How about the fact that .NET is now officially first-class across multiple platforms, including Windows, Linux and Mac OS X?
C# is a fine language. .NET is a fine framework (now that it's become multi-platform)
This tech is no longer closed source, too, which should help mitigate some of your concerns around the concept of "proprietary".
Just install the .Net core SDK for your distro(downloads page has instructions for a few distributions). After that you can use visual studio code(free) or jetbrains rider(paid) for development.
You can follow the standard ASP.Net Core tutorials using the dotnet CLI to get yourself going.
That's really all there is to it believe it or not...
I've always used .net core and the with the dotnet command dotnet new console -lang F# -o fsharpconsoleapp
installing .net code varies by distribution, you can get information on the official packages here (check the distribution dropdown) https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/linux-package-manager/ubuntu18-04/sdk-current
If you're on a distribution that dosen't have a package, maybe just run it though docker and develop in a volume? https://github.com/fsprojects/docker-fsharp
Strengths of .NET Framework for SaaS (Compared to .NET Core):
Strengths of .NET Core for SaaS (Compared to .NET Framework):
In general, for a new project you should be using .NET Core unless you are using technologies vital to your project that are only available when using .NET Framework. Its faster, it was designed for the modern web with features specifically for microservice and dense server hosting that the .NET Framework doesn't have.
The question of cloud based or web based deployment and hosting is kind of asinine to ask about before you have even decided what the goal of your software is. Its something that should be informed by system architectural choices. Trying to choose it up front is much more likely to get you to arrive at the wrong system composition.
If you are asking when to use each architectural style, you could try reading some documentation on the approaches. Microsoft publishes architectural guidelines and books that are a decent introduction.
That’s different. The FSharp thing for VS Code still needs Mono but they’re working on it.
For native executables, yes, it does. Run:
dotnet build
That will give you a binary with some libraries next to it. You can just run that binary.
dotnet publish
gives you a folder you can zip up as an application.
See this for Mac: https://www.microsoft.com/net/learn/get-started/macos
To simplify things, just use C# for now. Once you know the ecosystem better, then move on to F# if you want.
Oh, and to clarify if you haven’t used Microsoft stuff in a while: Visual Studio, the original, is Windows only. Visual Studio for Mac is actually a different app from them, with the same name, but different code. Visual Studio Code is yet another app, fully cross platform, but has nothing to do with the previous ones.
Now that I think of it, as a newbie you probably want Visual Studio for Mac.
>If you mean .NET/C#, I'll believe it when there are packages for it in the Debian repository
Not sure why that's a requirement. There are working linux binaries of .net core, not on the official debian repo yet however. You can still get it .net core is clearly intended for servers and CLI apps, like many Linux applications are.
The open source-ness of it can't be faked, an MIT license is an MIT license.
Mono, on the other hand, is on the debian repo, and has been for a while. Mono is now a MSFT product after Xamarin was bought by MSFT. And Mono actually does come with a weird built-in GTK-backed Winforms plus GTK bindings.
>it was indeed an Apple project at first.
Uh... no, it was a UIUC project at first that Apple contributes to...
You are not using IntelliJ for C#. You are using an own IDE for C# called Project Rider, like PyCharm is another IDE. It will be a standalone cross platform ide like IntelliJ for Java, just for C#.
Also Project Rider will have Resharper implemented since they are building it on top of this plugin for Visual Studio. So Jetbrains know the C# ecosystem already and is improving Visual Studio with their several Plugins (resharper, dotnetpeek,...). Look through their blog, really interesting how they build stuff for .net.
In the end you will just compare the languages and not the IDE's i believe because on cross platform the strongest IDE's are from Jetbrains (either C# or Java) and C# has a really nice IDE for Windows (VS) where Java can also just provide IntelliJ (because other one's are just bad in my opinion).
Really try the public build of jetbrains and just try linq on some C# collections (comparable to Java 8 Streams). In VS with Resharper you press just ALT+Enter to format your for-if-loop (for with inner if) and it will make a linq query out of it. Same goes for IntelliJ for Java 8 streams and Project Rider for C# also (since this is built on top of the resharper services).
Adam Freeman has also written a variant of the same book for ASP.NET Core as well. He gives a good introductory treatment to many of the topics you will need to know. I read the book linked above for MVC 5, and scanned through most of the Core version book to look for differences.
Specifically for ASP.NET Core, the official documentation is pretty good, and they have a section called .NET application architecture that will give you a good introduction to the high level view of building web applications in the .NET world.
install dotnet 2 sdk https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/thank-you/dotnet-sdk-2.0.3-linux-x64-binaries
follow the instructions on the page, you need this in your ~/.bash_profile file, modify it for the correct path, wherever you extract that above zip to.
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/dotnetpathgoeshere
run dot-net in a new terminal session, if it doesn't work immediately don't worry.
make sure mono runs by doing mono --version.
go into your Linux console and type:
which code
it will spit out the path of vs code, now go into unity and remove the vscode extension which may be in your unity project, you don't need it anymore as it's completely in Unity now.
which code
spat out, mine is /usr/bin/code but yours may be different.
Once that's all done, make sure to install the recommended extensions in vscode: C#, Unity Debugger and of course, C# XML Documentation Comments.
Any issues / problems give me the log and I can help, I've had similar problems to you before, but when I started using Fedora, I just installed vscode, mono, unity, the extensions, and dotnetcore.
Here's a link for a decent C# Resource from the ground up, good for the fundamentals of the language and has interactive examples which compile and run without an IDE. so you can play with the code in the browser, and see the results. https://www.microsoft.com/net/tutorials/csharp/getting-started
.NET Core: yep, you can totally write and run C# outside of the Visual Studio ecosystem. Not sure about standard. How to setup and run first .NET core app: https://www.microsoft.com/net/core#linuxubuntu
Self Contained Deployments are definitely preferred in my opinion. It’s a bigger download size, but you don’t leave room for runtime version issues. Alternatively, the .NET Core Runtime does side by side installations so you can “pin” your application to a specific version.
Generally I have a build server that has all the SDKs I need and then my deployment servers are barebones and don’t have any additional runtimes.
As a workaround to “installing” the sdk. Download the binaries (instead of the installer) and ensure “dotnet” gets added to your PATH. I’d still recommend troubleshooting why it won’t install. That’s really weird.
> Why not just make an IDbContext that contains all of the dbsets etc that u need and then just mock that?
That is a valid approach as well, but it can cause your business logic to become fragmented. This article seems to offer some discussion on returning IQueryables / DbSets from repository or DAL code: https://deviq.com/repository-pattern/
This link ( https://www.microsoft.com/net/learn/architecture ) can be used to see the guidance book and sample app I was speaking of (look under ASP.NET Web Apps for the pdf and sample app).
Ive got a lot of inspiration from https://www.microsoft.com/net/learn/architecture and are heading into a Clean Architecture/Domain driven design approach with a Business/Core, Infrastructure and interface(s) (web, mobile, api ect) projects in one solution.
The hard part is defining the business layer and infrastructure so it makes sense and I easy to maintain.
Think of it the same way you patch something like Java. It has a runtime that's separate from the application itself.
To patch it, you just update the runtime.
i.e. go here https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/Windows/run and download the "I want to run apps" package and install it.
Unless your developers have explicitly forced their app to run on a specific version, the app should pick up the newer runtime and run off of that.
You might find the link below helpful too. The first one contains a ton of good info. I think it is all being updated for .net core 2 right now but it should still be relevant. The first two "books" will probably be the most helpful. There are sample apps too.
According to Microsoft's page on .NET Core, you have numerous options.
If you have no idea what you want and just need a place to start, go with (Ubuntu Server 16.04.03 LTS)[https://www.ubuntu.com/download/server], and install that in your hypervisor of choice. Your likelihood of finding solutions online to any problems you encounter is perhaps slightly higher with Ubuntu.
Ubuntu Server gets you a relatively basic installation with no desktop; ie., command line only. You'll probably want to install the openssh-server package so you can SSH into it. The reason to choose 16.04 over the other versions is that 14.04 is the older LTS (Long Term Support) release and 17.04 is not LTS so it has an extremely short support life.
However, if for any reason you feel like Ubuntu is not the way you want to go and you want to try one of the RedHat variants instead (RHEL or Fedora), I noticed that the installation instructions are just as easy. Really, for your application you'll have a hard time going wrong with any of the options Microsoft offers on that page.
Direct download link: https://github.com/chummer5a/chummer5a/releases/download/5.193.0/Chummer5.193.0.zip (5MB zip file)
Make sure you have .Net installed: https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/framework
DASH has a 1 million a month development budget, they hire 20 full time developers, and are in the process of launching national commercials. They are the only currency aggressively trying to enter the mainstream purchasing sector.
STRATIS is doing what Ethereum does bu they are programming on the .NET Microsoft platform. https://www.microsoft.com/net
Thank me when you are rich.
Yes, it's probably the C++ redistributable.
There are a bunch, and it seems like the links are down for most of them.
I suspect something is up with MS' website, and it only recently went down. If they're taking them away completely, that would be very problematic for sure.
There's a bunch of them, it's best practice to get both the 32 bit and 64 bit versions for 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015 off the top of my head, and maybe 4.0 and 4.5.
If MS' has put the older packages in the new release, perhaps that is a reason they don't have the older downloads available. Try downloading framework 4.7 (the latest I believe) and see if that works.
Here is the wiki to help a bit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.NET_Framework
Here is a link to the frameworks: https://www.microsoft.com/net/download
Just click through for net, and then framework only.
Hopefully that works for you.
A Pluralsight company, Code School has two screen casts (called "Watch Us Build") on .NET MVC using VS Code. It costs a subscription fee, though. I believe you get 7 days free before being billed.
An insightful developer by the name of John Papa has a reputation for expressing positive views on VS Code. He has several blog posts and screen casts on Pluralsight about using it with different frameworks and languages.
Did you learn the dotnet commands for the terminal/CMD from the Core webcite as well?
You no longer need yeoman with .NET Core to generate an application as it is now: ~$ dotnet new -t web
This creates a new MVC project with a lot of C# template code.
Then you restore the new project: ~$ dotnet restore
Then build it: ~$ dotnet build
Additionally, make sure to install the C# (powered by Omnisharp) and the C# snippet extensions for intellisense and productivity in VS Code.
Dude you are 17. It's not like you should have a midlife crisis by now. No one expects a 17 year old to have achieved anything, built a career or "have a purpose" whatever that means at that point. So just chill and enjoy life. When I was 17 I spent 8 hours a day playing computer and fucking around so seeing that you are already starting you are ahead of most.
By the way. If you select camera there is an option in "GameObjects" menu that says "Align with view". That should put the camera so that it sees your objects.
Also if you feel overwhelmed start with a basic C# course. Not with Unity. Much less knobs and bells and it teaches you how to actually program. I see lot of developers skip the step of actually learn to program and then use hours and hours on issues that would've been not a problem if they just had used even couple hours on a programming tutorial.
So try here: https://www.microsoft.com/net/tutorials/csharp/getting-started
And it will take time. Week is absolutely nothing. It will take you months before you can do anything more complex than pong, tetris or snake.
The design sounds good at first, but I'm more than a bit disappointed to find this is in c#... and not even an open source flavor of it.
Pick one.
There is a very clear how-to guide from microsoft here. Scroll down a bit and you will find the proper SDK for your Linux distro.
When you have installed the SDK, you can simply run the
dotnet new
command to see a list of available templates. You'll probably want to run
dotnet new web
to create an empty ASP.NET project you can start working on.
I recommend you check this tutorial, it will further clear things up for you.
https://www.microsoft.com/net/learn/architecture is definitely a good place to start.
Just keep in mind that these are just patterns and blueprints (architecture) not laws and rules. Use them where it makes sense.
This link will take you to a page with web, PDF, mobi, and epub formats (under the Azure cloud section). I am working to update the main page of the web version to link to these other formats as well. Thank you, and let me know if there is anything else I can do to improve the experience. I appreciate your feedback! https://www.microsoft.com/net/learn/architecture?WT.mc_id=serverless-reddit-jeliknes
>Their C# and VB compiler is open source.
The CLR platform has a permissive license, yes.
I guess that counts?
>Dotnet core is open source and has been since the beginning.
The dot net licenses are not open source. There're restrictions on distribution almost immediately.
There wouldn't have been a need for Mono if they had been.
>Visual Studio code.
This is not open source, not even close. If there's a different Visual Studio license, one which accompanies the full source download, please post a link.
>Typescript is completely open source.
True! They used the Apache license, which was a good call on their part.
I've never used Geany and have no idea how it works. To compile .NET software though you need to install a .NET SDK and probably configure Geany to use it.
However, you should consider installing Visual Studio Express.
Download the runtime from here:
Install it and restart your computer.
Install the .NET Core SDK from here, and then type dotnet new reactredux
in powershell/bash in a directory to setup the basics for an ASP.NET Core webapp with a React+Redux frontend. It's a good way if you're already in the .NET ecosystem to get started learning with the new stuff.
Edit: There are lots of other default templates, too. Just type dotnet new --help
to see all of them for getting started on different projects if you're not interested in front+backends at the same time.
Edit 2: This is also a really easy way to get started learning F#, which I'd highly recommend to anyone who predominantly knows C# and is wanting to grow a bit as a developer.
Have you installed the .NET Core Web Hosting bundle? It includes the ASP.NET Core Module which is used to communicate between IIS and Kestral.
Do you have a web.config? If you do, make sure your not using the placeholder values.
"as a way to learn Unity"?, how long have you been into this?
I want to learn it and know nothing about programming and exclusively came in here to ask where to start. I have this link and was going to ask if something like that would be enough to get me started.
What I want to do is Environments, and perhaps make a Shortfilm in here someday.
I've been using Maya for 6 years if that works for anything.
Edit: Just found this in the FAQs
Its not the old asp.net, dotnet core is built from the ground up to be cross platform, modular and fast. Yeah host it in Linux now, it's totally cross platform. For instance, I develop on a Windows machine using vscode. But the dotnet core server is in a Linux docker container.
As far as getting started with a basic server all you need to do is download the .NET Core SDK (https://www.microsoft.com/net/download). Then using the console cd into wherever you want your server to be. Then just type "dotnet new webapi". That'll scaffold your server. You can open it and add files in your ide then (I'd recommend vscode here, it's great)
Check your Event Viewer, try run your harddrive manufacturer's utility to extract S.M.A.R.T. data, maybe run Memtest86+ (some BIOS have it, else a Live ISO will). In short, it's likely to be a hardware problem.
Maybe check your .Net runtime installations/get the latest (e.g. 4.7.1).
Maybe try the 32/64bit POE .exe version, whichever you're not using atm. And/or launch it via command line to see if there's more error messages being printed there/in log files.
This happened to me, I contacted Dauntless Support. We went through a few steps, but what ended up working was updating my GPU drivers, DirectX, and DotNet Framework.
Hope this helps.
Edit: Here is the email they sent me. "Hello,
Thanks for the update, and sorry for the inconvenience!
Sometimes this error occurs when drivers and other software packages are out of date. Can you please make sure the following are up to date?
Please let me know if you have any other questions!
Regards, Phoenix Labs "
Entity and .Net can be run on a Linux system (this is from some minor research I did into the subject before deciding I preferred to work in a Windows environment regardless), using the new .Net Core which is designed for cross platform use.
At the end of it, I'd decided that with my knowledge base and experience with using C#, it was better to run the server program as a Windows Service on a Windows Nano server. But I'm no grant authority on it, so quite possible you can do better.
I think it would serve you best to learn C# especially if you're going to write CRUD back-end.
As for that video playlist you posted, it's dated. Do-able but some conventions have changed and we're up to Razor Pages now. This may help (https://www.microsoft.com/net/tutorials/csharp/getting-started) but nothing beats a good book.
It's literally damn simple these days. Maybe you tried mono?
You just need to add the repository and
> sudo apt-get install dotnet-sdk-2.0.0
> dotnet new
> dotnet run
And with library and stuff, this is kinda of fixed with .NET Standard. Just target let's say .NET Standard 2, and it will run everywhere where .NET Standard 2 runs (which is basically almost everything, just not Windows 10 Mobile because is dead).
The problem for now, is the "UI" part, but Xamarin Forms now have support for macOS, and it's coming too Linux and WPF.
C# is a very complete language, maybe the most complete of all. With it you can write all programming paradigms.
But C# can be overwhelming in the beginning because it's huge. I'd suggest taking it slow. ;)
Here are some resources btw :
I've been working on this using a clean Ubuntu 16.04.02 server VM, and have some comments:
The version of .NET mentioned on the website is incorrect for Ubuntu 16.04. I ended up installing dotnet-dev-1.0.4 from Microsoft.
I then get an error running "nuget restore AntSharesCore.sln" of: Unable to find version '2.0.0-preview2-04' of package 'AntShares'
Is this a temporary problem; the code appears to have been updated about three days ago?
On Linux you'll be able to use Visual Studio code which has full intellisense and debugging for .NET Core/Mono. It doesn't have Resharper. However you could use Jetbrains project Rider, a cross-platform C# IDE with Resharper built in. It's still in beta, and when it's released you'll have to pay for it.
As for the frameworks you can work with you have mono and .NET Core. While not a complete list here's a list of what distros mono can run on, and here for .NET Core. (In Q3 .NET Core 2.0 will be released and they have a much better support for Linux see here.)
You should have a few more things showing up in your templates.
Maybe not all of those, but at least the .NET Core. Having the runtime is not the same as having the SDK. You can try downloading it from here:
If that doesn't work, you can re-run the installer to pick the extra libraries, and the .NET core should be one of them. I can't remember the exact name in the installer.
It can be tiring. Just have to find things you want to make, instead of just doing school projects.
.NET Framework is great for building applications for Windows. Pretty much C# and Visual Studio.
Link here: https://www.microsoft.com/net
Programming languages are tools for a programmer. Much like a good carpenter has several tools. A good programmer has several tools as well. Start here. Don't worry you can pick up other tools later. https://www.microsoft.com/net/tutorials/csharp/getting-started
Check out DotNet Core. Microsoft has been making a cross platform environment for the .NET environment (c#, f#, vb). You can develop on windows, mac, or linux. It's fairly new but worth investigating if you're interested in c#.
Honestly most people using csc would just use visual studio. if you really want to use command line, consider .net core which allows you do something like
dotnet build
Edit: There's also msbuild which makes it easy to build an entire project https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/0k6kkbsd.aspx
Then click "Current" next to "LTS" and you'll see the ".NET Core 1.1 SDK". Download the correct version that fits your needs.
You don't need to uninstall existing.
If you're trying to convert an existing 1.0 app to 1.1, follow these steps:
Under "Upgrading Existing .NET Core 1.0 Projects"
How long it is before you graduate? I recommend you to focus on the basics like data structures, algorithms and problem solving skills, these are the skills that will help you in the long run. Once you have better understanding of these, learning a new language or toolset is trivial.
I may be biased because I work for Xamarin (an MS company)
> Is it easy to get a job in .net if I put my heart and soul learning it for a good 4-6 months on my own from books and internet?
AFAIK, yes. .Net is everywhere now. (https://www.microsoft.com/net) Having better understanding of language or toolkit is always an advantage
> Does a GitHub profile matter to these companies? (target is largely the enterprise)
In my opinion NO. We do use group meets, where I see lot of people (Project leaders/PMs) from these enterprise hardly know how to use Github
> Is it as much fun as ROR or Django? (not to offend anyone...just new to the .net world) Yes, it is. Take a look at .Net Core
Since you posted this, Microsoft announced support for Docker on Windows. https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/
And technically you can develop for Linux now thanks to .net core - https://www.microsoft.com/net/core#windows
I'll recommend "plain" .NET Core: https://www.microsoft.com/net/core
It's extremely easy to setup and get going with (there's no GUI, it's just a few command line tools, where you'll need to learn 4-5 basic commands to get going). You can do most kinds of console programs, but no GUI stuff. Once you get your feet wet, it's simple to create a webserver, that you can run "locally" (as another console program), and visit by pointing your browser at "http://localhost".
Try it out using VS Code: https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/products/code-vs.aspx
It's a great match :)
Here is the licence agreement that covers most .net related applications. Here is a more simple version of the answer you're looking for. Read over the sources I just gave and if you have any further question then ask away.
For learning C#, try this site, this thread from the front page or this page from the FAQ on your right -->.
C# is a general programming language for writing any sort of program. On the other hand, SQL is a specialized language for interacting with databases - you might need it if you want to interact with a database, otherwise you won't use it much.
clearly isnt mate, otherwise it wont be saying msvcp140.dll is missing
those are the only required libraries stated in the github
Last thing I can really think of is to follow the install guide on the hawku page and make sure you have the microsoft framework libraries
Yes i did, I got help from the official discord so feel free to join if you run into any more issues.
Download this and it should work!
This isn't true. The MonoGame team uses many different IDEs. vscode is my and other core dev's favorite.
Setting up MonoGame with vscode is much easier, here are the steps.
or run
command prompt however you choose.dotnet new --install MonoGame.Template.CSharp
(this will add monogame template to dotnet core)dotnet new mgdesktopgl -o MyGame
(MyGame can be called your project)cd mygame
code .
When you've done step 1 to 4 at least once, the next time you want to create a new game, you simply do step 6 to 9.
To publish the game:
dotnet publish -r linux-x64 -c release dotnet publish -r osx-x64 -c release dotnet publish -r win-x64 -c release
Extensions to get in vscode:
Databases shouldn't be a problem, generally connecting to them is more specific to the language you're using. I know that Microsoft has created an open-source .NET installation that you can use on Linux, it doesn't include the framework for Windows Forms or anything like that though.
For excel, if you truly can't replicate the behavior with LibreOffice Calc, then either Wine or a VM should work for you.
Since its Windows 7... do you have the latest .Net framework installed? https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/dotnet-framework-runtime
I've also read instances where using the portable java option resolved qbundle issues.
Maybe this ebook from Microsoft about modernizing existing applications can help you: https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/thank-you/modernizing-existing-net-apps-ebook
May I ask what the reason for the introduction of Docker is?
Hey OP, if you want some more modern information, Microsoft recently made their own series of architecture guides. Go and read all of the PDFs on this page and it will give you a leg up: https://www.microsoft.com/net/learn/architecture
.Net Core available on Windows, Linux, and MacOS.
When I'm not developing in Visual Studio on Windows, I like using Visual Studio Code (also available on Windows, Linux, and MacOS), but that's usually for small touch ups prior to deployment.
Install Net Framework , try comatiblity mode and open your console and insert this command chimera_reset.
try the console command first.
thank you, your method works for me, sorry for the late response too :D after installing that dependency i also tried using 2.1.301 version and that one still gives me the same error. anyway thank you, 2.1.300 should do the job too, i can now move from windows to solus
If you go to the .NET Core download page you can download the SDK binaries as a distribution independent .tar.gz archive file. When you click on one of the download links it will also give you some brief instructions for how to unpack the archive and add it to your $PATH.
Fair enough, and I guess I missed touching on that.
None of those 3 options (and no other options that I'm aware of), have any sort of "out-of-the-box" option that just lets you deploy your .NET Core app and have it up and running. All 3 of those require you to do some extra installs to get everything running (i.e., the don't come with the required packages to run .NET Core). DO used to have a one-click option, but for some reason they removed it.
The .NET Core docs themselves have a pretty decent "Get started" here: https://www.microsoft.com/net/learn/get-started/linux/ubuntu18-04
Just change the Linux distribution to the one you're using (though Ubuntu is a good choice). Then just do step one to install the prerequisites to the server. Step 2 you've already done, so you don't need to do that.
>there is no dotnet sdk yet for ARM, only a dotnet runtime.
I think you are mistaken, the dotnet sdk for ARM32 can be found on the dotnet downloads page. I was able to build assemblies using dotnet build on my pi (for an empty console app, though it took forever).
Yikes, I'm sorry. I've completely missed stating the pre-reqs.
Yes, ConverseTek is currently built against .NET 4.72.
I don't think there's anything I'm using that really requires such an up-to-date version of the .NET runtime though. For v0.3.0 I'll play with compiling to a lower version if it helps people.
~~It was released in May, but it's still only available in Preview currently. Does this mean that come September 1st, we can expect 2.1 to be available outside of Preview?~~
Edit: I was wrong about it still being in Preview. I got a little confused because of this page: https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/dotnet-core/sdk-2.1.300 and it's warning at the top:
> To use .NET Core 2.1 with Visual Studio, you'll need Visual Studio 2017 15.7 Preview 1 or newer. Make sure you've got the latest Visual Studio 2017 Preview.
My bad :)
I would like to know when it's planned for GA though, unless RTM now means GA and I've missed that too
This did the trick. Ended up leading me here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37948865/iis-server-asp-net-core-page-cannot-be-accessed-because-the-related-configur I ended up having to install the web hosting package explicitly. Even though on this page it says it's included with the SDK, which i already installed https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/windows
Hm... weird. When you run DeezCord.exe it should open a window like this: https://kek.gg/i/3Zrfjv.png
Not sure what you can do except try to download .Net Core SDK from https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/windows and then open cmd in the root folder of DeezCord and run: dotnet DeezCord.dll
Ok, so the last one is somewhat unrelated to .NET Core.
Regarding the rest (only looking at .NET Core here, not Mono):
Distro/Development: You somewhat mixed development and deployment here (or I misunderstood you). You can develop either on Windows or Linux, on Linux possible IDEs are VS Code and JetBrains Rider. For a list of Linux OS' that Microsoft provides the SDK see: https://www.microsoft.com/net/learn/get-started/linux/rhel
Personally I'm using Rider on Fedora, but generally all Distros are somewhat similiar. So for example Ubuntu may use a different GUI and their package manager uses other commands but besides that there isn't really anything your missing out with preferring one distro over the other.
Deployment really is dependent on what you intend to do: Do you want to create a docker container, deploy to Azure, host it directly on a server? Anyways this is somewhat detached from the decision to use Linux. As long as you don't use any platform specific libraries like e.g. Microsoft.Win32.Registry a .NET Core app runs on Linux and Windows. In that regard: You don't really have to use Linux in your development process at all just to allow deployment on Linux.
Microsoft has it's own brand new library for ML, check out:
this is what BSG told me to do :
Please see below a list of possible solutions, and try running the launcher after each of them:
Run the launcher as administrator;
Temporarily turn off all antivirus and security programs, such as Windows Defender;
Try updating the Microsoft .NET Framework (Windows 7, 8, 8.1): https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/framework;
Reinstall the launcher and the game.
Try to change the place to install the game from one disc to another.
Try to create an additional account in your OS and try to run the game through it.
Try to delete the folder cache in the folder with the game, and then find the folder on your computer % temp% and remove everything from there altogether (if something is not deleted, then just skip it removal).
Try for the game folder and for the launcher folder to set full rights for the current user (folder properties, the "Security" tab).
Try disabling Real-time Protection in the Windows 10 Security Center. These are routine preventive actions that can’t damage your PC.
If you want an internship no matter what field of CS, self study this and only talk about it in the interview:
I've checked forums and some people with same problem said that problem is fixed after installing vs c++ or .net frameworks so try to install them https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/dotnet-framework-runtime/net452 https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads
.NET would be used for the web server, on the backend. Here's some more info about it: https://www.microsoft.com/net/learn/what-is-dotnet
I believe it's losing popularity, but there are still quite a few companies that need .NET developers because they have to maintain older .NET applications.
I would recommend Visual Studio Code with .NET Core, which is slightly different than the .NET Framework.
Yes, VSCode is ideal for starting out in C#.
You'll want to download this extension: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-vscode.csharp (last link on the right under "Resources") and then do this: https://i.stack.imgur.com/yrAcy.png with the downloaded file after VSCode is installed.
As i type this i'm realizing the caveat of going this route, is that these are geared toward .NET Core, which you may or may not have installed. It's a somewhat more beefy download, ~125MB: (center option, .NET Core SDK) https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/windows
I believe you need to install the .NET library (https://www.microsoft.com/net/learn/get-started/macos).
Also, the native Visual Studio client for mac is available here https://www.visualstudio.com/vs/visual-studio-mac/ .
Microsoft offers a decent .NET Core tutorial.
If you're looking to do full-stack web dev, then .NET Core would be a good place to start.
It even offers a CLI that will bootstrap an Angular or React app for you.
At that point, it's mostly just learning how to set up the API, and then focusing on how the front-end works (and there's tons of tutorials out there that cover the front-end frameworks).
I got around to testing this and had some issues. I opted for a good old console app for my test project and couldn't pull in the NuGet package because I got an error stating that the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with .net 4.5.2.
I hadn't made the move to .NET Core yet so I ended having to update Visual Studio 2017, install the .NET Core 2.0 SDK from here: https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/core and then creating a .NET Core Console app got me going.
Perhaps consider some other .NET targets if you are interested in getting exposure?
Regardless, the library is great and has a ton of useful stuff. I find the Min/Max priority queue very easy to use as some of the other options available require a comparator to be provided to the queue which is more flexible but less intuitive.
You can't run .exe files on Ubuntu (technically yes, with some software like wine, but that's bad for this purpose).
I would suggest you use .net core https://www.microsoft.com/net/core#linuxubuntu
You could develop locally and then move files to the server and run them. Using SSH or VCS (git?) which would be simpler to manage.
I don't have any example, but basic principles are the same. Just a bit more logic to handle communication (since you have two specific clients connected to one server) and paying attention to security things (if this server would be available to public)