They are reading the book The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish, which is rated by Amazon as a Preschool Grade Level.
I mean how else are you going to raise a Woke Baby without books like these?
>totally reversible
Success rates with vasectomy reversal range from about 40 percent to over 90 percent.
Imagine if the pill had a chance of making a women sterile 10-60% of the time. Do you think they would be ok taking them?
Form what I read there is a macro feature in notepad++ which was used to send a message about free speech, and free expression when Charlie Hebdo was attacked. Kind of ironic given his stance on this.
It used to be publicly available, but alas, it got removed. I wonder why...
Luckily someone backed it up.
11 ng/ml fentanyl and 5.6 ng/ml norfentanyl. 7 ng/ml is considered a lethal concentration. And as an added bonus he also had a good amount of meth in his system.
That's funny, They want to stop trump from writing a book.
but Amazon still sells Mein Kampf and no one bats an eye
We truly live in clown world.
"Bryan Burrough, Chris Tomlinson, and Jason Stanford, urges us to reconsider the Alamo, a symbol we've been taught to fiercely and uncritically remember . . . the book provides strong, provocative critiques of U.S. imperialism and colonialism."
"The myth of the Alamo, as we know it, is a lie. It's been a part of the lie students have learned in school, and animates the lies peddled by legislation like the 1836 Project and the critical race theory bill. But if you want to truly remember the past, you first have to forget it." -- Texas Observer
> I'm not necessarily proud to say I'm suspicious that this rich kid got off the way he did.
You shouldn't feel ashamed for coming to that conclusion. That is exactly the fake narrative the media sold you. All the same, it was fake. They live in Dayton, Ohio, not Central Park West. All their kids have student loans, about $120k for 3 kids. Brock got a partial scholarship for swimming which let him attend school. 3 generations ago, his family came from poverty and moved into the middle-class, like most U.S. families. His grandfather was raised in an orphanage. Not the Bush's or Hilton's upbringing you were thinking, huh? Here, read for yourself. His mother's letter towards the end is particularly gripping. It's not good writing, it's just that the curtain gets pulled back and I started to see the real story. There are also about a half-dozen letters at the end from self-described community members who attended parts of the trial and all advocated for Brock. Some of those community women had some choice ways to describe "the victim." I won't repeat them here.
> That's probably the main reason I was so outraged over the whole thing.
That was also intentional. If you're outraged the media makes money off this. It's all really barbaric.
> Could anyone here help me figure out why the sentence was shortened?
I don't know anything about that part of the law, but many states have minimum percentages of a sentence that must be served before you can be paroled. Sometimes it's 50%, sometimes 80-plus%. I don't know the reasons.
> I'll also admit I'm having trouble accepting it because of my own reservations...
And you don't have to accept it if you don't want to. The thing just IS, whether we do or don't.
> Actually, no it's not, liar. Lol. Also, it's "tased" 👈 nice attempt at English, tho.
> verb Simple past tense and past participle of taser.
Thank you for your typical ever so civil big brained rebuttal.
The book in question, rated 4.5 out of 5 stars. By an actual journalist, not an activist.
I don't generally post on these subs but il make an exception,
she got $158,000 and the game looks like it was made in RPG Maker 2003
Ive seen Anitas videos debunked on youtube a 1000 times but yet the stupid will follow her anywhere,even supporting this piece of crap,thanks Anita try and ruin Gaming making a lame craptastic game depicting your own biased and opinionated view of everything and see if it will reach #1 on charts owned by 13-18yr Males who buy the new COD and Fifa each year, Good luck girl
They are brainwashed, pure and simple. Pretty easy to do, too:
Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland
Why settle for the best when you can “diverse” people who are less good?
This is odd. All of their people in technical roles, such as development, are men. That’s not very diverse hiring.
>Meanwhile, there's a legitimate estimate of 4.5 million children having been abused in educational facilities, and there is at least some evidence to indicate that the true proportion of pedophiles is greater among those with a homosexual orientation.
The study you cite has some caveats. Mainly in the fact that it says:
>>The present study investigated whether the etiology of preferred partner sex among pedophiles is related to the etiology of preferred partner sex among males preferring adult partners.
Turns out it isn't related.
Yes it's a totally astro-turfed agenda funded by billionaire George Soros. Same thing with the nations insane immigration policy. List of Orgs funded by Soros:
LinkdIn of the guy Hunger striking: (NOTE AIESEC Affiliation)
"AIESEC produces global citizens who will hopefully understand and practice the values of open society in their companies and communities. This organisation of bright, enthusiastic young people from all corners of the globe is dedicated to providing international internships that serve both its student members and participating companies and promote understanding between cultures. The foundations I established and currently fund promote AIESEC's activities in many countries" George Soros, Chairman, Open Society Institute
At least my wife's Coach purse doesn't look like the cheap canteen I had in Boy Scouts AND only cost me $65 at the outlet mall.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Syrian-born woman who herself was the victim of child marriage, escaped to Sweden and began a lifetime career of speaking out about the injustices and horrors of Muslim culture, especially towards women.
Her most recent book, "Prey", is a case study on the Muslim migrant mass rape crisis happening all over Europe.
And who would you guess is most strongly opposed to her work and who is telling European women that they should dress more appropriately to avoid being raped by migrants? According to her, it's the Feminists.
I remember picking up a book in the airport in the late 90s for a long flight and laughing at absurd politically correct versions of fairy tales.
> It’s like someone dropped a bomb on actual social progress.
Critical theory is that bomb.
Highly recommend this book, if you're interested in learning more about how critical theory has fucked our college system and is tearing apart our social fabric.
I'm afraid it's real. Just reading the "Look Inside" was pretty cringe. I kind of want to listen to the audio book for a laugh, but my head might explode
> Is it legal to publish a book that depicts your fantasy on how you would kill some real person?
Hell OJ Simpson wrote a book where he described how he would have done the killings "If he was the killer".
>My cousin runs around and claims he’s a lion. No one has bought him a fursuit or suggested he run the savanna and veldt
You need to read the book Johnny the Walrus by #1 bestselling LGBTQ author Matt Walsh.
If you can find an affordable version of this book. It shows the insane priorities of a planned economy run by a tyrant
SunWorks Shades of Me Construction Paper P9512, 12" x 18", 5 Assorted Colors, 50 Sheets
And done
Crayola Colored Pencils 24 Count, Colors of The World, Skin Tone Colored Pencils, 24, Multi
These actually make sense to me though. Kids should be able to draw themselves how they look.
Abigail Shrier (Irreversible Damage) says if a child says they’re another gender very young (2yo) they tend to remain that other gender. When older people do it, it tends to be a phase - historically.
They already experienced communism. Most of them still recognize the signs of its subversion propaganda. Most important of all, after the Cold War ended, they cleansed their societies of communist subversionists, whereas in the west, the fall of USSR was like an activation sign for them to start spreading communist subversion right away. That's what's changed in the west since the 1980s. They infiltrated positions of power, essentially in government and education, and then enforce ideas that are designed to harm people and especially nations. Yuri Bezmenov who defected USSR in the 1980s has done some good interviews at the time, where he explains pretty much what's been happening here during the past couple of decades, over 30 years ago:
the grandest irony of all is that modern American "black culture" is appropriated from lower class whites in Britain.
Now the liberals are saying GOOGLE is racist (its a computer algorithm on a network!!!!)
Do they think actual humans at google 'feed the searches' like yahoo in 1995?
Generative adversarial network, it's an AI algorithm used to generate AI art and deepfakes. The picture was very likely pulled from this site: and the entire personality/credentials/name was fabricated from scratch by a malicious black propagandist.
You can still verify if a picture comes from there, since they all use the same StyleGAN algorithm. The algorithm has a quirk where the center pixel of each pupil is placed in the exact same spot in the image, and I did the overlay myself to personally verify that this was the case.
> Am I wrong? ..
No you're not wrong. A small number of professional race hustlers are making a good living out if it.
Also, my Google-fu isn't turning anything up since American Reader doesn't have any kind of useful author bio, but is that the same David Auerbach who write this anti-Gamergate piece? The author of the Slate piece has an article about Thomas Piketty, who is also mentioned in the AR piece, but otherwise I'm not sure.
If it's the same person, I'd be interested to hear him reconcile the two pieces. Gamergate is a bit of a hodge-podge; It's about ethics in journalism, but because the journalism in question is tainted by the exact kind of contradictory social justice described here, a greater discussion of liberal ideology and gender dynamic gets drawn into it. Gamergate is about people pissed off because leftists like those described in the topic starting article have begun to infect what was already shitty journalism; similarly, gamers have been slandered as members of a privileged class, and thus victims of the callout culture discussed.
The unfortunate consequence is that, because the attacks on gaming culture come from leftists, the (majority liberal) members of Gamergate find allies on the right (Milo writes for Breitbart, ffs) and among anti-feminists, both reasonable (Honey Badgers and Christina Hoff Summers) and outright misogynistic. And of course, trolls who ultimately hurt the movement.
If they are the same author, I'm curious to know if someone could have such a thorough understanding of the contradictory nonsense of social justice and fail to understand why there would be such fierce (sometimes inappropriately so) resistance to it.
EDIT His Linkedin profile seems to suggest it's the same guy.
I can not overstate how eye opening it is to read the book Cynical Theories on this subject. You should also follow a lecture on post-modernism by Stephen Hicks.
Deaths in Sweden from Muslim extremism: 6
Deaths in Sweden from COVID-19: 6681
Yeah. Really. "The Muslims" are so much more dangerous. Like, 10^-3 times more dangerous.
(also, far right extremism is responsible for 4 deaths in the 21st century. Is that a problem too, or is terrorism only bad when they have brown skin?)
BBC: “George Floyd’s killing in the US state of Minnesota sparked protests about policing, privilege and a revolution in race relations. Britain boldly presents itself as a beacon of racial tolerance, but with demonstrations sweeping the country, organisers believe that they are closer than ever to changing the way British institutions and individuals treat black people across the UK. There have been multiple campaigns for equality and justice for black British communities in the past, but none quite like this.”
“The worldwide response to George Floyd’s death has given confidence to a new generation that this time could be different. The people behind the protests in Britain believe that they have the tools, allies, language and technology to create a new reality - but is this country ready to move beyond tolerance, to become an actively anti-racist society? The Windrush scandal, Grenfell and a recent resurgence in far-right terror plots have exposed fault lines across Britain. Now the graphic nature of George Floyd’s death is forcing us all to ask questions about the scale of racism in our communities and to explore what can be done to eliminate it for good.”
“From Premier League football clubs, to superstar actors like John Boyega, the message is loud and uncompromising: Black Lives Matter. Daniel Henry follows the UK campaign, as the country is forced to look again at its record on race.”
actually what you are refering to is called "sharing".
i would suggest however, that you prioritize what games you support and what versions you play the shared version of.
ANY EA or ubisoft title should not be given any money due to their horrible evil DRM and their introduction of children into gambling, which also makes every game much worse.
a common sense practice could be:
all drm cancer from ubisoft, ea, bethesda: shared verison only, because screw their evil.
bigger titles from big studies, that are free of gambling cancer and unfair bs like cdproject red: buy it if you can.
drm free fair indie games: buy them if you can. this group is actually the hardest to survive, so could be the highest priority.
ea, activision and ubisoft will survive REGARDLESS what happens. they are making insane money, regardless of whether they release real games or not.
cdproject red are having their own online gaming store and cyberpunk 2077 will be an unbelievably huge success in a financial sense for them.
so while i of course would never dare to tell you what games you should play the shared free version of, i can suggest, that you think about proper prioritization ;)
You may have to click on "READ PAPER" to read the paper.
I subscribe to for a laugh. It's free, but sometimes you have to go through various clicks to see it. It's mostly postmodernist gibberish, but this particular article is quite readable, and provocative. Someone may find it interesting.
‘What these fools don't know that their just a mere genetic sub-human experiment along with white people that originated over six thousand years ago by the reptilians and greys, meanwhile us blacks carry extraterrestrial dna by our creators "Annunaki"’
According to the Honourable Elijah Muhammad “white people” were created by a scientist called Yakub (Father of the Caucasian People) through selective breading or eugenics or grafting. The first attempt was a failure ending up with gorillas. But with persistence Yakubs researchers ended up with the original “blue-eyed devils”.
There's a good new book about witches from a historic, social and evolutionary perspective.[Witches, Feminism, and the Fall of the West
by Edward Dutton](
"In Witches, Feminism and the Fall of the West, Edward Dutton examines the history of witches and witch-hunting in light of evolutionary psychology. Throughout the centuries, witches were ostracized across Europe and often condemned and executed for sorcery and harming children. They generally adhered to a type: witches were low-status, anti-social, and childless, and their very presence was viewed as poisonous to the community. Dutton demonstrates that witches did, in their way, represent a maladaptive mentality and behavior, which undermined Europe's patriarchal system. When times got tough-that is, when Europe got poorer or colder-the witches were persecuted with a vengeance.
Today, the evolutionary situation has been turned on its head. The intense selection pressures of the past have been overcome by the Industrial Revolution and its technological marvels. Modern witches survive and thrive in the postmodern West, still possessed by the motivations and dispositions of their sisters of yore. "Sorcery" (nihilism and self-hatred) is no longer taboo but has become a high-status ideology. Roald Dahl was all-too correct. Witches do exist, and they mean to do us harm."
> What was the image of
Uh-oh, MailChimp! Just have a look at this.
Not a single brown face to be seen on your whole 21-member "leadership team."
I wonder when the twitter racist mob will turn on you now that you've shown you're spineless bitches.
Even if you get lucky in that regard, I'm guessing you'll figure out soon enough it was monumentally stupid to destroy your business relationships and give potential customers every reason to stay FAR the fuck away from you just to appease one bossy bitch on twitter.
It’s an app called Mint.
This is a weak sauce response even for you. You don’t believe actual photos with handwritten notes, but you’d believe a screen grab? Um ok...
Also I wanted to show the $000s of gear that shows I’m not poor like you.
As I said it’s irrelevant. You’ve made no denial of being poor and still living with your parents. You are objectively unsuccessful. You get that yes? You failed at life and it’s too late to fix it. And now you’re pretending you have a girlfriend, and in denial about someone earning a perfectly believable amount of money because you can’t deal with your own failure.
Respawn Entertainment to Rock Paper Shotgun:
>Our studio is comprised of a diverse group of people, the playerbase of battle royale is comprised of a diverse group. Having a diverse cast is super important. You want everyone to have someone they can connect to.
following their argument there's only one character white males could connect to, he's 48 and likes to test toxic gasses on living things (where have I seen that..) and his name is Caustic. Respawn Entertainment has not yet confirmed if this character symbolise the toxic white patriarchy or a Nazi or both so let's not jump to conclusions..
note that this game is free to play but the 2 characters straight males could connect with are behind a paywall because the game would not be so immersive if we were not the ones to pay for it..
> You used them as an example didn’t you? Surely seems like they offer me privacy and peace of mind if I buy their product.
I used them as an example because I was aware that there are organizations which are trying to build privacy-oriented technology. Because people do have concerns about Big Tech, hackers and government agencies having access to one's phone and/or the data on it.
But I still sought to link to the specifications, not the advertising. Because people should know what they're actually getting if they're interested.
Not to mention that some of that stuff doesn't even have a price tag. Purism makes PureOS freely available for use through a Creative Commons license. You don't have to buy a Librem 5 if you care more about the software being security-oriented rather than the hardware.
This is why some of us have helper apps installed. Take a look at what your latest post looks like to me:
The possible reasons are listed in that pink text. Most common is the sitewide automod nixxed it. For example, try posting a video from Bitchute and the sub mods won't even see it. Other times it's when the subs mods hide it on purpose. Another reason would be shadow banning but then I wouldn't have seen your comment here.
Try reposting but instead of linking directly to some unknown website, go to and grab an archive link. Another less reliable option is to create a TEXT post, and link the website in the text. And if none of that works, just write to the mods and ask them what's up maybe they can tell you.
And by "The Worst" they mean the kind of white people that have no problem sitting with non-white people and enjoying the great show together.
Because not being a self-hating cuck makes you a bad person according to the media.
I prefer Jellyfin the open source alternative.
I wasn't impressed when my internet cut out and I could not stream from the Plex server on my own LAN because I couldn't login to
The problem I have with this Code of Conduct is its vagueness. They say vague law is bad law. For example, examples of breaking this Code of Conduct on this page :
According to in Rails 5 beta, the history of how this code was adopted can be found here:
but it doesn't really tell you anything. There's no history of a discussion.
Mastodon is an open source, community-controlled alternative to Twitter. Anyone can run a Mastodon instance and ban (or allow) whatever content they want. It's sort of works like email, where everyone can communicate despite one person using ProtonMail, another Gmail, etc, and you can choose a provider with policies you agree with. There's no single corporation with an agenda controlling the system.
Go ahead - I stole it, too! From John McWhorter's Woke Racism: How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America. It's a damn fine read!
I'm reading through this book and it's about how the Nazi's got a stranglehold on art in Europe, propagated their ideology into it, then stole as much as possible.
Funny part is that the tactics they used to subvert the art industry of the time are paralleled by the lefts tactics with the media right now.
Andy Ngo has pointed out that many of Antifa's ranks are trans, and they're all marxists. He's written a book on this. Link
I'm not sure they're all learned/conditioned, would be interesting to find out how big % of them were sissy cismen before. Shame GenderCritical sub was taken down, there were threads there where people pointed this pattern out, including the pattern of many people in mtf subs saying how wearing a dress made them hard.
Particularly amusing after reading [](The End Of The World Is Flat)...
We're going to need brave some TERGS (True Earth Rejecting Globularists) to save us from the madness before the activists convince everyone that the world is flat...
>I think 3rd graders are too young for getting into gender identification.
Here is a book meant for preschoolers:
Something called "Lawn Boy". It was the Amazon Best Book of April 2018.
The reviews from professional critics are glowing, of course.
So there is a book "my rainbow" amazon link about this whole situation. Now, I haven't read it, but I went through reviews. And voila, believe it or not, autism of the child is mentioned in the book, and the reviewers even say something to the extent of "such important detail is mentioned, but not explored any further". I think this is as sufficient for you as it was for me to figure out how it all happened.
I don't know who the hell Jared Diamond is, but I get most of my information about this from Tim Marshall.
The Dangerous Rise of Therapeutic Education
"The silent ascendancy of a therapeutic ethos across the education system and into the workplace demands a book that serves as a wake up call to everyone. Kathryn Ecclestone and Dennis Hayes' controversial and compelling book uses a wealth of examples across the education system, from primary schools to university, and the workplace to show how therapeutic education is turning children, young people and adults into anxious and self-preoccupied individuals rather than aspiring, optimistic and resilient learners who want to know everything about the world.
The chapters address a variety of thought-provoking themes, including
• how therapeutic ideas from popular culture dominate social thought and social policies and offer a diminished view of human potential
• how schools undermine parental confidence and authority by fostering dependence and compulsory participation in therapeutic activities based on disclosing emotions to others
• how higher education has adopted therapeutic forms of teacher training because many academics have lost faith in the pursuit of knowledge
• how such developments are propelled by a deluge of political initiatives in areas such as emotional literacy, emotional well-being and the 'soft outcomes' of learning"
Why is she a "hero"? Women have been making yogurt with vaginal bacteria for ages.
And there's a cum cookbook on Amazon that's getting good reviews.
>If anything, in the name only, just like North Korea is both "Democratic" and "People's". Really nice to have "socialist" in the name of your regime or somewhere in the documents on its policies, "ruthless dictatorship" and "lawlessness" — not so much.
Please read this book.
I have to disagree. A condition which affects few people is still important. Particularly important, in the case of "intersex" people (people who are born with some of the characteristics of either sex) is whether they should be surgically reassigned when babies. A good discussion of this can be found in Galileo's Middle Finger by Alice Dreger, which is also a discussion of the dangers of Social Justice from someone on the inside.