Feel free to read Mark's article on why bad cards exist: https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/making-magic/when-cards-go-bad-2002-01-28
The #1 reason they exist, which he omits out of embarrassment here, is to make the company $. You can't want what you already have. If every time you pull the lever on the slot machine you hit the jackpot, you will quickly be able to stop pulling that lever.
(This is also a reason why they have the Standard Rotation. The closest Granblue gets to that is the pressure they put on you to build teams in all six elements.)
>As for how is it possible, ask yourself how come someone got your email address and password in the first place, that's the first thing you should be concerned about rather than your account. If you used the same password elsewhere, go change it.
You can check your email address here to see if they've been compromised too:
Notably, no gorilla. Did sack paint sniffer from the scam though so went for it anyway.
NM95 - 0:39? / 0:45 buffs / no buffs, naru/illnott/v monika
NM150 - funnest part of GW for me, 2:30 / 2:39 buffs / no buffs with ougi comp. Sample clear.
Also got 4-0 for the first time ever as well, curse broken!
the app is only in the japanese store
GBF itself is actually a browser game, so you don't have to download anything. the app is just a specialized browser that's worse than the other specialized browser, SkyLeap.
If you do not want to use Chrome (for privacy concerns, or whatever other reason), have a look at Vivaldi. It's based on Chromium (which is also used in Chrome), but doesnt have any of the tracking Chrome uses. It's privacy-centered. It can be installed in Portable mode too.
Your problem is probably linked to a bug in the BlueStacks emulation, not much you can do about that. But really, if you want the best experience, playing in a browser is the way to go. Not having to emulate the app is going to make everything much smoother for you.
This is so worth the cost, even if she ends up having garbage skills at least she isn't completely dead weight anymore on the backline.
A minor edit, amazon JP has the dvd version (the cheaper one) on sale right now for 22% off, so if you want to buy this just for dark kat I strongly advise you to pick it up on amazon JP. My total end cost came to about $53 which is roughly how much the DVD is going to run you even before shipping.
Your best source for the raw material will be the Extra Works artbooks, which show off a lot of the sketches and prototypes for GBF art before they get finished into the well-known Minaba style.
Amazon JP ships internationally, if you're willing to pay for international shipping - otherwise you'll have to go through resellers to pick them up.
> その威光 白金の如し > sono ikou shirogane no gotoshi
Interesting choice for shirogane, since the kanji is for platinum.
I commented a rough translation earlier based on another version in another comment. I'll do one for this as well.
Its platinum-like (silver-like) authority
Heaven- and Earth-shaking, heart-throbbing,
A single ray of light in the infinite sky
Men and beasts alike shut their eyes
An endless journey chasing the light; aiming for the beyond
Close your eyes at the end of the myth and watch a new dream
I found this video that uses just one team of Warlock, Zeta, Alanaan and Anthuria. It's even done with 4* Astral, 4* Opus, sk10 Nilakantha and no AX skills on the Colossus Cane, so it's pretty accessible if you have those characters (there's a picture of the full grid in the thumbnail of the video). There are a couple of things with the summons that might make or break the setup, but the description goes into detail about some replacements if you don't have those ones. If you copy and paste the description on DeepL, the translation is good enough to understand it.
it seems someone already told u about playing on mobile browser, so a bit more info on quoapp since it can be useful if you wanna play jp games in general that are not browser based like gbf.
quoapp similar to the play store as in you can download apps from there, but it's almost exclusively for mobile games and most importantly games that are region locked.
I download all my jp locked games from there so as I said it's good not only for playing gbf but also other region locked games like fgo, starlight stage, etc
It's perfectly safe from what I can tell, after a couple of years of using it I've had zero issues and I've never heard of anyone having problems either.
You can search for them in TweetDeck. (https://tweetdeck.twitter.com)
Celeste: Lv75 セレスト・マグナ
Luminiera: Lv75 シュヴァリエ・マグナ
Tiamat: Lv50 ティアマト・マグナ
Yggdrasil: Lv60 ユグドラシル・マグナ
Leviathan: Lv60 リヴァイアサン・マグナ
Colossus: Lv70 コロッサス・マグナ
Here's what I did:
1. Root my device with Magisk.
2. Install Link2SD
3. Install GPS Joystick
4. Set GPS Joystick as a system app using Link2SD, and turn on the "Enable System Mode" option in the GPS Joystick settings.
You can find plenty of guides of how to install Magisk online.
You can go on Gearbest and get a phone for as low as $100 bucks that will out spec the game (and most on shelf phones). It costs less since they get shipped from china. But takes longer to ship.
It's how I got my phone and get pretty much all of my stuff since I'm poor and more than willing to wait for my stuff to go through like 5 different international post offices XD
I put your grid/team into a calculator, assumed 8k attack/3.5k hp from summons, Celeste/Baha and full hp (the overall result didn't change when I set HP to 50% and 1%). Short answer: yes, but it would be somewhat better to replace the GW fist or the Baha dagger. Replacing a 3star axe is fine though.
The chart sorts all the different combinations of 11 possible weapons (your current grid + lv40 Olden Cortana) and I set it to order them based on average turn damage, which factors in multiattacks, races and overall damage.
At the bottom you can see your current grid which doesn't have the Olden Cortana in it. All the other combinations that involve the Olden Cortana have higher average damage per turn due to the Trium skill.
Here is a comparison graph: https://vgy.me/RKEtpH.png
It is pretty much the same deal, with the break point at roughly 85% HP. More damage at any point lower than that. You could even go 6 claws if you were a die-hard Summer Zooey user. It all depends on how safe you think it is to play at lower hp.
Oh my bad, I misread the OP.
@/u/JeriKnight: Here's a Cosmos Tiamat Gun grid (8x Tiamat Guns + Cosmos Gun + Baha Gun): https://vgy.me/Ex1boe.png
Enmity graph: https://vgy.me/YuNi7T.png Breaks even with Cosmos Chev Sword grid at around 52% HP. Worth noting that Chev Sword grid grants almost 2.5-3x as much HP.
Yes. Anything that modifies the browser is grounds for account termination. Yes, it is bullshit.
There is a very specific reason I have one of the most cancerous browsers installed on my PC. I literally use it for GBF, and nothing else. This bit of news simply justifies my paranoia.
Pretty sure he means the mobage app like from https://apps.qoo-app.com/en/app/1838 if you're on Android.
As a nice bonus, it's cheaper to purchase through the app for some reason. Normally costs me $29 for a suptix if I buy through PayPal via the website like normal, but if I buy through the Google Play Store it costs me like $25.
Yes and no.
There has been no official US release and there most likely will never be.
You can easily play the game in the chrome browser on your PC.
You can also play it on your android device using qooapp.
There is both a Japanese and an English version of the game, so you should have no troubles playing it or getting into it. Enjoy!
I used apkpure to get the most recent version.
There also is an official manga, too. It looks like it already has a translation, though I don't think it's official:
I can't speak to how good it is; I only just now found it.
It's not just you, they're designed to be lacklustre so you have to keep doing draws to win the lottery. It's not a lottery if everything you pull is top tier.
^ Mark ignores the most important part, which is "For us to make us more money by keeping you rats pulling on that lever for food pellets", but otherwise does a good job of explaining why it is designed so.
...... Seriously, if it had to be a summon instead of a broken character, why not choose something from the Prometheus cycle? Those things are basically cheat codes when uncapped, and you can always use more of them...
Here's the honored required for every blue chest
It's pinned in the international discord questions channel if the link doesn't work
Here you go:
amazon.co.jp ships internationally for some products (aka most non 18+ products). You'll have to create a separate amazon account for amazon.co.jp, and if it doesn't ship internationally you could just use one of the numerous proxies.
And it's "kind of" in English: http://puu.sh/qh5is/e472fc5539.png :P
Just a follow up. I've pre-ordered it via Amazon.JP, as I have done so in the past. It comes up to ¥5150 after tax and shipping (to Canada). Estimated time of delivery is June 3rd/4th. If I remember correctly, they had shipped my first two Achieves via DHL (at least to Canada).
Here's a direct link to the page. It's sold by Amazon, so you can rest assured that you will get your copy.
No problem!
Also some other notes
1: Amazon Kindle link you mentioned is actually blocked (even if you use a VPN to Japan) if you are logged in as an account from the United States at least. (you're still able to order the physical copy and have it shipped to the states however)
I haven't tested this yet though, but if I can't find a workaround for my own situation for kindle then I will likely buy this.
2: > 9/29/2017 NOTE: Be aware that the Bookwalker edition of Volume 1 of the Granblue Fantasy manga does not come with the free Damascus crystal (I missed out on this).
This is still the case, as the japanese has 3 parts in Amazon, just some extra explanation below of the serial code benefits (特典シリアルコード) that it lists
> 【特典シリアルコード情報その1】 ・Sレア武器確定ガチャチケット 1枚 ・エリクシールハーフ 30個 ・ソウルシード 60個
This is for buying a single volume
>【特典シリアルコード情報その2】※本商品のみではこちらの特典は入手できません。後日発売予定の同商品の2,3巻もご購入いただいた場合に入手できます。「グランブルーファンタジー」1~3巻連動購入特典シリアルコード ・ダマスカス鋼 1個
This one says you must buy all the volumes to get this reward (the normal dama bar)
>【特典シリアルコード情報その3】 「グランブルーファンタジー」1巻法人購入特典シリアルコード ・ダマスカス骸晶 1個
This is the special thing from Amazon (Both physical and kindle versions say this)
3 The bookwalker version indeed doesn't have this as if you go to the page again (https://bookwalker.jp/de3b7fb9a1-1753-4ea0-97a3-e39b8a4b1112/)
You'll only see "【特典シリアルコード情報その1】" and "【特典シリアルコード情報その2】" serial benefits compared to the Amazon links
It's not out yet, but you can get it from Amazon jp. I know they can ship to Canada and US, but I don't know about other countries.
Smooz, you mean this thing?
I've heard about it but what makes it so good for gbf?
>Are you using adblock to block any elements of the game?
Nope. The only extension active in my Chrome is Zenmate VPN, which I only use when I browse sites blocked by my ISP. People are saying this counts as violation. I'm a Linux user, and apparently that's also a violation.
I'm not gonna take any unnecessary steps when the situation is still so unclear.
Is it safe to play with VPN? Especially ProtonVPN since that is what I'm using for my phone. My internet provider inject so many ads that I can't clear a quest without ads popping out or a connection error.
Other have covered waiting till Legfest, and that's a good idea.
On the issue of only being able to reroll 10x, you really just need to be coming from a different IP address. VPN is the easiest way to do it, but I'm betting you're using a free VPN which are always shit.
Some solutions:
Get a paid VPN service. Private Internet Access and Express VPN are good.
If you have a laptop, connecting to different WiFi networks will do the trick. Use your home network, your school's, Starbucks', the library, friends' networks, etc. Involves some travel, but shouldn't cost anything.
Wait. I think it takes 24hrs for an IP to be "unbanned" from rerolling. This means you can get 2 or maybe 3 reroll sessions off of one IP during a Legfest.
Gave up, resubscribed to VPN, game is sluggish but playable.
BTW: I'm using GetFlix through one of the Montreal endpoints to circumvent (what I believe is) Comcast's busted routing/infrastructure. I've used GetFlix before for other reasons; they are pay, but they're not that expensive. Japan endpoint was sluggish as heck, Montreal isn't bad.
Gloogle Play says that "This app is incompatible with all of your devices". I have a S7, Android last version, how is this possible?
Can I get the game some other way?
I use Walnootjes method, but I'll explain it a bit. This will require an android phone.
Enable APK loading in your phones settings.
Find an APK ripping site and get the newest rip of this: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.mbga.a12016007.lite
Install the APK
Run it
Log in your account.
Make sure you are logged in with your account.
Make purchase with google play.
Because the Yen is undervalued atm save some money on your transaction on google play. (Have payed under 2,950 yen the past week for the 3,000 mobacoin amount)
Note, you will want to look up a guide on what buttons to hit if you can't infer the moonrunes.
Bit late, but every time the game does this to me I pop up ProtonVPN. It's a free VPN with a Japan network. It's not as good as the paid ones, but at least makes the routing less ass and the gamed a little more playable.
I already have a VPN subscription (NordVPN), but I'm not sure which server / geographical region would be best. I've tried routing straight to Japan and sure GBF plays fine - minus the expected ping increase - but it's a bit of a slog for everything else on my computer.
Does anyone know of a good stable middle ground without increasing my ping with everything else like 5x?
In order to keep new product sell-able, Granblue uses the YuGiOh style of power creep versus the Magic the Gathering style of set rotations.
Rosewater wrote an article on why bad cards exist, though it heavily downplays reason numero uno "we gotta maximize profit": https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/making-magic/when-cards-go-bad-2002-01-28
If all the characters you have can do the jobs you need done, you'll just have them. And you can't want things that you have.
That Yoda has any window of relevancy is better than what most characters get.
All info you could ever want.
I'm stuck between Vira and Wulf.
I don't really know the difference in usage between the two because I'm kinda confused by Wulf's abilities in action.
Assume that I'm not getting S. Zooey for a long while, so no full enmity grid.
If someone could please explain which are better for which situation, or maybe if one is objectively better, that would be great.
My current Dark team only have 4/5 SSRs to fill slots and it looks like:
D.Jeanne, D. Zeta, D. Cagliostro - Joker, Fill
Rank 101 here, just entered HL 'cause of slimes and still has no idea what he's doing
https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMHuvJURHYf5csRqmBfiRYlpUKO_PWKVe3nfL6bft2pn5uFU1Gmhtjktd_oF45RGw?key=ZExMcXljT1c1S2RSTmRwM0kwVG1ESXFvX0RVRWxn is an album of my grids/characters
My Frontlines are
Light: Robomi, Jeanne, Chevira
Dark: Dark Jeanne, Dark Zeta, Dark Cagliostro
Water: Altair, Charlotta, Yngwie
I am mostly focusing on dark/light but want to focus on water though I have no idea where to start on that.
I'm planning on doing Chev swords with light and just whatever Magna on dark, and have no idea what to do for water.
The characters I'm debating are Vira, Seruel, Amira, and Wulf and Renie (though I'm open to any suggestions)
I was thinking that Seruel would be an easy choice, but I simply don't even have a full team of SSR's for dark and my Light only has 2 chev swords right now
If you want the APK anyways you have to look up the game name in Japanese
My country has only chocorooms called Orion Choco Boy. Yes, the mascot is a little mushroom boy
They are pretty tasty, just tad bit too pricy for amount of biscuit and chocolate you get
Well, the thing that makes GBF stand out is that it is unlike the other mobage out there but a watered down traditional JRPG with MMO elements. Combat is entirely turn based with the exception of certain skills that runs on timers and using the correct combination of skills/buffs is essential for survival. In some cases the complexity renders the game unplayable on a small screen because there are too many things to keep tabs on.
The game makes heavy use of elemental rock-paper-scissors to scale its difficulty and TBH they are not created equal. While it's possible to focus on a couple of "strong" elements, most comitted players will have to invest in a couple other elements to be able to get through certain hard raids. This also has the effect of pigeonholing characters and equipment into six categories: each element has its own grind which can take months on its own, and tough luck if you just pulled something off-element from gacha that you will probably never use.
Cost will depend on the playstyle. Pure F2P is possible but can get quite painful; light players will usually pick up the monthly star gacha (one guaranteed SSR) and the bi-monthly surprise ticket (10 pull plus one SSR character/summon of your choice) so they are looking to drop about 5000 yen per month; heavy users can spend anywhere between 30K to 90K per month depending on their luck with the new releases, but this does not absolve them from the grind since P2W will require a much larger investment before it 's viable. Paying a moderate amount into the game, however, will make the grind more enjoyable.
P.S. If the "changes" you were referreing to is the upcoming ban on rooted/jailbroken devices there are ways around it.
Assuming 12,000 ATK/5,000 HP from summons:
Cosmos Gun grid: https://vgy.me/uyTL3w.png
Cosmos Sword grid: https://vgy.me/kqLeGL.png
Note that swords must be FLB. As you can see 9x Chev Sword + Cosmos Sword is significantly better in terms of both HP and damage. I even put Baha gun in the Cosmos Gun grid despite it being suboptimal. If you are not running Cosmos Gun you can usually replace Chev Guns with FLB Swords as you get them.
This is unrelated to GBF, but I'll help you with your image problems.
First, create an account at https://imgur.com/ This is a great site for uploading and storing images. Get your feet wet with uploading some stuff here first - maybe from your computer, or from urls.
Next, and this is the most quality of life part: ShareX. https://getsharex.com/ This is an incredibly easy to use and versatile snipping tool that allows you to select an area of your screen to create an image of, and once you've connected it to your imgur account, ShareX automatically uploads it there and adds it to your clipboard (meaning you just need to Ctrl-V to paste the image url into chats without doing anything else).
Yes, Syoko, the mushroom girl. (I have no idea why Bamco / Cygames spell her name like that, either, but that is what is says on her cards and everywhere.) She has a dual personality, one of which is subdued, and the other is... rather not. If Crunchyroll offers it in your country, I have a particular episode of Cinderella Girls Theater in mind.
About Suzuho, this is the SSR I was referring to. It ranks rather high on the memorability scale, but not exactly because of how subtle it is.
I agree with you about the neon pink hair color at least in that this is the first case of it, but double-colored hair is something that Asuka had first. But "visual feature that is more flashy than before" can be said about shark teeth, too. And speaking of visual design... remember that Cinderella Girls has an election every year, and every time, the top contenders did not really have designs that are particularly standing out (except maybe for the first winner, Airi). Also, over time, your appearance only gets you so far with the fans if you have few other things to back it up. Even Airi fell out of top 50 two years ago.
Riamu has that obnoxious personality on top of her appearance. I cannot see her winning the title, ever, but I think she has potential as a comic relief character, filling a role similar to Sachiko.
Aside from that, Riamu is only one of five revealed new idols so far. And I do not think that the future looks that bright for Akari, Chitose, or Chiyo already. But all of this is very much in line with how things go in CG already. Some fan art pulls you into CG, but in the end, you will do everything for Ranko instead. I do not think this will change, ever.
Should i start investing on Hades as my first primal grid? If yes, what should i start farming and what would my next spark targets be? These are all the grand weapons i have. Thx in advance.
EDIT: These are the characters i have for Dark atm, planning on getting Six next GW: https://pixeldrain.com/u/9nQdRSTL
you can try skyleap official browser for plays GBF, you can download skyleap on qooapp https://apps.qoo-app.com/en/app/8778 , the minimum requirement to play on skyleap, sorry bad english
The app is only on the Japanese play store, but you can download it overseas via QooApp. Once you open the game, there should be a setting on the title screen to change language settings to English.
A lot of players just use a mobile browser like Chrome or Safari to play, though, if you don't want to work around getting an app.
Alternatively, you can find it on QooApp at https://apps.qoo-app.com/en/app/1810. I didn't have any luck getting it to come up in the search results inside the app version of QooApp except when searching for it via its Japanese name, アイドルマスター シンデレラガールズ. Due to the way the alternate name is listed in the app version of QooApp, simply typing it in English doesn't seem to work.
Nox for Android emulator, then when you install and run that, log in with your google account (provided you already have one) and just download the GBF apk from the link and install it in the emulator (should be an option for that). In terms of ressources, for a purchase it should definitely be enough.
You can change the region of your play store account to Japan but it's quite a nuisance. I prefer to simply sideload the apk and the payment works fine out of the box. (your bank still needs to accept charges made in yen though).
I downloaded mine from apkpure. Although others here seems to be quite satisfied with the QooApp client.
is it worth taking the baha dagger out to fit a ridill?
Also does ridill's awaken buff stack with lucifer's atk up even though both are normal?
I need a bit of help strategizing for proud for the new event. These are the wind characters i have. Most notably, no grim, no yurius, and no monki. My grid is somewhat m2, I run 3 bolts 2 harps flb and the other standard stuff of seraph/ baha dagger/ xeno & windhose. Anything that can be sl15 is ther, idk what else to do tbh.
You mean bigger in size, right? Because the art quality looks the same.
Don't know about official bigger art, but you could try running it through waifu2x, maybe? I personally use http://waifu2x.udp.jp/index.html
I tried lots of things and the audio distortion was still not fixed. So I just reverted back to Chrome 59.
This was the problem I had: https://sendvid.com/s3zvuqcr
I also sent a bug report here: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=753666
Anything by MitiS, Seven Lions, Crywolf...
Recently been listening to this on repeat a lot:
(I end up falling asleep a lot while grinding so gotta have something to keep me awake)
OP here, i think i've managed to fix it finaly. Try to delete Chrome and install an older version from here: http://www.slimjet.com/chrome/google-chrome-old-version.php . 48.0.2564.109 64-bit worked for me. Hope it helps, these ugly windows were bugging me out.
Vivaldi's a really good chromium browser to play gbf on. You can set it as a side web panel or tile multiple tabs together and push GBF to the side.
I was having serious lag issues with Chrome so I ended up switching to the PC client of Brave.
As a side note, I'd recommend it if you're using an Android phone and are bothered by the lack of good ad-blocking tools.
Tier A / semi casual crew
Callisto団 is recruiting, new players is welcome!
LINE chat as main communication
Strike Time: 12pm & 21pm JST
Join requirement:
About us:
Guild War:
We are very flexible about minimum quota and we have 2nd crew for you to chill from the next GW.
I can't promise a win during GW since we are aiming for lose badges, but there is a time when we will do our best to find a right moment to strike! to win!
Don't be shy to PM me, friend. have a nice day!
>!RIP Agielba!<
Tier A / semi casual crew
Callisto団 is recruiting, new players is welcome!
LINE chat as main communication
Strike Time: 12pm & 21pm JST
Join requirement:
About us:
Guild War:
We are very flexible about minimum quota and we have 2nd crew for you to chill from the next GW.
I can't promise a win during GW since we are aiming for lose badges, but there is a time when we will do our best to find a right moment to strike! to win!
Don't be shy to PM me, friend. have a nice day!
Tier A / semi casual crew
Callisto団 is recruiting, we are welcoming new player without min rank or weapon grid.
LINE chat as communication
Strike Time: 12pm & 21pm JST
About us:
Guild War:
We are very flexible about minimum quota and we have 2nd crew for you to chill from the next Guild War.
I can't promise a win during GW since we are aiming for lose badges, but there is a time when we will do our best to find a right moment to strike! to win!
If this crew what you are looking for, don't be shy to ask any question or join for trial.
Kinda. If you're only using it to search raid ids, it's similar to using something like tweetdeck where you can set up a bunch of custom searches for raids. The upside that raiders would have over this official twitter tool would be that you can copy raid ids on click. If you combine raiders with viramate, however, it'll load up the enter raid and paste the raid id in for you to click join.
Do anyone know if the Serial Code listings for Manaria Friends on Amazon JP still contain the Serial Codes? Any recent buyers?:
You can get them here on amazon japan for like $25 for both but shipping will probably end up bringing it to around $50 total, at least to usa, idk how much it costs elsewhere
You don't actually have to get the limited editions, right? you can get the regular?
regular edition
I'm trying to figure out what the difference between them are.
For the record, the one that I_am_Desu posted is not the Amazon-limited release. That's a separate listing that costs more. There are two main differences:
The Amazon limited version comes with a B2-sized poster, which is pictured.
You get an additional serial code for each volume of the DVDs/Blu-rays you purchase, and if you buy all 7 you can enter these serial codes on the special campaign site and they'll send you a gift. That's a physical gift unrelated to the SSR character roles- it says it takes approximately 2 weeks to arrive after confirmation.
The one I_am_Desu posted does come with a serial code for the character roles, if that's what your interested in:
「グランブルーファンタジー」特典シリアルコード SSレア1回以上確定アニメレジェンド10連ガチャチケット
This is different from the Amazon-special code, which is a collaboration between Amazon and Sony Music Communications.
Can anyone confirm which version you have to buy to get the character?
so anyone know if it's possible to buy it from amazon jp if I live in Poland?
it looks like both dvd and blu-ray versions are on discount right know and I'm tempted to buy dvd one but I'm not sure if it's possible if I live in Europe :/
unless there are other sites that sell that stuff even cheaper and with no problems when it comes to shipping to Europe
Not exactly answering your question, but have you considered buying it from Amazon JP instead? They'll ship to the US and it looks much cheaper there than on Amazon US. Plus it's sold directly from Amazon so you know it'll be new. I got my Cag CD from Amazon JP with no issues. You can switch the Amazon JP interface to English and then it's easy to use.
If you mean the non-summer version, then you need to buy the anime BD Vol. 6. Here is an Amazon JP link to the item.
I'm really hoping I'm not late on this, but amazon has a dekajacket bonus edition. Here's how it looks like(poster on the right, jacket on the left).
Because I am a scared baby and this involves money, the Granblue Anime DVD version will also give the serial codes, correct? Was looking into getting the summer outfit, but don't want to spend money only to get zip. This is the link I'm looking at on Amazon jp.
The song was such a bop and I'm definitely ordering one from Amazon JP.
Play-asia is safe, but it's usually the more expensive option for imports.
Try cdjapan or amazon
The Amazon link is exclusive Amazon limited edition that comes with some posters. For those that just want code for Vira, this non-limited version is cheaper during the pre-order period.
So i'm a little confused on the ordering of the blueray's for the new Vira. Do all DVD's and Blueray copies come with the code for Vira or is it only the limited editon one. I saw this one on Amazon and not sure if it comes with the code.
here's the link to the app. It's initially in JP but can be switched to English. You have to switch your region to JP in order to download it
Welp, ministry of truth is at work. On desktop I use https://github.com/ValdikSS/GoodbyeDPI and on mobile https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.opera.browser&hl=en_US with data saver enabled, which proxies all your browser data through opera servers.
whoops, sorry, i missed that.
if you have the problem on all browsers and the app then it probably is a network issue.
i had the same problem when everyone was at home watching free netflix during quaratine, but it gradually got better as people went back to work and the network got less overloaded.
luckily, a VPN did help me on the worst days. ping was still high, but at least i didn't have to refresh after everything. i was using TunnelBear with a free account.
you could trace your route to the server to see which hops are causing the problem (high ping or packet loss), and your ISP might be able to change the route to avoid that hop if you contact them. ths worked for me in the past for a different game.
> All versions of the Blu Ray will have a piece of paper with the serial code inside. > The only difference between retailers is the extra pre-order bonus.
Just to confirm, will the currently available Blu-rays at Amazon.co.jp (this one and this one) still actually include a serial code? Reading the description, it seems to say it’s only included as a 初回生産特典 (First Production Bonus)?
It's a long shot, but have you tried using a VPN? While generally a VPN is more likely to increase lag, in some cases your ISP might be manipulating the traffic or have an outage which only affects some traffic in Japan, and in that case a VPN might help you route around the issue. I have a milder version of this problem with Comcast, and for me a VPN resolves it.
I use ExpressVPN, fwiw, but it does cost money.
It depends on whether your load issues are due to your ISP or just to distance between you and Japan. Comcast has this periodic freak-out where they stop efficiently routing Granblue traffic for me, and in those cases a VPN helps (the VPN matters, ExpressVPN works for me, but GetFlix's VPN didn't pass through all the traffic properly and caused various issues like frozen honor displays during raids). But it's not going to help unless there's a problem that's not just "Japan's far away".
I learned that Summer Ayer is still available, so I'm currently rerolling for either SR or SSR Ayer. However, I've hit the IP lock for creating too many accounts.
If I use a VPN like TunnelBear, will I be stopped again after creating accounts?
I found a (Windows) solution, you guys.
Have someone you can trust (henceforth "friend") that lives somewhere not local.
Have them setup an SSH tunnel on a (secure, ideally) machine local to them.
Use PuTTY to tunnel your connection.
(Optional) use FoxyProxy to tunnel only your GBF connection, so you don't accidentally slam your friend's network too hard.
tl;dr it pays to have friends in faraway places.
I rerolled a total of 100 times this legfest as it was my first.
Basically all I did was activate Hotspot Shield (or whatever VPN you have) enter email, enter code, then disable when you're fully on the enter details page.
From that page onwards you don't need VPN, and since Hotspot is anal and gives you a limited amount of data to use on free, you can do this infinitely cos it seems they give you a little bit to use every time you start it up.
So I'm brand new to the game. I rolled a Societte, I like her and I know she's only considered ~B-Tier but I think I'm done with rerolling since I'm getting that IP temp ban. Unless anyone know a way around this through a VPN? The ones I've tried haven't worked for me (Zenmate, SoftEther VPN).
So I wanted to ask if I do the Start Dash draw, should I be looking to get another character to create a strong water team or should I be diversifying? Thanks!
From what I've read, most people play on pc using chrome.
For android, you can either install the app through qooapp to get the japanese apk, or you can use a browser on your phone.
I did some research on different browser options and the only ones that can give you "immersive fullscreen" where you don't see top bars nor address bars is an app called fullscreen browser: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.xyz.fullscreenbrowser&hl=en_US
I looked at the permissions and was surprised to see that it doesn't really ask for anything invasive like most apps.
The next closest option for almost fullscreen browsers is the lightning browser: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=acr.browser.barebones&hl=en_US
If you're using an Android phone, an option I've tried is using Fullscreen Browser.
You'll likely come across authentication problems if you use game.granbluefantasy.jp, but you can instead use gbf.game.mbga.jp. (This of course, assumes that you've made a mobage account, like most non-Japanese players. If somehow you've started on one of the other service providers... I can't help you there.)
I actually like this a lot, because being a proper browser, I can jump straight to pages I need with bookmarks.
I recommend playing with Brave (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.brave.browser). It's a chrome fork so gbf recognizes it as a playable browser, and you don't get the bug with it. (Tested on my one+3t running android oreo)
Hey i got some question :
-If i buy the cd here: https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B07B47CKFX in mp3 will i have the code too?
-I saw that people who already have the outfit of percival and lancelot will be given 10.000 crystals for compensation so is there a way to have enough b-points to buy them? I mean is it worth to put money on card for this amount of crystals ?