This app was mentioned in 70 comments, with an average of 1.97 upvotes
I prefer Bluetooth connect and play. It's not infinitely customizable, but it's straight to the point and gives you plenty of control.
You can tell it which app should play for each bluetooth device (or to NOT play on a given BT device)
I was having the same issue on my Pixel. Did some research and found out about this app from posts in the Spotify forums:
This has worked flawlessly for me at having Spotify auto-start when my phone connects to my car stereo via BT.
Amazing for setting up auto play of certain media apps whenever connecting to certain Bluetooth devices. I mainly use it for Beats to auto-start in my car instead of the Samsung built in media player. Over the horizon gets really old after awhile
I find that if you have bluetooth ON before you start the car, it connects automatically. If you forget to enable bluetooth before you start the car, you have to connect manually. It was the same case with my G3.
I also use an app called Bluetooth Connect & Play. It automatically starts your music player back up as soon as it senses a bluetooth connection to a pre-specified device. Works like a charm.
On my system beyond pod overrides play music...
There's a couple of apps in the store that are supposed to catch the connect and open the app of your choice, but I've had mixed success.
I had this exact problem and finally found a solution. It is for Android, however. You might be able to find an equivalent, but hopefully this helps someone:
You can set your app when connecting to SYNC to Audible and it will consistently resume your book. One note: it works best when you leave the Audible app active in your notifications. If you don't, it will sometimes launch with the notification being blank, displaying "Unknown" for the author and such. When this happens, your progress isn't tracked and the next time you resume your book it will rewind to the previously left off point.
Happy listening!
LOL, I hate this feature.
Maybe this fixes your issue? It seems like you can pick which app should launch when you connect. If you ALWAYS want your music app to resume, then I think it will work for you.
I'm guessing that your headset may be sending a "play" button press after the call ends so that you can resume any paused music. The play command is then starting your music player.
My car does something similar in that is sends a "play" command immediately after connecting which opens my default music player, whether I want to hear music or not. My fix was to install Bluetooth Connect and Play. It intercepts the play command lets you choose a specific player or no action at all.
I'm not sure if it would work for you though as your headset is already connected (unless perhaps your phone is seeing a different profile for music vs. phone). It's worth a shot.
Fire it up, select your BT headset music profile and choose "do nothing".
If that's no good, you may also be able to do it with Tasker.
When your phone connects to Bluetooth, your car sends a play signal broadcast. Any app can react to this then block further propagation of the signal or allow it to continue. The behavior depends on the music app.
I use Tasker to capture that signal and then show me a menu so I can choose what app to listen to. You can also try an app like Bluetooth connect & Play to do something similar. I've never used this particular app, but it sounds like what you want.
I had the same problems between my car and headphone bluetooth. I loved the way the February update worked, but the March update messed everything up again.
I was able to fix all my issues using the free app Bluetooth connect & Play.
I'm not affiliated in any way. It just works like a charm for me. Hopefully it works for you also.
Works like a charm with multiple bluetooth devices. Dead simple to set up. I've been using it for the past 3 phones I've owned.
Disclaimer: I've never tried it with Pandora, but it works great with Google Play and Soundcloud. Give it a shot.
Searching reveals that this app can direct the "play" event to a player of my choice. That works for me too.
Is a third-party app really the best solution?
I had this problem happen to me recently, but with Shuffle+.
Try Bluetooth connect & Play : Link
That fixed the issue for me, not sure about Spotify, but I bet it will work.
If you're using Android this app has been pretty solid for me. You can set what app plays per connection and the volume. It might still display the title/a second of noise of whatever you were playing before but it goes away pretty quickly.
Hey thanks for your response. While trying to figure out how to set Spotify as the default music player, I actually stumbled across this app that solves the problem perfectly!
You might want to configure which app to open when connecting to your car. I used to do that with Bluetooth Connect & Play but then moved to Android Auto. There are other apps to get the same result though.
I have a '06 Yaris and bought a Dension Gateway BT kit to plug into the CD changer input.
When I start my car, my phone connects to the Bluetooth and using it fires up Spotify and starts playing music.
I'd like to give props to the app Bluetooth Connect and Play app. Now I just get in my car and the music starts automatically.
I actually use an app that triggers when I connect to bluetooth in my car to change the volume to the max. It works most of the time. The only times it fails is when my phone and car decide to be wonky and not work together properly.
This is the app I use:
You can try this
But if anyone knows a way to map button presses from a Bluetooth device that would be even better
The best ways usually involve root. Personally I just only have Spotify and used a root file browser to manually delete the stock Music app/Google Play Music.
There is however an app I was using on my work S5 since I couldn't root it, it's
I used it to force Spotify to auto play instead of the stock app, you might be able to tweak it to disable auto play.
Had this issue on my Genesis Coupe with every Android phone I've used but this app "Bluetooth connect and play" does wonders.
If this is all you want to automate, Bluetooth Connect and Play does most of this. It does all the above but location services, and volume returns to what it was prior to connecting rather than zero. There are some other minor features.
Try this app
Instead of picking a music player go to the bottom of the list and select 'STOP music from playing'
I use Bluetooth Connect and Play. It's designed to allow youbto select /which/ app launches on bluetooth connect, but works just as well to prevent any.
I've been using Bluetooth connect & play for years. I used to use Tasker but found this to be more reliable for some reason.
Try this, it's specifically for Bluetooth, I assume that what you are using. I'm not sure exactly what causes the issue but it's something I've had trouble with in the past on my OnePlus 6.
For Android you can try this app:
For iphone no option exists, unfortunately. Its another reason why it sucks that car manufacturers make it hard to customize their software.
I've been using Bluetooth Connect and Play App for Last five years. I don't know if it is best, probably not but I never tried anything else. It works for me.
I use an app called Bluetooth Connect and Play ( to launch my music app when it sees my cars bluetooth.
I don't know specifically it can launch spotify since I don't have that on my phone and use a different player, but it is worth a shot. :)
This app is hit or miss, but it aims to give you control over what happens when Bluetooth audio is connected:
Oh and something I recently discovered is this Bluetooth auto-play app. I don't like having to pull my phone out and open the music app then hitting play, so if you're like me this app will be great. Once you phone connects it will open (if needed) then auto-play music from w/e app of your choice. If your music app is still active or running in the background you can just hit play on the bluetooth receiver. But it's kinda iffy how exactly music apps stay active in the background if you haven't opened the app pretty recently.
I found another app which lets you choose your default app to play when connecting to Bluetooth and also should offer an option to disable it.
Use Bluetooth connect & Play.
Also, you can try wiping the data and cache of GPM and refrain from opening it...or disabling it completely, but that won't launch Spotify like Bluetooth connect & Play.
I've heard this app helps.
Rocketplayer also has launch/don't launch on bluetooth connection options if you want to try a different MP3 player app.
My Audi will autoplay and there's no car-side option to disable it. So I use to pause it when it tries to start.
EDIT: missed a step, also have to have (with all apps deselected) to stop the auto play.
That's exactly a behavior I DIDN'T want. LOL. My head unit automatically sends a "play" when my phone connects, which pulls up google play music and starts playing the library from my phone. Problem is that I only use that offline. In the car I like to use Pandora.
I'm sure you can do that with Tasker as well, but for those who just want a simple fix to control what happens on bluetooth connections, Bluetooth connect & Play fills that gap well.
It's actually not bad since the 3.0 standard, but it still isn't quite as good as AUX, especially in the deep bass realm; you can hear some weird harmonics when playing sub-50Hz test tones that aren't there with AUX. In any case, it's good enough for me to use 100% of the time in the car (it's not like I'm there to listen to test tones), and you get song controls, titles, and auto-play (leave phone in your pocket), all with no wires. Though you do need an app for the auto-play.
If anyone else has this problem, I found this app to help solve part of my problem:
Bluetooth Connect & Play
It allows me to control which music player will play when BT is first connected to an external source or in my case, I chose to stop all music from playing.
That's helping with the first moment when the BT on my phone is enabled / connects to my car, but I still have an issue with starting my audio books, as soon as that app starts playing, then the music app still takes over.
After some testing, I found the app that's doing that is the built-in Android "Music" app, not any I chose to install and thanks to my carrier, I can't uninstall it. I found that it helps to force stop the Music app so I will keep doing that for now. I may also root my phone someday to remove that ugliy little thing.
I also switched from the moto x13 to the 5x. Strangely my moto x would does not automatically play music when it connects to my car's bluetooth so I used this app Haven't had a chance to try it out with my 5x yet since I am still waiting on my project fi sim.
I use this in my car. Likely doesn't help you much as you'll want to have BT off and not use the phone as a media player. Does having wifi on in the car really drain your battery? It helps significantly in location awareness.
If it's just for music, try Bluetooth Connect and Play.
I use it for Google Play Music, but you can also configure it for Pandora or any other music player. Very simple interface and works like a charm.
try something like this, not sure if there is an IOS app that is similar.
Try this. I use it in my car with Spotify and works like a charm.
Yeah, I just stumbled upon this app yesterday, which does pretty much everything my NFC tag is set up to do:
I use it for Spotify with my car.
Try Bluetooth Connect and Play.
I use this app. Also you can set a default volume between other cool stuff.
I use "Bluetooth connect & play"
it works like a charm
I used to use Bluetooth Connection & Play years ago but don't know if it still works.
Maybe this app will help, I think it can set the action to 'nothing'.
I now have Macrodroid setup to do this but previously used Bluetooth Connect & Play with success.
This has worked wonders for me.
If you have android, use this
I use it in my mazda3 and just does its job
this app lets you set up default apps when connected to Bluetooth. I hope this fixes your problem.
I had the issue with my 6P. I use .
This small app may help you,, You can select what opens when your phone connects to different Bluetooth devices.
Does Bluetooth Connect And Play solve your problem?
Alternatively you can try using this:
I'm using Bluetooth connect and play app with all my android devices. Quite good app. Actually it's great.
You can try using this app:
I've had success with it in the past
I had tasker for that but ended up finding this more reliable.
I use THIS. Free and works wonderfully.