how about DIY with a raspberry pi and the camera module (or any popular embedded board for that matter), than install an open source os for video surveillance, like motioneyeos.
safe hardware, open software. no phoning back to anywhere. probably saves you money as well. :)
MotionEyeOS comes as a RPi image (but you can DIY the install) and it works great. Pretty easy to setup and to get a number of RPis running. It also supports SMB (and iirc NFS) so you can store the files on your NAS.
Take a look at this: you can use the pi camera or like I did cheap PS3 cameras (or better usb ones)
You can set it up so you can access remotely over the internet: I used dyndns, and you can set it to record movement once a specified area detects movement.
It’s very clever.
MotioneyeOS you could feed standard cameras into Motioneye, or you could use Raspberry Pis for all the cameras. I have 3 seperate Pis running Motioneye, two in one location where the video feed from one runs into the other. You could connect a SSD to the main Pi. combined cameras. You can attach two cameras to each Pi, one Pi camera and one usb
anything you want to use a computer for and dont need a big powerful box for but want a small low power consumption solution.
you can also get direct motherboard PIN IO access available via programming on it. so you could hook up sensors/switches/lights/etc and control/receive data directly into it, ie air temperature/wind speed/humidity door/window opening, LED light controls, motion sensors, bbq temperature. various home automation stuff.
As the other person to reply said load up retro game emulators and roms and use usb or bluetooth controllers and hook it up to their tv's.
You can also load up something like and either use a camera direction installed onto it or usb cameras or network cameras and setup your own in home security that does motion sensing to start recording.
its also able to be powered off of solar panels and batteries for simple tasks and built in wifi and bluetooth means you can put it in a weatherproof box outside to report back to your computers in the house whatever sorta data you have it hooked up to receive.
or just simply install linux and use it as a general desktop computer.
You could try MotoineyeOS. It can do multiple cameras with motion and at least email you when motion is detected. It could also run scripts on triggers so you can do all kinds of other stuff to.
Don't request help by just saying "it doesn't work". How doesn't it work? When you run apt-get install motion, what output or error message do you get? "Something doesn't work" won't get you a specific response to your problem. "I tried this, here's what I got" will get you much better, more specific answers.
If you just want to get it working (vs spending time learning from troubleshooting this problem) there's a distro for the raspberry pi that comes preloaded with motion, called motioneyeos.
You have to assume that none of the apps are working for you unless you have the source code.
The most secure local option is to use a small computer like a Raspberry Pi, and use camera software that you've configured yourself.
How are you liking the os? I've been using it for about a week and a half and it works great on my pi 3 b, but doesn't want to configure correctly for my zero w.
Also for anyone interested here is the actual github code of the creator;
If you want to use your own OS, you can download the program only;
Motioneyeos for me, not as feature rich as some, but the home assistant integration is great and the android app is ok! I use it with 4 eufy and one unifi camera.
Edit: Added the fact I use eufy cameras
I believe he gave you the wrong link. MotionEye is the name of the web front end MotionEyeOS is a raspberry pi install with MotinEye on it. It's like octoprint vs octopi.
Anyway I have been using motion eye for awhile. I use it to stream two cameras from the printer at all times, and offload the video encoding from my printers pi. You can then simply give octoprint a web address to the camera and it shows up like normal.
I have not played with it but I believe it has built in video recording.
I can’t tell from your post if you are the kind of person who gets their satisfaction from building everything for themselves from scratch, or if you just want to get this working quickly for some broader purpose.
If doing it all for yourself is your “thing” - please ignore my suggestion!
If not - have you considered either installing MotionEye on Raspbian...
Or using MotionEyeOS
Actually, it's not possible to get both per the creator. Read details here:
>The Differences > >When you have Fast Network Camera enabled, you'll notice that: >* your motionEyeOS-based camera can reach a significantly higher frame rate, at a higher resolution >* you can tweak many CSI camera-specific parameters directly from the UI >* your browser will eat up less CPU at the same frame rate/resolution (it uses a pure MJPEG stream, rather than triggering every refresh from JavaScript) > >On the other hand, this doesn't come without some disadvantages: >* no more motion detection >* no more motion notifications >* no more pictures or movies >* no more overlaid text (date/time, camera name) >* a significantly higher network bandwidth usage <* you'll need to forward port 8081 as well, if you want to access your camera from the Internet
Edit: Formatting. (Still can't get bullets to work!)
Looks like this popped up in the most recent build. The developer is aware of it. You should be safe going back to the 20180224 release.
There is a thread on this on the motioneyeos github issues page, link below.
MotioneyeOS will do what you want. Should work fine with any generation of pi, although you might as well use a pi 3 for this, as the performance will be better, and it has wifi.
You could also use video for this, in case a criminal just peers through a window or something instead of knocking.
I originally did something like this using tutorials and stuff on this website combined with Flask before eventually moving on to MotionEye OS. (I think the guy who runs the first site sells some books and stuff too, but I didn't buy anything, the free materials were more than enough to get me started)
I now have MotionEye OS set up inside so it covers my door and windows facing the alley (the high risk entry points for an intruder compared to those facing the street). The software includes all sorts of settings and integration with cloud storage providers so it can send pix and a video to the cloud before an intruder can destroy the camera, if they notice it. (I have it set up with Google Drive, but I think there are options for Dropbox etc too).
Edit: I also used an infrared PiCamera and some infrared LEDs so it works at night when my indoor lights are off.
No. To setup wifi simply take sd card out of pi and add .conf file to the boot partition(same partition with config.txt
Find this part:
" Prepare a wpa_supplicant.conf file and place it on the boot partition of your SD card"
Media Centre & Server with Kodi, add Genesis to it and you'll be your own 'netflix'!
Security camera(s) the easy way: Motion Eye OS
Then you can move onto robots, and global domination :)
MotionPi/MotionEyeOS. Dead simple. Just a distro you put on the SD card. Works with multiple cams on the same device, and can network with other pis or even IP cams. Everything is viewable in realtime via a browser, or browse saved images from smb / ftp.
Self hosted monitoring is a complicated issue especially when you want not only recording but motion detection etc. It's the main reason I gave up and went with Unifi Protect solution.
Most network connected security cameras will just present a local stream with no cloud connection of any kind. You just need to look for standard networked CCTV cameras not for fancy new smart cameras. Even most of the Unifi cameras can be set up with just a network stream without other Unifi equipment but that limits their functionality.
For recording on PI i can recommend MotionEYEOS - it has rudimentary motion detection but it is quite heavy and I can't recommend it for multiple cameras.
For motion detection Zoneminder seems like good open source, free alternative but It requires better hardware than RPi.
The simplest (IMO) is to use the multicam plugin and set up a second Pi with MotionEyeOS (or your favorite CCTV software).
It's easy to set up and you don't run into processing power or power draw issues on your octoprint instance.
I just run motion eye in a docker container on my desktop but it's easier with a second Pi
Sorry read too fast, thought your problem was camera working.
I'd reimage the SD card and put the supplicant file back in boot. Keep in mind the boot location is only good for the first boot after that you need to edit in etc.
If you don't need anything fancy, I would look into a Raspberry Pi setup tbh.
MotionEye OS is a camera software that you could use on your Pi.
You might just need to play around with the actual setup of each Pi, lots of guides use MotionEye OS though
Yep - just use homebridge with the ffmpeg-camera plugin all installed and running on a raspberry pi using the new HQ camera module, and you can get a reasonable 720p stream and add it to homekit. Works fine for streaming, but doing alerts / motion detection on top is more of an effort: Another good piece of software is motioneyeos : but I’ve found more recently that just using the above ffmpeg + homebridge route is far simpler.
I’ve done this quite a few times with different combinations of pi hardware. However by the time you’ve bought: - the pi itself - the camera module - some sort of housing and mounting
You’ll have spent more money than buying an off the shelf homekit camera from Eufy for example. I just bought a whole load of these and they work great including HKSV - which you simply won’t get with a DIY approach at all.
Hope that helps a bit!?
MotionEyeOS is a live distro that will motion detect video and text or email the video or jpg. There might be a way to tweet alerts, too, but I haven't tried.
Feature rich and easy to use. Supports muktie USB cameras or the rPi camera.
Hope that helps.
I use a free project called Motion Eye OS, which looks like what you want. Its setup to raspberry pi, but it will work with other boards.
Its pretty easy to setup, and it has a really nice interface with lots of features.
Raspberry Pi Zero W + the Pi Cam (there's a night vision model) works really well, I am a big fan of Motion Eye which has an image to flash for the Pi.
I have some Foscams and they work and have more features (kind of a pain to integrate into HA though, using undocumented REST commands) but they seem to reboot themselves and reset their settings fairly often, whereas the Pi cam is more set-it-and-forget-it.
I figure I can always re-use the Pis for other projects if my needs change, and you can hook other sensors up to them besides the camera.
I ended up doing the same thing with a Raspberry Pi Zero W, a webcam and a few other parts. MotioneyeOS is ideal for this. Not perfect, but better than spending $200+ on a system. Minimum config would be: Raspberry Pi Zero W USB to Micro USB adapter Power Supply WebCam (you probably already have) SD card and the time to download an burn the image to the SD card.
I'm not really sure. I've heard running one cam on a 1st and 2nd gen works okay but anything more bogs them down.
You also might look at motionEyeOS. Its a full pi os centered around this and has been verified to work on all pi boards
Thanks ! Its a bit of code from different guides that I put together plus some custom code - ie, I couldn't find a guide that had all the sensors I wanted. Perhaps I could do a write up in a reddit post with a link to a github if that would be interesting ?
This would be for the particle photon which is collecting data from all the sensor and streaming every minute to the cloud. The Rasbperry pi 3 is simply being used for photos and I installed a distro for this purpose ( However, I will be writing custom code soon so that the RPI images are populated on the dashboard I am using for the other sensors.
Take a look at motion pie. It's a full SD card image to run in a raspberry pi with the camera of your choice. It handles multiple cameras and displays them on a Web interface accessible from any other device on the network, or anywhere with an Internet connection if you set it up as a Web server. You can also set it up to store photos or videos to the cloud via drive or Dropbox.
Something like this:
It sends notifications via email/command/webhook. Take a leaf from that tree and you can make something I guess. Traffic watching seems a bit boring though.
There is no non wireless variant of the Pi zero 2 yet. One of 2 things is happening.
Motioneye OS will fail to boot on a device without an ethernet cable citing a lack of a network adapter unless you pre-configure the wifi access point and password before first boot (if it boots an fails you'll have to re-image) you can do this by creating a supplicant.conf file before first boot. You can read more here in my experience it's finicky and things like not setting your EOL conversion to Linux in notepad++ or just putting a line in the wrong place can break it and then you have to re-image.
Or motioneye os hasn't updated to support the networking hardware on the Pi Zero 2 yet.
Have you heard of MotionEyeOS? Motion is the main program, MotionEye is a browser-based UI for it, and the MotionEyeOS is everything wrapped up with a bow on it. Set up a NAS share (2nd Pi?) and you should be good
MotionEye is a nifty tool for turning things into IP cameras and they also have a webUI for accessing them. I'm not sure how well that scales with multiple users on the UI, I've only set it up for personal use. Maybe it could be one modular part of a system.
I've been interested in experimenting with streaming over IPFS, like in 14:55 into this video where they watch a raspberry pi camera over IPFS. Not sure how many pitfalls are down that route, ipfs itself is sometimes fickle.
that's a home made surveillance camera, using MontionEyeOS (
and yeah, the pi zero w 2 is way more powerful, I am trying to get one but currently is unavailable on canakit...
this one is the remaining warrior from the last batch, which I am going to hang somewhere near my entrance soon
C'è questa iso già pronta per fare streaming con telecamere di sorveglianza.
Vedi se fa al caso tuo, io l'ho usata senza problemi però non ho mai verificato la presenza di encryption (dato che non mi serviva)
Fast network cam is explained here:
So I have pi z outside with v2 camera attached and pi3a inside doing motion detection, encoding and saving the video. So one pi records and other encodes.
However, Pi3a is not fast enough for encoding. Ill switch to using an old laptop/server for encoding soon. I think it would be fast enough if I were using 1080p video but I need more res. The v2 cam at 1080p is garbage for my purposes. Getting a better sensor from Arducam in few weeks.
people make a lot of software for raspberry pi that's freely available, including home security like this. So honestly if you follow along the guides it's not too bad. But if you want to do something more custom to your needs, you should learn a bit about the Linux command line and filesystem.
> you can buy surprisingly cheap ONVIF compliant recorders from amcrest, in the ~$100 price range.
I didn't want to name brands when speaking generally, but a ~$100 Amcrest is exactly what I was thinking of when I wrote "suspiciously cheap."
> ended up not working for me (needed RTSP recording) but the quality was fine.
Do I need RTSP? I'm confused because I thought ONVIF was supposed to be a standard that ensured compatibility between brand A cameras and brand B NVRs, but this page says it's for "increased ONVIF compatibility," whatever that means.
I've got some SV3C cameras. Does that mean that cheap Amcrest NVR would refuse to work properly with them even though it should?
> these units are all running linux, but... with very proprietary drivers
Fucking GPLv2 loopholes! I am sick and tired of the fact that so many Linux embedded devices, all of which should be hackable, aren't in practice. NVRs, IP cameras, TVs...
We need OpenWRT-style projects for all that stuff.
> but you're imagining a greater difference between a NVR and a VMS... you can buy a 1u rack and throw in an embedded ITX board, install your VMS of choice and you've "made" your NVR.
That's actually exactly the kind of thing I had in mind. The trouble is that even that costs way more than the $100 Amcrest. Even just a 1U rackmount case alone is ~$100, an 8-port PoE switch is ~$40 (which is admittedly cheaper than I realized when I wrote the initial post), and even the cheapest board from this list is another $40+ unless you're lucky enough to be able to buy it from your local Microcenter at MSRP, so by the time you're done building such a device you're pushing $200, easy.
What makes you think its the wpa_supplicant file?
Do you need to use the 20201026 build?
Might be an idea to try the 20200606 version
> when I tried "sudo rm -rf LCD-show" I get "-sh: sudo: command not found"
Because MotionEyeOS - is a specific set of software designed to run Motioneye and nothing else. (its not designed to run all linux commands such as "sudo") If you want your Pi to do anything more than what MotionEyeOS was designed to do by its author, you'd better be really good at coding.
Because you want to do something outside of the scope of MotionEyeOS, like using a screen that MotionEyeOS wasn't designed for, you should NOT use MotionEyeOS.
What you need to do, is use an OS that supports your screen, and get your screen working. THEN you can install all the software that makes MotionEye work.
See where you'll be doing:- "Wherever you use a motionEyeOS device, you could just as well use motionEye installed on a distro of your preference."
Good Luck.
MotionEye - A web front end to the MotionDeamon
MotionEyeOS - an operating system for a specific single-board computer that has been customised to run MotionEYE.
Good luck!
Yes, with the RTSP firmware.
While you can stream directly to something like VLC, you'd have a far better experience installing something like MotionEye to a Raspberry Pi.
If the pi is going to be dedicated to streaming the camera, easiest to just flash the os. If you have other things you need to run alongside, you can just install motioneye on raspian.
This one is pretty easy to get going -
Not super fast on a Pi, but I was probably over ambitious with the resolution when I played with it. You could also look at zoneminder and shinobi. TBH I never got that far with the idea myself but intend to resume it at some point.
I don't have a solution for you, but maybe check this:
The user Starbasedssd seems to have it figured out, you need to have cron delete each of the file downloads you do with curl.
I have a question too, though!
These links doesn't work for me at all:
I get a JSON page, but it says "not found".
+1 for pihole suggestion above if you want to learn about networking. It's mostly plug and play but you can learn by tinkering with it. You can install this and run other projects at the same time. (pihole is very light on resources)
If you get a camera of some sort you can try out motion-eye , it's also somewhat plug-and-play but setting it up and tinkering is interesting.
You can have a look at interfacing with a sensor. You can get something like the BME280 and generate a plot like this: temperature plot. This gets you into python, sensors and you can also install apache and push the image to a local web-server.
Use a high quality micro sd card, like a SanDisk Extreme Pro and you won’t run into issues for a very long time. Alternatively you can boot from a quality USB drive, or better yet an SSD adapted via usb3.0, if you trust those over a micro sd card.
For security cams I would recommend MotionEyeOS which can be installed on a $35 Raspberry Pi in 15 minutes by following those instructions.
DIY security is cheaper in the long-run and it's actually a lot of fun if you enjoy tech stuff.
Buy a webcam, and plug it in.
Then I'd recommend MotionEye, or if you don't already have a running Pi, MotionEyeOS.
You can set up motionEyeOS as an add-on via Home Assistant for the Pi.
There's a plethora of other useful add-ons like Wireguard and Nginx Proxy Manager. If you want to avoid using a VPN or opening any ports to view the cameras remotely you can pay for the Home Assistant Cloud for $5/m. It'll allow you to access home Assistant remotely via the app or a browser securely which in term allows you to view your cameras via the motion add-on (ingress).
I've been using this for my IP cameras at home. I run it on a VM instead of a Pi though as I need more power for the motion triggered features.
You can also just use motion on the pi and avoid home Assistant all together if you prefer as well.
My $0.02:
I tried the NOIR camera, but I didn’t like how it affected the colour during the day (when I’m usually looking in at the birds). Everything had a pinkish hue. Maybe I could have colour-corrected it, never looked into it.
We bought a pre-made birdhouse with an acrylic back wall and suction cups for attaching it to a window. I covered the acrylic with opaque window film (because apparently chickadees don’t like it when they can SEE you watching them). The back still lets some light through, so there’s plenty of light on a reasonably bright day to see what they’re up to.
I installed a Pi V2 (not NOIR) camera to the inside ceiling, roughly centred). The ceiling slopes down from rear to front, so I 3D printed a small mount to allow the camera to sit level. Attached to the ceiling with double-sided tape. Ran the cable out the back - just slid the acrylic down enough to left the cable through - and attached the Pi underneath.
I don’t use Raspbian. I discovered motioneyeos ( motioneyeos on Github ) and use that. It is a dedicated (free) video capture & serving platform.
It installs more or less the same way as Raspbian - use Etcher or something similar to copy one of the pre-built .img files you your SD card.
It has pretty decent controls for motion detection and you can (through IFTTT) get notifications on your phone. Particularly nice in the spring when they’re house-hunting. It also allows for off-Pi storage, so my SD card doesn’t fill up.
It sets up a web server for streaming the video (as well as configuring the options). With a little DDNS-ing and some port-forwarding on my router, I can peek in on the birds from just about anywhere.
MotionEye is mostly accessed through a webUI that it hosts on the pi webserver, although you can also SSH. There's a lot of flexibility for different setups.
It sounds like you might be interested in this, if you're only wanting to stream to another device running OBS, Although I've not tested that with OBS, just a MotionEye server collecting the camera streams. I think you can also access the lower quality stream from the default webUI if you wanted.
If you setup the MotionEye to access your network before first boot, then you should just need to power it up and wait a bit. It will start a webserver that you can access from another device to finish the configuration. So no monitor should be needed.
I went down that rabbit hole for a while and in the end found it would make more sense - although a few more $ - to buy a Raspberry Pi Zero W camera kit and run motionEyeOS on it
Yes I have a similar setup with 3 pi zero's connected to a master pi 3b+. There are multiple ways to set this up including live streaming and motion triggered events. Have a look at this project.
I added some information to my original comment!
Here are motioneyeos instructions:
You'll need about $50 worth of equipment for each webcam. You may want to set up a central motioneyeos server that does all the heavy lifting (i.e. a few raspberry pi zeros, and a raspberry pi 3 at the center.)
I've used MotionEyeOS in the past for trying to figure out what the heck was running around in my attic. It's not too hard to setup if you follow the installation instructions. Just be sure to get the latest version of the Raspberry Pi.
Checkout motioneyeOS its for single board computers, although more than two cameras will let it struggle to keep up But with a couple of Raspberry Pies and a NAS you still have a cheap setup
It works with a whole lot of cameras
Take a look at MotionEyeOS. It has lots of features you might be interested in. The Raspberry camera module with no IR block works pretty well with IR illumination.
Here you go....
I really hope you try this and enjoy it. It’s not often I get to help people with these things as I’m far from an expert. I followed the tutorial listed. I didn’t even realize they had a FB page until just now..... I’ve had 3 Pi’s and cameras going with this system at one point, it works very well.
One way, block whichever camera you get from accessing the internet(all ports). To view it from outside of your network you can create a VPN using openVPN. With that you can "be home" without being there.
An open source DIY option, you can use a raspberry pi to build one.
You would need a Pi Zero W, a microusb power cable, a microSD card, the pi camera, and ribbon cable for the camera. Total about $60. Flash the memory card with
Oh finally my time to shine.
I am using multiple RasPis as home security systems. I'm using MotionEyeOs which is an awesome distro which does everything right (read only filesystem so power outage can't kill the SD card, online settings, motion sensing, etc..)
I bought cheap "dummy cameras" from amazon and put Pis in them and put them outside. The first one is running over a year now and is still alive. Has survived -20°C to +40°C so far and didn't break a sweat.
The second camera is a dome camera I mounted on the other side of my house and it has one of them RasPi night vision cameras (actually just no IR filter) plus an IR spotlight and this camera is working great also. Both cams are running via Wifi
I have mounted a third one running as a livecam with higher framerate and that works perfectly too.
I went a little overboard and set up a deep learning system that checks the cams and sends me messages if humans are near the house. But MotionEye OS could do that too with a movement trigger
I have a few raspberry pi zeros set up running MotionEyeOS and they work well.
I have mine mounted on the inside of windows though so I haven't needed to weatherproof them.
You might also want to consider a raspberry pi 3a+ which is slightly smaller than the 3b+ and consumes less power
I don't HDMI out, but it should be possible with MotionEyeOS. Bonus points - it's expandable with additional cameras & Pis.
Je nachdem wie Technik affin du bist:
Raspberry Pi + Kamera +
Hatte auch mal den verdacht, dass wer in der wohnung war, weil alle zeit mal das schloss in einer position war, in der ich es nie lasse.
Dann hab ich mir obiges zusammen gebastelt und gewartet. Paar monate spaeter stellt sich heraus, ein freund von mir dreht beim hinaus gehen jedes mal am tuerknauf, was das schloss in eine andere position brachte.
Kleiner Vorschlag:
Man braucht sonst nichts aufzusetzen. Nur das Ding auf die SD Karte spielen und das Ding irgendwo verstecken bei jemanden der Strom hat in der Laube. Kostet wenig, funzt und wäre wenigstens ein Fortschritt. Das ist ja kein Zustand so.
There is a bunch of cheap IP cameras that support the ONVIF standard. You can then get an ovnif server and run it on a PI. An example would be MotionEyeOs or Shinobi.
Some cameras come with an app for your phone with live feed, but I can see why one wouldn't want the feed to go through any external servers.
It doesn't exactly support it (there's no option in the GUI for it), but you can create a shell or Python script that triggers on the motion sensor's gpio pin and calls the emulate_motion command, as shown here.
I use Motion Eye with my raspberry pi cams. And on motion I upload to Google drive when on trips.
Before that I was using iSpy on my PC which also uploads to gdrive
No personal experience with that but my local lug currently has a discussion going back and forth regarding WiFi and motion activated cameras... Motioneyeos came up ... May give you some ideas
I've got the 3B+ on order to tinker with. I have a 2W, 3B, and 3B+ setup for security cam recording. Would go with the 2W in place of the 3Bs, however the one I have for watching out my front window (where my car is parked) has 2-5fps, which the recordings wouldn't be that great when needed. The 3B and 3B+ has much better FPS for identifying details, like faces, in motion.
I think I'll have the 3B+ that is used for recording to multi-task automation on my network, see how much of a performance hit it may have. The 3B+ might be over kill just for recording video when motion triggered, having a couple other tasks would make it more worth it. At this time, tinkering and experiencing.
For anyone asking, I'm using MotionEyeOS for the camera pis.
I’ve had mine outside for over a month in an unsealed case with MotionEyeOS and a sweet little IR 180 degree wide angle camera I found on Amazon as a makeshift wildlife security camera in our backyard with zero issues. It is on our back patio on the ground about two feet from the edge. It is under the coverage of the patio roof, but only that two feet. It does and has rained like a mofo here in South Carolina many times since it has been put out.
Well, a large-ish car battery (or two) should be able to power your camera for a good while, not sure about solar recharge though. You might end up using two (four) and swapping periodically. How feasible is that, is the shed on- or off-site?
Calculation of consumption is relatively straightforward, once we have the setup.
Measure the amps drawn by your setup, and find a battery that provides enough Amp-hours (Ah) to satisfy your battery replacement period requirement.
Eg. if your setup draws 1A (likely to be more), a 24Ah battery would power it for 1 day in theory, less in practice due to voltage drop as the battery drains.
Are you looking to connect the camera directly to your home network (relatively small range), or is it far and would need to go via internet? If so, you'll need a modem or other source of internet in the shed. I'm assuming local network, but let's clear that up just in case :)
As for rPi and stuff, look into MotionEyeOS- pretty simple to set up, has enough options for your scenario (uploading feed/stills to FTP, NAS... ...).
I used a similar looking camera and installed MotionEyeOS on the Pi to control and configure it so I could record animals that visit my garden. No good if you wanted to code it all yourself but perhaps it would get you started.
MotionEyeOS: Can record on motion and automatically upload images/movies to your cloud/ftp/google drive. Provide the pi with 5v and you'd be most of the way to a solution.
If you're running a Pi2 instead of something newer that may explain the issues you are having installing to Raspbian. The following link has the latest Pi2 image for you to pull.
Here's the link:
The official installation guide has step by step instructions and links to OS specific guides. Not sure I'd classify that as "unhelpful".
You do not need NOOBS or Raspbian.
Some devices allow you to plug in an ethernet cable via USB OTG, but it's device specific. Another option that might work better is a cheap single-board computer running MotionEye OS.
I found this:
I think that will work but the thing is I tried to use the light on example with my relay and it doesnt do anything.
I don't think you'll be able to while running motioneyeos. See:
What you'll probably want to do is install a normal OS (raspbian or arch), then install motion
on there, and if you like the frontend motioneye.
Then you can install all the packages you'll need for the project.
I’d recommend MotionEye, especially if you have a light weight computer such as a raspberry pi.
Other software is out there. On a professional level, I had great luck with Exacqvision.
MotionEyeOS has a built-in fast-mode feature which does the same thing but is easier to configure:
I run the motion detection part of the MotionEye web interface on a VMware host, and point it at multiple fast-mode RasPiZeroW cameras, and it works great.
I have been fiddeling around with something similar, but i ended up using an IP camera like the foscam and a RPI installed with MotioneyeOS. This OS have quite a few great features like motion detection zones, auto deletion of files after a defined time, send alerts to your mail though an SMTP server... The downside for me have been stability issues, but I think i have narrowed it down to the hardware of the PI, model 1 and 2 beeing more unstable, my current model 3 have been rock solid.
Doing everything over again I would still install motioneyeOS to see what it can do in terms of features, but i would also explore your option A, maybe the more basic model is preferred if it comes with more stability.
A little bit of googling says you'll need one with legit ONVIP support and/or RTSP support.
I use Zoneminder on a VM with Motion on Raspbian on a couple Pi's, and it works pretty well. Learning curve is a smidge steep, but not undoable.
I use motioneyeos on a Pi 1. It's basically a web interface for motion plus some bells and whistles, such as FTP/samba, Google Drive/Dropbox, health checks, and the like. It can also be used to manage multiple cameras. Does the job for me.
It looks like the next release of motion is going to offer some ffmpeg-related performance improvements which will improve us motion users' framerates when recording video! (Whoo!)
By no means do I mean to be critical. From the looks of it to me (a noob with using raspberry Pi's) wouldn't motionEyeOS do the same thing? The appeal to me of the Pi zero is the lower power need (thought of trying to do it solar powered)... but only 512 mb of ram is a limiter. Follow up question... if you go with a Pi 3 could you just run one or more USB web cams from a central one?
Analogue cameras would need something like this to convert them to IP.
Not sure if you could then get that feed into MotionEyeOS.
Hey. I had a sec and it changed names. It is now motionEyeOS and supports more boards than just the Pi. It always bothered me that they called it Motion Pie anyhow. It worked pretty well on a pretty old pi linkie
Edit: Just saw a link to a guide too:
I am storing the images on Google Drive, using the builtin function in MotionEyeOS..
Now i am looking at developing a script that gives me a daily digest with timeline so i can see when activities happened (and i can ignore pics when family leaves the house). Plus thumbnails...
Sifting through hundreds of pics is not that convenient.
Any advantages in using this over RpiWebCamInterface or MotionEyeOs? I will give it a try obviously as I am a hopeless addict.
Not sure if motion does audio, but it's ridiculous how easy motion is to setup. You might check out motioneyeOS which is even easier to setup. It gives you a really nice webgui and can configure motion detection and whatnot.
You can pop SD card into Windows computer and it will load the boot partition. Add a wpa_supplicant.conf file inside that partition.
So, if I got one of these for file storage and also wanted some video feeds, what would you recommend - the "Surveillance Station 7.2";
or just get some raspis, install MotionEye or similar free software and use the synology box as a dumb file store?
I'll be honest - I just skimmed your post. However, it sounds like you're in the same boat as I am. I tried 3 different models at varying price points, and ultimately realized that a raspberry pi is probably the best option. The official camera module is pretty crappy, but there are projects out there to turn it into a legit ip camera that can use usb cams. I'd suggest looking into that route. Most of these should still work with the Synology.
Edit: This is one of the projects I was talking about:
ive seen people build hand held mame boxes with them, others ive seen use them for home made monitoring systems with camera's/etc so they can have a dedicated small system to handle security cameras and door sensors.
ive been playing with it as a camera setup for out side my place using i've got it set to only save when a certain threshold of motion is detected, it can than save those pictures and email them to me if something large sets off the trigger and i can connect in via web to see in real time whats going on out side.
I read recently about the Fast Network Camera option in Motion Eye OS:-
Doesn't mention specific fps but does say significant improvement. No motion detection though! :-(
Nest cams are going to need to connect out. I've not looked at them but this may use methods to bypass firewalls to stream out. If you're able to discern what these methods are then you can get an understanding of the risks associated with these methods. If you can't/won't you're effectively putting a consumer grade black box in your network that's phoning home, with all the fun that entails.
If that's not acceptable, one option would be to set up a raspberry pi with a camera and a tool called motion. There is a distribution available called motioneye that's freely available. You can configure it so that it sits on it's own LAN if you like, and that it uses your mail server to email you if there's a motion event. Or not. You can make it do whatever you want on a motion event. However you're responsible. I've had great success with this, a an RPi and a PiNoir camera and IR floodlight, however YMMV and it's a little more convoluted than the standard setup which is fine for cameras that have enough light.
That's the fundamental difference.