Exactly. The police chief told the story that he wanted the public to know. They don't want any other story out there. They can't control the narrative if the public gets to see for themselves and start asking difficult questions about their conduct. Pleas to wait until they have completed their investigation are transparent ploys to buy time for the public to forget and shift attention to the next police killing.
It's right out of the police union playbook:
> "The longer a high profile incident is off the front page, the easier it is to resolve the case" because "The judge or arbitrator assigned to these cases sometimes feel more media and public pressure immediately after an incident than a year or so later. The more controversial the incident, the more time is your friend."
More than once on this sub, I've cited the book Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America's Police. It's a bit lengthy, and covers the historical foundation of the Bill of Rights (great read if you're an American history student).
But the real takeaway is that SWAT teams bring their own exigency with them. "Exigency" is just a fancy word for urgent and unexpected circumstances that allow SWAT teams to improvise and shoot dogs and kick in doors and operate without a judge's oversight. But the book makes a compelling argument that SWAT teams create exigency, they create violence where none existed before, they create dangerous situations where none existed before.
What if there are hostages inside a bank during a botched robbery? Sure, send in SWAT. But a house where no one is in any danger? Or a house where no one is threatening anyone? Hey, what if someone is suspected of cock fighting? Just have a celebrity drive a SWAT tank into their house. WCGW?
Bambuser. You can live broadcast. And it is uploading as it is recording. So even if the camera is destroyed, the file is still safe.
Dr. Robert Wicox and Dr. Okay H. Odocha at the Gila Medical Center (lawsuit) should be charged with assault and have their medical licenses revoked. They clearly and grossly violated their Hippocratic oaths.
It is Cochise County Sheriffs Office, CCSO. Probably Douglas Bisbee Tombstone or Sierra Vista, Arizona.
EDIT: Looks like the Deputy is out of Sierra Vista, but I only have the last name, Deputy Watkins, to go on. https://www.linkedin.com/pub/watkins-robert/a0/231/a3
They are claiming to be disabling their accounts because there are clone accounts. They just keep trying to cover, and it keeps not working.
Something similar got a Michigan teen, Deven Guilford, murdered by a cop. But he was flashing the cop because the cop's SUV headlamps were excessively bright or he had his high-beams on. Cop took offense to that (he'd been flashed more than once previously), pulled the kid over and immediately escalated things to the point of putting 7 bullets in him.
That cops ego and tyrannical authoritarianism ended up costing a life and well over 2.4 million dollars to Michigan taxpayers.
Read this, then realize that what you're describing as "Obama's America" has been the course of America for long before Obama became president.
I knew a guy just like this, same kind of voice, same mannerisms, same assured personality, even when he was wrong...which was often.
I once told him a mutual friend of ours had fibromyalgia and he refused to beleive it was a real thing.
Nosy, self centered, full of hubris, and wrong almost all of the time.
60 seconds reading entries on nextdoor.com should totally change the mind of anybody who thinks "we got a call" is reason to even stop a person. The set of stuff people "report" is truly insane and the quantity of racist crap exceeds the tidbits of actually useful info. And this is with moderators removing the worst of stuff, and with people knowing their full names are being broadcast to hundreds/thousands of their neighbors.
As a motorcycle enthusiast (rider and racer, both on and off road) for likely longer than you have been alive (42 years riding and racing!) I am ashamed of riders like you spreading ignorance and BS.
The quickest stopping motorcycles have a 60 MPH stopping distance only a few feet shorter than the quickest stopping cars. Also, almost any car can turn much faster than the best motorcycle (much higher lateral G-force). In general, the only real performance advantages motorcycles have over cars is better acceleration and the ability to fit in a smaller space.
The reason for this is fairly obvious to anyone with common sense and some high school physics. It comes down to how much rubber is in contact with the road (i.e., friction is the limiting factor in all maneuvers).
So stating that motorcyclists have much more control over their vehicles is simply false. And claiming that a 450-550 lb motorcycle (typical liter sport bike not counting rider) traveling at a high rate of speed cannot harm people just because they are in a car again ignores both common sense and physics.
I may be an old codger, but I keep all my trick riding off the road as every reasonable person should! I also suspect that even at my age, I have more situational awareness when riding or driving then you or these other ignorant motorcyclists have (or ever will have because with that much ignorance and stupidity they probably won't live to reach my age).
Note that it can be difficult to find good standardized performance data for motorcycles because the motorcycle manufacturers and enthusiast magazines, while really good at publishing acceleration data and track times, rarely publish any standardized braking or maneuverability data (unlike the car manufacturers and magazines).
Even if you aren't in a one party record state, you are still allowed to record actions in public and interactions with government officials. As far as apps, Bambuser automatically streams and saves to a cloud account. However, it won't stream to cloud in HD.
Mobile Justice has different ones for different states. The one I linked is for California but you can search others. It is an App that was created by the ACLU after the phone recording was so important to indict officer Michael Slager shot and killed Walter Scott.
Sounds like the "Party Patrol" is at it again. Roybal v. City of ABQ:
> Three Albuquerque party patrol officers who entered a home without a search warrant violated the homeowner's constitutional rights, a federal judge ruled this week. > U.S. District Court Judge William "Chip" Johnson determined the officers were liable for entering Mary Roybal's home on April 8, 2005, without a search warrant. Doing so, he said, violated Roybal's Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable search and seizure. > A jury on Thursday awarded Roybal $42,000 in damages.
The husband later won a separate case, Roybal v. City of Albuquerque:
> The Defendants did not ask for consent to enter. No express consent was volunteered. The Roybals spoke with the Defendants, but made no statements and made no gestures or other nonverbal conduct that might indicate some sort of invitation to enter. In these circumstances, it is clear that there was no consent, either express or implied. The entry into the garage was thus unconstitutional.
They'll learn eventually, I hope.
I did a quick reddit search and found thread from 7 years ago. The top post says PhotoRec is completely free. I linked to the internal site wiki of it so you can read and check it out.
Here is my best of synopsis. It might help if your video is ever deleted off of your sd card:
Photorec http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec
GetDataBack https://www.runtime.org/data-recovery-software.htm
Turn off your phone && remove the microSD card(so your phone doesnt overwrite stuff) put it in a SD card adapter and out the card adapter lock on (so it becomes readonly) you can play with photorec and other recovery tools after that.
Oh and encrypt your phone and put a lock screen on it.
Just subpoena the NSA for your files.
Sorry for the late reply.
This app is perfect.
You can have it recording while the screen is locked / off. Set time limits with continuous sequential recording. Can record as low as 144p resolution, all the way up to 4K. Can change the icons and notification bars to look and say whatever you choose. Can save to external SD card. Can hide saved videos anywhere you chose, and can hide them from system apps. Supports password lock. Has built in video trimming ability. Is free. Can schedule recordings. Is constantly updated. Etc.
Start here. There's really no reason for me to talk to you about this until you've read at least this much. https://www.amazon.com/Linguistics-Introduction-Linguistic-Bruce-Hayes/dp/0631197117#:~:text=Linguistics%3A%20An%20Introduction%20to%20Linguistic%20Theory%20is%20a%20textbook%2C%20written,the%20field%20%2D%20morphology%2C%20syntax%2C
Some law enforcement officers still carry lock-out kits.
I've locked myself out of my car twice. The second time was a few years ago in a small town in the Idaho boondocks, miles from any locksmith (thus an expensive trip to hire one to drive out and unlock my vehicle).
Fortunately, a deputy sheriff was filling his gas tank about a half block away, so approached him and asked if he could help. Rather than using a "slim jim" (which I'm told don't work very well for most modern vehicles), he had a fancier lock-out kit.
He pried the driver's window portion of the door open slightly using a pry bar, then slipped an inflatable bag between the door and the car body. He pumped the bag until it held the door about 2 inches from the car body. That provided enough space for him to insert a hooked rod that caught and opened the door latch.
The funny thing is, this was the same deputy who'd ticketed me for speeding earlier that day (one of two speeding tickets I've ever received). In the end, I figured he'd saved me more money than he'd cost me.
Question is who you want to donate to. While PINAC has their own donation system, I do have my own also which you did mention.
Thanks for reminding me to look at these because I just noticed an issue with my YouTube link that I have to fix it looks like and I noticed an issue with the PINAC site's also. The links I provided bypass those issues currently.
Also I would love to learn more about British civil rights when you start going active. I like to compare and contrast how things are in the US compared to other countries when it comes to this issue.
Yes, it's a conspiracy theory. Propaganda does not happen and never has. It's silly to think otherwise. I guess you don't actually have to clock out do you? I mean it's all logged online already...
nobody ever said 50dollar shared hosting. no sane person would ever host on a shared plan no sane person would pay 50 dollars for a shared plan aswell godaddy got them for as little as 4 i was talking about a dedicated server from OVH (soyoustart.com) these come with 32gb of ram and a benchmark cpu of 8k+ these also come with ssd harddrives so you can cache to disk with insane benefits more than a enough to run any nginx site these dedicated servers also come with layer 4 protection and layer 7 protection can be done with cloudflare or another reverse proxy for free http://www.soyoustart.com/us/essential-servers/ plan E3-SSD-3 CPU: benches over 9k http://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=Intel+Xeon+E3-1245+V2+%40+3.40GHz Ram: 32GB Disk: 120x3 SSD Traffic: Unlimited 250 DEDICATED port layer 4 protection up to 360tb and you're telling me that cant run a apache server? nobody ever said shared hosting :) it would take less than 30min to switch to one of those and 300 dollars are saved. no need to pay google 350+ dollars
Drawing a correlation between alcohol and scrap metal has to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Please tell me, is there a scrap metal store out there with people going there every day to buy small amounts of scrap metal?
Really, might try to put some actual thought into your argument. Another thing, people don't die stealing a bottle of booze......
I'm really thinking that you are working off an entirely different set of definitions than I am.
>Definition of privilege
: a right or immunity granted as a peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor : prerogative; especially : such a right or immunity attached specifically to a position or an office
Happens all the time. You can't create a constructive promise, based on that lie, else it could end up being a legally enforceable contract of sorts. Women sometimes are forced to give back wedding rings under the same legal principle when they later back out of getting married. Claiming the ring was a gift doesn't always work.
With cops you can call 911 telling them you are being held hostage and will be killed shortly. The cops can legally ignore you and have no liability for your death. Cops have no duty to protect. There are exceptions here as well, such as when cops enter into a special relationship or state created danger theories. Though these are notoriously hard to prove.
But yes, if you want to pretend to be a famous zit and the girls get naked for you because of it, no law broken. Here is a particularly egregious case:
I have to agree with Spartan on this, it deals with war issues more then US citizens by a very wide margin. I took a glance through and only saw one reference to Anwar al-Awlaki on this page making up three paragraphs out of the entire site. It doesn't go into much detail on the incident and I would have to say this doesn't fit with in the subreddit posting guidelines. There are other subreddits which are better suited for this kind of post also.
You could try Streamable but I don't know what is the biggest file size or length they can take. Most other places require accounts and the next best alternative would be BitChute but would require account creation.
I can understand your reluctance. Fortunately, there's nothing to lose when Patrons and Creators can sign up for free and use whatever you chose for Creator content form your creations.
I would love to adopt Patreon but I don't see that working out for activist videos. Mike Bluehair is twice my size and yet I don't see anyone actually subscribing to his Patreon. Me and him had a hangout meeting a few weeks ago and talked about how most of the time people only donate when something goes down like when someone is in jail or in a legal bind. Constant subscribers don't really exist for this area of video work.
My personal little theory on this is the fact most people who watch and pay attention to this kind of stuff are poor and are in similar boats that most of use are all ready in for disposable income. The only effective way they can contribute monetarily is by not blocking or skipping the ads when possible. Maybe with the addition of two new channels going up under the BBI company I will have a chance to actually put that theory to test but as of right now I don't have the data to confirm or deny this.
Bite mark forensics has been widely discredited and is rarely used anymore, but there are still many people sitting in jail because of it.
If you want to learn more about it (and many other outrages in the science of criminal prosecution), this book is an interesting easy read:
The Cadaver King and the Country Dentist: A True Story of Injustice in the American South
> I am not aware of any consumer product that contains CN or CS in addition the OC/CRC.
Here ya go. I'm told the addition of the CS mostly only serves to dilute the OC and is little more than a marketing gimmick.
liars, leeches, murderers, thugs and thieves. the cops that aren't doing something fucked up are covering for the ones that are.
cops don't become cops because they view the law as something that should be a stable platform for all American Citizens to build a life on. jr.hi/high-school locker-room bullies who discovered a career where they can snap the law like a towel on everyone's asses.
book/critique here, if anyone is interested
(Android) Quick Video Recorder works fine for me.
Simple and effective. It can record from the lock screen (perhaps not on all phones?) and can be set to break the video up into chunks of predetermined length. Google photos can be set to automatically start backing up the partial vids while the current one is still recording. Stitch them together later. Not quite a livestream, but more or less real time, high quality backup. The uploads will eat up and heat up the battery though. One or two second gap between chunks.
You're both right. I just went to Amazon and searched for "flashlight" without any special descriptions (such as "tactical"). One of the very first results on the first page was this $9 flashlight that does indeed have a built-in strobe effect. Whether it's useful or not for real-world search-and-rescue doesn't seem to matter. It's marketing.
I've had literally hundreds of interactions with LEO's - as a criminal, a suspect, a business owner and now a retiree. An officer knows that when he walks into the courtroom in his jurisdiction, he knows the judge, clerk, bailiff etc. You are a perp who is a stranger to be disbelieved, and you have no proof but your word.
The six-shooter was proclaimed 'the great equalizer' when it was fist made available to the masses, meaning those with lesser tactical or 'meeker' personalities could defend themselves against those who wish to infringe their rights. The phone/camera is the modern equivalent. Use it.
As far as the book, it has helped me to obtain work, promotions, quality friends and business success. I am retired before 60 - and not a jailbird - which is the direction I was headed when younger.
I also recommend The Art of War by Sun Tzu; again, sound tactics that can be applied to many situations in life.
> I can turn one of the cameras to face the driver side window if needed
This is the one thing I wish my dashcam did. If I was buying another setup, I would make sure it could pivot around. Not only to the drivers side but anywhere I wanted to point it.
I have a Thinkware X500D w/ a rearview camera. The functionality and ease of use is great. 9/10.
I think it might wake a whole lot more old people up to reality.
I read a great book that talks about Lawrence, Kansas being a major source of dirt weed in the 60s and 70s.
''Every farm in Lawrence has a brick making machine'' or something like that.
Weird book
Lawrence was like Deadwood, the last stop before the big haul across the desert to the west coast, during the 1800s Gold Rush . Same thing in the Bugs Bunny cartoons... ''Last Gas for 187 miles." Then it was the only open minded town for kids to stop in, in the 60s when hippies were going to San Francisco. Cool book, but I'm a weirdo, and that book is weird.
I'm not sure how comfortable you are working on your car. But it can be done with some "minor" rewiring. Just be aware that most mechanics think the electrical systems are the hardest parts to understand.
Read the book Fair DUI by attorney Warren Redlich. It is concise and packed with practical information on your rights and what to do when stopped for DUI. You can buy the paperback, or just get the kindle edition for a dollar.
I love your keen observation.
''Sobieszek demonstrates how Burrough's creative practive extends to and permeates most of the arts, how his work has paralleled and in some cases anticipated significant developments in painting, assemblage, music, sculpture, video and film.''
Kurt Vonnegut's ''Galapagos'' is also very prophetic. I never hear anyone talk about that book, clearly his best work.
I use this: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00E56WY18?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s00
FOV isn't as great as I'd like, but being able to rotate the cameras in a split second makes up for it.
What I have. Two cameras in one:
$58 - Oregon Scientific ATC Chameleon Dual Lens Action Video Camera (Black)
You might still find it like I did at microcenter.com for $35.
I have this one and it's great. I chose it mainly for the form factor, and I use it on my motorcycle. Had it for maybe 6 months now, works flawlessly.
<strong>THC Marijuana Surface Residue Detection Test</strong>
8 bucks. Two tests per pack.
Have one in your glove box and if a cop ever pulls this bullshit on you, swab your dash and headliner while still on camera and film the negative result.
Submit a civil complaint to his department and file a criminal civil rights law suit.