This app was mentioned in 41 comments, with an average of 2.61 upvotes
You're an inspiration, leading by example.
If I may make a few suggestions, I would say those pushups can get a great boost if you do as many as you can, wait an hour, as many as you can, and so on, until you can't do any more. You'll get a lot more pushups done in a day, and you'll build up strength the endurance faster.
For pull-ups, those are tough, but if you go to the gym, there is usually a pull-ups rack where you can get a little help. Set the negative weight so you'll only pull your goal weight, and it should be doable. As it is now, you're trying to do weighted pull-ups, which are only really suitable for athletes or people who have trained for years.
One more suggestion, the nofap thing is understandable, have you considered doing kegel exercises or Stamena for iOS.
I'm really bad at remembering too, but of course there's an app for that. I bought the full version of the app and it's really worth the $1.99 or whatever it was. You can set reminders on your phone and put it in discreet mode so no one knows you're sitting there doing reps :)
This Kegel Trainer app is what I've been using for the last month when I decided to get serious about doing my kegels. It's basically a simply timer that tells you when to squeeze and how long to hold, mixing up the time frames for variation and intensity. Goes up by levels the more you train, and the 5 bucks for the pro version unlocks levels up to 100 or something, allows reminders to be set, and tracks your progress. Not afflicted with this app at all, just found out from another post about kegels and have found it very useful for keeping me on track.
I have a ton of muscle spasms - it's honestly what causes me the most issue of all my symptoms.
Honestly - the two things that helped me most were PT (Muldowney Protocol) and CHOWING on Magnesium (which helps with muscle relaxation - and pooping!).
I took Gabapentin, Diclofenac, and occasional Tramadol - they all help, but once I layered this stuff on top of it - I had a lot of success. I took 4 a day. For the record - it is elemental magnesium (a little different than what you typically get in a grocery store, but not sure how, exactly) - it was recommended by my doctor who is a huge EDS advocate/ally.
I also struggled to pee - so in addition to all of this, I do a lot of kegels on top of ab work outs. Check out this app - it has really helped!
Can't say if it's just EDS you are dealing with - but I can most certainly relate to a lot of what you experienced.
Let me know if you have any questions - I usually type out a much longer response, but short on time today!
Edit: I noticed someone else mentioned muscle relaxers here - I just had to chime in and say these were not good and made my spasms worse. I relaxed INTO my injuries and it only causes my S-Curve scoliosis to get worse. I had to maintain some of the spasms and work to strengthen my muscles before I could take the muscle relaxers without further injuring myself.
If you need a reminder to do them, this app is awesome! Somebody recommended it (either here or on the FB page) and it's really helpful. Basically, you get a little reminder a couple of times a day to do your kegels, and it even has a little "training program" that tells you when to squeeze and rest.
It's called Kegel Trainer. Here is the android link.
The free version has some adds but basically it just reminds you to do them. I do them 3 times a day and have noticed a big difference in a month in a half.
When I first started I realized I was doing the wrong muscle. I had to learn to isolate it because I found out that it's in a different location on men and women. It's the one that you use to stop peeing mid stream and also the one that pumps during ejaculation. I also started using this app daily.
Last thing is I found out is that while short squeezes work to strengthen the PC muscle, it was the long squeezes that really help with ejaculation control.
PFEI is an app that will help you with those exercises and you can set up reminders haha I try to do it 4 times a day but I just have 2 reminder sets
This app (Kegel Trainer) has really been helping me with the pee stuff. I still have moments where I get a tiny tiny bit of leakage, but overall this has been good for me.
Correct. If you have to hold your breath that means your pelvic floor is very weak and you’re compensating with your abs. I like this app and moved up until I decided to make my own routine. Just reverse kegel on the rest periods.
Kegel Trainer App: Easy to follow sessions and daily reminders makes this the easy way to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles! Download now: iOS: Android:
Personally, I use this app, but it is just a simple squeeze/release.
For learning on to separate the two, I recommend the first lesson of mindgasm as it explains it really well, but the short version is to identify both and just practice. With my regular kegel exercises I will just add occasional "squeeze with both but only release one of them" stuff like that.
não sou o melhor pra explicar isso, mas até onde sei é um exercício pra trabalhar o assoalho pélvico. tu pode fazer em qualquer lugar, menos urinando que faz mal, mas é um exemplo pra eu te explicar como funciona.
já tentou parar de mijar enquanto tava mijando? é exatamente isso. meio q tu vai piscar o cool e tuas bolas vão subir. isso pode ajudar com disfunção erétil, ejaculação precoce, entre outras coisas.
se tiver interessado, baixa esse aplicativo que ajuda a treinar isso e explica melhor q eu do q se trata.
I use this one. I can do multiple sets on the way to work or at my desk at lunch. I don't know if it is better or worse than others, I just picked one at random and it has worked for me.
The one I use is:
Kegel Trainer App: Easy to follow sessions and daily reminders makes this the easy way to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles! Download now: iOS: Android:
But there's probably loads more.
I swear by this kegal app for my pregnancies:
Kegel Trainer App: Easy to follow sessions and daily reminders makes this the easy way to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles!
Download now: iOS:
I've been using this for a few weeks. They're short, easy to follow workouts. I do the exercises twice per day. I think it's helping! iOS: Android:
The way I did is basically edging close to PNOR and then stopping using kegels. I have been doing this for several weeks now. There are lots of differences between then and now.
-In the beginning, I had to do the kegel well before the edge, maybe 90%, if I go any closer, I end up ejaculating. Now, I can get dangerously close, maybe 99.5% and still stop it very easily.
-When I did the kegel, I used to strain a lot and put lot of force and clenching to stop it, now I don't do any of that. I stop it with very little effort.
- Earlier, even after all the precautions (above) I end up letting ejaculate out either retrogade or actual ejaculate at that moment. Now I don't.
So when you practice it, you have to do it for a few weeks and based on the above you'll notice,
- you need less effort from kegels to stop the EO
- You can get very very close to PNOR and stop
- You won't let anything out
I improved my kegels with the helps of this app:
I did it three times a day. Now I simply "exercise" in between sets of my normal workout. I do a long hold for about 30-60 seconds 2-3 times. That's it.
It will take time, though. A few weeks at least but you will see progress and hit milestones along the way.
This is probably closest to What Nat Eliason says in his blog post but I have also read and implemented the stuff in Love Satisfied and MOM. For example, when I am done, I still have an erection so I use the big draw and draw my energy up and it works like a charm.
I use this app, it's great.
Easy to follow workouts and daily reminders makes this the easy way to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles! Download now: iOS: Android:
I think the app is only for apple but there are several good ones for android which are very similar. I've heard good things about this one: Wish you the best man.
Easy to follow sessions and daily reminders makes this the easy way to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles! Download now: iOS: Android:
I've never felt the same soreness you get from weight lifting. Just don't overtrain them.
On your way to the pool and while you're returning, give this a try with your balls in.... or
I follow this Kegel Training app and it is only 3x (max a day) and for short 1-3min periods. Or so as far as i have gotten. Thank you for your reply.
Okay well funny enough thats exactly what i did while i was waiting for the "6min wait after post deleted time-limit" and i can practically slow it to a snail pace and/or stop entirely and it used to hurt before but since i started doing the Kegel stuff it does not anymore.
I suppose i am using it.
ALSO! This just a friendly yes or no question... After doing these Kegel Exercises i feel a tightening or better yet, pump (similar to post-workout pump) where my PC Muscle is. This is good? Progress?
For any interested - this is a great app for Kegel exercises.
Great for men and women!
I've been using this one for a while with good results.
Actually, I've been slack lately - I need to get back into it.
I use this app to remind me and keep me on schedule. My bones are rock solid.
I use this one:
It's pretty good.
I feel you should be able to find something free that can meet your needs. If you find one that offers more features for a price, I wouldn't spend more than a few dollars personally. There are a lot of good ones out there. It's best to download them and try them out on your own. Some have features that you may or may not like; Some are geared for men and some for women. I put some links for you below. Whatever you choose, just make sure to pick one that includes gradual progression and a lot of good relaxation afterwards.
If you use iOS:
If you use Andriod:
I use:
And a Bathmate is a penis pump, it helps to stretch the muscles and strengthen erections
I paid to unlock all of the pre-program training.
Hi: Here is the link to the phone app I used.
It is helpful as it steps up the intensity and also allows regular scheduling prompts to remind you to do them. I had 3 schedules a day, morning, noon, and night. Don't overdo it at first, just learn to go thru the timers in the app, while learning to differentiate the different muscles. As you progress, you will start to feel subtle sensations that feel good and you will instinctively want to chase that sensation by clenching harder, but this is wrong. when you start to feel a tiny pleasurable sensation while exercising, EASE UP on the clench and relax into it. This is the method I used to achieve it. I started having dry orgasms that feel EXACTLY like a full ejaculatory orgasm, with no refractory period, so you can have them over and over until you are tired! It took me 4-5 months of solid kegels and practicing to get there,but it is well worth the effort!! A prostate massager can be helpful, I highly recommend the Aneros line, specifically the Helix Syn Trident, or the Regular Helix Trident. The regular is easier to clean than the Syn version, but both are great choices. I started using the Aneros after I learned the dry orgasms and I would say it helped develop my ability to have more powerful dry orgasms, plus the benefit of a healthy prostate. It also helped my erection strength! :) But the devices aren't "necessary", they just add another dimension to the sensations. I can now lay down in bed at night and have 8-10 extremely powerful dry orgasms in a 15 minute time span and feel completely satisfied. My wife is low libido for the most part so it works perfect for us. It is a blessing to be honest! You may discover that when your prostate starts awakening, that your nipples will become very sensitive and "connected" directly to your prostate. Lightly touch them when kegel exercising and you may see what I mean. My wife can start to lightly lick them and I am having a Super dry orgasm in less than 30 seconds now... she is pretty amazed at the whole thing..! but still apprehensive about anything "back there". Anyway, as I get time to write, I will send more info. Take care, :)
It's great that you're willing to try this as I have been wanting to see someone else go thru a kegel regimen just like I did and see how it affects their body, and /or Aneros experience. It will be interesting to see how it affects you if you stick with a full exercise regimen for a long period of time. Once I started doing the kegels regularly, I started to get twinges of good feelings in my pelvis after about 3-4 weeks. At that point in time I had never heard of Aneros or really researched prostate stimulation, as I was just kegeling to help a mild case of erectile dysfunction, (I'm 48). As time went on, these twinges of pleasurable sensations I would get while kegeling only got stronger and more frequent until one day while doing very light clenches my body exploded into a full on dry orgasm that was 10X more powerful than a normal ejaculatory penile based orgasm. It was at that point I started researching what I just discovered and ran across the Aneros devices. What you need to understand is the Aneros is an " arousal amplifier ", meaning it will help you to identify and awaken the nerves around the prostate which over time grow into more and more intense sensations. You will progress MUCH FASTER if you have highly developed PC muscles which gives you highly awakened nerves as well. Disclaimer: This is just my un-educated, amateur guess as to how this all works. All I know is once these muscles and nerves around the prostate are highly developed and awakened, hold on to your hat...!! :)
Keep posting here as to your progress, I would be interested in following your progress... Also, I will post a link here to a phone app I used to develop my PC muscles. I am in no way affiliated with the app, it just worked for me. I highly recommend paying the $5 for the full app because it then allows scheduling reminders and custom levels you can create. If you have any questions about it, send me a pm and I 'll answer as best I can.
Here's link :
P.S. It took me 5 months of doing these kegel reps every day until I achieved a hands free dry o. Once you break that threshold, they only grow and get more intense. It's boring and kind of a longer time frame, at least it was for me, but if you stick with it, I believe it will help you progress MUCH QUICKER... IMHO - and YMMV - your mileage may vary :)
I've used Kegel Trainer - Exercises in the past. Not sure if there's an iOS equivalent. It pops up to remind me how ever often I tell it to which is what I need! It's free with in app purchases, but I didn't need to buy anything to get some results last time I used it.
For the perineal massage, we bought BabyIt after listening to a Birthing Hour podcast (with the creator) and reading about it in several places - our hospital gave us some material too. Here's the instructions page that comes with the oil. If anything, DH is enjoying the extra sex that has happened as a result of starting the massages lol and it's good practice for me to focus on breathing through sensations down there.
Totally agree - it's been so fun to see DH get excited and prepared for Baby! He picked out a Tula Free-to-Grow carrier to exchange after we received two Ring Slings and finally got it this week. He couldn't even wait to get home before opening the box just to look at it! Once we were home, he put it on, sized it up, and walked around the house in it for a little bit. It's a whole new level of attraction!
>Hey /r/sex! > >About a month ago, I posted this thread on lasting longer in bed that BLEW UP. > >That was just a prelude to this one though. I knew guys needed to be able to last long enough in bed if they wanted to get into having multiple orgasms without ejaculating. > >I got interested in non-ejaculatory orgasms for men a few months ago, but was fed up with dealing with all of the Tantric mysticism surrounding it. So I put together a guide on how guys can learn to NEO without any of the mysticism, and the friends that have tested it out have had a lot of success with it. > >Enjoy! :) > >------ > >## Four Types of Male Orgasms > >The brief “crotch-sneeze” orgasm is what 99% of guys go through their lives experiencing. We’re going to refer to it as an Ejaculatory Orgasm (EO). > >You can extend it a few seconds and increase the intensity of it (both through kegel exercises), but it remains limited in duration and you can only have one. > >What most guys don’t know is that there are three more types of orgasms, which most guys never experience: > >* Non-Ejaculatory Orgasm (NEOs) >* Prolonged or Peaking Non-Ejaculatory Orgasm (PNEOs) >* Prostate Orgasm (POs) > >What’s special about the other three? > >* More intense. Once you’ve practiced, all three are a more intense sensation than an EO. >* No refractory period. You can orgasm again and again without having to cool down. >* They’re looong. A PNEO can last 1, 5, even 10 minutes. Ever been physically exhausted from orgasming? No? Well get ready. > >I’m going to cover how you can have your first NEO and PNEO, but just on your own. Having either during sex and foreplay is 10x harder and merits its own article, as does how to have prostate orgasms, so I'll be back in the future with those guides :). > >## Step One: Ejaculatory Control > >Before you can have NEOs and PNEOs, you need to get yourself to a certain level of ejaculatory control. > >You should be comfortable masturbating for 10+ minutes with constant stimulation (not having to stop and start a ton of times). Without that kind of control, you won’t be able to slowly bring yourself up to the point of having an NEO, and you definitely won’t be able to keep yourself right at that threshold. > >If you can’t easily do that, start with the last article. > >## Step Two: Kegel Exercises > >Having an NEO or PNEO works by getting to the point of orgasm, and then flexing your PC muscle hard enough to block the ejaculate from actually escaping. > >But most men have a weak PC muscle, even if they can normally last a long time in bed, so you’ll need to train yours until you have a vice-like grip behind your penis. > >You do this through kegel exercises. > >The PC muscle (ejaculation muscle for our purposes) is located right behind your balls and before your anus. You’ve felt it when you’re trying to prevent yourself from peeing, or when you start peeing and then try to make yourself stop. > >It’s also the muscle that you use to prevent yourself from ejaculating, and that flexes and spasms when you’re orgasming. > >So in order to stop yourself from ejaculating, you need to develop a strong PC muscle. > >The easiest way to do that training is to use an app called Kegel Camp (or Kegel Trainer on Android), which will walk you through doing progressively more difficult kegel exercises and strengthening the PC muscle. > >Start by practicing your kegels 2-3 times a day until you can hold for 20+ seconds. That’s when you’re at the point that you can squeeze hard enough to pull yourself back from the edge. > >Once you’re there, keep doing kegels for maintenance, but you can move on to the next step… > >## Step Three: The Daily Practice > >While you’re learning to have NEOs and PNEOs, set aside 20+ minutes each night to masturbate and work on it. > >I found that if I went more than a couple days without experimenting, I’d be set back considerably. Once you’ve practiced enough you can go for a few days without it, but until you have it mastered, set that time aside every night. > >During the practice, work yourself up to a peak (somewhere around a 9-9.5 out of 10 for how close you are to orgasming) and then bring yourself back down to a 5-7. This is called “edging.” > >Edging graph > >Stay in the upper range as long as possible, but when you feel like you’re at risk of ejaculating, cool yourself down using the STAB technique: > >* Squeeze: Squeeze your PC muscles HARD like you’re doing an intense kegel. Hold for at least 10 seconds, but the longer you can hold the more you’ll come down. (A few shorter holds, or a bunch of 1 second ones can work too) >* Think: Think about something else >* Avoid: Change your stroke (avoid the head) instead of stopping entirely >* Breathe: Take deep, diaphragmatic (with your stomach) breaths > >The idea is to become extremely aware of how close you are to ejaculating. Having that awareness is crucial for separating orgasm and ejaculation. > >For that reason, I’m going to make a recommendation you might not like… > >Don’t use porn. > >I found that using porn when practicing pulled me out of the experience too much, and I lost awareness of where I was on that 1-10 scale. By not using it you’re forced to focus on the experience more, and it will give you significantly more awareness of how close you are and when you need to pull yourself back. > >Once you’ve mastered edging, you can start to separate the orgasm and ejaculation. > >## Step Four: Separating Orgasm and Ejaculation > >To have non-ejaculatory orgasms, you need to train your body to separate the experience or orgasm and ejaculation. > >You’ve likely experienced ejaculation and orgasm at the same time for your entire life, but that’s just a strategic biological move on your body’s part. > >Orgasm is not caused by ejaculating, rather it normally happens in sync with and actually slightly before ejaculating. Your body needs to make sure you don’t stop pumping away as you get closer to cumming (since it wants to reproduce), so it gets you closer to orgasming as motivation. > >All we have to do is untrain that impulse. > >### Partial Orgasm Separation > >As you’re masturbating for your daily practice, you’re going to start working on briefly separating the orgasm and ejaculation as you finish. > >When you hit the point of no return where you know you’re going to ejaculate, squeeze your PC muscle as hard as you can as if you’re doing a long kegel hold. > >You should feel your penis twitch, swell, and the ejaculating will be delayed a second or two… but the orgasm sensation won’t. You’ll feel a couple seconds of orgasm right before you ejaculate, and then you’ll have the regular ejaculation plus orgasm that you’re used to. > >Extended orgasm graph > >Congrats! You just separated orgasm and ejaculation for the first time. > >This is the “holy shit” moment. Once you feel this happen, everything else will feel 100x more possible. > >Now you just have to do it without ejaculating at all. > > ## Step Five: Your First Non-Ejaculatory Orgasm > >“RRRRRRAAAaaaagggghhhh” *pant pant twitch pant pant “holy shit what just happened”* - you after implementing this section. > >Now that you’ve seen that there’s a difference between when you start to orgasm, and when you start to ejaculate, it’s time to make the first happen without the other. > >You’re going to keep the practice going like you have. Work yourself up to a peak, and bring yourself down. Up and down. > >When you get close to cumming, you’re going to do something a little different: right when you hit the point of no return, squeeze your PC muscles as hard as you can, open your eyes (this helps, not sure why), and stop stroking your penis. > >One of a few things will happen: > >* You’ll stop too early and not get the orgasm. This is fine, just work yourself up again and try it a little closer to orgasming >* You’ll do it too late and you’ll orgasm + ejaculate anyway. That’s fine, just try again next time but at a slightly earlier point. >* You’ll have an NEO! I doubt you’ll get it your first time, but if you do, congrats! Work yourself up to that peak and see if you can do it again. > >My progression went like this: > >* Days 1-7: Not much >* Days 8-14: Some separation, still ejaculated though >* Day ~15: Oh my god I’m never leaving my bed > >Even when you do it right, some cum might leak out, or you might have one small squirt. That’s fine! You’ll notice that there’s no refractory period, you’re just cooled down to a 5 or 6 again and still completely able to keep going. > >Good work! You’re now able to have non-ejaculatory orgasms. But, as you probably found, the first one isn’t anything crazy to write home about. Which is why we need… > >## Step Six: Intensifying Your NEOs > >For every guy I’ve talked to, the first NEO is disappointing. It will be extremely brief and not incredibly pleasurable. > >Don’t stop here. Unlike a regular EO (ejaculatory orgasm), an NEO isn’t immediately extremely pleasurable, it’s something you have to build up to through practice. > >The best way to do that is to keep having them. The good news is that since you don’t have a refractory period, you can have multiple in the same session. >
>Hey /r/sex! > >About a month ago, I posted this thread on lasting longer in bed that BLEW UP. > >That was just a prelude to this one though. I knew guys needed to be able to last long enough in bed if they wanted to get into having multiple orgasms without ejaculating. > >I got interested in non-ejaculatory orgasms for men a few months ago, but was fed up with dealing with all of the Tantric mysticism surrounding it. So I put together a guide on how guys can learn to NEO without any of the mysticism, and the friends that have tested it out have had a lot of success with it. > >Enjoy! :) > >------ > >## Four Types of Male Orgasms > >The brief “crotch-sneeze” orgasm is what 99% of guys go through their lives experiencing. We’re going to refer to it as an Ejaculatory Orgasm (EO). > >You can extend it a few seconds and increase the intensity of it (both through kegel exercises), but it remains limited in duration and you can only have one. > >What most guys don’t know is that there are three more types of orgasms, which most guys never experience: > >* Non-Ejaculatory Orgasm (NEOs) >* Prolonged or Peaking Non-Ejaculatory Orgasm (PNEOs) >* Prostate Orgasm (POs) > >What’s special about the other three? > >* More intense. Once you’ve practiced, all three are a more intense sensation than an EO. >* No refractory period. You can orgasm again and again without having to cool down. >* They’re looong. A PNEO can last 1, 5, even 10 minutes. Ever been physically exhausted from orgasming? No? Well get ready. > >I’m going to cover how you can have your first NEO and PNEO, but just on your own. Having either during sex and foreplay is 10x harder and merits its own article, as does how to have prostate orgasms, so I'll be back in the future with those guides :). > >## Step One: Ejaculatory Control > >Before you can have NEOs and PNEOs, you need to get yourself to a certain level of ejaculatory control. > >You should be comfortable masturbating for 10+ minutes with constant stimulation (not having to stop and start a ton of times). Without that kind of control, you won’t be able to slowly bring yourself up to the point of having an NEO, and you definitely won’t be able to keep yourself right at that threshold. > >If you can’t easily do that, start with the last article. > >## Step Two: Kegel Exercises > >Having an NEO or PNEO works by getting to the point of orgasm, and then flexing your PC muscle hard enough to block the ejaculate from actually escaping. > >But most men have a weak PC muscle, even if they can normally last a long time in bed, so you’ll need to train yours until you have a vice-like grip behind your penis. > >You do this through kegel exercises. > >The PC muscle (ejaculation muscle for our purposes) is located right behind your balls and before your anus. You’ve felt it when you’re trying to prevent yourself from peeing, or when you start peeing and then try to make yourself stop. > >It’s also the muscle that you use to prevent yourself from ejaculating, and that flexes and spasms when you’re orgasming. > >So in order to stop yourself from ejaculating, you need to develop a strong PC muscle. > >The easiest way to do that training is to use an app called Kegel Camp (or Kegel Trainer on Android), which will walk you through doing progressively more difficult kegel exercises and strengthening the PC muscle. > >Start by practicing your kegels 2-3 times a day until you can hold for 20+ seconds. That’s when you’re at the point that you can squeeze hard enough to pull yourself back from the edge. > >Once you’re there, keep doing kegels for maintenance, but you can move on to the next step… > >## Step Three: The Daily Practice > >While you’re learning to have NEOs and PNEOs, set aside 20+ minutes each night to masturbate and work on it. > >I found that if I went more than a couple days without experimenting, I’d be set back considerably. Once you’ve practiced enough you can go for a few days without it, but until you have it mastered, set that time aside every night. > >During the practice, work yourself up to a peak (somewhere around a 9-9.5 out of 10 for how close you are to orgasming) and then bring yourself back down to a 5-7. This is called “edging.” > >Edging graph > >Stay in the upper range as long as possible, but when you feel like you’re at risk of ejaculating, cool yourself down using the STAB technique: > >* Squeeze: Squeeze your PC muscles HARD like you’re doing an intense kegel. Hold for at least 10 seconds, but the longer you can hold the more you’ll come down. (A few shorter holds, or a bunch of 1 second ones can work too) >* Think: Think about something else >* Avoid: Change your stroke (avoid the head) instead of stopping entirely >* Breathe: Take deep, diaphragmatic (with your stomach) breaths > >The idea is to become extremely aware of how close you are to ejaculating. Having that awareness is crucial for separating orgasm and ejaculation. > >For that reason, I’m going to make a recommendation you might not like… > >Don’t use porn. > >I found that using porn when practicing pulled me out of the experience too much, and I lost awareness of where I was on that 1-10 scale. By not using it you’re forced to focus on the experience more, and it will give you significantly more awareness of how close you are and when you need to pull yourself back. > >Once you’ve mastered edging, you can start to separate the orgasm and ejaculation. > >## Step Four: Separating Orgasm and Ejaculation > >To have non-ejaculatory orgasms, you need to train your body to separate the experience or orgasm and ejaculation. > >You’ve likely experienced ejaculation and orgasm at the same time for your entire life, but that’s just a strategic biological move on your body’s part. > >Orgasm is not caused by ejaculating, rather it normally happens in sync with and actually slightly before ejaculating. Your body needs to make sure you don’t stop pumping away as you get closer to cumming (since it wants to reproduce), so it gets you closer to orgasming as motivation. > >All we have to do is untrain that impulse. > >### Partial Orgasm Separation > >As you’re masturbating for your daily practice, you’re going to start working on briefly separating the orgasm and ejaculation as you finish. > >When you hit the point of no return where you know you’re going to ejaculate, squeeze your PC muscle as hard as you can as if you’re doing a long kegel hold. > >You should feel your penis twitch, swell, and the ejaculating will be delayed a second or two… but the orgasm sensation won’t. You’ll feel a couple seconds of orgasm right before you ejaculate, and then you’ll have the regular ejaculation plus orgasm that you’re used to. > >Extended orgasm graph > >Congrats! You just separated orgasm and ejaculation for the first time. > >This is the “holy shit” moment. Once you feel this happen, everything else will feel 100x more possible. > >Now you just have to do it without ejaculating at all. > > ## Step Five: Your First Non-Ejaculatory Orgasm > >“RRRRRRAAAaaaagggghhhh” *pant pant twitch pant pant “holy shit what just happened”* - you after implementing this section. > >Now that you’ve seen that there’s a difference between when you start to orgasm, and when you start to ejaculate, it’s time to make the first happen without the other. > >You’re going to keep the practice going like you have. Work yourself up to a peak, and bring yourself down. Up and down. > >When you get close to cumming, you’re going to do something a little different: right when you hit the point of no return, squeeze your PC muscles as hard as you can, open your eyes (this helps, not sure why), and stop stroking your penis. > >One of a few things will happen: > >* You’ll stop too early and not get the orgasm. This is fine, just work yourself up again and try it a little closer to orgasming >* You’ll do it too late and you’ll orgasm + ejaculate anyway. That’s fine, just try again next time but at a slightly earlier point. >* You’ll have an NEO! I doubt you’ll get it your first time, but if you do, congrats! Work yourself up to that peak and see if you can do it again. > >My progression went like this: > >* Days 1-7: Not much >* Days 8-14: Some separation, still ejaculated though >* Day ~15: Oh my god I’m never leaving my bed > >Even when you do it right, some cum might leak out, or you might have one small squirt. That’s fine! You’ll notice that there’s no refractory period, you’re just cooled down to a 5 or 6 again and still completely able to keep going. > >Good work! You’re now able to have non-ejaculatory orgasms. But, as you probably found, the first one isn’t anything crazy to write home about. Which is why we need… > >## Step Six: Intensifying Your NEOs > >For every guy I’ve talked to, the first NEO is disappointing. It will be extremely brief and not incredibly pleasurable. > >Don’t stop here. Unlike a regular EO (ejaculatory orgasm), an NEO isn’t immediately extremely pleasurable, it’s something you have to build up to through practice. > >The best way to do that is to keep having them. The good news is that since you don’t have a refractory period, you can have multiple in the same session. >
>Hey /r/sex, > >I put this together as a post on my site (link is at the end if you're curious) but I wanted to post it here as well for anyone who would find it useful. > >Backstory: I had a huge problem lasting longer in bed and it was causing major insecurity issues. I started reading everything on how to fix it, and this is what worked best. > >Let me know if you have other ideas / thoughts / etc :) > >-------- > >## Lasting Longer Step One: Improving Your Sex Psychology > >If you go into sex thinking that you won’t last very long, you won’t. Sliding in with any sort of insecurities about your sexual abilities will make you cum much, much faster than you want to. > >And if you think about it biologically, it makes sense. The insecurity makes you stressed. Your body can tell that you’re stressed. The stress suggests that this isn’t a very safe environment for you to be naked with your eyes closed and not particularly ready to defend against one of these. > > > >So what does your body do when you’re stressed during sex? It reduces the amount of time you’re in a vulnerable state, either by making you cum quickly or not being able to get it up at all. > >Which means that you need to go into sex with a confident, positive outlook on how you’re going to perform. > >The best way to do that? Talk to your partner about it. > >If you bring up your concerns about how long you’re lasting and that you want to work on it with them, they’re not going to think less of you. Rather, they’ll think higher of you for wanting to improve this part of your relationship, and want to work on it with you. > >It’s nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about, and you’ll find that just being open about it will solve half the problem on its own. > >Better, when you open up in this way and start to work on it, there are positive spillovers to other areas of life. It doesn’t just improve your communication and trust with your partner, it improves your confidence in yourself. > >No partner? No worries. You can easily do the exercises without one. > >## Lasting Longer Step Two: Daily Exercises for Lasting Longer > >Good news, there are only two things you need to do regularly to significantly increase your sexual longevity. > >It’s just kegels, and masturbation practice. And it’s an even 50% kegels, and 50% practice, so take the time for both. > >### Exercise 1: Kegels (< 10 mins / day) > >If you do nothing else in this article, do this. > >The best way to improve your ejaculatory control is the strengthen the muscles that control ejaculation. Makes sense, right? > >Here’s what I want you to do (assuming you’re not in a public place): > >1. Get naked >2. Put a finger or two on the skin between your legs behind your balls, but before your anus >3. Now imagine you’re trying to stop yourself from peeing. Flex that muscle. (This is also the muscle you flex to make your penis “dance” when it’s hard. Don’t give me that look, I know you’ve done it). >4. You should feel some movement where you put your fingers, and you might feel a bit of movement in your penis and balls. >5. Don’t flex your ass like you’re trying to show off your glutes, don’t flex your legs, and don’t flex your abs. Focus just on flexing that muscle. >6. If you’re really having trouble finding it, then drink a bunch of water, go pee, and try to stop yourself. There it is. > >This is called your Pubococcygeus muscle, or PC muscle, and while it can control the flow of urine it also controls your ejaculation. > >Strengthening it will make you last longer, and eventually even allow you to stop yourself from reaching the “point of no return” and quickly bring yourself down from near orgasm. > >To train it, we’re going to tie small weights to your penis, then you’re going to get hard and flex it to lift the weights. > >Okay just kidding, it’s a little easier than that. > >All you have to do to strengthen your PC muscle is an exercise called “kegels,” which involves flexing it over and over again. > >But, like any muscle, you can’t do the same thing over and over again and expect it to get much stronger. You need to keep increasing the difficulty. > >Thankfully, Emily Morse (Sex with Emily) has a fantastic app called “Kegel Camp” that gives you specific directions on how long to clench for, and the different speeds to do it at. (If you’re on Android, you can use Kegel Trainer) > >As you do more of it, you “level up” in the app and start holding it longer and for more repetitions. You’ll start seeing serious improvements in your sexual longevity around level 8+. > > >caption: I assume this would have a really high conversion rate > >I set an IFTTT reminder to ping me 3 times a day to make sure I didn’t forget. You don’t have to do it that frequently, once a day is fine, but doing it 2 to 3 times a day will get you there faster. > >Once you get to level 20 you can cut back and just do it for maintenance. But like any muscle, when you stop using it you’ll get weaker. So keep training. > >### Exercise 2: Masturbation & Edging (10-30 mins / day) > >If you want to last longer, you have to start masturbating differently. > >Many guys who have trouble lasting a long time have gotten themselves into bad habits from how they masturbate. > >If you typically open the spank bank, go full jackhammer on your dick and finish up in a minute or two then yeah, you’re not going to have much staying power with the real deal. > >Here’s your new rule for masturbating: nothing less than 10 minutes. I don’t care if you have to spend 8 of those minutes just staring at it, you can’t let yourself cum in less than 10 minutes. Once that’s comfortable, up it to 15, then 20. > >Now, here’s what you should be doing during those 10 minutes. When a guy isn’t lasting very long in bed, it’s because his “pleasure graph” is looking something like this: > >(link to pic) > >A quick escalation straight to cumming. To last much longer, you’re going to train yourself to have your “pleasure graph” look more like this: > >(link to pic) > >This is done through “edging,” which you’ll do during sex later but also need to incorporate into your masturbation. > >Here’s how it works: > >1. Start masturbating, and get yourself up to a 7 out of 10 on the arousal scale. (You’ll just have to subjectively decide what this is for you, it’ll be easier to identify with practice). >2. Stop, and let yourself simmer down to a 5. >3. Now work up to an 8, and then stop again and let yourself slide down to a 6 >4. Up to 9, down to 7 >5. Up to 9.5, down to 7 again. A 9.5 is just before the point of no return when you know there’s nothing you can do. >6. Repeat the 9.5 to 7 cycle over and over again until you get past 10 minutes. Then you can let yourself go, and you’ll notice this makes your orgasms WAY stronger. > >As you’re getting more aroused, remember the STAB technique (yeah that’s right, I invented a new sex acronym) to slow yourself down: > >* Squeeze: Squeeze your PC muscles HARD like you’re doing a really intense kegel. Hold them for at least 10 seconds, but the longer you can hold the more you’ll come down. (You might also have success doing a couple shorter ~5 second holds, or a bunch of really short 1 second holds) >* Think: Think about something else >* Avoid: Change your stroke (avoid the head) instead of stopping entirely >* Breathe: Take deep, diaphragmatic (with your stomach) breaths > >Ideally, you should combine all of them, but start with one and then add others in until it becomes second nature. > >If you’re serious, then set aside 30 minutes a night for this. The more you practice the better. > >If you have a partner you’d rather do this with, tell them what you’re working on, and ask them to help you either with manual / mouth stimulation or by having slow sex with a lot of stopping and starting. My guess is that he/she’ll be more than enthusiastic to help you improve this part of your sex life. > >This will get easier as you practice and as you strengthen your PC muscles. > >It will be very tempting to just let yourself go when you’re hitting those 9.5 peaks, but trust me, exercising like this will be worth it. > >Plus it’s a lot of fun. > >## Lasting Longer Step Three: Techniques During Sex > >Time for the actual deed. > >If you’ve been doing your training, then you’re already going to last much longer in bed. > >But wait, there’s more! These next four strategies will significantly improve your staying power, just by strategically applying the same principles we’ve already been using. > >### Strategic Foreplay Ordering > >Foreplay frequently goes in this order, because women typically expect men to initiate the next stage of sex: > >Kissing / touching -> Cunnilingus -> Felatio -> Sex > >There’s an obvious problem though: you’re going straight from intense oral stimulation to sex. > >That’s no bueno. You want to be going into sex at a 4 or 5, not at an 8. > >Here’s what you do. You’re already talking to your partner about lasting longer (unless you skipped down here, shame on you), so tell her that it’d be better if you got her off once manually (to get her warmed up more), then she went down on you, then you went down on her after. > >Kissing / touching -> Get her off once manually -> Felatio -> Cunnilingus -> Sex > >When you’re receiving oral, after you get to 9.5 a couple times (same edging technique as before, just this time you yell “stop” at the peaks), switch it up so you can cool down while you go down on her and get her off a few times. >
>Hey /r/sex, > >I put this together as a post on my site (link is at the end if you're curious) but I wanted to post it here as well for anyone who would find it useful. > >Backstory: I had a huge problem lasting longer in bed and it was causing major insecurity issues. I started reading everything on how to fix it, and this is what worked best. > >Let me know if you have other ideas / thoughts / etc :) > >-------- > >## Lasting Longer Step One: Improving Your Sex Psychology > >If you go into sex thinking that you won’t last very long, you won’t. Sliding in with any sort of insecurities about your sexual abilities will make you cum much, much faster than you want to. > >And if you think about it biologically, it makes sense. The insecurity makes you stressed. Your body can tell that you’re stressed. The stress suggests that this isn’t a very safe environment for you to be naked with your eyes closed and not particularly ready to defend against one of these. > > > >So what does your body do when you’re stressed during sex? It reduces the amount of time you’re in a vulnerable state, either by making you cum quickly or not being able to get it up at all. > >Which means that you need to go into sex with a confident, positive outlook on how you’re going to perform. > >The best way to do that? Talk to your partner about it. > >If you bring up your concerns about how long you’re lasting and that you want to work on it with them, they’re not going to think less of you. Rather, they’ll think higher of you for wanting to improve this part of your relationship, and want to work on it with you. > >It’s nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about, and you’ll find that just being open about it will solve half the problem on its own. > >Better, when you open up in this way and start to work on it, there are positive spillovers to other areas of life. It doesn’t just improve your communication and trust with your partner, it improves your confidence in yourself. > >No partner? No worries. You can easily do the exercises without one. > >## Lasting Longer Step Two: Daily Exercises for Lasting Longer > >Good news, there are only two things you need to do regularly to significantly increase your sexual longevity. > >It’s just kegels, and masturbation practice. And it’s an even 50% kegels, and 50% practice, so take the time for both. > >### Exercise 1: Kegels (< 10 mins / day) > >If you do nothing else in this article, do this. > >The best way to improve your ejaculatory control is the strengthen the muscles that control ejaculation. Makes sense, right? > >Here’s what I want you to do (assuming you’re not in a public place): > >1. Get naked >2. Put a finger or two on the skin between your legs behind your balls, but before your anus >3. Now imagine you’re trying to stop yourself from peeing. Flex that muscle. (This is also the muscle you flex to make your penis “dance” when it’s hard. Don’t give me that look, I know you’ve done it). >4. You should feel some movement where you put your fingers, and you might feel a bit of movement in your penis and balls. >5. Don’t flex your ass like you’re trying to show off your glutes, don’t flex your legs, and don’t flex your abs. Focus just on flexing that muscle. >6. If you’re really having trouble finding it, then drink a bunch of water, go pee, and try to stop yourself. There it is. > >This is called your Pubococcygeus muscle, or PC muscle, and while it can control the flow of urine it also controls your ejaculation. > >Strengthening it will make you last longer, and eventually even allow you to stop yourself from reaching the “point of no return” and quickly bring yourself down from near orgasm. > >To train it, we’re going to tie small weights to your penis, then you’re going to get hard and flex it to lift the weights. > >Okay just kidding, it’s a little easier than that. > >All you have to do to strengthen your PC muscle is an exercise called “kegels,” which involves flexing it over and over again. > >But, like any muscle, you can’t do the same thing over and over again and expect it to get much stronger. You need to keep increasing the difficulty. > >Thankfully, Emily Morse (Sex with Emily) has a fantastic app called “Kegel Camp” that gives you specific directions on how long to clench for, and the different speeds to do it at. (If you’re on Android, you can use Kegel Trainer) > >As you do more of it, you “level up” in the app and start holding it longer and for more repetitions. You’ll start seeing serious improvements in your sexual longevity around level 8+. > > >caption: I assume this would have a really high conversion rate > >I set an IFTTT reminder to ping me 3 times a day to make sure I didn’t forget. You don’t have to do it that frequently, once a day is fine, but doing it 2 to 3 times a day will get you there faster. > >Once you get to level 20 you can cut back and just do it for maintenance. But like any muscle, when you stop using it you’ll get weaker. So keep training. > >### Exercise 2: Masturbation & Edging (10-30 mins / day) > >If you want to last longer, you have to start masturbating differently. > >Many guys who have trouble lasting a long time have gotten themselves into bad habits from how they masturbate. > >If you typically open the spank bank, go full jackhammer on your dick and finish up in a minute or two then yeah, you’re not going to have much staying power with the real deal. > >Here’s your new rule for masturbating: nothing less than 10 minutes. I don’t care if you have to spend 8 of those minutes just staring at it, you can’t let yourself cum in less than 10 minutes. Once that’s comfortable, up it to 15, then 20. > >Now, here’s what you should be doing during those 10 minutes. When a guy isn’t lasting very long in bed, it’s because his “pleasure graph” is looking something like this: > >(link to pic) > >A quick escalation straight to cumming. To last much longer, you’re going to train yourself to have your “pleasure graph” look more like this: > >(link to pic) > >This is done through “edging,” which you’ll do during sex later but also need to incorporate into your masturbation. > >Here’s how it works: > >1. Start masturbating, and get yourself up to a 7 out of 10 on the arousal scale. (You’ll just have to subjectively decide what this is for you, it’ll be easier to identify with practice). >2. Stop, and let yourself simmer down to a 5. >3. Now work up to an 8, and then stop again and let yourself slide down to a 6 >4. Up to 9, down to 7 >5. Up to 9.5, down to 7 again. A 9.5 is just before the point of no return when you know there’s nothing you can do. >6. Repeat the 9.5 to 7 cycle over and over again until you get past 10 minutes. Then you can let yourself go, and you’ll notice this makes your orgasms WAY stronger. > >As you’re getting more aroused, remember the STAB technique (yeah that’s right, I invented a new sex acronym) to slow yourself down: > >* Squeeze: Squeeze your PC muscles HARD like you’re doing a really intense kegel. Hold them for at least 10 seconds, but the longer you can hold the more you’ll come down. (You might also have success doing a couple shorter ~5 second holds, or a bunch of really short 1 second holds) >* Think: Think about something else >* Avoid: Change your stroke (avoid the head) instead of stopping entirely >* Breathe: Take deep, diaphragmatic (with your stomach) breaths > >Ideally, you should combine all of them, but start with one and then add others in until it becomes second nature. > >If you’re serious, then set aside 30 minutes a night for this. The more you practice the better. > >If you have a partner you’d rather do this with, tell them what you’re working on, and ask them to help you either with manual / mouth stimulation or by having slow sex with a lot of stopping and starting. My guess is that he/she’ll be more than enthusiastic to help you improve this part of your sex life. > >This will get easier as you practice and as you strengthen your PC muscles. > >It will be very tempting to just let yourself go when you’re hitting those 9.5 peaks, but trust me, exercising like this will be worth it. > >Plus it’s a lot of fun. > >## Lasting Longer Step Three: Techniques During Sex > >Time for the actual deed. > >If you’ve been doing your training, then you’re already going to last much longer in bed. > >But wait, there’s more! These next four strategies will significantly improve your staying power, just by strategically applying the same principles we’ve already been using. > >### Strategic Foreplay Ordering > >Foreplay frequently goes in this order, because women typically expect men to initiate the next stage of sex: > >Kissing / touching -> Cunnilingus -> Felatio -> Sex > >There’s an obvious problem though: you’re going straight from intense oral stimulation to sex. > >That’s no bueno. You want to be going into sex at a 4 or 5, not at an 8. > >Here’s what you do. You’re already talking to your partner about lasting longer (unless you skipped down here, shame on you), so tell her that it’d be better if you got her off once manually (to get her warmed up more), then she went down on you, then you went down on her after. > >Kissing / touching -> Get her off once manually -> Felatio -> Cunnilingus -> Sex > >When you’re receiving oral, after you get to 9.5 a couple times (same edging technique as before, just this time you yell “stop” at the peaks), switch it up so you can cool down while you go down on her and get her off a few times. >
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