I’m really glad you posted this because I’ve been considering going cold turkey on social media for the same reasons, but I was really dreading losing touch with a community like this (since I don’t really have one in real life). I don’t post much, but do feel like I get a lot of inspiration/motivation/accountability from everything I read, and I think I would have the same experience as you.
As a compromise you could try out one of those apps that helps you manage your time by only restricting the use of certain apps to a few hours a day (e.g. Freedom, SelfControl, or Hey Focus).
Good luck getting your fitness on again! And welcome back! :)
There are several sites and apps for doing exactly that, blocking specific sites that is. I can't vouch for the stuff on this personally but that site has a list of various sites/apps to try.
If none of those work for you can try to Google 'site blocker', that's how I found that list.
As a developer myself: I don't know you, but I think you need patience. It is very VERY hard to do coding for 8 hours a day. I want to say that it's even counter-productive.
What I would do is to refactor that time to be something like 5 hours coding then 3 hours soft skills: interview skills, people skills, and this is very important: getting to know other developers in your area. Meetup.com or Facebook groups or Slack groups or whatever is your friend. You need to see developers in action, or at least chat with them. The tools, the workflow, the "what do you do to ...". I learn something new every time I pair or at least chat with a dev, and that is after 5 years of programming. So yeah. Hope this helps.
Re getting sucked into Reddit: I use an app called Freedom. For me it's well worth it. I think there's an app out there that's free. Anyway. It has to be OS level because we can disabled Chrome extensions. ;)
Banning my smartphone from my bedroom, so I'm not on it when I first wake up or when I'm trying to fall asleep.
The Freedom app, on my phone and on my computer, to keep me off of distracting sites at certain times of day.
Recognizing that "little things" like cooking and doing laundry tax my mental energy/executive function, and doing what I can to simplify my life like using microwaveable freezer meals and a drop-off/pick-up laundromat (they even fold the clothes for me!)
Regular visits to /r/adhd to remind myself that other people struggle with the same issues, and that I am not some horrible freak.
Meds. Working with a therapist/ADHD coach.
Putting things I need to remember in a place where I will see them. Do I need to take out the trash tomorrow? OK then, I will put the trash in front of the front door tonight so that I can't leave without seeing it there.
Putting all of my bills on auto-pay.
I've only been seeing other people in this thread saying "omg me too". However, there's no real remedies. I know I'm late to the party, but if you want to know what I have found. Here ya go.
Basically, install this: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stayfocusd/laankejkbhbdhmipfmgcngdelahlfoji?hl=en
It lets you block sites but it lets you use it a bit. Which is good for waning yourself off of the internet. This is the flaw I've found with other blocking extensions. Once it becomes a certain time, you don't get any more internet. You're done. Not for this extension. You get a certain amount of time per day for internet. Once you use it all up, that's it. You can also disable it for certain days. I've found it really helpful.
If you want to get even more extreme, the same developers have made this app for iphone and I'm sure there are some for Android as well.
Anywho, I hope this helps someone that wants to change.
Check out freedom.
It lets you control internet access according to a schedule you define. You can limit Safari or Mail or Facebook app access, or only let in certain sites, or block all sites except a whitelist. It even has a locked mode which survives reboot, as well as iOS and Windows clients.
Worth a lifetime subscription to me. (Us$75)
Is "Freedom" this: https://freedom.to/ ?
That's not straightforward to do on Linux. Blocking yourself from the web requires some hacky stuff, and once you know how to do it you know how to undo it.
Is this "Anki": https://apps.ankiweb.net/ ?
Looks like it has a Linux/BSD version.
Check out the Freedom app. You can disable certain sites, apps, or the entire internet on you mobile device or desktop. Best purchase I’ve made for decluttering media when I need to. I’ve tried deleting apps...but I always found that I’d just replace it with a other one. Works better for me to just lock myself out of them.
https://freedom.to/ is pretty good. It installs a local VPN which responds to rules you set for yourself as to what sites you want access to, and at what times the rules should be enforced. It generally works, except for some standouts (Facebook cannot be blocked because its app bypasses DNS altogether, instead relying on IP addresses). The interface is good, and the rules can work across mobile and desktop.
I use the free version of Freedom for my mac (which also has an iOS app) and the free version of Offtime for my android.
The latter also specifically blocks SMS and phone calls (altho it will allow people through if they call me twice and I can whitelist some people) and sends them an autoresponder via text. It also lets me whitelist pandora and gmail so I can still access them when I've shut everything else down.
The question really is, what is it about cuckold porn that excites you so much? If you could figure that out, your able to control it more. In the meantime:
Try FREEDOM for your phone and computer.
Or SelfControl
Have you been tested for ADHD? This sounds like me before I got diagnosed. Work is boring and I needed that constant dopamine hit. But when it was crunch time I could get it all done.
It sounds like you have a pretty relaxed work schedule. You could try something like 1 hour of work, with the reward of one hour of fun stuff, setting a timer. It seems like if you did this, you could probably get it all done during the actual work week and at least have a free weekend.
I also use Freedom.To ($6.95 a month) to block all apps/websites when I'm working. You could use something like this program to implement the every other hour work/play mentioned above.
Good luck.
You could always install a website blocker and just block last fm until after your tests. Of course this would take more willpower than last fm just IP banning you since you could just turn off the blocker, but it’s a start.
It's fine, we all have been there! Honestly, unless K-dramas are truly, TRULY hindering you from your studies and your social life, you don't need to worry about it. If it does disrupt you of your duties, you probably would need to disconnect yourself from the internet, or use website blockers to help increase productivity . If you need to focus for a few hours, you can use this . Stick to a strict regimen of a few hours of studying, and then watch an episode of K-drama, and force yourself to stop even though it's hella tempting to watch another episode of it.
Not speaking on everyone's behalf, but the lot of us are - or at least I'm - homebodies (prefer to stay indoors) so socialising isn't a problem... or at least, isn't one of our 99 problems? Lol. I bet if you do go out and all, you'll have no problem 'forgetting' about K-dramas for a few hours. You can still find a someone to date and make them watch K-dramas. Heh heh.
I know it's easier said than done, but like I said, if K-dramas disconnect you from your responsibilities, then you have to disconnect from it. Give it a try. Hope it helps?
I have bad adhd. Failed 3 times and finally just passed. Accommodations helped (but I had to file an appeal after being denied to get them). I also used my meds, therapy and really leaned on my support system. This test isn't designed for us, so you need to use every advantage you have to just level the playing field. Also, I highly recommend website blockers. I block all of the websites that will distract me on both my phone and laptop during hours I need to study (I use freedom.to, but there are other ones). I also put my phone in a k-safe while I was studying. It really was a pain in the ass, but I dont trust myself. You can do it, but it takes so much extra bullshit to get there.
To me this sounds like, "How can I stop the alcohol addiction without cutting out the booze?"
I'm sorry, but it seems like you probably need to take a vacation from your internet.
Have you tried https://freedom.to/ ? It can block you from whatever websites you wish for specific amounts of time and will lock you out of the controls so you can't alter them.
I’ve been experimenting with apps like Freedom to help me in times of urges when using my phone. It’s not the most perfect solution but I hope it can work for you when you’re like me and need to have your phone with you at all times.
Haha yeah, genuinely diagnosed. I'm not remotely joking when I say that Freedom saved my life:
(Not an affiliate, I genuinely think that software is the best thing to ever happen to writers!)
I do my research in advance, gather everything I need and then turn the web off for 4 hours a day and lock my phone in a box. Can't get distracted if there's nothing to distract me haha. 4 hours with no web is enough to get a shedload done.
Pomodoro helps with ADHD too :)
And yeah PM away, if I can help I will.
J’ai commencé à utiliser Freedom et j’ai remarqué que j’avais plus de temps et moins de soucis. Sinon, je passe mes journées à défiler sans réfléchir au lieu de travailler.
Heh -- yep. Why can't they make the code expire after 10 hours? Or 24?
It's not very likely that someone has alllllmost broken into your email account to get the code and just needs an extra few hours and then they'd have you... if someone was going to put in that kind of effort, they'd probably break into your email account before they signed up for services in your name.
Anyway, the Freedom app is awesome for preventing accidental Redditing. Just seeing the block page come up is a good reminder that you meant to be doing something other than Reddit right now...
Self Control is awesome and I’ve used it a long time. In another thread I learned about Freedom- it’s available for all platforms I believe and you can connect multiple devices to the account. It works like self-control but has more features like pre-scheduling blocks of time to block the internet and recurring blocks. But it isn’t free. $29/ year though is worth it to me if it will help keep me from scrolling Instagram until 3 am. https://freedom.to/
i bought this app: https://freedom.to and made a crypto blocklist so i can only watch it on sunday since i don't intend to trade anyways but still keep on checking every minute. don't let crypto steal your time!
[Freedom][https://freedom.to] is a pseudo-firewall. Its main purpose is to limit access to time-wasting sites, but it has a locked mode (survives restart) and you can schedule a block to last 24/hrs day
I have no answer because I don't know much about you: your goals, aspirations, struggles, ...
My recommendations would be:
You could try one of the tools in here to block yourself from distractions: https://freedom.to/blog/8-website-blockers-for-studying-productivity-focus/ but if you find the subject super boring it won't get you super far...
I had luck setting timers. I can force myself to do something I don't want to for ten minutes.
You could also try finding an accountability buddy. If you have any friends taking the same classes as you get in the same zoom call (or meet in person if you can) and work silently together.
It's really hard though. Good luck!
Free apps like Self Control can help you in the moment of weakness and paid apps like Freedom can help you schedule blocking sites everyday when you’re most vulnerable. Don’t think about restarting. Just think about how far you’ve come and what different you can do to last longer.
Personally I use a paid app: https://freedom.to
I block things like steam and other games on it. It does sites and the like as well.
But I’m sure if you search for an Application blocker something will come up for free.
I tried a Chrome extension, but my traitorous fingers learned to open up Firefox just as quickly as they could type "Fa" into the address bar. Now I use Freedom.to, which blocks sites device wide--including my phone and iPad.
I will start by asking do you need to work on a computer/Internet?
I found the best way to get off the Internet is to disconnect entirely, if I want to do some work on the computer (programming, ..). I use freedom.to or I won't have Internet at all.
Also, I found that the best learning could be from (technical, programming, web dev ) books instead of youtube videos which draw you in and in and in.
If you don't work with computers, could you leave your cellphone somewhere?
Make it harder for yourself to have access to it is key in breaking this habit.
Download freedom For your phone and IPad
SelfControl for your computer this one is free
You have to be pro active in not fapping and keeping your self accountable. Also, get some hobbies. Real ones that get you out of the house and not wallow in your room all day until U feel like jacking off again
not OP but I personally use freedom.to, it just locks apps and websites across multiple platforms but it only goes up to one day iirc, you'd have to re-set another timer, but it works (it's paid though)
Nice! DM is a journey, not an overnight success.
About computers, I strongly recommend Freedom.to, they're one of, if not the best website/app blocker out there. Its a paid software, but I got it with the Christmas discount for around $2/month.
Makes sense. The addiction is the distraction. For me I actually bought something on Amazon that I can lock my phone in. So when I feel distracted I know I don't have the inherit discipline to put my phone down, so I lock my phone up for 2 hours. That might be worth looking into. There is also something called freedom.to and you can use that to block distracting websites for a period of time.
Freedom - Block Websites, Apps, and the Internet
This site is inexpensive (17 dollars/year) and offers excellent protection both on mobile and computer. I've used it during the quarantine and know it's an essential tool for my journey as a pornfree man.
I hope you stick with the choice you make and be well :)
Good Luck!
Actually I ran across a lot of web blockers for procrastination back a few years ago when I was dealing with them. It was a while back so I can’t say if they work or not especially since I can’t find the specific one I kept getting recommended so don’t know if this might help but here’s a list of web blockers: https://freedom.to/blog/8-website-blockers-for-studying-productivity-focus/
Also idk if this helps especially since I don’t have health anxiety but I do make a habit of typing “site:.edu” or “site:.gov” after my boogle searches about health and it’s been a nice habit to make to avoid any .com cause those just want to make money off of your clicks and I usually don’t trust those. I still have my fair share of me self diagnosing myself wrong just because boogle tells me to but it’s made me realize that I should trust myself over others when it comes to my health so I’m not sure if this is something that will work but I just wanna throw those suggestions out there
I had quite similar issues. Online college is very difficult for students with ADHD. I made the mistake of taking 4 classes and working full time and it took a major toll on every aspect of my life from relationships to work productivity.
I had to learn several techniques to adjust. Here is what helped me.
First, change your mindset and embrace the suck. Its a struggle but it is possible to still be successful in online classes.
Get a physical planner/ day calendar and use it!
Read the syllabus and map it out in the planner. Take all your assignment/papers/projects due dates and write them in. If you want to be fancy make your own deadlines for these things ahead of time to give you wiggle room. It'll help you not miss turning in assignments that are worth easy points like discussion posts.
Keep teachers informed. If you are struggling with meeting a deadline email the teacher at least 48 hours before an assignment is due and let them know any good excuse why you need additional time. A lot of teachers are very accommodating if you do not wait until the day before to email them.
Make things more stimulating. I would look for videos on youtube on topics that needed to be learned or audiobooks for reading assignments.
Using the Pomodoro method also helped me. These apps have Pomodoro timers and help me.
Focus Keeper
Focus to-do.
Lastly, if you spiral like I often do I use and app called freedom.to it blocks all websites like Reddit, FB, IG, amazon, eBay when I'm trying to knock out assignments.
Best of luck to you and I hope some of this helps.
Are some worth more than others? When is your term over? Depending on the complexity of these assignments, it may be better to focus on the assignments that are worth the most. In case you don't have time to get it all done.
Otherwise, I would just do each late week one by one. Get out blank calendars for January to April. Write all your assignments in on their original due dates. Go through each week methodically and get those assignments done by original due date. You'll have the satisfaction of ticking off each week, which will motivate you to keep going. Plus, you won't miss anything.
you could block Facebook at your home router... not sure which one you use, but lots of people have Linksys:
You could also put a timer on it. Freedom is a good app to install to limit Facebook to 1 hour per day:
The Freedom app: https://freedom.to
I can schedule hours when I'm allowed on Reddit and hours when I'm not.
There's another one called Onward (https://onward.org ) that in addition to being a blocker also tracks what you do online when not blocked so you can see how many hours you've spent online. Personally, I find that incredibly creepy, so I prefer Freedom, but if you want the kind of data Onward collects that may be useful for you.
Sometimes I find multiple can work cause then you have to go through multiple layers. What OS are you on? one of the most effective ways is to edit the hosts file, I am on a mac and this can be done via an app called GasMask, although really you just need a text file, google editing host file if you are on windows, else give gas mask a shot.
Also you can get browser extensions to block sites and there is also an app called Self Control I use on Mac, which gives you a timer and blocks it from the start.
But recently I have been really liking freedom (https://freedom.to/) which I think is the best.
I also did things like sign out of my social media profiles and change the password to a long string of random numbers and letters that I cannot remember (I emailed it to myself but then I have to search for the email everytime I want to login, I made sure it wasn't autosaved)
I'm currently out of the loop of blocking stuff (hence why I am on reddit) but while I did it, I found it helpful and I didn't miss it, I'm planning on having a more hardcore six month hiatus from a lot of online activates, in order to more focus on my goals, I shall use these tools
Forest is cool because it gamifies staying off of distractions. I made Tunnel Focus because I don't mind going to Facebook, Gmail, etc., but I don't want to see distracting parts of websites like news feeds. I've never used Freedom but it's for iOS.
My SD always says that moderation is what we should strive for in these things as opposed to completely giving them up.
There are programs out there that will let you block, say, http://store.steampowered.com and then no program on your computer will be able to access it from like 9am to 8pm M-F, etc.
This is what I use for Netflix and such: https://freedom.to/
Delete social media and other apps from it.
Use a VPN that blocks sites like this one https://freedom.to/why. I haven't personally tried this.
Put your phone far away from you when studying.
Set timers and only allow yourself to check when they are done.
Habits are more important than willpower.
It is not nostalgia at all. There is absolutely something to this. There are apps and programmes that can help you to control your usage of specific sites e.g. https://freedom.to. You are right to be concerned about this. Internet addiction is a real thing, and the issues you describe can absolutely be a result of changes to the brain that occur with internet addiction. The endless scroll behaviour? the frequent automatic refreshing? This is your brain's reward system trying to get more dopamine. It's the same thing as gambling addiction, or any number of other behavioural addictions.
I'm in a comparable position re: dissertation progress. The only way I've gotten by given the news developments is this app that nixes my internet access called Freedom (https://freedom.to/) for a specifiable period of time. I'm not sure I would've finished undergrad without this thing.
I like Freedom.
Heard about it from the author of Like Water for Elephants. Lately, for this erotica project I just go to the library and turn off the wifi, but I 've found it helpful in the past.
Prioritizing is a skill. If you find that you are bad at it, consider that:
1) You might not be getting enough sleep, causing your brain to be bad at managing itself.
2) you should install SelfControll, Momentum, or Freedom to block yourself from Reddit.
Like many with ADHD I often have trouble with my day to day at work. I'm a full-stack developer at a small company in San Francisco. So I put on many hats during my work-week. I use a small software suite to help manage my day-to day. (listed below) • https://trello.com : I plan everything in Trello. I found that executing a list helps me put my schedule on cruise control. I think Trello has the best UI in the planner category. It lets me shift items like cards, and make pinterest-style boards for my tasks. • https://foxtype.com/concise : This tool helps me condense my writing. I have the same tendencies in writing as speaking. It's often hard for me to condense my writing. This tool has hard linguistics rules that helps me make decisions to condense and simplify my writing. • https://freedom.to/ : Same idea as those sites that block popular time-waster/social sites. But this works on your phone. I use my phone to goof off way more nowadays so I appreciate this modern update to those social-site blocking apps. Would love to know about tools you guys use to stay on schedule as well. -cheers
posted by /u/quackva
Like many with ADHD I often have trouble with my day to day at work. I'm a full-stack developer at a small company in San Francisco. So I put on many hats during my work-week. I use a small software suite to help manage my day-to day. (listed below) • https://trello.com : I plan everything in Trello. I found that executing a list helps me put my schedule on cruise control. I think Trello has the best UI in the planner category. It lets me shift items like cards, and make pinterest-style boards for my tasks. • https://foxtype.com/concise : This tool helps me condense my writing. I have the same tendencies in writing as speaking. It's often hard for me to condense my writing. This tool has hard linguistics rules that helps me make decisions to condense and simplify my writing. • https://freedom.to/ : Same idea as those sites that block popular time-waster/social sites. But this works on your phone. I use my phone to goof off way more nowadays so I appreciate this modern update to those social-site blocking apps. Would love to know about tools you guys use to stay on schedule as well. -cheers
I haven't tried this one myself, but saw this floating around in an earlier post: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0p_UrRAv5mE
I think Freedom also has a mobile version.
1) I use freedom.to to block all distracting windows and websites during video calls. That way I am not tempted to open a distracting website (including email)
2) Put the agenda in the meeting invite (or ask for the agenda before getting on the call) and if the meeting steers away from the agenda for more than 5 mins, bring the conversation back to that (politely)
3) Take notes and send it to the group in the first 5 mins after the call
4) Most important - Be ruthless about saying no to meetings where you're not needed. Reduce the default meeting time to 15 mins when possible
Freedom definitely works. Very complicated to sneak around, as this blog post explains: like putting cookies in a box and then someone else locks the box. I was so happy to pay $100 for a lifetime subscription. (No, I don't get reimbursed! It's reduced my pain and improved my mental health.)
You know, I think we both view the world in the same way. We both seem like very nice people who care about others.
Right now you're kinda keeping an eye out for the addicted, and I think that's really nice. And I'm kinda keeping an eye out for the business man... and I think that's really nice too.
Essentially we've all got to look out for each other but some people don't know that yet. You're doing the right think by looking out for the vulnerable - which I do too - while I'm looking out for the people who haven't yet realised what's important in life.
If we give those addicted to money some love, kindness and support perhaps they'll be free from the pull because they'll have experienced something better in life than money.
Still, I've no idea what the Freedom.to people do with their money. For all I know they give it all away. I know someone who ran a very successful business so everyone assumed he was rich - in reality he paid himself just a little over minimum wage, paid his staff much more than himself, and many times gave away all the money the business had.
Maybe they do that, maybe they don't.
Thank you for saying, "addiction isn't a choice". I've been feeling bad...
I give myself two 15 minute windows per day where I can access the internet. Nowadays I normally miss them days because I'm outside doing better things. Unfortunately I was there at the "right" time today, got caught up with these replies, and unblocked Freedom so I could respond properly. I haven't left the internet for eight hours.
I probably won't reply again. Because I'm to lock it back up again shortly. I hope.
Thank you very much for the care you're giving to people like me. I appreciate it. I can afford the fee but a lot of people can't. I agree more could be done.
Thanks for the conversation. It was a pleasure to interact.
You may want to check out Freedom. It's not exclusive to Android, but it's good for limiting usage of apps and websites, be it scheduled time limits or outright blocking.
However, I think all the goodies are part of the paid service, so that could be a downside for you.
I've used it for a year and it's worked well for me. The fact that it works on multiple platforms is good for those sites and apps that I want to limit on my other devices.
I just got diagnosed about a month ago after 20+ years of having no idea. Currently I'm medicated on Wellbutrin, but that might be changing in the near future. The medicine right now unfortunately hasn't made any improvements on my work, but I've recently been "catching myself" more often having moments where I completely lose focus, so that could be a part of the medication? That being said, here are a few non-medication things that've helped mitigate my symptoms during the work
One thing my therapist told me is "Try to use your ADHD as a tool, learn to weaponize it, and you'll be able to conquer any task thrown your way". I hope any of this helps, and best of luck!
What do you do when your portfolio fluctuates? Nothing besides get emotional? Great, that tells you the next course of action: stop obsessively monitoring it. If you don't have the willpower to do that on your own -- and you shouldn't feel bad if this is the case, addiction is hard to overcome -- then use a tool. Automate the enforcement!
I use a tool called freedom.to for this. It's great. I haven't looked at many alternatives, but this one works fine for me.
Use the tool to completely eliminate phone access. You don't need phone access. Use a PC you actually have to walk up to and sit down in front of to perform actual activities related to your accounts, which is probably only what, monthly? And then for checking balances, shoot for no more than weekly.
The other thing to consider is whether or not your portfolio is actually in line with your risk tolerance. Maybe being super heavy in equities was what you wanted to growth, but now that you've got a huge nest egg, it's totally rational to want to back off risk a bit so there is less volatility.
Je suis assez satisfait de https://freedom.to
Tu définis tes listes de sites ainsi que les plages de blocage et, quand le blocage est actif, une page à fond vert avec un joli papillon s’affiche dans tous les navigateurs de l’appareil que tu utilises (Pc, mobile…).
You should try a site blocker!
I've been using Sidekick whenever I need to do deep work. I'm at 500+ deep work hours as of now - it definitely does the job. It's a Chrome Extension and web app - you can block distracting sites (mine are Facebook, Instagram, and Netflix), schedule pomodoro sessions, and set goals/tasks, etc.
I've also tried Cold Turkey and Freedom - which are also fair alternatives.
I work a day job and use freedom (freedom.to) to keep me from procrastinating during my work hours. I have it scheduled daily and find that that helps me from getting distracted during the work day - would definitely recommend. I also use a Pomodoro timer to help me blast through specific tasks
it looks like you can't overcome your issues just with drugs.
If you have a problem staying away from some applications (video games, social network), try https://freedom.to
It will prevent you from using it.
You need to do a dopamine reset and do boring things all day.
Hey, I totally relate to the excess of thinking over doing (a fatal flaw of mine) and the difficulty sticking with things. It sounds like you have a lot of interests though which is awesome. Maybe pick one (doesn't matter which), commit to a week of a manageable daily commitment (five minutes), and don't be hard off yourself if you fall off. Just get back on. It isn't so much about the achievement or outcome but building the willpower muscle and momentum.
I think the bike could be a great investment. A lot of mental health stuff for me chills wayyyy out after some exercise.
For all of that screen time, maybe consider some apps and extensions? At some point, I realized I had to go nuclear with the whole thing if I couldn't control myself. If technology was hampering me, maybe I had to use technology to fight back.
I pay for Freedom to limit screentime across devices, use a Chrome extension to limit myself to four tabs, and sometimes enable a Chrome extension to block the YouTube sidebar
Here's a radical yet effective solution for me: avoid all distractions. Literally, put your phone or gaming console somewhere you can put it under lock and key. If you have someone in the house with you, entrust those with them.
If you get distracted on your laptop, install site blockers like Freedom or Serene.
Here are my favourite apps which helped me become 10x more productive this year.
Thanks for posting this. I've been unable to work all day and can't figure out why I keep procrastinating. Turns out I've been on reddit a good chunk of the day.
There's a program called "Freedom" I use. It lets set timed block sessions for websites. I'm about to turn it on, so I can block off some of these insanely addictive sites and focus on work for a bit. It's much easier to have discipline when you block off temptation.
Here's the app:
yes... but i can't remember the name - sorry
i think it was called "cafe atmosphere/people/noise"
you might want test the relaxing/nature sound apps
One way I go around this is doing a hardcore technology blocker. Apps like Freedom and Self Control help before I get home so I know i won’t fall back on old habits.
I find whenever I have nothing to fall back on (technology or TV) is when I start becoming productive and doing my work.
You don't have a language learning problem, but a sticking-to-habits problem. Watch James Clear's talk (any will be good enough) on Atomic Habits as an intro, then read his book, and implement as much of it as you can.
While you're working on setting that in motion, focus on getting something done each day. Someone probably asked you before and you probably answered, I'm too lazy to check, but make sure you have a good reason to be learning German. Cause it sounds like it's simply not as important to you as doing anything else that you're doing, and I'd know because I struggle with some habits too, things that I should apparently care about (and I try to make myself believe that I do), but in reality they're nice-to-haves that aren't essential enough for me to prioritize over others whatsoever.
I recommend freedom.to to block websites and apps if you simply need to force yourself to not have access to anything that might distract you. This could be especially helpful in the beginning while you're building the learning routine. The subscription is very cheap.
Two things that help me (when I use them):
There is also this, which I do not own, but which I would like (I would have to change my carrier, but also, there are apps on my phone that I do find necessary): https://www.thelightphone.com/
But, these things are only tools. Ultimately, you have to get to the root of your problem. I recommend finding ways to stay productive/busy, and probably speaking with a therapist.
Before I figured out this was a hypomanic episode I'd already started taking some good steps. I listened to the audiobook of "Digital Minimalism" by Cal Newport and installed freedom.to and the browser extension StayFocused to block most of my technology use because technology was being a problem for me. A few days ago I also realized that a big source of my problems has been that things that aren't important seem important, so I've been making a list of all the things in my life that actually are important, and when I feel compelled to do something, I check if it's in one of the categories on the list. That's been helping. (Also helpful that one of the "important" categories is "extricating myself from things that are not important" so I can't feel obligated to accomplish the thing like "Oh, I sort of vaguely implied I might do the thing, so it would be weird if I backed out.")
There are plenty of programs (many free) that will block certain websites for a predetermined period of time. Here's a good start for what you may need.
I found a chrome extension called Limit that seems to be more of what you’re looking for. This article has other extensions and add ons that may fit your needs.
try freedom.to - its the best blocker I've used - since it works on all your devices - and it uses a network proxy to block *all* traffic - including for certain apps you wanna block
I haven't used an iPhone, but you can definitely do a lot in android in that regard, but switching OSes isn't going to help solve the problem.
It's easier to add friction on android. I make all the icons white so they don't stand apart. Disable pretty much all notifications (Android has fine control over that). I went a step further and did some modding (doesn't break your warranty, but it definitely is technical and can feel like that if you're inexperienced) so that the apps that i use that are distracting automatically make the screen turn into grayscale mode.
All those things are nice and help with the issue, but they don't get RID of the issue. If you're considering switching to android for this, a far better solution would be the app called freedom (https://freedom.to) , It's kinda expensive ($7/month, or $29/Year, or $65 forever), but it syncs across all your devices and blocks whatever you want, and is pretty effective.
Well you can try using website/app blockers to lock you out of reddit and instagram during certain hours of the day (work hours). Here's a list of some you can look in to.
Personally I find it easier to focus on things with certain background noises... music without lyrics, maybe one of those noise type machines that people use to sleep that make ocean and bird chirping sounds lol. Not sure that would work for you, could just wind up being another distraction.
LOL! I found out about this thing called freedom.to. It cuts off digital access to everything so you can be productive, I think? I didn't wanna look too closely cuz ew!!!! Sounds horrible!
Freedom is a subscription based service, and I haven't figured out how to block apps on my iPhone, but works well for my desktop PC. There in a schedule function which automatically comes on, but is only worth doing if you choose “lock mode”
There are free software varients that work just as well though
Freedom.to is really nice. It syncs with all your devices, not just your phone and allows you to also enable "force mode" where once a session has started, it cannot be disabled.
Checkout Freedom.to it's a software that also has a mobile APP which allows you to block certain apps with a 'lock mode' feature, meaning you can't turn the session off once it is turned on.
There is an App called freedom (freedom.to) that locks internet, email, social media out for a designated time. you choose how long you want to stop services, it unlocks after that
There are settings you can enable to make it harder
Of course you can always just right click it and remove it entirely (which you can make a teeny bit harder by hiding the extension), but I've found that once I commit to NEVER doing that, for some reason I don't
There's also a paid program called Freedom you could get a free trial for. It's more hardcore
I have switched from freedom.to to FocusMe. You can get a trial of either!
Also go make friends with a million artsy types so you get irritated with all this "people with student loans make more money!" malarkey. (Still here though while I need to be getting ready to go to the dentist)
I'm meant remove Reddit from your phone. And then put one of these apps on your phone and laptop. Ultimately, you're going to have to exercise self-control, though.
Haven't used any myself in quite some while, but I found this site which seems to list off some good ones. Keep in mind that the website has made their program #1 on the list, but it seems that they actually put some work into the list itself, even for their competitors.
There is a app and website blocker that you can use to block YouTube (on phone and desktop) for a designated time range.. It's not very expensive either.. it's called Freedom. https://freedom.to/
So, instead of currently working on the new video service integration for our digital meetings platform, I am fucking about on the Internet and you lot are distracting me.
So, here's what we should do. We should all get a lifetime license for freedom (https://freedom.to/). It is a good service, it can block your browser, your android phone's apps, for time periods. Then you hit up my post about my Plan-Work-Assess (how is that word spelled?) method for getting shit done.
And then you toss that phone in the lake. You roll off that couch. You know that you can do this if you just get started.
Everybody just stop browsing now and for the next 30 minutes. I will turn of "Centurion" and get to work on the integration, see you back in 30 minutes! I will honestly report what, if anything, I got done. Note distractions. Note your frustrations.
Good luck!
Link to "Why Freedom.to" You can use it on all major platforms (MacOS, Win, Linux, Android, iOS)
With one switch you can turn off distractions (like certain webpages, apps, desktop applications) for a certain time. So it works well with the Pomodoro technique for example.
Great post.
Chiming in to recommend the Freedom app to help remove a lot of the distractions (on your devices at least). I wasn't sure if I'd like it at first, and after 2 days I bought the lifetime package. Worth every penny.
I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:
I did the honors for you.
^delete ^| ^information ^| ^<3
Man I've been there. For me internal motivation wasn't strong enough to stop me from clicking in the wrong apps and websites that would suck me into it like heroin. Today I use a website blocker called freedom.to (which is paid but I'm sure that are free more basic alternatives), that connects all my devices and I can create schedules for what to block and when and for which device. I have a work schedule for work time that blocks youtube, instagram, all porn websites, etc. in all devices but leaves spotify to listen to music. At lunch time I have another schedule that blocks spotify has well because I would get carried away with podcasts, as an alternative I talk to people while I eat or watch fox comedy to entertain my mind without sucking me into it. Then I have a sleep schedule that from 11pm to 7am all websites and apps and blocked in both my phones and only some of the most dangerous ones on my computer. Outside these 3 schedules I can click in whatever I want.
Combine this with the questions exercise with a specific and easy plan, you are back in the game!!
EDIT: I also asked my sister to create a password in my phone definitions to prevent me from eliminating the freedom.to app which would allow me to access all websites and apps again.
It's called Freedom. You can use it on your desktop and phone to block websites and apps. You can build your own blocklist or choose the premade ones ("shopping," "news" etc.). I have it block EVERYTHING on my desktop at bedtime until wake up. Can't use iTunes, VLC, nothing. I can read ebooks on my phone and receive texts/calls. You can even set it so that it's nearly impossible to circumvent via task manager or VPN settings.
If you don't want to pay, there's a browser extension called StayFocusd that does some of the same things, except you can't schedule it. You can say "during the week, allow 2 hours of reddit + twitter per day" and then when your time is up it blocks them. Or "do not allow any distracting sites for the next 2 hours." Or "only allow sites that end in .edu." It doesn't have a phone app though.
If you need to REALLY focus and are struggling, you could look into some focus-based softwares (I have used Freedom.to in the past. Current lifetime subscription is on sale for $65). The key if you go this route is to find a software that allows for the ability to do session approaches (times when you should be productive) and have the ability to NOT let you stop the session. Freedom is compatible across all devices as well, so it makes sure you don't just open YouTube on your phone or other device.
Use a website blocker https://freedom.to/blog/8-website-blockers-for-studying-productivity-focus/
Or if you're disaplined enough plan when your breaks will be and be generous(ish) with how long they will be and reward yourself for working.
Your comparison to an eating disorder is extremely accurate. Both are quick, easy dopamine that your brain loves. Both are formed the same way (constant exposure to hyper-stimulating material) and both are solved the same way (disconnection from that material).
Both are also designed by other humans to keep you as addicted as possible.
You've been trained by app developers to respond to that ping like Pavlov's dog responded to the bell. But instead of getting a meal, that ding is your cue to get back on their wall of endless content and continue interacting with their system so that it can thrive, your mental health be damned.
OP talks about a dopamine detox - this is on the right track, but just like a fad diet, this will likely result in relapse and further frustration.
The solution is in developing your system for healthy, moderate use. We are what we do every day, and nothing is going to change until we stop devouring content daily.
If you want to make a change, here's a few things to consider trying.
Disable all notifications except for phone calls and text messages. All notifications are a demand from their developer to immediately drop what you're doing and pay attention to them. Where else in your life would you even remotely tolerate this?
Get an app or extension to restrict the amount of time you're able to use apps/websites. This article has a few suggestions for apps, this one has a few for browsers.
Most importantly - decide what you actually want out of your device, and use it for that. Technology has the power to greatly improve life and make us so much more efficient. Don't let your phone be a vampire on your soul so someone else can get rich.
Interesting idea. Here's my thought though...If you are having trouble disciplining yourself to do the things you know you need to do, would you have the discipline to stop then some timer goes off? Instead, would you say, "Well what another 5 minutes on social media going to hurt?" and then still be down that rabbit hole an hour from now. Take a look at these tools https://freedom.to/blog/8-website-blockers-for-studying-productivity-focus/ and pick something that locks you out.
A second thought for keeping you away from what you don't need to be doing is to spend more time organizing a plan for the coming day where tasks are ordered and worded simply enough that the list is attractive. Hope all of this helps.
Invest in Freedom if you can. It can block all the Internet, or social sites like Reddit, YouTube, etc., and you can do it on multiple devices for set times.
I may have posted about this application before, but I'll do it again: Try signing up for freedom.to to block distractions on your devices. One application/site spans desktops, android and apple devices. And set it to automatically block everything - including distracting desktop and device applications except your university's course delivery site ON A PRE-DETERMINED SCHEDULE.
For instance, i block distracting sites and games on my phone during work hours on a schedule; i block games on my laptop for weekend mornings on a schedule.
the predetermined schedule part is critical, otherwise you're going to delay/defer starting the Freedom session. "oh, I'll start working after I play Factorio for an hour" you'll say to yourself, then it's midnight and the house is dark because everyone went to bed. Trust me.
Freedom isn't perfect. The proxy setup on desktop can interfere with applications - like Microsoft Teams not working while it's active. It's also not free beyond an initial trial. But I find it very helpful.
Thanks for kind comments - so far so good im glad to report. Though I have been checking I haven't got any free spins lurking in my email junk folders. So I am cleaning up my PC, might have to change email addresses/close down and do a clean install and install anti-gambling software.
I found this - anyone else here use it? ---> freedom.to (freedom software) (also installed and run betblocker)
It was reading about my brain chemistry and stages of gambling addiction which was my wake up call. I do understand I have fried portions of my brain pathways which have turned my problem gambling to pathological. I don't like that its true and it means that there is no cure/quick fix only abstinence from now on.
I am trying to get it in my head that gambling addiction is basically like heroin or crack cocaine addiction. It does the same shxx to your brain and the damage once done is permanent. Then i am trying to convince myself that Gambling is only a tiny facet of what is available in the world and to give it up means more time/energy/money to enjoy those other things.
It sounds like it might be true but today i dont feel convinced by it.
nearly 9 hours since this Day 1 and I haven't gambled yet today - come on day 2
I use Freedom. (https://freedom.to/). It is a paid product, but the cost is well worthwhile. It's fantastic. At a few clicks, you can use it to block all web content for a set period of time. You can also use it to block applications.
I use Freedom (https://freedom.to/) . This is a paid product, however it was a step I had to take. It's been fantastic. Freedom also allows you to block applications as well, so it could be quite helpful for what you're after.
I have seen someone mention a free product that does a similar role. It's out there but I can't vouch for it.