Just get the nice tool " geek uninstaller" its a Portable uninstaller ( and free ) which will clean all traces of all kinds of programs many programs leave trash behind ...
I am partial to geek uninstaller. https://geekuninstaller.com/
There is aonther called revo uninstaller too I have heard good things about. Windows leaves it up to the program writiers making the programs to make uninstallers, but they usually leave behing a ton of garbage in my experience.
If you don't need any specific Windows software, have you considered going for a Unix distribution instead?
> Keyboard shortcuts for Mac user hands (I can't get over feeling the Ctrl key is only for control characters)
I had the same problem when I had to use a Mac at work. AFAIK, there is no proper way to rebind them for every piece of software, except by editing the registry, which does sometime lead to unexpected results.
> Package management (like Homebrew on Mac)
Nope, or nothing that I am aware of. Closest thing i would suggest is Ninite, but it is not as complete. Should be enough for most standard users, not sure if it will fit your use-case.
> Cruft management (uninstalling apps, registry, #FML)
Check GeekUninstaller. Do not trust the built-in windows uninstaller, it does not clean registry, nor does it clean temporary and config files.
> A terminal that doesn't suck
Not the base terminal with Windows command line. I use Putty to connect locally to WSL, which does work without hogging tons of CPU, but looking for alternatives, as I had to do lots of tweaking to get the older version on WSL to run headless. I do remember WSL patch-notes saying that had been corrected, but i'm too lazy to upgrade to the current version.
> Docker
Used it for work, was not too much of a pain to setup, ran decently.
It can, and typically will if you use Windows' native uninstaller. When you uninstall a program, it will typically leave behind stuff in places that were not in the installation folder, such as user settings files, registry entries, etc. Some of this is purposeful (for example, if you install the program again all your settings will still be there), but a lot of it is just laziness.
I personally like to use the free version of geek uninstaller to avoid exactly this. When you uninstall a program through this tool, it runs the uninstallation executable like normal, but then scans your folders and registry for any other files that the program left behind and deletes those as well. You can also use it to easily "force" an uninstall of a program that is giving you a hard time otherwise.
CCleaner's delete option only deletes the uninstall entry and not the program itself.
What I would do in this case would try to reinstall the software and then try to uninstall it again through Add/Remove or a program like Geek Uninstaller that can scan for leftovers/do a force uninstall.
If it can't be uninstalled I would use Unlocker to delete its folder in Program Files during startup (if the files are in use).
Get the free version of Geek Uninstaller
Open it > find Bitlord > right click and choose force removal > follow prompts and remove everything it finds.
It can be downloaded here: https://geekuninstaller.com/download
try this I'm not sure what is going on with your computer but don't let language be the barrier.
try using this software and let me know if it works out
Also, I recommend you completely reinstall Kryptex to prevent any file conflicts.
After the Kryptex deinstallation you need to delete this two files too:
- C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Programs\kryptex-app
- C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Kryptex
Actually, you can use an uninstaller. We recommend this one: https://geekuninstaller.com/. It will find and delete Kryptex automatically. Then just install Kryptex, but don’t forget to disable antivirus and Windows Defender.
As people said before, avoid Ccleaner, this kind of tool is unnecessary nowadays, everything it does in terms of freeing up extra space on Windows you can do using the native Windows Disk Cleanup.
And you should never use any tool that cleans the registry automatically, cleaning the registry does not make your windows faster or cleaner, this is just an misinformation that people spread around.
If you want some tool to avoid the maximum of leftovers when you uninstall some software use Bulk Crap Uninstaller https://github.com/Klocman/Bulk-Crap-Uninstaller or Geek Uninstaller https://geekuninstaller.com/, personally BCUninstaller is a much more complete tool than the free version of Geek, besides being open source.
Uninstall it, I personally use Geek Uninstaller since it also removes the residual files as well - you can get the free & portable version here https://geekuninstaller.com/download
Make sure to also remove the residual files after uninstalling, then reinstall it again - should be fine.
Hi there!
Let's try to completely reinstall Kryptex. In addition to the program itself, you also need to delete these two folders: - C: \ Users \ <username> \ AppData \ Local \ Programs \ kryptex-app - C: \ Users \ <username> \ AppData \ Roaming \ Kryptex Or use a proven uninstaller: https://geekuninstaller.com/ Then just install Kryptex as usual. You can download the installer only from our website: https://www.kryptex.org/download
Don't forget to turn off your antivirus before doing this! [Ссылка] Geek Uninstaller - the best FREE uninstaller https://geekuninstaller.com/
I would recommend using Geek uninstaller.
It will remove all traces of Ubisoft Connect including registry files and such, so you can be 100% sure it's not some random obscure file you can't get to easily that's causing this.
Then reinstall and see if the issue still occurs.
Let's try to completely reinstall Kryptex. In addition to the program itself, you also need to delete these two folders: - C: \ Users \ <username> \ AppData \ Local \ Programs \ kryptex-app - C: \ Users \ <username> \ AppData \ Roaming \ Kryptex Or use a proven uninstaller: https://geekuninstaller.com/ Then just install Kryptex as usual. You can download the installer only from our website: https://www.kryptex.org/download
Don't forget to turn off your antivirus before doing this!
Uninstall everything related to Nvidia / geforce and reinstall again
Use portable version of geek uninstaller because it deletes the residue files left behind as well https://geekuninstaller.com/download
Folders such as Documents, Music, Videos etc should all be drag and drop as long as you put them back to the same place or point windows to the new location in your default save locations settings assuming your on windows 10, depending on what games you play you may have saves scattered in places on the C drive such as your AppData folder, one useful program I can recommend for making sure you don’t miss and files is Gamesave Manager that’s been helpful to me through resetting windows often, if you’ve had the system long and feel there’s programs you may forget you had Geek Uninstaller has the option to export a list of the currently installed programs for your pc too. To answer is there a program that will automatically find the stuff for you, I don’t think so atleast I’ve not come across one, Windows actually has an option to keep personal files when resetting which will leave some things in a windows.old filer which you can sort through and delete what you don’t want.
I found this program, which is awesome, it let's you delete everything to the root! even if you deleted something but can still find the traces of that program inside appdata and registry folders, this program finds them all and purges them. it let's you kill all and everey windows app as well go for it!
That's extremely weird. What about uninstalling using Geek Uninstaller and reinstalling the latest updated version: Download Here
geek uninstaller works really well for me it removes registry files for the program along with any temp files or revo uninstaller which is the same pretty much it also uninstalls windows apps if you want to do that
I finally found a fix that worked for me.
First I uninstalled LGS with this: https://geekuninstaller.com/download
Then I follow the steps in this video: https://youtu.be/ELE-M9-tczE
The key for me was using G Hub rather than LGS. The peddles look to be wrongly configured in G Hub, but still work fine in game.
Almost a full working day of fiddling, but seems to work for me now. Hope that helps.
It's a malware and adware , the above works but I'd suggest doing a full factory reset just to be sure there is no trace left , Next time don't download anything sketchy from the web
It's a virus that slows down your PC and isn't an antivirus
Same thing happened to me , Don't know a complete fix this but
At this point I would remove Swarm and all associated files using a complete file uninstaller like Geek Uninstaller (Make sure to Run as Administrator):
Here is the latest version of Swarm from Roccat:
Once you've uninstalled it. Restart your PC and then follow the installation procedure again and fingers crossed this will resolve the issue.
Right, super weird. Especially because a manifest folder is one of the first thing it creates. If you go to %localappdata% (paste that into the file explorer address bar), and then into Epic then Saved then Logs then the EpicGamesLauncher.log.
If you see any warnings/errors and understand them, you can attempt to fix it, otherwise submit a ticket here https://epicgames.helpshift.com/a/epic-games-store-and-launcher/?contact=1 and be sure to reference that it's getting stuck on the preparing screen after you try and sign in. Again, letting them know you can submit the log file if they need it.
You can try a complete reinstallation process (you would have to download the geek uninstaller free version zip (it finds all files and registry keys for epic, its much more in depth than regular uninstalls), run it, then right click epic games and force removal, then restart your entire PC, and then download the launcher fresh from the website and try it again. But it's probably not going to work because I reckon it's something else weird happening but worth a final shot before submitting a ticket.
Was not even aware CCleaner was owned by Avast, honestly. I stopped paying for my license as soon as I noticed the transition from legit power tool to just another one of those 'RAM optimizer' type apps you see on the Play store trying to make a buck selling hot air. Now switching to Geek on all my computers thanks to this thread.
You shouldn't need to clean your registry regularly, unless you're on some outdated operating system like Windows XP. There have been many articles written over the last 10+ years explaining that you don't really gain much performance by using registry cleaners. Actually, registry cleaners could make things worse by removing keys that are being used. Their algorithms aren't perfect.
That said, the only really good reason (in my opinion) to use a registry cleaner is if you're uninstalling some software, such as a driver, and need to remove leftovers. In that case, you could use something like Geek Uninstaller.
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're talking about needing help installing VEGAS Pro 17 that you paid for. Because if you were asking this subreddit how to install an illegal version of the program, that will get you banned very quickly. So below are my tips.
If you have the latest installer, you shouldn't be experiencing this problem. You can find the latest installer in the Wiki of this subreddit or on your product page on Magix' website. Make sure you have all versions of VEGAS pro uninstalled by running the Geek Uninstaller. This erases all traces of VEGAS. Log in to MAGIX web site and go to your product page. Make sure you deactivate all instances of VEGAS 17. Then run the latest V17 installer. Once installed, double click the icon, it will prompt for your S/N to activate it. Enter your S/N. Then it should work as normal.
Sounds like whatever it is is either sneakily reinserting itself, or hiding itself.
Reboot into Safe Mode and run Ultra Malware Killer. This should find any hidden files, scheduled tasks, startup entries, etc that can cause malignant reinfections to occur.
In the future, use Geek Uninstaller when removing programs to ensure you get as much as possible. Also, make sure you download programs just as Cheat Engine only from their official sources. If you're unsure where that is, try Googling for the Official subreddit, Twitter or Discord of whatever app you want and cross reference the information.
Let us know if this works for you.
Best thing I can say is use Geek Uninstaller to uninstall VEGAS because it erases 100% of the program unlike windows uninstaller and then reinstall it.
Also try using this program to uninstall your drivers then download the latest ones from NVIDIA's website and installing them.
Still doesn't work after that, download a free trial of VEGAS 17 and see if it's your illegal copy that's messing you around.
Best thing I can say is use Geek Uninstaller when uninstalling VEGAS because it erases 100% of the program unlike windows uninstaller.
Next is that I had a similar issue and it resolved once I uninstalled and all my 3rd party plugins. It then started up just fine. Then I reinstalled my plugins and was good to go.
But since this is happening on 2 different version of VEGAS, logic point the blame at your computer. Try using this program to uninstall your drivers then downloading the latest ones from NVIDIA's website and installing them.
Not so much a CCleaner alternative but rather an uninstaller that does a really good job of cleaning up the registry, files, folders, etc. so that you don’t have to follow up later with a registry cleaner after the fact.
The free version works great. Simple, straight forward, task focused tool.
I've personally found Geek Uninstaller to be the best, FREE uninstaller out there. Check out https://geekuninstaller.com/
There's a paid pro version, but the free one is feature complete for majority of user's needs out there.
Lol not normal at all. If I were you, I'd completely uninstall this software using Geek Uninstaller. This removed all files, folders, and registry entries that pertain to VEGAS. Once done, log in to your MAGIX account, navigate to your products page, Find Movie Studio 16, just to be safe deactivate the license from the PC, download the launcher for MS16, install it, launch it, re-activate it with your S/N, and try again.
This is the best way to reinstall VEGAS
Good question. Your specs are acceptable so you shouldn't be getting that error. Best thing I can say is try these steps.
Ha I was kidding anyways. I like to help people for free. Try these steps:
This could be fault from Windows program management system itself.
Get a better uninstaller, such as Geek Uninstaller, which allows you to uninstall programs, and clean up after them (including leftover entries).
O&O AppBuster works for me. It removes unwanted apps from the machine. https://www.oo-software.com/en/ooappbuster
I've also had good luck with Geek Uninstaller https://geekuninstaller.com/download
Download & unzip Geek Uninstaller (the free version is all you need.)
Boot into safe mode.
Run Geek Uninstaller, right click Driver Talent on the list of programs, & select uninstall.
The usual uninstall process will run. Let it finish.
Geek Uninstaller will then search your computer for anything left behind post-uninstall. Double-check the files for anything important, & let Geek Uninstaller delete them.
Restart your PC.
Dang that sucks you're going through that. I bought, V14 and two copies of V15 off Humble Bundle and haven't had any issue at all uninstalling, reinstalling, activating, deactivating all between 3 different PC's. I also get a copy to a friend so 4 different PC's.
Typically when I want to reinstall, If i need a clean uninstall (registry included), I use Geek Uninstaller. This is the best uninstaller ever. Then I head over to Magix site, log in,, go under my products, and deactivate my key. Then when I reinstall somewhere else, I use the official installers from Magix, go through the setup, give my key, and I'm good. Done it multiple times, with multiple copies, on multiple types of machines.
I found what helped me to remove this program was something called Geek uninstaller
Download the application
Find Segurazo in the list of application
Right Click and force uninstall
Press yes to delete all the files
Very odd issue. Try uninstalling it using this program. GEEK Uninstaller. It scans for registry remains of a program. This will fully remove all traces of Vegas from your PC.
Then download and run CCleaner and run that to clear out any temp files.
After that, log into magix.com, navigate to your products, find V14 install download link and try installing that.
If you tried 2 separate installers then is seems like it's a Windows issue or possibly a hardware issue preventing it. Some basic things I can think of are:
If you have any old versions of VEGAS installed, uninstall them using this tool, Geek Uninstaller. It fully uninstalled programs then then deletes EVERYTHING that was associated with them on the hard drive and in the registry: https://geekuninstaller.com/geek.zip
Right click and run as admin
Update windows fully. Try again
Uninstall your graphics drivers with this tool: https://www.guru3d.com/files-details/display-driver-uninstaller-download.html
Then download the latest graphics drivers and reinstall them and try again
One can use CCleaner for getting rid of most of the the unwanted (depends) Apps/services from Windows 10.
More important to me was to know about what each App or its component is used to do before I remove it from my system.
CCleaner to remove Win 10 Apps/services
and there are other as well
Windows 10 App remover
I know this thread is sort of passed on, but to anyone doing any future research, I installed Aura and had issues crop up the day after (12hrs after install). The system ran fine until today. I recommend using something like geek uninstaller to remove the programs and update the drivers for your video cards.
From Software Support:
From our past experience, most user that has the same issue you described, usually has some OS problem with their PC.
Lets focus on installing update on the MK750 first.
If you have access to another PC, lets try install Portal on another PC.
then after you connect the MK 750 on another PC, press FN+E until LED blinks to reset settings.
See if you can now install the MK 750 SW and FW.
After everything is setup on the MK750.
back to the PC where you wish to use the MK750, install the portal and now here is the part where I am unclear, can you install at least the software for MK 750? does it show up in start menu?
If no, you may have to use a third part uninstaller to remove completely the Portal and try again.
We recommend GEEK uninstaller
try getting geek uninstaller. It is a free app and uninstalls programs nicely. At least for me it has.
It uninstalls and searches for leftover files after.
It has a force uninstall mode too.
If you want to uninstall it completely I would recommend something like geek uninstaller it will also delete any registry keys the program created.
Let me know if that plus updating the BIOS fixes it, I will go to sleep as it is already 2 am where I live and I will try to reply in the morning.
ok, im honestly not sure DS will work on a VM at all in the first place.
now i wonder. DS1 needs microsoft account nonsense. do the others?
question 2 have you tried the hard way? (uninstall fully, and wipe the registry junk out) (this way sucks butts and will probably kill ds2 and ds3 and who know what the fuck else. make backups!
good luck dude!
~~OHHH BOYYYYY~~ PRAISE THE SUN! https://geekuninstaller.com/
no clue if this is some malware shit or not, but maybe it will help?
Sounds like though you've uninstalled it via the right way some components / files have been left behind on your machine or it failed somewhere.
Would try using Revo uninstaller free to make them go away. If it can't find the uninstaller try using 'HUNTER MODE' on the .exe. Good Luck. Link: http://www.revouninstaller.com/revo_uninstaller_free_download.html
Geek Uninstaller is also another good uninstaller program if Revo should fail https://geekuninstaller.com/