This app was mentioned in 99 comments, with an average of 3.49 upvotes
A timercap plus hidden camera recording of the sister stealing the drugs would probably be the best thing to do. If she's lucky the parents will believe her when she says she didn't reset the timer, but if they don't she can fall back on the recording of her sister stealing.
I use this hidden recording program, you click the app button and it starts recording in the background until you hit it again to stop recording.
How to protect video recorded with a phone from dishonest police employees:
Use the app linked at the bottom to record video with the screen off.
It can be set to record 1 minute videos.
Use this app with, Dropbox or another cloud app that will auto upload.
Every one minute your video will upload to cloud.
If your phone is taken you will still have the video. If the video is deleted from phone it can be recovered from the cloud.
OP, don't show to her that anything changed about your attitude. Don't get too confident or too smarmy, this will signal you are up to something. Record EVERYTHING using your phone. Don't use the default video app, if she catches you she could go ballistic and do god knows what. Use a background recorder and put it in your front shirt pocket so you can clearly see her face. If she notices and grabs the phone, it won't show that anything is being recorded. Here's a good app:
Check your state's two party consent laws if you're allowed to record. If not, try to stir her attacks to texts or email if possible (great admissible document in court) and make sure to reference past fights where she got violent, citing your fear she might do something dangerous.
good luck.
Set this app up on your phone. Start recording him whenever you have an interaction, don't interact with him unless you are recording the interaction.
Don't engage in his rage, keep your calm, keep him away from you to avoid physical interaction.
But they don't have kids, so she will almost certainly notice them and realize what he's up too. Better to use a background recorder and put it in your front shirt pocket. If she notices and grabs the phone, it won't show that anything is being recorded. Here's a good app:
The app I use is Background Video Recorder.
I use an sd card with my a7 when recording everytime I go out to drive. All the videos then automatically get uploaded to Google Photos when I'm connected to wifi. The quality is very good and is easy to distinguish the license plate of the car in front of me. Google Photos does some heavy compression for videos that are uploaded, so I only delete old videos from my device (> 1 week). This setup has been working pretty well.
I am also aware this will reduce the life of the battery, and I am perfectly fine with that as I've bought several battery replacements. My hope is that each one lasts 8+ months before having to be replaced.
To help things, I'd consider contacting They should be able to provide advice and also make a fuss once this evidence comes to light (though if they're minors, maybe not), but I'm sure they'll still be able to help.
I'm sure they won't like you videoing them directly, so if you're on Android this might help too
Just be sure that you dont turn Camera2 API on in the settings, cause the video wont record after tasker blocks the phone
Make sure to let him know that if he touches you against your will again, you will take a pair of scissor in the night while he is sleeping, and castrate him (don't do this of course, just threaten him). Make sure to have a cover story as for why you refuse to marry him, a cover story that would destroy his reputation if you were to spread it as a rumor - make him fear you.
Insist upon him telling your parents that he refuses to marry you, and if he doesn't you will tell the police that you saw him insult the prophet.
If he still comes after you physically, tell your parents about the fact that he forces you. But so as to make sure that they don't brush it of as his "right" to your body or some nonsense like that, tell them that he has forced you to performe unislamic sex act. Such as him urinated on you for sexual pleasure, or something equally disgusting. Cry while telling such a story, if you can't do that on command make sure to cut up unions in a different rome before (through away the unions so that it can't be found by your parents) and then come into the rome with tears in your eyes - saying "mom, dad, I need to talk to you about something that is really difficult to talk about".
If you have a smartphone, you can download this app for free to performe hidden audio recordings:
When the risk of him attacking you comes up, activate the recording. Make sure to make your resistance loud and clear for the recording. Scream and cry. So that if you play it for police or your parents - they will realise how horrible it is for you to be forced in this way.
He is a rapist, ordinarily I would not advice you to lie - but this situation is extreme.
Use Kimcy's Background Video Recorder, this can record in background wether on a call, playing games, videos etc. and can be started and stopped using Tasker. It generates a notification which we can intercept with AutoNotification to tell Tasker it's filming, as to then Query any media player notifications to stop, background the game or whatever else you may be doing.
I use BVR a LOT for similar reasons. The fact it can work during a call and when screen off is definitely the winner.
edit: Using Google Photos for backing up, we could then share it after with any designated contact at will.
Talvez ajude no teu caso, tem um aplicativo pra Android que achei bom para gravar vídeo/audio com a tela desligada:
Quick Video Recorder 4.4 rating. Allowed me to set a 5 minute recording time and to set the time of day that I wanted video recording to start.
The app is adware but I saw no ads due to using an ad-blocking DNS.
Not sure. I searched "screen off camera video" on play store, and this came up. Haven't installed it, just one of the results.
I use Background Video Recorder. Tasker can call this from activities (front and back cameras) as well as when Screen off, playing a game or listening to music / playing a video.
edit: and during a call!
On android, I use Background Video Recorder. Records from the lock screen and can be set to break up recordings into chunks which can be set to auto upload to the cloud in almost real time. Not a true live stream though.
Background Video Recorder (Beta) . It's for Android, don't know which OS you use. One tap and it will record video/audio for 30 minutes. With google Photos, you can upload to the internet in case your phone is taken from you. You might be able to capture evidence of him stalking you.
Could someone test video recording on the S7 using 3rd party apps (Camera2 API and legacy API)? The video capture on Snapdragon-based Galaxy S4 was always terribly broken (and it has never been fixed).
Suggested apps: (background recording using legacy Camera API - works fine on Nexus 6P, useless on the S4) (Camera2 API)
How to protect video recorded with a phone from dishonest police employees:
Use the app linked at the bottom to record video with the screen off.
It can be set to record 1 minute videos.
Use this app with, Dropbox or another cloud app that will auto upload.
Every one minute your video will upload to cloud.
If your phone is taken you will still have the video. If the video is deleted from phone it can be recovered from the cloud.
Your best bet is using Background Video Recorder instead. To burst your camera, most phones actually need the native camera app (Sony for example) as this is really a proprietary feature.. Other camera apps will actually take a short video and split up the frames.
BVR you do the same. Make Tasker start recording for a few seconds, then stop. You can start/stop BVR using Tasker action App > Run App and long press the BVR icon. There is a widget activity that can be run to start/stop.
After, you would need to break the video up. Termux and it's Tasker plugin, inside Termux install ffmpeg. This can then break the video up into individual JPEGs or PNGs.
edit: BVR can work locked or unlocked, screen on or off, in a call or not.
Sorry for the late reply.
This app is perfect.
You can have it recording while the screen is locked / off. Set time limits with continuous sequential recording. Can record as low as 144p resolution, all the way up to 4K. Can change the icons and notification bars to look and say whatever you choose. Can save to external SD card. Can hide saved videos anywhere you chose, and can hide them from system apps. Supports password lock. Has built in video trimming ability. Is free. Can schedule recordings. Is constantly updated. Etc.
I don't think there is any shell command to record a video from camera.
As in most cases, workarounds exist. Install this app - Quick Video Recorder from Play Store and make this task :-
Task: Anon
A1: Launch App [ Package/App Name: Quick Video Recorder:Back Camera Recorder Exclude From Recent Apps: On ]
ie - In Tasker's [Launch App] action search for the app Quick Video Recorder and long press it. Then select Back Camera Recorder(or front) option. It should start record even with the screen off. To stop recording, repeat the same [Launch App] action.
>I want to take the picture with the screen off
If it's only this, this Tasker plugin - Quick Video Recorder can do it.
I am not a lawyer, but I am sure evidence of someone saying something they did is good enough to prove they did it, if this is not true then I guess I am sorry. You can try a background video recorder app and use it as a last resort of evidence. Here is one for android.
Try this:
You can change video and sound quality
Debloat your phone with Universal Android Debloater. Or head to settings\apps\three dots\show system\ disable all the apps it lets you. Be careful as you could lose some functionality.
Termux seems to be a bust. Try this -
It happens to have the ability to take photos and videos with screen off and can be lauched by Tasker's Launch App action.
For some reason, everythig else works like back camera picture or recording, however can't seem to find a way to take pics from front camera. But can instead take a video from the front camera (facing the intruder)
Use this action to take record video -
Task: Take Video From Front Camera
A1: Launch App [ Package/App Name: com.kimcy929.secretvideorecorder/com.kimcy929.secretvideorecorder.taskshortcut.shortcut.FrontCameraShortcutActivity ]
Use it again to stop recording
You can use Background Video Recorder Pro to record with the screen turned off. You cna use either the front or back camera, and it has aa ton of other options.
I've found Background Video Recorder (Android) to be a solid covert recorder. You can add a shortcut to the home screen that records the moment you tap, without appearing to open any apps or do anything.
I see that you don't have much evidence and only have photos which maybe show their faces.
I don't have much advice but I suggest this app. It's a secret video recorder, which I used during my incident with police (long story short - was recording police at a traffic stop, and they forcefully searched my phone, couldn't find anything) This app helped.
Install it and test it, look at all the settings and customize it and make it as discrete as possible. I have it on my phone and just start it whenever I feel like trouble.
I'm on Android, Note 20 Ultra. It's called Quick Video Recorder. I just clear out videos like once a week or so to keep space cleared. I set mine to save to external sd card(1TB card) and 10 minute videos before it creates a new file.
I'm on Android, Note 20 Ultra. It's called Quick Video Recorder. I just clear out videos like once a week or so to keep space cleared. I set mine to save to external sd card(1TB card) and 10 minute videos before it creates a new file.
I'm on Android, Note 20 Ultra. It's called Quick Video Recorder. I just clear out videos like once a week or so to keep space cleared. I set mine to save to external sd card(1TB card) and 10 minute videos before it creates a new file.
There are apps for iPhone/Android where you can hit a single button to immediately start recording. I drove for Uber/Lyft and I found it handy; the one I use is Quick Video Recorder.
Uses the above app which controls the camera and also the notification icon/text. If you need help with the settings in that app let me now and I'll share screenshots.
I used the app sideActions to map the standalone task to the double tap volume but you could probably find a way to map that with Tasker.
Tasker AutoVoice profile and Recorder Task:
In the Google app I made a shortcut voice command ("Routines") where when I say "phone recorder" Google acts like I said "tell AutoVoice to phone recorder". Same command to start and stop. Unfortunately the Assistant popup stays up after executing the command though, it doesn't minimize itself. Haven't figured that one out yet but I usually use the volume double tap anyway. If you're using the voice command you're probably not holding the phone anyway so you can just close Assistant later. I have to test if giving the command from my Google Home device will wake up the screen on the phone in the other room due to the Assistant or not. I don't think it will since it's processing from the Google Home and not the phone.
EDIT: just tested with my Google Home in the other room, it did not wake screen on phone but still launched the recording.
How to protect video recorded with a phone from dishonest police employees:
Use the app linked at the bottom to record video with the screen off and locked. It's called Quick Video Recorder or QVR.
Use QVR app with app. With Sync you get 5gb of free zero knowledge encrypted cloud storage. Sync also auto uploads new videos & pics.
Set QVR app to record 1 minute videos. Every 1 minute the new video will upload to
If the phone is taken or destroyed you can retrieve the videos from
How to protect video recorded with a phone from dishonest police employees:
Use the app linked at the bottom to record video with the screen off.
It can be set to record 1 minute videos.
Use this app with, Dropbox or another cloud app that will auto upload.
Every one minute your video will upload to cloud.
If your phone is taken you will still have the video. If the video is deleted from phone it can be recovered from the cloud.
(Android) Quick Video Recorder works fine for me.
Simple and effective. It can record from the lock screen (perhaps not on all phones?) and can be set to break the video up into chunks of predetermined length. Google photos can be set to automatically start backing up the partial vids while the current one is still recording. Stitch them together later. Not quite a livestream, but more or less real time, high quality backup. The uploads will eat up and heat up the battery though. One or two second gap between chunks.
Easy to do. To make it easy as cake, grab this app
It can be started and stopped by intents from Tasker;
In Android 8+ this can be done by as quickly as double pressing your power button by mapping Tasker's secondary app to it.
New Tasker Betas have Any Sensor as events, states and actions so this could be used.
I personally use this app for background video recording, screen off capable and be intented from Tasker for start and stop.
By way of BT/wired headset, voice, or double tap power I can Launch this and immediately and stealthily start filming.
Profile: Secondary App (478) Event: Secondary App Opened [ Output Variables:* ] Enter: BVR_StartStop (61) A1: Stop [ With Error:Off Task:Display Off Wrapper ] A2: AutoNotification Query [ Configuration:Notification Apps: Quick Video Recorder Title: video is recording Timeout (Seconds):20 ] A3: Wait [ MS:0 Seconds:1 Minutes:0 Hours:0 Days:0 ] A4: If [ %antitle1 Set ] A5: Launch App [ Package/App Name:Background Video Recorder:Back camera shortcut Data: Exclude From Recent Apps:Off Always Start New Copy:Off ] A6: Vibrate Pattern [ Pattern:50,250,50,100,50,100 ] A7: Else If [ %antitle1 !Set ] A8: Vibrate Pattern [ Pattern:50,150,50,150,50,150,75,150,50,100 ] A9: Launch App [ Package/App Name:Background Video Recorder:Back camera shortcut Data: Exclude From Recent Apps:Off Always Start New Copy:Off ] A10: End If A11: Stop [ With Error:Off Task:Display Off Wrapper ]
There is an app called Quick video recorder (used to be Background video recorder, or something like that).
It even adds quick toggles so you don't have to use any of the icons.
If you're smart, then It can be changed to anything. It could also be changed to spy camera with the app Quick Video Recorder
I have same problem. I use securetask for profile trigger. But when executing Take Photo on lockscreen it gets an error in run log. But any other time beside lock screen Take Photo works.
A workaround is I Used this app to record a short video. Basically on task go to app - > launch app, then look for the quick video recorder then tap and hold the app to see its available activities, choose the one for front camera. That will start the recording, then put wait 3 seconds or how ever long you want the video to record. Then trigger that launch app activity again to stop recording.
But I'm still looking for way to use Take Photo on lockscreen. I just don't know what permission I'm missing.
You could use Quick Video Recorder, it has shortcuts to open and start recording video with the front and back camera.
For syncing to the cloud, you cold setup FolderSync with immediate sync to Dropbox, Google Drive or any other cloud provider you like.
I'm assuming you're taking about recording a video and not screen recording.
Quick Video Recorder - Background Video Recorder
This is used for taking candids/creepshots by people on forums.
I'm using this one, just enable Camera 2 API, and wide angle lens can be selected.
Why not use BVR
Using either bxActions or Tasker secondary, you can call one of this apps activities directly through Tasker.
App > Launch App > Quick Video Recorder and long press it. It's activities for front and back camera are available to launch.
Run once to start, run again to stop. Will work screen off and locked.
Background Video Recorder
Records front and rear, but not at the same time, you have to choose which for each recording.
Background Video Recorder or QuickClick, not exactly what you want tho.
this will also open the camera while it's recording, not just have the video recording in the background like this app does ?
The first result for searching "video recording lockscreen" on Play Store is this: (it has very good reviews btw)
I tested it (on my G4) and worked fine with screen on or off, also very simple that once I clicked the app icon it started and stopping the video is from the notification panel. I think it's exactly what you want.
Edit: just found that it has 2 icons, one for recording and the other for settings.. It has a lot of settings and options like timer and quality setting etc.. It's amazing!
Can be done with MacroDroid plus Hotword plugin and this app:
I can build it if you want
I use this; - will allow to take photos and videos background, whilst playing games or even screen off and locked.
I remember apps doing this
try this its the only one which seems thats still on play store
There's also an app for recording video while leaving the screen off (Android)
Use this app to record with screen off
If on Android 11+ - likely not happening too easily.
You could try this app;
Not only pictures but also video with screen off
Same problem, used this plug-in which does that.
Hi. There is this one:
Maybe Quick Video Recorder ?
MacroDroid +
You can make a loop in MacroDroid that records with the app linked
I dont know the app but mby
Try 3rd party apps.
I recommend this: Background Video Recorder
MacroDroid or for video and audio:
Use Quick Video Recorder - it has shortcuts to use wide angle lense and Tasker can either call them or intent them.
Quick Video Recorder should do it
I've tested this app and it works fine.
Quick Video Recorder. Wish I was using it when my ex lied to get me arrested. It will record with the screen off.
I use this. You can start the video and lock the phone and it keeps recording. It has the function u are looking for and more.
"Is it possible to learn this power?"
"Not from a Jedi."
Check your local laws regarding this, yada yada.
Maybe this
Eeek.. Hmmm.. Does BVR work screen off for you?
I've been using this app forever
Try Background Video Recorder by Kimcy929, I use that on my old phone and it works pretty well.
This works fine.
That's not the intent. It is intended for personal safety. There are a number of programs that will do this but they all seem to have ads, tracking or some other downside.
This is an example of what I'm looking for but it has ads.
I've been using this for years: