NICE WORK!!!! Tightening up your game now. If you’re going to drink at work, be smart. Every.single. time.
Assume your breath is always AWFUL. Gum all the time is suspicious! I feel strongly about that especially now because “they are on to you” I would even stay away from it.
Halls are great for boozie breath, peanut butter, red hot candies, and those listerine strips. I would even get those little potent peppermint capsules: (Heather's Tummy Tamers Peppermint Oil Capsules for IBS, 90 Count Bottle )
These eye drops called Lumify really are one of the best creations I have seen in years. They are pricey, but just an amazing product. Your eyes are so clear in 2 minutes. Your whites are so bright it’s unreal. I recommend investing in these. I don’t drink anymore but I wish I had them when I was a boozer. Even if your eyes don’t look red or drunkie, they will just make you look “better”!!! Now go shop girllllll!!!! ����
LUMIFY Redness Reliever Eye Drops 0.25 Fl Oz (7.5mL)
I don't see any articles published by these guys saying they made a liver per say. here is the article I think they are talking about which shows they can differentiate stem cells into liver tissue that seems to perform some basic liver-like function. Needless to say this is still very awesome in terms of treatment and medicine and science but it's not like they grew a whole brand new liver ready to be transplanted. Basically misleading pop-sci article title is misleading.
EDIT: now I'm noticing that this article is based on a newspaper report (presumably from japan) not a scientific article. So, I can't speak to the validly of the data and the claims this article makes. All I can say is often when scientific findings are announced to the public before published in a peer-reviewed journals things are not as extraordinary as they seem.
I would keep a stock of the special K, Ensure, or Boost nutrient meal replacement shakes.
Boost Plus Complete Nutritional Drink, Rich Chocolate, 8 fl oz Bottle, 24 Pack (Packaging May Vary)
You could literally ‘toss and wash’ if need be. If worse comes to worse, you could use it as a mixer. You need nutrients or you’re going to have issues quickly. Best to you !
Too many people die on bikes. Please get lights and a helmet.
Don't even heat it up. just spoon it straight in. Cold soup and ravioli was my main source of protein during benders. My friends gave me looks, but shit that cold Chef Boyardee hit the spot when my stomach was eating itself!
I love this idea, Twigs! I need a project to distract me and this is perfect. I'll spend this week making a Google map, like the Where Are We From Map, from these submissions.
I'll probably make another post in a few days asking again, too.
either buy a new 4loko and these or read gizmodos guide on diy 4loko
There’s other test kits and companies that will test your water for more specific things as well. There was a fun study released in 2015 that it turned out that most of my life I was drinking and bathing in fucking hexavalent chromium. The same exact shit from the whole Erin Brockovich debacle in California. It was of course promptly buried by the state, but so many things made so much sense after finding that out. Like 20 something years worth of drinking that stuff.
I don’t doubt there’s some sort of weird shit in the tap water at all. Get independent testing done though. Don’t go through the municipality. They’ll just call you nuts.
A 180-pound male can drink 10 drinks over the course of five hours, bringing his BAC to .20, and take roughly 10 hours and 40 minutes to get back down to .08.
You can play with the numbers according to your weight, sex, and number of drinks (and the website points out that there are other factors like food intake and such it can't factor in). I just plugged in what I thought sounded like a pretty tame night.
TL;DR: It's easy to pass out for over ten hours and still wake up too drunk to drive.
They're hilarious and keep me entertained. They all talk, laugh, fly around and love to drink with me.
Dr. Knife prescribes a large bottle of vodka, some pistachios and a few games of Pandemic 2.
Look I even gave you the link!
Destroy the world in peace and quiet!
Sounds like a great night to me. Arrested Development is fantastic! Best show to ever be cancelled. If you haven't already you should check out Archer. It's a pretty funny cartoon on FX. Kinda like AD+James Bond and you will recognize some of the voices from AD.
Oh shit I got one for this today. I have hemorrhoids, so I have to be gentle. I got a hand-held bidet (like this) off amazon, and have been using it for the last year or so.
Today I was cleaning off my menstrual cup, which I take out to poop (otherwise it seems to sort of... get in the way??), and I had to wait for the water from the sink to heat up in order to get all the blood out of the tiny depressurizing holes on the side.
After pooping I filled up the bidet, but it was warm water since the sink had been used recently. You don't know luxury until you spray your poopy anus with warm water when you were expecting the normal ice bath.
> I have a tendency to just buy whatever expensive booze there is while drunk
I do something similar, but with shit on amazon. For example, the other day I spent $28 on cereal. Yes, my dumb drunk ass decided to order cereal from amazon. At least it was good cereal though
Your brain and thoughts got you into this. It will not get you out.
I would suggest Stoicism and Buddhism to give you a different way to think. Without them I might be dead, and maybe some other people too. They're not magic, but the mind needs to change. Bad thoughts out, good thoughts in. Stoicism and Buddhism are two sides to the same coin :
>life is fucking hard buttercup, and it will always be hard. trying to "escape" that fact makes life even harder. so nut up. because the more you wiggle the worse it gets
I'd recommend these 2 books.
ignore the lame name. the book is amazing.
>It's not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more who is poor -Seneca
>Everyone's life is a warfare, and that long and various -Epictetus
>Sometimes even to live is an act of courage -Seneca
Besides that : Sober friends, sober hobbies. Sitting on the couch bored is dangerous.
While the study does show a relationship that increasing coffee consumption decreases the probability of liver cirrhosis if you look at the actual research article (which I've linked the abstract above, most of you probably can't get the PDF but I can send it to you if you want the whole thing) is clearly states in the abstract "There was no convincing evidence that coffee consumption modifies the effects of the known risk factors of liver cirrhosis (alcohol intake and viruses infection)."
Sorry to burst your bubble :(
Edit: Even though they state there is no convincing evidence for a modification by coffee there is not convincing evidence against it either so it's possible. Just wanted to clarify.
Yeah, that's the stuff. It is so good...
I found it on amazon, but that doesn't mean it will be in grocery stores.
Before she left, she gave me this book.
I also remember seeing this on her nightstand towards the end.
She gave me so many chances.
F.lux is pretty cool. The reason monitors keep you awake is that the illuminance simulates blue light (natural sky light) which triggers a reaction in the mind that it should be awake. This software will automatically add a dim, orange hue to the screen to reduce the effect.
Hey man, hope you're getting through this. Not much I can do to help from this side of the pond, but if you're on Facebook say hi to this guy He's a good friend of mine who's just been signed to a label producing electronic/trance stuff. He might be able to give some advice or contact a few people. Tell him Ged says hi and he'll be cool with it all.
Hope you pull through man.
Yeah, but Costco also has no idea what the fuck else is up.
Welcome to Arkham Hospital, Records Division. Would you like a tub of ketchup?
The current instability has been traced back to imperialism. See here. It's known as the Sykes-Picot agreement.
And while war is very old, it hasn't been around since humanity began. Societies and recorded history are no older than 10,000-20,000 years, max. Humans in our current iteration have been around for 1-200,000 years maximum.
>Learn how to make a rose out of a bar napkin. You'll be surprised how well it works.
I just found a project for today.
>If she buys you a drink, she likes you.
A Belgian girl once bought me a double highball of bourbon on the rocks. I straightface told her on the spot that I loved her. She was and still is the woman of my dreams.
This mix has been getting me going if your into some groovy deep house. If you like here is my soundcloud
FFS my microphone is cunting about. This is what I was going to sing for you: Auld Reekie, and you may be the first midwesterner to ever have sung these parables of bliss.....
Auld Reikie, wale o' ilka Town
That Scotland kens beneath the Moon;
Where couthy Chiels at E'ening meet
Their bizzing Craigs and Mous to weet;
And blythly gar auld Care gae bye
Wi' blinkit and wi' bleering Eye:
That's just the start. If you get ambitious the whole goregeous thing is here (with explainations):
You have to double-break. Reddit uses a markup language called Markdown.
This is the one I take..when I remember. Says 100mg of B1, plus its got electriclights, which is good.
Two things you can do while sober and in your right mind short of quitting altogether:
1) Buy enough so you don't run out.
2) Put your keys in one of these before you start drinking:
You are not absolved.
I wish I would have converted YEARS ago! Now what sucks is when you have to go at another location that doesn't have a bidet... I'll just feel dirty and gross still...
Lucking, I found these! They work good for what they are, but you can't beat the real ones...
Lol thanks, the gf said one night that when we get our own place she would want solar panels so obviously black out me decided to amazon prime some solar panels to my apt. They were cheap and pretty much worked immediately if you have any electronics shit laying around to play with.
I am only quitting due to medical tbh. I need to work because I'm broke but physically csnt. Neuro referred me to another specialist and now I will edit m I hope they understood I quit this time.
I have the Amazon link to what I showed her. I csnt see psych until I stabilize medical so better than nothing! The Complex PTSD Workbook: A Mind-Body Approach to Regaining Emotional Control and Becoming Whole (9781623158248): Arielle Schwartz PhD, Jim Knipe PhD: Books
I was faded but I know I need help. So. Eh. This is why I like this place! I relate to the puke and shit and shit!!!@ and also I'm lonely and this is all true and I see no shame because we all have issues I appreictar you all.
“Smart water” and the like only add electrolytes for taste. This is the shit you need. Gatorade on steroids, without the crap in Gatorade. Electrolyte Powder, Lemonade Hydration Supplement: 90 Servings, Carb, Calorie & Sugar Free, Delicious Keto Replenishment Drink Mix. 6 Key Electrolytes - Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium & More.
Such a good read with important advice. Book was given to me by my neighbor who was a long time corporate attorney who now volunteers for innocent people initially convicted of crimes. He is one of the most upstanding people I how; great father, very successful career, active at his church, etc.... and he told me I would never believe the amount of corruption he has seen by law enforcement, prosecutors, and judges.
Here you go. Read. Enjoy. Lol.
1408 was good. I actually own "On Writing". I also forgot Salems Lot.
The dark tower series was super interesting as well. About halfway through he had his accident? And you can see the change in his writing. Really interesting.
It's a book called <em>The Elements of Style</em>. Basically it was for about 50 years the goto bible for correct usage re English Language. It has it's critics as evidenced in this particular article as it is really only appropriate for a certain type of writing - scientific, business, journalism. Useless when it comes to things like fiction, poetry, prose, emotive writing, etc.
Terrifyingly accurate. The "dawning realization" and worried looks at parties especially. You ever read his On Writing? It's a great read regardless of whether or not you write, most of it is just him giving a personal history, with little shots of lessons he learned about the craft in the process. He talks about his slow fall into alcoholism and it's a great bit.
In On Writing Stephen King tells this story:
My wife said I was drinking too much and insisted I talk to my doctor. The doctor asks him, "How much do you drink Steve?"
After a pause he answers, "All of it."
I think meditation will help you especially if you want to do it without drugs. I've been trying to get into this and have read the first few chapters of this book but have not put the effort in yet because I am still drinking. Read Mindfulness In Plain English. It's free on the internet actually because the writer wanted it to be free to everyone to help better their lives. It's not religious. After that I'd recommend reading The Power Of Now. These are both books I've yet to finish but I hope to help me soon enough. Also my ex is pretty overweight but has low blood pressure since practicing meditation for a year.
Sometimes you can stop the wretching with this trick:
Get one of THESE Decorate it with my little pony or glittery star stickers. At one point in my life I had to wear a lacrosse helmet to bed for reasons. That's a thought too.
And yeah? Some of us guard. If not we'd be /drunk.
Crippling us is fucking CRIPPLING.
It's no support sub. Be clever. Tell a story. Work this addled audience.
I'm sorry your fee fee's might have been hurt when we demanded something to join our ability to laugh at shutting your pants? (Two hours late today, 6 shits and 2x worried I shit my pants).
That's not even post worthy in the world of my brothers and sisters. It's called "Thursday"
So I apologize if I don't welcome you into the fold unless I see you make us more than we are, or need us desperately.
Like I would say to my child? Fucking go away. This is nothing but pain regardless of how you look at it.
Call me an asshole. Reactive. Insecure.
But what the world does not need is more alcoholics. Or addicts.
Imma go fuck a Leprechaun.
I don't think they make it anymore looking for it. They don't sell the 190 here either but military class sixes carry it and my friend has an ID until the 27th when he officially is out of the marines.
Whatever the fuck you pick cheers, I don't know shit about scotch and I just went off your flair.
Hello, I'm a bot! The movie you linked is called Night of the Comet, here are some Trailers
Hello, I'm a bot! The movie you linked is called The Day of the Triffids, here are some Trailers
There's a really awesome margarita bar that does fancy margaritas
that I'm hoping to take her to. When she gets around to giving me contact info we'll work on the time :P (drunks take a while to do things)
Shouldn't be hard. Just say that you are trying to deal with cleaning up something like a benzene or xylene residue at work. Get a receipt. Like a boss. (Edit: say you work at BHP Billiton labs. They have need for short-run shit like this all of the time)
No problem here using Chrome for both sub & chat, but if anyone has flash problems it's likely to be a conflict between Chrome's built in flash and the other one.
What about
Rather than connecting your fresh machine to the net, go to the library or steal someone's cell phone for a bit to download a bunch of offline installers, then keep them on a USB. has some cheap GSM (att/Tmobile etc) phones without contract. You'll have to go to att/Tmobile store and tell them you need a new SIM card (which they will give you for free).
As you can tell I've lost more than one... :)
The worst was when I was pissing in the toilet at my favorite bar, (the urinals were all in use), received a text message, while trying to slide my phone open I dropped it into the bowl "mid-stream".
For future reference, you can't flush a cellphone. They just kinda clank around in there.
I can only imagine the horrors of the sounds; the unearthly screaming and growling would haunt me, a sound like babies being slowly crushed to death. Cheers!
EDIT: Did it look like this?
Pizza on the go, imagination when I'm at home. Drunk cooking is wonderful... It is impossible to taste bad. I don't really buy snack food, so I'm forced to make stuff when the drunchies hit.
Alltime favorite and the epitome of drunchie food: The grilled charlie
Pretty much. Except when you cut it up by the meal it's much easier.
Breakfast: Raspberry-Orange Sunrise (great as a chaser for after your breakfast shots).
Brunch: Classic Screwdriver(I'm not linking a recipe cuz I'm pretty sure the majority can figure it out.)
Lunch: Mojitos because rum.
Dinner: This is your time to shine. Pick what you love (or what you have left) and enjoy the night.
if you have a lot of cheap wine (I had some crap apricot wine from a DIY experiment) freeze it solid and then prop the open bottle upside down in a container. The alcohol will melt more quickly than the water. When the bottle is about half melted take the bottle (half filled with ice) out. The wine in the container is much, much stronger than what's in the bottle (which is weaker than a wine cooler at this point - drink it if you must, I did). If you do this with a case of wine and refine it repeatedly you will a get vile liquid with high concentrations of all types of alcohol including the type that makes you go blind and die. Also gives you a monster hangover.
My local wine making shop sells an essential oil distiller if you've got money to burn or try here. It is a complicated & fussy process and you can't do it drunk (at least I couldn't). the freezing method is a lot easier
edit: also, it is illegal to distill your own booze in many states, so you might not want to set your still up in your front yard. Plus - they smell, so make sure the neighbors like you
Reddit on PC is pretty great actually. Get some extensions for it and you can do a lot with it. RES is the shit.
Ninja Edit: I actually have used mobile for the past 2 years cause I sold both my laptops and my tower for dope. I need to build another one but been too drunk and busy I guess.
Get the Sunday Riley stuff from Nordstrom or Sephora and if it doesn’t work you can return it.
I use these for my under eyes.
Deluxe Collagen Eye Mask Collagen Pads For Women By Purederm 4 Pack Of 30 Sheets/Natural Eye Patches With Anti-aging and Wrinkle Care Properties/Help Reduce Dark Circles and Puffiness
You might be interested in Swedish Death Cleaning:
I had the same thing recently. Bought some radiator stop leak for £5 on Amazon, chucked that shit in and ran the engine for like 20 minutes, and both the leakage and heating problems were fixed after a day or two.
Here's what I used:
Edit: Just noticed you posted this a week ago. Hope it's not too late to help.
I see nothing wrong with that plan.
I have amazon prime.
My gf works at a supplement supplier, and she is super into homeopathic medicine. I’ve gotten the whole schpiel + take milk thistle on your off days, take magnesium before bed regardless, and keep trace mineral drops for your gallon of water you should consume per day. Alcohol consumption continually depletes your body’s vitamins and minerals over 48 hours following the last drink. Be safe y’all.
Twas going to my suggestion as well. If you are simple minded like me I even kinda had fun doing it. I mounted it on the wall in the garage with a big ass trash can and "industrial" bags.
Use for movie theaters too. For sports games, invest in a binocular flask.
You want to make sure you get the ones shaped like that. There's another kind that's basically two flasks clipped together. You want ones with the eye-holes and stuff, the others are way too obvious. Coming with a funnel is obviously a bonus.
king was a big time coke user and alcoholic, to the point where he doesn't remember writing at least one book (he admits it about cujo if i remember correctly), as well as a fairly large part of the 1980's in general and the movie maximum overdrive should have included cocaine and/or his dealer in the credits.
eventually, after years of tabitha (his wife) finding him passed out with cotton shoved up his nose in a puddle of vomit, his family staged an intervention in the late 80's.
his writing took a dive for a couple years, but he eventually regained his writing ability and, despite mostly turning away from truly dark subjects, started putting out masterpieces again in the early 90's
for more details check out or his book "On Writing"
I thiiiink the mist was the movie based on a stephen king story. The fog was also a movie but I don't think it was affiliated. I remember being 12 or 13 and my friends mother thinking that was a splendid movie to take a bunch of little girls to see for my friends birthday. I just sat outside because I couldn't handle my shit. My favorite short story of his I read was 1408-- I was reading "On Writing" for a high school AP Comp class back in the day, and that was an example story he used at the end to show his editing skills. And then it became a movie with John Cusack that wasn't half bad.
I used too.. followed the SK mantra, read his book "On Writing' more times than I could remember.. Which was most times. Tried writing several novels, but the attention and energy required was too much for me to handle in my constant drunk free time. That being said, I have read one book in the last year and a half. I miss doing that.
Well shit, I just started getting into meditation after someone has been telling me to for the past year. They also say it has been great for them. I tried for a couple weeks and started feeling a bit better but I kept drinking during that time and I feel like I need to stop drinking first in order to gain the full benefits. I'm reading Mindfulness in Plain English. Glad you found a doc that will help. If you ever wanna talk feel free to PM me.
"Once, an elderly general practitioner consulted me because of his severe depression. He could not overcome the loss of his wife who had died two years before and whom he had loved above all else. Now, how can I help him? What should I tell him? Well, I refrained from telling him anything but instead confronted him with the question, “What would have happened, Doctor, if you had died first, and your wife would have had to survive you?” “Oh,” he said, “for her this would have been terrible; how she would have suffered!” Whereupon I replied, “You see, Doctor, such a suffering has been spared her, and it was you who have spared her this suffering — to be sure, at the price that now you have to survive and mourn her.” He said no word but shook my hand and calmly left my office. In some way, suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds a meaning, such as the meaning of a sacrifice." Man's Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl, P.113
replace wife with pooch and it will make sense.
i've been there, it's never easy.
You guys know your booze medicine, dam.
> Alcohol can not only aggravate pre-existing symptoms of arrhythmia, but can cause them as well. It depletes the body of magnesium, which is essential for normal heart rhythm. Because it is a diuretic, it can lead to dehydration, which adversely affects the electrolytes necessary for proper heart function sauce
If you're on a ignition lock or have had a dui in the state of California in the last 10 years, you are fucked. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but once you get a DUI here, you are on ZERO tolerance. You are not allowed to have even .01% alcohol in your system. I am really surprised your DUI classes didn't teach you that.
Also these things can set off your device as well
A good rule of thumb for you is don't drink 12 hours before driving. Some people say 24, but if you're having a normal amount of drinks and flushing your system 12 hours should be fine.
If you're getting so plastered that you cant get your car to turn on the next day, it might (and I say this with love and someone who narrowly escaped being in the same boat with the ignition lock) be good to tone it down a bit.
Also get a bicycle. Look at public transport. I fucking walk everywhere.
Morning drinks are the best. The eye opener. After a couple I feel like Ben in the beginning of this clip.
Hope you can stop too. I started drinking in the mornings on weekends and eventually on work mornings I thought if I drink just enough to feel normal, it works so well. And that was the beginning of my downfall. But it took 6 glorious years of ever progressing alcoholism.
> the pure soul exhaustion
That says it, just right.
There's an amazing memoir called <em>Darkness Visible</em> that is the best lived experience I've ever read of alcoholism and depression and their tangled existence within us.
there are. they're mostly for probation i think, idk for sure. if there's money to be made from a locked phone, i'm sure it's in the works if not already made.
Is it a fuel-cell one? Those are far more accurate. Also they all really need to be calibrated once a year (which you can't easily do), or more depending upon frequency of use. And lastly, how long between blows? They need time to clear out, and if you have a cheapy $57 it probably is supposed to have like 20 some minutes between tests.
This is the one I have right now and it's pretty good.
1 shot = 1.5 ounces, so 1 pint is just shy of 11 drinks per days. Its a lot but by CA standards not really. Going from 1.75L to a pint is great work, OP should be proud. 1.75L = 39 shots per day, thats pretty fkn brutal.. I dont think I ever got to that level. I know I approached the 30 drink level some days. During my worst bender periods I hovered at 20-25.
As for the ass piss, yeah gonna have to improve your diet. Try some high fiber bread for sammiches. i like to take two fiber gummies with my night time meal, that seems to help me. You might also wanna look at taking a digestive enzyme, NOW brand sells a good one on amazon for $11\_1\_7?crid=1IZT0OM90MP59&keywords=now+digestive+enzymes&qid=1651498349&rdc=1&sprefix=now+digestive+enzymes%2Caps%2C104&sr=8-7
Appetite does go down, because you’re cramming all the booze into your stomach which is also loaded with empty calories. But then your sugars get fucked.
Triple mag supplement that’s not going to fuck your innards There’s other types and combos out there, just steer clear of anything with mag citrate or mag oxide in it.
Dumb decisions happen, but instead of benzos to sleep try Unisom. Just make sure to get the right kind. DO NOT get the one with diphenhydramine as the active ingredient. Or you could find yourself in hallucinosis hell.
My last bender ended in a seizure that felt the same way. I wasn’t able to eat at all for weeks of the bender. When I went cold turkey finally, I tried to eat, but it was too loud in my ears when I ate. All my senses were super heightened. My electrolytes were so out of whack, I seized on hour 36 ish hour of no alcohol, very little fluids, no food, no salt…
Eat, you guys! Drink fluids. Find a way to get salt and electrolytes in your body.
One problem on the tail end of benders is low potassium. This drink powder has more potassium than most of the other electrolyte drinks.
yeah i do the same brother but i just still fucking sleep through them. i dont wake up. im thinking of buying this
theres no way i can sleep through that
I got a tub of these during the original lockdown from Walmart (Amazon link is purely due to laziness on my part). They should only be around $8-10 bucks for a container which is not bad value considering how long they’ve been lasting me for a multi dog household. We still had my mother’s two old westies, too when I got them. So we can say five dogs. Technically. But you can most likely find them cheaper somewhere. Or a cheaper brand, I just like these cuz I have some babies with sensitive skin. It definitely sounds like you’re in the market for bath wipes, though.
i don't know if these are the same but i just saw them the other day. i'm done messing around with toppers and buns and i'm going to buy a couple of really nice human hair wigs.
I love this.
When I was 18/19 ISH I decided(drunkenly) because I had spare cash and nowhere to go that I'd visit the Normandy landing beaches. I got a bus from Dundee in Scotland to London, England( about 10hrs) from there I got a bus(national express) to Dover. I then got a ferry to Calais, France. Bought a couple of litres of whiskey on the ferry. When I got to Calais I had nowhere to go so I slept on the side of a French roundabout. Next day I walked to a spot just outside Sangatte. It was really hot and I had no water and was desperately thirsty, considering the fact if been sipping on the whiskey all day.
In my semi drunken state I decided that if I could remove the alcohol from the whiskey it would quench my thirst. As I had one of these I thought I could do it.
As you can see, you put the liquids in the spout and then light a fire in the middle. My drunken/18 or 19 year old mind thought that if I heated it up id burn off the alcohol and it would be drinkable.
Unfortunately when it heated up, the alcohol vapour coming out the spout combined with the flame coming out the top ended up creating a jet of flame six foot long which I'm sure to this day was visible from the other side of the English channel.
Almost lost my face in the process but the resulting liquid I mixed with noodles. Absolutely fucking disgusting.
It became dark and I was so thirsty I laid out a spare tarpaulin to catch dew( the area was chalk) I woke up early in the morning and licked the dew off the tarp.
Also there were a shitload of caterpillars.
The type I have is this, well close mine is plastic, this one is ceramic so it might not be a bad option since yours would not be able to eat the bowl!
LE TAUCI Ceramic Slow Feeder Dog Bowl, Dog Feeder Dog Food Bowl, Slow Bowl, Puppy Bowl, Puzzle Feeders (Purple, Maze)
This is what i use
3M Full Facepiece Reusable Respirator 6900, Paint Vapors, Dust, Mold, Chemicals, Large
Sure it’s pricey and I easily could’ve swung for the much cheaper half-face respirator because the alcohol smell comes from your lungs, not your sweat, so really only your mouth and nose need to be covered. But I’m a freak like that, I like being “that guy” who wears a ridiculous industrial grade respirator at a fucking burger restaurant, and will continue to do so long after the pandemic is over and gone. Nobody can hear anything I say while I’m wearing this thing so the only way they’ll know I’m hammered is if they notice me stumbling all over the fucking place as I always do
Unsolicited Advice: as an alcoholic I highly recommend getting a bidet. No need to scrap your bloody asshole after shitting. It’s a lifesaver. It’s easy to install and only costs like $25 on bidet. Here one I got. It’s nice and cheap
Good! Take care of yourself mister!
It’s this stuff The price tag looks obscene, but considering that it lasts forever and a freaking day it evens out. It’s not like you’re buying it constantly.
Hm, an older building, or at least architecture style. It's kinda like a dive theater, but it's really quite awesome. Check it
Oh, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!!! Here's the right link: I also corrected it in the original reply. Long story short, it's been a week of funerals (a friend of mine's viewing and funeral were on Monday and Tuesday, and my ex-girlfriend's mom's service is on Sunday). I can't attend the one I bought these for, since it's in Virginia.
While we're on that topic, though, are daisies appropriate for this stuff? I thought they'd be a nice low-key kind of flower (since the family doesn't really know me that well), but someone suggested they're more of a kids' variety.
But what about the Jon Finkle date story? I keep waiting for these people to step in shit, and laugh at at!
(Link corrected)
Drinking listening to a live set ( ), still no sleep, but there is no way I will make it past 1am. 7am would make 48 hours awake. Work is almost in order for tomorrow, but more importantly I have a nice buzz and 7 hours of sleep to look forward to. Tomorrow brings another 12 hour day, but I can drink for 2 of those work hours and I have 2 more hours to house alcohol efficiently before the night is over. (Typed last night forgot to send)
I'm going to try backing off the doxylamine and switch over to standardized Chamomile caps. Apigenin is the active ingredient (in this regard) and can build up in your system, just have to see how it goes.
Thiamine is lacking in alcoholics and has a big impact on brain glucose metabolism. Benfotiamine (lipid soluble B-1) might be a better bet or adjunct to standard B-1 caps. It's not going to fix everything, but it will ward off problems like peripheral neuropathy (pins and needles, tingling in the extremities).
Some have sworn by Trazodone, the doc can help you figure out if it's a good fit:
Sounds like stuff like Ambien is no good for CA's. Wouldn't fancy a visit from the Ambien "Walrus" in any case.
Today I learned ten dollar plan b is a thing
okay, pull-ups PLUS you can get a GIANT one of these for $30 and you just throw them in the washer. if you really wanted to be on the safe side, get some paper ones to put over the washable one--you would have to pee like an elephant to get the bed. (ask me how i know.) seriously, it will save your mattress. if you have to take it out to wash it, just throw it in the tub first to get most of the p out.
or if you wake up, keep a couple of those 50 oz. plastic water bottles (like smart water) with the screw on lid by the bed. you don't even have to get out of bed to pee. make sure you screw the lid back on or it defeats the purpose. :)
Does sweden not have sparks, joose or tilt either? Or mix redbull with vodka, 70-30 redbull. Or as Steve0 has
You're not missing much they taste like shit.
Admittedly fair question. So far, I've tested negative for any kind of retardation, but I've yet to meet a doctor with a "stupid fucking moron" test.
Saw your post history. This may be of some use for you.
there's this app called lock my phone you can set the hours how you wish. tho if you wake up drunk and it's disabled it might not work for more than a day lol
If you can find some backwater around those canals with a soft bottom, cast net is the best, cheapest way of getting some local live bait. Best sought in the morning before the birds and boats start breaking up the bait.
Krocodile spoon in gold with a red stripe is my go-to. It's a bit hard to see in the stock photos, but the spoon has a non-standard bend on the hook end that I attribute to it's increased performance over regular gold spoons. I do replace the treble hook and swivel with stronger, more salt-resistant versions though because a big redfish will bend them out and saltwater is corrosive as hell.
Good luck out there! And if you're unaware, stay careful around those saltwater catfish, they have toxic slime on their fins, way worse to get finned by those than a freshwater variety.
Edit: I guess the fastest way is to sign up for their credit card, but I don't know how long that takes to process. It looks like all of the options will take at least a day.
melatonin and youtube documentaries, every night i'm not drinking. lately ive done space, quantum physics, histories of india, greece, rome, egypt, medieval times, religions, cults, etc etc etc. take some melatonin, get the room good and dark, and play something (to listen to, not watch) that's interesting enough to pay attention to, but not too exciting you can't drift off to it. godspeed.
edit: if youre brain's not racing and you just need some calming white noise: