I've never been much of a mobile gamer, but, forget everything you think you know about mobile games because Raid Shadow Legends is one of the most ambitious RPG projects of 2019 has just been released and will change everything. Just look at the level of detail of these characters! If you use the code in the description you can start with 50,000 silver and join the Special Launch Tournament, and you better hurry because it's getting big fast! You can play for totally free with the link below on your smartphone.
Ps5 which I don’t mind getting but really want this. But I feel way too old for Christmas presents. Music is definitely something they’ll get into or are so merchandise would be good obviously you wanna ask them if they like it before buying it.
I imagine you as white with black hair.
If I had to find a pic I'd say this but less angry https://www.shutterstock.com/video/clip-1008009937-angry-girl-teenage
I feel like I'm nowhere close though lol.
Damn, sounds like a lot. Try Seven Cups of Tea if you need semi-professional help by someone you can talk to (it's for free and online, so you don't have to talk to anyone directly). As for how to survive with mental illness, it will get better over time. Please don't beat yourself up other it and try to reduce inputs that might hurt you unnecessarily (Twitter, Tiktok, Reddit, etc.).
Maybe try meditation or yoga, it helped me calm down a lot and focus a lot. What might also help is going more outside on some walks alone, if you feel comfortable doing that. Listen to music that you enjoy while doing it. Also, maybe don't use a smartphone (get a flipphone, or something like that) or block your screen time with some apps.
If you are severely mentally ill and think like you can't take it anymore, reach out to a suicide hotline, if you can. They might give you some emergency help.
Do you have a good relationship with your dad or can you talk to somebody else about yourn issues?
Alternative. Go to artbreeder.com and figure out how to use the tools to make an accurate face lol. And repeat step 2. And if it doesn't work, give up. You're gonna be weird if you take it too far or make an obsession out of it. Snap out of it.
I have an app on my phone called Forest that usually helps me. It is a timer that plants a tree, and if you exit the app the tree dies and its sad. There are also ambient noises you can unlock as well, which can help focus. Sounds stupid but it works.
ProtonVPN. Totally free, and comes with a seven day free trial to its pro version that allows torrenting. You can just make a new account whenever you are going to torrent Edit: plus theres no data cap
Its usually used with an athletic supporter. Here is an example chosen at random on Amazon Shock Doctor Jock Strap Supporter with BioFlex Cup Included. Core Protective Sports Athletic Cup. Adult Men & Youth Sizes
Either with a machine or a safety razor. Personally, I started with a safety razor (the only thing I had access to) but electrics are way more convenient and I switched as soon as possible. I would recommend electric (the ones with the three circles) if you can as you are less likely to cut/nick yourself.
Speaking of which, you will probably end up cutting/nicking yourself a few times - it's normal. It would be a good idea to find your favourite ways of handling them quickly if you get them before school or something. There are many methods online, ice, vaseline, etc... For me a bit of roll-on anti-persperant works well every time.
Hope this helps!
I buy the shit when youtubers collab with artists to make some actual cool shit
Like, I got this for the Terry vibes https://teespring.com/locus-x-proofyy?tsmac=store&tsmic=locus-store&pid=212&cid=5819
Google Maps doesn't label the area but Bing Maps has labelled it Fort Chaffee Military Reservation, so in line with the rest of the comments, it is some kind of military installation. The gated road goes on for a long while and has a lot of bends and intersects with a road named Fort Chaffee if that's of any interest
You can buy me this I think that would be a very cool thing under $300 https://www.amazon.com/League-Legends-10-Gift-Card/dp/B014X427WM/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=22IELUKU6JVTG&keywords=5+dollar+league+card&qid=1640675882&sprefix=5+dollar+le%2Caps%2C304&sr=8-3
Scene: Craftnite.io, April this year.
Guy says "I'm pro, I never lose"
Me spontaneously "You know why? Cuz you never try"
Scene 2: Krunker.io, some parkour map.
Context: Four guys including me were doing a parkour map. One toxic guy starts irritating us. I start and win a fight with him.
After he exits the server, I chat without thinking "Poor guy, he will always be remembered for trying so hard.......... to grow a pair." The crowd goes wild laughing.
Scene 3: T-intersection in the backstreets here, the street is only wide enough for a medium-sized car, I'm driving a bicycle (gearless).
Car turns with serious speed. Mf almost ran over me. Luckily I turned left (I was going on the left end) but then the road ended. Luckily the adjacent building's walls had sloped ends. The wheels go on the wall and I'm pretty much going on the walls. Later, when the car passes me, the back wheel goes up as I try to brake. Did somewhat of a 'reverse wheelie' while stationary.
Scene 4: Second grade. Teacher is not in. I'm sitting with my crush (thank the teacher for the seating spots) as a bully tries to pick on me.
Context: No one dared to hit him back, including me. Guy was not strong-looking, but threw punches as often as breathing air.
Bully punches me in the teeth, it was a painful hit. Second grade me goes Hulk mode due to adrenaline and gives him a punch to the stomach he will not forget. Bully collapses to the ground. Thank god there were no serious injuries. But the girls were surrounding him, seeing if he's okay (sad face lol).
Still proud.
Craftnite.io. There are pretty much no major bug fixes, only server expansion. And the servers are/used to be filled with oh, those Russians.
Krunker.io in the beginning was also toxic af. Now it is nowhere near as toxic.
Among us i guess
Terraria/Minecraft if you're willing to use a little money
Edit: I realized that co-op doesn't mean what I thought it did. Nevertheless, these options work.
A custom version of the app with no ads whatsoever and a thing called SponsorBlock that automatically skips sponsored segments inside videos. It also allows you to play stuff in the background without paying for premium.
Edit: complete list of features is available on its website https://vancedapp.com/
If he built his own pc he might need some new storage!
Get him an SSD. Like this one.
If you have extra money to spend get him the option with higher storage.
Writing code in a programming language. That code gets compressed into an executeable file and when you execute that file, all the lines of your code do what you set them to do
If you want to try it, I advise you to try out https://www.sololearn.com/ and start a course in Python. It's an easy language to start with and it can be used to make very big programs, AI and much more
It does, though I'm not sure how great of an experience it will be.
1) Go to any invite link, ex: https://discord.gg/dBMqSdh
2) Press the "Request Desktop Site" button (usually found from options within the share button)
3) Sign in
4) Then go to https://discord.com/channels/
It depends where i want to work out lol, if you have a local park literally any horizontal bar will be able to support you, or you could get one of those indoor pullup bars that go in doorways and then put the straps through there.
You can also set them up in a gym or a rec center if you have those.
Gonex Gymnastic Rings https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YTJSPHC/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_CFHPP5AMV8YZZJCYHVY4
These were the ones that i got myself, they're super easy to setup unless you're hooking them onto something that isnt perfectly even, like a tree branch, but i dont think that'll bother you much
thule whateverit'scalled, both me and my brother have one. My brother has been using it for 6 years with nothing wrong other than a single zipper thing being gone, using mine for 3 years.
Me and a buddy of mine were doing a learn to weld course. You have to have all of your skin covered when welding to prevent sunburn/skin cancer. I was wearing a shitty jacket that I had duct taped closed. I caught on fire and couldn’t get out of the jacket. You mostly can’t tell anymore, you have to look closely to see the scars. The friend I was working with splashed the dousing bucket on me and saved me some worse burns. (Also I got this this shirt for Christmas after the incident)
Dr. R. A. Eckstein Azulen Supreme Facial Cream 1.66 Ounces https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001236DPU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_C6SKWVQ4YTR18F4VCH29
This cream did wonders for my skin maybe it can help yours
Yep, you eat way less that you should. If you search online there's lots of tdee calculators that tell you how much you should be eating to maintain/cut/bulk. This is the one I use and for your stats your tdee (calories needed to maintain) is 1950-2000 calories.
If you want to put on muscle, you'll need to exercise and eat more than your tdee (make sure you eat enough protein too).
If you're on Android, photo editor by Dev Macgyver. Link
It's the best one I've used on Android.
I have a muscle building app from Leap Fitness Group and I like it. They have a weight loss app, which is what I think you'd like the best right now
Heres the link to it if you use the google play store
I’m an Android user, and I use Sync. It’s easily the best Reddit app, in my opinion—far better than the official one. Although I still do have the official app installed so that I can use the chat feature since third-party apps sadly cannot.
You're exactly like me. I'm also skinny af and want to gain weight (I'm currently 6"2 and weight 64kg, 18M)
What I'm doing is calculate how many calories I need to gain weight. For me this is something between 3000 and 3300 calories. You can look up some calorie calculator online.
I've tried different methods for tracking calories, the best one for me is this app I now use. It's called MyFinessPall, really easy to use, take a look yourself.
Besides tracking calories I also train a few times a week. I've just recently started training so I can't give you too much advice on it. I do weightlifting exercises so I gain muscle, muscles are denser than fat so it's a good way to gain weight.
For me it's works the best to train full body in two days. So day 1 I'll tran chest-triceps-shoulders-abs, and the other day I'll train biceps-back-legs. I do this routine two times per week. So that's a total of training 4 times a week. (Tip now that the gyms are closed: get a pair of dumbbells and look up some YouTube vids)
(Little extra advice is a cold shower after exercise, it feels so good imo. Doesn't have anything to do with gaining weight tho, but feels much better than a hot shower after exercise)
Good luck on your journey!
Good. Then you have loads of options. Here's one: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.urbandroid.ddc
Also remember to write a schedule of things to do instead and don't completely turn it off for ages otherwise you will bounce back and it will get even worse. Start by writing a list of things to do and block your phone for an hour maybe twice or 3 times a day and slowly bring up the time is blocked...
Honestly bud, this the wrong place to ask as 80% of these guys haven't been in a gym. But I'll answer your questions. First off, there's no need to diet. Keto, paleo, whole 30. They're all fucking stupid. Just cut the bullshit out of your diet, stick to lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, unsaturated fats, and good sources of carbs. Use this https://www.myshreddedlifestyle.com/en/tdee-calculator/ to find out how many calories you need to cut. Use this https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.myfitnesspal.android&hl=en&referrer=utm_source%3Dgoogle%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_term%3Dmyfitnesspal&pcampaignid=APPU_1_WdhSXvr9HeTO0PEP-qytKA to track your calories. And you'll be good to go. Try intermittent fasting, it's a good tool but it's not for everyone. And include some form of cardio, don't overdo it tho.
Losing fat/cutting is stupid fucking simple, it's a quick process as well. But it's difficult for alot of people, if it wasn't then no one would be fat. You probably will mess up on your cut, everyone does. But if you do SHUT THE FUCK UP, STOP FEELING SORRY FOR YOURSELF GET BACK ON THE HORSE AND KEEP MOVING FORWARDS.
Good luck man.
I have braces and I will have them for 3 years, while they hurt when they get tightened or put on, after about 10 days your teeth will feel fine. I will however suggest getting a watter flosser. It helped clean my teeth tenfold and it feels amazing. if you are interested, here is one:
I got this one because both me and my sis have braces and we need the extra tips. If you want a smaller one, here is one:
hope these help!
I bought a three-year subscription of NordVPN. It cost about $125. I really like it. I get my Wi-Fi from my landlord and don’t even have access to the router, so it’s nice to have an extra layer of protection since my landlord could technically spy on what I do.
I trim them with a Wahl beard grooming shaver. IDK why but they're a hell of a lot more expensive than when I bought mine three years ago.
I've used the Lawnmower (I think that's what it's called) and didn't like it at all. Neither did my father. For one it only has two comb sizes which might not be good for everyone even though the longest one was fine for me. But the main thing we both disliked was that it requires new blades at $15 USD each every three months. I hate those kinds of subscription plans. I definitely do not recommend it.
The Wahl Stainless Steel Lithium Ion+ Beard and Nose Trimmer is what we use now and it's awesome in every way. It lasts a long time on one charge, has a large variety of comb sizes plus a nose hair trimmer, doesn't snag, doesn't need new blades — we've had it for three years now, and I feel 100% confident recommending it.
Hanes are really good. My favorite. These are my favorite kind https://www.amazon.com/Hanes-4-Pack-Comfort-Breathable-Assorted/dp/B074XK77NW/ref=mp_s_a_1_12?dchild=1&keywords=hanes+boxer+briefs&qid=1600397621&sprefix=hanes+&sr=8-12
There are a shit ton of others right now in the $100s
Maybe these earmuffs for studying. i don’t really use them anymore, but used to a lot.
Ear plugs are actually a great idea. I wear them when I want to sleep for a little while and they work really well. I buy 100 pairs of them from Amazon for surprisingly little money and each pair can last up to 3-4 nights. They're called Flents Quiet Please. My father has used them for most of his life and I've been using them for about five years.
Try wearing underwear that doesn't have the ass portion. Maybe something like this? another amazon link
Edit: removed first link; too sexual for this sub
Well I'm personally really into knives and camping gear and other outdoor stuff so I found this really cool gear. Its on the american amazon but I'm sure you can find it on other amazon sites.
I forgot about one of my best friend's birthdays a week ago. I still feel shitty about it even though he said it was okay. He works at a mouse-based theme park and walks a lot of miles every day so I tried to make up for it by buying him a foot massager on Amazon. He loves it. I don't usually spend that much though.
Mostly I go the old-fashioned route and send a greeting card. Plus a $10 USD gift card for someplace I know they like.
yes! NAIR saves lives, here i got it and never worried about hair again.